Superb 2021 Model Essays For SPM

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The key takeaways from the document are that it provides model essays and guidance on writing for different parts of the SPM English writing paper, including short communicative messages, guided writing, and extended writing tasks. It also provides tips and techniques for studying and writing well.

The three main parts of the SPM English writing paper are Part 1: Short Communicative Message, Part 2: Guided Writing, and Part 3: Extended Writing Task.

Some study techniques mentioned in the text include reading aloud, using short notes and revision cards, following a study schedule with short bouts of study, and reviewing notes after lessons.

e r b

S up
Format 2021

Fo r m

• Step-by-step guide for different

4 5••
essay types
• Word Bank & Idioms for Vocab Christine Tan
Yong Fui Yin
• Tips & Techniques for each section
Ch’ng Teik Peng
• Wide Scope of Model Essays Zeti Aqmar

Superb Model Essays for SPM English is targeted at students in Form 4 and Form
5 preparing for the Bahasa Inggeris Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia examination. It can also be
used in class under the teacher’s guidance or by students studying and writing on their
own. Students at other levels are welcome and encouraged to use this book.
The book is divided into three main parts: Part 1 focuses on Short Communicative
Message, Part 2 focuses on Guided Writing and Part 3 focuses on Extended Writing
Task. Time given for the whole paper (1119/2) is 90 minutes.
Part 1: Short Communicative Message (20 marks)
Students are advised to spend about 10 – 15 minutes for Part 1. The number of words
should be about 80 words. The task is writing a short communicative message through
Part 2: Guided Writing (20 marks)
Students are advised to spend about 20 – 25 minutes for Part 2. The number of words
should be between 125 and 150 words. The task is writing an essay or elaboration of
points for or against an idea, plan or arrangement based on a guided stimulus.
Part 3: Extended Writing (20 marks)
Students are advised to spend about 50 – 60 minutes for Part 3. The number of words
should be between 200 and 250 words. The task is writing a composition based on a
choice of three questions: article, review, report or story.
The best way to use this book:
It is recommended that pupils use this book for the practice of writing messages/emails
and short or extended compositions. Interactive and active learning would help them
apply the tips and techniques in order to improve their personal writing styles.
Read the models. Connect the tips and techniques to the topics in short messages and
longer compositions. Draw guidance factors from the composition outline. Memorise
the phrases and parts that appeal to you. Substitute them with apt and suitable
vocabulary of your own to personalise them. Write your message and composition from
the model outline. Base your composition on your personal experiences, thoughts and
Where there is genuineness, there is uniqueness. Happy writing!
The Authors


1119/2 Time: 90 minutes


Short Communicative Message

Message length: Stimulus provided:

Marks: 20
80 words Email


Guided Writing

Types of Genre:
Writing length:
Marks: 20 Idea, plan or
125 – 150 words


Extended Writing Task

Types of Genre:
Writing length:
Marks: 20 Article / Report /
200 – 250 words
Review / Story

PART 1 Educational Pull-outs 44

Part 1: Short Communicative PART 2

Part 2: Guided Writimh
Tips and Techniques 2
Tips and Techniques 2
A Informal Emails
Step by Step
Introduction 3
15 Pros and Cons of Studying Overseas 5
Step by Step 3
16 Endangered Species 7
1 Advising a relative 5
17 Bullying in Schools 10
2 Reviving memories of childhood
18 Online Games 12
games 7
19 Welfare of the Aged 15
3 Compliment and encourage
20 Social Networking Sites 17
volunteerism 10
21 Scholarship Awards: Accept or
4 Consolation and Advice 12
Decline 19
5 Invitation to plan and participate in
22 Buying a Car 21
camping trip 15
23 Importance of Movement Control
6 The Tragic Flood 17
Order (MCO) 23
7 Steps to Efficient Learning 19
24 Depression among Teenagers 26
8 For Tastier Green 21
25 Flash Flooding 5
9 Dining Together as a Family 23
26 Trend of Online Business in
10 Reading Maketh A Man 26
Malaysia 7
B Formal Emails 27 Computer Literacy among Malaysian
Introduction 34 Teenagers 10
Step by Step 34 28 Effectiveness of Online Class 12
11 An Email to the Editor of a local 29 Issue of Student Couples 15
tabloid: Community Field 36 30 Problem of Peer Pressure 17
12 Applying for a Scholarship 39 31 If You Were a Billionaire 19
13 A Formal Email to Readers Write 32 Plan to Start an Online Business 21
to the Editor : Demolition of Local 33 Mental Health 23
Library 42 34 Saving Money for the Future 26
14 An Email Requesting 35 Importance of Music 5
Complimentary Copies of 36 Playing Video Games 7
Newspapers in Education and 37 Showing Appreciation to Mothers 10

