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(A Case Study at English Department of Muhammadiyah Aceh


Submitted by

NIM. 231324264
Student of Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Department of English Language Education


2020 M/ 1442 H

Alhamdulillah, All praises are due to the Almighty Allah, who has blessed

and given me the chance, inspiration, and power to finish this thesis. Peace and

salutation is being upon to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW who has shown

us the perfect example of the greatest human being.

As the second mandatory thank, I express my respect and thank to Dr.

Syarwan Ahmad, M.LIS and Dr. Nashriyah, MA as my main supervisor and co-

supervisor who have guided and supervised me on writting this thesis. My

appreciation is also addressed to all lecturers in English Education Department.

Futhermore, I appreciate to my beloved parent, Taharuddin and (alm)

Mizar who have always motivated and supported me with all their prayers,

affection and love. I also thank to my beloved sister, Irma wirdani and my young

brother, Mazida, and all relatives and grandparents who have patiently given their

support to me.

Moreover, I thank to all my friends: Ten 2013, 2015 English Department

Students, who have participated and shared ideas in finishing this thesis. May

Allah, The Almighty, blesses them all forever. Amin.

The last but not least, the writer realizes that this thesis is far from being

perfect. Therefore, the writer hopes that there are many constructives ideas and

suggestions for the writer to make this thesis better. Hopefully, this thesis can give
contribution to the development of translation studies of English Department in

particular and Indonesian education in general

Banda Aceh, july, 21th 2020

The Writer,



Name : Khairulman
NIM : 231324264
Faculty : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Major : Department of English language Education
Thesis Working Title : Exploring Students’ Obstacles in Reading Comprehension
(A Case Study at English Department of Muhammadiyah
Aceh University)
Main Supervisor : Dr. Syarwan Ahmad, M.LIS
Co-Supervisor : Dr. Nashriyah, MA
Keywords : Students obstacles, reading comprehension.

This research is entitled “Exploring Students’ Obstacles in Reading

Comprehension (a case study at the English department of Muhammadiyah Aceh
University). The focus is on students’ difficulties in reading comprehension, and
students’ strategies in reading comprehension. For the participants of this
research, the researchers took 12 students of English Education of
Muhammadiyah as a sample. In collecting the data, the researcher used an
interview technique to find students’ experience and knowledge. Based on the
interview the researcher found some problems faced by students namely lack of
vocabulary, determining the main idea, making inferences, and understanding
word concepts. The researchers also found that their solutions in overcoming the
problem were understanding the picture in the text, using cognitive strategy,
increasing vocabulary, making note, and make a conclusion.


APPROVAL LETTER .................................................................................... ii

MUNAQASYAH LETTER ............................................................................. iii
DECLARATION LETTER............................................................................. iv
ACKNOWLEDGE ........................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. viii
LIST OF APPENDICES.................................................................................. x

A. Background of Study ........................................................ 1
B. Research Question............................................................. 7
C. Research Objectives .......................................................... 7
D. Significance of the Study .................................................. 7
E. Research terminology ....................................................... 8
1. Obstacles ....................................................................... 8
2. Reading Comprehension ............................................... 8


A. Brief Discussion of Reading Comprehension ................... 10
1. Definition of Reading Comprehension ......................... 13
2. Strategies in Reading Comprehension .......................... 14
a. Metacognitive ......................................................... 15
b. Cognitive ................................................................ 16
B. The Concept of Students Difficulties ................................. 17
1. Defenition of Student Difficulties ............................... 17
2. Kind of Student Difficulties in Reading ...................... 19
C. Previous Study .................................................................... 22


A. Reseaerch Location............................................................. 24
B. Research Design ................................................................. 24
C. Population and Sample ....................................................... 25
1. Population....................................................................... 25
2. Sample ........................................................................... 25
D. Technique of Data Collection ............................................. 25
E. Data Analysis ...................................................................... 27

A. The Brief Description of Muhammadiyah
University Aceh .................................................................. 28
B. Data Description ................................................................. 30
C. Discussion .......................................................................... 36


A. Conclusion .......................................................................... 38
B. Suggestion .......................................................................... 38
1. Students ......................................................................... 39
2. Lecturer .......................................................................... 39
3. Readers .......................................................................... 39

REFERENCES ........................................................................................ 40


1. Appointment Letter of Supervisor

2. Confirmation Letter of Conducting Research from Fakultas Tarbiyah dan
Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
3. Comfirmation Letter of Conducted Research from English Department of
Muhammadiyah University Aceh
4. Instrument



A. Background of Study

Nowadays English is very important in daily life especiallyfor students

because English is an international language”. Teaching and learning English in

Senior High School or university has its scope including competence to

comprehend and to produce spoken and written texts through four language skills:

listening, speaking, reading, and writing; competence to comprehend and to create

many short functional texts and monolog also essay in the form of procedure,

description, recount, narrative, and report. For this reason the teacher must have

various methods in teaching genre to make the students more interested in

teaching learning process.

According to Ilzamudin (2010) Reading is a routine that is almost inseparable

from the style of modern human life, especially in education. Indication of the

importance of reading for education can be seen of them through the many

statements presented by experts with different disciplines, for example: Reading is

the basic skill in study. Reading is a skill essential for formal education and for an

individual‟s success in society. So this reading skills will continue to hold its role

even in the information aged though, information can be obtained through a

variety of audio-visual electronic media such as television, video, cassette, and

radio but oral information remains limited and temporary. While the written

information is relatively more durable and easily accessible or readable whenever



Reading is one of the most important skills in learning. Reading also plays an

important role in almost every course of study. Many students do their reading not

only for understanding the material given by teachers, but also for understanding

any text that they find in their daily activity. Kenneth Beare (2016) states that

“reading is important part of learning English.” Reading is an important skill that

students should have in learning English as foreign language. Students will read to

learn many things in their reading, such as learn about new information and ideas.

