CO - Arts6 - q1 - Mod10 - Utilizes Art Skills in Cartoon Character Making

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MAPEH - Arts
Quarter 1 – Module 10:
Utilizes Art Skills (Software and
Hardware) in Cartoon Character

MAPEH - Arts
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 10: Utilizes Art Skills (Software and Hardware) in Cartoon Character
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Author: Roselyn T. Navida
Editor: Gerry D. Almanon
Reviewers: Rebecca Y. Ibarreta, Mahnnie Q. Tolentino, Hajji S. Tropa
Illustrator: Roselyn T. Navida
Layout Artist: Roselyn T. Navida
Management Team: Ramir B. Uytico, Pedro T. Escobarte
Miguel Mac D. Aposin, Jerson B. Labos
Elena P. Gonzaga, Donald T. Genine, Celestino S. Dalumpines IV
Dobie Parohinog, Mahnnie Q. Tolentino
Rebecca Y. Ibarreta, Hajji S. Tropa
Ana Maria D. Arboleda, Annalyn N. Bebita
Jeannen C. Borreros

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MAPEH - Arts
Quarter 1 – Module 10:
Utilizes Art Skills (Software and
Hardware) in Cartoon Character
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master how to utilize art skills in using new technologies (hardware and software) in
cartoon character making. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of pupils. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with
the module you are now using.

The module aims that a learner utilizes Art Skills (hardware and software) in
cartoon character making (A6PR-IVg) and is divided into three lessons, namely:

• Lesson 1 – Art Skills vs Hardware Tools and Computer Software

• Lesson 2 – Common Cartoon Character Making Software Applications
• Lesson 3 – Getting Started with Software Applications

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. familiarize or acquaint yourself in hardware tools and computer software;
2. learn how to manipulate and follow steps in using hardware tools and
computer software applications; and
3. make an artwork using any computer software.

What I Know

Identify if the following are Hardware Tools by writing HT and SA for Software
Applications. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.



Lesson Art Skills vs Computer
1 Software and Hardware

In this lesson, you can learn many things about Art Skills, Software and
hardware. These things had been discussed in the past lessons, but we need to
deepen our understanding about this.

What’s In

Arrange the following steps in making a cartoon character. Write the

corresponding 1 - 5 on the box before the steps.

 Add a head
 Practice drawing a box, a sphere, and a cylinder
 Master the flour neck
 Stretch them, bend, and twist them
 Add limbs

Notes to the Teacher

The teacher will provide pictures as examples so that the learner
can easily understand what is being discussed in this module.
He/she should also monitor closely the progress of the child. It is
strongly advised that there will be a once a week interaction
between the teacher and the learner.

What’s New

Look at the two pictures.

Illustration by Gerry Almanon Illustration from Green-Free Vector

Unpublished, reproduced with permission graphic on Pixabay

1 2

✓ What can you say about these pictures?

✓ Can you identify what picture was done by the use of hardware tools
and what is by digital?
✓ Are you interested to make one like these?
✓ Ask yourself if you have the skills.

What is It

Art Skills
Artistic ability includes skills and talent to create fine works of art: painting,
drawing, sculpting, musical composition, etc. Creativity ability is the skill and talent
to use our imagination to create and solve. A better artist is creative. Art skills can
be applied thru drawing by hand and digital or using computer (hardware or

What is a Hardware?
Computer hardware includes the physical, tangible parts or components of a
computer, such as the cabinet, central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, computer
data storage, graphics card, sound card, speakers, scanners, printers, mouse, and
Pencils, Crayons, canvas, brushes, pens and papers are also hardware tools
used in art.

What is a Software?
Software is a collection of instructions that enable the user to interact with a
computer, it’s hardware, or perform tasks. Without software, most computers would
be useless.

Computer software that are of help in drawing, designing, and editing of
pictures and illustrations are the following:

✓ MS Paint
✓ Adobe Photoshop
✓ Inkscape
✓ Powerpoint
✓ Publisher
✓ Photo editor
✓ Others

What’s More

Identify the following by writing HARDWARE or SOFTWARE on a separate

sheet of paper.






