Planner's Handbook For Operational Design
Planner's Handbook For Operational Design
Planner's Handbook For Operational Design
Operational Design
Version 1.0
7 October 2011
SUFFOLK, VA 23435-2697
Military operations, particularly those involving combat, have always been tough.
However, today’s operational environment challenges us even more with increasingly
complex and interconnected geopolitical circumstances, the blurring of the lines between
combatants and civilians, rapid technology change, and adaptive adversaries who possess
a wider range of capabilities and an ideological “home-field” advantage. Strategic and
operational-level problems that cannot be solved with military ways and means alone are
the norm rather than the exception.
In his October 2009 Vision for a Joint Approach to Operational Design, General James
Mattis observed that standard planning processes have served us well to this point.
However, he wrote that commanders and staffs generally tend to use these processes
somewhat mechanically, with a focus on procedure and details that often obscure the
importance of the underlying creative process. The complex nature of current and
projected challenges requires that critical thinking, creativity, foresight, and
adaptability—rather than strict reliance on methodical steps—must become routine.
To support and improve detailed planning, Army and Marine Corps design-related
initiatives have been exploring methods that use critical and creative thinking to
understand and describe ill-defined problems and visualize broad approaches to solve
them. The joint community has been considering the potential beneficial effect of this
effort on joint doctrine, training, and professional military education, and is codifying key
design-related ideas in JP 3-0, Joint Operations, and JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning.
Although not authoritative, this handbook describes design ideas in the context of joint
doctrine’s current operational design and joint operation planning process. These ideas
should stimulate the joint community’s thinking to help refine operational design and
improve joint doctrine, education, and training. Your perspectives are important to us,
and I encourage you to engage in this examination. We welcome your specific critique of
the ideas presented in this handbook, and ask that you share your own value-added ideas
for incorporation in emerging joint doctrine.
Major General, U.S. Army
Deputy Director, J-7, Joint Staff,
Joint and Coalition Warfighting
1. Scope
This handbook describes operational design and its interaction with joint operation
planning. It is based partly on joint doctrine contained in JP 5-0, Joint Operation
Planning, and JP 2-01.3, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment,
but it provides more details on operational design than currently exist in these
publications. The handbook also highlights “best practices” derived from Service, joint,
and multinational operations and joint exercises. In particular, this handbook increases
the depth of discussion on operational design by incorporating new design-related ideas
developed and refined in Service and joint academic institutions during the past three
2. Purpose
b. The second is to stimulate thinking about the best ways to incorporate new,
design-related ideas into emerging joint doctrine, training, and education. This handbook
provides a platform the joint community can use to examine and debate design issues and
establish a common frame of reference for collaboration on assimilating value-added
3. Development
a. Design-related work primarily by the Army and Marine Corps and reflected in a
variety of non-doctrinal papers and doctrine products;
4. Application
5. Contact Information
• Introduction ..............................................................................................................II-1
• Critical and Creative Thinking ................................................................................II-2
• Systems Theory .......................................................................................................II-4
• The Nature of Problems ...........................................................................................II-7
• Relevant Constructs from Military Theory ..............................................................II-9
• Combining the Theories ........................................................................................II-11
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Design does not replace planning, but planning is incomplete without design.
The balance between the two varies from operation to operation as well as
within each operation. Design helps the commander provide enough structure
to an ill-structured problem so that planning can lead to effective action toward
strategic objectives. Likewise, design is not new to joint doctrine, but I believe
we can substantially improve doctrine’s current treatment and change JPME
and joint training accordingly to the benefit of current and future leaders at all
1. Introduction
Joint Publication (JP) 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, August 2011, p. GL-12. JOPP is essentially the same set of steps used
in Service-specific planning processes. See JP 5-0 Chapter IV.
Chapter I
operation, but also continues throughout execution. Operational design’s initial focus is
on helping the JFC visualize the operational environment, understand the problem that
must be solved, and develop a broad operational approach that can create the desired end
state. JOPP converts the broad approach to a detailed solution in an operation plan
(OPLAN) or operation order (OPORD). The box below highlights the potential value of
incorporating new design-related ideas in joint doctrine, training, and education.
(1) In general, the terms have been related but not identical. The focus of
discussion and writing on design during the past three years has been on the critical and
creative thinking and learning required to understand complex operational environments
and ill-defined problems facing the commander. Such understanding should facilitate
early development of a broad operational approach that can guide the more detailed
planning process. Operational design is a construct that joint doctrine has used since
2002 to encompass various elements of operational design (previously called facets of
operational art) that planners have applied to develop a framework for a campaign or
major operation.3 However, joint doctrine’s explanation of operational design has
focused more on the details of each element (such as center of gravity analysis) than on
the critical and creative thinking that must precede the elements. The term operational
art, described later, embodied the creative and visionary application of the elements.
level by joint force commanders5 and their staffs. The joint force’s Service and
functional components participate in joint operation planning, so it is important that those
commanders and staffs be able to adjust to nuances of operational design and JOPP.
(3) JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, is joint doctrine’s authoritative source for
joint operation planning and operational design. The community’s recent work to
describe the importance of design’s early critical and creative thinking has helped
refocus joint doctrine’s operational design. The new (August 2011) JP 5-0 now
incorporates the generic design methodology as a way to improve the JFC’s and staff’s
early understanding through what some call “conceptual planning” before planners move
too quickly to detailed planning.6 The intent for this handbook is to provide sufficient
additional detail so that JFCs and staffs can better understand design methodology
in the context of operational design and JOPP.
2. Executive Summary
Relationship between Operational Art and Operational Design See Chapter III
a. Joint operation planning requires a balance of art and science. Operational art
is a doctrinal term defined as “The cognitive approach by commanders and staffs—
supported by their skill, knowledge, experience, creativity, and judgment—to develop
These are commanders of combatant commands, sub-unified commands, and joint task forces.
JP 5-0, Chapter III, pp. III-1 through III-18.
Chapter I
strategies, campaigns, and operations and organize and employ military forces by
integrating ends, ways, and means.”7 This application occurs through the thought process
JFCs use to visualize how to best efficiently and effectively use military capabilities to
accomplish their mission.
JP 3-0, Joint Operations, August 2011.
JP 1-02
When ends are confused and conflicting, [and] there is not yet a clearly defined
problem to solve, it is through the process of framing the complex situation that
we may organize and clarify both the ends and possible means to achieve
Donald Schon,
The Reflexive Practitioner, 1983
Schon, Donald A., The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think In Action, Basic Books, Inc.
JP 5-0, p. III-5.
Chapter I
a. While some contend that design occurs before planning, this handbook
addresses operational design as a methodology or activity that begins with the planning
initiation step and heavily influences mission analysis, which is front-loaded with design-
related actions. Operational design continues throughout the JOPP steps as the
operational approach drives course-of-action (COA) development. The commander and
staff can adjust the approach based on results of COA development and changes to (or
discoveries about) the operational environment.
a. Chapter III highlights the importance of the JFC’s role in operational design and
planning. In support, the J-5 typically leads the staff’s effort to prepare joint plans,
orders, and associated estimates of the situation for future efforts. The J-3 leads current
and near-term operations planning during execution. The J-5 often forms a joint
planning group to integrate planning efforts. This group should include representation
from all joint force principal and special staff sections, joint force components and
supporting commands, and interorganizational partners11 as required.
b. In some circumstances and when resources permit, the JFC or J-5 might decide
to form a design team that would focus on working with the JFC to frame the
environment, frame the problem, and develop the operational approach. The J-5 and
other key members from across the staff will typically be members of the design team.
Regardless of how the staff organizes for design and planning, participation by subject
matter experts from interorganizational partners is essential to understanding the
operational environment and true nature of the problem.
JP 3-08, Interorganizational Coordination During Joint Operations, introduces the term
“interorganizational partners” to refer collectively to USG departments and agencies; state, territorial, local,
and tribal agencies; foreign military forces and government agencies; nongovernmental agencies; and the
private sector. This handbook will use this term where appropriate.
to plan, design activities typically consist of adjusting operational design elements such
as decisive point and line of effort (LOE).
b. Sound joint training and education rests on a foundation of sound joint doctrine.
A good doctrinal base should provide the foundation and impetus for an appropriate level
of education and training. However, this must begin with Service education and training
programs at relatively low levels.
Supplementary Material
Appendices support the chapters summarized above with additional information on—
3. Conclusion
Chapter I
b. For a perspective of the use of design in actual operations, readers should refer
to the USJFCOM Joint Coalition Warfighting Center publication Design and Planning (A
Joint Force Operational Perspective), July 2011, which documents insights and best
practices observed during training, exercises, and ongoing joint operations. This and
other “focus papers” can be found at found at:
“All too often, the critical importance of military theory either is not well
understood or is completely ignored by many officers. A reason for this is their
apparent lack of knowledge and understanding of the relationship between
theory and practice and the real purpose of military theory. Many officers are
also contemptuous of theory because they overemphasize the importance of
Henry E. Eccles
Military Concepts and Philosophy1
William James
1. Introduction
Henry E. Eccles, Military Concepts and Philosophy, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press,
1965, p. 24. Courtesy of Milan Vego’s Joint Forces Quarterly issue 62 article, On Military Theory, 3d
quarter 2011, p. 59.
Chapter II
a. Various writings mention that critical and creative thinking are essential to
design. For example, US Army Field Manual (FM) 5-0 states, “Critical thinking captures
the reflective and continuous learning essential to design. Creative thinking involves
thinking in new, innovative ways while capitalizing on imagination, insight, and novel
“Everyone thinks; it is our nature to do so. But much of our thinking, left to itself,
is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed or down-right prejudiced. Yet the
quality of our life and that of what we produce, make, or build depends precisely
on the quality of our thought. Shoddy thinking is costly, both in money and in
quality of life. Excellence in thought, however, must be systematically
b. There are numerous definitions of the term critical thinking. Here are four:
(3) “Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that
increase the probability of a desired outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is
purposeful, reasoned, and goal directed.”6
Field Manual (FM) 5-0, The Operations Process, March 2010, p. 3-1.
Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elder, The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools,
2008, p. 2. This is a special edition of the guide produced for the 28th Annual International conference on
Critical Thinking, July 19-24, 2008.
Ibid, p. 1-6.
The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking, 1987
Diane F. Halpern, Thought & Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking, 4th ed. (Mahway, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003), p. 6.
A Taxonomy of Learning*
A Working Definition of critical thinking by Michael Scriven and Richard Paul, Wikipedia, undated,
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning: a classification of learning objectives within education proposed in
1956 by a committee of educators chaired by Benjamin Bloom.
Chapter II
Refer also to the US Army School of Advanced Military Studies Art of Design
Student Text, Version 2.0, a comprehensive design product with a heavy emphasis
on how to think critically and creatively.
3. Systems Theory
Colonel W. Michael Guillot, “Critical Thinking for the Military Professional,” Air and Space Power
Journal, 17 June, 2004
Ludwig von Bertalanffy, General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications (George
Braziller, Inc, 1969)
JP 1-02.
“Heinz Pagels, the noted American physicist and science writer, identified two
kinds of systems, those that are structurally complex and those that are
interactively complex. He chose the term structurally complex, recognizing
that the more parts in a system and the more orderly the arrangement of those
parts the greater is the system’s structural complexity. Structurally complex
systems produce rigid, lockstep, and generally predictable behavior. Many
modern machines possess this characteristic; they have numerous parts
arranged in a specific manner, but they operate in only one way or they do not
operate at all. Often we can understand structurally complex systems better by
studying their parts separately. They are systems where the sum equals the
parts. Structurally complex systems are also known as linear systems.
For the second kind of system, Pagels selected the term interactively complex
because he understood that in these systems the lack of a fixed structure and
the significant freedom of action among the parts is what makes the systems
dynamic and unpredictable. The more freedom of action the parts enjoy the
greater are the dynamics of the system. Interactively complex systems create
multifaceted, rich, challenging, and potentially volatile behavior. Actions within
the system often produce disproportionate outcomes. Even interactive systems
with only a few parts can exhibit surprisingly rich and novel behavior. The
interaction among the parts and the unanticipated emergent behavior is what
makes these systems unique. We benefit little when we separate the parts of
an interactively complex system and study them in isolation. In the act of
separation the system looses [sic] its coherence and the parts lose their
meaning. Interactively [complex] systems are not additive systems; indeed,
they are greater than the sum of their parts. Interactively complex systems are
also known as non-linear systems.”14
Paul K. Van Riper, “An Introduction to System Theory and Decision-Making,” 2010, p. 1. Van Riper
developed this paper to support the US Marine Corps Command and Staff College elective, Introduction to
System Theory.
Chapter II
(1) Determined systems can be identified by the linear relationship between the
inputs and the outputs of the system. Determined systems are comprised of components
that must also behave in a linear, predictable manner. Examples of determined systems
include automobiles, airplanes, and most modern machines. Examples of collective
human activities that behave like determined systems are marching bands, synchronized
swimming, and the use of line and column tactics in warfare.
(2) Unlike determined systems, adaptive systems are identifiable by the non-
linear and often unpredictable relationship between inputs and system responses.
Adaptive systems are comprised of “agents” (vice components). Identical inputs to an
adaptive system may produce different responses each time they are introduced, making
the adaptive system difficult to predict with any precision. In adaptive systems, the
connections between the agents are critical but the individual agents are not. If one agent
fails, the system will continue without it. Further, the agents have latitude to respond
individually within a set of simple rules, producing novel, creative and emergent system
responses. Given the complexity created by the near infinite possibility of system
interactions and responses, these systems are often referred to as complex adaptive
systems.16 Many human organizations behave as a complex adaptive system, especially
when there is little centralized control and the behavior of the members (the system’s
agents) adheres to a common set of rules. Contrasting with the examples above,
collective human activities that behave like adaptive systems are jazz ensembles, swim
meets, and unconventional warfare.
Paragraph c is largely derived from: Jones, Wendell. “Complex Adaptive Systems” Beyond
Intractability. Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Research Consortium, University of
Colorado, Boulder. Posted: October 2003
Peter Fryer provides an excellent summary of the origins and properties of complex adaptive systems in
his essay “A Brief Description of Complex Adaptive Systems and Complexity Theory”, posted at
JP 3-0, Joint Operations, Revision Final Coordination Draft, 7 October 2010.
JP 2-01.3, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment, 16 June 2009. In particular,
see Appendix B, “Somalia 1992-1993 — A Case Study of Support to Stability Operations and Irregular
Warfare” and Appendix C, “Analyzing and Depicting a System.”
Understanding the Problem
Less More
“Well-Structured” “Ill-Structured”
Rittel, Horst, and Melvin Webber; "Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning," pp. 155–169, Policy
Sciences, Vol. 4, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Inc., Amsterdam, 1973. [Reprinted in N. Cross
(ed.), Developments in Design Methodology, J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1984, pp. 135–144.],
Chapter II
(3) Solutions to wicked problems are not true-or-false, but better or worse.
(10) The planner has no right to be wrong (planners are liable for the
consequences of the actions they generate).
c. As with other theories, the challenge is one of describing how to apply the above
descriptions to a practical military situation. Whether the problem is described as simple
or complex, the commander must sufficiently understand the problem in order to
successfully design, plan, and execute joint operations. It is not an understatement to say
that understanding the nature and varying complexities of problems is fundamental to the
commander’s ability to frame problems, and thus solve them. History is rich with
examples of commanders who have led their forces to defeat because they have failed to
fully understand the problem to be solved.
To make an effective decision a person must understand which of the two kinds
of systems he or she is dealing with, one that is structurally complex or one that
is interactively complex. The two systems require fundamentally different
decision-making approaches. Structurally complex systems allow for analytical
decision-making (sic) while interactively complex systems require intuitive
decision-making (sic). Extremely difficult problems—sometimes called “wicked
problems” are always a result of interactive complexity; they call for systemic
decision-making (sic).20
a. Military theory coves a broad spectrum of topics from tactics through grand
strategy. Some constructs from various writers apply directly to operational design and
planning. A seminal military theoretical work is On War, a book about war and military
strategy by Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz published in 1832 and subsequently
translated several times.22 On War includes numerous constructs directly relevant to
operational design, particularly with respect to current elements of operational design that
planners use to help develop the operational approach (see Chapter 6, Developing the
Operational Approach.) Examples follow:
(1) Center of gravity is “The source of power that provides moral or physical
strength, freedom of action, or will to act.”23 The COG was originally found where the
army was most densely concentrated, but this meaning has lost much of its original sense
due to the greatly expanded modern areas of operations and widely distributed nature of
joint operations. One of the most important tasks confronting the JFC’s staff during early
operational design is the identification of friendly and enemy COGs. Although not
always possible, identifying COGs early in planning helps focus the operational
approach. However, see cautions later in the handbook on premature identification of
the COG.
(2) Culmination has both offensive and defensive application. In the offense,
the culminating point is the point in time and space at which an attacker’s combat power
no longer exceeds that of the defender. A defender reaches culmination when the
defending force no longer has the capability to go on the counteroffensive or defend
successfully. During stability operations, culmination may result from the erosion of
national will, decline of popular support, questions concerning legitimacy or restraint, or
lapses in protection leading to excessive casualties.
Van Riper, p. 6.
IIachinski, Andrew, Land Warfare and Complexity, Part I: Mathematical Background and Technical
Sourcebook, (Arlington, VA: Center for Naval Analyses, July 1996) p. 184. Cited in Van Riper, p. 8.
A popular version is On War, translated by Michael Howard and Peter Paret, Princeton University Press,
1976. This version is a common resource in many military schools.
JP 1-02.
Chapter II
b. Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini was a general in the French and later in the Russian
service, and one of the most celebrated writers on the art of war in the Napoleonic era.
Among many other constructs, Jomini wrote about interior and exterior lines of
operations, defining the former as “…those [lines] adopted by one of two armies to
oppose several hostile bodies, and having a direction that the general can [create a center
of gravity] and maneuver with his whole force in a shorter period of time than it would
require for the enemy to oppose to them a greater force. Exterior lines lead to the
opposite result and are those formed by an army which operates at the same time on both
flanks of the enemy, or against several of its masses.”25 Line of operations is a current
element of operational design and an essential component of the commander’s
operational approach, a primary product of early operational design. While interior and
exterior lines are still relevant in defining the geographic orientation of a force in relation
to the enemy or an objective, a line of effort is a contemporary variant that connects
actions, tasks, effects and objectives to the endstate. Lines of effort and lines of
operations can be used in combination to describe an operational approach.
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition.
Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini, Treatise on Grand Military Operations, two volumes, translated by
Colonel S. B. Holagird (New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1865), p. 93.
“In strategy the longest way round is often the shortest way there; a direct
approach to the object exhausts the attacker and hardens the resistance by
compression, whereas an indirect approach loosens the defender's hold by
upsetting his balance.”26
JP 5-0 states, “An indirect approach attacks the enemy’s COG by applying combat
power against a series of decisive points that lead to the defeat of the COG while
avoiding enemy strength.”27 Originally applied to tactical force-on-force operations, the
idea of direct and indirect approaches (a current element of operational design) can
apply at all levels of war and in operations where the COG is not an enemy military
a. Military operations are inherently complex and the variables associated with
each are too numerous to count. In some respects, large-scale, force-on-force combat
operations could be considered less complex than counterinsurgency, counterterrorism,
and other operations against less-advanced enemies because circumstances usually favor
analytical rather than intuitive decision making. In these circumstances, strategic
objectives are often clearer, the desired end state is more precisely defined, and we tend
to be confident in the superiority of our equipment, training, and education. However,
large-scale combat will likely be the exception rather than the norm and typically will be
followed by stability operations in situations as complex as we face in Afghanistan today.
Information on Liddell Hart and the quote are from
JP 5-0, p. III-32.
Chapter II
Intentionally Blank
First, in designing joint operations, the joint force commander must come to
grips with each operational situation on its own terms, accepting that this
understanding rarely will be complete or entirely correct, but at best will
approximate reality. The… underlying causes and dynamics will be anything but
obvious, while the repercussions of action often will be broad and
unpredictable. The interests of various stakeholders may be unclear, and even
identifying those stakeholders may be difficult. In this environment, the joint
force cannot afford to apply preconceived methods reflexively, but instead must
conform its methods to the specific conditions of each situation.
1. Introduction
a. Operational art and operational design provide a bridge between strategy and
tactics—they help the JFC and joint force component commanders direct actions that will
create the conditions to achieve strategic objectives and a desired end state. Operational
art is generally considered the domain of senior commanders (those commanding a joint
force or Service/functional component of a joint force) because of the experience,
education, intuition, judgment, and vision expected of senior military officers and
necessary to link the specific actions of the joint force to broad strategic end states.
The Challenge
2. Operational Art
Chapter III
forces by integrating ends, ways, and means.”1 This application occurs through the
thought process commanders use to overcome the ambiguity and uncertainty of a
complex operational environment, understand the problem facing them, and visualize
how best to effectively and efficiently employ military capabilities to accomplish their
mission. Operational art also promotes unified action by helping the JFC and staff
understand how to facilitate the integration of interorganizational partners toward
achieving strategic and operational objectives.
c. Through operational art, commanders integrate ends, ways, and means across
the levels of war to achieve the desired end state. This requires commanders to answer
the following questions:
(1) What is the military end state that must be achieved, how is it related to the
strategic end state, and what objectives must be achieved to enable that end state?
(2) What sequence of actions is most likely to achieve those objectives and end
state? (Ways)
Early operational design helps the commander and staff understand the problem
before they try to solve it.
d. Together, operational art and operational design help the JFC and staff
strengthen the relationship between strategy and tactics.2
JP 5-0.
This lead-in discussion of operational art is largely from Chapter II of JP 3-0 and is consistent with JP 5-
3. Operational Design
(2) Given this context, develop an approach to overcome the problem and set
the conditions to achieve objectives that create the desired end state.
(3) During design, resolve differences in perspective with key leaders on the
national and military end states, objectives, and the problem;
b. JFC`s and planners can use operational design to a lesser or greater degree when
planning any joint operation, from simple to complex. However, the greatest potential
benefit of a focused design effort conducted as early as possible in planning is to
understand and solve particularly ill-structured (some writers prefer “ill-defined”)
problems. Notwithstanding a commander’s judgment, education, and experience, today’s
general operating environment presents some challenges so complex that understanding
the problem and visualizing a solution will exceed a single individual’s ability. In one
respect, the design challenge increases when the joint operation involves other
interorganizational partners (this is typically the case) due to their unique considerations.
However, the involvement of selected interorganizational partners helps planners
understand their perspectives and leverage their expertise toward a quicker understanding
of the operational environment and the problem. Operational design is essential in
building a common perspective and shared understanding to create unity of effort.
Chapter III
visualize the arrangement of joint capabilities in time, space, and purpose to accomplish
the mission.
e. Many factors can affect individual design elements and the overall operational
design. For example, the nature of our multinational partners’ strategic objectives could
influence the approach to achieving the JFC’s strategic and operational objectives. The
availability of host nation support, diplomatic permission to overfly nations, access to en
route air bases, and the allocation of strategic mobility assets will affect operational
reach, lines of effort, and lines of operations. The identification, accessibility, and nature
of the center of gravity will influence the overall operational approach. Most important
are those unknowns and other factors that would cause planners to revisit earlier design
hypotheses and assumptions, reframe the problem, and modify or discard the current
operational approach. These factors are likely candidates for the commander’s critical
information requirements (CCIR). During planning, the commander and staff must
consider ways, means, and measures to monitor and assess these factors. See Chapter
VII for a discussion of reframing indicators.
An early (circa 2008) school of thought was that design and planning should be
distinct to the point that design would not encumbered by the mechanics of
planning. This handbook’s perspective is that operational design begins
concurrently with joint operation planning. This is consistent with the
description in joint doctrine. JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning (August 2011),
states: Operational art, operational design, and JOPP are complementary
elements of the overall planning process. The commander, supported by the
staff, gains an understanding of the environment, defines the problem, and
develops an operational approach for the campaign or operation through the
application of operational art and operational design during the initiation step of
JOPP. (underline added) This perspective is also consistent with Army
doctrine in Field Manual (FM) 5-0, The Operations Process (March 2010),
and Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 5-1, Marine Corps
Planning Process (24 Aug 10). FM 5-0 states: Planning consists of two
separate but closely related components: a conceptual component and a
detailed component. The conceptual component is represented by the cognitive
application of design. The detailed component translates broad concepts into a
complete and practical plan. During planning, these components overlap with
no clear delineation between them. (underline added)
in emphasis toward subsequent JOPP steps (detailed planning) during which planners
devise COAs and continue to refine the operational approach. Given sufficient
information and understanding during early design, the JFC might choose to shift COA
development to the left, with a goal of issuing planning guidance that narrows COA
alternatives or focuses on a single COA.