Comprehension is the essence of reading and the active process of

constructing meaning from text (Durkin, 1993). Reading comprehension is a

complex interaction among automatic and strategic cognitive processes that

enables the reader to create a mental representation of the text (van den Broek &

Espin, 2012). Comprehension depends not only on characteristics of the reader,

such as background of knowledge and working memory, but also on language

processes, such as basic reading skills, decoding, vocabulary, sensitivity to text

structure, inferencing, and motivation. Comprehend also requires effective use of

strategic processes, such as metacognition and comprehension monitoring.

To comprehend a text, Westwood (2001, p.31) argues that readers must use

information they already possess to filter, interpret, organize and reflect upon the

incoming information they get from the text. He think that efficient interpretation

of the text involves a combination of word recognition skill, linking of new

information to prior knowledge, and application of appropriate strategies such as


locating the main idea, making connections, questioning, inferring and predicting.

therefore, comprehending the English reading text is not an easy thing, so that is

why there are many students find difficulties in comprehending the English text.

In dealing with obstacles in ordinary reading comprehension students have

a strategy to deal with these obstacles such as skimming and scanning. Harmer

(2001, p. 202) stated that skimming is a technique in looking for a text to get a

quick idea of the gist of a text. While, scanning strategy is the strategy for quickly

finding specific information in a text while ignoring its broader meaning

(Brown,2001). Both of the strategies help the students to read in a more focused

and efficient way. Therefore, skimming-scanning strategy is accelerated reading

strategy to quickly looking for the idea and specific information of the text.

Many of students have difficulties in reading English text. Based on

researcher‟s preliminary research on students at Muhammadiyah University, it

was found that student met difficulties in comprehending the text given. Students

sometimes could not construct the meaning from text that they read. They found

difficulties in comprehending the text, making inference. The student are

confused with determine main idea in a text. It indicated that their reading

comprehension needs to be improved. to comprehend the text, students may try to

make sense of what they read by relating experiences and knowledge that are

relevant to the ideas on the text. It is the purpose of reading.


The difficulties of making inferences to connect up the ideas in the text. It

means that making inferences makes conclusions based on information from the

text. Inferring means going beyond the words of the text to make a judgment

about what is not there but is implied. Readers make inferences about how

characters feel although the authors may not have explicitly written about the

characters‟ feelings. Oakhill (1993) shows that the specific difficulties of poor

comprehends, the students do not explain why the less-skilled comprehends

should have difficulty with text integration and inferences, there is no evidence

that students have straight forward memory deficit. However, the research with

adults has shown that working memory relates to comprehension skill. Besides,

the students are difficult not only in making inferences to connect up the ideas in

text but also inferring the meanings of particular words from context.

Main idea is important for reading comprehension to help readers

understand. Students begin by learning the definition of main idea and then

applying this definition to identify the main idea in sentences and short texts.

According to Aulls (2009), the main idea usually appears in one complete

sentence; it is the most important statement that explains the topic of a paragraph;

it is related to the majority of sentences in the paragraph; it may occur at any point

in a paragraph; it may be implied and explicit.


Based on one of Muhammadiyah lecturer, reading comprehension was one

of the problems in learning English that the students had. Most of students obtain

a low score on a test in reading test. They admit that they do not understand the

passages; therefore they cannot find right answers to the questions. The students

cannot understand the text because they do not know the meaning of vocabularies

and they cannot find the mind idea. And they also find difficulty in inferences. In

addition, they lack of motivation to read. This can be due to the assumption that

reading is not their daily needs. They even think that reading is boring.

From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude most of students

at Muhammadiyah deal with some problems in comprehending text. They did not

understand what the text about because they lack of vocabulary. They are

uncomfortable with the language therefore they are easily frustrate when they

find some difficult words. This statement is still in a temporary and still needs

more in-depth research and this research deserves to be examine.

Furthermore, in ability to apply reading strategy makes the students have a

problem in comprehending text. Because of that, students read slowly word by

word with the result is they are confused with the meaning of the text. William

(2016) states, “There are a series of problems that hinder children‟s reading

comprehension: 1. Language problem, 2. Not comfortable enough yet with the

language, 3. Word recognize problem”.


In some previous studies are found that students get obstacles in reading

comprehension. Nation (2004), show that the population of children identifies as

having reading comprehension difficulties forms a varied group. This focuses on

children‟s in reading comprehension difficulties.

Oakhill‟s (1993), focus on comprehension differences arises because of

problems at the single-word level and poor comprehends have difficulties at the

sentences level and fail to understand certain syntactic constructions. Therefore,

this is just focus on problems at the single-word level and poor comprehends to

children‟s difficulties in reading comprehension. So that, the researcher focuses

on students‟ difficulty in reading comprehension not focusing on children

difficult. But the researcher wants to adopt about the difficulties in reading

comprehension at Muhammadiyah university in English education department.

Based on the problems above, this study is designed to find out the

obstacles that often arise in English teaching and learning process such as making

inference, determine main idea ,and to know and to analyze students strategy in

solving the difficulties.


B. Research Questions

The research quenstions proposed in this study based on the problems of the

research are as follow :

1. What were the obstacles faced by English Department students of

Muhammadiyah university in reading comprehension ?

2. How do the students overcome their difficulties in reading comprehension

at Muhammadiyah University Aceh ?

C. Research Objective

From the background above , they are two research objective :

1. To find out the obstacles in reading comprehension of English education

department of muhammadiyah university.

