Issue 155

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LUCERNE FOODS The Canowindra Phoenix

ISSN 1837-0136
PARTS & MACHINERY Issue 155 Wednesday 18 May 2011
AUTHORISED DEALER FOR Your free weekly guide to life in and around locally first!
Canowindra Salvation Army Red Shield
Appeal Doorknock will take place over the
MOWERS, TRACTORS, RTVS, weekend 21-22 May, a week earlier than
the official state Doorknock, due to the
STATIONARY ENGINES & GENERATORS assistance of volunteers from Parkes and
& Forbes.
Should you wish to volunteer to help
collecting for the Salvation Army, please
HAY MOWERS, RAKES & BALERS contact Lieutenant Hazel Hunt, the
Salvation Army Chaplain at Moyne Nursing
COME IN AND SEE THE RANGE Home on 0457 880 370. Hazel would like
30-40 volunteers to be doorknockers and
Mill Street CANOWINDRA drivers. Volunteers receive morning tea, a
P: 02 6344 1208 F: 02 6344 1845 CABONNE COMMUNITY READING DAY certificate of participation and a
M: 0427 247 736 "On Friday, we ventured down to St Edwards McDonalds voucher, as well a strict induc-
School for a Cabonne Community Reading tion process to protect both the collectors
Snippets... Day. Although it was chilly, the children were and residents safety and confidentiality.
Hazel has only been in Canowindra for
Pool: meeting 6pm THIS Thursday quite accommodating. The day was enjoyable
19 May at Canowindra Bowling Club. and we got to spend time bonding with the three months, however has made an
PUBLIC MEETING: to discuss the long younger students from the Pre‐School, Primary impact on our community by reviving the
term plan with the consultants en- School, Playgroup and St Edwards School. We Moyne Fete, although she humbly calls it a
gaged by Cabonne Council for the learnt to make sponge fliers and the children mini fete, which raised over $4,000 for the
upgrade of our pool. All pool users left with smiles on their faces after being little extras that add to the comfort of the
and community groups are encour- rewarded with a helium balloon." residents of Moyne.
aged to attend to make sure that Canowindra High students: Demi, Although Hazel was due to arrive in
your needs are heard. This will be the Haydon, Hayley, Philly, Stewart and Imogen Canowindra in January, she arrived mid
first of two major community meeting A group of Year 11 students attended February due to the floods. After 26 years
held by Lantz Marshall to gain an un- St Edwards Primary School on Friday 13 May of working as a nurse in aged care, and
derstanding of what we want in re- for the Cabonne Community Reading Day raising a family of five children, Hazel
gards to the future use of the pool. It organised by . The students had the fun, attended Booth College to become an
will also be discussed whether the creative task of face painting and bonding ordained minister of the Salvation Army.
pool can be upgraded as is or needs with the children. It was a big hit and every- Hazel has been an officer for only two
to be totally redeveloped. Come and one, including the parents and teachers, had years, her previous appointment was at a
have your say 19 MAY AT 6PM!!! their faces painted. Numeracy Coordinator, women's refuge in Queensland. Now Hazel
End: of an era! Susan Holmwood Miss Kathy Davis organised the students for divides her time as Chaplain between
ceases manufacture after 21 years of the day and escorting them safely back to Moyne and Rosedurnate aged care facility
excellence. The Final Clearance Sale school after the event. All students had a at Parkes. Welcome Hazel!
of quality shirts, pants, jackets, great time being included in the events of
fabrics, buttons and more will be held the day. All students who helped out would
Friday 27 & Saturday 28 from like to congratulate St Edwards School and
10am-4pm at15 Rodd Street, access the Health care workers for putting the day
via the rear lane. together. It would have taken a lot of time
Champions: Josh Trayhurn & Alex and work, and thanks especially for the Lions Degustation
Willson attended the Western Region Club for the nice warm sausage sizzle on a
Rugby League Trials last week and
both boys have been selected in the
cold day. @ The Royal Hotel
Miss Davis was so impressed by the students
Greater Western 15yrs team to play
in the state trials at Toronto in two
involved, "I would like to give huge congratu-
lations to all the students who attended the Saturday 4 June
weeks. This is a wonderful achieve-
ment by these two young men who day. They were very responsible and acted as
great leaders for the variety of activities. They
at 7pm
have done themselves, their school, not only did themselves extremely proud but A three course meal matched with
their community and their families also the school and myself as their supervi-
proud! Congratulations. sor. It was also commented on numerous
Visions: the opening of "Visions of times throughout the day by many organis- WINES
Canowindra" and works by Katalin ers, how pleased everyone at the day was around a candlelit bar
Nagy at the River Bank Gallery on with their efforts. Thank you."
