Grade 8 Science

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Mamali, Lambayong, Sultan Kudarat

First Periodical Examination

Grade 8-Science
Name:________________________________________________ Score:_______________

I.TRUE OR FALSE. Write the letter (T) if the sentence is correct and letter (F) if the statement is wrong. Write the letter on the space
before the number.

____1. When the aircraft travels at a speed faster than the speed of sound, i.e., the aircraft travels at supersonic speed
producing a sonic boom.
____2. Sound consists of waves of air particles.
____3. Transverse waves are waves that are usually created by pulling and pushing the material or medium just like in
the slinky.
____4. If you count the number of compressions passing by a certain point in 1 second, you are able to determine the
wavelength of the longitudinal wave
____5. The difference between longitudinal and transverse wave is in the motion of particles with respect to the
direction of travel of the wave.
____6. The speed of sound is common for different types of solids, liquids, and gases.
____7. The phases of matter affect the speed of sound.
____8. Sound waves travel faster in solids than in liquids, and faster in liquids than in gases.
____ 9. The hotter the medium the faster the sound travels.
____10. A reverberation often occurs in a small room with height, width, and length dimensions of approximately 17
meters or less.
____11. The reflection of sound is due to the different refractive indices of air because of the difference in temperature.
____12. When white light enters a prism, separation into different colors is observed.
____13. A prism doesn’t need to break the white light into the different colors of light.
____14. Colors of light are hierarchically arranged as ROYGBIV according to frequency and energy of the colors of light.
____15. Energy and frequency decreases as one move from red light towards violet light.

II. MATCHING TYPE: Match column A with column B

_____1. Dispersion a. The tendency of a material to maintain its shape and not deform when a force is applied to the object
or medium.
_____2. Echo a. A special kind of refraction which provided us colors of light.
_____3. Apparent depth b. The highest portion of transverse wave
_____4. reverberation c. Multiple reflection of sound
_____5. Echo sounding d. Number of compressions passing by a certain point in 1 second
_____6. Optical density e. Used by scientists to map the sea floor and to determine the depth of the ocean or sea
_____7. Crest f. Reflection of sound
_____8. Frequency g. The lowest portion of transverse wave
_____9. Trough h. The bending of light when it travels from one medium to another of different optical densities.
_____10. Longitudinal wave i. The sluggishness of the atoms of a medium to maintain the absorbed energy before reemitting
_____11. Transverse wave j. A known indicator of the optical density of a material
_____12. Refraction of light k. The movement of particles is perpendicular to the direction of wave travel
_____13. Refraction of sound l. The change in speed of sound when it encounters a medium of different density.
_____14. Index of refraction m. The movement of particles is parallel to the direction of wave travel
_____15. Elastic property n. The mass per unit volume of the medium
o. The illusion that objects under the water appear to be nearer the surface than they really are.

III. Label the drawing corresponding to the types of ray.


IV. Complete the table by filling out the index of refraction of materials.

Materials Index of Refractions

Light flint glass
Crown glass
Ethyl alcohol
Ice air

V. Essay (7 pts)

How do you relate the temperature of the water to the rate of scattering of the dye?

1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. T
11. F
12. T
13. F
14. T
15. f
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Mamali, Lambayong, Sultan Kudarat

Second Periodical Examination

Grade 8-Science
Name:________________________________________________ Score:_______________

I.TRUE OR FALSE. Write the letter (T) if the sentence is correct and letter (F) if the statement is wrong. Write the letter
on the space before the number.