2. To discover students‟ solution in overcoming their difficulties in reading

comprehension of english Department of Muhammadiyah university.

D. Significance of the study

Hopefully, the significances of this research can be useful for the students

itself, the teacher and also the next researcher as follows:

1. For the students, this research is expected not only to increase students‟

motivation in learning English, but also to increase their vocabulary


mastery, determined main idea and also how to make inference in long

text or short text.

2. For the English teacher, the researcher is hoped to be the one of some

alternative in improving students‟ reading comprehension towards

inference reading.

3. For the other researcher, it is hoped that the research could be one of

the references in conducting some research for better result.

E. Research Terminology

1. Obstacles

AS Hornby (1986), says the word obstacle means something in the way

which stop progress to make it difficult. Obstacle is a situation, an event that make

for us to do. It means some problems which faced by everyone in certain


Obstacle is something immaterial that stands in the way and must

becircumvented or surmounted(www.Meaning of Obstacle.Com 2012).

From the meaning above, it can be conclude that obstacles is something in

the way which stop progress to make it difficult and must be avoided or


2. Reading comprehension

Pang et al. (2003) stated that reading is about understanding written texts.

It involves both perception and thought. It is also an interactive process that goes

on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehending the text. The text

present letter, words, sentences, and paragraph that encode meaning. The reader

uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine the meaning. So, it means

reading is one of the skills which has to be mastered, because by reading, the

students can understand what the writer informs to the reader.



A. Brief Discussion of Reading Comprehension

Reading is one of skills in english besides speaking, writing and listening.

The purpose of reading is to make the reader gets the information of the text. If

someone wants to get the information which is written in the text, he should know

the meaning of the words and also the ideas of the text. By reading such as

newspaper, messages, etc, the reader will know everything. For students, the

ability to read will open up new world and opportunities. By mastering reading

skill, the students will be able to read everything especially in English language

by themselves.

Mariane (2000) states that : reading is interactive process that goes on

between the reader and the text, the reader has to perform a number of

stimultaneous tasks, decode the message by recognizing the written signs,

interpret the message by assigning meaning to the string of words, and finally

understand what the author‟s intention the process there are three

participants: the writer of text, text and reader.

In addition, Jeremy (1998) says,”reading is a model of language, reading

texts provide opportunities to study language such as grammar, vocabulary,

punctuation and the way to construct sentence, paragraph and text”.

According to Dutcher (1990), “Reading is an interactive and complex

process. The process through which the dynamic interaction of the reader‟s

background knowledge, the information inferred by the written language, and the


reading situation contextis constructing meaning”. This research shows that the

readers must found background knowledge, information inferred in reading

context. Besides, the researcher wants to show about the strategies in reading

especially students difficulty in reading comprehension.

According to Snowball (1999), comprehension of longer texts is very

difficult, because the construction of meaning is disrupted by the difficulty and

slowness of word recognition.therefore, comprehension needs understanding

meaning in a text because comprehension is a longer text.

Comprehension means making sense of what one reads. Active readers are

readers who comprehend a text. Comprehension is complex, yet reading

researchers have developed approaches to teach students to be active readers. This

research defines that comprehension has developed for students in reading skill.

According to Kirby (2007), comprehension involves the relatingof two or

more pieces of information. Those pieces of information can come from long-term

memory (prior knowledge), but in reading comprehension at least one piece must

come from the text. The pieces of information can be simple or quite complex


Comprehension is the ability to actively to listen, read,and understand

language. To comprehend text, one‟s decoding skills must allow for fluentreading

(reading that is as smooth and full of expression as when we talk), thus allowing a

reader‟s cognitive energy to be used to draw connections, ask questions, make

predictions, and employ other comprehension strategies used by strong readers.

Thus, fluency is often called the “bridge” from decoding to comprehension.


Thereforeto the smooth and effective implementation of comprehension

strategies, other key ingredients for understanding include vocabulary knowledge

and background knowledge.Therefore, comprehension text needs one‟s decoding

skill for reading. Comprehension is the reason for reading. If readers can read the

words but do not understand what they are reading, they are not really reading.

Snowball (2005), defines Comprehension is a process in which readers

construct meaning by interacting with text through the combination of prior

knowledge and previous experience, information in the text, and the stance the

reader takes in relationship to the text. In addition, comprehension is important

aspect of all of the definition and meaning, if readers cannot understand the

definition and meaning, they do not know information in text.

Comprehension does not occur by simply extracting meaning from text.

During reading the reader constructs different representations of the text that are

important for comprehension. Texts can be difficult or easy, depending on factors

inherent in the text, on the relationship between the text and the knowledge and

abilities of the reader, and on the activities which the reader is engaged. It means

that a reader‟s must be domain knowledge interacts with the content of the text in

comprehension because it is important for our knowledge. If the readers feel

difficult in text, its‟ mean that the readers are not enough to comprehend in a text.

Comprehending what you read is more than just recognizing and

understanding words. True comprehension means making sense of what you read

and connecting the ideas in the text to what you already know. It also means

remembering what you have read. In other words, comprehending means thinking

while you read. It means that comprehension needs understanding words,

connecting the main idea in text and remembering context. Comprehension is the

reason for reading; it encompasses the learning, growing, and evolution of ideas

that occur as one reads.

Comprehension is a process in which readers construct meaning by

interacting with text through the combination of prior knowledge and previous

experience, information in the text and the stance the reader takes in relationship

to the text (pardo, 2004). This means that the readers look the construct meaning

in text that they found information in text.