Saturday night was a wonderful Due to restrictions on space in The Phoenix, cost is only $55 per person
success. The exhibitions will be the wrap up and thanks to all who assisted
displayed all month so get in and organising and helped out on the day will be Limited seats so please book now on
view interpretations of Canowindra,
and Katalin's amazing variety of included in next week's issue. Apologies for 02 6344 3212 or
works from soft floral watercolours to this, however it was an incredibly successful email: [email protected]
vivid scenes of Australia. Support a event with many, many people to thank.
local business who supports local
businesses. Bookings are filling fast for
Salvos: the Doorknock is this coming
weekend, so open your hearts, your
door and your purse. The money
raised is used for community services.
Christmas in July
Make sure that when someone knocks Get your group together
on your door you ask to see and book early to assure
identification. Donations over $2 are your table full of cheer!
tax deductible and cheques and
credit cards are accepted. 56 Gaskill Street Canowindra 02 6344 1009
The most common comment heard from People interested in restoring older buildings The St Edward’s P&F Battery Drive is again
visitors to Canowindra is how in Cabonne Shire have been invited to apply asking the community for any old car,
authentically historic it is. This could be a for small grants from the Council’s Local truck or heavy machinery batteries that
comment that our buildings need a coat Heritage Fund. you would like to recycle. The drop off
of paint, or that we are blessed to have The grants are designed to help property point is Kinsela’s Farm Supplies, Mill Street
quaint old houses that aren't pretending owners repair and conserve older buildings Canowindra.
to be something they're not. There are no or places. St Eddies P&F Committee would like to
new homes built to look old, nor is the Cabonne Council has doubled more than thank Kinsela’s Farm Supplies, Canowindra
leadlight in the windows that fake stick $4600 in funding from the NSW Heritage Tyre Service, B&K Burn-Repco, Rue’s Auto
on nonsense. Office to provide a total of $14,000 from Service, Central Motors and the
Well, it seems that this year, we may have which grants for smaller restoration community of Canowindra for all their
something to contribute to NSW History projects will be allocated. support previously. With the money raised
Week, to be held in September this year. These projects include repairs, alterations, they have been able to purchase a number
The theme for this year will be EAT renovations & maintenance of heritage of educational tools for the school.
History. History Week 2011 will bring to buildings and may involve work such as If you have any comments or questions,
the table the Edible, Appetising and Tasty external painting, roof-cladding and the please contact Anthony Harrison on
history of food. Who ate what and where restoration and replacement of fences, 02 6364 0332 or 0427 640 332.
in the past? How did we cook and where verandahs, windows, doors and awnings.
did our food come from? History Week The grants are generally for amounts of
2011 will be a smorgasbord of delectable $1,000 or below.
delights! Owners of heritage buildings within the
Cultural institutions; community groups, Council area are invited to apply for
historical societies, local councils, assistance.
libraries, professional and amateur However the Council may also consider
historians are all invited to organise applications from owners of other buildings
events for History Week. in the conservation areas in Bank Street,
Although you or your organisation must Molong and Gaskill Street, Canowindra.
be a member of the History Council of The grants don’t apply to new additions to
NSW to register an event for History heritage buildings, including internal fittings
Week, hospitality businesses in town such as new kitchens and bathrooms. Canowindra's glamorous ladies enticing
might like to have an event that would Property owners who have previously you all to come and have a cup of tea:
complement the essence of History received substantial assistance or three L-R Janice Paul, Mary Finn & Jenny
Week. previous grants from the Local Heritage Fund
Should you wish to tailor an event to fit are also ineligible. Middleton
with the theme, contact the History Guidelines and application forms are avail- IT'S MORNING TEA TIME AGAIN
Council of NSW on 02 9252 8715 or their able from the Council’s Environmental Ser- Canowindra Heath Service and volunteers
website vices Department by contacting 02 6392 are busy preparing for this year’s Cancer
3247. Council’s Biggest Morning Tea on

CENTRAL MOTORS Applications close 5pm Friday 27 May.

