Chemical Bonding Neet Qns

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8. Electrovalence of calcium and chlorine respectively is
(a) + 2, – 1 (b) + 1, – 1
1. The attractive force which holds various constituents (c) + 1, – 2 (d) + 2, – 2
(atoms, ions etc.) together in different chemical species is 9. When a metal atom combines with non-metal atom, the
called a non-metal atom will
(a) chemical bond (b) chemical compound (a) lose electrons and decrease in size
(c) ionic bond (d) covalent bond (b) lose electrons and increase in size
2. The evolution of various theories of valence and the (c) gain electrons and decrease in size
interpretation of the nature of chemical bonds have closely (d) gain electrons and increase in size
been related to the developments in the understanding of 10. Who introduced the term covalent bond ?
(a) structure of atom (a) Lewis (b) Langmuir
(b) electronic configuration of elements (c) Nyholm and Gillespie (d) Heitler and London
(c) periodic table 11. Which of the following is/are not the condition(s) for
(d) All of the above Lewis dot structure?
3. Who provide explanation of valence based on intertness (i) Each bond is formed as a result of sharing of an
of noble gases ? electron pair between the atoms.
(a) Lewis (b) Ko ssel-Lewis (ii) From the two combining atoms only one atom
contribute electron(s) to the shared pair.
(c) Langmuir (d) Sidgwick & Powell
(iii) The combining atoms attain the outer shell noble
4. In the formation of a molecule which of the following take
gas configurations as a result of the sharing of
part in chemical combination? electrons.
(a) cation (b) anion (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) valence electron (d) inner shell electron (c) (ii) only (d) (iii) only
5. Which of the following do(es) not represent correct Lewis 12. Which of the following does not represent the correct
symbols? Lewis dot structure?
:C : O Ne Be B
(a) I, IV & V (b) II, III & IV – –
8e 8e 2e



(c) II only (d) II & III
6. The bond formed as a result of the electrostatic attraction (A) (B)
between the positive and negative ions is termed as ...
(a) Chemical bond (b) Electrovalent bond O C O
(c) Co-ordinate bond (d) Covalent bond
– – –
7. Cation and anion combines in a crystal to form following 8e 8e 8e
type of compound (C)
(a) ionic (b) metallic (a) A (b) B
(c) covalent (d) dipole-dipole (c) C (d) A and C
13. Which of the following statements are correct based on 19. What is X, Y and Z in the following expression of formal
given Lewis dot structure ? charge.
Formal charge (F.C) on an atom in a Lewis structure
(i) N N 1
= X –Y (Z )
(a) X = Total number of non bonding electrons
H H Y = Total number of bonding electrons
(ii) C C Z = Total number of valence electrons in the free
H H (b) X = Total number of valence electrons in the free
8e– 8e–
Y = Total number of bonding electrons
(iii) O C O Z = Total number of non bonding electrons
(c) X = Total number of valence electrons in the free
8e– 8e


Y = Total number of non bonding electrons
(iv) H C C H Z = Total number of bonding electrons
(d) X = Total number of electrons in the free atom
– –
8e 8e Y = Total number of non bonding electrons
(a) (i) and (iv) represents formation of triple bond Z = Total number of valence electrons
(b) Only (iii) represents formation of double bond 20. The lowest energy structure is the one with the ..........
(c) Only (ii) represents formation of single bond formal charges on the atoms.
(d) (ii) and (iii) both represents formation of single bond. (a) smallest (b) highest
14. Which of the following Lewis representation of the (c) zero (d) negative
21. 3–
In PO4 ion, the formal charge on each oxygen atom and
molecules NF3, O3 and HNO3 is correct ?
P—O bond order respectively are
(a) –0.75, 0.6 (b) – 0.75, 1.0
: :
: — :
: :

: :
: — :
: :

:F – N – F: O O=N–O–H
: —

(c) – 0.75, 1.25 (d) –3, 1.25

: :

O O:

:F: :O: 22. In the cyanide ion, the formal negative charge is on
I II III (a) C
Choose the correct option(s). (b) N
(a) Only I (b) Only II (c) Both C and N
(c) Only III (d) I, II and III (d) Resonate between C and N
15. In N 2 molecule, the number of electrons shared by each 23. What are the exceptions of the octet rule ?
(a) The incomplete octet of central atom
nitrogen atom is
(b) An odd number of electrons on central atom.
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) Expanded octet of the central atom
(c) 3 (d) 5
(d) All of these
16. Which of the following represents the Lewis structure of
24. In which of the following molecules octet rule is not
N2 molecule?
(a) (b) N N (a) NH3 (b) CH4
(c) CO2 (d) NO
(c) N N (d) N N 25. In which of the following compounds octet is complete and
incomplete for all atoms :
17. Which of the following shows the Lewis dot formula for Al2Cl6 Al2(CH3)6 AlF3 Dimer of Dimer of
CO2 ? BeCl2 BeH2
(a) IC IC IC C C
: : : :
: : :

(a) (b) :O:C::O:


:O ::C:: O: (b) C IC IC C IC

: :

(c) :O:: C:O: (d) :O:C :O: (c) C IC C IC IC

18. Which of the following is the correct electron dot structure (d) IC C IC IC IC
of N2O molecule? (Note : C for complete octet and IC for incomplete octet.)
.. .. 26. Which of the following molecule(s) obey the octet rule?
(a) :N N O: (b) : N N O
.. : (i) [BF4]–, (ii) [AlCl4]–, (iii) SO2, (iv) CCl4
.. .. .. .. (a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (b) (ii), (iii), (iv)
(c) N N O: (d) : N N O :
.. .. (c) (i), (iii), (iv) (d) (i), (ii), (iii)
27. Among the following the electron deficient compound is (a) increases (b) decreases
(a) BCl3 (b) CCl4 (c) remains the same (d) decreases slowly
(c) PCl5 (d) BeCl2 36. Which of the following combination will form an
28. Which of the following is the electron deficient electrovalent bond ?
molecule? (a) P and Cl (b) NH3 and BF3
(a) C2 H6 (b) B2H6 (c) H and Ca (d) H and S
(c) SiH4 (d) PH3 37. Among the following which compound will show the highest
29. Which of the following compounds does not follow the lattice energy ?
octet rule for electron distribution? (a) KF (b) NaF
(a) PCl5 (b) PCl3 (c) CsF (d) RbF
(c) H2O (d) PH3 38. Which of the following bond will have highest ionic
30. A pair of compound which have odd electrons in the group character?
NO, CO, ClO2, N2O5, SO2 and O3 are (a) H–I (b) H–F
(a) NO and ClO2 (b) CO and SO2 (c) H–Cl (d) H–Br
(c) ClO2 and CO (d) SO2 and O3 39. Which of the following pairs will form the most stable ionic
31. Which of the following statements is incorrect ? bond ?
(a) The formation of ionic compounds depend upon the (a) Na and Cl (b) Mg and F
ease of formation of the positive and negative ions (c) Li and F (d) Na and F
from the respective neutral atoms. 40. Which of the following methods is used for measuring
(b) Formation of ionic compounds depend upon bond length ?
arrangement of the positive and negative ions in the (a) X-ray diffraction
solid. (b) Electron-diffraction
(c) Formation of positive ion involves addition of (c) Spectroscopic techniques
electron(s) while that of negative ion involves (d) All of these
removal of electron(s). 41. .......... is measured as the radius of an atom’s core which
(d) None of these is in contact with the core of an adjacent atom in a
32. Complete the following statement by choosing the bonded situation.
appropriate option. (a) van der Waal’s radius
Ionic bonds will be formed more easily between elements (b) Bond length
with comparatively A and elements with (c) Covalent radius
comparatively high negative value of B . (d) Ionic radius
(a) A = low electronegativity 42. Following figure represent a chlorine molecule. Identify A
B = ionization enthalpy B and C in the given figure.
(b) A = low ionization enthalpy
B = electron gain enthalpy A
(c) A = high ionization enthalpy
B = electron gain enthalpy
(d) A = high electronegativity
B = ionization enthalpy
33. In ionic solids how crystal structure get stabilized
(a) By the energy released in the formation of crystal
lattice. B
(b) By achieving octet of electrons around the ionic

species in gaseous state.


(c) By electron gain enthalpy and the ionization enthalpy.

(d) None of these
34. Energy required to completely separate one mole of a
solid ionic compound into gaseous constituent ions is (a) A = Bond length, B = van der Waal’s radius
called .......... . C = Covalent radius
(a) Ionisation enthalpy (b) A = Covalent radius, B = Bond length
(b) Electron gain enthalpy C = Ionic radius
(c) Bond dissociation enthalpy (c) A = Ionic radius, B = van der Waal’s radius
(d) Lattice enthalpy C = Covalent radius
35. The effect of more electronegative atom on the strength of (d) A = Covalent radius, B = van der Waal’s radius
ionic bond C = Bond length
43. Which of the following statement is correct? 48. Which of the following is/are misconception(s) associated
(a) Amount of energy required to break one mole of with resonance ?
bonds of a particular type between two atoms in a (i) The molecule exist for a certain fraction of time in
gaseous state is called bond enthalpy. one cannonical form and for other fractions of time
(b) The unit of bond enthalpy is kJ mol–1 in other cannonical forms.
(c) Larger the bond dissociation enthalpy, stronger will (ii) The cannonical forms have no real existence.
be the bond in the molecule (iii) There is no such equilibrium between the cannonical
(d) All of these forms.
44. Complete the following statements. (a) (i) only (b) (ii) and (iii)
With A in bond order, B increases (c) (i) and (iii) (d) (iii) only.
and C decreases.
49. The number of possible resonance structures for CO32 is
(a) A = increase, B = bond length, C = bond enthalpy
(b) A = decrease, B = bond enthalpy, C = bond length (a) 2 (b) 3
(c) A = increase, B = bond enthalpy, C = bond length (c) 6 (d) 9
(d) A = increase, B = bond angle, C = bond enthalpy 50. Which one of the following is not the resonance structure
45. Which of the following molecules have same bond order ? of CO2?
(a) O = C = O (b) – O – C O+
H 2 , Cl2 , CO, Br2 , N 2 (c) + O C–O – (d) O C = O
51. All the bond lengths of sulphur – oxygen in sulphate ion,
Choose the correct option. are equal because of:
(a) I, II and IV have same bond order
(a) symmetry
(b) III and V have same bond order
(b) resonance
(c) Both (a) and (b) are correct
(c) high electronegativity of oxygen
(d) None of the above
(d) None of these
46. Which one of the following is not correct representation of
52. Resonance is due to
resonance ?
(a) delocalization of sigma electrons
– .. + + .. –
A. :O::C::O: (b) delocalization of pi electrons
: :