1. Definitions of Reading Comprehension

According to G. Woolley (20011), reading comprehension is the process of

making meaning from text. The aim is to get a thorough understanding of what is

explained in the text rather than to get the meaning of isolated words or sentences.

In understanding reading text information, children developmental models, or

representations of meaning from text ideas during the reading process. Therefore,

reading comprehension has process of making meaning in a text.

Scott (2002), defined that, Reading comprehension is a complex

undertaking that involves many levels of processing. One of the most basic

aspects of understanding is the ability to deal with unfamiliar words found in the

text. Readers who struggle with word-level tasks use valuable cognitive space that

canbe allocated for deeper levels of text analysis. In predicting the meaning of

new words it is not enough to only rely on context cues .


Vaughn ( 2003) states that, reading comprehension understanding of text that

has been read, that is a complex skill that requires the use of various strategies to

activate one‟s prior knowledge, monitor understanding, self-question, distinguish

between the main idea and supporting details, and summarize. Therefore, the

students requireinstruction in the development of strategies that can be used

before, during, and after reading text.

2. Strategies in Reading Comprehension

Reading is a thinking process. Effective readers know that when they read,

what they read is supposed to make sense. They monitor their understanding, and

when they lose the meaning of what they are reading, they often unconsciously

select and use a reading strategy (such as rereading or asking questions) that will

help them reconnect with the meaning of the text. Reading skills and strategies

can be taught explicitly while students are learning subject-specific content

through authentic reading tasks. In addition, Students were encouraged to use

three comprehension strategies: previewing prior to reading and connecting with

known information, identifying the main idea, and generating and answering

questions as a form of summarization. These strategies are associated with

improved outcomes in reading comprehension.

Some research said that Good readers use comprehension strategies to

facilitate the construction of meaning. These strategies include previewing, self-

questioning, making connections, visualizing, knowing how words work,

monitoring, summarizing, and evaluating (McLaughlin & Allen,2002) In addition,


all readers, no matter what their skill levels, benefit greatly from direct instruction

in how to interact with a text and process information.

Yusuf and Amanda (2008), says that in the process of learning, learning

strategies take an important role. The appropriate use of learning strategies can

result in increased second language proficiency. Applying certain strategies in

language learning including reading skill is prominent because they are tools for

active and self-directed involvement. Appropriate learning strategies result in

improving proficiency and self-confidence which become prerequisites for

communicative competence as the main goal of language learning. Therefore, the

strategies are regarded as an important aspect of language learning since they can

help students to overcome reading problems. Classify learning strategies into two

types as follow.

a. Metacognitive Strategies

Metacognitive strategies. A specific set of general cognitive strategies is

particularly relevant to comprehension; these are called metacognitive strategies.

Metacognitive strategies are routines and procedures that allow individuals to

monitor and assess their ongoing performance in accomplishing a cognitive task.

For example, as students are studying for a test they might ask themselves, “Are

things going well? Is there something I don‟t understand? Am I learning this

material? Are there any gaps in my knowledge or understanding? If I do find a

gap in my knowledge, do I know what to do about it? Can I repair the gap so that

my understanding is complete?” Students who use metacognitive strategies are


aware of the cognitive resources they have to accomplish a goal, they check the

outcome of their attempts to solve problems, they monitor the effectiveness of

their attempts, they test, revise and evaluate their strategies for learning, and they

use compensatory strategies when comprehension breaks down. These

compensatory strategies restore understanding and learning (Baker & Brown,


Baker and Boonkrit (2004), says that metacognitive strategies in reading

include looking at the pictures provided in text, reading the question before read

whole passage and other strategies which provided a way for students to

coordinate their own learning process. In addition, metacognitive strategies have

control over their reading. Before reading, they might clarify their purpose for

reading and preview the text.

b. Cognitive Strategies

O‟Malley (1990), says that Cognitive strategies, in which the learner

interacts with the material to be learned by manipulating it mentally (as in making

images, or elaborating on previously acquired concepts or skills) or physically (as

grouping items to be learned in meaningful categories, or taking notes on

important information to be remembered). In addition concerning cognitive

strategies, rereading took place as a familiar strategy used in reading.


According to oxford (1990:70), the technique of rereading or repeating is

to read a passage several times, each time for different purpose such as to get the

general drift or the main idea, to predict, to read for detail.

According to Carrell (1998), reading strategies are traditionally recognized

reading behaviors as skimming a text to get the general idea, scanning a text for a

specific piece of information, making contextual guesses about the meanings of

unknown words, skipping unknown words, tolerating ambiguity, making

predictions, confirming or disconfirming inferences, identifying the main idea,

rereading, and using cognates to comprehend, to more recently recognized

strategies such as activating prior background knowledge and recognizing text

structure. Good readers proceed generally from front to back of documents when

reading. They are selectively attentive. They sometimes make notes. They predict,

paraphrase, and back up when confused. They try to make inferences to fill in the

gaps in text and in their understanding of what they have read. Good readers

purposely try to integrate appropriate the text. They do not settle for literal

meanings but rather interpret what they have read, sometimes constructing

images, other times identifying categories of information in text.

B. The Concept of Student Difficulties

1. Definition of student difficulties

According the students‟ development and concealing (2003), that a student

in difficulty is any student who encounters major obstacles to the successful

completion of their educational goals. Students typically experience college as a


time of significant transition and adjustment. Stress arising from this period of

change may be of an academic, social, financial, work, family, or institutional

nature. At times, this stress can become so severe that it poses a serious threat to

academic progress. These resources can offer additional support and aid in the

development of enhanced coping skills. Timely and effective assistance to address

the needs of these students is important in order to increase the probability that

they will achieve their educational goals. It means that the students get difficulty

because they lack the interest and the intellectual.