English  SPM  Section A – Formal Emails  

Part 1


English  SPM  Section A – Formal Emails

When writing informal and formal emails, Use Grammatical Devices appropriately:
think about:
(a) The grammar should reflect the
(a) how you begin and end emails to set
tone you want to convey.Avoid using
the tone of the message – there are
contractions such as ‘don’t” or “won’t”
two parts to begin the email : the
in formal emails. Use the full word like
greeting and the way you address the
“do not” or “will not”.
(b) Contractions are acceptable in informal
emails when portraying a casual tone.
• Informal Emails
(c) While writing about specific terms, be
– Convey a much more casual tone
aware of colloquial terms and slang
– address reader as a friend on a
which might be appropriate for informal
first name basis.
writing but not in formal emails.
– More personal – relay a
(d) Regardless of the email’s style, do pay
tone similar to face-to-face
attention to using correct grammar and
punctuation and follow best practices
– Examples: Hey Johan / Hi / Hi,
for formatting
(e) Ensure that the email is easy to read
and convey a professional tone,
• Formal Emails
regardless whether it is formal or
– To convey respect by politely
addressing the reader
(f) To ensure readability, divide content
– Examples: Dear Professor Yanni
into paragraphs
Ismail / Dear Marketing Manager
(g) Organize information to ensure it is not
/ To whom it may concern
muddled or confusing to reader. Ideally,
a paragraph should not be longer than
(b) the same rules apply to the end of the
four lines in length.
– Use the same tone you started the
mail, whether casual or professional.
– Thank the reader for their time and
keep the context of the email in

Short Communicative
A Informal Emails

Informal emails are friendly mails that we send or receive from friends and family members
on a personal basis. The subject matter in informal emails is usually on matters of personal
interest between the sender and the receiver or receivers. One can make and respond to
simple requests and suggestions, explain simple processes, narrate factual or imagined events
and experiences or express and respond to opinions and common feelings such as happiness,
sadness, surprise and interest.


➢ How to write an informal email

1. Start your email with ‘Hi’ followed by name of receiver,
2. Use relevant expressions appropriate to the purpose of the email
 • e.g. ‘Would you like to + verb ..’ when making an invitation
 • ‘We could ..,’ when making a suggestion
 • ‘Could you .. ‘ when making a request
3. Give details of your invitation, suggestion or request clearly. Leave out unnecessary
4. End with ‘See you soon. / Hope to hear from you soon. / Hope to get a favourable
reply soon.
5. End with your name.
Sample of an informal email
You received an email from a friend who wants to study together for an upcoming exam.

The mid-year exam is around the corner. Would you like to study together in preparation
for this exam? We could do it in my house as my parents will be away for the fortnight
before the mid-year exam. I don’t mind if you want to bring two of your long
as they are serious about their studies.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Bye for now.

English  SPM  Section A – Formal Emails

Reply to the email from your friend.

New Message
To : Zahara
Subject : Group study

Hi, Zahara
Thank you for the invitation to do group studying for the mid-year exam. Group
studying is a good idea as the exam formats for three subjects have been changed. We
need to put our heads together to fully understand the new formats and how to answer
the questions.
I would like to bring two friends from my neighbourhood. They are from another
school and might be able to give us new ideas or approaches as taught by their teachers.
Please forward the schedule soonest possible.
Siew Hwa

➢ How to write a formal email

1. Begin with a greeting / salutation.
Open with a greeting such as ‘Dear Sir/Madam/Ms/Mr/Mrs/Dr/Surname’. If you do not
know the name of the person, use ‘To whom it may concern’ or ‘Dear Sir / Madam’.
2. Thank the recipient.
If you are replying to an inquiry, begin with a line of thanks. - for question about your
company, “Thank you for contacting ABC Company”; for a reply to one of your emails,
‘Thank you for your prompt reply’ or ‘Thanks for getting back to me’.
3. State your purpose.
If you are starting the email communication, begin by stating your purpose, ‘I am
writing to enquire about …’ Make your purpose and the main text clear. Keep your
sentences short and clear. Pay careful attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation
for a professional impression.
4. Add your closing remarks.
Before you end your email, it’s polite to thank your reader one more time and add
some polite closing remarks like ‘Thank you for your patience and cooperation’. Follow
up with ‘If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let me know” and ‘I
look forward to hearing from you’.
5. End with a closing.
The last step is to include an appropriate closing with your name. ‘Best regards’,
‘Sincerely’, and “Thank you” are all professional. Finally, review and spell check your
email one more time to make sure it’s truly perfect!