: :

:O::C::O: :O::C:O:

I II III (c) migration of protons

– – (d) Both (a) and (b)

:O: :O: :O: 53. Which one of the following pairs of molecules will have
permanent dipole moments for both members ?
B. C C C (a) NO2 and CO2 (b) NO2 and O3
– – : (c) SiF4 and CO2 (d) SiF4 and NO2
:O:– –
: :

:O: :O: :O O
: 54. The molecule which has zero dipole moment is

(a) CH3Cl (b) NF3

Choose the correct option. (c) BF3 (d) ClO2
(a) Only A (b) Only B 55. Which of the following has dipole moment?
(c) Both A and B (d) None of the above (a) CO2 (b) p-dichlorobenzene
47. Which of the following structure represents structure of (c) NH3 (d) CH4
O3 more accurately? 56. Identify the non polar molecule in the following compounds
(a) H2 (b) HCl



(c) HF and HBr (d) HBr



57. A neutral molecule XF3 has a zero dipole moment. The



O O O O element X is most likely

(a) chlorine (b) boron
(c) nitrogen (d) carbon
58. Among the following, the molecule of high dipole moment
O is


(a) CCl4 (b) NH3



(c) H2O (d) CHCl3

59. Which one of the following molecules is expected to have
zero dipole moment?
(a) I (b) II (a) H2O (b) CO2
(c) III (d) I and II (c) SO2 (d) CaF2

60. The correct order of dipole moments of HF, H 2S and H 2 O is 71. According to VSEPR theory the geometry of a covalent
molecules depends upon
(a) HF H 2 S H 2 O (b) HF H 2 S H 2 O
(a) the number of bond pairs of electrons
(c) HF H 2S H 2O (d) HF H 2 O H 2 S (b) the number of lone pairs of electrons
61. The most polar bond is (c) the number of electron pairs present in the outer shell
(a) C – F (b) C – O of the central atom
(c) C – Br (d) C – S (d) All the above
62. Which of the following possess dipole moment SF6(a), 72. The geometry of ClO– ion according to Valence Shell Electron
SO2(b), H2S(c) , SF4(d) ?
Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory will be
(a) b and c (b) a and c
(a) planar triangular (b) pyramidal
(c) b, c and d (d) a and b
(c) tetrahedral (d) square planar
F 73. In BrF3 molecule, the lone pairs occupy equatorial positions
F to minimize
.. (a) lone pair - bond pair repulsion only
S : S
S S (b) bond pair - bond pair repulsion only
F F O O F (c) lone pair - lone pair repulsion and lone pair - bond pair
F F repulsion
(d) lone pair - lone pair repulsion only
63. According to Fajan’s rule, covalent bond is favoured by 74. Which of the correct increasing order of lone pair of electrons
(a) Large cation and small anion on the central atom?
(b) Large cation and large anion (a) IF7 < IF5 < CIF3 < XeF2
(c) Small cation and large anion (b) IF7 < XeF2 < CIF2 < IF5
(d) Small cation and small anion (c) IF7 < CIF3 < XeF2 < IF5
64. Arrange the following in increasing order of covalent (d) IF7 < XeF2 < IF5 < CIF3
character (i) NaCl, (ii) RbCl, (iii) MgCl2, (iv) AlCl3 ? 75. The number of lone pair and bond pair of electrons on the
(a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (b) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii) sulphur atom in sulphur dioxide molecule are respectively
(c) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv) (d) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv) (a) 1 and 3 (b) 4 and 1
65. The correct sequence of increasing covalent character (c) 3 and 1 (d) 1 and 4
is represented by 76. A molecule has two lone pairs and two bond pairs around
(a) LiCl < NaCl < BeCl2 (b) BeCl2 < LiCl < NaCl the central atom. The molecule shape is expected to be
(c) NaCl < LiCl < BeCl2 (d) BeCl2 < NaCl < LiCl (a) V-shaped (b) triangular
66. Which of the following salt shows maximum covalent (c) linear (d) tetrahedral
character? 77. Using VSEPR theory, predict the species which has square
(a) AlCl3 (b) MgCl 2 pyramidal shape
(a) SnCl2 (b) CCl4
(c) CsCl (d) LaCl3 (c) SO3 (d) BrF5
67. Polarisibility of halide ions increases in the order 78. Among the following molecules : SO2, SF4, CIF3, BrF5 and
(a) F –, I – , Br–, Cl– (b) Cl –, Br – , I–, F– XeF4, which of the following shapes does not describe any
– – –
(c) I , Br , Cl , F – (d) F –, Cl – , Br–, l– of the molecules mentioned?
68. The covalent bond length is the shortest in which one of (a) Bent (b) Trigonal bipyramidal
the following bonds? (c) See-saw (d) T-shape
(a) C — O (b) C — C 79. Which of the following structure is most stable ?
(c) C N (d) O — H F .. F
69. Hydrogen chloride molecule contains F


(a) polar covalent bond (b) double bond Cl F F Cl Cl F

(c) co-ordinate bond (d) electrovalent bond

70. Sodium chloride is an ionic compound whereas hydrogen .. F F ..

chloride is mainly covalent because I II III
(a) sodium is less reactive Choose the correct option.
(b) hydrogen is non-metal (a) Only I
(c) hydrogen chloride is a gas (b) Only II
(d) electronegativity difference in the case of hydrogen (c) Only III
and chlorine is less than 2.1. (d) All three have same stability
80. A -bonded molecule MX3 is T-shaped. The number of 89. The angle between the overlapping of one s-orbital and
non-bonding pairs of electron is one p-orbital is
(a) 0 (a) 180° (b) 120°
(b) 2 (c) 109 28' (d) 120° 60'
(c) 1 90. The enolic form of a acetone contains
(d) can be predicted only if atomic number of M is known.
(a) 9 sigma bonds, 1 pi bond and 2 lone pairs
81. Shape of methane molecule is
(b) 8 sigma bonds, 2 pi bonds and 2 lone pairs
(a) tetrahedral (b) pyramidal
(c) 10 sigma bonds, 1 pi bond and 1 lone pair
(c) octahedral (d) square planar
82. The shape of stannous chloride molecule is (d) 9 sigma bonds, 2 pi bonds and 1 lone pair
(a) see-saw (b) square planar 91. Linear combination of two hybridized orbitals belonging to
(c) trigonal pyramidal (d) bent two atoms and each having one electron leads to a
83. Look at the following potential energy curve which of the (a) sigma bond
following correctly represents the most stable state of (b) double bond
hydrogen molecule. (c) co-ordinate covalent bond
(d) pi bond.
92. Which of the following statements is not correct ?
(a) Double bond is shorter than a single bond
(b) Sigma bond is weaker than a (pi) bond
(c) Double bond is stronger than a single bond
D (d) Covalent bond is stronger than hydrogen bond
O 93. Which of the following represents zero overlap of atomic