Some people (2013), says that having reveal personal difficulties, the

students may wish/expect to continue to receive further support from them and

ask for quite a lot of their time. If they are unwilling to be referred to someone in

a more appropriate role, they may experience quite a lot of pressure to provide

this support directly. They may feel concern for the student and worry that they

may feel rejected if they do not offer support. It means that the students‟ needs are

more concentration, if the students do not concentrate for education, the students

have difficult with our skill. Therefore, the students should understand with our

education, especially, reading is important for students. Because by reading,

students can increase their knowledge. If the students do not read, students get

really difficult to increase their knowledge.

According to Makar (2005), Students have difficulty correctly reading

information. We offer some reasons for why it is important for students to be able

to correctly read and offer suggestions for how to help develop this type of

reasoning. It means that students should increase their information in order

students do not get difficult in their education.

Carvalho (2001), said that many students have difficulties in performing

the tasks they are assigned. These difficulties concern mainly three aspects:

reading and selecting relevant content, organizing and synthesizing information

retrieved from different textual sources, and making use of conventional forms

adopted by the academic community. Many students are unfamiliar with tasks like

this and some of them explicitly admitted, it had been difficult for them to

understand what they are expected to do. These difficulties may be related to

students‟ past schooling experience and the literacy practices they had been used

to. As we said above, in Portuguese schools, writing is rarely seen as a learning

tool and students are more often asked to use it in knowledge reproduction tasks

than in knowledge construction ones. It means that students get more difficulty in

reading because students feel lazy to read. Reading comprehension is so useful for

them to obtain new insight which is called receptive skill, and Writing can help

them in productive skill. In addition, if the students have difficulties in performing

task, the students have a lot to read.

2. Kind of Student Difficulties in Reading Comprehension

According to Joseph (2001), when students exhibit difficulty

understanding and deriving meaning from text, the explicit instruction on

comprehending needs to be provided. Difficulties understanding text can be

derived from not knowing meanings of words or concepts, not capturing factual

information, not inferring about content, and not forming relationships among

content presented in text. Therefore, the students have difficulties understanding,

meaning of word or concepts and inferring information.

Oakhill (1993), showed that one general problem that less-skilled

comprehends seems to have is making inferences from text. These difficulties

include: a). Inferring information that is only implicit in a text. b). making

inferences to connect up the ideas in a text. And c). Inferring the meanings of

particular words from context. Three studies discuss about the difficulties in

reading comprehension. The above studies about inferring information that is only

implicit in a text include main idea.

Wilawan (2012) mentioned that, explicitly main idea is not a difficult

reading task for many people due the fact that they can search for main points of

text at specific locations of paragraphs (i.e. the first, second or last sentence) but

explicit included local main idea, it is Explicit connective has two types of text

require readers to infer the underlying structure of the text, which is a difficult

task for students. Determining implied main idea is much more difficult and can

be problematic for most readers. Main idea comprehension, as noted earlier, is a

difficult task which involves the simultaneous application of bottom-up, top-

down. Determining a main idea of a text is one of the most difficult tasks in

reading comprehension. It is a complex process which concerns the application of

various reading strategies. Students have difficulty in comprehension, particularly

in identifying main ideas and important details.


The main idea is generally stated in the topic sentences, which is often the

first sentences in paragraph. The main idea is easier to identify when it is first or

the last sentences in the paragraph. It is more difficult to find when it is located in

the middle of a reading. And it is perhaps most difficult to identify when it is

inferred and not actually stated.

Inference making is understanding language. It is often necessary to make

inferences to go beyond what is stated explicitly in the text or discourse to infer

the intended message. Even very straightforward texts require inferences to be

drawn (Kate Nation, 2004). Therefore, if the reader does read in text, they will

infer the text that they have understood. Besides, main idea is important in text, so

that, main idea must look for firstly. After that, they do making inference in text.

Spivey ( 2011) show that most all texts have one sentence within a

paragraph or passage stating the author‟s message, or main idea. The main idea

can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a paragraph or passage. Finding the

main idea becomes more difficult in the upper grades where the main idea may be

explicit (a complete sentence taken directly from the text) or implied (summarized

by evaluating the details in the text). The sentences in the text may have too much

detail to pick one main idea or so little information that there is no obvious


The main idea helps readers recall important information. Locating the

main idea helps the reader understand the points the writer is attempting to

express. Identifying the relationship between these will improve comprehension .


Whorter (2001) writes in his book entitled “Topics, Main idea, and Topics

sentences” State that the students learned earlier that the main idea of a paragraph

is most important point. The main idea is also the most general statement the

writer makes about the topic. In this brief paragraph, the main idea is expressed in

the first sentence. This sentence, known as the topic sentence, is the most general

statement in the paragraph. All the other sentences are specific details that explain

this main idea. In addition, the importance of identifying main ideas as essential to

successful reading comprehension in terms of drawing inferences from text,

studying effectively. .

The researcher concludes that main idea is important in reading

comprehension because main idea is important information that tells more about

the overall idea of a paragraph or section of a text and most paragraphs have a

main idea that is either contained in general sentences or else suggested by several

specificsentences and making inferences make the students difficulty in a text. So

that way, if the students do not find the inferring information that is only implicit

in a text included main idea, the students will difficult to read some books

especially in reading comprehension.

C. Previous Study

There are some previous studies related to this research. A study entitled

focused on children‟s in reading comprehension difficulties by Nation (2004),

uncovered hat the population of children identified as having reading


comprehension difficulties forms a heterogeneous group. This is focus on

children‟s in reading comprehension difficulties.