Thursday 26 May from 10am to 12noon.
This is the fourteenth year Community
Health has held the morning tea with the
The Rt Rev'd Richard Hurford, Bishop of valuable support of many volunteers. This
Best mechanic in town! Bathurst, will be conducting the
Sacrament of Confirmation at All Saints'
year the Side Walk Café will be held again
at 67 Gaskill Street, Canowindra, outside
with personalised service Anglican Church Canowindra at 7pm
Friday 19 August 2011.
Bill Paul’s Carpet Centre.
& honest advice Confirmation preparation for youth has
Whether you’ve experienced cancer first
hand or are supporting the one in two
+ PLUS + already commenced however places are Australians who will be diagnosed with
 NRMA Insurance still available until the end of May. cancer by 85, Cancer Council is
 Business & Personal Please let Revd Jono know if you're in- encouraging all of Canowindra to make
terested in getting confirmed by email their cup count by having a cup of tea for
 RTA inspections him on [email protected] or calling cancer.
 Mechanical repairs 02 6344 1643. This year Cancer Council is aiming to raise

02 6344 1075 Their will be a cost of $30 to cover the

price of the confirmation book and other
sundry expenses.
$11m nationally to continue to help fund
vital cancer research, prevention, informa-
tion and support services, like the Cancer
91 GASKILL STREET Confirmation preparation for adults will
be arranged when it is known who and
Council Helpline 13 11 20.
So join Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
at rear
how many people we have, the cost will
be the same as for the youth. Those
next Thursday and help reduce the impact
of cancer in your region. We hope the
seeking confirmation are asked to attend Canowindra community will again support
AH 0429 441 075 one of our regular services of worship. the biggest morning tea.

Save the date…

Working Bee May 18: Canowindra Business Chamber 7pm at CWA Rooms. All members strongly
Cemetery Clean Up encouraged to attend.
May 19: Canowindra High School P&C Meeting 5.30pm in the staff common room
Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 May May 20: Debutante Ball 2011
starting 10am each day. May 22: AFGW Luncheon 12 for 12:30pm @ The Old Vic Inn. Guest speaker Christine
You must have appropriate sturdy Weston.
footwear & gloves, also if you are May 26: Australia's Biggest Morning Tea 10am-12noon outside Bill Paul's Carpet
able to bring along some basic Centre 67 Gaskill Street. Fundraiser for Cancer Council. All welcome!
gardening tools (shovels, rakes, May 27-28: Susan Holmwood Clearance Sale 10am-4pm 15 Rodd St rear lane entry.
wheelbarrows, whipper snippers etc) May 29: Folk@Canowindra 4-6pm @ tasteCanowindra. Entry is free, family friendly
it would be very helpful. food, wine & coffee are available, book in for dinner with more music at 6pm. 6344 2332
There is still time to volunteer, Jun 3: Tiger's Fancy Dress Spectacular 7pm at Canowindra Bowling Club $20pp.
many hands make light work!! BYO nibbles, entertainment provided, lucky door prizes, best dressed and trivia.
Contact Alan Shepherd Jun 4: Swinging @ The Royal 7pm 3 course meal matched with Swinging Bridge wines
on 02 6344 1695 after 5pm around a candlelit bar $55pp Book now on 6344 3212
This tasteCanowindra
42 Ferguson Street Canowindra
Specials at open Mon - Fri 10am-4pm
The first Tuesday in November is famous and from 8am weekends
 Green beans $4kg for being the date of the Melbourne Cup,
 Local Navel oranges 3kg $5 but now the first Friday in November will Enjoy lunch from 12-2pm
become one of the most important days in
 Fancy lettuce $1ea Cabonne Shire. and coffee & cake all day
 Red onions $2kg Cabonne’s prestigious Daroo Business
will now be announced every year come in and see the works
Phone orders: 6344 1011 Awards on the first Friday in November.
