Students' Learning Strategies in Successfully Studying

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Submitted by

The Student of Department of English Language Education
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
Reg. No: 231020581


2017 M /1438 H
Failing doesn’t give you a reason to give up
As long as you BELIEVE
[Uzumaki Naruto]

It is a matter of fact that a number of university students in Banda Aceh decided to

pursue the Bachelor degree in two universities at the same year or a year after. A
number of studies have been conducted to investigate the learning strategies used by
students and their difficulties, however, only a few (if any) conducted in the context
of students who take two majors in two different universities. The aim of this current
study is to investigate the learning strategies and difficulties that the students who
study at two majors may encounter. Ten participants who study in UIN Ar-Raniry
and Unsyiah have been selected. The 10 participants are majoring in TEN and various
majors such as Law Faculty, Psychology Faculty, Engineering Faculty, Pharmacy
Department, Mathematic and Science Faculty, and Economy Faculty in University of
Syiah Kuala respectively. To gain the data, face-to-face interview and document
analysis have been conducted. The result shows that the participants use cognitive
learning strategy, behavioral learning strategy, and self-regulated learning strategy in
their learning process. The obstacles of partcipants may encounter also revealed, they
are: course time conflict, lack tolerance of certain lecturer for student who take two
majors, far distance between UIN and Unsyiah when UIN under reconstruction,
having difficult administration management, and communication problem in group

Key words: Learning strategies, Studying, Two majors.


Thanks and praises be to Allah, The Lord of The Universe, The Most

Graceful and The Most Merciful. Peace and prayer be upon to our Prophet

Muhammad SAW, The Light of The Universe, who has brought us from the

darkness to the lightness.

The writer would like to express gratitude and high appreciation to the

writer’s supervisors, Dr. Maskur, MA and Qudwatin Nisak M. Isa, M. Ed, M. Pd

as well as the writer’s academic advisor for their valuable times and fabulous

advices who have guided the writer in writing and finishing this thesis entitled

“Students’ Learning Strategies in Successfully Studying at Two Majors”.

Furthermore, the writer would like to express deep gratitude to the writer’s

beloved mother; Maqfirah and father; M. Nasir for their love, patience, attention,

support and caring. Thanks also to Bg Gunar, Abang, Oya, Mika, Khairidatul

Utami, Yasir, Mahfudh, Syauqi, Safrizal and the whole family who always helped

me to finish the thesis. Special thanks to all of lecturers and academic staffs of

English Department of UIN Ar-Raniry who have given remarkable assistance and

encouragement for the writer to finish the study. Then, the writer also would like

to give the biggest appreciation and special thanks to Cut kak, Aduen and Adoe-

adoe at Sanggar Seni Seulaweuet, all brothers and sisters at PBI and EDSA, all

friends and comrade of UnsaTEN‘10, Analyzers, all tentors of Bimafika Aceh,

also announcers of Baiturrahman Radio, without all of them the writer is nothing.

Because of all of the do’a from them, the writer could finish this thesis.


The very great special thanks the writer send to all participants: Pocut,

Mawaddah, Kak Juza, Kak Ayu, Sela, Reva, Muammar, Safwan, Tahsim and

Wahyu who have delightedly share their spare time to give the data and valuable

informations to the writer in finishing this thesis.

Finally, the writer would like to express thanks to all of teachers in

everywhere, basically, everywhere around the world who have taught the writer

with precious knowledge and experience so that the writer can achieve this step.

The writer believed that the thesis is still far away from the perfection.

Because of that reason, the writer needs suggestions that make this thesis better

and useful especially for English Language Education Department of UIN Ar-

Raniry and education in Indonesia generally.

Banda Aceh, 20th July 2017

Badral Rifqi

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................ i

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................... iii
CONTENTS.................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURE ......................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... viii

A. Background of Study ...................................................... 1
B. Research Question .......................................................... 3
C. The Aim of Study............................................................ 3
D. The Significance of Study .............................................. 3
E. Terminology.................................................................... 4


A. Definition of Learning Strategy...................................... 6
B. Types of Learning Strategy............................................. 10
C. Definition of Success in Studying................................... 13
D. The Factors of Success in Studying................................ 16


A. Research Method ............................................................ 21
B. Subject of the Research................................................... 21
C. Research Location........................................................... 23
D. Technique of Data Collection......................................... 23
E. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................ 24


A. Research Result .............................................................. 25
B. Discussion ....................................................................... 49