Oakhill‟s (1993) focused on comprehension differences arises because of

problems at the single-word level and poor comprehends have difficulties at the

sentences level and fail to understand certain syntactic constructions. And

discussed about the difficulties experienced by children who have a specific

comprehension problem: those who have educated word recognition skills and

have difficulty understanding text.

Another research is entitled Reading in English as a Foreign Language:

Problem and Strategies by Badria al Brashi from the University of UK. This study

was designed to yield data that would contribute to our understanding of the

nature of problems our students encounter in comprehending English texts and the

way the process such text.

Wilawan (2012) says that focuses mainly on the combined application of

cognitive and metacognitive processing strategies to improve EFL readers‟ main

idea comprehension. Additional support in knowledge and skills in the

foundational elements of text understanding at the lower level is often necessary

in the process of constructing main ideas. And they focused on main idea, global

and local comprehension, connectives, word relationships, self-monitoring.



A. Research Location

The researcher was conducted in English department of Muhammadiyah Aceh

University. The address Jl. Muhammadiyah No. 91 Bathoh, Lueng Bata, Banda


B. Research design

This research was conducted qualitatively by usingtechniques of data

collection; interview. Qualitative research is defined as „‟ an approach to research

that uses methodologies designed to provide a rich, contextualized picture of an

educational or social phenomenon‟‟ ( Mertens&Mclaughin, 2004, p.94).

Meanwhile Syamsuddin&Damianti (2006, p.73) stated that qualitative research is

“ an investigation approach because the researcher usually collects data by

directly interacting with the respondents‟‟. Furthermore, Patton ( as cited in

Mertens& Mc Laughlin, 2004, p.96) suggested that using qualitative method

under the following condition: „‟ the program emphasizes individualized

outcomes , in-depth information is needed about certain clients or program, no

standardized instrument is available that can validly and reliably measure program



C. Population and sample

1. Population

According to Mark (1996), Population is “the collection of all individuals,

families, groups, or organizations, communities and events that will participate in

the study”. McBurney, as quoted by Strydom and Venter (2002), refers to the

population as “the sampling frame; the totality of persons; events; organization

units; case records or other sampling units with which the research problem is

concerned”. In this research, the population was all student EnglishDepartment of

Muhammadiyah in five semester consists of 12 students.

2. Sample

Based on Sugiono‟s sight (2012), sample is part of the number and

characteristic possessed by the population. On the other hand, creswell (2012)

states that a sample is a subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans

to study for generalizing sampling. In this research, the researcher embedded self-

selection sampling. It is a type of non-probability sampling. Self-selection

sampling focuses on sampling techniques that are based on the judgement of the


D. Technique of Data Collection

In collecting data, I used interview technique. The purpose of collecting

data was to gain information related to the research questions stated in chapter

one. The technique used in this research will be described in detail as follow:

K.Vale (1983, p.174) defines the qualitative research interview as "an

interview, whose purpose is to gather descriptions of the life-world of the

interviewee with respect to interpretation of the meaning of the described

phenomena". Collecting these descriptions can be done in several ways, of which

face-to-face interviews are the most common. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison

(2000, P.267) explained that the interview is not simply concerned with collecting

data about life. It is part of life itself, it is human embeddedness is inescapable. At

the same time, K. Vale ( 1996, P. 14) stated that an Interview is interchange of

view between two or more people on a topic of mutual interest, sees the centrality

of human interaction for knowledge production, and emphasizes social

situatedness of research data.

An interview is using Via whats App research instrument in the form of verbal

set of questions.Because at that time the researchers could not conduct face -to -

face interviews. Because of the corona virus outbreak or known as Covid19. So

researchers took steps to conduct using via whatsApp. The researchers asks the

student number fromthereading lecturer to aks the students willingness to conduct

an interview via whatsApp. In cionducting research using whatsApp the

reserachers encountered obstacles. Because some of the muhammadiyah students

have returned to their villages. and some of themdo not internet quota. The

researchers hadto to wait several days for answers from participants. The

researcher sends a questionnaire throught Whats App to yield reliable and valid


E. Data Analysis

The researcher used interview using via WhtasApp to get the students

answer from participants because of circumstances that made it impossible to

conduct research in face-to-face manner. The stepsin analyzing the data are: (1)

the researcher collects data through interview by using via whatsApp. Then, the

researchers selects, identify, and focuseson the data by referring to formulation of

the reserach problem.(2) After selecting the data, the reseracher displays those

data into good sentences. (3) After displaying data, the conclusions are drawn.

Moreover, to conduct interview, the researcher is directed by a list of questions.



In this chapter, the writer presents the result of research. It involves the

exploring students‟ obstacles in reading comprehension. The main source of data

is the result of the interview with English students of Muhammadiyah University.

A. The Brief Description of Muhammadiyah University Aceh

The research was conducted in the English Department of Muhammadiyah

Aceh University. The address Jl. Muhammadiyah No. 91 Bathoh, LuengBata,

Banda Aceh. As the name implies, the university of Muhammadiyah Aceh,

abbreviated as UNMUHA, is a private university. Muhammadiyah University is

the development of the College of Law ( STIH) which was founded in 1969.

Until now Muhammadiyah University of Aceh has remained consistent in

admitting new students at the diploma and undergraduate levels. There are 6

faculties on the campus, the faculties consist of 11 study programs for

undergraduate and 2 diploma programs 3. Some of the existing study programs

have received B accreditation, the rest are C accreditation and some are still

waiting for the results of accreditation.

List of faculties and Departments at the university of muhammadiyah aceh.