English  SPM  Section A – Formal Emails  

Format of a formal email:

From: (sender’s email – yours)

Date: (date and time)

Cc: (friends’ emails you want to include)

Subject: (message topic)

Sample of Formal Email: A Thank You Email

From: To: [email protected]

Date: Cc:

Cc: Bcc:

Subject: Subject: Thank you – Assistant Account Executive Interview

13 November 2021
Dear Encik Johan,
It was very kind of you to grant me an interview. I enjoyed learning about the
Assistant Account Executive position at the JK Company.
The job seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests. The creative
approach to account management that you discussed confirmed my desire to work with
I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness and the ability to
encourage others to work co-operatively with the department.
I appreciate the time you took to interview me.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this position.
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Amar Iqbal
[email protected]

English  SPM  Section A – Formal Emails

1 Advising a Relative

Model Question
You receive an email from your aunt who is concerned about your cousin brother who
looks depressed most of the time. She wants you to help her by talking to your cousin

Dear Alan,
I’m sorry to disturb you at this time when you’re preparing for your finals. I’m
worried about Ben who looks depressed most of the time. The two of you are
very close so please talk to him. I’m sure he’ll tell you the reasons for his present
behaviour. I suspect it is cyberbullying but he refuses to talk about it.
I’m sure he will open up to you.

Now write an email to your aunt in about 80 words. Write your answer below.
Model Answer

To : [email protected]

Subject : Ben and his problem

Dear Aunt Clara,

Thank you for your faith in me.
I met up with Ben. He opened up in no time – a victim of cyberbullying. The fact that he talked
so openly means he needs support and help especially from his family. The problem is in the
early stage. So, nip it in the bud and help Ben get over it.
Talk to him gently. Don’t make him feel guilty. With encouragement, he can get his life back
on track.
Get back to me if you need further help. Bye.

nip it in the bud – to stop something in the early stages before it becomes a serious problem
opened up – talked willingly about one’s problem
back on track – back to the original or normal
a stitch in time saves nine – if you sort out a problem immediately it may save a lot of extra work

English  SPM  Section A – Formal Emails  


faith – trust Cyber bullying – the use of technology to harass,
victim – one who is acted on and threaten, embarrass, or target another person. Online
usually adversely affected threats and mean, aggressive, or rude texts, tweets, posts

2 Reviving Memories of Childhood Games

Model Question
You received an email from a friend who wants to know about a childhood game you
like very much. She wants to share some knowledge of Malaysian traditional games
with an overseas friend.

I have a request which you may think odd but I really need your help. An overseas
friend is asking for information about our Malaysian traditional games. She has to
present a paper to her class.
She can get information from the Net but prefers to get it from people who have
or are still playing the games. I used to play batu seremban and kunda kundi. You
preferred congkak. Please give me the necessary details.
Thanking you in advance.

Now write an email to your friend in about 80 words. Write your answer below.
Model Answer

To :
[email protected]

Subject : Remembering a childhood game

Hi Leena,
Childhood games? Congkak was and still is my favourite. For your friend’s info, in the past, they
dug holes in the ground and played with tamarind seeds. Nowadays, we play with marbles on
a wooden board with two rows of five, seven or nine holes and two holes at both ends called
home. The aim is to collect the tokens for our home.
I used to shout and jump about whenever I won - to irritate my opponent, my grandmother. I
would say, nenek I won fair and square!

English  SPM  Section A – Formal Emails

Malaysian traditional games are usually played during free time. Traditional games are very popular
among people who live in rural area. They have been played by our ancestors. Nowadays, most of
traditional games are not being played anymore by the children as they are more attracted to play
computer games. Malay traditional games are one of the cultural heritages that are priceless and
cannot be replaced because it symbolize our customs, culture, and identity of one nation.

tamarind seeds – seeds of a fruit popularly used in Indian
cuisine to add a tangy flavour. IDIOMS
– shiny black in colour and are said to be used for various
medicinal purposes. fair and square – honestly and
tokens – marks straightforwardly
irritate – to provoke impatience or anger

3 Compliment and Encourage Volunteerism

Model Question
You received an email from a friend who is waiting to go oversea for further studies in
about three months’ time. She wants to spend the time fruitfully like doing voluntary
work with a worthwhile organisation. She hopes that you can help her out.