___1. A fault is a break in the Earth’s crust, and along the break, significant movement has taken place.
___2. An earthquake is a vibration of the Earth due to the rapid release of energy.
___3. The intensity of an earthquake gives us an idea of how strong or weak the shaking is.
___4. The intensity of an earthquake is determined by observing the effects of the earthquake in different places.
___5. The greater the magnitude of an earthquake, the stronger the earthquake.
___6. A magnitude 2 quake results in widespread destruction, especially near the epicenter.
___7. When a fault at the bottom of the sea suddenly moves, the water above it can be affected. A sudden push from an
underwater fault can produce a wave called a tsunami.
___8. When the tsunami reaches the shore, it slows down but it grows in height. A tsunami is very destructive because
the force of the whole ocean is behind it.
___9. All fault movement beneath the sea will produce a tsunami. Those faults that move in a horizontal direction or
vertical way will result in a tsunami.
___10. Earthquake waves don’t give us a picture of the Earth’s interior.
___11.The amount of heat transferred is determined always by the change in temperature.
___12. The difference in the hotness or coldness of the water is due to the adding of water of different temperatures.
___13. The greater the amount of heat transferred to an object, the greater the increase in its temperature.
___14. The higher the temperature of the water, the faster the scattering of the dye.
___15. Heat transfer from an object of higher temperature to an object of lower temperature.
___16. Earthquakes are associated with faults. When a fault suddenly moves, an earthquake occurs.
___17. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) uses the following scale to describe the
intensity of earthquakes in the Philippines.
___18. The released energy can be calculated by scientists and is called the magnitude of the earthquake.
___19. Earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 can cause severe damage.
___20. A sudden push from an underwater fault can produce a wave called a tsunami.

II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify to what intensity do the following situations.

Situations Intensity
1. Delicately balanced objects are disturbed slightly.
2. Most people are frightened and run outdoors. People find it difficult to stand in upper floors.
3. Practically all man-made structures are destroyed.
4. People are forcibly thrown to ground.
5. Numerous landslides and rock falls occur in mountainous and hilly areas.
6. Limited liquefaction, lateral spreading and landslides are observed.
7. Trees are noticeably shaken.
8. Many sleeping people are awakened
9. Liquids in containers are slightly disturbed
10. Dizziness and nausea are experienced by some people.

III. Answering the following questions: Underline the correct answer.

1. When an earthquake occurs, where would shaking be greater? Near the epicenter or away from the epicenter?
2. Where would damage be more? Near the epicenter or away from the epicenter?
3. Based on your answers to Questions A and B, where would the intensity be higher?
Near the epicenter or away from the epicenter?
4. Give atlest 5 Important materials to be included in the emergency kit.
5. Things to do before, during and after an earthquake.

“ Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking provides knowledge, Knowledge makes you
Maam Karen…..
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Mamali, Lambayong, Sultan Kudarat

Third Periodical Examination

Grade 8-Science
Name:________________________________________________ Score:_______________

I. IDENTIFICATION. Refer your answer from the box below. Just write the word on the space before the number

Isotopes electron period freezing John Newlands

atomic number Group vapor nucleus melting
Mass number proton Johann Dobereiner
plum pudding model electronic configuration

___________1. Atoms having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
___________2. Negatively-charged electrons were embedded in a kind of cloud or soup of positive charge
___________3. center of the atom
___________4. carries a negative charge
___________5. vertical columns of the periodic table
___________6. numbered from the top to bottom of the periodic table
___________7. Process in which a liquid is changed to a solid.
___________8. transformation process in which a solid is changed to a liquid
___________9. The molecules that escape from the liquid and go into the gaseous phase
___________10. All atoms of an element contain the same number of protons in their nuclei.
___________11. The sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons in an atom
___________12. He was formed the triads of elements with similar properties like the triad of calcium, barium and
___________13. Proposed the Law of Octaves
___________14. The way the electrons of an atom are distributed in the various energy levels or electron shells.
___________15. Carries a positive charge


CATEGORY Domesticated Cat Dog Bangus Wolf Lion


1. Si 14=

2. Zn 30=

3. O 8=

4. Mo 42=

5. Ca 20=

IV. ESSAY 5 pts

Can a dog and a wolf produce fertile offspring? Explain your answer.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Mamali, Lambayong, Sultan Kudarat

Fourth Periodical Examination

Grade 8-Science
Name:________________________________________________ Score:_______________