(a) z

B (b) z
Internuclear distance pz
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
84. Which of the following statements is false ?
(a) H2 molecule has one sigma bond
(c) z
(b) HCl molecule has one sigma bond
(c) Water molecule has two sigma bonds and two lone pairs s
(d) Acetylene molecule has three pi bonds and three sigma
bonds px
85. The number of sigma ( ) and pi ( ) bonds present in 1,3,5,7 (d) All of these
octatetraene respectively are
94. As the s-character of hybridised orbital increases, the bond
(a) 14 and 3 (b) 17 and 4
(c) 16 and 5 (d) 15 and 4
(a) increase (b) decrease
86. Allyl cyanide molecule contains
(c) becomes zero (d) does not change
(a) 9 sigma bonds, 4 pi bonds and no lone pair
(b) 9 sigma bonds, 3 pi bonds and one lone pair 95. Which of the following is/are not essential condition(s)
for hybridisation?
(c) 8 sigma bonds, 5 pi bonds and one lone pair
(d) 8 sigma bonds, 3 pi bonds and two lone pairs (i) The orbitals present in the valence shell of the atom
87. The molecule not having -bond is are hybridised.
(a) Cl 2 (b) O2 (ii) The orbitals undergoing hybridisation should have
(c) N2 (d) CO2 almost equal energy.
88. In hexa-1, 3-diene-5-yne the number of C — C , C — C (iii) Promotion of electron is essential prior to
and C — H bonds, respectively are hybridisation
(a) 5, 4 and 6 (b) 6, 3 and 5 (iv) Only half filled orbitals participate in hybridisation.
(c) 5, 3 and 6 (d) 6, 4 and 5 (a) (i) only (b) (iii) only
(c) (iv) only (d) (iii) and (iv)
96. The nature of hybridisation in the ammonia molecule is 109. In which of the following species is the underlined carbon
(a) sp 2 (b) dp 2 having sp3 - hybridisation ?
(c) sp (d) sp 3 (a) CH – COOH (b) CH CH OH
97. The shape of sulphate ion is
(c) CH COCH (d) CH CH CH
(a) square planar (b) triagonal
110. 3
A sp -hybrid orbital contains
(c) trigonal planar (d) tetrahedral
98. The strength of bonds formed by s–s and p–p, s–p overlap (a) 25% s-character (b) 75% s-character
in the order of (c) 50% s-character (d) 25% p-character
(a) s–p > s–s > p–p (b) p–p > s–s > s–p 111. The types of hybridisation of the five carbon atoms from
left to right in the molecule
(c) s–s > p–p > s–p (d) s–s > s–p > p–p
CH3 — CH == C == CH — CH3 are
99. Which of the following will have sp3 d3 hybridisation?
(a) sp3, sp2, sp2, sp2, sp3 (b) sp3, sp, sp2, sp2, sp3
(a) BrF5 (b) PCl5
(c) sp3, sp2, sp, sp2, sp3 (d) sp3, sp2, sp2, sp, sp3
(c) XeF6 (d) SF6
112. Pick out the incorrect statement from the following
100. The shape of CO 2 molecule is (a) sp hybrid orbitals are equivalent and are at an angle
(a) linear (b) tetrahedral of 180° with each other
(b) planar (d) pyramidal (b) sp2 hybrid orbitals are equivalent and bond angle
101. The hybridisation state of carbon in fullerene is between any two of them is 120°
(a) sp (b) sp2 (c) sp3d2 hybrid orbitals are equivalent and are oriented
towards corners of a regular octahedron
(c) sp3 (d) sp3 d
(d) sp3d3 hybrid orbitals are not equivalent
102. Which of the following statements is true for an ion having
113. All carbon atoms are sp2 hybridised in
sp3 hybridisation?
(a) 1, 3-butadiene (b) CH2 = C = CH2
(a) all bonds are ionic
(c) cyclohexane (d) 2-butene
(b) H-bonds are situated at the corners of a square 114. Which one of the following is not correct in respect of
(c) all bonds are co-ordinate covalent hybridization of orbitals?
(d) H-atoms are situated at the corners of tetrahedron (a) The orbitals present in the valence shell only are
103. Which of the following molecule does not have a linear hybridized
arrangement of atoms ? (b) The orbitals undergoing hybridization have almost
(a) H2S (b) C2H2 equal energy
(c) BeH2 (d) CO2 (c) Promotion of electron is not essential condition for
104. In which one of the following molecules the central atom hybridization
said to adopt sp2 hybridization? (d) Pure atomic orbitals are more effective in forming stable
(a) BeF2 (b) BF3 bonds than hybrid orbitals
(c) C2H2 (d) NH3 115. Molecular orbital theory was given by
105. Considering the state of hybridization of carbon atoms, find (a) Kossel (b) Mosley
out the molecule among the following which is linear ? (c) Mulliken (d) Werner
(a) CH3– CH = CH–CH3 116. Atomic orbital is monocentric while a molecular orbital is
(b) CH3 – C C – CH3 polycentric. What is the meaning of above statements?
(c) CH2 = CH – CH2 – C CH (a) Electron density in atomic orbital is given by the
(d) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3 electron distribution around a nucleus in an atom.
While in molecular orbital it is given by the electron
106. Equilateral shape has
distribution around group of nuclei in a molecule.
(a) sp hybridisation (b) sp2 hybridisation
(b) While an electron in an atomic orbital is influenced
(c) sp hybridisation (d) None of these by one nucleus, in a molecular orbital it is influenced
107. In an octahedral structure, the pair of d orbitals involved in by two or more nuclei depending upon the number
d 2 sp3 hybridization is of atoms in the molecule.
(c) The electron in an atomic orbital is present in one
(a) d d (b) d xz, d nucleus while in molecular orbital electrons are
x2 y 2 , z 2 x2 y 2
d xy, d yz present on more than one nuclei depending upon
(c) d d (d)
z 2 , xz the number of atoms in the molecule.
108. The trigonal bipyramidal geometry is obtained from the (d) All of these
hybridisation 117. With increasing bond order, stability of bond
(a) dsp 3 or sp 3d (b) dsp 2 or sp 2d (a) Remain unaltered (b) Decreases
2 3
(c) d sp or sp d 3 2 (d) None of these (c) Increases (d) None of these
118. The given increasing order of energies of various 130. The correct statement with regard to H2+ and H2– is
molecular orbitals is not true for which of the following (a) both H2+ and H–2 are equally stable
molecule? (b) both H2+ and H2– do not exist
1s < s < 2s < 2s < ( 2px = 2py) < 2pz < ( 2px
= 2py) < 2pz (c) H2– is more stable than H2
(a) B2 (b) C2
(d) H2+ is more stable than H2
(c) N2 (d) O2
119. Which of the following corresponds unstable molecule? 131. Mark the incorrect statement in the following
Here Nb is number of bonding electrons and Na is number (a) the bond order in the species O2 , O2+ and O2 –
of antibonding electrons.
decreases as O 2 O2 O2
(a) Nb > Na (b) Nb < Na
(c) Na = Nb (d) Both (b) and (c) (b) the bond energy in a diatomic molecule always
120. If Nx is the number of bonding orbitals of an atom and Ny is increases when an electron is lost
the number of antibonding orbitals, then the molecule/atom (c) electrons in antibonding M.O. contribute to repulsion
will be stable if between two atoms.
(a) Nx > Ny (b) Nx = Ny (d) with increase in bond order, bond length decreases
(c) Nx < Ny (d) Nx Ny and bond strength increases.
132. According to molecular orbital theory which of the following
121. In the molecular orbital diagram for O2+ ion, the highest
statement about the magnetic character and bond order is
occupied orbital is
(a) MO orbital (b) MO orbital correct regarding O 2
(c) * MO orbital (d) * MO orbital (a) Paramagnetic and Bond order < O2
122. The theory capable of explaining paramagnetic behaviour (b) Paramagnetic and Bond order > O2
of oxygen is (c) Diamagnetic and Bond order < O2
(a) resonance theory (d) Diamagnetic and Bond order > O2
(b) V.S.E.P.R. theory 133. Bond order is a concept in the molecular orbital theory. It
(c) molecular orbital theory depends on the number of electrons in the bonding and
(d) valence bond energy antibonding orbitals. Which of the following statements is
123. In an anti-bonding molecular orbital, electron density is true about it ? The bond order
minimum (a) can have a negative quantity
(a) around one atom of the molecule (b) has always an integral value
(b) between the two nuclei of the molecule (c) can assume any positive or integral or fractional value
(c) at the region away from the nuclei of the molecule including zero
(d) at no place (d) is a non-zero quantity
124. When two atomic orbitals combine, they form 134. Which of the following does not exist on the basis of
(a) one molecular orbital (b) two molecular orbital molecular orbital theory ?
(c) three molecular orbital (d) four molecular orbital (a) H2+ (b) He2+
125. Paramagnetism is exhibited by molecules (c) He2 (d) Li2
(a) not attracted into a magnetic field 135. The paramagnetic property of the oxygen molecule is due
(b) containing only paired electrons to the presence of unpaired electrons present in
(c) carrying a positive charge
(d) containing unpaired electrons (a) ( 2 px )1 and ( * 2p x )1
126. The difference in energy between the molecular orbital
formed and the combining atomic orbitals is called (b) ( 2 px )1 and ( 2p y )1
(a) bond energy (b) activation energy
(c) stabilization energy (d) destabilization energy (c) ( * 2p y )1 and ( * 2p z )1
127. The bond order in N2+ is
(a) 1.5 (b) 3.0 (d) ( * 2p x )1 and ( * 2p z )1
(c) 2.5 (d) 2.0 136. In which of the following state of compound the
128. Which molecule has the highest bond order? magnitude of H-bonding will be maximum and in which
(a) N2 (b) Li2 case it will be minimum ?
(c) He2 (d) O2 (a) Maximum = Solid, Minimum = Liquid
129. Which one of the following molecules is expected to exhibit (b) Maximum = Liquid, Minimum = Gas
diamagnetic behaviour ? (c) Maximum = Solid, Minimum = Gas
(a) C2 (b) N2 (d) Maximum = Gas, Minimum = Solid
(c) O2 (d) S2