Joint Operation
Planning Process
Step 1:
Step 2:
Mission Analysis
Step 3:
Course of Action (COA) Development
Step 4:
COA Analysis and Wargaming
Step 5:
COA Comparison
Step 6:
COA Approval
Step 7:
Plan or Order Development
Planning Mission COA Order Future Plans, Future Ops, End
Initiation Analysis Development Publication & Current Ops Planning State
Chapter III
(a) Early operational design helps the commander visualize the operational
environment and true nature of the problem and describe an approach that sets necessary
conditions, achieves objectives, and accomplishes the mission. A number of design
elements are particularly useful during early operational design. End state and objective
are key elements in forming the context for the operation because they identify specified
ends. Center of gravity is relevant to early design, although the inability to identify the
COG at this point should not delay the initial design and subsequent planning. The
commander may have to deploy and employ forces while continuing to learn about the
COG as operations progress. Decisive points are geographic places, specific key events,
critical factors, or functions that, when acted upon, allow a commander to gain a marked
advantage over an adversary or contributes materially to achieving success. Line of
effort and line of operations are particularly useful for considering the sequence of
actions within various functional groupings and for portraying the results graphically.3
The operational approach typically connects decisive points along these lines.
(b) The problem statement (the product of framing the problem) considers
the impact of tension and competition in the operational environment and broadly
describes the requirements for transformation, anticipated changes in the operational
environment, and critical transitions (see Chapter V, “Understanding the Operational
Environment and the Problem” for more information on framing the problem and
operational environment).
Line of effort is a functionally oriented companion to line of operations, which typically is a physically
oriented line that defines the geographical orientation of the force to an enemy, usually in the context of
friendly actions on a connection of decisive points in time and space.
(b) Through early and continuous assessment, the staff and JFC monitor
the operational environment and progress toward setting conditions and achieving
objectives. Assessment helps the commander ensure that the operational approach,
CONOPS, and tasks to subordinate and supporting commands remain feasible and
acceptable in the context of higher policy, guidance, and orders. If the current approach
is failing to meet these criteria, if aspects of the operational environment or problem
Chapter III
change significantly, or if operations meet with unexpected success, the JFC may decide
to begin a redesign effort, revisit earlier design assumptions, conclusions, and decisions
that led to the current operational approach, and redesign the operational approach if
necessary. This could cause small adjustments to current operations or a significant
reorientation that reframes the operational environment, develops new objectives, or
realigns organizational relationships. See Chapter IX, “Operational Design during
Execution,” for more information on reframing and redesign.
“When all is said and done, it is really the commander’s coup d’ oeil, his ability
to see things simply, to identify the whole business of war completely with
himself, that is the essence of good generalship.”
b. To get the most from the design effort, the JFC’s critical thinking, foresight,
intuition, and visualization are essential during the critical initial stage of design.
Identifying the true nature of a complex problem and designing an approach to the
solution are key design outputs that drive subsequent planning and execution.4 The JFC
can facilitate planning and diminish the burden on the staff by becoming intimately
involved in design and planning and making timely decisions throughout mission
analysis and course-of-action discussions. The commander can emphasize the
importance of an open and honest dialogue that questions assumptions, vision, guidance,
and end state in order to gain a deeper understanding of what the JFC and staff cannot
explain or know about the operational environment and the problem.5 However, other
responsibilities may affect the timing and extent of the commander’s participation.
“From the beginning, however, I felt the effort was doomed. Although the
commander had authorized for the effort to commence, he never did participate
himself. According to what I understood of the Design process- the commander
had to be involved- deeply involved. It was, after all, his process. This was for
him. All the commander got from the effort was a backbrief once the final
James Mattis, Memorandum for U.S. Joint Forces Command, Vision for a Joint Approach to Design, 4
October 2009.
US Army War College, Campaign Planning Handbook AY 11, p. 20.
product was completed. While this was perhaps better than no involvement- it
was too little too late: at that point he was already divorced from the logic that
had driven us to our solutions.”6
d. Throughout planning and execution, the JFC will interact with higher,
subordinate, and supporting commanders, agency leaders, multinational partners, US
ambassadors in the operational area, and other key sources. Each of these may provide
bits and pieces of information that contribute to the staff’s understanding of both the
environment and the true nature of the problem. It is essential that the JTF’s
knowledge-sharing protocols and mechanisms facilitate the exchange of this
information. Consider the following example:
“This happened the other day with our CG. We had been working on a project
for two weeks. As we briefed him it became apparent that he didn’t agree. So
we began to deep dive on different aspects of our problem framing…we found
out info that our commander had gathered during a command visit that we
didn’t have any knowledge of. At the same time, we had intel that our
commander had not seen and thus we provided key info to help complete his
frame. Out of this we all reached common understanding…and all in less than
an hour with the commander. I don’t think this process is new. I think it is the
staffing process that has always been used…but now we need to formalize it as
a key element of developing understanding”.7
“The key is not to make quick decisions, but to make timely decisions.”
Major Grant Martin, A Tale of Two Design Efforts (and why they both failed in Afghanistan), Small Wars
Journal, July 2011.
SAMS Art of Design Student Text Version 2.0, p. 176. This example of knowledge sharing was provided
by a former SAMS student who had been participating in design during operations.
Chapter III
a. Figure III-3 is one way to show the primary components of operational design’s
methodology: the operational environment, the problem, and the operational
approach. The JFC and staff typically progress through these components in a generally
accepted order. However, this is a journey of discovery, particularly early in
planning. While some things must be done before others, the learning that occurs when
considering one component will require revisiting the learning that occurs in another
component. Thus design is iterative in nature. What the JFC and staff learn later will
often affect previous conclusions and decisions. These must be re-examined, and could
lead to revision of subsequent conclusions.
JP 5-0 p. III-13
Design Components
The Current The Future
Operational Operational
Environment Environment
(Current (Desired
System) System)
Chapter III
Intentionally Blank
1. Introduction
Related Terms
operational environment ─ A composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences
that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the commander. (JP
system ─ A functionally, physically, and/or behaviorally related group of regularly interacting
or interdependent elements; that group of elements forming a unified whole. (JP 3-0)
problem ─ The factors that must be addressed to move the current system to the desired
system. (Handbook, based on multiple sources)
operational approach ─ A commander’s description of the broad actions the force must take
in order to achieve the desired military end state. (JP 5-0)
c. Figure IV-1 (extracted from Figure III-3) shows “before” and “after”
perspectives of the JFC’s operational environment. Strategic guidance provides initial
context to help the JFC frame this environment. This guidance typically consists of
strategic objectives, the related tasks the JFC must accomplish, and a description of the
circumstances that cause the President to commit US military capabilities. Figure IV-1 is
JP 3-0.
Chapter IV
based on the idea that planners can think of the environment is as a set of systems. The
systems will interact and adapt during the course of an operation based on what the joint
force does and how the systems of opposition react. The commander can visualize how
this system of systems looks at the start of operations (current system), determine what
the system should look like when operations conclude (desired system), and identify
those factors that must be addressed (the problem) to move the current system to the
desired system. The operational approach (see Chapter VI) describes how the JFC
addresses the problem (how operations will transform the current system to the desired
The Current The Future
Operational Operational
Environment Environment
(Current (Desired
System) System)
a. One way to visualize and think about the operational environment is as a set of
interacting systems. This is not a new approach, since our military is comfortable
thinking of the key components of an enemy’s air defense system, the workings of our
own logistics system, or the nature of a country’s political or social systems. Key joint
doctrine publications such as JP 3-0, JP 5-0, and JP 2-01.3, Joint Intelligence Preparation
of the Operational Environment discuss how to visualize and depict the operational
environment as a set of interacting systems. Portraying systems and their relationships in
graphic form can facilitate a commonly shared understanding of the operational
b. While some systems (such as infrastructure) are relatively static, many systems
in the operational environment are inherently complex and dynamic. Most systems can
often exhibit unpredictable, surprising, and uncontrollable behaviors. Rather than being
an engineered solution, a military operation evolves as the joint force adapts responsively
to systems that also are adapting. This is why the application of operational art
emphasizes the importance of the creative imagination, judgment, experience, and
skill of commanders and staff.2
c. Figure IV-2 shows a notional relationship of systems that joint doctrine and
other sources commonly use in discussions of the operational environment. This group of
six systems, commonly referenced by the acronym PMESII (political, military,
economic, social, information, and infrastructure) can accommodate most aspects of the
operational environment. The figure depicts nodes and links in each system (there could
be thousands), and shows that nodes in one system can interact with nodes in other
The depictions of systems in figures that follow in this chapter suffer from
the limitations of graphics that are simple, two-dimensional, and static. This
could create the impression that the focus is on structure rather than dynamics
and flows. In reality most of the operational environment’s systems are
complex, adaptive, and in flux (infrastructure excepted). The reader should
understand that while the PMESII model in Figure IV-2 shows six major
systems, these are not inflexible bins for sets of nodes and links. Particularly
early in an operation such as counterinsurgency, it will likely be difficult to
distinguish whether a human node acts primarily in the social, political, military,
or another system, or perhaps has important roles and relationships in multiple
systems. Planners should be cautious about prematurely categorizing actors
and relationships.
JP 5-0, p. III-18.
Chapter IV
d. System relationships are the linkages that connect the interaction of the actors
who make up the system. System nodes are the tangible elements within a system that
can be “targeted” for action, such as people, materiel, and facilities. Links are the
behavioral or functional relationships between nodes, such as the command or
supervisory arrangement that connects a superior to a subordinate, the relationship of a
vehicle to a fuel source, and the ideology that connects a propagandist to a group of
terrorists. Links establish the interconnectivity between nodes that allows them to
function as a system—to behave in a specific way (accomplish a task or perform a
function). Thus, the purpose in acting against specific nodes is often to destroy, interrupt,
or otherwise affect the relationship between them and other nodes, which ultimately can
influence the system as a whole.
operational environments and ill-defined problems. While the JFC and staff can tap a
variety of US agencies for help, they should also include selected interorganizational
partners in this process. Refer to Appendix A, Typical PMESII Systems and Subsystems,
for examples of typical subsystems under the primary political, military, economic,
social, information, and infrastructure systems.
f. The JFC and staff describe relevant systems in sufficient detail to identify
potential key nodes. These are nodes that are critical to the functioning of their systems.
Some key nodes may become decisive points for military operations, since successful
action on these nodes could allow the JFC to gain a marked advantage over the enemy or
otherwise to contribute materially to achieving success.
(1) Key nodes often are linked to, or resident in, multiple systems. For
example, the major bridges over a river could be key nodes in the infrastructure and
military systems during traditional combat operations because they enable the joint force
or enemy to move supplies and military forces across the obstacle and prevent the
opponent from doing so. In this example, the bridges are essential to military operations
in early phases of the operation, and could be important to later stabilization and
reconstruction activities. Therefore, the JFC and staff could identify the bridges as
decisive points and consider how to gain control of the bridges early in the operation.
Chapter IV
its related group of nodes and links to function less effectively or not at all, while
strengthening the key node could enhance the performance of the subsystem and larger
system. However, this determination is more straightforward in systems of things
(such as infrastructure) than in systems of people (such as social and political
systems); the JFC should not prematurely accept the expected effectiveness of
actions for or against key people.
(3) As analysis continues, the commander and staff can use a systems graphic
to portray nodes and links that comprise centers of gravity, strengths, and weaknesses
(Figure IV-4).
COG Weakness
The visual representation (dry erase board) is a thinking pad for the group. The
group creates their own map and the grammar of this mapping (the legend or
the key). By doing this, the group is creating a virtual world/system. They are
conceptualizing. The visual map embodies the logical patterns- which in turn
point to new directions of inquiry. The commander and staff look at the mapping
and seek to rationalize it. The group is creating their own understanding which
allows them to avoid the mental traps of trying to fit the situation into existing
g. Figure IV-5 shows a simplified example of how the JFC and staff might
diagram a narcotics network (system) in a counterdrug operation in order to help them
visualize key nodes and their relationships and develop their understanding of how the
system works (how the network operates). The figure is one of a series of sketches in a
ure IV-5. Narrcotics Netwo
ork Analysis
Refer to Appendix
R A A for a brreakdown of typical PMESII systems
s an
subsyystems and d for more informatioon on visuaalizing the OE, includ
ding the fu
vigneette related to Figure IV
Chapter IV
At first glance, Figure IV-6 might seem to be useful only for making the
point that operations in Afghanistan are extremely complex. It would be
unreasonable to expect senior leaders to make key decisions based on seeing
such a model in a series of briefing charts. In fact, the text that follows the
figure states that designers would never build this kind of model themselves.
A systems diagram is a tool that can help the commander and staff discuss
and visualize relationships and interactions, but it should be used with
awareness of its limitations.
“In October 2009, U.S. Navy Pilot Captain Brett Pierson from the Warfighting
Analysis Division of J8 in the Joint Staff presented a system dynamics model of
Afghanistan at SAMS. The full model is shown in Figure [IV-6]. This model has
been briefed on hundreds of occasions, including to the Commander,
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) General Stanley McChrystal. It
has been widely discussed in the blogosphere and even parodied on Jon
Stewart’s The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. To the lay person, the only
meaning conveyed by this “spaghetti diagram” is that Afghanistan is complex.
The model pushes the application of system dynamics to its limits by attempting
to display the full complexity of Afghanistan as an interdependent whole. In
spite of its complexity, it still falls well short of the true complexity of
Afghanistan. The variables are aggregated to the national level, so no
distinction is made between villages, districts, or provinces. Cross-level effects
(bottom-up influences from the districts or top-down pressure from the
international community) cannot be easily accounted for in this model. The
interactions with neighboring countries are not represented, and the
international community is aggregated to several variables focused mostly on
the U.S. mental, moral, and physical factors are all idealized as either stocks or
flows. The flows represent causal links between variables, so they cannot
account for other kinds of relationships (such as semiotic links). The choice of
variables frames the system from a very Western perspective. The flows
between variables represent hypotheses that are difficult to validate individually,
and impossible to validate collectively. Because of the high dimensionality of
this model, the underlying equations are inherently unstable, meaning that even
Chapter IV
if the model was perfectly accurate, it would tell us very little about the time
evolution of the system.
While designers would find the model in Figure [IV-6] of interest for potential
insights it may shed on the operational environment, they would never construct
this kind of systems model themselves. That is because the purpose of
building systems models in design is not to mirror reality as accurately as
possible, but rather to have a reflective conversation with the situation.
Systems models also serve as an excellent source of questions to focus
discourse. For these purposes, simple models that can be easily
discarded are more conducive to creative designing. A design team would
build a much simpler model of Afghanistan at the national level, but they would
also build multiple models at different levels and from different perspectives, to
allow zooming in and out.”3
United States Army School of Advanced Military Studies, Art of Design Student Text Version 2.0, pp.
205, 207-208.
1. Introduction
“It is so damn complex. If you ever think you have the solution to this, you’re
wrong, and you’re dangerous. You have to keep listening and thinking and
being critical and self-critical.”
Memorandum for U.S. Joint Forces Command, subj. “Assessment of Effects Based Operations,” 14
August 2008.
Chapter V
2. Critical Thinking
a. References on critical thinking researched for this handbook cover the topic in
various levels of detail and with various definitions (see five definitions in Chapter II).
There are competing perspectives on what critical thinking is and on how to develop
critical thinking skills. See the right side of Figure II-1 for skills related to critical and
creative thinking.
SAMS Art of Design Student Text Version 2.0, p.
c. Although handbook research on this topic has not been exhaustive, most
references reviewed have not approached critical thinking with a “how-to” guide. A
notable exception is the paper Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking: A
Fundamental Guide for Strategic Leaders by Professor Stephen J. Gerras3 to support
instruction at the US Army War College. The paper provides a practical perspective and
ideas on critical thinking supplemented by historical and hypothetical examples. The
paper is reprinted in Appendix C of this handbook. This information should help the
reader understand the command and staff interaction that should occur as key players
attempt to design an approach to solve complex problems in complex adaptive systems.
The information also is relevant to subsequent chapters on the interaction of operational
design and planning and organizing for operational design and planning. The paper
provides a model of critical thinking on page C-6 and copied below (Figure V-1) for
reference. Handbook authors recommend that readers review Appendix C in
conjunction with this chapter.
Stimulus Feedback
Argument Impact of
Analysis Biases and
Gerras, Stephen J., Colonel (Retired), Professor of Behavioral Sciences, US Army War College, Thinking
Critically about Critical Thinking: A Fundamental Guide for Strategic Leaders, August 2008.
Chapter V
the Systemic Operational Design (SOD) theory is the need for decision-makers
to frame and structure their own unique inquiry into the operational problem. As
such, every (design) effort … must be flexibly applied.”
3. Establishing a Baseline
(2) The desired military end state, which is typically a point in time and/or
circumstances beyond which the President does not require the military instrument
of national power as the primary means to achieve remaining national objectives.4
Achieving the military end state does not mean that the joint force disengages entirely,
but instead that joint operations focus on support to other agencies (such as the
Department of State) or organizations (such as the United Nations), usually during the
operation’s phase V (enable civil authority).5 Even if other agencies are in the lead in
later phases of the operation, the JFC will often control many or most of the capabilities
(personnel and equipment for command and control, protection, etc.) necessary for phase
IV (stabilization) and phase V activities.
(3) The JFC’s mission or set of tasks specified in some type of initiating
directive (warning order, planning order, existing OPLAN, etc.) together with other
implied tasks necessary to accomplish the specified tasks.
(4) The current intelligence estimate, which should provide the baseline for the
commander’s and staff’s understanding of the operational environment. This estimate is
produced through the analytical process JIPOE.6
JP 1-02.
JP 5-0. See p. III-35 thru III-44 for a discussion of phasing.
See JP 2-01.3
c. The rest of this chapter discusses the areas below. These prepare the
commander and staff to develop the operational approach as Chapter VI describes.
(3) The desired system; i.e., the rearrangement of the current system’s nodes
and links that reflects the JFC’s end state conditions and objectives.
(4) The problem that the operational approach must address; i.e., the gap
between the current and desired systems.
(5) The environmental forces at work that will cause the current system to tend
to move or resist moving toward the desired system.
b. The supported JFC must work closely with the civilian leadership to ensure a
clearly defined national strategic end state is established when possible. Often this end
state is uncertain, difficult to determine with clarity, or an estimate based on assumptions
and unpredictable conditions in the operational environment. In some situations,
operations must begin before a clear understanding of the end state emerges.
Chapter V
national strategic end state will help the supported JFC formulate proposed termination
criteria — the specified standards approved by the President or the SecDef that
must be met before a joint operation can be concluded. Many factors can affect
national strategic objectives, possibly causing the national strategic end state to change
even as military operations unfold.
Some writers prefer the term “desired state” rather than “end state.” The
state of any complex interactive environment is transitory. Used in the context
of joint doctrine, military end state typically refers to the point in time and
circumstances when objectives have been achieved and the military instrument
of national power can “disengage” from the operation. Obviously
circumstances could change after that point.
(1) Termination and end state are elements of operational design used early in
designing and planning an operation. The President or SecDef, with the advice of the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the supported commander, should
clearly describe the national strategic end state before committing the Armed Forces of
the United States to an operation. The CJCS or the supported commander may
recommend a military end state, but the President or SecDef should formally approve it.
A clearly defined military end state complements and supports attaining the specified
termination criteria and objectives associated with other instruments of national power.
An approved military end state helps affected commanders modify their theater strategic
estimates and begin mission analysis even without a pre-existing OPLAN.
(2) The Military End State. This end state is the set of required conditions
that defines achievement of all military objectives. It normally represents a point in time
and/or circumstances beyond which the President does not require the military
instrument of national power as the primary means to achieve remaining national
objectives. While it may mirror many of the conditions of the national strategic end
state, the military end state typically will be more specific and contain other supporting
conditions. Aside from its obvious association with strategic or operational objectives,
clearly defining the military end state promotes unity of effort, facilitates
synchronization, and helps clarify (and may reduce) the risk associated with the joint
operation. Commanders should include the military end state in their planning guidance
and commander’s intent statement.
(3) The commander must work closely with the civilian leadership to ensure a
clearly defined military end state is established. The commander also should anticipate
that military capability likely will be required in some capacity in support of other
instruments of national power, potentially before, during, and after any required large-
scale combat. A clearly defined end state is just as necessary for situations across the
range of military operations that might not require large-scale combat. For example,
insurgency and terrorism can present problems for US forces for which the approach to
achieving near-term objectives and lasting solutions is more complex that many large-
scale combat operations.
b. Conditions can help clarify the relationship between objectives and tasks.
By way of a simple example, a climate-related objective for a typical family is to be
comfortable in their home regardless of weather. Two conditions necessary to achieve
this objective during hot weather are that the home should be cool and dry. As summer
Chapter V
approaches, the family identifies two tasks that can help ensure these conditions will
exist—they need to service the cooling system and fix a leaky roof. Accomplishing these
two tasks creates the conditions that achieve the “summer comfort” objective. This
example is simple because it deals with common circumstances of family life, and it is
unlikely that the typical family would think through this problem in terms of objectives,
conditions, and tasks. However, other life-related challenges (such as planning for a
comfortable retirement) are much more complex, and their solutions can become clearer
through an objectives-conditions-tasks approach.
d. Aside from a graphic representation of nodes and links, the desired system can
be described in terms of those conditions that, if achieved, meet the objectives of policy,
orders, guidance, and directives issued to the commander. Thus, a condition is one
necessary aspect of the sought-after future state of the operational environment.
Identifying conditions during operational design will help the commander and staff
determine how to address the problem and devise an operational approach that achieves a
desired system state satisfying each objective. During COA development, conditions will
provide a basis for developing tasks for subordinate and supporting organizations.
Planners can relate each condition to the state of one or more systems in the operational
environment. The full set of conditions represents one way to think about the desired
state of the operational environment when operations conclude.
“It is important to emphasize that the desired end state, just like current
conditions, will continue to evolve and change. Current conditions change as
time moves on, and therefore future desired conditions should evolve
accordingly as commanders reframe and refine the desired end state. The
“frame” of the problem is a “moving frame,” which allows the commander to
focus on future conditions. Thus, the “desired end state” is not a fixed set of
conditions that cannot change – in fact, it should change to enable
commanders and their subordinates to constantly assess, reframe, and reorient
operations to shape and transform the future. This conceptual framework of an
end state – stated in broad terms – provides flexibility and enables initiative.”
JP 5-0 typically refers to this as “defining the problem,” while FM 5-0 uses the term “framing the
Chapter V
Interactive and
iterative dialogue
Current and critical Desired
System thinking help the System
JFC and staff
understand and
describe the
b. Understanding the problem is essential, because the logic of the problem points
to possible solutions based on the premise that solutions will become self-evident once
we understand the environment and what needs to be done to change it. For example, if
the commander and staff conclude that one aspect of the problem is murder and
intimidation by the insurgents, then the solution will likely be more lethally focused in
nature and involve additional security for the relevant population. However, some aspects
of the operational approach will shift if the commander concludes that the problem is the
local population’s passive or active acceptance of the insurgents’ goals and methods.
This also points to a risk in defining the problem too early in the method, because
The handbook occasionally uses the term “discourse” to represent the frank discussion among
stakeholders. See the discussion of critical thinking in paragraph 2 of this Chapter and Appendix C.
how one defines the problem and shapes the proposed solution (the operational
approach) can limit flexibility once operations begin.10
(1) Effect the immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of all Iraqi
forces from Kuwait;
(3) Ensure the security and stability of Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf
nations; and,
At that point early in Operation DESERT SHIELD, and even months before
Operation DESERT STORM began, the US Central Command CCDR could anticipate
the requirement for an offensive campaign to eject Iraqi forces from Kuwait and set the
conditions to enable the other strategic policy objectives. The following is one way that
the CCDR might have characterized the problem early in August, 1990:
How do I defend Saudi Arabia from attack by Saddam Hussein’s forces, eject
those forces from Kuwait, restore Kuwait’s legitimate government, and set the
conditions for return to regional stability?
John Schmitt, A Systemic Concept for Operational Design, 2006. Much of paragraph 6b is paraphrased
from this concept paper.
From Operation Desert Storm: Evaluation of the Air Campaign (Letter Report, 06/12/97, GAO/NSIAD‐97‐
Chapter V
d. The above statement clearly links to the President’s stated objectives. But the
existing circumstances at that point in time (Iraqi forces occupying Kuwait) represented
only a symptom of a more fundamental problem. A sufficient understanding of that
operational environment would suggest that the following was part of the problem set:
An oppressive regime ruled by a dictator who has a strong desire for territorial
expansion, control of oil, and weapons of mass destruction; complex tribal and
religious issues and relationships that complicate the prospect of regional
stability and acceptance of follow-on US involvement.
The first part of this statement reflects some of the underlying core conditions, such
as a desire for territorial expansion, which led to Saddam Hussein’s attack into Kuwait.