In a break from previous years when the Joanne Kunkel
Green Beans & Tomato presentation dinner has been held during
winter, the organisers have decided that
500g green beans
moving the event to a warmer time of the book your seats at
3 tbsp olive oil year would make it more comfortable for the restaurant table
3-4 cloves garlic, finely chopped the large crowd that attends.
1 med onion, finely chopped Recognised as one of the major events on this saturday night
400g can crushed tomatoes the regional business calendar, the 2011
Awards carry a $5000 Prime TV advertising Plus early bird tickets
4 tbsp tomato paste package for the overall winner – the
½ tsp salt richest prize in the 12-year history of the released in next weeks
¼ tsp pepper event. Phoenix for Womindra
This year’s awards were originally to be
½ tsp cumin announced in June but Cabonne Council’s
1 tsp coriander Business Development Officer Amber
Pinch allspice Pacey said that following approaches from or phone 02 6344 2332
Sautè onion in olive oil until lightly businesses, sponsors and the public, the
brown, add garlic, continue to sautè organising
committee had opted for a new
over medium heat until onion is “Given the number of events that were
translucent. taking place during the original application
Add crushed tomatoes & stir until period, the committee has also decided to
combined. Add spices, tomato paste reopen the assessment period and hold When Mum was sick Dad went to the
and green beans, bring to a boil, workshops for business who wish to enter supermarket for her. She sent him off
reduce to a simmer on low heat for the Awards,” she said. with a carefully numbered list of
This year’s presentation dinner will now be
about 35 minutes, until beans have held at the Eugowra showground pavilion seven items.
absorbed much of the tomato juice. on Friday 4 November 2011. Dad returned a short while later,
Variation: add cubed meat when “By holding the event on the first Friday in very proud of himself, and pro-
sautéing the onion & garlic and November each year, all businesses ceeded to unpack the grocery bags.
simmer for 2 hours, or until meat is operating in Cabonne Shire will know the
tender and tomatoes have broken date the Awards will be announced each He had one bag of sugar, two dozen
year and will have adequate time to eggs, three hams, four boxes of de-
down into sauce. prepare their applications,” Ms Pacey said.
Serve over rice for 4-6. Any businesses that have submitted
tergent, five boxes of crackers, six
applications for this year’s Awards need eggplants and seven green peppers.
Swimming Lessons not resubmit their entries.
Expressions of interest for a 6 week “However any business that has submitted
swim program with Peta Edwards an application, but wishes to attend a TRADING HOURS
are now being sought. workshop is very welcome to submit a new
Swimming lessons and entry,” Ms Pacey said. Monday - Friday
stroke corrections for all ages. Workshops will be held in several areas in 7:30am - 6pm
30th May - 8th July 2011 coming months to help people present Saturday Sunday
$15 per 30 minute session
their businesses in the best light. 8am-12:30pm 8am-12noon
Businesses who have already nominated
held at the Falls Retreat indoor
heated pool.
will receive an email in coming weeks
notifying them of their eligibility.
41 Gaskill Street Canowindra
Contact Peta on:
0488 537 987
Anyone seeking further information should
contact Ms Pacey on 6392 3267.
02 6344 1441
The Co-operating Anglican Church
Parish of Canowindra, and Uniting
Church linked congregations of
Canowindra, Cranbury & Cudal
Thursday 19 May
9am-3pm AWA Street Stall
10am Peace Memorial Uniting Church
Saturday 21 May
6pm All Saints' Anglican Canowindra
Sunday 22 May
9.30am All Saints' Anglican Church
Canowindra - Guest Preacher The
Ven. Robert Howell; Archdeacon and
Registrar of the Diocese of Bathurst.