137. Which of the following are correctly classified ? OH

Intermolecular Intramolecular 146. The vapour pressure of is higher than
H-bonding H-bonding NO 2
(a) HF H2O
(c) H2O o-nitrophenol due to
(d) HF p-nitrophenol O 2N
138. Intramolecular hydrogen bond exists in (a) dipole moment (b) dipole-dipole interaction
(a) ortho nitrophenol (b) ethyl alcohol (c) H-bonding (d) lattice structure
(c) water (d) diethyl ether 147. The reason for exceptionally high boiling point of water is
(a) its high specific heat
139. The boiling point of p-nitrophenol is higher than that of
(b) its high dielectric constant
o-nitrophenol because
(c) low ionization of water molecule
(a) NO2 group at p-position behave in a different way (d) hydrogen bonding in the molecules of water
from that at o-position. 148. Acetic acid exists as dimer in benzene due to
(b) intramolecular hydrogen bonding exists in (a) condensation reaction
p-nitrophenol (b) hydrogen bonding
(c) there is intermolecular hydrogen bonding in (c) presence of carboxyl group
p-nitrophenol (d) presence of hydrogen atom at -carbon
(d) p-nitrophenol has a higher molecular weight than 149. Hydrogen bonding is formed in compounds containing
hydrogen and
(a) highly electronegative atoms
140. Which one of the following is the correct order of interactions ? (b) highly electropositive atoms
(a) Covalent < hydrogen bonding < vander Waals < dipole- (c) metal atoms with d-orbitals occupied
dipole (d) metalloids
(b) vander Waals < hydrogen bonding < dipole < covalent
(c) vander Waals < dipole-dipole < hydrogen bonding < STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS
covalent 150. Read the following statements and choose the correct
(d) Dipole-dipole < vander Waals < hydrogen bonding < sequence of T and F from the given codes. Here T
covalent. represents true and F represents false statement.
141. Strongest hydrogen bond is shown by (i) The number of dots in Lewis symbol represents the
number of valence electrons.
(a) water (b) ammonia
(ii) Number of valence electrons helps to calculate
(c) hydrogen fluoride (d) hydrogen sulphide group valence of element.
142. The low density of ice compared to water is due to (iii) Group valence is given as 8 minus the number of
(a) induced dipole-induced dipole interactions inner shell electrons.
(b) dipole-induced dipole interactions (a) T T T (b) T F F
(c) T T F (d) F F F
(c) hydrogen bonding interactions
151. Based on the following Lewis dot structure which of the
(d) dipole-dipole interactions given statement(s) is/are correct?
143. Methanol and ethanol are miscible in water due to
(a) covalent character O
(b) hydrogen bonding character O C O
(c) oxygen bonding character
(d) None of these (i) There is formation of a double bond and two single
144. The hydrogen bond is shortest in bonds.
(ii) There are two additional electrons than those
(a) S — H --- S (b) N — H --- O
provided by the neutral atoms.
(c) S — H --- O (d) F — H --- F (iii) The least electropositive atom occupies the central
145. Hydrogen bonding is maximum in position in the molecule/ion.
(a) C2H5OH (b) CH3OCH3 (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(c) (CH3)2 C = O (d) CH3CHO (c) (iii) only (d) (i) and (ii)
152. Choose the correct sequence of T and F for following 156. Which of the following statements is/are not correct for
statements. Here T stands for true statement and F stands combination of atomic orbitals?
for false statement. (i) The combining atomic orbitals must have the same
(i) Formal charge in the Lewis structure helps in or nearly the same energy.
keeping track of the valence electrons in the (ii) Greater the extent of overlap, the greater will be the
molecule. electron density between the nuclei of a moleculer
(ii) Formal charge indicates the actual charge separation orbital.
within the molecule.
(iii) 2pz orbital of one atom can combine with either of
(iii) Formal charges help in the selection of the lowest
2px, 2py or 2pz orbital of other atom as these orbitals
energy structure from a number of possible Lewis
have same energy.
(a) T T F (b) T F T (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (iii) only
(c) T T T (d) F T T (c) (i) only (d) (ii) and (iii)
153. Read the following statements and choose the correct
option. Here T stands for True and F stands for False MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS
157. Match the columns
(i) The smaller the size of the cation and the larger the
size of the anion, the greater the covalent character Column-I Column-II
of an ionic bond. (A) BeH2 (p) Odd electron molecules
(ii) The smaller the charge on the cation, the greater the (B) SF6 (q) Expanded octet
covalent character of the ionic bond. (C) NO2 (r) Incomplete octet of
(iii) For cations of the same size and charge, the one, central atom
with electronic configuration (n – 1)d nns0, typical of (a) A – (p), B – (q), C – (r)
transition metals, is more polarising than the one (b) A – (q), B – (r), C – (p)
with a noble gas configuration, ns2 np6, typical of
(c) A – (r), B – (q), C – (p)
alkali and alkaline earth metal cations.
(d) A – (r), B – (p), C – (q)
(a) T T T (b) T T F
(c) T F T (d) F T T 158. Match the columns
154. Choose the correct sequence of T and F for following Column-I Column-II
statements. Here T stands for True and F for False
(A) HCl (p) Covalent compound with
(i) Sigma bond is formed by head on overlap of directional bond
bonding orbitals along the internuclear axis. (B) CO2 (q) Ionic compound with
(ii) Pi bond is formed when atomic orbitals overlap in non-directional bonds
such a way that their axes remain parallel to each
other and perpendicular to the internuclear axis. (C) NaCl (r) Polar molecule
(iii) Half-filled s-orbital of one atom and half filled (D) CCl4 (s) Non-polar molecule
p-orbitals of another atom forms. bond on (a) A – (p, q, r), B – (q, r), C – (p, q), D – (r)
overlapping. (b) A – (q), B – (r), C – (p), D – (s)
(iv) Overlapping in case of pi-bond takes place to a
(c) A – (p, r), B – (p, s), C – (q), D – (p, s)
larger extent as compared to sigma bond.
(a) T T T T (b) T F T F (d) A – (q), B – (r), C – (p, q), D – (s)
(c) T T F F (d) T T F T 159. Match Column-I with Column-II and Column-III and choose
155. Give the correct order of initials T or F for following the correct option from the given codes.
statements. Use T if statement is true and F if it is false : Column-I Column-II Column-III
(i) The order of repulsion between different pair of Molecule (No. of lone (Shape of molecule)
electrons is lp – lp > lp – bp > bp – bp pairs and
(ii) In general, as the number of lone pair of electrons on bond pairs)
central atom increases, value of bond angle from (A) NH3 (i) 1, 2 (p) Bent
normal bond angle also increases
(B) SO2 (ii) 1, 4 (q) Trigonal pyramidal
(iii) The number of lone pair on O in H2O is 2 while on N in
NH3 is 1 (C) SF4 (iii) 2, 3 (r) T-shape
(iv) The structures of xenon fluorides and xenon (D) ClF3 (iv) 1, 3 (s) See-Saw
oxyfluorides could not be explained on the basis of (a) A – (iv, q); B – (ii, p); C – (i, r); D – (iii, s)
VSEPR theory (b) A – (iv, q); B – (i, p); C – (ii, s); D – (iii, r)
(a) TTTF (b) TFTF (c) A – (i, p); B – (iii, s); C – (iv, r); D – (ii, q)
(c) TFTT (d) TFFF (d) A – (iv, p); B – (i, r); C – (iii, q); D – (ii, s)

160. Match the columns (a) A – (p), B – (q), C – (p), D – (r)

Column-I Column-II (b) A – (p), B – (r), C – (q), D – (p)
(A) Trigonal planar (p) PCl5 (c) A – (q), B – (q), C – (p), D – (r)
: (d) A – (r), B – (p), C – (q), D – (p)
162. Match Column-I (molecule) with Column-II (type of
120° hybridisation) and choose the correct option from the
A codes given below.
Column-I Column-II

(B) Tetrahedral (q) NH4+ (Molecule) (Type of hybridisation)

(A) SF6 (p) sp 3 d

(B) PF5 (q) sp 3

A (C) BCl3 (r) sp 3 d 2
(D) C2H6 (s) sp 2
: (a) A – (r), B – (p), C – (s), D – (q)

(b) A – (r), B – (p), C – (q), D – (s)

(c) A – (p), B – (r), C – (q), D – (s)

(C) Trigonal bipyramidal (r) SF6 (d) A – (p), B – (r), C – (s), D – (q)
163. Match the columns

Column-I Column-II
(A) Valence bond theory (p) Nyholm and Gillespie
: : (B) Octet rule (q) F. Hund & R. S Mulliken
A (C) Molecular orbital (r) Heitler and London

(D) The valence shell (s) Ko ssel and Lewis

electron pair

(D) Octahedral (s) BF3 repulsion theory

(a) A – (p), B – (q),C – (r), D – (s)

90° (b) A – (q), B – (r),C – (s), D – (p)


(c) A – (p), B – (s),C – (q), D – (r)


90° A (d) A – (s), B – (r), C – (q), D – (p)

164. Match the columns

Column-I Column-II Column-III


(a) A – (p), B – (q), C – (r), D – (s)

(b) A – (s), B – (r), C – (q), D – (p)
(c) A – (s), B – (q), C – (p), D – (r) (A) 1s (p) – + – + (i)

(d) A – (r), B – (p), C – (q), D – (s)
161. Match the columns *2p
Column-I Column-II
(B) 2pz (q) (ii) – + –
+ + –


(A) – (p) negative overlap


+ – +
+ (C) 2px (r) (iii)
– – +

(B) – (q) zero overlap

(a) A– (q, iii), B – (r, i), C – (p, ii)
(C) – (r) positive overlap (b) A– (q, iii), B – (p, ii), C – (r, i)

(c) A– (p, iii), B – (q, ii), C – (r, i)

(D) – (d) A– (p, ii), B – (q, iii), C – (r, i)

175. Assertion : The bond order of helium is always zero.
Reason : The number of electrons in bonding molecular
Directions : Each of these questions contain two statements, orbital and antibonding molecular orbital is equal.
Assertion and Reason. Each of these questions also has four 176. Assertion : Bonding molecular orbital has greater stability
alternative choices, only one of which is the correct answer. You than corresponding antibonding molecular orbital.
have to select one of the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below. Reason : The electron density in a bonding molecular
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct orbital is located away from the space between the nuclei
explanation for assertion. while in antibonding molecular orbital it is located
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a between the nuclei of the bonded atoms.
correct explanation for assertion 177. Assertion : Water is one of the best solvent.
(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect Reason : H-bonding is present in water molecules.
(d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
165. Assertion : The correct Lewis structure of O3 may be drawn
as 178. What is the correct mode of hybridisation of the central
+ atom in the following compounds?
NO–2 SF4 PF6 –

O 2
(a) sp sp sp 3
– 2 3
2 sp 3 d 2
: :

(b) sp sp d
: :

