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Submitted by:

Adri Jernih Miko

Student of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
Department of English Language Education

Reg No. 231324392


2018 M/1439


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla, The Most Gracious

The Most Merciful The Most Beneficent who has given me love and blessing that

made me able to finish the research and writing the thesis. Peace and salutation be

upon our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and companions.

First of all, The researcher presents sincere gratitude to his both

supervisors Khasinah, M.Pd and Zubaidah, M. Ed for their time, support, advice

and valuable corrections during the writing of his thesis. The researcher gratitude

also especially to academic advisor Habibburrahim,S. Ag., M. Com., MS., Ph. D.

who has given him invaluable advices and encouragement throughout the whole

semesters in the university, and all the lecturers of Department of English

Language Education who have taught and guided him during the study.

Henceforth, The researcher would like to express his greatest love and

thanks to my beloved motivators in the world, my father Asnawi and my mother

Suryati for their wisdom, patience, love and everything that have made him to be

the luckiest son in the world and to my sisters and brothers for their endless love

who inspired and motivated him all along acomplishing the thesis.

The last, the researcher would like to thank to his best motivator Amal,

Fikar, Faisal, aidil Without their attention and guidance the researcher would not

be able to finish the thesis. In addition, the researcher would like to thank to My

First generation and all of PBI 2013 (expecially for Unit 8 family) for the

inspiration and happiness that we share all along. Also unforgettable big thanks

for Addal Muddin, Ghaisya MZ who always cheer him up in running the days and

enrich him in completing this thesis. May Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla bless us and unite

us even stronger. Amin.

Banda Aceh, January 22th 2018




Considering the importance of grammatical knowledge in the writing process, this

research was aimedto know the grammatical errors that happen in writing class made by
studentsof second semester inStudents of English Department Ar-Raniry State Islamic
University.The method used in this study is the qualitative method, while the general
pattern or the research design used by the researcher is a case study. Population was taken
in second semester of English student department. Purposive sampling is used intaking
sample from the population. The researcher collected the data from unit 3 that consists 31
students. The researcher uses document papers as the instrument. Coder theory becomes
the main key in the data analysis. Based on the analysis thedata, The researcher found the
common error that exist on the students’ writings is in the category of selection. Students
committed the error in selection was 114 times or 42.72%The second highest error made
by student was omission which commited the 107 errors or 31.75 %. The third highest
was addition with 68 times or 20.17% errrors occured. The lowest was ordering with 18
times or 5.74% errors occured. Based on the result, it is figured out that the studentsstill
have difficulties in applying grammatical structures in writing.

Keywords: Grammatical error



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................i
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. iii
LIST OF CONTENT...................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................................ vi
APPROVAL LETTER ................................................................................................... ix
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................................ x
CHAPTER I....................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................1
A. Background of study ............................................................................................1
B. Research Question ...............................................................................................3
C. The Aim of the Study ..........................................................................................3
D. Significance of study ...........................................................................................4
E. Terminology ........................................................................................................4
1. Analysis...........................................................................................................4
2. Grammatical Errors..........................................................................................5
3. Writing ............................................................................................................5
Chapter II........................................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................7
A. Definition of Error ...............................................................................................7
A. Causes and sources of Errors ...............................................................................8
B. Grammatical Errors ........................................................................................... 10
1. linguistic category.......................................................................................... 11
2. surface strategy taxonomy .............................................................................. 11
3. Comparative Taxonomy ................................................................................. 12
4. Communicative Effect Taxonomy .................................................................. 13
D. Review of previous study................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER III .............................................................................................................. 21
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................... 21

A. Research Design ................................................................................................ 21

B. Location and Time ............................................................................................. 22
C. Focus the Research ............................................................................................ 22
1. Population and Sample................................................................................... 22
D. Technique of Data Collections ........................................................................... 23
E. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................................... 24
Chapter IV .................................................................................................................... 27
Research Finding and Discussions ................................................................................. 27
A. The Process of Collecting the Data .................................................................... 27
B. Data Description and Analysis ........................................................................... 27
C. Dicussions ......................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER V ................................................................................................................ 35
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .......................................................................... 35
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 35
B. Suggestion ......................................................................................................... 37
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 39


Table 1.1. Model of writing process.......................................................................16

Table 1.2. Table of errors frequency......................................................................26

Table 1.3. Errors on surface strategy taxonomy.....................................................28



i. Appointed Letter of Supervisor

ii. The letter for doing research from faculty of education and pedagogy
iii. Students’ scores in writing free writing, midtrem and final test
iv. Pictures : students writing paper
v. Autobiography


Submitted to Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Darussalam-Banda Aceh

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Sarjana Degree (S1)

On Teacher Education



Student of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Department of English Language Education

Reg No. 231324392

Approved by:

Main Supervisor, Co-Supervisor,

Siti Khasinah, S. Ag., M.Pd Zubaidah, M. Ed

19690420 1997032 002 19700424 2001122 001


Saya yang bertandatangan dibawah ini :