What I Have Learned

✓ Software is a collection of instructions that enable the user to interact with a

computer, it’s hardware, or perform tasks. Without software, most computers
would be useless.
✓ Hardware includes the physical, tangible parts or components of a computer,
such as the cabinet, central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, computer data
storage, graphics card, sound card, speakers, scanners, printers, mouse and
✓ Other hardware tools are pencils, crayons, brushes, papers, canvas, boards and
✓ Artistic ability includes skills and talent to create fine works of art: painting,
drawing, sculpting, musical composition, and acting.

What I Can Do

Try to answer the following questions.

✓ What is an Art Skill?
✓ What is a Software? Give examples.
✓ What is a Hardware? Give some examples.


Read the sentences comprehensively. Write YES if the statement is right and
NO if not. Use another sheet of paper for your answer.

1. A mouse of a computer is an example of Hardware.

2. Painting belongs to Software.
3. Sculpture or sculpting is an Art skill.
4. Composing music is a software.
5. Photoshop editor is a software.

Additional Activities

Discover software that could be of help for making art works.

What I Know

Match the icon in column A with the correct application name in column B.
Write the correct letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B

1. A. Synfig Studio

2. B. Inkscape

3. C. Pencil

4. D. Tupi

5. E. Cartoonize

6. F. Scratch

7. G. Wooz World

8. H. WeeWorld

Common Cartoon Character
2 Making Software Applications

In this lesson, you can learn many things about common cartoon character
making software applications. The last lesson introduces you to the definition of art
skill, computer software and hardware tools. Here, you will focus your attention on
what software applications were suitable in making cartoon characters. This will
help you appreciate more and enhance your hidden talent.

What’s In

Read the following sentences carefully. Write check ( ✓ ) if the statement is

correct and an X if it is wrong. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. A mouse of a computer is an example of software.

2. Painting belongs to art skill.
3. Sculpture or sculpting is a software.
4. Composing music is an art skill.
5. Photoshop editor is a software.

Notes to the Teacher

The teacher will provide pictures as examples so that the
learner can easily understand what is being discussed in this
module. He/she should also monitor closely the progress of the
child. It is strongly advised that there will be a once a week
interaction between the teacher and the learner.

What’s New

Try to analyze the two given pictures. Where is an original photo? Where is a
cartoonize photo?


✓ How can you differentiate a cartoonize picture from an original one?

What is It

Top Thirteen (13) Cartoon Making Software Programs

Cartoons (animated or not) aroused the interest of young and old today.
Children love to sketch or draw their favorite cartoon character or even buying them
in stuffed toys form.

Here are some common Cartoon Making Software Programs that can develop
your skills in creating your own cartoon character.

1. Inkscape
This is a free software program that has imaging editing and creating abilities
similar to Adobe Illustrator. It is an open software that will run on a variety of
programs, such as windows, Mac and Linux. Here are some features that Inkscape

• Create logos and other forms of artwork from scratch.

• It can draw cartoons and artwork for animation use.
• It will convert bitmap images into vector images.
• Can be used to design websites and interface mockups in a quick and timely

2. Pencil
If you are looking for a free and easy to use cartoon making software program,
Pencil might be a good program to start off with. It is an open source 2D cartoon
animation and drawing program. It will run on Windows, Mac and Linux and provide
you with the following tools:

• Import background images from a file and draw backgrounds for a picture.
• Use multiple layers to create cartoons and other animated objects.
• Draw each of its frames manually or apply copy and paste to create images.
• It will export your cartoon animation in FLV format or in individual images
for each frame.
• You can easily add sound to your cartoon animation.

3. Tupi
A free 2D cartoon and animation drawing program that is limited to Linux
processing systems. It is a lot like pencil and can do everything that pencil can do as
well as:

• Use a variety of common video formats to export animations.

• It can “tween” objects from one another. This allows users to not have to
manually draw each frame.
• Use and work with vector images.

4. Scratch
This is an educational cartoon making software produced by MIT, and can be
used to create fun and basic animations and cartoons. Scratch is open source and
will run on windows, Mac and Linux. It will help you do the following things:

• Create cartoons and animations by drawing sprites and triggers that can
make the sprites move and change.
• Develop interactive games by using dropping and dragging commands to
build a code.
• You can share your Scratch creations online with the other Scratch users.

5. SynfigStudio
A 2D animation and drawing program for more advanced cartoon and animation
making. It is an open source platform and is compatible with Windows, Mac and
Linux. If you are just starting out with cartoon making, you might want to stick to
some of the simpler programs above. This particular cartoon making software has a
steep learning curve and will enable you to work with vector images.

