Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool Self-Assessment: Please Note That The MOHO-SA Is A Non-Standardised Assessment
Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool Self-Assessment: Please Note That The MOHO-SA Is A Non-Standardised Assessment
Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool Self-Assessment: Please Note That The MOHO-SA Is A Non-Standardised Assessment
The MOHOST Self-Assessment (MOHOST-SA) was originally designed by an occupational therapist in the UK who was adept
at using the MOHOST to provide feedback to her clients regarding their progress. Some of her clients were interested in
evaluating their own progress and so she worked with them to adapt the MOHOST Single Observation Form (MOHOST-SOF).
After a while, it was realised that other occupational therapists were starting to offer the MOHOST-SA to their clients, because it
provided a useful tool:
for clients to increase their awareness about how others perceived them;
for clients and occupational therapists to discuss any differences in perception regarding their occupational participation.
The MOHOST-SA is considered to be particularly useful in secure settings, when occupational therapists are already providing
detailed feedback using the MOHOST, and are working with their clients to enhance self-awareness and encourage greater
Name: Group/Activity/Session:
Date of birth: Signature of service user:
ID code: Date:
F Facilitated participation in occupation I did this well / This was good
A Allowed participation in occupation I managed this most of the time / This was OK
Rating I Inhibited participation in occupation I had difficulties / This could have been better
Scale: R Restricted participation in occupation This prevents me from achieving my aims / This was poor
N/A Not applicable