The second part (tribal and religious issues) reflects the challenge of achieving peace and
stability in Iraq and the region should the President decide to continue US offensive
operations against Iraq. Certainly such an assessment was part of the intelligence
analysis with respect to Iraq and Saddam Hussein and the situation in Iraq in late 1990
and was well understood by senior civilian and military leaders.
f. There is a natural tendency for commanders and planners to expect that the
higher command accurately understands the situation, has framed the problem, and has
provided appropriate tasks to subordinates. The higher authority’s initial tasks and
guidance to the JFC might or might not analyze, describe, and address the underlying
causes and considerations early in a crisis. Particularly in a crisis for which no plan
exists, the higher command’s initial warning order or other planning directive seldom
contains a comprehensive or final solution on the exact nature and underlying causes or
of an approach to solving the problem. Even if higher headquarters’ analysis has
occurred, the JFC and staff should ensure by their independent analysis (as time allows)
that they agree, and they should work to resolve different perspectives with higher
authority and subordinate commanders. Subordinate commanders should frame their
circumstances, define the problem for themselves from their respective vantage points,
and share their understanding with their superiors and subordinates. This interaction is
necessary to achieve a true, shared, systemic understanding of the operational
environment, especially when the problem is complex and planning time is relatively
compressed. Consensus on the core problem will help ensure a common perspective on
the approach to its solution.
g. As the commander and staff gain an understanding of the problem within the
context of the operational environment, potential solutions should become evident. The
configuration of tensions, competition, opportunities, and challenges may reveal ways to
interact with various aspects of the environment in order to transform it to the desired
system. Analyzing these options often requires coupling potential actions to a problem by
quickly wargaming their possible outcomes. This deepens understanding, informs the
commander’s ability to visualize friendly actions, and enables the commander to expedite
detailed planning by developing intent and planning guidance.
“The joint force commander often encounters very complex situations that must
be framed individually as early as possible. Understanding must be built over
time. The commander must identify and understand the important relationships
within such complex situations and use them advantageously. One must also
understand the likely second- and third-order consequences or implications of
various actions. Operational artists should consider that even the desirable
effects of the most appropriate actions can decay as the surrounding system
responds to the infusion of energy. A detailed understanding of the system
dynamics helps the commander to begin to choose an appropriate approach to
transform the situation to one that is more desirable and to observe the
response of the system in order to recognize when diminishing return sets in so
a new, more effective response can be formulated. The discourse of design
provides the understanding that the commander and staff draw upon to frame
this new complex problem.”12
a. Understanding how to solve the problem and change the current system to the
desired system involves understanding the actors and influences at work in the
operational environment. The commander and staff identify motivations and agendas
among the relevant actors with regard to the desired transformation. They consider
factors that influence these motivations and agendas. They also evaluate tendencies,
potentials, trends, tensions, and other factors that influence the interactions among social,
cultural, and ideological forces. These factors may include political, social, or cultural
dispositions in one group that may hinder collaboration with another group.
b. Figure V-3 shows a hypothetical current system, the JFC’s desired system when
operations conclude, and the JFC’s assessment of how the enemy wants the system to
look at the end of operations. The friendly and enemy goals directly oppose each other,
so there will be significant tension (resistance) among the major actors. The JFC has
identified a group of narco-barons as the system’s COG. The narco-barons exert
significant influence over many actors in the system. The tendency of these actors,
whether due to fear of the narco-barons or the potential to lose profits, will be to resist
US Joint Forces Command, Joint Warfighting Center Pamphlet 10, Design in Military Operations, 20
September 2010.
Chapter V
change. Thus the tendency of the system as a whole will be one of inertia or movement
toward expanded drug operations. In particular, JIPOE shows that the narco-barons
intend to expand their drug network to a neighboring country as shown at the bottom-
right side of the figure. JIPOE also reveals that potential exists to influence (and change
the behavior of) the system’s political, banking, and farming actors through a
combination of diplomatic, economic, and informational initiatives in addition to military
action against the narco-barons and their drug-producing and smuggling networks. The
JFC seeks an operational approach that will significantly limit the narco-barons’
influence through a combination of actions to overcome the tensions and leverage the
potentials, thereby creating the friendly desired system at the end of operations. The
following paragraphs discuss actors, tendencies, potentials, and tensions.
Stop drug production
friendly node
unfriendly node
key node
weak link
strong link
Enemy Desired System
Figure V-3. The Environment’s Forces at Work
(3) Potentials. The commander and staff also consider potentials, which are
inherent abilities or capacities for the growth or development of a specific interaction or
relationship. Not all interactions and relationships support achieving the desired end
state. The desired end state accounts for tendencies and potentials that exist among the
relevant actors or other factors in the operational environment.
(4) Tensions. Tension is the resistance or friction among and between actors.
The commander and staff identify the tension by analyzing the context of the relevant
actors’ tendencies, potentials, and the operational environment. In determining the
problem, analysis identifies the positive, neutral, and negative implications of tensions in
the operational environment given the differences between existing and desired
conditions, understanding that the force’s actions within the operational environment may
exacerbate latent tensions. Tensions that can be exploited to drive change may be vital to
transforming existing conditions. Tensions that may undermine transformation must be
addressed appropriately. Because tensions arise from differences in perceptions, goals,
and capabilities among relevant actors, they are inherently destabilizing and can both
foster and impede transformation. By analyzing these tensions, the commander identifies
the problem that the design will ultimately solve.
c. A red team can help the JFC and staff better understand the environment’s
tensions, potentials, and tendencies. The J-2 typically uses a red team to support COA
development and wargaming, but the JFC should consider forming a red team early in
operational design. This team can center on the J-2, but should also include subject
matter experts in social, economic, diplomatic, and other disciplines relevant to the
Chapter V
mission at hand. Chapter VIII, “Organizing for Operational Design and Planning” also
mentions use of red teams.
a. In describing the problem, the staff identifies those areas of tension that merit
further consideration as areas of possible intervention. Commanders and staff determine
how environmental conditions, actors, or relationships may resist or facilitate moving the
system from the observed to the desired system and how to leverage environmental
inertia to achieve desired conditions. The staff also considers how the individual systems
can be expected to resist or facilitate moving the system from the observed to the desired
state and how their inertia in the environment can be leveraged to ensure achievement of
the desired conditions.
b. The JFC and staff consider how potential actions will enable the force to
maintain the initiative. They must take into account operational limitations; those
actions required or prohibited by higher authority, such as a constraint, restraint, and
other restrictions that limit the commander’s freedom of action. The staff evaluates what
combination of actions might derail opposing actors from achieving their goals while
moving the observed system toward the desired system. This entails evaluating an
action’s potential risks and the relevant actors’ freedom of action. Likewise, identifying
the possible emergence of unintended consequences or threats, commanders and staffs
may discover exploitable opportunities to create conditions that support the desired
system. The staff also explores the risks and opportunities of action by considering
exploitable tensions. This includes identifying capabilities and vulnerabilities of the
actors who would oppose our achievement of the desired system. Commanders and staffs
can then formulate methods to neutralize those capabilities and exploit vulnerabilities.
c. Once the commander and staff have listed the problem’s factors, considered the
tendencies and potentials of the relevant actors, and identified tensions between the
existing conditions and the desired end state, they develop a problem statement. This
statement, which is the basis for developing the operational approach, is a narrative
that lists the problem’s factors, describes areas of tension, competition, and opportunity,
and identifies the areas for action that will transform existing conditions toward the
desired end state before adversaries begin transform current conditions to their desired
end state. Iraqi forces occupy Kuwait and US citizens at risk in Persian Gulf are
examples of problem factors that had to be addressed by the CCDR in Operation
DESERT STORM and in follow-on actions in order to set the conditions required to
achieve the desired system and accomplish strategic objectives in that conflict. Such
factors provide the basis for the eventual functional lines of effort and geographic lines of
operations that can be the centerpiece of the operational approach.
1. Introduction1
Current Desired
System System
The “introduction” paragraphs are taken, with adjustments, from the JP 5-0 RFC, pp. III-3 to III-5.
JP 5-0 RFC, p. III-3
The operational approach is not the same as the eventual detailed concept of operations, which is
contained in paragraph 3b of the operation plan or order. The concept of operations is developed during
detailed planning, and is a more detailed description of how the joint force will accomplish the
commander’s approved course of action with available resources.
Chapter VI
problem. The resulting product provides the foundation for the JFC’s planning guidance
to the staff and collaboration with interorganizational partners. The approach also
provides the model for executing the operation and determining relevant assessment
ways, means, and measures. The JFC’s approved operational approach should be a text
and graphics product of early operational design that will provide the basis for continuing
with mission analysis and subsequent detailed planning. The JFC and staff should
continually review, update, and modify the approach throughout planning and execution
as the operational environment, end state objectives, or the problem change.
Current Desired
System System
Line of Effort END
Condition 1 Condition 1
Line of Effort
Condition 2 Condition 2 Objective
Line of Operations
Condition 3 Condition 3
The beginning state
Intermediate Condition 4
of the operational The state of the
(A combination of actions, decisive points,
environment environment that
milestones, intermediate objectives, or
other factors on a LOO or LOE necessary achieves end state
to create desired conditions) objectives
b. Some elements of operational design are important to the early design effort.
Examples include end state, objective, center of gravity, direct versus indirect approach,
lines of operations, and lines of effort, which figure prominently in developing the
operational approach. Lines of operation and lines of effort are particularly useful in
graphically relating the sequence of actions necessary to create conditions and
achieve objectives. A line of operations (LOO) is a physical line that usually defines the
geographic orientation of the friendly force in relation to the enemy and or an objective in
combat operations. A line of effort (LOE) links multiple tasks and missions when
positional references to an enemy have little relevance, such as in stability operations.
Figure VI-3 shows an example of a LOO and LOE. There is no “school solution” for
how the planners should construct LOOs and LOEs. Although a LOO typically is
geographic in nature, the commander may mix functional factors and key milestones with
key terrain and geographic objectives. Likewise, geographic relationships may be
relevant to a line of effort, such as the time-distance relationship between a country’s
only operational airport and an earthquake disaster site during foreign humanitarian
assistance operations.
c. Operations along LOOs and/or LOEs typically are not independent of each
other. In the hypothetical situation in Figure VI-3, operations along the LOO should have
created the desired condition “Capital City secured” before many of the LOE’s activities
could begin in that city. In some ways, there are general parallels between planning the
various military operations along related LOOs and LOEs to achieve objectives and the
program evaluation and review technique (PERT) as a model for project management.
PERT is a method to analyze the involved tasks in completing a given project, especially
the time needed to complete each task, and identify the minimum time needed to
complete the total project.4 It relates tasks in a way that shows how certain tasks on one
path cannot begin until a task on a separate path is complete. This analogy is generally
useful, but the application of PERT to military operations is problematic due to the
complexity and uncertainty of many operational environments, particularly when combat
is required.
4 PERT was developed primarily to simplify the planning and
scheduling of large and complex projects. It was developed for the U.S. Navy Special Projects Office in
1957 to support the U.S. Navy's Polaris nuclear submarine project. It was able to incorporate uncertainty
by making it possible to schedule a project while not knowing precisely the details and durations of all the
activities. It is more of an event-oriented technique rather than start- and completion-oriented, and is used
more in projects where time, rather than cost, is the major factor.
Chapter VI
Capital City
Establish Secure Secure air Seize key Secure
intermediate entry and sea terrain routes to
bases points ports Capital City
LOE services
Repair Establish Repair Restore Reopen
sewage Trash distribution electrical hospitals
treatment disposal points power and clinics
d. Center of gravity is a key operational design element and relevant to the early
design effort. Early identification of friendly and enemy COGs will affect the operational
approach. The JFC’s approach must address the enemy COG if one can be identified this
early. Particularly in a crisis, there is tension between the value of detailed COG analysis
and the necessity of developing a broad operational approach to drive detailed planning.
The enemy’s COG should be evident in large-scale combat operations, and simply
identifying it in the operational approach may be sufficient for planning to continue. In
operations such as counterinsurgency, early identification of the COG may be more
difficult and may require detailed analysis beyond the time when the JFC approves the
operational approach. In this case, the JFC could provide a best guess of the COG based
on the J2’s current JIPOE and the commander’s judgment. Just as the JFC will continue
to revise initial planning guidance and intent statements throughout planning, the JFC and
staff will continue to revise the operational approach based, in part, on the fidelity of
additional COG analysis.
The requirement to frame the problem and write a problem statement early
in design raises a question concerning how the problem relates to one or more
centers of gravity. Both are important to developing the operational approach,
but the caution to planners is that jumping to COG analysis too early in design
can constrain creative thinking about the problem. Critical factors analysis
(critical vulnerabilities, capabilities, and requirements that support COG
determination) is linear in nature, while understanding a complex operational
environment and an ill-defined problem involves iterative critical and creative
thinking. COG analysis seems to reduce causality in a system to a single factor
(hub of all power), while the factors that comprise the problem could range
beyond the COG.
h. The operational approach must address both resources and risk. Because the
operational approach will drive subsequent planning, the commander must be reasonably
confident that the approach’s level of risk is acceptable and the approach can be
accomplished with the resources expected to be available. Rarely does one organization
Chapter VI
directly control all the necessary resources. Therefore, the JFC should consider the
capabilities of other partners and establish relationships to ensure sufficient resources.
Likewise, the commander and staff identify and consider risk throughout the iterative
application of design. Collaboration, coordination, and cooperation among multinational
military and civilian partners are essential to identifying potential options for mitigating
risk, conserving resources, and achieving unity of effort. These are easier to identify if
military and civilian partners participate in design from the outset to build trust and
confidence in the effort and one another. The commander’s planning guidance explains
the acceptable level of risk and either outline or direct development of risk mitigation
b. JP 5-0 states that the planning guidance may include the following elements:6
JP 5-0 p. III-16.
Ibid., paraphrased from p. III-16.
Figure VI-4 is from JP 5-0, p. III-15. Figure VI-5 is from MCWP 5-1, p. J-2.
with the operation. It also includes where the commander will and will not accept risk
during the operation.
Marine Expeditionary
Force (Forward)
Design for Operation
Iraqi Freedom II
Chapter VI
Intentionally Blank
“When the hardest part of the problem is identifying and describing the problem,
engineering functions alone are inadequate and design is essential. Otherwise,
absent a design process, military planners will default to doctrinal norms,
building plans based upon familiar patterns rather than upon an understanding
of the particular situation and how individual actions contribute to the overall
1. Introduction
a. As the above quotes indicate, some writers suggest that design is distinct from,
yet complements, detailed planning. This perspective promotes the belief that design and
planning should be described as related but separate and that the commander should have
specific design teams that provide results of their efforts to planners who will then
prepare the detailed plan. However, whether a distinct design effort occurs before or in
conjunction with formal planning is likely determined by operational circumstances,
complexity of the problem, available resources, and the commander’s preference. For
example, peacetime deliberate planning associated with a theater campaign plan and for
potential contingencies could allow the time necessary for the commander to form a
dedicated design team, marshal external subject matter experts, conduct extended
discourse, and develop a broad operational approach before any detailed planning begins.
However, the limited time typically associated with crisis action planning circumstances
will require design activities to occur in close conjunction with (or as part of) mission
analysis. In any case, design and planning are not mutually exclusive.
JP 5-0 p. IV-1.
Chapter VII
Based on their view of design, the Marine Corps includes functional planning3
between conceptual and detailed planning and has renamed mission analysis as problem
c. Joint doctrine’s perspective is that operational design begins early and continues
throughout planning and execution. This is consistent with the perspectives of Services
that have written extensively about design in their doctrine. The challenge is not that
early planning efforts cannot accommodate the philosophy, critical thinking, and
techniques of design. Instead, the challenge may be one of retooling the most
important planning step—mission analysis—in joint and Service education and
training. The rest of this chapter will discuss the interaction of operational design and
JOPP with a focus on mission analysis.
a. Figure VII-1 shows the joint operation planning process steps. The figure
highlights planning initiation and mission analysis, since the design effort can begin
immediately on identification of a directed or anticipated planning requirement.
FM 5-0, p. 3-1.
Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 5-1, Marine Corps Planning Process, 24 Aug 10, p. 1-2.
Ibid., Foreword.
c. The joint force’s mission is the task or set of tasks, together with the purpose,
that clearly indicate the action to be taken and the reason for doing so. The primary
purpose of mission analysis is to understand the operational environment, the
problem, and purpose of the operation and to issue appropriate guidance to drive
the rest of the planning process. The JFC and staff can accomplish mission analysis
through a number of activities that develop, analyze, and provide the information
essential to subsequent detailed planning (see Figure VII-2). Although some activities
occur before others, mission analysis typically involves substantial parallel processing of
information by the commander and staff, particularly in a crisis-action situation.
Joint Operation
Planning Process
Step 1:
Step 2:
Mission Analysis
Step 3:
Course of Action (COA) Development
Step 4:
COA Analysis and Wargaming
Step 5:
COA Comparison
Step 6:
COA Approval
Step 7:
Plan or Order Development
e. However, crisis-action planning rarely affords time for the relaxed approach
described above. As the JFC and lead planners work initial design-related issues, many
other command and staff activities occur in parallel. Functional staff sections create or
Chapter VII
update staff estimates, organizations prepare for deployment, and the joint force
headquarters forms (if one does not already exist). An extreme case might even require
deployment of combat forces as a flexible deterrent option before planning for the larger
operation or campaign moves beyond a complete mission analysis or COA development.
Faced with an ill-defined military problem in a crisis-action situation, the
commander may have to issue planning guidance, an initial intent, and a draft
mission statement (key products of mission analysis) while still refining the
operational approach.
Paragraph is paraphrased from SAMS Art of Design student text.
As stated earlier in this chapter, the purpose of mission analysis is also to develop
understanding—the understanding sufficient to develop a product (guidance) that gives
direction to the rest of the planning process. At the beginning, both design and mission
analysis share essential elements (strategic objectives, current situation, higher
headquarters guidance, etc.) that provide initial context. Several of the mission analysis
activities in Figure VII-2 pertain directly to operational design or to its products, and the
desired result (guidance to give direction to detailed planning) is fundamentally the same.
So the tension between differing perspectives on design and planning is with how they
are executed and not with the necessary results. In essence, early design is mission
FM 5-0, p. 3-1.
Chapter VII
a. Figure VII-3 lists joint doctrine’s current operational design elements.7 Many
of these are traditional elements, such as center of gravity (COG), line of operations, and
culmination. Others, such as effect and line of effort, are more recent additions to the list
based nuances of irregular warfare and on how the joint community’s thoughts on
planning and design have continued to evolve. Some design elements are important to
the design effort early in mission analysis. For example, line of operations and line of
effort are particularly useful for arranging series of activities, tasks and other factors
along geographic and functional lines to describe the broad approach to set conditions
and achieve objectives. Chapter V discussed the role of end state, objective, and
termination in establishing an initial baseline understanding of how the operational
environment should look when operations conclude.
b. Identification of friendly and enemy COGs is one of the most important early
requirements confronting the JFC’s staff. The JFC’s operational approach must address
the COG if one can be identified this early in the planning process. Particularly during
crisis-action planning, there is tension between the value of detailed COG analysis and
the necessity of developing a broad operational approach to drive the rest of the planning
process. The enemy’s COG should be evident in large-scale combat operations, and
simply identifying it in the operational approach may be sufficient for planning to
continue. In operations such as counterinsurgency, early identification of the COG may
be more difficult, and may require detailed analysis beyond the time when the JFC
approves the operational approach. In this case, the JFC could provide a best estimate of
the COG based on the J2’s current intelligence and the staff’s design efforts. Just as the
JFC will continue to revise initial planning guidance and intent statements throughout
planning, the JFC and staff will continue to revise the operational approach based, in part,
on the fidelity of additional COG analysis.
JP 5-0, p. III-18.
c. The staff will continue to refine their understanding of the problem, the
operational environment, and the design elements mentioned above throughout
subsequent JOPP steps. They will also consider other design elements such as timing,
tempo, leverage, and balance that may not have been useful during mission analysis. For
example, the staff will consider the adequacy and risk of each COA during wargaming
and analysis relative to addressing the enemy’s strategic and operational COGs. The
results could refine the LOOs and LOEs identified during mission analysis, and could
even cause significant changes to the operational approach. The eventual OPLAN or
OPORD will capture results primarily in paragraph 2 (Mission) and paragraph 3
(Execution) based on the commander’s approved COA.
Refer to Appendix B for more information on COG analysis, decisive point, and
the direct versus indirect approach, an element of operational design related to the
operational approach.
Refer to Section B in Chapter III of JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, for details
on all elements of operational design.
4. Detailed Planning
Chapter VII
Planning Mission COA Order Future Plans, Future Ops, End
Initiation Analysis Development Publication & Current Ops Planning State
5. Assessment
a. General
(1) Assessment is a process that measures progress of the joint force toward
mission accomplishment. The focus is on determining progress toward the desired
system state of the operational environment and delivering relevant reliable feedback into
the planning process to adjust operations during execution. Commanders continuously
assess the operational environment and the progress of operations, and compare them to
their initial vision and intent. Commanders adjust operations based on their assessment to
ensure objectives are met and the military end state is achieved.
(2) As the operational approach emerges during mission analysis, the staff
devises assessment indicators of progress that should be incorporated in the plan or order
and used during execution. Certain assessment indicators act as triggers during the
operation to help the commander determine the necessity to revisit the original
operational approach, reframe the problem, and perhaps revise the original operational
approach. In particular, the staff designs reframing indicators to identify conditions
in the operational environment that have changed or that we don’t understand and
that could cause a shift in the problem such that the current approach may no
longer be valid. Assessment indicators are candidates for the list of priority intelligence
requirements and the JFC’s CCIR.
(4) JFCs and their staffs determine relevant assessment actions and
measures during planning. They consider assessment measures as early as mission
analysis, and include assessment measures and related guidance in commander and staff
estimates. They use assessment considerations to help guide operational design because
these considerations can affect the sequence and type of actions along LOOs and LOEs.
During execution, they continually monitor progress toward accomplishing tasks,
creating desired conditions, and achieving objectives. Assessment actions and measures
help commanders adjust operations and resources as required, determine when to execute
branches and sequels, and make other critical decisions to ensure current and future
operations remain aligned with the mission and end state. Normally, the joint force J-3,
assisted by the J-2, is responsible for coordinating assessment activities. For subordinate
Chapter VII
(1) Assessment occurs at all levels and across the entire range of military
operations. Even in operations that do not include combat, assessment of progress is just
as important and can be more complex than traditional combat assessment. As a general
rule, the level at which a specific operation, task, or action is directed should be the
level at which such activity is assessed. To do this, JFCs and their staffs consider
assessment ways, means, and measures during planning, preparation, and execution. This
properly focuses assessment and collection at each level, reduces redundancy, and
enhances the efficiency of the overall assessment process. See Figure VII-5.
(2) Assessment at the operational and strategic levels typically is broader than
at the tactical level (e.g., combat assessment) and uses MOEs that support strategic and
operational mission accomplishment. Strategic- and operational-level assessment efforts
concentrate on broader tasks, effects, objectives, and progress toward the end state.
Continuous assessment helps the JFC and joint force component commanders determine
if the joint force is “doing the right things” to achieve objectives, not just “doing things
right.” The JFC also can use MOEs to determine progress toward success in those
operations for which tactical-level combat assessment ways, means, and measures do not
Reattack or
Future Targeting
Chapter VII
other tactical tasks not associated with joint fires (e.g., disaster relief delivery assessment,
relief effectiveness assessment, and future relief recommendations).
(1) The assessment process uses MOPs to evaluate task performance at all
levels of war and MOEs to determine progress of operations toward achieving
objectives. MOEs help answer questions like: “are we doing the right things, are our
actions producing the desired effects, or are alternative actions required?” MOPs are
closely associated with task accomplishment. MOPs help answer questions like: “was the
action taken, were the tasks completed to standard, or how much effort was involved?”
Well-devised measures can help the commanders and staffs understand the causal
relationship between specific tasks and desired effects.
Office of the Secretary of Defense, Measuring Progress in Conflict Environments (MPICE) – A Metrics
Framework for Assessing Conflict Transformation and Stabilization, Version 1.0, August 2008.
(2) The assessment process and related measures and reframing indicators
should be relevant, measurable, responsive, and resourced so there is no false
impression of accomplishment. Quantitative measures can be helpful in this regard.
(a) Relevant. MOPs and MOEs should be relevant to the task, effect,
operation, the operational environment, the end state, and the commander’s decisions.
This criterion helps avoid collecting and analyzing information that is of no value to a
specific operation. It also helps ensure efficiency by eliminating redundant efforts.