As you know, I’ll be going for further studies in Australia in about three months’
time. I would like to spend the time fruitfully but I’m not sure what I can do or which
direction to go. I could do a short course or get involved in voluntary work in a
worthwhile organisation.
I would be most obliged if you could help me out so that I can put my time to good
Waiting for your good news.

Now write an email to your friend in about 80 words. Write your answer below.

English  SPM  Part 2 – Guided Writing  

Part 2

Guided Writing

English  SPM  Part 2 – Guided Writing

1. This part is aimed at teaching students 8. Use the correct format that is required.
to write an essay or elaboration of
points for or against an idea, plan 9. Be sure to include the information
or arrangement based on a given provided.
10. Students are required or encouraged
2. The question can be based on to provide relevant information to
following genre: make the composition interesting.
 • an idea, plan or arrangement
11. Remember to keep to the task stated
 • the format of the essay can be in the question for example to discuss,
explain etc.
– argumentative – points for and
against are tabled 12. Use your general knowledge where
– letter writing – formal/informal necessary.
13. Make sure your composition has
– expository – an account of a topic a smooth flow with appropriate
of general or current interest expressions.
– speeches/talks – pass on
information on a certain occasion 14. Use the style that is suitable for the
question – either formal or informal.
– reflective – express personal Different genres require different
opinion styles.
 • the themes are varied
15. Plan and organise well for it to be well
3. The question and stimulus or perceived by the examiner.
information are provided in the
question. 16. Writing a good ending or conclusion
gives your composition an edge over
4. The stimulus or information may be others.
in the form of short notes, a graphic
presentation or a series of pictures. 17. Check your composition before
handing it in.
5. Read the question and study the
stimulus/information carefully. 18. To recapitulate – RUPOWC
Read/Study – Understand – Plan –
6. Break the stimulus or information into Organise – Write – Check
parts if necessary, to have better

7. The question and stimulus / information

given are student friendly in that they
provide adequate information and
instruction to answer the question.

Guided Writing
Guided Writing is writing a composition based on a given stimulus. It is tested in Part 2 of
the SPM English paper. It is compulsory to answer this question and students are advised to
spend about 20 – 25 minutes for Part 2. The number of words should be between 125 and
150 words.


1. After studying the question and stimulus, work out your points.
2. Prepare an essay layout. Study the expel provided below.
Make sure there are five paragraphs - introduction, paragraphs 2 – 4 and conclusion

Essay Layout
5 Paragraphs
Paragraph 1 Introduction Rephrasing Question
Paragraph 2 Body 1 Opinion 1
Supporting fact/Explanation
Paragraph 3 Body 2 Opinion 2
Supporting fact/Explanation
Paragraph 4 Body 3 Opinion 3
Supporting Fact/Explanation
Paragraph 5 Conclusion Summary/Restatement

Now, you are ready to answer question for Part 2 for the SPM English
Remember – RUPOWC

English  SPM  Part 2 – Guided Writing

15 Pors and Cons of Studying Overseas

Model Question
Write your answer in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate style.
Your class has been discussing the pros and cons of studying overseas.
Your English language teacher has asked you to write an essay about the advantages
and disadvantages of studying abroad.
In your essay, you should write about:


Advantages Disadvantages
• New Experiences • Alien Environment
• Independence/Responsibility • Cultural Shock : Homesickness
• More Courses • Expensive
• Reputable Universities • Irrelevant Disciplines

Write your essay using all the information and giving reasons for your point of view.

Model Question

Pros and Cons of Studying Overseas

Introduction There are pros and cons in studying overseas. This
Re-phrase question essay will look at both the advantages and disadvantages.
The first advantage is the student gains new
Opinion 1
First Advantage experiences, independence and responsibility. When he
Supporting Fact learns time and financial management, he budgets and lives
Example within his allowance.
The second advantage is the numerous courses
Opinion 2 available in many reputable universities. He could study
Second Advantage
Supporting Fact
in Ivy League institutions. If he graduates from Harvard or
Example Cambridge, he would be headhunted and offered a highly
lucrative position.
On the other hand, there are disadvantages. He is
Disadvantages 1, 2,3 thrown into an alien environment, experiences cultural
Supporting Facts shock and is homesick. Overseas courses are expensive.
Besides, he might enroll in an irrelevant degree course
that has no value to his home country.