Nama : Adri Jernih Miko

NIM : 231324392
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Banda Aceh, 17 Agustus 1994
Alamat : JL,tgk glee iniem lambitra Aceh Besar
Judul Skripsi : Analysis of students grammatical errors in writing

Menyatakan bahwa sesungguhnya skripsi tersebut adalah benar/benar karya asli

saya, kecuali lampiran yang disebutkan sumbernya. Apabila terdapat kesalahan
dan kekeliruan didalamnya akan menjadi sepenuhnya tanggung jawab saya.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya

Banda Aceh, .29 / Januari / 2018

Saya yang membuat surat pernyataan,

Adri Jernih Miko


A. Background of study

There are four skills in English that have to be mastered by foreign

learners. The are listening, reading speaking and writinng. From those skills,

writing is the most difficult one for all language learners whether the language

is the first, second, or foreign language, ‘Writing is difficult to learn because

authors should utilize a process that includes planning, organizing, and

revising to present meaning in words form’ (Palmer, 1994: 1). In line with

Palmer, Richards and Renandya (2002: 303) states that writing is the most

difficult skill for second language learners to master. The skills involved in

writing are highly complex.

Futhermore Hamp-Lyons in Nunan (1991: 91) explains that it is true that

writing is commonly a difficult activity for most people, both in mother

tongue and in foreign language. It is because the writing skill requires

capabilities more than other language skills and it needs a special preparation.

Writing is clearly a complex process. In writing, there are a number of

language aspects involved such as model texts, prepositions, spell-check,

punctuation and grammar.

Grammar is one of skills which is useful in process writing. But the

problem is, many students still make some errors in writing an arranging some

sentences to be a paragraph . Dulay in Brown (1994 : 205) states that an errors

is a deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker. Finding L2

learners’ errors is an evidence of a process of learning because an error has

played an important role in study of language acquisition. Lengo (1995)

emphasizes that people will learn to be better from errors they have made.

Based on my pre research, eventhough students have learned grammar,

most of them still faced some problems in writing. students actually have

studied grammar rules, but seldom put that knowledge to practical use

(Wachs, 1993). Commonly it is be cause of the target languages are different

from their mother tongue. In second language acquisition, learners will be

faced two systems that can probably influence each other (L1↔ L2) (Kecskes

& Papp, 2000).

According to Ramelan (2003), the adversity faced by the student in

language acquisition is caused by the different elements found between the

first language and target language. Lado affirmed that ‘those language features

that are similar to the (learner’s) native language will be simple for him, and

those areas that are different will be difficult’ (1957 in Richards, 1987: 46).

By seeing this fact, an analysis is needed in order to know in what aspects they

make errors most frequently.

Based on the explanation above, grammar undoubtedly has important role

especially in writing. The problem which is often found in writing and

arranging paragraph is that the students forgot about the grammar rules. That

is why the students are confused to write a good paragraph grammatically

correct. The worst thing that some students make some errors even though

they have studied English grammar starting from senior high school. In other

words, they have familiar to write a good writing with grammatically correct.

From the above description, the writer tries to classify the errors based on

Corder’s theory, there are error of ommision, error of addition, error of

selection and error of misordering. Therefore, an error analysis has an

important role to reveal what kinds of error that the students do most. Finally,

the writer is interested in conducting an error analysis by purposing skripsi

under title: “Analysis of Students Grammatical Errors in Writing” made by

the students on secondary students’ English writing II subject of Department

of English Language Education Faculty Education and Teacher training UIN


B. Research Question
Based on the background of this study, the researcher formulates the

question as follows,

1. What are common grammatical errors the students produce while they

write in writing?

C. The Aim of the Study

The aim of the study is to analyze common grammatical errors made by

the students in their writing.


D. Significance of study

Teoritically, this study will give some benefits for other reseachers that

have same research topic. this study also can be a comparative study for them

and give them references. Practically, The result of this study provides

feedback for lectures of English Education Department that may be useful to

recognize students’ difficulties in writing so they will pay more attention to

the errors made by the students and develop the way how to make the student

understand in writting. Additionally, Through this study students also will

have considerable for them how writing correctly is constructed and will help

students to reconize in what aspect in grammar which is difficult for them.

E. Terminology

1. Analysis
Analisis is the practice of looking closely at small parts to see how

they affect the whole. In this research, researcher want to analyze the error

made by students with corder teory. The study of errors will give a good

picture of which items are being mastered and which are not. In this

paper, the researcher tries to analyze a morphological and syntactic

(grammar) errors made by the second semester students in writing II

subject of the English Education.


2. Grammatical Errors

Grammatical error is a term used in prescriptive grammar to

describe an instance of faulty, unconventional, or controversial usage, such

as a misplaced modifier or an inappropriate verb tense. This research

studied errors analysis focusing on grammatical structure in writing. In

arranging paragraph many students still used incorrect grammatical

patterns that will might cause confusion and miscommunication in

students’ writing. Knowledge of good grammar will influence the

coherence of the piece of writing. By using correct grammatical rule,

students will have good writing. in classifying the student‟s errors in

writing the researcher would like to use Corder theory. Those errors

should be analyzed because they give a contribution in understanding the

process of language learning.