Chapter VII
commander. The JFC and staff should consider the time required for an action or actions
to produce desired results within the operational environment and develop indicators that
can respond accordingly. Many actions directed by the JFC require time to implement
and may take even longer to produce a measurable result.
(3) Commanders and staffs derive relevant assessment measures and reframing
indicators during the planning process and reevaluate them continuously throughout
preparation and execution. They consider assessment measures during mission analysis,
refine these measures in the JFC’s planning guidance and in commander’s and staff’s
estimates, wargame the measures during COA development, and include MOEs and
MOPs in the approved plan or order. An integrated data collection management plan is
critical to the success of the assessment process, and should encompass all available
tactical, theater, and national intelligence sources.
(4) Just as tactical tasks relate to operational- and strategic-level tasks, effects,
and objectives, there is a relationship between assessment measures. By monitoring
available information and using MOEs and MOPs as assessment tools during planning,
preparation, and execution, commanders and staffs determine progress toward creating
desired effects, achieving objectives, and attaining the military end state, and modify the
plan as required. Well-devised MOPs and MOEs, supported by effective information
management, help the commanders and staffs understand the linkage between specific
tasks, the desired effects, and the JFC’s objectives and end state.
d. Reframing Indicators
(1) Reframing indicators are not the same as MOEs or MOPs, which are
oriented on measuring progress toward creating effects or conditions, achieving
objectives, and reaching the endstate. A reframing indicator should be structured to
identify a condition in the operational environment that has changed, or that we didn’t
understand, that could cause a shift in the problem such that the current operational
approach may no longer be valid. Although many reframing indicators will not meet the
requirement for CCIR, some reframing indicators could be included in CCIR if they
represent information that would cause the commander to consider near-term reframing
and potential redesign. An example of such information could be the impending alliance
of a regional nation with the enemy that would shift the balance of power in spite of an
earlier design assumption that this alliance would not occur.
stakeholders, all of which might affect the fundamental components of the operational
approach. Examples of such information include the following:
(3) Many CCIRs, MOEs, MOPs, and reframing indicators can seem to overlap
given the potential purposes of the information. Some reframing indicators, MOEs, and
MOPs will become CCIRs because of their importance to the mission and necessity for a
commander’s decision. In any case, reframing indicators will compete directly with
CCIR and MOE/MOP for limited assessment resources. With CCIR tied directly to the
commander’s decisions, and MOE/MOP providing typically responsive feedback on
progress, there will be pressure to move assets earmarked for reframing indicators to a
seemingly more productive CCIR or MOE/MOP. This tension may develop because
most reframing indicators may not change very quickly and the changes may be more
subtle. An increase in enemy activity and intensity may increase the asset support
requirements for CCIR and MOE/MOP. However, this same enemy increased activity
may be an indication of their effort to change the operational environment or shift the
problem. Shifting resources committed to reframing indicators may degrade or eliminate
our ability to sense the shift in the environment or problem at a crucial time.
Chapter VII
Intentionally Blank
“Design does not occur in isolation; much of the information available to the
commander comes from staff actions, primarily in the form of analysis.
Accordingly, staff actions should be viewed as concurrent and
complementary—versus sequential—activities. For example, understanding the
nature of the problem, to include the purpose of the operation, provides the
context to drive task analysis. Conversely, the learning gained through task
analysis deepens the understanding of the problem and contributes to design.”
1. Introduction
“In leading design, commanders typically draw from a select group within the
planning staff, red team members, and subject matter experts internal and
external to the headquarters. The commander selects these individuals based
on their expertise relative to the problem. The commander expects these
individuals to gain insights and inputs from areas beyond their particular
expertise—either in person or through reachback—to frame the problem more
fully. Design serves to establish the context for guidance and orders. By using
members of the planning staff to participate in the design effort, commanders
ensure continuity between design and detailed planning as well as throughout
the operations process. These are purpose-built, problem-centric teams, and
the commander may choose to dissolve them once they complete the design
Chapter VIII
c. Chapter III covered the commander’s key role in operational design. Using the
JTF HQ as a baseline, this chapter will highlight two joint staff organizations also
essential to the design effort. While many members of the joint force staff can contribute
to operational design, the design effort focuses on the roles of the Plans Directorate
(J-5) and the Intelligence Directorate (J-2).
b. Typically, the J-5 establishes a joint planning group (JPG) to integrate planning
efforts. The JPG should include representation from all JTF principal and special staff
sections, Service/functional components, and interorganizational partners as required.
Figure VIII-2 depicts a notional JPG composition, which varies based on the planning
activities being conducted. Normally, all supporting components will have permanent
representation in the JPG in order to provide continuity of focus and consistency of
c. The primary purposes for forming a JPG are to conduct crisis action planning at
the beginning of an operation, assist in OPLAN and OPORD development, and perform
future plans planning. The JPG often is the focal point for OPORD development. Early
designation of a JTF will facilitate forming the JPG and beginning design and detailed
planning. It may be possible to form a JPG without the JTF being fully organized and
d. A core JPG can be expanded with “on-call” subject matter experts for select
planning requirements. These representatives typically will be needed when the JPG
does not have the required subject matter expertise in a particular subject as can occur
Chapter VIII
when trying to frame the problem during early operational design. Subject matter
experts might come from Service component commands, interorganizational partners,
and elsewhere on the JTF staff. As with other aspects of joint operations, the J-5 should
include interorganizational partners in the JPG’s composition when appropriate.
Representatives from other US agencies and multinational partners can bring both
specific expertise and additional perspective to the group to inform early operational
design and planning in general.
e. The JPG chief forms planning teams (Figure VIII-3) to address specific
planning requirements and organizes each planning team with the appropriate
functional expertise and administrative support.
and transition of the JTF to another military force, UN, regional organization, or civilian
(2) Since multiple planning teams are usually working on planning tasks
simultaneously, the JPG chief supervises their efforts to ensure their products meet the
needs of the command group and other customers. Likewise, the JPG chief also
interfaces with the command group to ensure it provides required guidance, intent, and
decisions to support the planning effort.
Chapter VIII
Refer to JP 3-33 Joint Task Force Headquarters (16 Feb 07), for a detailed list of the
J-5’s primary responsibilities.
a. The joint force HQ typically has an Intelligence Directorate, J-2 (Figure VIII-
5). The intelligence directorate’s primary function is to satisfy the JFC’s and staff’s
intelligence requirements by planning, conducting, collecting, analyzing, and
disseminating reliable and timely intelligence pertinent to intentions, indications and
warning, IO, targeting, assessment, and a description of the current operational
environment characteristics. Within the scope of the essential elements of information,
the J-2 participates in joint staff planning and in coordinating, directing, integrating, and
controlling intelligence efforts. The J2 is the joint force’s focal point for developing
an understanding of the operational environment.
c. The JISE is the hub of intelligence activity in the JOA and is responsible for
providing CJTF, JTF staff, and JTF components and subordinate task forces with the
adversary air, space, ground, and maritime situation. The JISE implements processes to
integrate all intelligence functions and disciplines that enables more agile and responsive
intelligence operations across the JTF in support of the CJTF’s intelligence requirements.
The JISE’s approach stresses persistent awareness and local precision and is
characterized by net-centric and fused operations, capabilities, planning, and
organizations that together yield timely, assured, survivable, and actionable intelligence.
d. JIPOE is the joint process through which the joint force intelligence directorate
manages the analysis and development of products that help the commander and staff
understand the complex and interconnected operational environment.2 Of particular
relevance to operational design is the J-2’s responsibility to lead the staff’s effort
and manage and develop products that provide a systems understanding of the
operational environment as part of JIPOE.3 This will require cross-functional
participation by other joint force staff elements and collaboration with other intelligence
agencies, USG agencies, and nongovernment centers that possess relevant expertise.
Thus the J2 is a core player in the early design effort and must be responsive to the
commander’s operational design priorities. The commander can help the J2 by
specifying critical information requirements early in the process to focus JIPOE toward
specific products that support the design effort. These products help the commander
understand how the joint force’s actions might affect the relevant political, social,
economic, informational, and other factors that comprise the current environment and
affect the end state.
(1) The J-2 staff also provides a red team to role-play and model the
adversary’s intentions and potential reactions to the joint force’s actions. A red team can
aid a commander and the staff to think critically and creatively; to see things from
varying perspectives; to avoid false mind-sets, biases, or group thinking; or use
inaccurate analogies to frame the problem. In essence, a red team provides the JFC
and staff with an independent capability to challenge the organization’s thinking.
(2) The red team crosses staff functions and time horizons in JOPP. This
characteristic makes this red team unlike a red cell, which is composed of members of the
staff of the intelligence directorate of a joint staff (J-2) and performs threat emulation;
likewise, this team is not the same as a joint intelligence operations center red team that is
an additive element on the J-2 staff to improve the intelligence analysis, products, and
processes. Red teaming is not restricted to the J-2. The JFC can supplement the J-2’s
team with other functional subject matter experts or create separate functional red teams
focused on specific LOOs, LOEs, or specific problem areas.
(3) The JFC should consider forming the red team early in design. A robust,
well-trained, imaginative, and skilled red team can aggressively pursue the adversary’s
point of view during early operational design and later COA wargaming. The red team
develops critical decision points, projects adversary reactions to friendly actions, and
estimates effects and implications on the adversary forces and objectives. This team helps
JP 2-10.3, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment, 16 June 2009, describes the
JIPOE process in detail.
JP 3-0, p. IV-4.
Red team text is taken primarily from JP 5-0, July 2011.
Chapter VIII
the JFC identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the operational approach. Throughout
planning and execution, the red team can:
(b) Assist the commander and staff in framing problems and defining end
state conditions;
“Many see this as a G2 problem... the comment “isn’t this already captured in
the Annex B?... Don’t we already have this information? Somebody in the
command knows this!” were frequent. The “monograph/thesis/dissertation
example” proved helpful here... I pointed out that most people assembled
known knowledge in the “library phase” (analysis). Our next step is to “write the
thesis” in the synthesis phase. We’re taking known knowns and assembling
them to develop new understanding. Surprisingly, most of the group “got that.”5
Refer to JP 3-33 Joint Task Force Headquarters (16 Feb 07), for a detailed list of
the J-2’s primary responsibilities.
SAMS Art of Design Student Text Version 2.0, p. 153. This observation was provided by a former
SAMS student who had been participating in design during operations.
a. The purpose of the preceding text in this chapter is to make the point that the
commander can marshal significant intellectual and organizational resources to support
operational design and planning. The J-5 (with access to skilled planners) and the J-2
(with access to internal and external intelligence resources) or their representatives are
key members of any team tasked to design a solution to a complex planning problem.
The J-2’s JIPOE effort provides the data and analysis that supports understanding the
operational environment, although other members’ specialized interpretations of
environmental forces and relationships are essential as well. So the key issue regarding
the organization’s ability to “do design” might not be one of resources; instead it
might be an issue of education and training in critical and creative thinking and
acceptance of the underpinning philosophy.
b. As described earlier, the J-5 can form planning teams to accomplish a variety of
planning tasks. However, a task to plan the staging and onward movement of forces from
their assembly areas to an area of operations is not the same as the task to develop a
coherent explanation of the operational environment, define the environment state desired
when operations conclude, and produce the commander’s operational approach that
achieves that state. For the latter task, the JFC or J5 might decide to form a specialized
planning team, perhaps called the “design” team. This team could focus specifically
on operational design at the very beginning of JOPP to help develop the broad conceptual
operational approach that will complement the commander’s planning guidance and
inform detailed planning. Among other options, a small design team could be the core of
a larger planning team and participate from early conceptual planning through COA
analysis and CONOPS development. The members of this team could be responsible for
monitoring various aspects of the approach during execution, and would likely participate
in reframing and redesign if necessary.
d. The J-2, J-3, and J-5 principals or deputies are key participants in early
operational design, whether or not a design team is formed. The J-2 leads the effort to
frame the operational environment, and the J-5 focuses on developing the ends-ways-
means relationships, managing planning resources, and drafting the operational approach
as part of the commander’s planning guidance. The commander adds other functional
subject matter experts to this initial effort as the situation dictates. While the commander
Chapter VIII
might lead or participate in the design team, experience shows that situations such as
crisis-action planning and planning during execution pull the commander in many
directions. In a video teleconference in mid-2010, planners from one combatant
command commented to handbook authors that they “never saw their commander,” while
planners from another combatant command stated that they rarely met with the J-5.
e. Many sources on design have written about the importance of critical thinking to
complex problem solving. The Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies Art of
Design Student Text reinforces this perspective throughout. Critical and creative
thinking in group mode (as in a design team) can benefit by a team member who is
trained to facilitate a group through the interaction that enables such thinking.
f. Operational design begins early, regardless of how the JFC chooses to organize
the effort. All geographic combatant commands have peacetime contingency-planning
requirements, so opportunities exist for the CCDR and/or prospective JTF commanders to
form a design team and exercise a creative design methodology while developing or
updating actual contingency plans. Peacetime practice facilitates crisis-action
execution. Development of theater campaign plans and subordinate contingency plans is
peacetime provides an excellent opportunity to bring SMEs together for design sessions
to help them understand approaches to critical thinking that can result in a deeper
understanding of the problem and operational environment. Peacetime use of a design
methodology will help produce better products in a crisis even if time constraints and
other factors prohibit the JFC from forming a separate design team.
“The enemy always gets a vote in the outcome, so commanders are well
advised to heed the often-quoted warning that ‘no battle plan survives contact
with the enemy.’ This challenge can be greater in counterinsurgency,
counterterrorism, and similar operations than it is in larger-scale combat, since
the enemy has more flexibility to determine when, where, and whether or not to
1. Introduction
a. Execution begins when the President decides to use a military option to resolve
a crisis or conduct less urgent operations to achieve strategic objectives. Only the
President or Secretary of Defense can authorize the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
to issue an execution order (EXORD). The EXORD directs the supported commander to
begin military operations and conveys guidance not provided earlier.
b. The CJCS monitors the deployment and employment of forces, acts to resolve
shortfalls, and directs action needed to ensure successful completion of military
operations. Execution continues until the mission is accomplished, revised, or the
operation is terminated. The crisis action planning process may be repeated
continuously as circumstances and missions change.
2. Execution
a. The CJCS publishes the EXORD that defines the unnamed day on which
operations commence or are scheduled to commence (D-day), the specific time an
operation or exercise begins (H-hour), and directs execution of the OPORD. The CJCS’s
EXORD is a record communication that authorizes execution of the COA approved by
the President and SecDef and detailed in the supported commander’s OPORD. It may
include further guidance, instructions, or amplifying orders. In a fast-developing crisis the
EXORD may be the first record communication generated by the CJCS. The record
communication may be preceded by a voice announcement. The issuance of the
EXORD is time-sensitive. The format may differ depending on the amount of previous
record correspondence and applicability of prior guidance. (Joint Operation Planning and
Execution System (JOPES) Volume I contains the format for the EXORD. Information
already communicated in previous orders should not be repeated unless previous orders
were not made available to all concerned. The EXORD need only contain the authority
to execute the operation and any additional essential guidance, such as D-day and H-
Chapter IX
f. During execution, the JFC assesses the deployment and employment of forces,
measures progress toward mission accomplishment, adapts and adjusts operations as
required to reach the end state. This continual assessment and adjustment creates an
organizational environment of learning and adaptation to the changing
environment. Adaptation can range from minor operational adjustments to a radical
change in the operational approach. When fundamental changes have occurred that
challenge existing understanding, indicate a shift in the environment or problem, or
invalidate the current approach to solving the problem, it is time to review the original
assumptions, redesign as necessary, and develop a new operational approach. The
environmental or problem changes could be so significant as to require a review of the
end state and discussions with higher authority to determine if the end state is still viable.
(1) The joint force J-5’s effort focuses on future plans. The timeframe of
focus for this effort varies according to the level of command, type of operation, JFC’s
desires, and other factors. Typically the emphasis of the future plans effort is on planning
the next phase of operations or sequels to the current operation. In a campaign, this could
be planning the next major operation (the next phase of the campaign).
(2) Planning also occurs for branches to current operations (future operations
planning). The timeframe of focus for future operations planning varies according to the
factors listed for future plans, but the period typically is more near-term than the future
plans timeframe. Future planning could occur in the J-5 or JPG, while future operations
planning could occur in the joint operations center or J-3.
(3) Finally, current operations planning addresses the immediate or very near-
term planning issues associated with ongoing operations. This occurs in the joint
operations center or J-3.
Chapter IX
(1) Based on the complexity of the planning problem and time available, future
plans and future operations planning teams interact with both internal elements (e.g.,
WGs, cells) and external elements (other HQ, agencies, and organizations). These teams
normally will locate in the JPG or in one of the principal staff directorates depending on
the nature of the specific planning task. Various decision boards provide guidance and
decisions during this process.
(2) In contrast to the future operations and future plans planning teams, the
current operations planning teams normally complete their assigned planning tasks
without significant interaction with other staff elements (e.g., WGs). Generally, these
teams are established in the joint operations center (JOC) under the supervision of the J-
3’s chief of operations due to the immediate nature of planning requirements. The J-3 or
JOC chief keeps the JFC informed of ongoing near-term planning initiatives through
appropriate mechanisms such as commander’s critical information requirements (CCIR),
serious incident reports, and battle update assessments.
c. Conditions will change during operations because forces are interacting with the
operational environment. The JFC’s and staff’s ability to learn as the operation
progresses depends on their ability to recognize changes as they occur. Recognizing
often subtle changes as they develop over time can be essential to mission success,
especially those changes that fundamentally affect the operating environment or
significantly shift the problem. Recognizing that the problem and environment have
changed is essential to knowing when the commander might have to change the
operational approach. Even when indicators are inconclusive, numerous events or
circumstances can trigger a requirement to restart deliberate operational design:
SAMS Art of Design Student Text Version 2.0, p. 21.
Chapter IX
(1) The current joint operation plan is adequate, with either no change or minor
change (such as execution of a branch)—the current operational approach remains
(2) The joint operation plan’s mission and objectives are sound, but the
operational approach is no longer feasible or acceptable—a new operational approach is
(3) The mission and/or objectives are no longer valid, thus a new joint
operation plan is required—a new operational approach is required to support the further
detailed planning.
a. “Reframing is restarting the design in the event that the JFC’s understanding of
the OE or of the problem have changed to such a degree that a different operational
approach is warranted.”3 The commander decides to initiate redesign when reframing
FM 5-0, p. 3-12.
US Army War College, Campaign Planning Handbook AY 11, p. 22.
c. During redesign, the JFC and staff must challenge their shared understanding
and review expectations of actor behavior against the evidence. Organizations are
strongly motivated to reflect and reframe following failure, but they tend to neglect
reflection and reframing following successful actions. Redesign may be equally
important in the wake of success. By its very nature, success transforms the environment
and affects its tendencies, potentials, and tensions. To guard against complacency, the
commander and staff should question their current understanding and reframe as the
environment changes and they gain new knowledge.4
Chapter IX
Intentionally Blank
“U.S. military power today is unsurpassed on the land and sea and in the air,
space, and cyberspace. The individual Services have evolved capabilities and
competencies to maximize their effectiveness in their respective domains. Even
more important, the ability to integrate these diverse capabilities into a joint
whole that is greater than the sum of the Service parts is an unassailable
American strategic advantage.”
1. Introduction
2. Doctrine
b. The new JP 5-0 moves operational design to the forefront. It covers the
commander’s role in operational art and design and incorporates a 13-page section
focused on design methodology titled, “Developing the Operational Approach.” This is
followed by an updated section on the elements of operational design.
Chapter X
intuition, and judgment, an individual’s ability to think critically (or at least more
effectively) can be enhanced through education and training. See the paper at Appendix
C, “Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking: A Fundamental Guide for Strategic
Leaders” for an approach to this challenge.
d. There are two reasonable options for expanding the detail on operational design
in joint doctrine. One is to add detail to JP 5-0; the other is to create a separate related
joint publication. Two reasons favor the second option. First, the revised JP 5-0 is
already about 250 pages long. It also is relatively broad in scope since it covers the role
of strategic direction and the details of JOPP in addition to operational art and design. A
supporting publication that focused on the details of operational design could better
support schoolhouse education and field application. Second, there is precedent for a
supporting product. The 25 Jan 02 JP 5-00.1, Joint Doctrine for Campaign Planning,
was a supporting JP to the 1995 JP 5-0, Doctrine for Planning Joint Operations. This
supporting publication was consolidated with the 2006 revision of JP 5-0 as part of a
questionable initiative to reduce the number of joint doctrine publications.
a. A good doctrinal base should provide the foundation and impetus for an
appropriate level of education and training. However, this must begin with Service
education and training programs at relatively low levels. Service education and training
provide a solid foundation in Service planning processes. Education related to JOPP for
mid-grade officers only occurs when they attend Joint Professional Military Education
(JPME) Level II, typically at the National Defense University’s Joint Forces Staff
College. Joint training on JOPP and operational design for junior officers typically occurs
only when their Service organization operates as part of a joint force in exercises or
actual operations, and then only if the officer is involved in the joint planning effort.
b. Service instruction in military planning for officers begins in the Service basic
courses. While there are commonalities in planning approaches, particularly between the
Army and Marine Corps, differences in perspective exist due to the individual Services’
cultures, capabilities, and employment methods. Many Service HQs have requirements
to be ready to operate either as a JTF HQ or as the JTF’s Service component for a
contingency. One possible way to push proficiency in JOPP and operational design to
lower levels is to require the members of all Service HQs designated as “JTF-capable” or
as the primary Service component HQs of a joint force to meet minimum standards in
JOPP proficiency.
will lead the operational design effort to be trained as facilitators in processes and tools
that encourage critical and creative thinking.
4. Conclusion
b. Design ideas are already having a positive effect in the joint community. A
number of Service doctrine publications incorporate design ideas, and JP 5-0 has
significantly improved joint doctrine’s discussion of operational design and its interaction
with JOPP. Some organizations use aspects of design in current operations. Nonetheless,
most problems, particularly those that are ill-defined, are not solved by the military
instrument alone, so still ahead is the challenge of collaborating on design processes and
initiatives with our interorganizational partners. This handbook, as well as initiatives
cited above, should stimulate further refinement of joint doctrine, education, and training
and the application of operational design in joint operations.
Chapter X
Intentionally Blank
“Any attempt to reform the university without attending to the system of which it
is an integral part is like trying to do urban renewal in New York City from the
twelfth story up.”
This appendix contains two sections to help analysts think about how to analyze and
depict systems in the operational environment. Section A discusses one alternative for
how JIPOE analysts can provide a systems “visualization” to support a JFC’s counterdrug
operations in a hypothetical narcotics scenario. Section B contains six charts that list
typical PMESII subsystems.
1. Overview
When the US conducts combat operations, the impact of those operations is rarely
confined to a single country. In many cases, there are implications that cross regional
PMESII systems and subsystems, and could have global impact as well. Likewise in
operations such as counterdrug, combating terrorism, and counterinsurgency, the
adversary typically will act in ways and within networks that cross nation-state borders.
In fact, these networks can have a significant influence on the traditional, established
nation-state and regional systems. For example, a terrorist network can commit terrorist
acts in three countries, have a safe haven and base of operations in a fourth country, and
receive supplies and other aid from a fifth country.