A. Conclusion ...................................................................... 56
B. Suggestion....................................................................... 57

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 58


Table 2.1. Score of examination and Grade point ..................................................... 15
Table 2.2. Grade Point Average standard of UIN Ar-Raniry.................................... 16
Table 3.1. The demographic information of the participants...................................... 22
Table 4.1.1 Students’ time management to study between major A
and major B. ................................................................................. 26
Table 4.1.2 Students’ Priority major when course time conflict ..................... 30
Table 4.1.3 Good GPA standard score in participants’ major in Unsyiah....... 31
Table 4.1.4 Students’ target upon GPA score every semester. ........................ 32
Table 4.1.5 Asking a favor/help from friends or someone else in studying .... 33
Table 4.1.6 Students’ Solution when facing difficulties in studying ............... 34
Table 4.1.7 Writing when listen to lecturer ..................................................... 37
Table 4.1.8 Ability to communicate with friends while doing task ................. 38
Table 4.1.9 Preference of assignment .............................................................. 41
Table 4.1.10 Re-study the subject they have studied ....................................... 42
Table 4.1.11 The ways student motivate themselves in studying two majors . 43
Table 4.2.1 Obstacles/difficulties faced by student in studying at two majors 45


Figure 4.1. One of examples of students’ time table (SL) ............................... 29


Appendix 1. Appoinment Letter of Supervisors

Appendix 2. Recommendation Letter of Conducting Research of Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Ar- Raniry
Appendix 3. Confirmation Letter of Conducted Research from English Language
Education Department
Appendix 4. List questions of interview
Appendix 5. Participants’ academic transcript
Appendix 6. Photos during interview
Appendix 7. Autobiography



A. Background of Study

Today, education in university level has various concentrations where

every student is able to choose their major freely. Several of them take two

different majors in the same period and some others are not. As for instance, a

student takes English major in X University and also he/she takes Medical major

in Y University. This phenomenon can be seen in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Though

they study at two majors, it seems difficult for them to focus and arrange their

learning strategies. Continuing study in two different majors seems not easy,

moreover for students who studying at two majors in the same period (same year).

Therefore, it seems a number of problems may rise. The writer interested in

investigating such phenomena. Here, strategy must be considered by students, in

order to get well through their study.

According to Center for Research University of Kansas article (2009, p. 1)

a learning strategy is “A person’s approach to learning and using information.

Students use learning strategies to help them understand information and solve

problems.” In other words, learning strategy is students’ strategy in learning and

gaining information about subjects and knowledge. For instance, student takes a

note when he/she is listening to the teachers, and learning the notes at night.

Therefore he/she gets and remembers the knowledge from the information.


Furthermore, students usually have some problems with certain subject,

such as math, physic, philosophy theory or other subjects in which the students

feel incapable with it. Thus, by having leaning strategies, student is able to obtain

information or get some assistance to solve their problems and also achieve their

goal. For students who take two majors, being successful on their study is a


In reality, there are several students who tend to consistently study in

every subject while some may not. It can be related to the learning strategy used

by them to succeed in getting good grade. When students have their own learning

strategy, it might help them a lot in studying. Students may face some obstacles

during their study from many factors such as self encouragement, family matters,

and financial. These obstacles cannot be avoided where those things will become

beneficial lessons to the students’ life. Once they can solve it, the next semester

they can minimize the obstacles. In other words, learning strategy is a wide range

concept that may include a lot of possibilities based on certain circumstances.

On the other hand, learning strategy also offer students the creative ways

to reach their goal in studying. Even though, the real condition seems not as easy

as they thought. Therefore, this study is conducted to see and explore about

students’ learning strategies as well as the problems that may occur. This study

also wants to see how the students solve their problem during study. Thus, the

writer wants to conduct a research entitled “Students’ Learning Strategies in

Successfully Studying at Two Majors”.


B. Research Question

The research questions are briefly stated as follows:

1. What are learning strategies used by students who take two majors in their


2. What are obstacles faced by students who take two majors in their study?

C. The Aim of Study

The aims of this study are:

1. To know the learning strategies used by students who take two majors in

their study.

2. To know the obstacles faced by students who take two majors in their


D. The Significance of Study

This study has several significants as follows:

1. For the lecturers; this research can be useful for additional reference

especially in understanding students’ learning strategies from various

backgrounds. In addition, this research hopefully is able to enrich the

teacher sights to the student ability and character of the way they learn.

