5B Vocabulary Relationships

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Vocabulary relationships
Explain the difference between these pairs of phrases.

📌 1 to meet somebody and to know somebody meet somebody is

when you have plans with a friend or partner, or you will have a meal
in a restaurant or have a fun time in another place, whereas know
somebody is when you meet someone for the first time.

📌 2 a colleague and a friend a colleague is the person who you work or

study with, but you don't trust that person enough or you just
exchanged a few words with that person, on the other hand, a friend
is a person whom you have affection and you have a fun time with
that person.

📌 3 to argue with somebody and to discuss something argue is when

you speak angrily because you are disagree with somebody, and if
you are discussing you are having a friendly conversation about a

Think of one of your close friends. Answer the questions.

How long have you known him/her?

I've known her for seven years

Where did you meet?

We met at school, we were classmates but then we discovered we got

along and became close friends.

Vocabulary relationships 1
Why do you get along well?

Because we understand each other, I feel she is good at listening, and a

reliable person whom you can tell anything, besides that she has a good
sense of humor, and everytime we met we always have a fun time.

What do you have in common?

I think we care about each other, sometimes we behave like a mother when
needed, also we share our problems with each other and we support and
advice, besides that we have a similiar taste in music, and we both like
Marvel movies.

Do you ever argue? What about?

I think so, when we were at school but I don't remember the reason, since
each time we argued a few moments later we talked like nothing have
happened, like small children xD.

How often do you see each other?

We don't often see each other, because last year she was studying to get
into university and she was really busy, and now unfortunately she moved
to Arequipa, so I hope when she come here we can meet.

How do you keep in touch?

We usually make video calls in group with other friends.

Have you ever lost touch? Why? When?

Yes, this happened two years ago, she didn't answer the messages. I guess
because she was really busy studying.

Do you think you'll stay friends?

Yes, sometimes we don't talk for weeks, but still whenever we talk, it's like
we never stopped talking and would talk for hours.


📌 couple: two people who are

married or in a romantic
📌 partner: your husband,
wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend

Vocabulary relationships 2
📌 fiance: the person that you
are engaged to be married
📌 roommate: a person that
you share an apartment or
to house with

📌 colleague: a person that

you work with
📌 ex: a person that you used
to have a relationship with

📌 close friend: a very good

friend that you can talk to
📌 classmate: a friend from
school or college
about anything


1 I met Mark when I was studying at 2 We got to know each other quickly
Boston University because we went to the same

3 We soon became friends and we 4 We went out together in our

discovered that we had a lot in second semester, and we fell in love
common. For example, we both liked
art and music

5 We were together for two years, 6 After we graduated from collegue,

but we argued a lot, and in our last we lost touch because I moved to
semester of school, we broke up Chicago, and he stayed in Boston

7 Five years later, we got in touch 8 This time we got along better than
again on Facebook. We were both before, maybe because we were
still single and Mark had moved to older
Chicago, too

Vocabulary relationships 3
9 After two months Mark proposed 10 We got married last summer. A lot
and I accepted of our collegue friend came to the

Vocabulary relationships 4

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