Appeendix A
b Figure A-1:
b. A In this region of thhe commandeer’s AOR, oppium is usedd as a form of o
microofinance. Oftften, farmers X will takee loans, occassionally of goods-in-kind
g , based on thhe
promiise to grow op pium and reppay the loan withw the produuced opium. This may alloow a farmer to t
get thhrough a partiicularly harshh winter or obbtain particullarly expensivve things (car, house, wiffe,
etc…)). Socially, there
t is a cleaar prohibitionn against the production
p off illicit narcottics and almost
all faarmers recognnize and agreee with the prohibition.
p However, most
m opium farmers
f simplly
cannoot ignore the economic
e reallities of opiumm farming. Inn many cases, the opium broker
b also wiill
usiness that allso deals in oppium in the loocal bazaar Y.
run a legitimate bu
c. Figure A-2:
A The J-2 knows that the
t real moneey-making steep in the narcotics system is
the coonversion of opium
o to herooin. Opium isi valuable ass an ingrediennt of heroin. The opium is
conveerted to heroiin in labs Z. The term “lab” meanss any place the t precursorrs, opium, annd
chemiists are. No o sophisticateed tools are required.
r A lab may be a simple huut. Precursoor
chemiicals must be smuggled innto country annd can be obtaained either directly
d from the
t smugglin
netwoorks [ or offten at local bazaars Y. While there are legitimaate uses for many m precursoor
chemiicals worldwiide, none exiist in country. “Chemistss” \ are the people with the t knowledgge
of howw to convert opium into heroin.
h The J-2
J knows thaat these are not n chemists inn any Westerrn
sense. Many havee no idea abouut chemistry at all, and maay even be illliterate. Theyy do, howeveer,
knoww the “recipe” to convert oppium to heroinn, which is a limited skill in
i the region.
e A-2. Narco
otics Network Analysis – 2
Appeendix A
d Figure A-3:
d. A There is little narcottics use in coountry (given the extreme poverty, therre
wouldd be little pro
ofit in that maarket). Thereffore, heroin has
h to be smuuggled to overrseas marketts
]. Narco-barons
N s ^, typicallyy based in-coountry, are keyy individuals who control vast segments
of thee country’s naarcotics tradee and have access to massiive wealth (probably 100ss of millions to t
billionns of US dolllars). Many have
h sizable personal
p milittias. They arre the primaryy profit makerrs
from the sale of naarcotics oversseas. Haji Baashir Noorzaii (currently inn US custodyy awaiting triaal
in USS District Couurt) was a shoowcase exampple of a narcoo-baron. Theiir primary meeans of gettinng
money from the overseas’
o marrkets is throuugh banks _ and the usee of the hawaala `. Narcoo-
baronns may also exert direct coontrol over thhe smuggling networks [, certain “cheemists” \, thhe
labs Z, and opium m brokers Y. Additionallly, by using their immense wealth narco-barons arre
often able to obtainn political prootection from local and nattional politiciians a.
e A-3. Narco
otics Network Analysis – 3
e. Figure A-4:
A Currennt intelligence supports the t conclusioon that the Taliban [thhe
insurggents (11)] beenefits indirecctly from the narcotics tradde. The Talibban almost ceertainly obtainns
funds by “taxing” farmers X annd opium brookers Y in arreas where it has a strong presence.
p Thhe
Talibaan also probaably receives sizeable conttributions from m narco-baroons ^. This maym be a form m
of prootection paymments, but naarco-barons may m also seekk to perpetuaate the lack of o enforcemennt
enableed by the con ntinuing instaability created by Talibann operations. Also, the saame smugglinng
netwoorks [ respo onsible for mooving narcotiics out of couuntry also aree likely respoonsible for thhe
“backkflow” movem ment of arms and personneel into countryy, directly bennefiting the Taliban.
f. As intellligence analysts have been refining their underrstanding of the narcoticcs
netwoork, they havee been considdering how beest to create thhe commandeer’s desired effect—that
e thhe
insurgent organizzation does not n receive fu unding from the narcoticss trade. Anaalysts concludde
that thhe nodes andd links directlyy related to the
t conversionn of opium too heroin are important,
i annd
that thhe country’s labs and theiir chemists arre key to the entire system m. Perhaps oppium could be b
smugggled out of country
c and thhe conversionn could occuur at labs in other
o countriees. But this is
muchh more difficu ult for the opiium brokers, and severelyy reduces the profitability of narcotics in i
counttry. Since th he conversionn occurs in thhe labs, attackking them direectly could afffect the entirre
systemm. But thesee makeshift laabs are transiient (where thhe right peopple and materrial are presennt
for brrief periods), and
a may be tooo difficult too identify andd interdict.
e A-4. Narco
otics Network Analysis – 4
Appeendix A
g Figure A-5:
g. A How then can the joint force affect a the abiility of the laabs to conveert
opiumm to heroin? The J-2 idenntifies three faactors that coould limit lab operations. First, the joinnt
force can work wiith the host country
c to intterdict the suupply of opiuum (X and Y) to the labs.
ng the precurrsors (Y andd [) is likelyy to have a significant im
Seconnd, interdictin mpact on labs.
Thirdd, the knowleddge of how too convert opiuum to heroin is t chemists, so Identifyingg,
i limited to the
locating, and conffining a sufficcient numberr of chemists \ should haave a huge im mpact on labs.
Succeess in these th
hree areas shhould limit heeroin production and movement overseeas, reduce thhe
amouunt available in
i overseas markets,
m and reduce
r or elim
minate the floow of money to the Talibaan
from the sale of narcotics.
n Thhe J-2 also asssesses that thhe given the wide-rangingg influence thhe
narco-barons ^ ex xert on the narcotics
n tradde, interdictinng them direcctly also is likkely to have a
signifficant impact on the systemm. Since thee labs and thee chemists aree commonly co-located
c annd
vital to the produuction of herooin, the J-2 designates thhem as key nodes n in thee network (seee
discusssion of key nodes
n in Chappter IV).
e A-5. Narco
otics Network Analysis – 5
h Figure A-6:
h. A Collabooration between the J-2, J--5, and other selected stafff members haas
increaased as the J-2J develops a more exteensive undersstanding of how h the narccotics networrk
functiions. In partiicular, the J--5 becomes fully
f involved at the poinnt of consideering potentiaal
diplom matic, informmational, milittary, and econnomic (DIME E) actions thaat can influencce the networrk
to create the com mmander’s desired
d effecct. The com mbatant com mmand’s joinnt interagenccy
coorddination group p likely willl participate in this proceess. The prrocess will evolve
e later to
develoopment of potential
p COA As and a cooncept of opperations, buut the presennt focus is on o
identiifying discrette actions aggainst specifiic nodes in the t system. Once the J-2 briefs thhe
particcipants, this crross-functional group idenntifies a numbber of possiblee actions.
(1) Diplomatic. Appply pressure against polittical leaders a to cease their politicaal
o-barons; sharre informationn with internaational banks _.
protecction of narco
(2) Infoormational. Target opiuum farmers X with puublic affairs messages annd
mation operattions to influeence them to accept
inform a alternaative income for
f the opium
m crop.
(3) Military. Captuure and arrestt narco-baronns ^; capturre chemists \ and destrooy
labs Z;
Z interdict sm
muggling nettworks [ to cut
c flow of prrecursors.
Appendix A
i. The J-5 can now develop alternative COAs based on the J-2’s systems analysis and an
understanding of potential actions against various nodes. Interagency collaboration during COA
development is essential in this example, because the feasibility (and thus the validity) of a COA
may depend on the agreement and capability of one or more agencies to execute specific tasks.
The J-5 also must consider potential undesired effects. For example, the income alternative for
opium farmers and brokers must be achievable, or they will lose operating capital and their
livelihood, perhaps turning them against the larger coalition effort.
1. Introduction
a. Figures A-7 through A-12 in this section depict typical PMESII systems and
some of the many subsystems in each. Understanding the composition and interaction of
systems relevant to the joint operation at hand will help the JFC and staff determine how
best to set the right conditions to achieve objectives and accomplish the mission. The
composition of relevant systems will vary from country to country and from operation to
operation. As the examples in Section A demonstrate, some systems will be
“transnational” rather than purely “nation-state” in nature. Awareness of these variations
from operation to operation will help the JFC avoid the creation of undesired effects.
b. The figures are not comprehensive and are not intended as predictive tools.
They reflect only a basic relationship of some subsystems to others. Actual relationships
can be extremely complex, confusing, and ambiguous. In underdeveloped countries the
subsystems may function largely on informal relationships that are difficult to map.
2. A Political System
The political system is comprised of the central and local governments, political
organizations (including political parties and interest groups), and regional/international
actors who receive and process political system demands (see Figure A-7). Examples of
considerations for analysis include:
• Sense of
o national iddentity to incclude strengtths or weaknnesses
• The con
nstitutional basis
b for govvernment
• Assessm
ment of the quality
q of goovernance
• Role eth
hnic and reliigious groups play in govvernment
Figure A-7. Political
P Sub
• Strength
h of politicall influence on
o the militarry
Appeendix A
3. A Military System
• Military
y role in the developmennt of nationall strategy
4. A Econom
An mic System
• Agriculture base.
• Econom
mic relationnship with other counntries and with
w internaational tradde
(imports, exports annd the balancce of paymennts)
• Health of
o domestic markets
• Opportu
unities availaable for peopple to borrow
w money or own businessses
Appeendix A
• Relation
nship with the countrry to foreiggn investors and the internationaal
commun nity for foreign aid and debt
d relief
• Labor force
fo - skilledd and fully employed
5. A Social Sysstem
• Cohesio
on of socio-rreligious grooups
• Availab
bility of foodd and medicaal supplies
• Types and
a extent off crime
• Toleran
nce for religious freedom
6. A Infrastru
An ucture Systeem
Primary sub
P bsystems of an infrastrructure systeem include: utilities, trransportationn,
indusstry, and pubblic facilities (see Figurre A-11). Reesearch is deedicated to the
t discoverry
of relationships
r s, dependenncies, and vulnerabilities withinn and acrross variouus
infrasstructure sub
bsystems. Coonsiderations for analysiis include:
ure A-11. Inffrastructure Subsystems
S s
Appeendix A
• Utility network
n whicch supports industry andd the populattion
• Sufficien
ncy of waterr and wastew
water facilities
• Contribu
ution of induustrial facilitties to the ecconomy and national selff-sufficiencyy
7. A Informa
An ation System
Research is dedicated tot the exam mination of an a informatiion system in regards to t
nationnal objectiv
ves, communnication cappabilities, annd operationns in supporrt of a focuus
area. Primary sub bsystems incclude: globaal informatioon, national information, and defensse
mation netw
inform works (see Figure
F A-122). Essentiaal subsystemms must be identified annd
assessments mad de as to the relative
r valuee essential suubsystems provide
p to thhe system as a
whole. Considerrations for annalysis incluude:
• Location
n of critical communicat
c tions facilitiees
gure A-12. In
nformation Subsystems
Appendix A
Intentionally Blank
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning
is indispensable.”
1. Introduction
b. Commanders and planners can use operational design and its intellectual tools
(design elements) when planning any joint operation, from simple to complex.
Operational design begins when the commander anticipates or receives a
requirement to plan an operation, and it continues throughout planning and
execution. Design should produce the conceptual linkage of the operation’s ends, ways,
and means. Commanders and planners use various elements of operational design —
intellectual tools that help them visualize the arrangement of joint capabilities in time,
space, and purpose to accomplish the mission. Earlier chapters discussed elements such
as lines of operations and effort, end state, and objective. This appendix provides more
information on center of gravity, decisive point, and direct and indirect approach—three
elements also important early in mission analysis to understanding the operational
environment and developing a broad operational approach.
2. Center of Gravity
a. One of the most important tasks confronting the JFC’s staff during planning is
identifying and analyzing friendly and adversary COGs. A COG is a source of power that
provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act. It is what
Clausewitz called “the hub of all power and movement, on which everything
depends…the point at which all our energies should be directed.” An objective is always
linked to a COG. There may also be different COGs at different levels, but they should be
nested. At the strategic level, a COG could be a military force, an alliance, political or
military leaders, a set of critical capabilities or functions, or national will. At the
operational level, a COG often is associated with the adversary’s military capabilities—
such as a powerful element of the armed forces—but could include other capabilities in
The information in this appendix comes from the JP 5-0, August 2011.
Appendix B
c. The COG construct is useful as an analytical tool to help JFCs and staffs analyze
friendly and adversary sources of strength as well as weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
This process cannot be taken lightly, since a faulty conclusion resulting from a poor or
hasty analysis can have very serious consequences, such as the inability to achieve
strategic and operational objectives at an acceptable cost. The selection of COGs is not
solely a static process by the J-2 during JIPOE. Planners must continually analyze and
refine COGs due to actions taken by friendly forces and the adversary’s reactions to those
actions. Figure B-1 shows a number of characteristics that may be associated with a
e. Understanding the relationship among COGs not only permits but also compels
greater precision in thought and expression in operational design. Planners should
analyze COGs within a framework of three critical factors—capabilities, requirements,
and vulnerabilities—to aid in this understanding. Critical capabilities are those that are
considered crucial enablers for a COG to function as such, and are essential to the
accomplishment of the adversary’s assumed objective(s). Critical requirements are the
conditions, resources, and means that enable a critical capability to become fully
operational. Critical vulnerabilities are those aspects or components of critical
requirements that are deficient or vulnerable to direct or indirect attack in a manner
achieving decisive or significant results. In general, a JFC must possess sufficient
operational reach and combat power or other relevant capabilities to take advantage of an
adversary’s critical vulnerabilities while protecting friendly critical capabilities within the
operational reach of an adversary.
f. When identifying friendly and adversary critical vulnerabilities, the JFC and
staff will understandably want to focus their efforts against the critical vulnerabilities that
will do the most decisive damage to an adversary’s COG. However, in selecting those
critical vulnerabilities, planners must also compare their criticality with their
accessibility, vulnerability, redundancy, ability to recuperate, and impact on the civilian
populace, and then balance those factors against friendly capabilities to affect those
vulnerabilities. The JFC’s goal is to seek opportunities aggressively to apply force against
an adversary in as vulnerable an aspect as possible, and in as many dimensions as
possible. In other words, the JFC seeks to undermine the adversary’s strength by
exploiting adversary vulnerabilities while protecting friendly vulnerabilities from
adversaries attempting to do the same.
Appendix B
Otherwise, they may fall into the trap of ascribing to an adversary attitudes, values, and
reactions that mirror their own.
h. Before solidifying COGs into the plan, planners should analyze and test the
validity of the COGs. The defeat, destruction, neutralization, or substantial weakening of
a valid COG should cause an adversary to change its COA or prevent an adversary from
achieving its strategic objectives. If analysis and/or wargaming show that this does not
occur, then perhaps planners have misidentified the COG, and they must revise their
COG and critical factors analysis. The conclusions, while critically important to the
planning process itself, must be tempered with continuous evaluations and reassessments
because derived COGs and critical vulnerabilities are subject to change at any time
during the campaign or operation. Accordingly, JFCs and their subordinates should be
alert to circumstances during execution that may cause derived COGs and critical
vulnerabilities to change and adjust friendly plans and operations accordingly.
friendly vulnerabilities, the supported commander must decide how, when, where, and
why friendly military forces are (or might become) vulnerable to hostile actions and then
plan accordingly. The supported commander must achieve a balance between
prosecuting the main effort and protecting critical capabilities and vulnerabilities in the
OA to protect friendly COGs.
For more information on COGs and the systems perspective, see JP 2-01.3,
Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment.
3. Decisive Point
b. The most important decisive points can be determined from analysis of critical
factors. Understanding the relationship between a COG’s critical capabilities,
requirements, and vulnerabilities can illuminate direct and indirect approaches to the
COG. It is likely that most of these critical factors will be decisive points, which should
then be further addressed in the planning process.
c. There may often be cases where the JFC’s combat power and other capabilities
will be insufficient to affect the adversary’s COGs rapidly with a single action. In this
situation, the supported JFC must selectively focus a series of actions against the
adversary’s critical vulnerabilities until the cumulative effects of these actions lead to
mission success. Just as a combined arms approach is often the best way to attack an
enemy field force in the military system, attacking several vulnerable points in other
systems may offer an effective method to influence an enemy COG. The indirect
approach may offer the most effective method to exploit adversary critical vulnerabilities
through the identification of decisive points. Although decisive points are usually not
COGs, they are the keys to attacking or protecting them.
Appendix B
c. At the strategic level, indirect methods of defeating the adversary’s COG could
include depriving the adversary of allies or friends, emplacing sanctions, weakening the
national will to fight by undermining the public support for war, and breaking up
cohesion of adversary alliances or coalitions.
Appendix B
Intentionally Blank
NOTE TO THE READER: The following paper is reproduced in its entirety with
permission of the author.
August 2008
The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not reflect the official
policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S.
Appendix C
“Most Army schools open with the standard bromide: We are not going to teach
you what to think…we are going to teach you how to think. They rarely do.”2
In the post Cold War security environment many senior leaders in the Army and
throughout the Department of Defense have asserted a need to develop better critical
thinking skills.3 The requirement for better critical thinkers stems from a realization that
the complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity characteristic of the current environment
mandates a need to refrain from Cold-War thinking methodologies and assumptions. As
the epigraphs (above) suggest, there is a large gap between the Army’s desire to develop
critical thinking skills and what actually happens. This gap is due not only to a general
lack of understanding of what critical thinking is, but also a lack of education by both
faculty and Army leadership on how to develop critical thinkers.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of critical thinking and then make
suggestions for how the Army can close the gap between the need to develop critical
thinkers and what is actually happening. This paper is not just for Training and Doctrine
Command (TRADOC) organizations; rather, it is to serve leaders throughout the Army in
their efforts to develop their own critical thinking skills, while creating a climate that
develops the same skills in their subordinates. This document is a user’s guide to critical
thinking. Most of the contexts, examples, and recommendations are Army-centric,
although everything in this paper is applicable to all military services and governmental
One of the main impediments to the robust understanding and use of critical
thinking, both inside and outside the military, centers on a lack of a common definition.
No one discipline owns the construct. Most of the material about critical thinking derives
from philosophy, education, and psychology.4 There are, however, competing schools of
Association of the United States Army, Torchbearer National Security Report (Arlington, Virginia:
Institute of Land Warfare, Association of the United States Army, March 2005), 21.
BG David A. Fastabend and Mr. Robert H. Simpson, “Adapt or Die” The Imperative for a Culture of
Innovation in the United States Army,” Army Magazine, February 2004, 20.
Association of the United States Army, 21.
Susan C. Fischer and V. Alan Spiker, Critical Thinking Training for Army Officers: Volume One: A
Model of Critical Thinking (Alexandria, Virginia: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and
Social Sciences, May 2004), 3.
thought on what critical thinking is and how to best develop it. In most cases a
multidisciplinary assessment of a topic leads to a richer body of research, however, in the
case of critical thinking it seems to have led to competing and incomplete views of the
topic. My goal is not to evaluate various views of critical thinking. Instead, I hope to
provide a guide with which to enhance an individual’s critical thinking skills.
As a starting point, I will use Diane Halpern’s broad definition of critical thinking as
a foundation: “Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that
increase the probability of a desirable outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is
purposeful, reasoned, and goal directed.”5 In essence, critical thinking is about
improving one’s judgment. Whether we are evaluating the information on a power point
slide in a Pentagon briefing, reading a newspaper article, or participating in a discussion
with an Iraqi mayor, critical thinking is the deliberate, conscious, and appropriate
application of reflective skepticism. Some Army leaders refer to the “critical” in critical
thinking as mere fault finding with either a conclusion or the process by which a
conclusion was reached. Fault finding is not what critical thinking entails. The word
“critical” really has to do with purposeful, reflective and careful evaluation of
information as a way to improve one’s judgment.
The question is, “How do we develop these judgment skills in Army leaders?” One
way is to teach logic and reasoning skills that are typically the focus of philosophy.
Another way is to emphasize questioning and self-reflection skills that are usually the
focus of education and psychology.6 Additionally, there are generally two schools of
thought on how to develop critical thinking skills: context-free and context-dependent.
Context-free development focuses upon teaching critical thinking skills irrespective of
any specific subject. Context-dependent development centers on teaching the same skills
but with a particular field of study. Based on my experience at the War College, I think
the best way to teach critical thinking skills to military leaders is to provide context-
dependent skill development that incorporates both the critical reasoning contributions of
philosophy with the questioning and self-reflection focus from the fields of education and
Therefore, I argue that critical thinking skills are best developed by: (1) providing
knowledge from a multidisciplinary perspective about critical thinking skills, (2)
practicing the application of these skills in a context-dependent setting under the purview
of a facilitator or knowledgeable leader, and (3) creating a healthy environment, in both
TRADOC schools and organizational units, that encourages and motivates a desire to
routinely apply critical thinking skills to important issues. The next section of this paper
describes a general model that serves as a starting point for developing a lexicon, context,
Diane F. Halpern, Thought & Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking, 4th ed. (Mahway, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003), 6.
A good example of this perspective is presented in: Richard Paul and Linda Elder, Critical Thinking,
Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001),
Appendix C
and mental template for the development and application of critical thinking for
developing strategic leaders.
This paper provides a model and accompanying terminology to inform the military
community of a way to look at critical thinking. Whether in a lunchtime conversation
with a friend about democracy in the Middle East, or developing courses of action in Iraq
within the structure of the military decision making process (MDMP) a well-developed
critical thinker will mentally ensure his thought process is not proceeding down the road
without due application of reflective skepticism. Renowned critical thinking experts Paul
and Elder assert:
The model offered here is a derivative of the Paul and Elder model, with significant
additions and clarifications centered in the ‘evaluation of information’ element. The
elements of the model are:
Ibid, XX.
As the brigade commander thinks about how to reduce civilian deaths, he will be
much more effective if he reasons within the framework of some critical thinking model.
The critical thinking model presented is not meant to be a completely sequential process.
As mentioned earlier, it is a derivative of the elements of reasoning presented by Paul and
Elder.8 Although the model starts with the element CLARIFY CONCERN, the model is
not necessarily linear. It is more important that critical thinkers process information and
reason within the vocabulary of the model, than it is that they rigorously adhere to the
model in any lock-step systematic pattern. This point will be made clearer later.
The model portrayed in Figure C-1 will be discussed in detail throughout the
remainder of the paper. There are, however, some points that require highlighting. First,
Ibid, 52.
For a good discussion on automatic versus controlled processing, see Robert G. Lord and Karen J. Maher,
“Cognitive Theory in Industrial and Organizational Psychology,” in Handbook of Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, ed. Marvin D. Dunnette and Leaetta M. Hough, (Palo Alto: Consulting
Psychologists Press, 1991).
Appendix C
the clouds in the center, POINT OF VIEW, ASSUMPTIONS, and INFERENCES, are
meant to demonstrate that this is generally a non-linear model. Your ASSUMPTIONS,
for instance, will affect whether you perceive an issue to be worthy of critical thinking
and your POINT OF VIEW will impact how you define the boundaries of the issues.
Although there are arrows going from CLARIFY CONCERN to EVALUATE
INFORMATION (implying linearity), there is also a reciprocal arrow going in the
reverse direction to suggest that as you are EVALUATING INFORMATION, you may
end up redefining the concern. If, for example, you are seeking to CLARIFY CONCERN
regarding some inappropriate behavior by your teenage son or daughter, the
EVALUATION OF INFORMATION may indicate that the “real” issue has to do more
with the nature of the relationship between you and your child than the actual behavior
prompting initial concern. The non-linear nature of the model will be more evident as you
read about the components.
The model starts with an individual perceiving some stimulus. As mentioned before,
we oftentimes respond to the stimulus by defaulting to our known view of the world,
which is an “automatic” response. In most cases, the automatic mode is appropriate and
the perceiver should proceed to make a decision, use judgment, etc. However, if the
topic is complex, has important implications, or there is a chance that strong personal
views on the issue might lead to biased reasoning, then thinking critically about the issue
makes good sense.
A critical element, and often the first step, in critical thinking methodology is to
CLARIFY the CONCERN. For anyone familiar with the Paul and Elder model, this
element is an aggregation of their elements: Purpose and Central Problem.10 This is not
as straightforward as it seems.
Paul and Elder, 103.
Stimulus Feedback
Argument Impact of
Analysis Biases and
The problem or issue needs to be identified and clarified up front, yet consistently
revisited as other elements of the model are considered. The term ‘concern’ is preferred
over the term ‘problem’ because a critical thinker must be proactive as well as reactive.
In many cases, the critical thinker will encounter information that causes him to identify
related or subsequent issues that should be addressed. A critical thinker ensures that he
has considered the complexities of the problem at hand and focused his mental energy
appropriately. An assessment needs to determine whether the concern has unidentified
root causes or unaddressed sub-components. A critical thinker must ensure that the
problem or issue is not framed in a way that unduly limits response options. A phrase
often asked by leaders that exemplifies their attempt to CLARIFY the CONCERN is,
“what are we trying to accomplish here (e.g., at a meeting, during a situation, etc.)?”
In the case of the new brigade commander in Iraq, a cursory attempt at concern
clarification would probably conclude the concern is that the average number of civilians
killed over the last two months is much higher than anywhere else in country. From a
critical thinking perspective, however, the brigade commander should also be asking
questions like, “Where are the data coming from? Are there other motivations for the
people presenting the data that may be improperly framing the issue? Is there a more
systemic issue or problem that has caused this increase in deaths that needs to be
addressed before we focus on the IED/VBIED attacks?” As an example, at a War
College presentation by a General Officer returning from Iraq, the General described a
situation in which his command, in an effort to identify the root causes of attacks in their
area of operation, eventually figured out that there was a strong inverse correlation
Appendix C
between functioning civil infrastructure such as electrical power, sewer, and water
service and the number of attacks in that sector. As a result, in an effort to improve
stability, the unit focused on civil infrastructure improvement as well as offensive
military operations.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier, as the brigade commander thinks about the other
elements in the model (e.g., ASSUMPTIONS, INFERENCES, EVALUATION OF
INFORMATION), he needs to revisit the CLARIFY CONCERN step to ensure that the
correct issue is being addressed. For instance, while conducting an evaluation of
information, the brigade commander might realize that while the average number of
deaths has increased in the last two months, this high average is driven by only two
significant attacks when VBIEDs exploded near buses. In fact, the actual number of
attacks had decreased significantly. This evaluation of information from a critical
thinking standpoint might lead to a re-labeling the concern from “how to reduce the
average number of civilian deaths in the AO” to “how to reduce the number of VBIED
attacks in populated areas or how to protect the civilian population from terrorist attack.”