6. WeeWorld
A free cartoon making website that will allow you t create a cartoon that you can
share online. It gives you the chance to explore and expand your knowledge with
thoughtful game play applications from charitable campaigns to drug awareness

7. Manga Avatar Face Maker

A popular website that allows you to create a cartoon character of yourself using
an Avatar face Maker. This program allows you to select your specific eyes, hair, lips
and mouth to create the ideal cartoon character for you.

8. Custom Anime
This is a great place to create a very specific cartoon character for yourself that
focuses not only on your face but your entire body as well. You will be in charge of
the dress of your character and any accessories you might find handy.

9. Cartoon
With this, you can take any picture that you want and cartoon it. You can
cartoon your face into different emotions, and also cartoon still life photos.

10. Wooz World

A great and safe online place for kids to dive into a virtual world. There are no
downloads required and you can play entirely online. It will enable you to cartoon
yourself and play in an alternate cartoon world.

11. Build Your Wild Self

This is a fun and interactive website where you can create a cartoon character
of yourself using different wild and imaginative body parts. For instance, you can
add the wings of a dragon onto your body for a cool and fun effect. Basically, you are
combining body parts from various wild animals with that of a human for fun and
imaginative take on the cartooning process.

12. OSOQ
This is a very easy and fun place to create a cartoon character online that
requires almost a little to no effort. It is a basic and fun photo avatar editor.

13. Cartoonize
Another website that will allow you to cartoon your face, Cartoonize provides a
simple solution to creating a cartoon of your photo. The site will easily allow you to
upload a photo directly from your computer and alter it and apply effects as you

What’s More

Using any of the given software application and website, try to make a cartoon
out of your own photo. The rubric below will determine your rating.

Category Very Good Artist Developing Artist Beginning Artist

8 - 10 5 -7 0-4
Material Demonstrates Demonstrates some Lacks
Application & qualities & qualities & demonstration of
Techniques characteristics of characteristics of qualities &
various media various media characteristics of
techniques & techniques & various media
processes. processes. techniques &
8 - 10 5 -7 0-4
Understanding of Insight and depth of Some depth of Lacks content
Content content content understanding and
understanding are understanding is is clearly a work in
evident. evident. progress.
8 - 10 5 -7 0-4
Completion Most of the steps are Some of the steps Artwork appears to
completed to the are completed but be a work in
best of student needs finishing progress.
ability. touches.
8 - 10 5 -7 0-4
Tool/ Material Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates little
Responsibility respectful use of respect for art tools or no respect for the
tools and materials. and materials. art tools and
8 - 10 5 -7 0-4
Craftsmanship Artwork reflects Artwork reflects Artwork appears to
deliberate control adequate control be a work in
having good and having some progress with little
craftsmanship. craftsmanship. or no control of
8 - 10 5 -7 0–4
Creative process Expresses original Expresses original Lacks original idea
idea and insightful ideas but has few and has few details.
perspectives with an details.
appropriate amount
of details.
A Handy Rubric for Art Teachers – Educational Technology

What I Have Learned

The top thirteen (13) Cartoon making Software Programs that can help us
create cartoon characters even ourselves.

✓ Inkscape
✓ Pencil
✓ Tupi
✓ Scratch
✓ Synfig Studio
✓ WeeWorld
✓ Manga Avatar Face Maker
✓ Custom Anime
✓ Cartoon
✓ Wooz World
✓ Build Your Wild Self
✓ Cartoonize

What I Can Do

Using Inkscape application software, draw any artwork that you wish. Print it
in a clean bond paper and submit next meeting. Your work will be rated by this rubric
Points 1 2 3 4
Elements of The student did The student did The artwork The artwork
Design the minimum or the assignment in shows that the shows that the
the artwork was a satisfactory student applied student applied
never completed manner, but lack the principles the principles
of planning was discussed in discussed in
evident. class adequately. class in unique

Creativity The piece shows The student’s The student work The student work
little or no work lacked demonstrates demonstrates a
evidence of sincere originality. unique level of
original thought. originality. originality.