3. Writing

Writing is the activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper

and composing text. According to Ur (1996) “writing is a learned skill”. It

means writing is a skill which can be learned by anyone by practice

intensively because writing is not an automatic skill. In this paper, the

researcher want to analyze grammatical errors in writing made by

students. Many researchers explained that grammatical error will affect

students in writing, like hammer (2002) says that ‘if grammar rules are too

carelessly violated, communication may suffer, although creating a “good”

grammar rules is extremely difficult’. If grammatical competence is


ignored, it is certain that the learners will become grammatically

inaccurate communicators, including in writing. Students can improve

their writing if there are analyzing in their error commited by themselves.

In this research, the Researcher want to analyze grammatical errors in

writing produced by student in my research class. The analyzing will be

conducted based on student’s writing paper that have collected by

Chapter II


A. Definition of Error

To understand clearly about error, it is better for researcher to consider

several opinions given by some scholars. Brown (1994, p. 170) stated that,

“Error are part of students” interlingua that is the version of the language

which a learner has at any stage of development, and which is constantly

reshaped as it aims to gain full mastery.

Error and mistake are totally different. We have to be careful to definite

both of them. According to Brown (1994) an error is the wrong deviation

made by native speaker because they don’t know the correct form. A mistake

is a performance error because the native speaker forget the correct form.

According to Dulay and Burt (1982, as cited in Brown, 1994, p. 205),

mistakes are considered "goofs". The error is a deviation from the parent's

grammar from native speakers who reflect the learner's language competence.

It is called a competence error when learners make errors because they are

less aware of the target language rules. They will not be able to fix the error

quickly. They need guidance to fix errors. They may also make the same error

at the time. In conclusion, they define the error as the flawed side of the

speech or the writing of the learner. It means that learners cannot learn

language without systematically committing errors first.


From definitions above, it can be concluded the mistakes are different

from errors. People make mistakes both in native and second language.

mistakes are the wrong use of language because the user is not aware of the

mistakes he makes whereas he knows the correct form of its rules. Mistakes

can be corrected by the user himself and it does not need help. To correct error

it is necessary to figure out cause and soures of error.

A. Causes and sources of Errors

A lot of causes and sources of errors have been explained by some

scholars. There are Interlingual errors and intralingual errors. Interlingual

errors are those which are related to native language. It means there are

Interlingual errors when the learners’ habits (pattrens, system or rules)

interfere or prevent them, to some degree, from acquiring the pattrens and the

rules of the second language (Corder 1971). Interference (negative transfer) is

the negative influence of the mother tongue language on the performance of

the target language learner (Lado, 1964).

Intralingual errors are those due to the language being learned ,

independent of the native language. According to Richards (1974) they are

items produced by the learner which reflect not the structure of the mother

tongue, but generalizations based on partial exposure to the target language.

The learner, in this case, tries to “derive the rules behind the data to which

he/she has been exposed, and may develop hypotheses that correspond neither

to the mother tongue nor to the target language” (Richards, 1974). In other

words, they produce deviant or ill- formed sentences be erroneously applying

their knowledge of TL rules and structures to new situations.

In 1974, Selingker (in Richards, 1974) reported five of errors.

1) Language transfer.

Language transfer occurs naturally in language learning acquisition. the

interlanguage may result from transfer from the first language.

2) Transfer of training.

The interlanguage may result from specific features of the training process

used to teach the second language.

3) Strategies of second language learning.

The interlanguage may result from a specific approach to the material to

be learned.

4) Strategies of second language communication.

The interlanguage may result from specific ways people learn to

communicate with native speakers of the target language.

5) Overgeneralization of TL linguistic material.

The interlanguage may be the product of overgeneralization of the rules

and semantic features of the target language.


Based on theories given by scholars it is believed that causes and sources

of errors may be derived from native languages or student’ mistake in

generalizing the concept of grammar itself.

In this paper the researcher will find out about interlingual error and the

error will be analyzing based on Corder theory.

B. Grammatical Errors

Grammar can be defined as a set of shared assumtions about how language

works. The assessment of grammar not based on how learner point out the

rules of grammar, but on their ability to use the grammatical points to share

their ideas, emotions, feelings, or observations with other people. Especially in

the context of the teaching English in Indonesia, the teaching of grammar

should be integrated in the development of the four language skills.

Knowing about how grammar works is to understand more about how

grammar is used and misused. It means that there is a possibility of error

occurrence in students learning. In this research, the term of error in grammar

will be called a grammatical error. In general, some liguists give several

theoritical concepts to the types of errors, the errors are classified into 4

categories, namely: linguistic category, surface strategy taxonomy,

comparative taxonomy, and communicative effect taxonomy.