Each has a unique answer. For complex questions, we want to limit the scope of a
problem to be addressed – or, at least, to be very deliberate that we are scoping correctly.
Another element of the critical thinking model is POINT OF VIEW. Paul and Elder
posit that, “Whenever we reason, we must reason within some point of view or frame of
reference. Critical thinkers strive to adopt a point of view that is fair to others, even to
opposing points of view.”11 Assessing an issue from alternative points of view is
sometimes difficult for War College students. By the time an accomplished lieutenant
colonel or colonel has reached this level, they are sometimes inclined to believe that they
have figured out how the world works, and, moreover, that their view is correct. Many
would argue that our General Officer community is prone to the same myopia. Good
critical thinkers, however, do their best to recognize their own point of view, and to
consider and even understand and empathize with the view of others on an issue.
Empathy is not a characteristic of “soft leaders;” rather, it is a characteristic of smart,
thoughtful, and reflective leaders. The more an infantry battalion commander can put
himself in the shoes of the town mayor, the greater the likelihood that his decisions will
be successful from not only a U.S. standpoint, but from an Iraqi or Afghanistan
perspective as well. This congruence will enable long-term solutions and build respect
and trust that is absolutely critical in the contemporary operating environment. Noted
leadership developer Bruce Avolio asserts, “Leadership development is fundamentally a
shift in perspective…The shift occurs when you stop to reflect on an opponent’s view to
fully understand how he or she can believe the position he or she has taken and then
refused to move from that position.”12
As we attempt to empathize with the viewpoint of others our own self awareness
becomes increasingly important. Leaders need to be self-aware of the egocentric
Ibid, 98.
Bruce J. Avolio, Leadership Development in Balance (Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
2005), 77.
tendencies that are probably the most significant barrier to effective critical thinking.13
Egocentrism is a tendency to regard oneself and one’s own opinions or interests as most
important. Military officers, for instance, are typically very successful individuals who
have a wide range of interests. From academics to sports, leadership jobs to hobbies, a
typical officer has in most cases been hand-picked for military commissioning and
advancement based on a track record of success. Therefore, typical military leaders have
exceptional confidence with respect to both who they are and the validity, accuracy, and
correctness of their views. This confidence is a critical ingredient in making them
effective leaders who motivate, guide, and care for America’s sons and daughters. This
enhanced confidence only increases as rank and responsibility progress because the
senior leaders have been continuously rewarded for their judgment and decision-making.
Unfortunately, as we see at the War College on a daily basis, this constant positive
reinforcement, in the form of promotion and selection for key billets, in some cases
encourages an absolutist frame of reference within an overly narrow point of view. As
mentioned earlier, seasoned faculty will assert that some War College students routinely
think that they have figured out how the world works and they are exceedingly confident
that their view is correct. This egocentric leaning tends to insulate leaders with regard to
their actual thinking processes and often presents a significant obstacle to empathizing
with and considering the viewpoint of others. In previous years War College students
have had a negative emotional response to this assertion. It is important to highlight that
I am not claiming that egoism (extreme selfishness or self-importance) underlies strategic
leader thought, but that egocentrism (believing your mental models of the world are the
correct ones) is a natural phenomenon, is routinely found in War College students (and
faculty), and is a barrier to good thinking.
Maybe an example will help highlight the subtle, yet important, influence of
egocentric thinking. In an recent “advice to readers” type column in the newspaper a 16-
year-old girl wrote a letter saying that she was in love and wanted to know if a 16-year-
old can actually be in love. In response to this column’s response to the girl that stated
she should wait a few years before committing to marriage, an 86-year-old man wrote
back and said that he had met his wife when he was 16 and that they had been happily
married for 70 years. He therefore asserted that the girl should ignore the advice
columnist’s response to “wait a few years.” This is a great example of the impact of
egocentric thinking. As you can probably infer, the 86-year-old man provided his advice
in good faith and probably thinks it is the best advice since it is what he did. His advice
is not based on any egotistic tendencies or feelings of self-importance. However, a quick
review of the poverty and quality-of-life statistics for girls who get married at 16 will
quickly show that, on average, this girl would be making a drastic mistake to get married
at age 16. This elderly man let his egocentric tendencies get in the way of good critical
thinking (e.g., evaluating the information and understanding the high risks of a teenage
Paul and Elder describe several egocentric tendencies that are relatively common in
military culture. Egocentric memory is a natural tendency to forget information that does
Paul and Elder, 214.
Appendix C
not support our line of thinking. Egocentric myopia refers to thinking within an overly
narrow point of view. Egocentric righteousness describes a tendency to feel superior
based on the belief that one has actually figured out how the world works. Egocentric
blindness is the natural tendency not to notice facts and evidence that contradict what we
believe or value. 14 In an interesting study from the 1960s related to egocentric blindness
researchers provided smokers and nonsmokers a taped speech that discussed the strong
relationship between smoking and cancer. As the subjects listened to the taped speech a
large amount of static was present in the audio recording. The subjects in the experiment
could reduce the static by pressing a button, at which time the message became easier to
understand. The results showed that smokers were less likely to press the button to
reduce static than nonsmokers. In fact, the greater the amount of cigarettes smoked, the
less the smokers pushed the static button. Similarly, nonsmokers did not reduce the static
as much as a smoker when the message in the tape conveyed that smoking was not
hazardous to your health. This experiment supports the assertion that individuals tend to
ignore information that is in dissonance with already held beliefs. As you progress
through your War College year, be sensitized to the tendency to ignore, or not listen to,
ideas that are in opposition to your own. Challenge yourself to “push the static reduction
button” when you are presented information that is contrary to the opinions you have
developed throughout your life.15
Ibid, 234.
Brock, Timothy C., and Balloun Joe L., “Behavioral Receptivity to Dissonant Information.” Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 6 (1967): 413-28.
Ibid 233.
Anne Thomson, Critical Reasoning: A practical introduction, 2nd ed. (New York: Routledge, 2002), 44.
granted.18 Within the scope of critical thinking, however, the concept of an assumption
is somewhat different than that which we use to provide boundaries in the military
decision making process. As critical thinkers, we need to be aware of the beliefs we hold
to be true that have formed from what we have previously learned and no longer
question.19 We typically process information based on assumptions about the way the
world works that are ingrained in our psyche and typically operate below the level of
consciousness. We have assumptions about fat people, late people, blonde women, and
barking dogs. These are sometimes referred to as mental models or schemas. The
brigade commander in Iraq makes inferences, forms opinions, and makes decisions that
are largely rooted in his assumptions about cause-effect relationships with respect to the
way the world works. He probably has assumptions about the way people should
interact, about what a good leader looks like, about how a typical town should appear (in
terms of organization and cleanliness), and about how responsible an individual is for
what happens in his or her life. All of these assumptions and many more will affect his
judgment with respect to possible courses of action for dealing with increased civilian
casualties. The arrows in the model show that assumptions influence all aspects of the
model: our Point of View, Inferences, whether we decide a problem is worthy of critical
thinking, and many other components of our thought processes. The more in touch an
individual is with his assumptions, the more effective a critical thinker he will be.
If our focal BCT commander, for example, assumes that the primary cause of most
of the problems in Iraq is a lack of willingness by the populace to affect a solution, he
will evaluate the efficacy of courses of action with this assumption in mind. He might
not support any course of action that relies on the Iraqis. Whether or not this is an
accurate assumption is, in fact, irrelevant. What matters is that the brigade commander
implicitly draws upon his assumptions as part of the critical thinking process. More
importantly, the brigade commander needs to create a command climate where
subordinates feel they can surface and question assumptions they believe are relevant to
the concern at hand. Peter Senge in his seminal book The Fifth Discipline highlights the
importance of dialogue, as opposed to discussion, in a learning organization. He posits,
“In dialogue, a group explores complex difficult issues from many points of view.
Individuals suspend their assumptions but they communicate their assumptions freely.”20
In order to suspend assumptions, leaders must first be aware of them. This reflective
self-inquiry, in relation to a specific concern, is extremely important in the critical
thinking process, as is the creation of a climate in which individuals feel free to
communicate their assumptions and to question others.
Ibid, 26.
Paul and Elder, 70.
Peter M. Senge, The Fifth Discipline (New York: Doubleday, 1990), 241.
Appendix C
Critical thinkers strive to become adept at making sound inferences.22 Ask yourself,
“What are the key inferences made in this article, presentation, etc.?” Then ask yourself
if the inferences are justified, logical and follow from the evidence. Remembering the
earlier components of the model, obviously, inferences are heavily influenced by the
Point of View and Assumptions we bring to the issue. This explains why two officers
viewing the same power point slide, an information source, may come to completely
different conclusions in terms of what the data means or represents. An interesting
exercise I do at the War College to make this relationship more salient is to provide
students brief information, and then ask them to identify their inferences and underlying
assumptions. This exercise never fails to show that people make very different inferences
from the same stimulus, and as would be imagined, these inferences are based on very
diverse assumptions. Once these assumptions are identified, they, along with the
inferences, can be questioned, examined, and discussed.
Although many of the components of the critical thinking model derive from Paul
and Elder’s work, the essential strength of this paper, and my view of critical thinking,
focuses on how we evaluate information. This part of the paper is rooted in literature
dealing with managerial decision-making and philosophy. The following sections are not
meant to de-emphasize that, when evaluating information, critical thinkers need to assess
the validity of concepts, policies, information, evidence, and data; rather, I suggest that
this process needs to occur with the critical thinker alert to the impact of biases and
Paul and Elder, 70.
Ibid, 102.
The Military Decision Making Process is a rationally-based tool that usually leads to
an effective decision. As leaders, decision-making is a key characteristic of our job
description and it carries a significant burden for evaluating mounds of data and
information, preparing creative alternatives for evaluation, and then prioritizing and
weighting assessment criteria capable of identifying the best decision. Effective officers
recognize that decision making is one of those challenges that benefits from critical
MDMP and any rational decision making model are typically rooted in several
assumptions. First, the model assumes that the problem or goal is clearly definable.
Second, the information that is required to make a decision is available or can be
acquired. Third, there is an expectation that all options generated can be adequately
considered, compared, and evaluated to identify an optimal solution. Fourth, the
environment is presumed to be relatively stable and predictable, and finally, there is
sufficient time for working through the decision making processes. Much research has
been conducted on how people actually make decisions, especially under circumstances
of high pressure, short timeframes, and with ambiguous, unpredictable information.
Nobel laureate Herbert Simon23 proposed the term “bounded rationality” to describe the
condition in which the limitations just noted cause decision makers to make seemingly
irrational decisions (or at a minimum, sub-optimized decisions that simply have to do
with negotiating constraints that restrict a fully rational framework. Such irrational
decisions typically result from a reliance on intuitive biases that overlook the full range of
possible consequences. Specifically, decision-makers rely on simplifying strategies, or
“general rules of thumb” called heuristics, as a mechanism for coping with decision
making in the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment.
Critical thinkers need to not only appreciate the framework for assessing their own
thinking, but also need to appreciate the heuristics that most people rely upon when
making decisions. The concept of heuristics relates strongly to the “automatic” mode of
cognitive thought described earlier.
Heuristics as aids to decision making are not bad; in fact, if we did not use heuristics
we would probably be paralyzed with inaction. As an example, you might have a
heuristic for which coat to wear to class each day. Your heuristic might be, “if there’s
frost on the car, I wear the parka.” Without this heuristic short cut, you would have to
Simon, Herbert A. Models of Man. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1957).
Appendix C
check the thermometer and compare it to a chart that prescribed the correct coat to wear
under certain temperature conditions. Heuristics help leaders to make good decisions
rapidly a significant proportion of the time. Unfortunately, however, heuristics also can
lead decision makers into making systematically biased mistakes. Cognitive bias occurs
when an individual inappropriately applies a heuristic when making a decision.24 As
critical thinkers, we need to be aware of cognitive biases in order to more effectively
evaluate information. In addition to the heuristics presented below, critical thinkers need
to assess whether the premises of the argument (yours or someone else’s) are true or
false, and may possibly lead to a fallacious argument or a wrong decision. Identifying
unacceptable, irrelevant, and insufficient premises serves to advantage critical thinkers in
evaluating arguments for fallaciousness.
Three general heuristics are typically described in the psychology and management
literature: (1) the availability heuristic, (2) the representativeness heuristic, and (3) the
anchoring and adjustment heuristic.25 Each is briefly elaborated below.
The availability heuristic acknowledges that people typically assess the likelihood of
an event by the ease with which examples of that event can be brought to mind.
Typically, people will recall events that are recent, vivid, or occur with high frequency.
This heuristic works well in most instances; however, a critical thinker needs to be aware
of the biases that result from expeditious process. For example, a Division Commander
doing Officer Efficiency Reports (OERs) on two equally capable battalion commanders
might be inclined to give the battalion commander who challenged him at the last Unit
Status Report (USR) a lower rating. The recentness and vividness of the challenge might
cause the Division Commander to overlook the impressive accomplishments of this
particular battalion commander and accord a rating that is actually inconsistent with the
officer’s performance. This would be, in effect, a poor decision.
Reconsider our brigade commander in Iraq. Imagine that on the morning prior to his
staff brief on possible courses of action to deal with the terrorist threat he has a
conversation with a brigade commander from a sister division. In that discussion the
other brigade commander mentions that the only successful way he’s been able to deal
with terrorist attacks is to increase his information operations campaign by providing
accurate information of terrorist attacks through the local mosque. The brigade
commander will then process information during the staff brief with the comments of the
sister brigade commander at the forefront of his thoughts. This may or may not lead to a
good decision. What is important is that the brigade commander understands this
tendency to process information within the context of like-situations that can be easily
recalled from memory. The environment and circumstances in his brigade sector may not
Max H. Bazerman, Judgment in Managerial Decision Making (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2002),
Ibid, 6-7.
be at all conducive to the same solution as in the sister brigade. Critical thinking and
self-reflection can help prevent this error.
At the strategic level, it’s easy to posit the influence of the availability heuristic in
the early years of American involvement in Vietnam. Decision makers had recent and
vivid impressions of the failure of appeasement in WWII and the success of Korea to
serve as a basis for imagining likely scenarios if the U.S. did, or did not, get involved in
Vietnam. In regards to decision making and Iraq, it could be argued that Americans
inappropriately applied the relatively peaceful conclusion to the Cold War and apparent
ease of democratic change in the Eastern-Bloc countries to the Middle East, where
democratic change will be anything but easy. This can be explained, at least in part, by
the availability heuristic.
Sample size bias occurs when decision-makers improperly generalize the reliability
of sample information. A War College student recently provided an example of this
tendency during a seminar discussion about the challenges returning soldiers from
combat face while assigned to Army Posts, out of harm’s way. The student asserted,
“When I was a lieutenant my battalion commander told me the story of Sergeant Smith,
who got the Medal of Honor in Vietnam, but was eventually discharged from the Army
because he received numerous punishments for misconduct in the 1970s. Let’s face it,
the tougher the warrior, the harder it is for them to adjust to peacetime.” In response to
this student’s assertion the rest of the Seminar nodded their heads. A critical thinker,
however, would have recognized (and raised the issue) that there are obviously many
tough warriors who transition to a peacetime Army and continue productive service to
their country. In the Abu Ghraib incident, many would argue that Congress, the
international community, and some of the American populace unfairly generalized the
behavior of a few soldiers to the entire American Army. From the other angle, we have
all seen the Commander’s Inquiry saying that the reason for the poor decision making by
the soldiers involved in the incident was due to lack of training. The net result is that six
months later the entire Army is sitting through chain teaching on one subject or another,
despite the fact that the actual incident was limited to a very small group of violators.
In our Iraq example, imagine a battalion commander briefing the brigade commander
and saying, “I placed our Raven Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) under the control of
the company commanders and yesterday it enabled us to take out three bad guys.” There
might be a tendency of the brigade commander to then recommend this solution to the
other battalions when, in fact, this success is based on one day and one event. If two
battalions had said they had tried this technique and that it had worked 15 or 20 times in
the last couple of weeks, then the sample size would have been large enough to conclude
that this was definitely a viable solution. Recognize, too, that this bias does not mean
that we should not try new techniques even if we have a small sample size; rather, it is
Appendix C
meant to highlight that there are significant risks that a critical thinker needs to be aware
of when generalizing a one-time incident to an entire population or environment.
In our Iraq scenario, the brigade S-3 might tell the commander that the previous
brigade conducted 15 patrols a day in the southern sector. Fifteen patrols will thus
become an anchor. The courses of action for dealing with the terrorist situation might,
therefore, include a recommendation to increase the number of patrols to 20 a day. A
Ibid, 27.
critical thinker, however, will realize that the 20/day recommendation is based on the
anchor of 15 from the previous unit. He would then ask “why 20; why not 60 or why not
4?” to force his staff to re-assess the troop to task requirements afresh.
If our Iraq brigade commander believes that the increase in attacks is due to guidance
from the local Imam, he (and probably his direct-reports) will have a tendency to search
for information that supports this perspective. He will also be inclined to discount
valuable information that might lead to another cause.
Appendix C
When a soldier comes late to work, our first thought is “that individual doesn’t care/is
incompetent, etc.” when in fact he or she could have a perfectly acceptable reason for
being late. At the strategic level, an example of this would be a conclusion that the
reason the critical negotiation failed is because General Jones blew it, as opposed to
attributing the failure to the large range of environmental conditions that were more
likely to have caused the failure.
Similarly, we are more likely to attribute our successes to internal factors and our
failures to external factors. This is the self-serving bias. When we ask our child why he
did poorly on a test, he responds that “the teacher asked questions that weren’t in the
book;” if we ask him how come he received an “A,” he’ll say “because I’m smart.”
Similarly, a person not selected for promotion is more likely to say, “The system is
broken,” than “I’m just an average performer.” In his book, Good to Great, Jim Collins
looks at those factors that allow good companies to turn into great companies.27 Collins
asserts that the leaders of the comparison companies (those that did not make the list of
great companies) tend to “look out the window for something or someone outside
themselves to blame for poor results, but would preen in front of the mirror and credit
themselves when things went well.”28 When processing issues and questions, critical
thinkers understand that the bias to accept responsibility for success while attributing
failure to other sources permeates human cognition (and again, this is related to
egocentric tendencies).
When we make an argument we offer reasons as to why others should accept our
view(s) or judgment. These reasons are called premises (sometimes evidence) and the
assertion that they allegedly support is called the conclusion.29 A sound argument meets
the following conditions: (1) the premises are acceptable and consistent, (2) the premises
are relevant to the conclusion and provide sufficient support for the conclusion, and (3)
missing components have been considered and are judged to be consistent with the
conclusion. 30 If the premises are dubious or if they do not warrant the conclusion – then
Collins, Jim. Good to Great, Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t, (New York:
HarperCollins Publishers Inc, 2001).
Ibid, 35.
Schick, Theodore, Jr., and Vaughn, Lewis. How to Think About Weird Things – Critical Thinking for a
New Age, 3rd Ed. (New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2002), 298.
Halpern, 203.
Arguments against the person. When someone tries to attack the person presenting
an argument and not the argument itself, they are guilty of this fallacy. A common War
College example of this is the denigration of a position with a politically categorizing
statement such as: “That guy is just a left-wing liberal.” Instead of assessing the
argument or position based on the premises and conclusion, the argument is ignored and
the arguer is attacked. Our new brigade commander in Iraq during a battle update
briefing might inadvertently discount some important intelligence because the briefer,
who has a bias against Special Forces, framed the presentation of the intelligence by
saying, “I’m not sure of the validity of this intelligence because it came from the ODA
(Operational Detachment Alpha) working in our area.” Awareness of this fallacy should
cause critical thinkers to constantly be aware of their own biases and prejudices to ensure
that they do not fall victim to a seemingly convincing argument that is, in reality, based
on an unsupported attack on a person or group advancing the information.
False Dichotomy. When someone presents a complex situation in black and white
terms, i.e., they present only two alternatives when many exist, they are committing the
fallacy of false dichotomy. Military officers often present information this way. “Sir, we
can either commit the ten million dollars to force protection or start preparing our
response to ‘60 Minutes’ when our troops get blown up.” This illustrates a false
dichotomy. In this case, there is a wide range of other alternatives (spend 3 million
dollars, for instance) that are not presented in this argument. As we work to develop
more innovative and creative leaders, the ability to identify false dichotomies becomes
even more important. Rather than reducing complex issues to a choice between two
extreme positions, critically thinking leaders need to use their creative juices to identify
the wide range of possible alternatives that are actually available. Our brigade
commander may be briefed, “Sir, we either provide the security for the protest Sunday or
pre-place evacuation vehicles for the guaranteed terrorist attack.” In reality, there is a
large continuum of courses of action to include having the U.S. provide outer-ring
security while the Iraqis provide local security.
Schick and Vaughn, 298.
Appendix C
General Officer is knowledgeable about many things, in many cases neither one may be
an expert on some particular issue. Yet, there is a tendency to communicate their
position on an issue as evidence with which to support our position. Many active duty
military are frustrated when 24-hour news channels, for instance, feature a retired Army
General discussing the efficacy of the Air Campaign in Kosovo or a long-retired Special
Forces Major assessing the problems with the current ground campaign in Fallujah being
fought by the Marines. Unfortunately, the American public at large does not understand
military rank structures, nor do they understand the tenuous link that a retired Special
Forces Major has with what is actually going on anywhere in Iraq. The net result is the
many people are mislead by appeals to unqualified authorities and hence are convinced of
the validity of what is, in fact, a fallacious argument.
False Cause. This is a common fallacy in which someone argues that because two
events occurred together and one followed the other closely in time, then the first event
caused the second event. Night follows day, but that does not mean that day “caused” the
night. Similarly, just because attacks in an Iraqi city decreased the day after a new
President was elected in the U.S. one should not infer that the U.S. Presidential election
caused the decrease in attacks. They are probably completely exclusive. Without getting
into a description of scientific methodology, suffice it to say that there are many reasons
one event may follow another, yet bear no causal relationship. We have all seen the case
where a new leader comes into the unit and the unit does much better or much worse on a
measurable evaluation (gunnery, Command Inspection, etc.). We almost always assume
the positive or negative change is due to the new leader, when in fact it could be due to a
wide range of other explanations such as lower level key personnel changes, new
equipment, or even regression toward the mean or it’s opposite. In a complex and
stressful environment such as Iraq, leaders are especially vulnerable to the false cause
fallacy. Soldiers are being wounded and killed; everyone wants to find a cause for the
attacks in order to eliminate it. Critical thinkers will ensure that presented causes of bad
events are, in fact, causally related to the bad result being explained.
Appeal to Fear. This involves an implicit or explicit threat of harm to advance your
position. A fear appeal is effective because it psychologically impedes the listener from
acknowledging a missing premise that, if acknowledged, would be seen to be false or at
least questionable.32 An example of this fallacy would be for a prosecutor at a Courts
Martial to argue that the defendant needs to be convicted because if the person is not put
in jail, the spouse of the juror might be the next victim. In reality, what the defendant
might do in the future is irrelevant for determining his guilt at the Courts Martial. An
example of this fallacy would be for a company commander to argue to the brigade
commander, “if we don’t detain and question every young male in the southeast corner of
the town you can count on deadly IED attacks along the Main Supply Route each day.”
In this case the company commander is distracting the brigade commander from the weak
and questionable premise that every young male is planting IEDs by focusing attention
on the fear of losing more soldiers to IEDs.
Patrick Hurley, Critical Thinking: Excerpts from Patrick Hurley, A Concise Introduction to Logic, 8th
ed. for Strategic Leadership U.S. Army War College (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2004),
Appeal to the Masses. This fallacy focuses on an assertion that if something is good
for everyone else, it must be good for me. Advertisements try to convince us that
“everyone” is seeing a movie, trying a new taco, or wearing a new set of jeans; therefore,
you should too. In a military context, we often hear a comment like, “Sir, all the other
TRADOC posts have already gone to this system.” Unfortunately, popularity is not
always a reliable indication of sensibility or value.33
Slippery Slope. The fallacy of slippery slope occurs when the conclusion of an
argument rests upon an alleged chain reaction and there is not sufficient reason to
conclude that the chain reaction will actually take place. As an example, during 2007
there was much discussion in political-military circles concerning U.S. support for
President Musharraf in Pakistan. A typical argument favoring support for Musharraf at
all costs usually proposed that not supporting Musharraf would lead to instability in
Pakistan, at which time the Islamic extremists would take over and then you would end
up with a bunch of nuclear weapons controlled by Islamic extremists. Many would
argue that this is a slippery slope argument because the dire consequences of not
supporting Musharraf, or any military leader in Pakistan, are not supported by the actual
facts such as the low number of Islamic extremists in Pakistan and the historical power of
the Pakistan Army. Similarly, many Americans argue against National Security Agency
(NSA) listening of phone conversations placed from potential terrorists overseas to U.S.
numbers by suggesting that allowing this monitoring will lead to the NSA listening to all
phone calls of American Citizens which will eventually cause Americans to have private,
personal phone calls made across town monitored by Uncle Sam. The alleged chain
reaction in this case is clearly not supported and should not be used as a premise to
convince the listener not to support NSA monitoring of potential terrorist’s phone calls to
the U.S. from overseas.