2. For the students; this study will give reference in learning strategies to

reach good achievements, especially for those who take two different

majors. Furthermore, suggestion for several learning strategies also

revealed and hopefully students are able to implement it and analyze some

problems they may face and find out the way to solve it.

E. Terminology

To avoid misunderstanding of the concepts used in this study, some

definitions are provided as the following:

1. Learning Strategy

According to Oxford (1990, p. 8) “Learning strategies are operations

employed by the learner to aid the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of

information.” Therefore, implementation of appropriate learning strategies is

related to student's self management behavior which in turn should be encouraged

by pedagogical designs.

In this research, the learning strategies used by the students who take two

majors become the concern to the writer. The writer especially focus on the way

their study, such as doing different tasks, time management, self encouragement,

non-academic involvement and other aspects that encourage them to have a good


2. Success Studying at Two Majors

According to Joe Cuseo (2009, p. 1) student success may be best defined

as “A holistic phenomenon that embraces the multiple dimensions of personal

development and the multiple goals of higher education.” Here, the writer

emphasizes students’ success in common side. The writer tries to determine the

success here by analyzing some aspects such as students GPA, their goals on

study, and other factors that relates to this study during research.

Moreover, the ways of student design their goals are also explored in order

to obtain deep information. In this research, the writer focus only on students who

study at two majors such at English department of UIN Ar-Raniry and Medical

major of Syiah Kuala University.



A. Definition of Learning Strategy

Define the term of “Learning Strategy” is not simple and easy. There are a

lot of definitions about learning strategy which have been defined by experts who

concern on this matter. According to Longman Advanced American Dictionary

the word “learning” means knowledge gained through reading and study, and

“strategy” means a well plan actions for achieving an aim…(2007, p. 908, p.

1573). According to Richard, Platt, Platt (1998, p. 261) learning strategies is

“Intentional behavior and thoughts that learners make use of during learning in

order to better help them understand, learn or remember new information. These

may include focusing on certain aspects of new information, analyzing and

organizing information during learning to increase comprehension, evaluating

learning when it is completed to see if further action is needed.”

Several definitions above indicate that learning strategy has wide range

including many aspects which attempt to focus on a goal. In acquiring some

aspects as mentioned, a student needs to learn how to get as many information as

possible from someone, media, or other sources as well as learn how to solve

problem that might come from the student itself or other matters.

Therefore, in order to understand more specific about how the students

learn, it is necessary to understand student development, because it help them to


adjust with the proper strategy. There are three courses in the developmental

program in order to assert the way students learn.

1. Cognitive Models

More recently, behaviorist frameworks have benefited from the inclusion

of cognitive models based on the teachers’ and learners’ abilities to connect new

learning with prior knowledge or understanding, evolving into metacognition

models that emphasize the students’ participation in the creation of meaning and

comprehension. Metacognition refers to the student’s awareness of their own

learning and thinking processes. (Boroch, Hope, Smith, Gabriner, Mery,

Johnstone, & Asera, 2010, p. 52).

According to Svinicki (1999, p. 13) as cited in Boroch et al. (2010, p. 52)

explain that metacognition was the first way of theorizing to promote the idea that

the learner had to be driving the process of learning. This term shows that the

learning process is in the student hand which means they think and they figure out

the problems by themselves.

On the other side, constructivist promote the view that the knowledge is

created in relation to the web of knowledge students already have. The world is

interpreted from a network of previous understanding, and “knowledge is

‘constructed’ by each learner in terms of his or her perceptions of the world and

the learner’s mental models”, (O’Banion, 1997, p. 83) as cited in Boroch, et al.

(2010, p. 52). This statement means that student learning is related to their prior

knowledge which encourages them to have the need of active learning strategy in

order to gain information. By having it, the students have their own perception

and afford to understand the world knowledge.

Meriam, Caffarella, & Baumgartner (2006) as cited in Boroch et al. (2010,

p. 53) explain that in a social cognitive framework integrates both behaviorist and

constructivist theories, supporting the notion that students learn by observing

others, which sometimes termed “observational” or “social” learning. This theory

means a student has a natural learning in their social life where he or she will

independently socialize to the people or environment so that be able to facilitate

them in gaining information, help, skills and everything else that they need.

2. Motivation Theories

For students, motivation is important aspect on their study. Most theories

centered on adult learners incorporate some aspect of motivational control.