O O: 3
(c) sp 2 sp 3 d 2 sp 3
Reason : The formal charges on atom 1, 2 and 3 are +1, 0 (d) sp 3 sp 3 sp 3 d 2
and –1 respectively.
179. Which of the following molecules has trigonal planar
166. Assertion : Atoms can combine either by transfer of geometry?
valence of electrons from one atom to another or by (a) BF3 (b) NH3
sharing of valence electrons.
(c) PCl3 (d) IF3
Reason : Sharing and transfer of valence electrons is 180. Which of the following molecules is planar?
done by atoms to have an octet in their valence shell. (a) SF4 (b) XeF4
167. Assertion : The lesser the lattice enthalpy more stable is (c) NF3 (d) SiF4
the ionic compound. 181. Hybridization present in ClF3 is
Reason : The lattice enthalpy is greater, for ions of highest (a) sp 2 (b) sp 3
charge and smaller radii. (c) dsp 2 (d) sp 3 d
168. Assertion : Sulphur compounds like SF6 and H2SO4 have 182. Which of the following represents the given mode of
12 valence electrons around S atom. hybridisation sp2 –sp2 – sp - sp from left to right ?
Reason : All sulphur compounds do not follow octet rule.
(a) H C CH C N (b) HC C–C CH
169. Assertion : BF3 molecule has zero dipole moment.
Reason : F is electronegative and B–F bonds are polar in CH2
nature. (c) H C C C CH (d) H2C
170. Assertion : CH2Cl2 is non-polar and CCl4 is polar molecule. 183. Hybridisation states of C in CH3+ and CH4 are
Reason : Molecule with zero dipole moment is non-polar in (a) sp2 & sp3 (b) sp3 & sp2
nature. (c) sp2 & sp2 (d) sp3 & sp3
171. Assertion : Lone pair-lone pair repulsive interactions are 184. The type of hybridization in xenon atom and the number of
greater than lone pair-bond pair and bond pair-bond pair lone pairs present on xenon atom in xenon hexafluoride
interactions. molecule are respectively
Reason : The space occupied by lone pair electrons is (a) sp3d3 , one (b) sp3d3 , two
3 3
(c) sp d , two (d) sp3d2 , zero
more as compared to bond pair electrons.
172. Assertion : In NH3, N is sp3 hybridised, but angle is found 185. In which of the following species, all the three types of
to be 107°. hybrid carbons are present?
Reason : The decrease in bond angle is due to repulsion (a) CH2 = C = CH2 (b) CH3 – CH= CH – CH+2
(c) CH3 – C C – CH2 + (d) CH3 – CH= CH – CH–2
between the lone pair.
173. Assertion : Shape of NH3 molecule is tetrahedral. 186. If an organic compound contain 92.3% C and 7.7% H, than
Reason : In NH3 nitrogen is sp3 hybridized. number of sp3,sp2 and sp hybridized carbon atoms in all
possible str uctures of compound respectively are
174. Assertion : pi bonds are weaker than bonds.
(molecular mass = 52g/mol)
Reason : pi bonds are formed by the overlapping of p-p
(a) 1, 2, 5 (b) 0, 4, 4
orbitals along their axes.
(c) 0, 8, 4 (d) None of these
187. Arrange the following in increasing order of bond length 197. The ground state electronic configuration of valence shell
(i) N2 (ii) electrons in nitrogen molecule (N 2 ) is written as
KK 2s 2 , * 2s 2 , 2p 2x , 2p 2y 2p 2z Bond order in nitrogen
(iii) N 22
molecule is
(a) (ii), (i) and (iii) (b) (ii), (iii) and (i) (a) 0 (b) 1
(c) (iii), (ii) and (i) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii) (c) 2 (d) 3
188. Which of the following molecule exist ? 198. Bond order in benzene is
(a) He2 (b) Be2 (a) 1 (b) 2
(c) Li2 (d) Both (a) and (b) (c) 1.5 (d) None of these
189. Hybridization and structure of I3– are
199. In O2 , O2 and O 2 2 molecular species, the total number of
(a) sp2 and trigonal planar
(b) sp3d2 and linear antibonding electrons respectively are
(c) sp3d and linear (a) 7, 6, 8 (b) 1, 0, 2
(c) 6, 6, 6 (d) 8, 6, 8
(d) sp3 and T-shape
200. N2 and O2 are converted to monopositive cations N2+ and
190. What is the change in hybridization when AlCl3 changes
O2+ respectively. Which is incorrect ?
to [Al2Cl6]–3 ?
(a) In N2+ the N–N bond is weakened
(a) sp3 d to sp3d2 (b) sp3 to sp3 d
(b) In O2+ the bond order increases
(c) sp2 to sp3d2 (d) None of these
(c) In O2+ the paramagnetism decreases
191. From the given figure the van der Waal radius and covalent
(d) N2+ becomes diamagnetic
radius of the hydrogen atom respectively are
201. Bond order normally gives idea of stability of a molecular
62 pm species. All the molecules viz. H2, Li2 and B2 have the same
bond order yet they are not equally stable. Their stability
order is
(a) H2 > B2 > Li2 (b) Li2 > H2 > B2
240 pm (c) Li2 > B2 > H2 (d) B2 > H2 > Li2
202. According to MO theory which of the following lists ranks
the nitrogen species in terms of increasing bond order?

(a) 151, 31 (b) 120, 31 (a) N 2–

2 N 2– N2 (b) N2 N 22– N 2–
(c) 31, 100 (d) 30, 120 (c) N 2– N 2– N2 (d) N 2– N2 N 2–
2 2
192. Which of the following substances has the greatest ionic
203. Hydrogen bonding would not affect the boiling point of
character ?
(a) HI (b) H2O
(a) Cl2O (b) NCl3
(c) NH3 (d) CH3OH
(c) PbCl2 (d) BaCl2
204. Which one of the following molecules will form a linear
193. Among the following species, identify the pair having same
polymeric structure due to hydrogen bonding?
bond order CN–, O2– , NO+, CN+
(a) NH3 (b) H2O
(a) CN– and O2– (b) O2– and NO+
– + (c) HCl (d) HF
(c) CN and NO (d) CN– and CN+
205. Which among the following can form intermolecular
194. Which of the following is not correct with respect to bond H – bonding ?
length of the species ?
(a) C2 C22 (b) B2 B2
(c) Li 2 Li 2 (d) O2 O2 OH
195. The molecule which has the highest bond order is
(a) C2 (b) N2 OH
(c) B2 (d) O2 OH OH
196. The compound which cannot be formed is (A) (B) (C) (D)
(a) He (b) He (a) A (b) B and D
(c) He 2 (d) 2
He (c) B, C and D (d) A and C


1. (a) Chemical bond is an attractive force, which holds 8e


various constituents (atoms, ions etc.) together in 13. (a) (i) represents : N N :
different chemical species. (iv) represents H – C C – H
2. (d) The evolution of various theories of valence and the (ii) and (iii) represents respectively :
interpretation of the nature of chemical bonds have
closely been related to the developments in the C=C and O=C=O
understanding of structure of atom, electronic H H
configuration of elements and Periodic Table. 14. (a) All Lewis representation of the molecules NH3, O3
3. (b) Kossel and Lewis provide some logical explanation and HNO3 given in question are correct.
of valence which was based on the intertness of 15. (c) N2 ; N N
noble gases. 3 electrons are shared by each nitrogen atom
4. (c) In the formation of a molecule, only the outer shell 16. (a) Lewis structure of N2 is N N
electrons take part in chemical combination and they
17. (a) Step I : Skeleton OCO
are known as valence electrons.
Step II : A = 1 × 4 for C + 2 × 6 for O = 4 + 12
5. (d) Valence electrons in O = 6
= 16 electrons
Correct Lewis symbol = O Step III : Total no. of electrons needed to achieve noble
Similarly, Ne is a noble gas having valence electrons gas configuration (N)
=8 N = 1 × 8 + 2 × 8 = 24
Step IV : Shared electrons, S = N – A = 24 – 16
: :

Correct Lewis symbol for Ne = :Ne:

6. (b) Electrovalent bond is formed as a result of electrostatic = 8 electrons
attraction between the positive and negative ions. Step V : O::C::O

7. (a) The electrostatic force that binds the oppositely Step VI : :O::C ::O: : O = C = O:
charged ions which are formed by transfer of
electron(s) from one atom to another is called ionic ..
bond. Cation and anion are oppositely charged 18. (b)
particles therefore they form ionic bond in crystal. F F F H H H
8. (a) Calcium is assigned a positive electrovalence of two,
while chlorine has a negative electrovalence of one. N –– N– O octet of each atom is complete.
9. (d) When a metal for example Na combines with a non 19. (c) Formal charge (F.C.) on an atom in a Lewis structure
metal e.g., Cl2. Following reaction occurs = [total number of valence electrons in the free atom]
2Na Cl 2 2NaCl – [total number of non bonding (lone pair) electrons]
In this process Na loses one electron to form Na + and – (1/2) [total number of bonding (shared) electrons]
Cl accepts one electron to form Cl– 20. (a) The lowest energy structure is the one with the
smallest formal charges on the atoms.
Na Na e
21. (c) Bond order between P – O
Cl e Cl
Therefore, in this process Cl gain electrons and hence no. of bonds in all possible direction 5
its size increases. 1.25
total no. of resonating structures 4
10. (b) Langmuir (1919) refined the Lewis postulations by –
abandoning the idea of the stationary cubical O O
arrangement of the octet, and by introducing the –


term covalent bond. – –

11. (c) Each combining atom contributes at least one O


electron to the shared pair. – – –

12. (a) In formation of Cl2 molecule a pair of electrons is

shared between the two chlorine atoms. Each O O
chlorine atom contribute one electron to the shared 3
pair. Formal charge on oxygen = 0.75
22. (b) In CN– ion formal negative charge is on nitrogen atom 30. (a)
due to lone pair of electrons. 31. (c) Formation of positive ion involves removal of
23. (d) According to octet role, the central atom must have 8 electron(s) from neutral atom and that of the
electrons but in some compounds the number of negative ion involves addition of electron(s) to the
electrons is more than 8, or less than 8 or an odd number neutral atom.
of electrons is left on the central atom e.g., PCl5, BF5, 32. (b) Ionic bonds will be formed more easily between
NO. elements with comparatively low ionization enthalpies
and elements with comparatively high negative
F value of electron gain enthalpy.
F 33. (a) In ionic solids, the sum of the electron gain enthalpy
and the ionization enthalpy may be positive but still
the crystal structure gets stabilized due to the
F Cl energy released in the formation of the crystal