Schick and Vaughn, 302.
Hurley, 139.
Appendix C
example, there were many pundits in late 2003 that argued that U.S. forces in Iraq should
mirror the British tendency to discard battle gear when dealing with Iraqis as the proper
way to engage the population and create stronger community ties. Unfortunately, these
pundits did not understand, or intentionally ignored, the fact that Shiite populations in
Basra (where the British were operating) were significantly different, in terms of threat
posed than were the Sunnis in the Sunni triangle (where U.S. forces were). They were
guilty of a weak analogy fallacy.
Red Herring. The red herring fallacy is committed when the attention of a reader or
listener is diverted with the insertion of some distracting information that is flashy, eye-
catching and generally not relevant to the topic at hand. It is intended to divert the
listener’s attention.35 In recent years it has not been uncommon for Army leaders to
respond to questions about the lowering of standards for new enlistees and recruitment
challenges by responding that current re-enlistment rates are higher than ever, especially
for units returning from Iraq. They do not really address the issue of recruiting, but
instead subtly change the focus of the conversation to retention. Similarly, anti-OIF
interviewees often change the focus from whether democracy is good for Iraq or whether
the U.S. forces have made life better for Iraqis by highlighting the number of the battle-
amputees and combat deaths. In this case they are changing the focus from a discussion
on the merits of U.S. policy by inserting an emotional issue guaranteed to distract and
redirect the listener’s attention.
Logical fallacies are very common and they are typically convincing. Recently, for
example, in a TV documentary about alternate medicines, a U.S. Senator defended his
Congressional bill to exclude vitamins and herbal medicines from USDA review by
saying, “At least 100 million Americans use vitamins and other supplements every day
and they can’t all be wrong (appeal to masses); I know many Senators who also use these
products (appeal to unqualified authority); this is just another case of the liberal left
trying to intrude on the daily life of the average American (arguments against the
person).” The average viewer probably thought these arguments made sense, but as
critical thinkers, we need to assess arguments, especially important and relevant
arguments, to identify fallacious reasoning. Bad judgments prompted by fallacious
reasoning that draw upon invalid and questionable evidence are the enemy of critical
Hurley, 125.
critical thinking. They obviously also have to appreciate the long-term consequences of
the information they accept and the decisions they make. This includes the 2nd and 3rd
order effects. Critical thinkers ask themselves, “what if my assumptions are incorrect?
What if the variables I think are defined are actually uncertain or quite different from
what I think? What things haven’t I considered that I need to consider.” Many of these
questions will be ignored or minimized if the egocentric tendencies discussed earlier
override sound judgment. As part of “implications” the critical thinker needs to analyze
the impact of his decision on all relevant stakeholders. A stakeholder is a person, group,
or unit that has a share or an interest in a particular activity or possible decision.36
Our brigade commander trying to reduce civilian deaths may come to a decision after
going through the components of the critical thinking model that he needs to increase his
Information Operations campaign through the local mosque and tell the populace that the
increase in attacks is due to bad guys from out of the sector coming into the sector.
Assuming he made this decision cognizant of his own viewpoint and assumptions, and
that it was based on sound information and inferences, he now needs to consider the
implications of this decision. What if the Imam at the mosque is not as trustworthy as he
thinks? What if the populace knows that the attacks are actually coming from terrorists
who live in the area, not outside operatives…will the brigade Commander lose
credibility? What if the populace starts to overwhelm his intelligence assets with reports
of purported bad guys? Does he have the force structure to do something about it? Who
are the stakeholders in this case? The Commander needs to assess his course of action
along many lines, including the impact on his troops, adjacent units, local populace, Iraqi
military and police forces, and higher headquarters. The bottom line is that a critical
thinker will consider all these things, and many more possibilities, in a deliberate and
conscious manner either within the boundaries of the military decision-making process or
outside of it.
Thomas L. Wheelen and J. David Hunger, Strategic Management and Business Policy, 3rd ed. (Reading,
MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1989), 89-90.
Appendix C
The Army clearly has some structural and cultural processes and norms that should
facilitate critical thinking. The Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) is a rational,
methodological approach for making decisions. Followed correctly, it should lead to the
best (or at least better) decision given the degree of uncertainty and complexity of the
situation. The real challenge is that each step of MDMP is accompanied by a wide range
of opportunities for a failure in critical thinking with a consequent bad decision. From
receiving the Commander’s initial guidance, to generating Courses of Action; from
evaluating Courses of Action to listing Assumptions, the reader can hopefully appreciate
that biases, egocentric tendencies, poor inferences, and fallacious reasoning can lead the
MDMP astray in very significant respects. If the Commander thinks his intuition is
infallible and that that last way he dealt with a seemingly similar problem will work in
this case, you can see how the availability heuristic, along with egocentric righteousness,
might well lead the staff right down the wrong road. Lee’s actions at Gettysburg,
following on the heels of his success at Chancellorsville, might illustrate this point. At
the end of the day a critical thinker will appreciate the value of MDMP, yet at the same
time he or she will appreciate the potential impact of a lack of critical thinking on all
steps of the process.
Besides MDMP, the military has other processes and norms that facilitate critical
thinking. For one, the military is extremely diverse. Rich and poor, black and white,
Jew, Christian, Muslim and non-believers all serve in the U.S. military. This diversity,
by definition, can be a structural hindrance to obstacles to critical thinking as diversity
helps to challenge bias, egocentric myopia, and egocentric blindness. Of course, the
success inherent in leveraging diverse viewpoints and opinions depends on the
commander’s ability to listen to them.
biggest obstacle lies in the hierarchical nature of the Army and its accompanying cultural
norms. Reflective skepticism as a technique to improve judgment, and hence decisions,
is very difficult to embrace if you are not comfortable disagreeing with your boss, or even
the boss’s boss. This becomes especially difficult if ranking senior leaders, because of
continued accolades and promotions bestowed tend to represent the egocentric tendencies
described earlier. Unfortunately, senior leaders who have failed to take the careful steps
to ensure the information they receive from their subordinates is “ground truth” even if it
disagrees with their view, seem to many to be more the rule than the exception (At this
point, you should be nodding your head in agreement – be careful – you are somebody’s
boss’s boss – How do you get the right information?).
Compounding this individual egocentric view, the U.S. Army, because of its
preeminence among the world’s land powers, has tended to develop an ethnocentric view
that our way is the best way. The impact of this ethnocentric (in addition to egocentric)
view of the world is that the Army often struggles with cultural awareness, which is
based on some of the critical thinking faults described in this article. The intense focus of
the Army recently to develop culture-savvy officers is a testament to this shortcoming
and a first step toward meaningful change.
The hierarchical nature of the Army causes a secondary effect in terms of developing
critical thinking skills through its resistance to dialogue as a form of interaction. Senge
asserts, “There are two primary types of discourse: dialogue and discussion. Both are
important to a team capable of continual generative learning, but their power lies in their
synergy, which is not likely to be present when the distinctions between them are not
appreciated.”37 In order for dialogue to occur, whether in a command and staff meeting
in a troop unit or in staff group at the Captain’s Career Course, several things need to
occur. Most important among these is a requirement that participants must regard one
another as colleagues; additionally, someone must serve as a facilitator who “holds the
context” of dialogue.38 Fastabend and Simpson posit, “Critical thinking is also an aspect
of environment. To foster critical thinking, Army teams must at times leave rank at the
door. ‘Groupthink’ is the antithesis of critical thinking and exists in organizations in
which subordinates simply mimic the thinking of their superiors.”39 For the Army to
develop its critical thinking capability, it needs to educate, train and select officers who
are comfortable with putting their position power (i.e., rank) to the side in an effort to
facilitate better judgment through reflective skepticism. Jim Collins in Good to Great
found that the leadership in the great companies was not only about vision, it was
“equally about creating a climate where truth is heard and brutal facts confronted. There
is a huge difference between the opportunity to “have your say” and the opportunity to be
heard. The good-to-great leaders understood this distinction, creating a culture wherein
people had a tremendous opportunity to be heard and, ultimately, for the truth to be
Senge, 240.
Ibid, 243.
Fastabend and Simpson, 21.
Appendix C
heard.”40 This requirement applies not only to unit leaders, but also, and probably more
importantly, to facilitators/instructors in the TRADOC educational system.
Admittedly, critical thinking skills will develop, to some degree, in the TRADOC
school environment. But the majority of critical skill development that needs to occur in
troop assignments will happen only as the culture of the Army migrates to one that places
a high value on critical thinking skills in a contemporary operating environment where
leaders must deal with extreme complexities, assorted ambiguities, and continuing
uncertainties. Within the constraints of the Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN)
model, it simply makes sense that during the first year of the cycle a new battalion
commander and his subordinates would attend some facilitated critical thinking training
that could then be modeled throughout future cycles by the battalion commander. If the
Collins, 74.
Ibid, 21.
Army really cares about critical thinking, we need to devote time and resources to its
Katherine I. Miller and Peter R. Monge, “Participation, Satisfaction, and Productivity: A Meta-analytic
Review,” in Leaders & The Leadership Process, 4th ed., ed. Jon L. Pierce and John W. Newstrom (Boston,
McGraw-Hill 2006), 314.
Appendix C
Intentionally Blank
“Only through studying history can we grasp how things change; only through
history can we begin to comprehend the factors that cause change; and only
through history can we understand what elements of an institution or a society
persist despite change.” 2
Peter N. Stearns
The American Historical Association
Understanding the Environment:
Planning the Strategic Bombing Campaign against Germany, 1944-1945 ............ D-3
These historical examples are taken verbatim from USJFCOM Joint Warfighting Center Pamphlet 10,
Design in Military Operations, 20 September 2010.
Appendix D
Intentionally Blank
Earlier efforts against the German air force (Luftwaffe) and its supporting industry—
despite some significant setbacks—had borne fruit in that the Anglo-American Allies
achieved air superiority to a degree that would provide for success invading Nazi-held
Europe. The Luftwaffe had been seriously weakened as a day fighter force and was
withering away in early 1944. The key question was, now that the Allies had the
wherewithal to mount sustained bombing campaigns throughout most of the Reich, what
were the Nazi critical vulnerabilities that, once attacked, would most quickly end the
There were three major views held in various quarters of the Anglo-American
strategic air coalition. Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur T. “Bomber” Harris of the British
Bomber Command, espoused continuing night area bombing of German cities as the
Royal Air Force had done since 1942. The goal of such operations was to inflict as much
infrastructure damage as possible to both reduce industrial output and to degrade civilian
morale. The Allied firebombing of Hamburg during the last week of July, 1943, was the
best example of success in accomplishing the former objective. The commander of the
newly formed United States Strategic Air Forces in Europe, LtGen Carl A. “Tooey”
Spaatz, held a different view. The Allies had long agreed that attacks on fascist oil
production facilities were important, but past results had fallen short of expectations.
Given new long-range fighters (the P-51 Mustangs) that could escort bomber formations,
the proximity of Allied air bases in Italy to targets normally beyond the range of airfields
in England, and the demise of the Luftwaffe, Spaatz calculated that the time was right to
heavily weight the strategic air offensive against this target set. But the last view was
held by an airman not directly serving within the coalition air component; British Air
Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder was the Deputy to the Supreme Commander, U.S.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Tedder became the most vocal proponent to attack
German logistical lines of communications, principally, railroad facilities. When Tedder
had been the Allied Air Commander in the Mediterranean he learned from his science
advisor, Professor Solly Zuckerman, that such attacks proved very effective in disrupting
German operations in the early stages of the Italian Campaign.3
David Eisenhower, Eisenhower At War, 1943-1945 (New York: Random House Publishers, 1986), 114.
John F. Kries, General Editor, Piercing the Fog: Intelligence and Army Air Force Operations in World
War II (Washington DC: Air Force History and Museums Program, 1996), 188.
Appendix D
appreciated that air attacks on his supply lines cannot produce a critical situation unless
his rate of consumption is raised.”5
While there were many intelligence sources the Allies leveraged in understanding
how the German strategic logistical system worked and how Allied actions affected it, the
deployment of Ground Survey Teams into the field to assess bombing impacts on
German transportation proved essential in refining Tedder’s and Zuckerman’s
understanding of this Nazi vulnerability. American and British intelligence specialists,
along with French Operations Research personnel, provided reports essential to learning
Ehlers, Targeting the Third Reich: Air Intelligence and the Allied Bombing Campaigns, (Lawrence, KS:
University of Kansas Press, 2009), 188.
Robin Neillands, The Bomber War: The Allied Air Offensive Against Nazi Germany (New York: The
Overlook Press, 2001), 313.
Ibid, 313-314.
Eisenhower, 184-190
Neillands, 225.
how the Germans conducted rail operations, particularly regarding damage mitigation
and repair measures. Marshalling yards, particularly locomotive repair shops, were again
shown to be the critical node to attack. But would this same understanding of enemy
critical vulnerability, demonstrated in France, prove to be true regarding German
strategic logistics in the Nazi homeland?
Tedder and Zuckerman were convinced that it was.11 Through careful analyses of
many sources, to include the ground-survey reports and captured railway records, they
challenged prevailing conventional wisdom in another stakeholder meeting on 24
October, 1944. While Eisenhower again sided with Spaatz and others maintaining oil
infrastructure bombing as the first priority for strategic strike, Tedder’s insistence that
transportation attacks must be accelerated nonetheless, coupled with his persuasive
analyses, were convincing enough for participants to create a new working committee on
transportation on the 29th. Tedder’s 25 October 1944 plan called for complementary
ground and air action that would bring the Reich transportation system to its breaking
point. Continuous and sustained ground action would create heavier enemy demands for
petroleum products, ammunition, and supplies, while persistent air bombardment against
both oil and transportation targets would exponentially degrade German logistical
effectiveness to the point where the Nazi national economy would collapse and with it,
German forces in the field. It is interesting to analyze Eisenhower’s oft-criticized
decision to maintain a “broad front” ground offensive in light of this. A descendant of
the Railway Targets Committee, the new Combined Strategic Targets Committee
Working Committee (Communications) executed assessment functions and targeting
There was never any doubt that effectively attacking German oil infrastructure would
degrade the military capability of Wehrmacht forces in the field. Not only was Tedder’s
Ibid, 344.
Ibid, 324.
Alfred C. Mierzejewski, The Collapse of the German War Economy, 1944-1945: Allied Airpower and the
German National Railway (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1988), xi.
Appendix D
In late 1966, the Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, learned that the Military
Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV) Commander General William C.
Westmoreland’s strategy of attrition was not reaching its goal. American and South
Vietnamese action against the communist Viet Cong guerrillas operating in South
Vietnam had not yet created the “crossover point”—the point where enemy insurgent
losses were greater than they could replaced. Late in November, Presidential assistant
Robert Komer told McNamara that he disagreed, although he knew of Central
Intelligence Agency efforts indicating that “a reappraisal of the strength of communist
regular forces which is currently underway indicates that accepted (i.e., MACV)
estimates of the strength of Viet Cong irregular forces may have drastically
underestimated their growth, possibly by as much as 200,000 persons.”14
What was going on? Sam Adams, a junior CIA analyst, had returned from
information gathering trips in Vietnam in early 1966, trying to figure out why the
crossover point had not been reached. His analysis of captured VC documents did not
make sense. If the enemy’s own statistics on desertions and defections were to be
believed, then the crossover point should have been reached a long time earlier. So it had
to be that the estimated VC order of battle—the organization and strength of the
indigenous enemy guerrillas—everyone had been working from was wrong.
The VC OOB estimate had been changing for quite some time. Sam Adams’s
colleague at CIA, George Allen, had wrestled with the J2 of Westmoreland’s
predecessor, General Harkins, over the figures when the interagency Joint Evaluation
Center was set up at MACV in the early 1960s. Allen was then employed by the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) and was critical of MACV J2 analytical methods. Allen’s
criticisms were not welcome by the military intelligence officers, especially since Allen
was not part of the command and was a civilian. DIA was being cut out of the picture by
the MACV and the experience soured Allen who transferred to CIA. Allen was an old
Indochina hand and was interested in understanding what was termed “Viet Cong
Infrastructure” (VCI)—what fielded, fed, trained, and supplied the main force guerrillas
that MACV naturally focused on.
Trouble was, MACV J2 hadn’t been tracking the VCI. They tracked main force
guerrilla units. Both Allen and Adams quickly realized this was the source of the
problem—“body count,” desertion, and defection was happening in both enemy main
force units and the VCI. But only the main force unit strengths and organization were
being articulated in the official MACV VC OOB estimates.
The stage was set for a clash between the Washington CIA analysts and the MACV
military intelligence organization with “boots on the ground.” Westmoreland saw the
C. Michael Hiam, Who the Hell Are We Fighting? The Story of Sam Adams and the Vietnam Intelligence
Wars (Hanover, NH: Steerforth Press, 2006), 81.
Appendix D
VC and North Vietnamese Army main force units as the “roots of the struggle” and the
guerrilla militia and political elements as “the vines,” possibly because of then-
contemporary American understanding of how Mao’s Red Army had fought and won the
Chinese Civil War after the Second World War.15
At the White House in April, 1967, General Westmoreland assured President Johnson
that “the VC/NVA 287,000 order of battle is leveling off” and that “as of March, we
reached the ‘cross-over point’—we began attriting more men than Hanoi can recruit or
infiltrate this month.” But after he returned to Saigon, McChristian came in during the
second week of May to see him with revised figures that the OOB wasn’t what everyone
thought—it was probably closer to half a million, which included the VCI.
Westmoreland just looked at his J2 and said, “If I send that…to Washington, it will create
a political bombshell.” One of the J2’s MI colonels, Gains B. Hawkins, who briefed the
MACV commander in more detail on May 28 remembered that Westmoreland …”voiced
concern about the major increase in the irregular forces and infrastructure that we had
found. He expressed concern about possible public reaction to the new figures—that they
might lead people to think we had made no progress in the war.” Lieutenant Kelly
Robinson recalled Westmoreland saying, “What am I going to tell Congress? What is the
press going to do with this? What am I going to tell the President?” McChristian
transferred to Fort Bragg three weeks later.17
Matters came to head when coordinating the Special National Intelligence Estimate
(SNIE) 14.3-67 on communist ability to prolong the war. Intended for the President and
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the debate pit CIA analysts on one side with DIA and MACV on
the other. Despite meeting after meeting to get resolution on the issue, progress was
deadlocked. As George Allen remembers it, the new MACV J2, Phillip B. Davidson was
particularly strident on the matter of OOB numbers above the 300,000 “line.”18
George Carver, the senior CIA delegate, offered a compromise SNIE position to
Westmoreland to achieve intelligence community consensus and eliminate potential
sources of confusion. Only “main force” units would be covered by statistics, and when
SNIE 14.3-67 was published, total Viet Cong were listed at 188,000 to 208,000.
Nevertheless, Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms felt uncomfortable enough
Hiam, 71.
Hiam, 90-96.
Hiam 100-102.
George W. Allen, None So Blind: A Personal Account of the Intelligence Failure in Vietnam (Chicago,
Ivan R. Dee, Publishers, 2001), 249.
with the SNIE OOB controversies that he wrote the following in the cover memo
attached to the version sent to the President:
The press covered Westmoreland’s reports that the cross-over point had been reached
and the VC were increasingly forced to fill the ranks of the South Vietnamese guerrillas
with levies from the North. While some in the press questioned the strength estimates, by
the end of 1967 it appeared to many Americans that, indeed, “the end begins to come into
Ibid, 252.
John Prados, The Hidden History of the Vietnam War (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1998), 126-127.
Hiam, 124-126.
Don Oberdorfter, Tet! The Turning Point of the Vietnam War (New York: Da Capo Press, 1971), 329.
Clark Clifford and Richard Holbrooke, Counsel to the President: A Memoir, (New York: Random House,
1991), 473-474.
Appendix D
The VC never recovered their former capabilities after the 1968 Tet Offensive.
Subsequent Communist offensives against South Vietnam in 1972 and 1975 were waged
primarily by conventional forces fighting in conventional warfare styles.
LTG Phillip B. Davidson, USA (Ret.), Secrets of the Vietnam War (Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1990),
Within four days of the opening of the Korean War in 1950, General of the Army
Douglas MacArthur began to conceive of an amphibious counterstroke such as the kind
he mounted against the Japanese in the South West Pacific Area in World War II. On
July 2nd, a little over a week since the war began, MacArthur, his Chief of Staff MG
Edward “Ned” Almond, and G3 BG Edwin K. “Pinky” Wright’s Joint Strategic Plans and
Operations Group (JPSOG) began planning for OPERATION BLUEHEARTS, an
amphibious assault to take place on July 22nd at the port of Inchon, using the Army’s 1st
Cavalry Division and a regimental combat team from the Marines.25 But the situation
became so grave on the Korean peninsula that both the Marine RCT and 1st Cavalry
Division had to be committed to bolster LGEN Walton Walker’s Eighth U.S. Army on
the congealing Pusan Perimeter, thus spelling the end to BLUEHEARTS. Nevertheless,
MacArthur did not give up on his idea of landing at Inchon. This latest evolution was
Despite MacArthur’s enthusiasm for this plan, other senior leaders had misgivings.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Omar Bradley and the Chief of Staff of the
Army, General J. Lawton “Lightning Joe” Collins, were both veterans of the European
Theater of Operations. They readily recalled a similar concept attempted on the Italian
peninsula in 1944—OPERATION SHINGLE, an amphibious landing at Anzio which
was intended to break open an operational stalemate south of the landing but failed,
becoming a drain on theater resources to prevent it from being thrown back into the sea.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff pressed MacArthur for details on his plans when he expressed
displeasure at their proposed timeline for introduction of the 1st Marine Division into the
war. MacArthur neatly summed up his views—without mentioning Inchon—in his
For senior Army leaders Bradley and Collins, this looked a lot like Anzio; it even
appeared to be roughly the same size—a two-division Corps attack—for a similar
purpose. If this were not enough, even MacArthur’s subordinate commanders involved
in CHROMITE planning had their doubts regarding the chosen landing site. The
D. Clayton James, The Years of MacArthur: Triumph and Disaster, 1945-1964 (Boston: Houghton-
Mifflin Publishers, 1985), 465.
Robert Debs Heinl, Jr., Colonel, USMC, Victory at High Tide: The Inchon-Seoul Campaign (Baltimore,
MD: The Aviation and Nautical Publishing Company of America, 1979), 24.
Appendix D
physical characteristics of the environment at Inchon were daunting: (1) one of the largest
tidal variations in the world—a 32-foot range between high and low tide; (2) a low tide
revealing mud flats and swampy bottomlands which would bog amphibious ships and
landing craft; (3) fast currents which rarely were below three knots, making landing craft
maneuvering difficult; (4) only one major approach channel which dead-ended and could
be easily blocked by a sunken or disabled ship; (5) little sea-room to maneuver; (6) a
hydrography that lent itself to mining operations; (7) high ground and terrain that could
provide cover, concealment, and good line of sight for land-based coastal artillery; and
(7) no beaches that were worthy of the name—landing areas were seawalls at the port
sites and rocky outcroppings with patches of sand at Wolmi-Do island. U.S. Navy
officers had little positive to commend this landing site. Vice Admiral Arthur D. Struble,
commander of the U.S. Seventh Fleet, commented, “If ever there was an ideal place for
mines, it was Inchon.” Commander Monroe Kelly observed, “Make up a list of
amphibious ‘don’ts,’ and you have an exact description of the Inchon operation.”
Lieutenant Commander Arlie G. Capps provided the most famous assessment: “We drew
up a list of every natural and geographic handicap—and Inchon had ‘em all.” Even
MacArthur’s Chief of Staff, “Ned” Almond, admitted that Inchon was “…the worst
possible place we could bring in an amphibious assault.” If that was not enough, tidal
characteristics were best on 15 September—providing the most water over the mudflats--
and would not be so good again until 11 October. The operation had to be mounted then
if the Pusan Perimeter was to be given significant succor.
There were certainly other options on the table for consideration. “Pinky” Wright’s
JPSOG came up with two others apart from Inchon: one concept called for an
amphibious assault at Kunsan, the second, at Chumunjin on the east coast.