______1.If the net force acting on a stationary object is zero, and then the object will
a. Accelerate in the direction of the strongest force c. begin moving backwards
b. Remain at rest d. decelerate at a steady rate of speed
______2. Cooking is an example of which type of energy?
a. Thermometer b. Insulator c. Solar Energy d. Conductor
______3. How many daughter cells are produced by mitosis and meiosis respectively?
a. mitosis-1; meiosis-2 c. mitosis-2; meiosis-4
b. mitosis-2; meiosis-2 d. mitosis-1; meiosis-4
______4. Which of the following best describes a cell that is in metaphase?
a. The cell membrane starts to furrow. b. The chromosomes start moving to the poles.
c. The chromosomes appear as thread-like particles.d. The chromosomes line up along the equatorial plate.
______5. Which event normally occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis?
a. chromosome replication b. nuclear membrane disintegration
c. synapses of homologous chromosomesd. movement of chromosomes to opposite poles
______6. The mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, and pancreas all play a role in human digestion. This is a function of _____________.
a. cell b. tissue c. organ d. system
______7. When you eat bread, which organ of the digestive system where its chemical digestion begins?
a. liver b. mouth c. pancreas d. small intestine
______8. Why is it more energy efficient to eat fruits and vegetables?
a. More nutrients are present in the producer level. b. No energy at the producer level has been lost to the next level.
c. Less waste materials are produced. d. Humans need more vegetables for their fiber content.
______11. Which of the following is not an example of a matter?
a.sugar b.water c. light d. air inside the ball
______12. Dew drops are observed in plant’s leaves in the morning. Which phase change is involved?
a.liquid to gas b. gas to liquid c. liquid to solid d. solid to liquid
______13. Which of the following group of elements belong to the same family?
a.Li, Na, K b. Be, Mg, Cl c. C, N, O d. Si, P, S
______14. Sodium has an atomic number of 11 and a mass number of 23. Which of the following is true?
a.It has 23 protons b. It has 11 neutrons c. It has 11 electrons d. It has 13 neutrons
______15. Which statement about the electron is NOT true?
a. It has a negative charge b. It is found inside the nucleus
c. It is the lightest subatomic particle d. It was discovered by J.J. Thomson
______16. Which of the following is/are found in the nucleus of an atom?
a. proton and electron c. proton only
b. proton and neutron d. electron only
______17. Which description will correctly describe diamond as made of carbon atoms?
a.malleable b.hard c. ductile d. elastic
______18. Four elements along a period have atomic number (11, 13, 16 and 17). The most metallic element has an atomic number of _____
a.11 b.13 c. 16 d. 17
______19.Who is the scientist who discovered that an atom has a positive core and established the nuclear model of the atom?
a. John Dalton b.James Chadwick c. Ernest Rutherford d. John Joseph Thomson
______20.The mass number of an atom is 118. Its atomic number is 59. How many neutrons has this atom?
a.59 b. 118 c. 177 d. 200
______21. What is a seismograph?
a. A device to measure the magnitude of earthquakes c. A device to measure the length of an earthquake
b. A device to locate the epicenter of an earthquaked. A device to measure the damage of an earthquake
______22. What other major natural disaster do earthquake sometimes cause?
a. volcanoes b. tsunamis c. hurricanes d. tornadoes
______23. Where do typhoons and hurricanes mostly formed?
a. pacific and atlantic ocean, south china sea c. arctic ocean
b. bejing sea d. indian ocean
______24. How does a cyclonic wind move in northern hemisphere?
a. clock wise b. north-south c. counter-clockwise d.both A & B
______25. Which typhoon signal with winds of 30-60 kph may be expected in at least 36 hours or intermittent rains may be expected within 36 hours .
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

______26. Which is in space?

a.meteorite b.meteoroid c. Meteor d. Meteoridis
______27. What happens when earth passes through the orbit of a comet ?
a. earthquake and tsunami occur
b. shower of a large number of dust particles
c. tons of soil and rock would be thrown into the upper atmosphere
d.) severe famine occur
______28. What is a meteorite?
a. A glowing trail of hot gas and debris heated by friction as an object moves through the atmosphere.
b. A space rock that survives when its fall through the Earth's atmosphere and reaches the ground.
c. This is the object that causes a "shooting star," but before it passes through the atmosphere
d. Any one of the large, rocky bodies that orbit the Sun, primarily between Jupiter and Saturn.
______29. The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity includes
a. direction b. distance c. time d. weight
______30.The combination of all of the forces acting on an object is called the
a. total force b. union of forces c. super force d. net force

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