English  SPM  Part 2 – Guided Writing  

In conclusion, I think that there are more advantages

in studying overseas than studying locally at tertiary level.
Suggestion Should finances be an issue, study for the first degree
locally then study abroad for postgraduate qualifications.

Model S

16 Endangered Species
Model Question E
Write your answer in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate style. E

You watched a television programme about animals and learnt about animal extinction.
Write an essay expressing your opinion and feelings in the increase in number of C
endangered species. E

Causes contributing to Animal Extinction E
• Poaching – illegal international trade, increase in demand for
exotic animal parts [trophies, fashion accessories], sale of live
animals O
• Loss of habitat – water, food sources F
• Overharvesting marine life – environmental issues

Write the essay using all the notes and giving your opinion and feelings from your point
of view.
Model Answer

Endangered Species
Man is in danger of destroying his own species and
that of Mother Nature. A prevalent problem is the growing
Stand extinction of animal species. Animal lovers are unhappy that
certain animal species are becoming extinct.
The illegal international animal trade has prompted
Cause 1 poaching and sale of exotic animal parts to make trophies
Explanation & and fashion accessories like crocodile skin bags, rhino
Examples talismans and medicinal concoctions. Even captured live
animals become exotic human pets.

English  SPM  Part 2 – Guided Writing

Cause 2 Forests are cleared for economic development

Explanation & resulting in loss of habitats and tree cover. Wild animals
are bereft of food and water sources.
Cause 3 Marine life is also threatened by overharvesting
Explanation & marine resources. The oceans and seas are environmentally
Examples polluted by both industrial and human waste.
I am afraid the global eco-system and the drastic
Conclusion climate change would be unable to meet the food and
Feeling water demands for both human and animal survival. I fear
for the end of the human race.


prevalent – existing, current Seven Animal Species Going Extinct in Malaysia : The
extinction – disappearance Malayan Tiger, Black Shrew, Malayan Tapir, Orangutan,
bereft – loss Borneo Pygmy Elephant, Proboscis Monkey and Sunda
The loss of a single species can alter the biodiversity of the
eco-landscape it inhabits.

English  SPM  Section A – Articles  

Part 3


English  SPM  Section A – Articles

Extended Writing
A Articles

Articles are formal and informative accounts of specific topics. They give information about
current or social issues. In Part 3 SPM English, writing an article is one of the choices for the
extended writing. Marks allocated are 20 and students are advised to complete the answer
in 50 – 60 minutes. The number of words should be between 200 and 250 words.

1. Articles can be in the following genre:  • Name of writer

 • School magazine  • Write in paragraphs to emphasise the
facts or points.
 • Newspapers
8. Articles are exercises in formal writing
 • Health magazine
so avoid using colloquial and slang
 • Nature magazine expressions.
 • Food magazine 9. Use simple clear and formal language.
 • Travel magazine 10. In your article:
 • Social digest  • include details to make your article
2. A stimulus in the form of an
advertisement, notes, itinerary or  • details should be based on the
brochure may be provided. notes provided
3. Read the question and notes carefully. 11. Give actual or reasonable and
Study the stimulus – advertisement / acceptable facts. Do not exaggerate.
brochure / itinerary - provided in detail.
12. Make sure the ideas flow into one
4. Identify the format required in the another.
question before you start writing.
13. There must be a smooth flow
5. The question may be a report, an
14. Check through your article for
article or a review.
grammatical and spelling errors.
6. Be clear about the purpose of the
15. Give your personal reaction or opinion
only if necessary.
7. Format for Articles:
 • Heading or title for article

English  SPM  Section A – Articles  

43 Good Parenting

Model Question
Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style.
You come across the idiom, ‘blood is thicker than water’, and you mull over the meaning
of the idiom and decide to write an article on ‘Good Parenting’.
In your article, include the following:
• Introduction – parents and child – special bond
• Parenthood follows marriage – prospective parents – role – make sacrifices
• Parental love- not pampering – instil good qualities for future
• Love and understanding – wholesome not blind - strong familial bond
• Be themselves – love wisely
Write your article.