General Collins and Admiral Forrest Sherman, the Chief of Naval Operations, were
sent on a fact-finding trip by the JCS to MacArthur’s headquarters in Tokyo. Sherman
was able to speak with VADM Struble in Sasebo, telling him that he supported the
Inchon concept despite the difficulties.27
At 1730, on August 23rd, the senior officers gathered in the paneled sixth-floor
conference room between MacArthur’s and Almond’s offices. Admiral Sherman was
there, as were Generals Collins and Edwards representing the JCS; Admirals Arthur D.
Radford (Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet), VADM Turner Joy (Commander, U.S. Naval
Forces Far East and McArthur’s naval commander), and RADM James H. Doyle
(Commander, TF 90); Major Generals Almond (designated X Corps commander for
Ibid, 39-40.
Collins then brought up other options—why not land at Kunsan, to the south? Why
not Posun-Myong, just below Seoul? It was not long after this exchange that MacArthur
rose from his chair and gave a compelling explanation of how he saw the military
problem. It took him 45 minutes, was conducted completely without notes, and was
characterized by those present as “one of the most compelling declarations of his career.”
According to MacArthur himself, the major points to his audience were these:
The bulk of the Reds are committed around Walker’s defense perimeter.
The enemy, I am convinced, has failed to prepare Inchon properly for
defense. The very arguments you have made as to the impracticability
involved will tend to ensure for me the element of surprise. For the
enemy command will reason that no one would be so brash as to make
such an attempt. Surprise is the most vital element for success in war….
Ibid, 40.
Appendix D
But seizure of Inchon and Seoul will cut the enemy’s supply line and
seal off the entire southern peninsula. The vulnerability of the enemy is
his supply position. Ever step southward extends his transport lines and
renders them more frail and subject to dislocation. The several major
lines of enemy supply from the north converge on Seoul, and from Seoul
they radiate to the several sectors of the front. By seizing Seoul I would
completely paralyze the enemy’s supply system—coming and going.
This in turn would paralyze the fighting power of the troops that now face
Walker. Without munitions and food they will soon be helpless and
disorganized, and can easily be overpowered by our smaller but well-
supplied forces.
The next day, the Admirals and Marine Generals Shepherd and Smith met in VADM
Joy’s office for a meeting. They agreed that the Army planners weren’t fully considering
the difficulties involved in Inchon and that another; better, landing area had to be found
that could serve just as well in cutting off the North Korean supply lines. “Nothing of a
concrete nature developed,” noted Shepherd, who was able to subsequently meet with
MacArthur. Shepherd and Almond had a conversation prior to that meeting where
Shepherd learned that Seoul was the real objective and Inchon had been decided upon.
MacArthur walked in after 45 minutes and led the Marine general to his office. Shepherd
brought up his wish for an alternative objective for CHROMITE, but MacArthur
responded with a 30 minutes explanation why Seoul had such strategic importance, given
the situation. He finished his analysis with, “For a five dollar ante, I have an opportunity
to win $50,000, and I have decided that is what I’m going to do.”30
Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army, Reminiscences (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company,
1964), 349.
Heinl, Jr., 43.
favorable beach south of Inchon if one can be located….We understand that alternative
plans are being developed to best exploit the situation as it develops.”31
William Manchester, American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964 (Boston: Little, Brown, and
Company, 1978), 576.
James, 481.
Appendix D
Intentionally Blank
If the Americans were not fully prepared for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in
December of 1941, they were completely unready for German’s U-Boat offensive, code
named DRUMBEAT, against the eastern seaboard of the United States the following
month. Germany had declared war on the United States on December 11th and soon
deployed its submarines into American waters.
The primary coastal defenses were borne by the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Army.
To defend the eastern seaboard, the Coast Guard had only 51 old training aircraft, 18
scout aircraft, 6 patrol aircraft, 3 fighter and 3 torpedo aircraft, 4 sub chasers, 4 armed
yachts, 2 obsolete gunboats, 3 patrol boats, and 7 cutters with only 3 in full working
order. The Army Air Force had 9 B-17 bombers, 6 B-18s, and 31 B-25s stationed out of
Virginia, New York, and Massachusetts; at the outset, six of these aircraft flew ASW air
reconnaissance sorties per day. The Navy had destroyers, but they were earmarked for
other duties and not immediately made available for coastal ASW.33
The Eastern Sea Frontier (ESF) command watch diary entry for 16 January 1942
indicated contacts with enemy submarines by Army planes, Navy planes and blimps.
“Bombs dropped by an Army plane and by the K-G (blimp). Results unknown.” Oil and
debris washed up on the Long Island shore. American destroyers weren’t patrolling the
New York seacoast to hunt U-Boats; many were forming up near New York Harbor to
escort AT-10, a troop transport convoy, to England. Others were still in port or
conducting training.
The Navy was able to know where the U-Boats would patrol. The British Tracking
Room communicated German U-boat patterns transiting to, patrolling, and returning from
stations off the American coast. But that’s not where the bulk of the U.S. Navy’s surface
ASW effort was focused. The allocation of naval ASW assets reflected an understanding
of the problem to be sufficiently guarding transatlantic convoys, not patrolling the home
waters of the United States.
By 7 February, the Chief of Naval Operations, ADM Earnest J. King, would direct
the ESF to deploy and arm U.S. Coast Guard cutters against the submarine threat. He
also authorized production and deployment of coastal patrol craft to help. But these
would take a while to get into action and become effective. In the meantime, the
principal surface ASW weapon was the Navy destroyer—and transatlantic convoy escort
was seen as its principal duty. For King, protection of the first few troop convoys to
England had to be the top priority for political—as well as military—reasons.34
Perry Moore, “Drumroll In the Atlantic,” Against the Odds Magazine, No. 22 (Phoenixville, PA: The
Rowland Group, April, 2008), 7.
Clay Blair, Hitler’s U-Boat War: Vol 1: The Hunters, 1939-1942 (New York: Random House, 1996), 692
Appendix D
But events would soon disabuse military planners of that notion. From January
through April of 1942, only one convoy (ON-67 in late February) made contact with the
Germans and lost six ships in the vicinity of the Newfoundland Bank. Many
merchantmen were so confident that they did not even darken ship when in the open
oceans. In contrast, by 24 February, 62 ships had been lost off U.S. and Canadian coasts,
with 9 more sunk in the Caribbean. During the month of March, 70 out of 74 ships sunk
in the Atlantic went down in North American coastal waters—this out of a total loss of 79
Allied ships worldwide for that period. The statistical analysis was sobering: nearly 42%
of the destroyer force was deployed where less than 7% of sunk tonnage was lost.
Conversely, where nearly 50% of the shipping tonnage was lost, less than 5% of the
destroyer force was assigned there.35
By the end of March, what destroyers were on duty in the waters offshore were
varying their patrol schedules; there were some smaller patrol craft involved, and U.S.
aircraft and blimps maintained vigil over high traffic transit areas. But the seacoast
towns and cities were still alight at night, aiding German navigation and target detection.
Coastal shipping inbound and outbound still moved singly and used no zig-zag pattern
many with their ship lanterns alight, merchantmen radio discipline was lax. U.S. Navy
and Army ASW aircraft were not able to follow up submarine sightings with effective
attacks. The Canadians were different—they followed British practices and soon U-Boat
commanders gave up there and went to warmer waters off the U.S.36
For the German U-Boat crews, it was the beginning of what they called “The Second
Happy Time.” For the British, they were quite unhappy to be losing cargoes carried by
ships flying the Union Jack in waters they could not be allowed to protect. An exchange
of correspondence between the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and U.S. President
Franklin D. Roosevelt led to the dispatch of the Officer In Charge of the British Tracking
Room to help the Americans. Upon his arrival, he was told by RADM Richard S.
Edwards, ADM Earnest J. King’s deputy chief of staff, that, “the Americans wished to
learn their own lessons and that they had plenty of ships with which to do so.” The
British OIC retorted, “The trouble is, Admiral, it’s not only your bloody ships you are
losing. A lot of them are ours!”37
Admiral King agreed to learn British methods and set up a mirror copy of the British
Tracking Room in the Main Navy Headquarters, Washington DC. Churchill even loaned
twenty ASW trawlers from England to help patrol the U.S. Atlantic coast, a “pay back”
for a 1940-41 Lend-Lease loan of 50 old U.S. destroyers to England and Canada. Other
sources of help were not immediately welcome. Members of the oil industry attempted
to recommend that the U.S. military put guns on their merchant ships with trained
crewmen, use Civil Air Patrol aircraft to spot U-Boats, and impose blackout conditions
on the coasts. Of these, only the first recommendation was acted upon immediately.
Michael Gannon, Operation Drumbeat: The Dramatic True Story of Germany’s First U-Boat Attacks
Along the American Coast in World War II (New York, Harper and Row, 1990), 266-267.
Ibid, 308-309.
Patrick Beesly, Very Special Intelligence: The Story of the Admiralty’s Operational Intelligence Centre
1939-1945 (London: Hamish Hamilton, Publishers, 1977), 115.
Integrating civilian efforts was deemed too procedurally problematical and both the Amy
and Navy were unsure of enforcing President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 of 19
February, authorizing them to assume lighting control of the seacoast, given local civilian
pressures not to do so. While shielding and dimming was mandated, blackouts were
never ordered through June of 1942.38
Spotting and forcing U-Boats to submerge for long periods, reducing their
effectiveness, was the job of the Army’s First Bomber Command charged with long-
range air patrol of the Atlantic coastline. It was not enough, so the ESF Commander
begged for Navy squadrons. Spare PBY Catalina flying boats and other smaller
observation aircraft were found for the mission. By April, the ESF had 126 aircraft; the
next month it had 172 and by June a grand total of 206, including the Fleet Airship Wing
ADM King even eventually came around to authorizing the use of civilian assets in
helping the ASW fight in American coastal waters. As with the military aircraft, the
primary threat to U-Boats was in spotting them—which meant they had to submerge to
avoid a follow-up attack. Staying submerged for long periods of time meant the
submarines were hiding, not transiting or finding/attacking targets. Leveraging civilian
aircraft under Army Air Force command and watercraft under Coast Guard auspices were
seen as emergency measures and adopted. Eventually these measures would be
terminated as the Battle of the Atlantic moved away from the U.S. Coasts in 1943. But
U-Boat commanders would feel pressure from these “bees” once they began operations in
earnest. From January to June 1942, however, this was not yet a reality.
Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall lamented on 19 June 1942 that, “The losses
by submarines off the Atlantic seaboard and in the Caribbean now threaten our entire war
effort.”40 The German success of DRUMBEAT was not because the Americans did not
understand the nature of the threat or the environment. It was not an intelligence failure.
British experience and intelligence was made readily available. It was because senior
American military leadership could not conceive of what the ASW problem really was in
an integrated fashion—and this was a failure of Operations.41 Indeed, U.S. military
planners had other priorities in play that complicated measures to address the threat of
DRUMBEAT. While it was natural for the British to focus on the German threat to
commercial shipping (theirs in particular), the U.S. focus was on materially providing
tangible support to the war overseas—particularly in furnishing even a small contingent
of aircraft and soldiers to Europe and in prosecuting desperate efforts in the Pacific
against the advancing Japanese. With those competing priorities firmly in view
throughout January to June of 1942, the true military problem posed by the U-Boat threat
only became clear after the damage of DRUMBEAT had already been done.
Gannon, 342-345
Ibid, 349-351.
Ibid, vi.
Ibid, 241
Appendix D
Intentionally Blank
As the British and American allied powers considered options to conquer the
continent of Europe from the Nazis occupiers, plans for an amphibious assault across the
English Channel into France (SLEDGEHAMMER, then ROUNDUP, and finally
OVERLORD) were complemented by a simultaneous landing on the south of France
(ANVIL). The military problem was a simple one; the Germans could not be allowed to
mass their still considerable military power against the cross-channel main effort,
stalemating it or—at worst—throwing it back into the sea. To solve this problem, a
number of supporting efforts would be necessary to distract Nazi leaders and keep them
from significantly reinforcing against any major assault. One would eventually be a
major deception operation, codenamed FORTITUDE. Another would be to get
assurances from the Soviets that they would time a major offensive on the Russian Front
coincident with the invasion of Europe. Yet another would be a strategic air campaign
against German logistical lines of communications. There would also have to be the
threat of more landings and ground offensives elsewhere in Western Europe that the
Germans would be concerned about.
As simple as these ends were, the ways and means for mounting OPERATION
ANVIL would prove elusive until just after D-Day.
But then the Allied understanding of the environment changed. In the fall of 1943,
U.N. forces had bogged down in their ground offensive up the mountainous Italian
peninsula well short of Rome. A proposed amphibious assault at Anzio—SHINGLE--
for early 1944 to break the deadlock was estimated to require more naval (particularly
amphibious lift), ground, and air forces than originally planned for. The British were
keen on this particular amphibious “end-run” and the drive to Rome. Commitment of
David Eisenhower, Eisenhower At War, 1943-1945 (New York: Random House Publishers, 1986), 103
Appendix D
forces to this effort appeared to jeopardize feasibility of the ANVIL concept if it was to
be mounted at the same time as OVERLORD, given the preparatory timelines of both.
On January 21st, 1944, General Eisenhower chaired a meeting with his allied deputies
in London to discuss resource requirements for OVERLORD. SHINGLE was set to
commence on the night of the 22nd. British General Bernard Law Montgomery opened
the meeting with his assessment that OVERLORD was not feasible unless ANVIL was
abandoned so that those amphibious lift resources could be made available for the cross-
channel assault. Eisenhower countered that the Russians had been told that ANVIL
would occur, seven French divisions in North Africa needed to get into the campaign and
that would only happen through entering southern France. The Supreme Allied
Commander maintained that ANVIL would be canceled “as a last resort” and only if he
was convinced OVERLORD could not succeed otherwise. Admiral Bertram Ramsey, the
Allied naval commander, backed up Montgomery’s assessment that the naval
requirements could not be met if ANVIL was to go forward. The Allied air commander,
Air Chief Marshal Leigh-Mallory, argued that cancelling ANVIL would provide needed
airlift for the airborne assault phase of OVERLORD. None of Eisenhower’s
commanders weighed in support of ANVIL.
Two options emerged as a way out of the impasse between Eisenhower and his
deputies. One was to go back to the original idea for ANVIL—a single division
amphibious feint. The other was to mount ANVIL later. Postponing ANVIL after
executing OVERLORD offered a number of attractive advantages. First, scarce
amphibious list and airborne assault assets could be shifted back from England to the
Mediterranean to support ANVIL once it was certain that the OVERLORD force was
ashore to stay. Secondly, a postponement gave U.N. forces in Italy more time to capture
Rome if SHINGLE failed to accomplish that—and capturing Rome was a precondition to
getting Churchill’s concurrence for ANVIL.
It was apparent just a few days after the meeting that SHINGLE indeed failed to
accomplish what was set out for it. Worse, requirements to sustain the hemmed-in
beachhead included a large amount of amphibious lift that were earmarked for ANVIL.
In the minds of the British, this was an American problem—they could either transfer
needed resources from the Pacific theater to solve the shortfall, or they could cancel
ANVIL to do it. The British Chiefs of Staff saw the Italian theater as presenting the best
option to tie down German divisions in ongoing operations; ANVIL would be an
unnecessary diversion and wasn’t going to be linked adequately with OVERLORD given
that these could not be mounted simultaneously and that the French Riviera was a long
way from the beaches of Normandy. 43
American opinion on both sides of the Atlantic hardened in favor of ANVIL and
wheels were set in motion to ensure the resources needed to execute it and OVERLORD
were available. Grim determination persisted throughout the continuous bad news
coming from the Anzio beachhead throughout January and early February, 1944. If
anything, the deadlock in Italy convinced American decision makers that nothing good
could come from pitting more strength against formidable enemy strength—a way around
would have to be found. But American commitment to ANVIL would be matched with
American commitment to providing more resources—provided their British allies
concurred with the operational approach ANVIL represented. On 18 February,
Eisenhower met once again with his deputies in London, and—this time—they agreed
that ANVIL could be executed, provided the resources were found for it and
OVERLORD to cover identified shortfalls. Eisenhower then presented his case to the
British Chiefs of Staff; while he understood ANVIL would have to occur sometime after
OVERLORD, there were still advantages to be reaped even beyond introducing the
French divisions into the campaign. In his view, the Germans might strip the French
Riviera defenses to try to contain the OVERLORD offensive; thus, even a two-division
assault would provide an operational flanking maneuver that would greatly assist the
liberation of France.
The British continued to insist that Italy was accomplishing in fact what ANVIL
could offer in theory, and their insistence grew louder as American forces earmarked for
the operation were kept from reinforcing exhausted divisions on the Italian peninsula.
The Americans answered back that the Germans were capable of reorganizing their
defenses to run an economy of force operation against the U.N. in Italy, freeing up as
much as fifteen divisions for commitment elsewhere, divisions that ANVIL could attract
instead of Normandy.44
By April, planning for OVERLORD had gone far enough into the campaign that the
advantages of a subsidiary landing in southern France were glaringly apparent. The
Combined Chiefs of Staff made a compromise that the capture of Rome would be
paramount with a review of ANVIL made on 15 June 1944. But without a British
commitment to ANVIL, the JCS refused to make a commitment to diverting landing craft
from the Pacific; Sir Alan Brooke vowed that history would never forgive the Americans
“for bargaining equipment versus strategy and for trying to blackmail us into agreeing
with them by holding the pistol of withholding landing craft at our heads.”45
The OVERLORD invasion and the offensive against Rome would succeed; ANVIL
was set for execution in mid-August. But the British were never comfortable with this
operational approach and continued to lobby for the primacy of the Italian offensive or
landings in Greece or the Balkans that would pre-empt Soviet designs there as well as
Ibid, 129.
Ibid, 181.
Ibid, 193.
Appendix D
keep German forces away from France. The debate over ANVIL grew heated in June of
1944 as the British made their case for shaping the post-war political map of Europe to
contain Stalin. Eisenhower had up to this point kept his options open on the ANVIL
question as the tough fighting in the Normandy bocage raged on. ANVIL’s execution
date had been agreed for August 15th, but the British hoped it would be either cancelled
or launched against the Balkans. On the evening of June 23rd, Eisenhower made his final
decision that ANVIL would go in against the southern coast of France and summed up
his operational approach in a formal statement:
….Our forces in Italy do not directly threaten an area vital to the enemy
who, therefore, has the initiative in deciding whether or not to withdraw
out of Italy.
….France is the decisive theater. This decision was taken long ago by
the Combined Chiefs of Staff. In my view, the resources of Great Britain
will not permit us to maintain two major theaters in the European War,
each with decisive missions.46
The British would continue to press for abandonment of the southern France landing
concept until the commencement of the 15 August DRAGOON amphibious assault by
the U.S. Seventh Army on the Riveria coast against weak German defenses. In less than
a month, this force drove up the Rhone valley and linked up with the OVERLORD forces
racing across France at Dijon. A “considerable number” of German divisions were thus
trapped in Southwestern France.47 With many of the Channel ports still in German
hands, a third of the total supply allocations for the forces in France eventually came
through Marseilles, once the Rhone railway was repaired. U.N. forces in Italy continued
their slow, grinding offensive up the northern portion of the peninsula.
Ibid, 318.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Crusade In Europe (New York: Doubleday and Company, 1948), 310.
United States Army Field Manual 5-0, The Operations Process, March 2010.
United States Marine Corps Warfighting Publication 5-1, Marine Corps Planning
Process, 24 August 2010.
United States Army War College, Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and
Operations, Campaign Planning Handbook AY 11.
dmspo/ Publications/Publications.htm#CampaignPlanningPrimer
United States Army School of Advanced Military Studies, Art of Design Student
Text Version 2.0.
United Stated Joint Forces Command, Joint Warfighting Center Pamphlet 10, Design
in Military Operations, 20 September 2010
United Stated Joint Forces Command, Joint Coalition Warfighting Center Focus
Paper, Design and Planning (A Joint Force Operational Perspective).
Kelly, Justin and Brennan, Mike. Alien: How Operational Art Devoured Strategy,
United States Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, September 2009.
Appendix E
Kem, Jack. Design, Tools of the Trade, 2nd Draft, June 2009.
Martin, Grant. A Tale of Two Design Efforts (and why they both failed in
Afghanistan), Small Wars Foundation, Small Wars Journal, July 7, 2011.
Mattis, James. Memorandum for U.S. Joint Forces Command, Vision for a Joint
Approach to Design, 4 October 2009.
On War, translated by Michael Howard and Peter Paret, Princeton University Press,
Davis, Paul and Kahan, James. Technical Report, Theory and Methods for Supporting
High Level Military Decisionmaking, 2007.
Eccles, Henry. Military Concepts and Philosophy, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 1965, p. 24. Courtesy of Milan Vego’s Joint Forces Quarterly issue 62
article, On Military Theory, 3d quarter 2011.
Guillot, Michael. “Critical Thinking for the Military Professional,” Air and Space
Power Journal, 17 June, 2004.
Halpern, Diane. Thought & Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking, 4th ed.
(Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003).
Paul, Richard and Elder, Linda. The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts
and Tools, 2008.
Rittel, Horst, and Melvin Webber; "Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning," pp.
155–169, Policy Sciences, Vol. 4, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Inc.,
Amsterdam, 1973. [Reprinted in N. Cross (ed.), Developments in Design Methodology, J.
Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1984.
Van Riper, Paul. “An Introduction to System Theory and Decision-Making,” 2010.
Appendix E
Intentionally Blank
FM field manual
HQ headquarters
US United States
USG United States Government
The glossary lists a source for each term and definition. The new JP 3-0,
Joint Operations, and JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, will change many
definitions in JP 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms. Those terms that will not change list JP 1-02 as the source.
Terms that will change list the draft JP that will cause that change.
Where a term has multiple definitions, those that apply to this handbook
are bolded.
branch. The contingency options built into the base plan used for changing the mission,
orientation, or direction of movement of a force to aid success of the operation based
on anticipated events, opportunities, or disruptions caused by enemy actions and
reactions. (JP 5-0, Aug11)
campaign planning. The process whereby combatant commanders and subordinate joint
force commanders translate national or theater strategy into operational concepts
through the development of an operation plan for a campaign. (JP 5-0, Aug 11)
center of gravity. The source of power that provides moral or physical strength,
freedom of action, or will to act. Also called COG. (JP 1-02)
decisive point. A geographic place, specific key event, critical factor, or function that,
when acted upon, allows commanders to gain a marked advantage over an adversary
or contribute materially to achieving success. (JP 1-02)
effect. 1. The physical or behavioral state of a system that results from an action, a
set of actions, or another effect. 2. The result, outcome, or consequence of an
action. 3. A change to a condition, behavior, or degree of freedom. (JP 1-02)
end state. The set of required conditions that defines achievement of the commander’s
objectives. (JP 1-02)
joint force. A general term applied to a force composed of significant elements, assigned
or attached, of two or more Military Departments operating under a single joint force
commander. (JP 1-02)
joint operations. A general term to describe military actions conducted by joint forces
and those Service forces employed in specified command relationships with each
other, which of themselves, do not establish joint forces. (JP 3-0, Aug 11)
line of effort. In the context of joint operation planning, using the purpose (cause and
effect) to focus efforts toward establishing operational and strategic conditions by
linking multiple tasks and missions. Also called LOE. (JP 5-0, Aug 11)
line of operation. A line that defines the interior or exterior orientation of the force in
relation to the enemy or that connects actions on nodes and/or decisive points related
in time and space to an objective(s). Also called LOO. (JP 5-0, Aug 11)
mission. 1. The task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to
be taken and the reason therefore. (JP 3-0) 2. In common usage, especially when
applied to lower military units, a duty assigned to an individual or unit; a task. (JP 3-
0) 3. The dispatching of one or more aircraft to accomplish one particular task. (JP 3-
30) (JP 3-0, Aug 11)
objective. 1. The clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goal toward which every
operation is directed. 2. The specific target of the action taken which is essential
to the commander’s plan. (JP 5-0, Aug 11)
operational approach. A description of the broad actions the force must take to
transform current conditions into those desired at end state. (JP 5-0, Aug 11)
operational design. The conception and construction of the framework that underpins a
campaign or major operation plan and its subsequent execution. (JP 1-02)
operational design element. A key consideration used in operational design. (JP 5-0,
Aug 11)
operational level of war. The level of war at which campaigns and major operations are
planned, conducted, and sustained to achieve strategic objectives within theaters or
other operational areas. (JP 3-0, Aug 11)
sequel. The subsequent major operation or phase based on the possible outcomes
(success, stalemate, or defeat) of the current major operation or phase. (JP 5-0, Aug
termination criteria. The specified standards approved by the President and/or the
Secretary of Defense that must be met before a joint operation can be concluded. (JP
unity of effort. Coordination and cooperation toward common objectives, even if the
participants are not necessarily part of the same command or organization - the
product of successful unified action. (JP 1-02)