: :
: :
F Cl:B:Cl N=O lattice.
10 electrons 6 electrons Odd electrons 34. (d) Lattice enthalpy is required to completely separate
around P around B around N one mole of a solid ionic compound into gaseous
24. (d) constituent ions.
35. (a) An ionic bond tightly held the two ions of opposite
Cl Cl Cl charges together, so it is a dipole. More is the
25. (c) (i) Al Al
Cl Cl Cl electronegativity of anion higher will be the electron
(Complete octet) density and higher will be its charge which
consequently increses the strength of ionic bond.
CH3 CH3 CH3 36. (c) Higher the difference in electronegativity between the
(ii) Al Al two atoms, more will be electrovalent character of the
bond. Among given choices, calcium and hydrogen
(3c – 2e) bond
(incomplete octet) have maximum difference in their electronegativities.
37. (b) For compounds containing cations of same charge,
- lattice energy increases as the size of the cation
(iii) AlF3 ® Al3+ + 3F
decrease. Thus, NaF has highest lattice energy. The
(ionic 2s 2 2p6 2s2 2p6 size of cations is in the order Na+ < K+ < Rb+ < Cs+
(octet (octet
complete) complete) 38. (b) Ionic character of a bond is directly proportional to
the difference of electro negativities of bonded atoms.
Cl So, H – F in which electronegativity difference is
(iv) Cl – Be Be – C (Incomplete octet) highest, will have highest ionic character.
(inomplete octet) 39. (b) The stability of the ionic bond depends upon the lattice
energy which is expected to be more between Mg and
H F due to +2 charge on Mg atom.
(v) H – Be Be – H (Incomplete octet) 40. (d) Bond lengths are measured by spectroscopic, X-ray
H diffraction and electron diffraction techniques.
(3c – 2e– ) bond 41. (c) The covalent radius is measured approximately as
the radius of an atom’s core which is in contact with
the core of an adjacent atom in a bonded situation.
.. .. .. .. ..
O .. S .. O 42. (d) A = Covalent radius
26. (d) .. ..
B = van der Waal’s radius
C = Bond length
Total no. of valence electron around sulphur in SO 2 is
10 while in case of other molecules total no. of 8 43. (d) All of the given statements are correct.
electrons are present in each. 1
44. (c) Bond order bond enthalpy
27. (a) Boron in BCl3 has 6 electrons in outermost shell. bond length
Hence BCl3 is a electron deficient compound.
28. (b) The compounds in which octet of central atom is 45. (c) In CO (three shared election pairs between C and O)
incomplete are known as electron deficient the bond order is 3. For N2 bond order is 3 and its
compounds. Hence B2H6 is a electron deficient Dg H - is 946 kJ mol–1, being one of the highest for a
diatomic molecule, isoelectronic moleculaes and ions
29. (a) PCl5 does not follow octet rule, it has 10 electrons in
have identical bond order for example F2 and O2–
2 have
its valence shell.
bond ordeer 1, N2, CO and NO+ have bond order 3.
46. (c) Both representation of resonating structures in 59. (b) O = C = O
molecules of CO2 and CO32– are correct. 60. (a) The correct order of dipole moments of HF, H2S and
47. (c) I and II structure shown above constitute the H2O us
cannonical structure. III structure represents the HF < H2S < H2O
structure of O3 more accurately. This is also called
resonance hybrid. 61. (a) C F
48. (a) The molecule does not exist for a certain fraction of
Because difference between electronegativity of
time in one cannonical form and for other fractions
carbon and flourine is highest.
of time in other cannonical forms.
62. (c) In case of SF6 resultant dipole moment is zero while
49. (b) There are three resonance structures of CO32 ion. all other possess dipole moment.
O O– O– 63. (c)
64. (c) According to Fajan's rule, smaller size and greater
C C C charge on cation favour the formation of partial

O O – –
O O O O– covalent character in ionic bonds.
(I) (II) (III) 65. (c) As difference of electronegativity increases % ionic
50. (d) Choices (a), (b) and (c) are the resonance structures of character increases and covalent character decreases
CO2. i.e., electronegativity difference decreases covalent
character increases.
51. (b) 52. (b)
53. (b) Both NO2 and O3 have angular shape and hence will Further greater the charge on the cation and smaller
have net dipole moment. the size more will be its polarising power. Hence
covalent character increases.
54. (c) The dipole moment of symmetrical molecules is zero.
66. (a) According to Fajan’s rule, as the charge on the cation
F increases, and size decreases, its tendency to polarise
the anion increases. This brings more and more
| B
F F covalent nature to electrovalent compounds. Hence

Triangular planar (symmetrical molecule) AlCl3 shows maximum covalent character.

55. (c) Dipole moment is a vector quantity, hence the dipole 67. (d) In case of anions having same charge as the size of
moment of symmetrical molecules is zero. As CO2, anion increases, polarisibility of anion also increases.
p-dichlorobenzene and CH4 have regular symmetrical 68. (d) The electronegativity difference is maximum in O—H
shape. Hence = 0 bond hence O—H bond length is the smallest among
Cl the given set.
H 69. (a) A gaseous HCl molecule has hydrogen and chlorine
.. linked by a covalent bond. Here electronegativity of
chlorine is greater than that of hydrogen. Due to this
H H H H the shared pair of electron is more attracted towards
Cl chlorine. Thus, chlorine end of molecule has higher
However, NH3 has distorted structure due to presence electron density and becomes slightly negative and
of lone pair of electrons on N atom and thus has definite the hydrogen and slightly positive. Hence the covalent
dipole moment. bond in HCl has a polar character as shown below
56. (a) In H2, both atoms are identical, so the molecule is non
H Cl
57. (b) BF3 has planar and symmetrical structure thus as a
70. (b) Hydrogen is non metal and non metal atoms form
result the resultant of two bond moments, being equal
covalent bond.
and opposite to the third, cancels out and hence
71. (d)
molecule possess zero dipole moment.
72. (b) Hybridisation is sp3 and shape pyramidal.

; =0 F

73. (c) Br F
58. (c) CCl4 and BF3 being symmetrical have zero dipole
moment. H2O, CHCl3 and NH3 have dipole moments :
of 1.84 D, 1.01 D and 1.46 D respectively. Thus among F
the given molecules H2O has highest dipole moment.
In BrF3, both bond pairs as well as lone pairs of 85. (b) H — C — C— C — C— C — C— C — C — H
electrons are present. Due to the presence of lone
pairs of electrons (lp) in the valence shell, the bond H H H H H H H H
angle is contracted and the molecule takes the T- 1, 3,5, 7 - octatetraene
17 and 4
shape. This is due to greater repulsion between two
lone pairs or between a lone pair and a bond pair than 86. (b) Allyl cyanide is :
between the two bond pairs. H H
74. (a) The number of lone pairs of electrons on central atom C C C C N
H ,
in various given species are
Species Number of lone pairs on
central atom It contains 9 sigma bonds, 3 pi bonds and 1 lone
pair of electrons.
IF7 nil
87. (a) Cl2 : Cl – Cl (1 , No )
IF5 1
O 2 : O = O (1 , 1 )
ClF3 2
N 2 : N N (1 , 2 )
XeF2 3
CO2 : O = C = O (2 , 2 )
Thus the correct increasing order is 88. (a) The given molecule is
IF7 < IF5 < ClF3 < XeF2
0 1 2 3 H2 C C C C C C H
75. (d)
O O The number of C—C ‘ ’ bonds = 5
lp = 1 The number of C—C ‘ ’ bonds = 4
bp = 4 The number of C—C ‘ ’ bonds = 6
76. (a) V-shaped H2O like structure.
77. (d) BrF5 has square pyramidal geometry. 89. (a)
78. (b) SO2 – bent s-orbital p-orbital
SF4 – see-saw The overlap between s- and p-orbitals occurs along
ClF3 – T-shape internuclear axis and hence the angle is 180°.
BrF5 – square pyramidal O–H
XeF4 – square planar.
90. (a) CH3 C CH 2 has 9 ,1 and 2lone pairs.
79. (a) I is the most stable geometry because both the lone
pairs are present at equitorial position. Due to which 91. (a) Linear combination of two hybridized orbitals leads to
repulsion is minimum in molecule as compared to the the formation of sigma bond.
repulsion in other molecules where lone pair is in axial 92. (b) Sigma bond is stronger than -bond. The electrons in
position. the bond are loosely held. The bond is easily broken
X and is more reactive than -bond. Energy released
80. (b) during sigma bond formation is always more than

bond because of greater extent of overlapping

93. (c) Option (c) represents zero overlapping.

94. (a) Bond angle increases with increase in s-character of

X hybridised orbital. The table given below shows the
Number of lone pair = 2 hybridised orbitals, their % s-chatracter and bond
81. (a) In methane molecule C is sp3 hybridised so its shape angles.
will be tetrahedral. Hybridised % s-character Bond
.. orbitals angle
82. (d) Bent sp 3 25 109.5°
Cl Cl
sp 2 33 120°
83. (b) The minimum in the energy curve corresponds to the
sp 50 180°
most stable state of H2.
95. (d) Promotion of electron is not an essential condition
84. (d) Structure of acetylene molecule
prior to hybridisation. It is not necessary that only
1 1 1 half filled orbitals participate in hybridisation. In
H— C C— H
2 some cases, even filled orbitals of valence shell take
Thus acetylene molecule has 3 bonds and 2 bonds. part in hybridisation.
96. (d) The hybridisation in a molecule is given by 100. (a) O C O
1 C(6) = 1s2 2s2 2p2
H [V M C A] .......(1)
2 ground state
where V = no. of valency e– in central atom 2
2s 2px 2py 2pz
M = no. of monovalent atoms around central atom
C = charge on cation, A = charge on anion Excited state
For NH3; V = 5, M = 3, C = 0, A = 0
Putting these values in (1), we get sp hybridized
two electrons excluded
1 from hybridization and
H [5 3 0 0] = 4
2 partcipate in bonding
For H = 4, the hybridisation in molecule is sp3. with oxygens.
97. (d) Hybridisaiton of SO42– ion is given by 101. (b) In fullerene, carbons are sp2-hybridised like graphite.
1 Fullerenes are also the allotropes of carbon other than
H= [V + M + A– C] diamond and graphite but have been produced
synthetically, e.g.; C60.
Where V = valency of central metal atom 102. (d) Ions having sp3 hybridisation contain hydrogen atoms
M = no. of monovalent atoms surrounding central metal at the corners of tetrahedron.
atom. 103. (a) For linear arrangement of atoms the hybridisation
A = charge on anion, C = charge on cation should be sp(linear shape, 180° angle). Only H2S has
For SO24 ; V = 6, M = 0, A = 2, C = 0 sp3-hybridization and hence has angular shape while
C2H2, BeH2 and CO2 all involve sp - hybridization and
1 hence have linear arrangement of atoms.
H= [6 + 0 + 2 – 0] = 4 104. (b) BF3 involves sp2-hybridization.
i.e., sp3 hybridisation and tetrahedral shape. sp 3 sp sp sp 3
98. (d) The strength of a bond depends upon the extent of 105. (b) H3C — C C — CH3
overlapping. s-s and s-p overlapping results in the linear
formation of bond but extent of overlapping along 106. (b) Equilateral or triangular planar shape involves sp2
internuclear axis is more in case of s-s overlapping hybridization.
than in s-p. p-p overlapping may result in bond if 107. (a) Only those d orbitals whose lobes are directed along
overlapping takes place along internuclear axis or may X, Y and Z directions hybridise with s and p orbitals.
result in –bond if sideways overlapping takes place. In other three d orbitals namely dxy, dyz and dxz, the
In any case the extent of overlapping is lesser in p - p lobes are at an angle of 45° from both axis, hence the
than that of the other two, s-s and s-p. Hence the correct extent of their overlap with s and p orbitals is much
order is lesser than d and d orbitals.
s - s > s - p > p - p. x 2 y2 z2
99. (c) In case of Xenon compounds 108. (a) According to VSEPR theory, trigonal bipyramidal
1 geometry results from sp3d or dsp3 hybridisation.
Hybridization = [No. of valence electrons of dsp2 hybridisation results in square planar geometry,
Xe + number of monovalent atoms surrounding Xe – while d2sp3 leads to octahedral shape.
charge on cation + charge or an ion] 109. (b) In CH3 CH2OH underlined C is forming 4 bonds,
hence sp3 hybridisation. In others it is sp2 hybridised
In XeF6 = [8 + 6 – 0 + 0] = 7 i.e. sp3d3 hybridizaiton. (due to 3 bonds).
2 110. (a) Each sp3-hybrid orbital has 25% s-character and 75%
In case of SF6, Sulphur is sp3d2 hybridized. p-character.
In case of BrF5 .Bromine atom has seven valence
electrons and 5 are contributed by the fluorine atoms. 111. (c) H3C CH C CH CH 3
sp3 sp 2 sp 2
sp sp3
Total number of electron pairs in valence shell of central
112. (d)
7 5
atom = 6 sp 2 sp sp 2
2 113. (a) CH 2 C CH2
Number of shared pairs = 5
Number of one pairs = 1 sp3
The molecule is square pyramidal. sp3 sp3
In PCl5 P is sp3d hybridised. i.e. the correct answer is sp 3
XeF6 or option (c)