According to Svinicki (2004) as cited in Boroch et al. (2010, p. 53) asserts that

“when the learner feels in control of the learning process, it is more likely that he

or she will be motivated to engage or try.” This statement shows when the

students feeling good at their way of learning, the students motivation will raise

and otherwise, it could bring down when the students feel bored or being stuck of

information and knowledge.

Motivation leads students to a better path, in accordance to their own goal.

When they put the certain goal, he or she needs to have several plans or steps in

order to reach and maintain it with full of responsibility. Kleinbeck, Quast, &

Schwarz (1989, p. 54) as cited in Boroch et al. (2010, p. 54) explain that “Student

will perform better if they know what goals they are seeking and if those goals are

personally important to them.”

3. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

A university student especially who study at two majors, need more skills

to develop their ideas in solving various problems during study. There could be

problems from their task at college, time, environment or other which potential

disrupt and stuck them away.

Boylan (2002, p. 25) as cited in Boroch et al. (2010, p. 54) asserts that “A

lack of well-developmental critical thinking skills is often a causative factor in the

failure of developmental students.” Therefore, it is essential for student to

improve their critical thinking skills and solving problem. In order to improve

developmental levels of skill and help students achieve optimal levels of ability,

the students must be consistently challenged and supported. (Boroch, et al, 2010,


Furthermore, King and Van Hecke (2006, p. 16) as cited in in Boroch et al.

(2010, p. 55) explain that “Skill theory suggest that students use cognitive

frameworks to solve problems and that, concomitantly, problems inspire new

learning.” It means students need to explore themselves in gaining help to solve

problem in studying, such as the need of good in critical thinking, having good

relationship to people and providing resource of knowledge.


B. Types of Learning Strategy

There are several types of learning strategy which defined by experts.

Warr & Allan (1998) distinguish between three categories according to the kind of

resources used in the regulation of behavior:

1. Cognitive learning strategies: skills in rehearsing a material to be learned

or in organizing it into main theme. In cognitive learning strategy, student needs

to focus on their goal. There are a lot of subjects that they should learn during

every semester, so that those things make student thinks well in managing their

study. The more subjects they take, the more problems that they faced. According

to deBettencourt (1987) as cited in Agran (1997, p. 176), rather than focusing on

changing behavior, cognitivists suggest that problem solving involves modifying a

student’s thought or mental representation. Students have difficulty problem

solving because they are strategy deficient, or have limited awareness of their own

cognitive processes.

Therefore, in order to maximize the cognitive learning strategy, student

needs to figure out several tactics which enable to help them. Cognitive tactics are

the tools used by a student to solve specific problems or complete a particular

task. They include rehearsal, transformation, organization, and motivation tactics.

(Agran, 1997, p. 202).

Martin (1997) elaborates that the student may use a rehearsal tactic, such

as verbally stating information over and over, to enhance memorization. For

instance, most of people used rehearsal tactic to remember a phone number by

repeating the number over and over until capable to write it down.

Another cognitive tactic, Martin (1997) explains the student can use to

complete tasks is to transform or change the information in a way that will

enhance memory. Transformation tactics include paraphrasing, imagery, and

mnemonic devices.

In addition Martin (1997) also explains the third point about organizational

tactics such as clustering, categorizing, and prioritizing can be used to structure

information in a way that is more meaningful and will enable memorization.

Martin (1997) also enhances motivational tactics in cognitive tactic which

may be incorporated into a learning strategy to promote self-reinforcement and

positive self-talk. For instance a student who says to himself “he will do the best

for an examination, because he has studied hard.” This self-talk will give a

positive approach to his encouragement instead of negative self-talk.

2. Behavioral learning strategies: preferences for seeking help from others,

for trial and error or for written instruction. This type of learning is related to the

ways student take to gain self determination that can be from within themselves or

others. Sometimes student needs to share thought what he/she is thinking. It is

essential to find other sources in order to improve student capacity in learning.

Warr & Allan (1998) assert that behavioural learning strategies consists of

practical activities that probably of particular relevance to the interaction with

materials and equipment that is required in many occupational training sessions.

Interpersonal help-seeking is a strategy to obtain assistance from other people.

This involves proactive behaviour to support understanding by asking for help

(Ryan & Pintrich, 1997). Student who needs support or help from others should

improve their soft skill in order to have suitable source, such as communication

skill, operating computer, or searching any sources on internet or library.