1. Law faculty

-legal studies

2. Faculty of Economy

- Accounting study program

- Management study program


- Management study program

3. Technical Faculty

- Civil Engineering Study Program

- Architecture

- Engineering Study Program

4. Faculty of Islamic Religion

- Islamic Education

- TadrisBiologi

- Tadris Math

- Tadris English

- Sharia Banking Products.

5. Community Health Faculty

- Public Health Sciences

6. Faculty Of Psychology

- psychology

7. Diploma Program 3

- Physiotherapy

- Hospitality

B. Data Description

The data were analyzed as qualitative data. This research was conducted in

one class with 12 students, to know the kind of difficulties faced by students and

to know strategies that the students used in reading comprehension.

After observing students‟ answers about the importance of reading

comprehension. The researcher divides into two important and unimportant parts.

And from 12 respondents they answered that reading is very important and with

various other reasons.

And second questions about the obstacles that they found in reading the

students answered with various among them :

1. Unusual word

2. Lack of vocabulary

3. Background of knowledge

4. Limited vocabulary, unfamiliar tasks, and explicit admitted.

5. Can‟t read fluently

6. Poor mastery of grammar

7. Lack of media learning

8. Less support of family

9. Inferring information

10. Determining the main idea, make an inference.


1. The important of reading comprehension

All respondents consider that reading comprehension is very important

and specifically in English Education because by reading students know what are

the topics of the text, content, the purpose of the text, and of course with a variety

of other reasons. According to Silmi ”Reading comprehension is very important

because with the reading we can understand what we have read and we can pick

up important information, and by reading we have to be able to read and

comprehend it”. And another reason “reading comprehension it‟s very necessary

because we can understand reading is the ability to the process text, understand

the purpose of the text, and integrate with what the reader knows”. The ability of

individuals to understand the text is influenced by their ability and ability to

process information.

2. The obstacles in reading comprehension

Generally, students have difficulties in reading comprehension such as

limited vocabulary which when students read books or novels they find new

words that they don‟t know the meaning of the word and how to pronounce them.

Not only do they have limited vocabulary but also experience obstacles in

determining main ideas because not all main ideas are in the first paragraph and

the last paragraph of the sentence but in the middle of the paragraph it is more

difficult to find it. According to Ghifari, “I got some obstacles in reading

comprehension for example limited vocabulary knowledge, unfamiliar tasks and

explicit admitted, and also determining the main idea also sometimes make me

confused”. Main idea is one of the sobstacles that are often faced by the students.

Main idea will be easy to if it is at the first or the last sentence in the sentence of

the paragraph and it will be more difficult if the position is in the middle of a

sentence in a paragraph. Ajilla said that when the teacher gives questions in text

form to find the main idea is in the middle of a sentence in a paragraph.

An inference is the process of drawing a conlusion from supporting

evidence. Making inference is very important in formal essays. But some of

students still confused how to make inference in essay. According to Silmi “ when

teacher give a test about inference it‟s so difficult how to make inferencein a text”.

Most of them got difficulties comprehending the content of the text

because during translating into the Indonesian language. They are lazy to look up

in a dictionary. In addition, they got difficult to take the main point of the text;

whereas they have known the meaning of vocabulary. As a result, they did not

understand the text and answered incorrectly.

Some students also have difficulty in grammar which when getting

assignments and reading long sentences they are confused to translate in Bahasa.

Nurul said that “ the obstacles that I found are when I have to translate it to

Bahasa, it pretty takes a long time to understand the meaning due to the

grammatical form, also the words that I don‟t know”. And other obstacles are lack

of media learning, less support from family.


3. The reasons for those problems

There are several reasons that put forward by students the first reasons,

lack of interest in reading. According to Ajilla “ sometimes i got bored when i

read a book”. Reading is a way to get information written. Reading needs to

emphasize to every individual, be it, students or other individuals because the

information that we get the most easily is through readings, both newspapers,

magazines, novels, books, and so on. The lack of a reading culture among

students is the beginning of failure. The second is not doing exercise. Practice is

something that can develop a mindset. According to ghifari “ when i do the

exercise that the teacher i got lees in understanding the meaning of the text”. The

intended training task is like doing the assignment given by the teacher, doing

homework, or making questions and we answer the question ourselves because

our exercise function starts to try to solve the problem we feel. We will be more

relieved when we can master it ourselves. The third is less of listening profile,

listening is a skill that requires practice in mastering it. Sometimes students in the

learning process pay less attention and listen less when the teacher is explaining it

in front so that it creates miss communication. Because by listening we can absorb

information well even just by hearing can lighten someone‟s burden. In the

process of learning to listen is an activity where there is good communication

between students and teachers because by listening to students can understand and

remember what has been explained. According to Silmi “English is not our

mother tongue, and also everyone is not the same though in understanding his


4. The solutions for those problems

The data related to the students‟ solutions or strategies in reading

comprehension to know students‟ strategies were taken from interviews with the

subject. The presentation of findings, in these parts covers five kinds of reading

comprehension strategies, they are cognitive, metacognitive, increase vocabulary,

making a note and make a conclusion.

a. Understanding the picture in the text

Metacognitive is very important for students because with metacognitive

students can create a person‟s beliefs, awareness, and knowledge about the

processes and ways of thinking process and memory. Metacognitive is also a form

of ability to see the ability in oneself so that what is done is controlled optimally

and metacognitive is also a mental activity that makes a person can manage and

monitor the entire thought process that is done while solving a problem.