1. linguistic category

This linguistic category taxonomy classifies errors in respect to language

coomponent the errors affects. Language component include phonology

(pronounciacian), syntax and morphology (grammar), semantic and lexicon

(meaning And vocabulary), and discourse (style). Many reserchers use the

linguistic category Taxonomy as a reporting tool, which organizes the errors

they have collected. Although some use it as the only classiication scheme

offered, many use it to add to The description the errors provided by other


2. surface strategy taxonomy

A surface strategy taxonomy highlilghts the way surface structures are

altered learners may omit necessary items or add unnecessary ones; they may

missinform items or miss-order them . many researchers have noticed,

however that the surface elemennts of a language are altered in specific and

systematic ways. It shows the cognitive process that underlined the learner’s

reconstruction of the language learned. It also makes aware that learners’

errors are some logic. They are types of this category, they are:

a) Error of Omission

The error of omission are explained by the absence of an item that must

appear in well- formed utterance and the content of morphemes (nominal,

verbs, adjectives, adverbs) which should be in the correctly expressions.


For example : the boy a student –for- the boy is a student

TO BE is committed in nominal sentence.

b) Error of Addition

The error of addition is the opposite of omission. Addition is the presence

of an item that must not appear in well-formed utterences (Ellis, 2008). For

example: She didn’t studied yesterday-for- she didn’t study yesterday

c) Error of Selection

This error is made by the learner where the learner selects the wrong word

in the right form. For example; i am biggest then him –for- i am bigger than


d) Error of Ordering

Error of ordering is the error where the learner put item incorrect


For example, what i can do for you.

From the example above, the items are correct, but learner doesn‟t put the

items in the appropriate form.

3. Comparative Taxonomy

In second language acquisition, many scholars has explained about error

causes by mother tongue, it is similarly with Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982:

146-191) said that comparative taxonomy is based on comparison between


the students of target language (L2) errors certain other types of construction.

In this study, the errors made by the children learning the target language as

their first language and equivalent phrases or sentences in the learners’s

mother tongue ( indonesia language ). When learning a target language and

the learner have already mastered his native language, so that its features

interfere to the process of learning the target language. The error

identification is traced back by looking for the synonym or translating the

words in to the learner’s mother-tongue to look for the similarity of the

phrases or sentences.

For example : the girl beautiful –for- the beautiful girl

4. Communicative Effect Taxonomy

This taxonomy is different from both surface strategy and comparative

taxonomies. Communicative effect taxonomy deals with errors from the

perspective if their effect on the listener or reader. Therefore, the focus is on

distinguishimg between errors that seem to cause communication focus on

aspect errors themselves. Many language teachers and researchers believe

that students errors are significant toward the process of learning and teaching

english as a second language. The significance of the learners in second

language learning are systematic, in what ways are they organized, and what

do they suggest about teacher’s aims should be to prevent mistakes from

occuring in the early stage while are the pupils wholly dependent on the

teacher for what they learn, it should be possible to achieve the aim. (cited)

So, these theories aboved are base on the research question, and it help the

researcher to answer the problem. But in this case the researcher only use the

theory of Surface Strategy Taxonomy and Comparative Taxonomy on

analysing the types of error because these theories concern to the surface

elements of a language are changed in spesific and systematic ways as the

previous description above.

C. The Nature of Writing

Writing has important role in writing learning. it makes a long time to

master since it takes study and practice to develop this skill. According to

Celce-Murcia, (2001: 94) ‘Writing is the ability to express one’s idea in

writing in a second or foreign language and to do so with reasonable

coherence and accuracy is a major achievement’. It means that in writing, one

expresses ideas, opinion, feeling or experience that somebody read or heard

into the written form of words, phrases, clauses and paragraphs so that his

writing can be understood and read clearly.

In the school setting, Keys (2000 in Graham, 2007: 9-10) states that

writing has different but complementary roles. First, it is a skill that draws on

the use of strategies (such as planning, evaluating and revising text) to

accomplish to a variety of goals, such as writing a report or expressing an

opinion with the support of evidence. Second, writing is a means of extending

and deepening student’s knowledge; it acts as a tool for learning subject


matter’. From definition above, it can be concluded that writing enables

student to express their ideas in order to make good pieces of writing.

The purpose of writing is not only to teach someone to convey idea to the

readers but also to reinforce all aspect of languages that have been learned by

the students. There is some additional and very important reason why writing

is needed in teaching English. According to Ur in her book, “A Course in

Language Teaching, sshe explained that the purpose of writing, in principle is

the expression of ideas, the conveying of a message to the reader, so the ideas

themselves should arguably be seen as the most aspect of the writing.

Writing is usually more complete thatn speaking. In speaking, ones

speaks supported by tone of voice, gesture, mimic and context. He can correct

his error’s utterances by himself. While in writing, one communicates through

the language itself. Written language cannot be changed once since it has been

printed/written out, thus writer should arrange his word accurately to create an

understandable message.

Writing strats from a simple piece of writing then develops into a more

complicated level in which elements of structure and vocabulary are involved.