Moreover, seeking help from written material is a non-social correlate of

interpersonal help seeking, because it means to obtain information from written

documents, manuals, computer programs and other non-social sources. Practical

application is strategies to develop knowledge by trying something out in practice,

and it is something more than mental activity or active help-seeking (Warr &

Downing, 2000).

Behavioral learning strategies is important for student in associating with

their capability in doing something or solving problems. By gaining help from

others, will ease them in solving such obstacles they face.

3. Self-regulating strategies: self-regulated learning is a combination

academic study skills and self discipline that makes learning easier, so that the

students get more motivated (Glynn, Aultman, & Owens, 2005, p.112). This is

important to student in enhancing their management skill otherwise they may face

less motivated and may result in failure in academic life.

In term of self-regulating strategies, several aspects should be looked at.

The aspects are controlling emotions, motivation and comprehension. Self-

regulated learning emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and

knowledge control and skill (Zimmerman, 1990). These strategies are important

for students when they enter the university level. According to Boroch et al.

(2010, p. 81) that many students have varieties of difficulties when they enter

university at the first year because “they lack of the emotional or psychological

maturity or the cultural capital to comfortably immerse themselves into both

expectation and norms of this new “world” (university).

Several instances of the strategies may not be overlooked. A number of

strategies have been used by students and also with different preferences, here

preparation before studying and note taking are discussed. The students may

prepare their lesson before the class start by reading some material concerning the


According to Svinicki (2004, p.185) as cited in Boroch et al. (2010, p. 85)

that “prior knowledge impacts what learners pay attention to, how they perceive

and interpret what they are experiencing, and how they store new information

based on what they already know.” Another strategy according to Zimmerman

and Pons (1986) is social assistance and reviewing previously class notes and

notes on text material. This strategy is usually used by several students related to

those who pay full attention to the lecturers’ speech. When they listen for some

important issues and or facts, they take some notes in order the subject to be

reviewed after the class.

As can be seen from self-regulated strategies proposed by several experts

above, those points will assist the students in their study. Moreover, this strategy

enhances students self rule to be obeyed by them in their study. Therefore, self-

regulated learning strategies will be used in the current study.

C. Definition of Success in Studying

A number of studies have been conducted to determine the definition of

success in studying. One of study (Kridiotis, Bezeuidenhout, Raubenheimer,


2016, p. 206) found that matriculation is a predictor factor of success in academic

during the students in first year. They also mentioned that join subject courses

such as Mathematics, Biology, and English course in matriculation is valuable

factor in achieve success within the first year of study.

Moreover, Albuja & Azaiza (2016) studied about the key to success in

doctoral studies. They offer several programs to help the students to succeed in

their study. The focus was to help them in term of academic skill, library support,

and other skill which to help them to balance their life, work, and school. The

result revealed that many students have achieved their goal in their study however

they also found that the students struggled with work, their life and also the


Another study by Sugahara & Boland (2014) explored about how

accounting students defines success among students who studied at Accounting

School in Japan. They found that most of the students mentioned that they mostly

focus on the knowledge, skill, and network. Only a few focus on to get high score

and finding a job. Therefore the definition of success comes from the most

students who focus on knowledge, skill, and network. One of them stated that his

definition of successful learning is to be able to acquire the knowledge and

recognized by their friends who expert in that knowledge. Other one mentioned

that focusing on the knowledge to be able to become a professional one.

In this study define success in studying is not simple, therefore the writer

uses one might influence factor of students success, that is written documentation

of UIN Ar-Raniry’s academic guidance book to see the standard achievement in


which student have during their study. Surely, this guidance focus on student

score only. Therefore to see students’ success in studying, there are several factors

that should be considered about.

In order to determine students’ achievement in an examination, there is

standard range of UIN Ar-Raniry between 0-100. Based on that, students’ score

will be divided into five categories, they are:

Table 2.1. Score of examination and Grade point.

Score Award Quality score
(% Achievement)
86 – 100 A Excellent 4
72 – 85 B Very good 3
60 – 71 C Good 2
50 – 59 D Fair 1
0 – 49 E Failed 0
(Source: Adapted from Panduan Akademik UIN Ar-Raniry tahun akademik

Based on the table, it indicates that student will achieve good score in a

course when he/she reaches A, B, C score which mean student do not need to

have remedial class. On the other hand, those who get D and E have to have

remedial class in the following semester to pass the course. Besides that, students

success is also determined with the grade point average (GPA) they have in the

latest semester or when they have graduated and it is proven by academic


Table 2.2. Grade Point Average standard of UIN Ar-Raniry.