The Phoenix CANOWINDRA's OLDEST HOTEL Ph: 02 6344 1365


LUNCH 12 noon to 2.30pm DINNER 6.00pm to 8.30pm
Rugby Union
On Saturday the Canowindra Pythons played
SATURDAY 21 MAY DJ Ratta 8:30pm-late
host to the Orange Waratahs. With the sun RUGBY LEAGUE Clay Target Club
poking out for the first time in a few days it Canowindra Tigers recorded a strong victory The Canowindra Clay Target Club meet was
turned out to be a good day for Rugby. over Cargo Blue Heelers in an entertaining held last Sunday on a fine sunny day, with 33
With a few players out injured and a few more local derby on Sunday. shooters in attendance from Canowindra,
away the Pythons were happy to see the return It was a great team effort by the Tigers who Cowra, Orange, Dubbo, Grenfell, Bathurst and
of a few players in Sam Wythes, Brodie Friend, led for the majority of the match before Parkes.
Harry Myres and Sam Barker. surging away in the final eight minutes. The Barry Rue shot very well, only missing one
Right from the kick off you could tell that the win made even greater considering the lop- target for the day, taking out the 25 Target
Pythons had the stronger team with the boys sided penalty count against them and the fact Handicap off 22 metres, and the High Gun
securing the ball from their own kick off and the Tigers played with 12 players for 15 with 99 out of 100. Jack Beath won C Grade
going straight into attack. Dan Muldoon soon minutes, after one player was sinbinned for ten in the 25 Target Double Barrel contest with a
got his hands on the ball and stepped and minutes for a professional foul and personal best score of 24/25. Bill Wilson won
sped his way to the try line to open not only another for 5 minutes under Woodbridge Cups the 50 Target Double Barrel in C Grade score
his account for the day but also the Pythons. new 5 minute sin bin for swearing rule. of 43/50.
Tom Abbott was able to add the extra 2. Darren Nurcombe and Mat Kelly returned after Barry Heaslip travelled to Cunnamulla Open
Though from the restart the Waratah side was missing last weeks game, and they really gave Shoot where he was successful in winning
able to add some of their own pressure from a the Tigers so m e cl ass o ut wide. Overall High Gun in B Grade and also second
couple of Python penalties in their own half. Nurcombe looked dangerous with each touch in B Grade Double Rise.
With the Orange team attacking the line for a and combined well with Kelly. Ray Nash attended the Hay Open Shoot over
good period of time it was clear they were The work was really done up front with Peter Easter and came second in the B Grade Sin-
frustrated when the Pythons were able to turn Pita and Willie Lafolafo proving almost gle Barrel event.
the ball over and run 80 metres and for Lachie unstoppable up the middle. Both made The next meeting of the Canowindra Clay
Noble to score under the posts. dozens of surging runs and great offloads. Target Club will be held Sunday 19 June, for
From then on it was basically one way traffic Peter finished with two tries, whilst Willie had any further information please contact
with python team securing their 4 try bonus to settle for try assists. Johnny Lawrence on 02 6344 1441.
point before half time. Canowindra 46 (Peter Pita 2, Brenton Woolley,
With this the Pythons ran all their young guns Rusty Kennedy, Darren Nurcombe, Ken UNDER 16S JUNIOR RUGBY LEAGUE
on and the score board just kept ticking over in Turnbull, Mat Kelly & Sam O’Malveney tries. Canowindra Under 16s played Parkes at
the second half with some really good Rob Burn 7 goals) def Cargo 28 (Tim Shephard Parkes in a game that wasn’t decided until
individual and some spectacular team tries. 2, Ashley Brown 2, Adam Dane tries Steve the last three minutes.