Davies-pearse(2002: 101) classify ‘writing into low-level skills (handwriting

or typing, spelling, constructing grammatical sentences, punctuating) and

high-level cognitive skills (gathering ideas, organizing and sequencing,

structuring, drafting, and editing)’. In addition, rivers (1981 : 2940 also

classifies ‘writing activity into writng practice (grammatical exercise,


dictation, and the close procedure) and expressive writing or composition (the

writing of instruction, reports, resumes, concrete descriptions, or essential

correspondence connected with everyday affair)’.

Writing is complex process which converts the words into written form.

Writer should arrange his/her idea into words, slauses, phrases and sentences

in order that his writing can be read and the content can be understood. White

and Arndt (1991 in Hamer, 2002: 258) stress that’ ‘writing re-writing; that

revision – seeing with new eyes – has a central role to play in the act of

creating text’. In their model, process of writing is represented


Table 2.1 model of writing process


structuring reviewing focusing

Generating idea evaluating

In addition, Calkin and Graves (1983 in Palmer, 1994: 8) present the

stages in writing into five stages:


1. Prewiting

Time to get ready to write, generate ideas and gathering information

before writing to enhance the composing process.

2. Drafting

Translate thier thought and ideas into sentences and paragraphs.

3. Sharing

Reads the piece aloud and share with listener.

4. Revising

Expands ideas, clarifies meanings, and reorganizes information.

5. Editing

Focuses on the spelling, punctuation, syntax and structure of text.

Based on explanation aboved, we can conclude that writing is more

complex that speaking, because it will be take a long to master writing.

writing start from a simple piece of writing then develops into a more

complicated level in which elements of structure and vocabulary are involved.

In order to make a good writing, the writer should pass some proces. There

are prewriting, drafting, sharing, revising and editing.

a) Writing skill

The writing skill involves many other sub-skills like the general

knowledge about the subject in question and the ability to translate ideas into

grammatical sentences. Harmer(2002: 257) purposes that ‘there are some

aspect that must be concerned in the writing process, such as language use

(grammar, vocabulary, and linkers), puntuation and layout, spelling, checking

writing for unnecesary repitition words and/or information, deciding on the

information on each paragraph, and the best idea for inclusion, writing a clean

copy of the corrected version, and writing a rough version’. It shows that

writing skill is a complex process combining a number of diverse elements,

especially for the students and needs much time to brainstrom ideas until

finish written works. Writing skill firstly begins by using language

expressively and imaginatively like writing diary or letters to friends and then

the writer can practice writing critically until they are able to produce good

writings. Reading from many sources, listening, watching television, and

talking to others can inspire good writings.

From this statement we can conclude that writing skill just can be learned

by anyone by practiced intensively because writing skill is not automatic


D. Review of previous study

There are some researchers who have conducted the study on common

grammatical errors, for example, Novianty (2013) investigated grammatical

errors in writing descriptive paragraph by students in the second grade of

SMPN 3 Tanggerang Selatan. He found that the commonest error which most

the students made is errors of selection which are 99 errors or 57.9% its

include error in subtance level are 7 are errors or 4.1% in grammar text level

are 47 errors or 27.5% in lexis text level are 7 are 7 error or 4.1%, and in

discourse level is 38 error or 22,2%.

In recent year, Watcharapunyawong (2013) also has done a similar study.

He analyzed writing errors caused by the interference of the Thai EFL

students, regarded as the first language (L1) in three writing genres; narration,

description and comparison/contrast. He found the simmilarities of errors that

the EFL student made in the three writing genres: those were sentence

structure, word choice, and comparison structure.

The last study research is a research conducted by Mawaddah Z. A, by the

title “An Analysis on Grammatical Errors in Student’s English Writing in

Argumentative text (A case study in the second year of XI of Madrasah

Aliyah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta)”. This study was carried out to identify

what kinds of Grammatical errors were commonly made by the students. The

method used in this study was descriptive analysis or quantitative method,

classifying them into the grammatical errors based on Betty Azar. With the

result is the most error made by the students of XI Science I of Madrasah

Aliyah Pembangunan UIN is in verb tenses which caused by intralingual


Based on the studies of grammatical error aboved, the reseachers took

similar topic, they have investigated about grammatical errors in writing, the

first researcher took second grade of SMP 3 Tanggerang as sample and the

second one took Thai as English foreign language to be sample. Different

from this study, the researcher take second grade of English Student

Department, who have learned about English since senior high. So, the

researcher believes it will be given different result from those researcher.



A. Research Design

The method used in this research is qualitative method. Hatch (2002)

states that the characteristics of Qualitative approach are proposes that natural

settings, participant perspectives, extended firsthand engagement, focus on

meaning, wholeness and complexity, emergent and evolving research design,

inductive data analysis, and incorporated researchers’ reflectivity. It will

calculate the errors, describes and check the data that is available.