sp3 sp 2 sp 2 sp 3 131. (b) The removal of an electron from a diatomic molecule

CH3 CH CH CH 3 may increase the bond order as in the conversion
sp sp sp sp O2 (2) O 2 ( 2 .5) or decrease the bond order as
in the conversion, N 2 (3.0) N 2 ( 2.5), As a
sp 2 sp 2 sp 2 sp2 result, the bond energy may increase or decrease.
1, 3-butadiene Thus, statement (b) is incorrect.
114. (d) Statement (d) is incorrect. 132. (b) O2 : 1s 2 , *
1s 2 , 2s 2 , *
2 s 2 , 2 p z2 ,
115. (c) Molecular orbital theory was given by Mulliken.
116. (b) Atomic orbital is monocentric because an electron in 2 p 2x *
2 p1x
it is influenced by one nucleus. While molecular ,
orbital is polycentric as it is influenced by two or 2 p 2y *
2 p1y
more nuclei depending upon the number of atoms in
the molecule. 10 6
Bond order 2
117. (c) 2
118. (d) For oxygen correct increasing order is (two unpaired electrons in antibonding molecular orbital)
1s < s < 2s < 2s < 2pz < ( 2px = 2py) <
( px= *2py) < 2pz
119. (d) Nb < Na or Na = Nb 2 p x2 , *
2 p1x
O 2 : 1s 2 , *
1s 2 , 2s 2 , *
2s 2 , 2 p 2z ,
i.e., a negative or zero bond order corresponds to an 2 p 2y , *
2 p 0y
unstable molecule.
120. (a) 121. (c) 10 5
122. (c) Paramagnetism of O2 is best explained by molecular Bond order 2. 5
orbital theory.
(One unpaired electron in antibonding molecular
123. (b)
124. (b) One bonding M.O. and one anti-bonding M.O.
125. (d) Molecules having unpaired electrons show Hence O2 as well as O 2 both are paramagnetic, and
126. (c) bond order of O 2 is greater than that of O2.
127. (c) N 2 = 7 + 7 – 1 = 13 electrons 133. (c)
Configuration is 134. (c) Helium molecule does not exist as bond order of
1s 2 , *1s 2 , 2s 2 , * 2s 2 , 2 px 2 He2 = 0.
= 2 p y 2 , 2 p1z 135. (c) The paramagnetic property in oxygen came through
Bond order = unpaired electron which can be explained by molecular
1 No. of e s in bonding No. of e s in antibonding orbital theory.
2 molecular orbital molecular orbital
1 1
= (9 4) 5 2.5
2 2 2p*x
128. (a)
129. (a, b) The molecular orbital structures of C2 and N2 are
N2 1s 2 *1s2 2s 2 *2s 2 2 px2 2 py2 2 pz2 2pz* 2py*
C2 1s 2 *1s 2 2 s 2 * 2 s 2 2 py 2 2 Pz2
Both N2 and C2 have paired electrons, hence they are px py pz px py pz
130. (d) H 2 ( 1s1)
1 1
Bond order = (1 0)
2 2
H 2 : ( 1s 2 ) ( *1s1 ) 2px bonding

1 1
Bond order = (2 1)
2 2 2p*y and 2p*z
So 2 unpaired of electron present in
The bond order of H 2 and H 2 are same but H 2 is more 136. (c) H-bonding is maximum in the solid state and
stable than H 2 . In H 2 the antibonding orbital is filled minimum in gaseous state.
with 1 electron so this causes instability.
137. (c) H2O shows intermolecular hydrogen bonding while 151. (d) The least electronegative atom occupies the central
o-nitrophenol shows intramolecular H-bonding. position in the molecule/ion.
152. (b) Formal charges do not indicate real charge separation
within the molecule. Indicating the charges on the
138. (a) N (Intermolecular
O hydrogen bonding) atoms in the Lewis structure only helps in keeping
OH track of the valence electrons in the molecule.
153. (c) The greater the charge on the cation, the greater the
covalent character of the ionic bond.
139. (c) The b.p. of p-nitrophenol is higher than that of 154. (d) Statement (c) and (d) are incorrect.
o-nitrophenol because in p-nitrophenol there is 155. (b) (ii) (F) In general as the number of lone pair of electrons
intermolecular H-bonding but in o-nitrophenol it is on central atom increases, value of bond angle from
intramolecular H-bonding. normal bond angle decreases due to lp – lp > lp – bp.
140. (b) The strength of the interactions follows the order (iv)(F) Structures of xenon fluorides and xenon
vander Waal’s < hydrogen – bonding < dipole-dipole oxyfluoride are explained on the basis of VSEPR theory.
< covalent. In SOBr2, S – O bond has minimum bond length in
141. (c) H–F shows str ongest H-bonds due to high comparison to S – O bond lengths in SOF2 and SOCl2,
electronegativity of F atom. because in SOBr 2, S – O bond has been formed by
142. (c) Ice has many hydrogen bonds which give rise to cage hybrid orbital containing less s-character.
like structure of water molecules. This, structure 156. (b) Atomic orbitals having same or nearly same energy
possess larger volume and thus makes the density of will not combine if they do not have the same
ice low. symmetry. 2pz orbital of one atom cannot combine
143. (b) Methanol and ethanol are soluble because of the with 2px or 2py orbital of other atom because of their
hydrogen bonding. different symmetries.
144. (d) F—H----F bond is shortest, because with the increase
of electronegativity and decrease in size of the atom to MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS
which hydrogen is linked, the strength of the hydrogen
157. (c) BeH2 : Incomplete octet of central atom.
bond increases.
Be has 2 valence electrons
145. (a) Hydrogen bonding is possible only in compounds
SF6 : Expanded octet
having hydrogen attached with F, O or N.
There are 12 electrons around the S atom in SF6
C2 H 5 OH CH 3 O CH 3 NO2 : Odd electron molecules.
(H-bonding possible) (H-bonding not possible)
In molecules with an odd number of electrons like
O O NO2, the octet rule is not satisfied.
|| || 158. (c)
CH3 C CH 3 CH 3 C H
(H-bonding not possible) (H-bonding not possible) 159. (b) NH3 1lp, 3bp Trigonal pyramidal
SO2 1lp, 2bp Bent
146. (c) ortho-Nitrophenol has intramolecular H-bonding SF4 1lp, 4bp See-saw
. . OH ClF3 2lp, 3bp T-shape
. O and para-nitrophenol has 160. (c) Trigonal planar = BF3

. N Tetrahedral = NH +
O 4
Trigonal bipyramidal = PCl5
intermolecular H-bonding.
147. (d) Hydrogen bonding increases the boiling point of Octahedral = SF6
compound. 161. (c)
148. (b) 162. (a) SF6 sp3d2
149. (a) Hydrogen bond is formed when hydrogen is attached PF5 sp3d
with the atom which is highly electronegative and BCl3 sp2
having small radius. C2H6 sp3
163. (c) Valence bond theory = Heitler and London
STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS Octet rule = Ko ssel and Lewis
150. (c) The group valence of the elements is generally either Molecular orbital theory = F. Hund and R.S. Mulliken
equal to the number of dots in Lewis symbols or 8 VSEPR theory = Nyholm and Gillespie
minus the number of dots or valence electrons. 164. (b)

ASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIONS 172. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the
correct explanation of assertion.
1 lone pair – lone pair repulsion > lone pair – bond pair
O repulsion > bond pair – bond pair repulsion. In the
165. (a) 2 : : 3 ammonia molecule, NH3 there are three bond pairs and
: :

O O: one lone pair. The three N – H bond pairs are pushed

closer because of the lone pair – bond pair repulsion,
Formal charge on O1 = 6 – 2 – (6) = +1 and HNH bond angle gets reduced from 109°23’ (the
2 tetrahedral angle) to 107°.
1 173. (d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
Formal charge on O2 = 6 – 4 – (4) = 0 NH3 molecule is pyramidal is shape, because out of
four electron pairs, three are bonding pairs and one is
1 lone pair.
Formal charge on O3 = 6 – 6 – × 3 = –1
2 174. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the
Hence, correct representation of O3 is correct explanation of assertion.
pi bonds are formed by the overlapping of p-p orbitals
perpendicular to their axis i.e., sidewise overlap.

175. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the
(0) (–1)
: :
: :

O O: correct explanation of assertion.