Good Parenting
Zaidi Zain
Parents and children have a special bond of love and
affection. This bond can never be replaced by any other
Introduction – form of relationship. As the saying goes, ‘blood is thicker
parents and child than water’ - family relationships and loyalties are the
special bond strongest and most important ties. Parenthood requires
dedication and sacrifice. So, what qualities should parents
impart that would considered good parenting?
Parenthood is a natural consequence of marriage and
prospective parents should recognise their responsibilities.
Parenthood The father might resent the children as rivals for the
follows marriage
– parent accept mother’s attention. The mother finds her time is not her
responsibilities own anymore as household routine changes. Both parents
should be willing to make sacrifices, including their career
and accept their responsibilities.
It is a universal truth that parents love their children.
The children are the apple of the parents’ eyes and without
Parental love – not
synonymous with doubt their pride and joy. But, love should in no way or at
pampering – set any time be considered as synonymous with pampering or
good example – spoiling the child. They should instead, instil qualities that
right atmosphere
can help the children face life with integrity and courage.
Parents should set good examples and provide the right

English  SPM  Section A – Articles

atmosphere conducive to growth of good character traits.

A child learns good virtue or otherwise from the parents
as like father like son.
In general, good parenthood requires love and
Good parenthood
understanding. These two qualities can build a strong
– love and familial bond. Love must be wholesome but not blind and
understanding – not ignore discipline and moral values. Understanding means
blind giving the child the opportunity to know what he wants and
support when needed.
Be themselves –
Parents should be themselves and allow the children
love wisely to be themselves, too - good parenting, love wisely.


impart – convey, give or grant
blood is thicker than water – family ties are the strongest
universal truth – a statement
apple of the parents’ eyes – favourite or most cherished
that relates to reality
regardless of time and space
pride and joy – that makes one proud and happy
synonymous – equivalent to
like father like son – a child’s character or behaviour can
conducive – helpful
be expected to be similar to that of the father

44 Study Well and Do Well

Model Question
Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style.
You are a student counsellor and have attended a seminar on how to be an A-Star
student. Write an article on what you learnt for the school magazine.
In your article, include the following:
• exams – internal and public – school life – tedious and stressful
• study smart – positive attitude – understand exam format
• attentive and focussed – punctual and review
• study techniques:
• read aloud
• short notes
• schedules – short bouts of study
• during exams:
• choose – understand question
• focus – thorough answers – keep tabs on time
Write your article.

English  SPM  Section A – Articles  

Title Study Well and Do Well

Writer Anne Lee
How to prepare and do well for examinations, an
Introduction integral part of school life, haunt us throughout our
exams – internal schooling life. There are examination, internal and external
and public –
schooling years best
or public to contend with. They are the bugs that make
times – learning school days tedious and stressful. Yet, we are always told
enjoyable the best times of our lives are our schooling years. This can
be true provided we make learning enjoyable.
Study smart. To be able to do this, stay healthy and
positive. Eat well, exercise and rest enough to stay healthy.
This helps to keep the mind alert. A positive attitude is
study smart
always important – say positive things like ‘I can do it…’
Read through used textbooks, past year exam papers and
notes to give you an insight into the exam format.
Pay attention in class and stay focussed rather than
attend tuition classes. Try not to miss the first and last few
minutes of class as important tips and announcements are
be attentive and usually made at these times. Immediately after a lesson,
stay focussed - review the notes even if it is only for a few minutes. Follow
study techniques – a few study techniques – read aloud and use short notes
read aloud – short
notes and revision
and revision cards. Reading aloud helps to keep the sleep
cards – study away. Short notes and revision cards help the facts to be
schedule transferred from short memory to long-term learning.
so, you are learning and not cramming facts. Also, plan a
schedule and study in short bouts rather than long hours
of cramming.
During exams, practise self-discipline – choose
exam time
- practise self- questions carefully, understand essence of question and
discipline – organise keep tabs on the time. Organise your time and thoughts
time - thoughts quickly and decisively.
Conclusion Get a grip on yourself and go forward with
Go forward with determination. Faint hearts never win fair ladies.

English  SPM  Section A – Articles


integral – important and necessary
keep tabs – keep track
bugs – burdens
faint hearts never win fair ladies – timidity
keep the mind alert – keep the brain working
will prevent you from achieving your
insight – idea
review – go over and read through
not cramming – not pushing everything into a
small space
short bouts – short periods of time

r b
SPM Form 4 • 5

This book is designed to help students improve their writing
skills. From the interpretation of the question to the planning
and writing process, the reader is guided step by step in
three main parts called Short Communicative Message,
Guided Writing and Extended Writing. Each Model Essay


illustrates the process of developing ideas into an essay by
putting into practice simple yet invaluable principles of
essay writing.

Though aimed at SPM students, this book is also

suitable for anyone who wants to write well.
• Online Bookstore • Online Library •

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ISBN 978-967-2930-59-4

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