Futhermore, it’s necessary to know that this research was conducted to

reveal the research problems proposed in which the data studied were the

college students’ writing in narrative text (in more general term those were

classified into document). Such kinds of data are classified into qualitative

ones (Ary, 2006:49). Hence this research is designed in a case study and it will

be only examine a single subject like Bogdan and Biklen (2007) states that a

case study is a detailed examination of one setting or a single subject.

Moreover, Deddy (2008: 201) states that case study is the comprehensive

explanation about some aspect of individual, group, organization

(community), program, or social situation. In other words, qualitative case

study is an empirical enquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon

within its real life context, and in which multiple sources of evidence is used.

In short, the research design of this study is case study with Quantitative

descriptive approach. In this research, the researcher wants to analyze

morphological and syntactic errors made by the third semester students taking

writing II subject of the English Education Department at UIN Ar-raniry State

Islamic University.

B. Location and Time

This study was conducted at UIN Ar-raniry State Islamic University.

Particularly in students English department. Students of English department

will be involved due to writing is one of mandatory lesson that should taken

by students, In order to to find out the extent of errors made by students. To

obtain the data, the researcher asked permission to the college and the lecturer

to conduct the research. Then, on September 28th, 2017 to December 30th,

2017, the researcher obtained the data through three steps, there are free

writing, midtrem test and final test that made by students. In addition, the

researcher analyzes all the data to identify the errors.

C. Focus the Research

1. Population and Sample

Parahoo (1997:218) defines population as “the total number of units

from which data can be collected”, such as individuals, artifacts,

events or organisations. futhermore, the third grade of English student

department consists of 240 persons.


Polit et al (2001) define a sample as "a proportion of a population". In

line with Polit, Cohen (2007) defines sample as small group that is

observed. In other words, sample is small group of participant taken

from the greater group called population. The researcher used

purposive sampling to take sample from the population. According to

Sugiyono (2009), purposive sampling is a sampling technique of data

source with a certain consideration. This sampling was chosen based

on some considerations such as the limitation of time energy, and

money. Futhermore, the standard used in choosing group of

participants is whether they are have information that the writer needs

for the research (Patton, 2002, as cited in Creswell, 2008). In this case,

the researcher collected the data from unit 3, The class consists 31

students. Based on the researcher’s observation and the interview with

the teacher show that students of unit 3 have abilities in writing that

will be analyzed by the researcher.

D. Technique of Data Collections

Arikunto (2006) stated that data collection is the method that used by the

researcher to collect the data, and instrument is the tool that used to get the

data. Furthermore, the researcher used documents paper to collect the data in

this research. Documents paper were used to answer research questions.

Therefore, it will helpful for researcher to know kind of grammatical errors


made by the college students and the highest and the lowest error frequency of

each error

To get the data, the researcher collects student’s paper through three stages.

1. The first student’ free writing was collected on september 28 th 2017

2. The second data collected when student have finished midtrem test on

october 29 th 2017.

3. The third data collected when student have finished the final test.

Finally, the data that have been collected will analyze according to Corder

steps (1981). The description of these steps will explain in data analysis.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

This study focused on grammatical error analysis. Corder (1967:160)

explains that error analysis can deal effectively only with learner production;

speaking or sentences, not with learner reception; reading and listening. Its

compatibility was then strengthened by the fact that this study tried to uncover

the errors occurring in language construction made by a specific group of

learners and the error analysis itself. The processing of this analysis, I took the

steps proposed by Corder (1974) in Ellis and Barkhuizen (2005): (1)

collection of a sample of learner language, (2) identification of errors, (3)

description of errors, (4) explanation of errors.

After having all writing made by the third semester students taking writing II

subject, the researcher started collecting the data. In collecting the data there

are several procedures that the researcher did. There are three main steps used

in analyzing the data namely :

1. Identifying the errors.

Firstly, after collecting the students’ compositions, the researcher try to

find out the grammatical error by underlying the error. The Researcher started

identifying the sentence which produced an error or errors, by underlining

every part of the sentence such as word, phrase, clause or even the sentence

itself. This process was to identify the location of errors in the sentence.

Afterward, the Researcher classified the errors into morphological and syntactic

errors. Finally, all error sentences were put in a list in order to make it systematic and

easy to analyze.

2. Finding out the frequency of each error.

It consists of two steps; calculating the error frequency of each category and

calculating the error of each sub category.

3. Calculation of data.

In this step consists of presenting the diagram of frequency distribution of errors

and presenting some examples of the errors taken from the data.

The researcher used the formula on Corder theory { 𝑝 = x 100 % } theoryto

find the types of grammatical error in Guided students’ Writing. P=

percentage, n1= total of the errors, Σn= total of the whole errors. Finally, each

type of errors was explained and discussed.

All results of the process of identification, classification, and description

of errors presented into one big table which is put in the appendix page. In

presenting the types of errors, the researcher finished each classification in


morphological errors types firstly, before doing the syntactic one. The

example of tables:

Tabel 5.1

Table of errors Frequency

No Surface strategy taxonomy Total errors Percentage (%)

1 Omission

2 Addition

a. regulation

b. double marking

c. simple addition

3 Selection

a. regulation

b. archi-form

c. alternating

4 Ordering
Chapter IV

Research Finding and Discussions

A. The Process of Collecting the Data

The instrument used in this research is documents paper. The researcher

collected students paper in writing class of unit 3. Data collection took three

stages, first the researcher collected free writing made by students, second the

researcher collected the data in midtrem test, and the last the researcher took

the final test made by students.