Effort The student did The student The student The students
not finish the finished the completed the gave an effort far
work in a project, but it project in an beyond the
satisfactory lacks finishing above average requirements of
manner. touches or can be manner, yet more the project.
improved upon could have been
with little effort. done.

Skill The student The student The student The artwork is
showed poor showed average showed above outstanding and
craftsmanship or craftsmanship average was finished with
lack of and craftsmanship a great deal of
understanding. understanding. and patience.

Responsiveness The student The student The student The student

displayed a displayed a displayed a displayed a
negative response negative responsepositive response positive response
throughout the at times during most of the time all of the time
development of the development during the during the
the piece. of the piece. development of development of
the piece. the piece.
Houston Academy-Art/Assessment/Pinterest/.


Read the statements carefully. Write TRUE if the sentence is correct and
FALSE if not. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Artworks also affects emotions of viewers.

2. There were limited software applications for cartoon character making.

3. Online websites are an easy way to learn cartoon character making.

4. Inkscape can create logos and other forms of artwork from scratch.

5. Cartoons are likely a form of entertainment.

Additional Activities

Explore the different given application software and websites.

What I Know

Arrange the steps in creating a saucer using Inkscape. Number it

chronologically from 1 to the last number. Use a separate sheet of paper for your

Creating the saucer

______ Fill the ellipse with a radial gradient.

______ Create the center of the plate. Draw a smaller ellipse.

______ Adjust the size and center of the gradient relative to your ellipse.

______ Once again duplicate one of your existing ellipses and fill with another
radial gradient with two heavy dark shades.

______ Add a blurry drop-shadow. Duplicate the bottom-most ellipse.

______ Open up a new document. Get ready to draw. Select the circle/ellipse
tool (F5) from the tool box.

______ Add another ellipse to form the white lip around the plate.

Getting Started with
3 Software Application
In this lesson, it is nice to use the art skill a learner. Using the Inkscape
Software, let the learner show their expertise in all the elements and principles
studied. Starting with a simple artwork and following religiously the steps, it is
certain that the learner can produce a nice output.

What’s In

As a sort of review in the past lesson, can you give me the Five (5) Cartoon
Making Software Programs? List it down on a separate sheet of paper.

Notes to the Teacher

The teacher will provide pictures as examples so that the
learner can easily understand what is being discussed in this
module. He/she should also monitor closely the progress of the
child. It is strongly advised that there will be once a week
interaction with the teacher and learner.

What’s New

✓ What application icon can you see in the picture?

✓ Do you have an idea on how to use it?

What is It

Creating an Avatar/Cartoon using Avatoon

By: Roselyn T. Navida

Nowadays, there were many software and applications budding in the

net that helps young artist to create a cartoon character. Avatoon is one
application that can be downloaded thru Play Store or App Store.
How to use Avatoon?

1. Download the app from Play/app Store in your Android Phone or

2. Open the application.

3. Click Avatar Gallery.

4. Tap the + sign from the avatar gallery.

5. Choose a gender that you want to create by tapping Male or


Note: All illustrations on this page were created by Roselyn T. Navida

6. Choose on the way How you are going to create your character
– Facial Recognition or Manual Creation.

7. Choose the shape of the face from the choices given.

8. Choose a hairstyle.

9. Choose the right kind of eyes.

10. Select an eyebrow.

11. Select the right nose.

Note: All illustrations on this page were created by Roselyn T. Navida

12. Choose a beautiful lips.

13. Add an accessory like eyeglasses or cap.

14. Click save. Choose an outfit for your creation. This includes
clothes, shoes, etc.

15. Click save. Then, you can share or just save to gallery your

16. You can edit or add a pose for your avatar.

Note: All illustrations on this page were created by Roselyn T. Navida

What’s More

Now that you have somehow had an idea of creating an avatar

from avatoon app, create a male avatar and send/share it to your art
teacher thru messenger after you are done. If you have a printer at
home, you can print it and pass the hard copy to your teacher.

What I Have Learned

Avatoon is an awesome way to show the world how unique you really
are. Tons of customation options really let your personality shine through.