Helium molecule is formed by linking two helium atoms.
166. (a) Atoms combine either by transfer of valence
Both have 1s orbitals. These will combine to form two
electrons from one atom to another or by sharing of
molecular orbitals (1s) and * (1s). Four available
valence electrons to have an octet in their valence
electrons are accommodated as (1s)2 and * (1s)2.
176. (c) The electron density in a bonding molecular orbital
167. (d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
is located between the nuclei of the bonded atoms
The greater the lattice enthalpy, more stable is the ionic because of which the repulsion between the nuclei
is very less while in case of an antibonding
168. (c) Sulphur forms many compounds in which the octet molecular orbital, most of the electron density is
rule is obeyed. For example SCl2 has an octet of located away from the space between the nuclei.
electrons around it. Electrons placed in a bonding molecular orbital tend
169. (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not to hold the nuclei together and stabilise a molecule.
the correct explanation of assertion. 177. (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not
BF3 is sp2 hybridized. Dipole moment is a vector the correct explanation of assertion.
quantity. The three bond moments give a net sum of Water is excellent solvent because it has high value of
zero, as the resultant of any two is equal and opposite dielectric constant. Due to high value of dielectric
to the third. constant, the electrostatic force of attraction between
F the ions decrease and these ions get separated and
ultimately get solvated by the solvent molecules.
F B =0 ( + )= 0
F 178. (b) Hybridisation of the central atom in compound is given
(a) (b)
170. (d) Assertion is false but reason is true. 1
CH2Cl2 is polar while CCl4 is non-polar because in H= [V M C A]
CCl4 net dipole moment cancels.
where V = No. of valency electrons in central metal
171. (a) While the lone pairs are localised on the central
atom, each bonded pair is shared between two
M = No. of monovalent atoms surrounding the central
atoms. As a result, the lone pair electrons in a
molecule occupy more space as compared to the
bonding pairs of electrons. This results in greater C = charge on cation and A = charge on anion
repulsion between lone pairs of electrons as compared 1
to the lone pair -bond pair and bond pair - bond pair For NO 2 , H = [5 0 0 1] 3
sp2 hybridisation

1 (c) CH3 — C C— CH 2
For SF4, H = [6 4 0 0] 5 sp sp
2 sp 3 sp 2

sp3d hybridisation
(d) CH3 — CH2 CH— CH 2–
1 sp3 sp sp sp3
For PF6–, H =
[5 6 0 1] 6
2 Note : Carbocations and carboanions are sp2 and sp3
sp3d2 hybridisation. hybridised respectively.
So, option (a) is correct choice. 186. (c) Let amount of compound = 100 g
179. (a) BF3 is sp2 hybridised. So, it is trigonal planner. NH3, 92.3
PCl 3 has sp 3 hybridisation hence has trigonal No. of moles of C 7.69 7.7
bipyramidal shape, IF3, has sp3d hydridization and
has linear shape. 7.7
No. of moles of H 7.7
1 1
180. (b) XeF4 hybridisation is (V X C A)
2 Empirical formula = CH
hence V = 8 (no. of valence e– ) Empirical formula mass = 12 + 1 = 13 g/mol
X = 4 (no. of monovalent atom) Molecular mass = 52 g/mol
1 52
(8 4 0 0) 6 sp3d 2 n 4
C = 0 charge on cation
Molecular foumula = Empirical formula × 4
F F = C4H4
Xe Possible structures
A = 0 (charge on anion). The shape is square
sp sp H H
planar shape. C C C C H C C C C
H H, H,
181. (d) Hybridisation present in a molecule can be find out by sp 2
sp 2 sp sp sp2 sp2
the following formula.
1 H H 2
H (V M C A) sp2 C C sp
Where V = No. of electrons in valence shell of central H C C H
atom 2
sp sp2
M = No. of singly charged atoms
C = charge on cation 187. (d) As the bond order decreases, bond length increases
A = charge on anion Bond order
1 No. of bonding e s No. of antibonding e s
So, Hybridisation (in ClF3) = [7 3 0 0] = 5
2 2
sp3d Hybridisation For N2, electronic configuration is
182. (a) CH 2 CH C N 1s 2 *1s2 2s2 * 2s 2 ( 2p 2x 2p2y ) 2p 2z
1 2 3 4
3 bonds (sp2 hybridisation); 2 bonds 10 4
(i) Bond order of N2 3
(sp - hybridisation) 2
C1 = 3 bonds, C2 = 3 bonds, 9 4
C3 = 2 bonds (ii) Bond order of N 2 2.5
183. (a) Hybridisation of carbon in CH 3 is sp2 and in CH4 its
hybridisation is sp3 8 4
(iii) Bond order of N 22 2
184. (a) XeF4 having one lone pair of electron show distorted 2
pentagonal bipyramidal shape and sp3d3 hybridisation. Hence, order of Bond length will be,
185. (c) (a) CH 2 C CH2 N2 N2 N2
sp 2 sp 2
188. (c) According to molecular orbital theory, bond order of
(b) CH3 — CH2 CH— CH 2 Li2 is 1 , while in all other cases bond order is 0, so
sp3 sp sp sp 2 they do not exist. Li2 molecules are known to exist in
the vapour phase.
189. (c) I3 has – sp3d hybridisation and has linear structure 194. (d) On calculating bond order of species given in question
I 2
C2 = 2 C2 3
: I : B2 = 1
B2 0.5
Li2 0.5 Li2 = 1
190. (c)
N2 2.5 N2 = 3
sp2 hybridisation
O2 = 2.0 O2 1.5
For AlCl 3
(excited state) Bond length
Bond order
Cl Cl Cl
O2 O2
3 2
sp d hybridisation 195. (b) For C2 (12) :
( 1s)2 ( 1s)2 ( 2s)2 ( 2s)2( 2px)2 ( 2py)2
For [Al2Cl6] 8 4
B.O. 2
(excited state) 2

Cl Cl Cl Cl– Cl– Cl– For N2(14) :

191. (b) Covalent radius is half of the distance between atoms ( 1s)2 ( *1s)2 ( 2s) 2 ( * 2s)2 ( 2p x ) 2 ( 2p y )2 ( 2p z )2
in bonding state, while van der Waal radius is half of
the distance between atoms in its non bonding state. 10 4
B.O. 3
192. (d) According to Fajan's rule : 2
1 For B2 (10)
Covalent character
size of cation = ( 1s)2 ( *1s) 2 ( 2s)2 ( * 2s) 2 ( 2p x )1 ( 2p y )1
size of anion
6 4
Among the given species order of size of cations B.O. 1
N3+ < O2+ < Pb2+ < Ba2+
For O2 (16)
order of size of anions O2– > Cl–.
Hence the order of covalent character is = ( 1s)2 ( *1s)2 ( 2s)2 ( * 2s) 2 ( 2p z ) 2 ( 2p x ) 2
NCl3 Cl2O PbCl2 BaCl2 ( 2p y ) 2 ( * 2p x )1 ( * 2p y )1
BaCl2 is most ionic in nature.
193. (c) M.O. electronic configuration of CN– is 1s2 *1s2 10 6
B.O. 2
s2 *2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 2
10 – 4 F2 is (18)
B.O. 3
2 = ( 1s)2 ( *1s)2 ( 2s)2 ( * 2s) 2 ( 2p z ) 2 ( 2p x ) 2
M.O. electronic configuration of O2– is
1s2 *1s2 2s2 2s2 2pz2 2px2 ( 2p y ) 2 ( * 2px ) 2 ( * 2p y ) 2
2py2 *2px2 *2py1
10 8
10 – 7 B.O. 1
B.O. 1.5 2
N2 has the highest bond order = 3.
M.O. electronic configuration of CN+
1s2 *1s2 2s2 *2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz1 1
196. (c) B.O. = [N b N a ] 0 ; cannot exist
9–4 2
B.O. 2.5
2 197. (d) In this configuration, there are four completely filled
M.O. electronic configuration of NO+ is bonding molecular orbitals and one completely filled
1s2 *1s2 2s2 *2s2 2pz2 2px2 2py2 antibonding molecular orbital. So that Nb = 8 and
10 – 4 Na 2.
B.O. 2
2 1 1
CN– and NO+ have bond order equal to 3 Bond order = ( N b Na ) (8 2) 3.
2 2
198. (c) Benzene has the following resonance structures– Though the bond order of all the species are same
(B.O = 1) but stability is different. This is due to
difference in the presence of no. of anti-bonding
Hence, its bond order is Higher the no. of anti-bonding electron lower is the
stability hence the correct order is H2 > Li2 > B2
no of possible resonating structures 202. (a) Molecular orbital configuration of
N 2–
2 1s 2 *1s 2 2 s 2 * 2 s 2 -
199. (a) Molecular orbital electronic configuration of these
species are : 2 px2 * 2 p1x
2 p2z
O2 (17e ) 1s 2 , *1s 2 , 2s 2 , * 2 s 2 , 2 pz2 , 2 p 2y * 2 p1y

2 px2 2 p2y , *2 px2 2* p1y 10 – 6

Bond order = 2
O2 (16e ) 1s 2 , *1s 2 , 2 s 2 , * 2 s 2 , 2 p z2 ,
2 px2 * 2 p1x
N 2– 1s 2 *1s 2 2s 2 * 2s 2 2 pz2
2 px2 2 p 2y , *2 p1x * 2 p1y 2 p 2y *2 p 0y
O22 (18e ) 1s 2 , *1s 2 , 2 s 2 , * 2 s 2 , 2 p z2 , 10 5
Bond order =
2 px2 2 p 2y , *2 px2 *2 p 2y
2 px2
Hence number of antibonding electrons are 7, 6 and 8 N2 1s 2 *1s 2 2 s 2 * 2 s 2 , 2 pz2
respectively. 2 p 2y
200. (d) b *a2 2
*2 2
a ( b
2 1
b ) b (N 2 13electrons) 10 – 4
Bond order = 3
it contains one unpaired electron hence paramagnetic. 2
201. (N) None of the given option is correct. The correct order is = N 22– N 2– N 2
The molecular orbital configuration of the given 203. (a) Hydrogen bonding is not possible in HI due to low
molecules is electronegativity of iodine. So, hydrogen bonding
H2 = 1s2 (no electron anti-bonding) would not affect boiling point of HI.
Li2 = 1s2 1s2 2s2(two anti-bonding electrons) 204. (d) HF form linear polymeric structure due to hydrogen
B2 = 1s2 1s2 2s2 2s2 2p1y 2p1z 205. (c) B, C and D form intermolecular hydrogen bonding
(4 anti-bonding electrons) while A form intramolecular hydrogen bonding due to
proximity of oxygen and hydrogen.

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