B. Data Description and Analysis

In order to make the data easy to analyze, the researcher carried out three

steps on describing the errors found in students’ writing, they are identifying

the error, finding out the frequency of each error, and calculating them in the

form of a table. To find out the types of error and how many error on students’

writing, the researcher documented the students’ writing. Then the writer

analyzes the data one by one and categorized each other. The data from the

students’ writing are presented below.


Tabel 4.1 Errors on surface strategy taxonomy

no Surface Strategy frequency Percentage (%)


1 Omission 107 31.75 %

2 Addition 68 20.17 %

3 Selection 144 42.72 %

4 Ordering 18 5.34 %

Jumlah 337 100 %

Figure 1. distribution of student’ error


1st selection
2nd omission
3rd addition
4th ordering

Tabel 4.1 shows that 31.75% of omission of errors, 20.17% errorss were

found in addition, 42.72% errors are selection, and errors ordering was 5.34%.

these errors described the problems which students faced in writing.


From the data research above, it was found that selection was the highest

percentage of student’ error made in writing. the students commited errors 144

times or 42.72% out of the whole errors. Selection is the error which is where

the learner selects the wrong word in the right form. The error mostly the

learner can not distinguish to choose the appropriate to be. From students

writing, the researcher found the common errors such as “is, are,was,were

has, have” for examples, “i know that every student have a favorite lecturer”,

“pulau dua are two small island that has thier own history”, “they was very

annoying”, “my favorite animal are hamster”, “it have gold yellow feathers”

in those sentences, students does not put appropriate to be in right place,

beacause it was plural words two small island and they, must be followed by

have and were. In other hand, in singular word such as my favorit animal, it

and every student must be followed by is and has. Other example is the choice

of word in which both have different meaning, such as “making a task”

instead of “ doing a task”, “to use polite clothes” instead of “to wear polite

clothes”. In those sentences, the student used an ambiguous word making and

use to explain the meaning of doing and wear. The error was also found in the

category preposition such as “ if we have sailed in that ship...”. This sentence

will be more correct if the student use with to refer in. The sentence should be

“if we have sailed with that ship...” the error of verb that have same

pronouncing such as “before i rich the top of guava” this sentence was

incorrect because rich is not appropriate word to explain the top of guave, the

sentence will be more correct if the student use reach to refer rich. the error of

verb that have meaning such as “ teacher saw my paper task” this sentence

was no correct because saw inappropriate in that case, it should be “check”.

The error was also found in the sentence “there are much effect of smoking..”.

The sentence is incorrect because much refers to uncountable noun, while

effect of smoking is countable noun, thus, the using determiner much should be

change into countable noun many. The error was also found in the sentence

“you just need to prepare all of materials” the sentence is incorrect because

material is not appropriate used in cooking, student should be use ingredient

to refer material. Another example such as “we do everything with our self”

instead we “do everything by our self” the sentence was incorrect because

student wrong in choosing preposition.

The second highest percentage of student error was omission. The students

commited error 107 times or 31.75% out of the whole errors. Omission is the

error which is characterized by the absence of an item that must appear in a

well-formed utterance. From the data of student’ writing, the researcher found

the common errors in deletion “s” such as, “the are three reasons why UIN

Ar-raniry become a nice collage” other examples, “everyone who come there

have to..” and “UIN Ar-raniry also has many achievement in various..” those

sentences must be added s related singular words.another example of omission

such as, “to campus on time” the sentence miss verb after infinitive. So, the

sentence must be “to go campus on time”. Another example of error made by

student such as, “when i child” the sentence was incorrect because student

miss the to be. So, the sentence must be “when i was child”. Another example

such as “undertand English also help us to get..” instead “understanding

English also help us to get..” the sentence was incorrect because there is no

subject in the sentence”. So, understad must be form in gerund.

The third highest percentage of student error was addition. The student

commited the error 68 times or 20.17% out of the whole errors. Addition is the

the presence of an item that must not appear in well-formed utterences. The

example such as, “come to shcool one time and wearing a complete uniform”

this sentece was incorrect because wearing not parallel with come. So, the

sentence must be “come to school and wear a complete uniform”. Another

example such as “i played with it” instead of “i play with it” the sentence was

incorrect because put unappropriate tense “played” that is not compatible with

present tense. Another example, “discipline is obedient about the rules”

instead of “discipline is obedient the rules” the sentence was incorrect because

student unnecessary to put “about”. Another example such as “i must always

ready too in every condition” instead of “i must always ready in every

condition” student not necessary to add “too” like in bahasa to explain the

statement. Another example such as “i will diving in the sea” the sentence was

incorrect because there is Verb+ing after modal “will”. So, the correct form of

the sentence is “i will dive in the sea”.