It is easy to follow the steps and you will enjoy creating your own

What I Can Do

With your prior knowledge on the use of software, create a simple artwork,
preferably a cartoon character. Apply all that you have learned from this lesson. Your
work will be rated by this rubric below.
Points 1 2 3 4
Elements of The student did The student did The artwork The artwork
Design the minimum or the assignment in shows that the shows that the
the artwork was a satisfactory student applied student applied
never completed manner, but lack the principles the principles
of planning was discussed in discussed in
evident. class adequately. class in unique
Creativity The piece shows The student’s The student work The student work
little or no work lacked demonstrates demonstrates a
evidence of sincere originality. unique level of
original thought. originality. originality.
Effort The student did The student The student The students
not finish the finished the completed the gave an effort far
work in a project, but it project in an beyond the
satisfactory lacks finishing above average requirements of
manner. touches or can be manner, yet more the project.
improved upon could have been
with little effort. done.

Skill The student The student The student The artwork is
showed poor showed average showed above outstanding and
craftsmanship or craftsmanship average was finished with
lack of and craftsmanship a great deal of
understanding. understanding. and patience.
Responsiveness The student The student The student The student
displayed a displayed a displayed a displayed a
negative response negative response positive response positive response
throughout the at times during most of the time all of the time
development of the development during the during the
the piece. of the piece. development of development of
the piece. the piece.
Houston Academy-Art/Assessment/Pinterest/.


With the ample knowledge that you have gained from our lessons/tutorials,
show now your skills by creating your cartoon designing any of the cartoon character
software presented. Your work will be rated accordingly with a rubric below.

Category Very Good Artist Developing Artist Beginning Artist

8 - 10 5 -7 0–4
Material Demonstrates Demonstrates some Lacks
Application & qualities & qualities & demonstration of
Techniques characteristics of characteristics of qualities &
various media various media characteristics of
techniques & techniques & various media
processes. processes. techniques &
8 - 10 5 -7 0–4
Understanding of Insight and depth of Some depth of Lacks content
Content content content understanding and
understanding are understanding is is clearly a work in
evident. evident. progress.

8 - 10 5 -7 0-4
Completion Most of the steps are Some of the steps Artwork appears to
completed to the are completed but be a work in
best of student needs finishing progress.
ability. touches.
8 - 10 5 -7 0-4
Tool/ Material Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates little
Responsibility respectful use of respect for art tools or no respect for the
tools and materials. and materials. art tools and

8 - 10 5 -7 0-4
Craftsmanship Artwork reflects Artwork reflects Artwork appears to
deliberate control adequate control be a work in
having good and having some progress with little
craftsmanship. craftsmanship. or no control of
8 - 10 5 -7 0–4
Creative process Expresses original Expresses original Lacks original idea
idea and insightful ideas but has few and has few details.
perspectives with an details.
appropriate amount
of details.
A Handy Rubric for Art Teachers – Educational Technology.

Additional Activities

Surf the net, open the free websites that will enhance your skills in cartoon
character making.

What I Know What I Can Do What’s More
1. SA ✓ Art Skill is a talent 1. Hardware
2. SA to create an art. 2. Software
3. SA ✓ Hardware is 3. Software
4. HT physical, tangible 4. Hardware
5. HT components of a
5. Hardware
6. SA computer.
7. HT ✓ Software is a
8. HT collection of Assessment
9. HT instructions that
10. SA enable the user to 1. YES
interact with a 2. NO
computer, it’s 3. YES
What's In hardware, or 4. NO
perform tasks. 5. YES
1. 5
2. 1
3. 3 What’s New
4. 2
5. 4 Answers vary
Answer Key: Lesson 1
What I Know What's In Assessment
1. B 1. x 1. TRUE
2. C 2. ✓ 2. FALSE
3. F 3. x 3. TRUE
4. A 4. ✓ 4. TRUE
5. H 5. ✓ 5. TRUE
6. G
7. E
8. D What’s More
c/o Rubric
What I Can Do
c/o Rubric
Answer Key: Lesson 2
What I Know What's In What's New
2 1. Inkscape Answers may vary
6 2. Pencil
3 3. Scratch
What's More
4. Tupi
7 5. Synfig Studio c/o rubric
1 6. WeeWorld
4 7. Manga Avatar
Face Maker Assessment
8. Cartoonize
9. Custom Anime c/o rubric
10. OSOQ
11. Cartoon
12. Wooz World
13. Build Your Wild
Answer Key: Lesson 3
Retrieved from: Popular images-logos


Turtle Brown Green-Free Vector graphic on Pixabay

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