According to Nurul” when answering questions in the reading text what I

do first look at the picture before reading the question because it makes it easy for

me to answer the questions”. The students can do the planning in reading text,

how much time is used, how to start it and students can evaluate themselves that

contain the decisions that are generated based on the results of thinking and


b. Using Cognitive Strategy

Cognitive strategy teaches students how to solve problems and build

knowledge based on facts or principles they know. Cognitive is used to obtain or

manipulate information, students can use a variety of strategies to facilitate

obtaining information, strategies that are used such as who, what, why, when,

where, and how. According to Ajilla “ i use cognitive when i read a book toknow

more about the text”. In the reading process so students can generate or create

questions that lead them to understand what they are reading.

c. Increasing vocabulary

Fasya said that vocabulary is one of the components that determine

someone to be a success in learning a language. If we do not know the meaning of

vocabulary, how we can succeed in learning the language. When students found

unfamiliar words, the students were looking up in the dictionary or they have

used a smartphone to find out the meaning.. Because the dictionary was the

easiest tool that can solve their difficulties in learning vocabulary. Sometimes the

students like to bring an electric dictionary and use a dictionary in their laptop.

Not only translating the words but also students could write unfamiliar words.

d. Making note

The role of notebooks was very important in teaching vocabulary. Several

very useful information was stored there. It was necessary to keep the notebook

well-organized and also well-designed. In this case, the subject was no talking

only about a list of words that were used by students but also it makes easy when

the teacher gave tasks but notebooks should be tools for students to store the

vocabulary that they have learned. So, In this case, students would feel

responsible for choosing the right expressions and pay more attention to what they

concise decided to write down on their notebooks.

e. Making a conclusion

From 12 students 10 of them used a strategy that makes conclusions

because by making conclusions students find it easier to understand the contents

of the text and easy to remember without having to read the text thoroughly. And

by making conclusions students can remember what was conveyed because they

wrote using their own language. Some of the students said that” when reading a

text they were sometimes making a conclusion in a small book and also write a

new word it makes me easy to remember the purpose of the text”.

C. Discussions

This part presents the discussion of the research findings. There are two

research questions proposed in this study. The discussion focuses on the finding

of the two proposed research questions. The first discussion is about the obstacles

faced by the students in reading comprehension. Meanwhile, the second

discussion focuses on the students to overcome their difficulties in reading


Reflecting on the first research problems, this research found that the

students had difficulties and matched according to the results of research using the

interview,the students also claimed that they had difficulty in reading

comprehension. Based on the theory that Oakhill (1993), said that students had 3

kinds of difficulty. First was difficult in inferring information that was only

implicit in a text which included the implied main idea. The second was to make

inferences to connect up the ideas in a text. The third was inferring the meaning of

particular words from context. So, the students had really difficult in reading


Moreover, According to Joseph (2001), When students exhibit difficulty

understanding and deriving meaning from text, explicit instruction on

comprehending needed to be provided. Difficulties understanding text could be

derived from not knowing meanings of words or concepts, not capturing factual

information, not inferring about content, and not forming relationships among

content presented in the text. Therefore, the students had difficulties

understanding, the meaning of words or concepts, and inferring information.

The Researcher found that students probably had difficulty in reading a

text, especially in a long text. The researcher had an opinion about students‟

difficulty in reading was proved by students‟ confession using the interview. The

first was lack of vocabulary, the second was making inferences to connect the

ideas in a text, and the third was determining main idea. And the last was

uderstanding wordof concept. It means that the students got difficulty in

vocabulary. Students must circle or underline the certain vocabulary that

supported in answering the main idea and inferring the meaning. It usually could

be identified by several same vocabularies in a text. After knowing the domain


vocabulary in the text, the student could predict the main idea and students could

infer the meaning easily.

In answering the second research question. There were five strategies in

reading comprehension. They were understanding the picture to the text, using

cognitive strategy, increasing vocabulary, making note and make conclusions.

From those strategies, they mostly tended to use cognitive strategies to answer the

text quickly because it must be dealing with meaning, a reading chunk of text,

ideas of the text, predicting and inferring the text. And also sometimes students

conclude, taking note, to make it easy to memorized what the teacher explained.


A. Conclusion

Based on the research finding and discussion, the researcher had a conclusion

about the students‟ difficulties in reading comprehension and students to

overcome students‟ difficulties in reading comprehension. It was found that:

1. The Students‟ difficulties about reading comprehension include: Lack of

vocabulary. Difficulty in determining main idea. Making inferences, and

the last was understanding word concepts.

2. There were five strategies to overcome students‟ difficulties in reading

comprehension. They were understanding the picture to the text, andusing

cognitive strategy, increasing vocabulary, making note, and making a

conclusion. The strategies strongly help them to understand the reading


B. Suggestion

Although this study was conducted with a small number of participants

within a short time, the findings provide much information that will be useful and

can be used by students, lecturers, and also readers who focus on reading



1. Students

According to the result of this research, students need to realize several

problems in reading comprehension and understand more about the

strategies in reading comprehension because it will make easy

determine the main idea, how to make conclusions, and so on. As a

result, it will improve their reading skills, and also they can share with

them when they were reading a story in a text.

2. Lectures

This research has solved the problems faced by many people in

reading comprehension purposes. So the lectures can use this research

as a reference in reading comprehension text, not only for English

students, but also for other fields to have a good result in reading. I

suggest for the lectures to share the reference to students to have a

good experience in reading comprehension.

3. Readers

The result of this research can be additional by sources and reminding

themselves to anticipate the problems that obtained in reading

comprehension. I suggest to readers to consider much research about

the strategy in reading comprehension and use them as a reference in

reading English text for some fields of study.



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Interview Questions List

1. Do you think reading comprehension is important , why?

2. Do you find any obstacles in reading comprehension ? If any why ?

3. What are the obstacles you find in reading comprehension ?

4. What are the reasons for those problems ?

5. What are the solutions for those problems?

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