The lowest of the percentage of the student error was ordering, student

commited errors 18 times or 5.34%. Ordering is the error where the learner

put item incorrect placement. The example such as “a country rich natural

resources” instead of “a rich country of natural resources” another example


such as “rice fried is my favorite food” instead of “fried rice is my favorit

food”. The sentence was incorrect because student influenced by his native

language. another example such as “the table shows people how much like the

internet” the sentence has ambiguous meaning because student put “people” in

wrong place. So, the correct form is “the table shows how much people like

internet”. From the frequencies of the type of those errors above, it was

concluded that the students were still committed errors on omission,

misformation, addition, and misordering errors. The students tend to make

errors as the result of their native language transfer since they have not been

familiar with the English language system which makes them lack of competence

to the target language.

C. Dicussions

The discussions in this section is to answer the research question stated in

Chapter I. There is one research question:

2. What are the common grammatical errors that the students do in writing?

Based on the result of analysis, it shows that the highest percentage of

errors made by student is selection, the second is omission, the third is

addtion, the lowest is ordering.

It could be stated that the students get the problem in applying the word

choice which should be add in sentence based on the approriate rules. In this

case, the students did not add word choice in sentence based on the approriate


Besides, it could be stated that the students have failed applying grammar

in complex sentence because the students have lack of knowledge about

grammar they just translated every word by using dictionary. It could be

proven that they committed the error on writing. The result can be concluded

that the students committed the grammatical errors on writing based on

categories of ommision, addition,selection and ordering. The researcher found

the common error that exist on the students’ writings is in the category of


The results of this study are different from Alfiyani (2012) who conducted

a study to investigate the second semester students in writing errors in

Yogyakarta State Universiy she found that omission is the most frequent one

committed by students with 281 errors time or 47.22 % while selection,

addition, and ordering followed with 189 errors or 31.76%, 119 errors or

19.78%, and 6 errors or 1.00% percentage. Most of students still influenced by

native language. Although the results of the study indicated the majority of the

second semester students are still making a lot of grammatical errors, to some

extent, some Students’ writings were found well organized in the right pattern

and had fewer errors.

In summary, dominantly most of students were made error because their

native language transfer. Actually they have studied about grammar but failed

in applying thir knowledge in complex sentences that makes them confused

the right pattern. In others word, it can be said that They have not been

familiar with the English language system which makes them lack of

competence to the target language.



A. Conclusion

As it was stated in Chapter I, The aim of the study is to analyze common

grammatical errors that made by the students in their writing. The researcher

analyzed the data based Corder theory. Based on the previous chapter, there

are four category of errors were found in the students’ writing. The four

categories are:

1. Selection

The occurences of selection in students’ writing are 144 times or

42.72% out of the total number of the grammatical errors. The selection

was the highest frequency of errors in the writing conducted by the

English students in their learning process. It is happened when the student

supplies the wrong form of the structure. It is occured when the learner

supplies something although it is incorrect. The example of selection error

such as “i know that every student have a favorite lecturer”.

2. Omission

The omission errors are committed 107 times or 31.75% out of total

number of the grammatical errors. The omission was the second highest

frequency of of errors in the writing conducted by the English students in


their learning process. The omission happened when the students omit an

item that must appear in a well-formed utterance or writing. The example

found in the data is “UIN Ar-raniry also has many achievement in


3. Addition

The addition errors are committed 68 times or 20.17% out of the total

number of the grammatical errors. The addition errors occured when the

students present an item which must not appear in a well-formed utterance

or writing. It is usually occured in the later stages of second language

acquisition, when the learner has already acquired some target language

rules. The example of addition such as “i will diving in the sea.”

4. Ordering

The occurences of ordering errors in writing are 18 times or 5.34% out of

the total number of students’ writing. The ordering errors was the lowest

frequency of occurence made by the English students. It is happened when

the students make an incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of

morphemes in an utterance or writing. The example found in the data is

“rice fried is my favorite food”.


B. Suggestion

The researcher would like to present some suggestions that will hopefully

provide more insight into the learning of writing and give a new idea for better

teaching and learning process in university level. The first suggestion is

intended for the teachers as the one that can minimize the students’ errors. The

second is student as subjetc of this research. They can be aware to their

writing in order to improve thir writing skill. The last is for other researchers

who will conduct a research related to this research study.

1. The English teacher

Based on this study, it can be suggested that the teachers should be

aware on grammatical errors in writing, thus they can identify the

difficulties faced by students in writing. Knowing the problem will make it

easier for teachers to solve the problem. The result of the study is

valueable for them as indicator in evaluating teaching learning process

whether they are succesfull or not. It is expected that they will not make

the same errors in the future.

2. For students

Through this research, students can reconize in what aspect in

grammar which is difficult for them. In order to improve their English

grammatical ability students have to learn English by reading more

materials .

3. For others researchers

next researchers could take this study as a guideline in conducting the



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