And also a couple of bombed tries with the Maere 4 goals) The Brown/Trayhurn combination saw Josh
boys passing it around a little to much. Woodbridge Cup Youth League: The Tigers Trayhurn cross for the Tigers first two tries
The try scorers for the day were, Dan Muldoon enjoyed the bye in this competition. while Alex Willson bulldozed his way down
got 4, Lachie Noble 2, Adam Nash, Blocker League Tag: The Tigresses ran out convincing over the line to score the try that tied the
Wooley, Lloyd Jackson, Dan Bowd, Sam Wythes winners against a never say die Blue Sheeler score at 14 all.
and Rolls Townsend all got 1 each. Pups 8 tries to 2. The Tigresses had a full Parkes scored a late try and field goal to win
Tom Abbott kicked 7 conversions and Rolls contingent of players whilst the Cargo team the game 21-14 but all the Tigers played well.
managed to get one to some how. The Orange ran out of puff in the end, having no answers Dean Wilson and Bailey Cain gave the spark
team managed to get a try late in the second for the speed of the young Canowindra in the back line, while Tim Wythes, Brendon
half to make the final score 76-5. players. Sally Mclean, Madi Vitnell, Hannah Morgan-Smith, Jesse Gander and Simon
It must be said that a huge effort from the Roth, Jess Dzerigas, Nicole Stevenson, Tara Whatman tackled and ran non stop.
Python front row in Stu Gavin and Dan Grant all grabbed tries This Saturday the Under 16s take on
Williams for playing a full game and Huw Wills Next week: On Sunday Canowindra host Con- Cabonne at either Manildra or Molong. Pete
for playing in unfamiliar hooking roll for him. dobolin in all three grades at Tom Clyburn will let you know at training.
Points for the day: Dan Muldoon 3; Adam Oval. Youth League begins at 11:45, League
Grant 2; Dan Bowd and Tom Abbott 1 each.
Players' Player went to try scoring machine Dan
tag at 1:00pm and first grade at 2pm. The first
grade game will be of plenty of interest. Word Tufwf!Uipnqtpo!Qmvncjoh!
Muldoon who could of had at least 8 tries to from out west is, this Condobolin side is fitter
his name if he did not pass the ball a few times then any in previous years. INSTALLATION, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE OF:
even when he was over the line. Whats on: The Tigers have bales of Mulch Hay solar & heat-pump hot water systems
This weekend the boys travel to Orange to take for sale. The cost is $3 per bale and we are roofing - draining - general plumbing
on the CSU Students in what is always a tough happy to deliver them in Canowindra. Mini-
game up there and the students are also DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL & RURAL
mum order is one bale. Please contact Andrew
coming of a big win over Cudal. P ul l fo r o rd e rs a n d d el i ve r y o n
Thank You
Pythons showed the true meaning of sports-
02 6344 2244.
The League Tag girls are organising a Fancy
Dress Spectacular at Canowindra Bowling Club
manship in the above game on Saturday.
on Friday 3 June. At 7pm. $20, bring your own Fast, efficient service! Lic 70446C
With the Pythons leading 31-0 at half time, they
saw an opportunity to give their young players nibbles, with entertainment provided, the night
more game time. Harry Myers, Brodie Friend
and Sam Barker took to the field like veterans.
will include Lucky door prizes, best dressed
and a brief round of trivia. Want some ideas? CLASSIFIEDS
Debutante (vigneron) Anthony D'Onise showed Cartoon character, someone famous, a fictional
character, a sports person, your favourite ani- F I R E W O O D splitting & slashing
his Aussie Rules skills and will be a team asset. Ph Geoff Lark on 02 6344 1344
Python's Captain Adam Nash and Anthony mal, 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s, a cheerleader, surfie
Carr, another debutante, swapped jumpers and or clown, the list is endless. Come as anything. WANTED VN or VS V8 Commodore regod
ran out for the Waratahs. Andrew Watson who or not. Phone Jason on 0415 623 708
HE CANOWINDRA PHOENIX is published by Joanne
had a great first half for the Pythons replaced TGaigals ABN 43 292 469 472) and printed by Nick FOR SALE firewood, cut & delivered $100
Adam for the 'Tahs late in the second half. Carne at COMPRINTING: call Nick on 0402 340 852 or per trailer load. Ph 0488 252 300
This gesture of sportsmanship was greatly Jo on 0418 413 753 or
appreciated by the Waratahs and all the Python [email protected] 65 GASKILL STREET
supporters. Well done guys! CANOWINDRA NSW 2804

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