GPA Award
3.50 – 4.00 Excellent
3.00 – 3.49 Very good
2.50 – 2.99 Good
2.00 – 2.49 Fair
(Source: Adapted from Tarbiyah Faculty academic transcript 2014)

From the table above, it is shown that student success on their study

determined by several scores such as the excellent score followed by very good

score and good score. In spite of there is the lowest score, it seems necessary for

those who have not reach 2.00 GPA are recommended to improve the score until

achieve at least 2.00 GPA.

Though it is difficult to define success in studying, however for convenient

purpose the definition of success in the current study will not only focus on GPA,

but also other factors such as the students’ effort in time management, balancing

between study and social life, their self motivation, and their goals.

D. The Factors of Success in Studying

According to Sugahara & Boland (2014, p. 68) several factors of

successful learning have been revealed. The factors can be seen as follow:

reviewing/preparing for classes, consistent effort, self motivation, suitable

environment free of distractions, set a goal, acquisition of professional

knowledge, time management, sufficient amount of study, self managing,

interaction with friends and tutors, networking, friends who have same goal, be a

positive learner.

1. Reviewing/preparing for classes. There are two activities that students do

to study the subject. First is reviewing for classes. This activity usually takes time

to read the books, materials or notes after the classroom or the day before. Second

is preparing for the classes. Before the students enter the classroom, they can

prepare the handouts, books, and or do the homework.

2. Consistent effort. This point explains that student needs to have steadily

determination. This factor is needed by the student because student learns every

day. In addition, students have many assignments during their study, therefore

they need to put their effort to do their tasks consistently.

3. Self motivation. Every student has different self motivation. Some of

them may have very high self motivation, others may have low self motivation.

This can be affected by several factors such as environment or family. Self

motivation is very important for students because they can stand on pressure from

school, for example overwhelming homework from teachers. If one has no self

motivation, the student will not put their effort to get through the difficulties.

4. Suitable environment free of distractions. Leaning environment become

one of the most concern in studying. When students are studying in certain places

or calm environment far from any distractions or noise, it will ease student in

studying, such as at home, library, garden and many else.

5. Set a goal. By setting a goal, student will focus on their study, manage

their time and know what to study and where to study. Student will not spend their

time to something waste, because they have target to achieve what they have set.

For example student who has a goal to get good score in his/her examination.

6. Acquisition of professional knowledge. When students enter to a major,

he or she definitely learn one or two subjects professionally. Therefore the student

will obtain the professional knowledge in their class where the advantages help

them when they have got a job in future.

7. Time management. Statement indicating student has their time

management. A lot of activities such as study, part time job, organizations,

teaching and many else require student arrange them well, so that there is no

single activities ignored.

8. Sufficient amount of study. Having enough time in studying is very

necessary to student. Commonly, they are not only study at college but also at

home. Besides they have their scheduled time in the morning for example, they

also need to study at least one until two hours at night every day, or four until five

days in a week to review and learn what information that they do not understand

or miss.

9. Self managing. To manage habit in daily academic activities is not

simple. Students who have targets on their study will make self rule to be obeyed.

For instance, in a day before going to college, the student has made daily activity

lists, so that they have to run it as smooth as they can to maximize the day.

10. Interaction with friends and tutors. Asking for assistance is one of the

factors that help student a lot. By having initiated effort to interact with friends

and tutors, student will have more references to solve problems in studying. His or

her friends can be from related major or others, and so does the teacher. This is

also one of the ways to open student’s networking.

11. Networking. It is important for student to have networking. Networking

helps student to get better future such as ease them in obtaining job information

after study, scholarship, or build their skill based on his/her passion inside and

outside academic life.

12. Friends who have same goal. The goal which has been set by a student is

very exciting when other friends have the same as well. Studying together to reach

success will help them in solving the problem at their study. Moreover, the

student can be more motivated to study when every student always supports one

to another.

13. Be a positive learner. The key to reach success in learning is being

confident in students themselves with their own capability. Pessimistic can lead

student to be negative learner which means that the student does not have enough

confident and less motivation. Otherwise, a positive learner has more

determination to be success because he has set goals in their study life.


Those factors have represented successful learning of a student. When

they do several factors above, hopefully the student will get more knowledge

about experience in their study, solving problems, and being persistent during

study to reach their goal. The factors can lead them to be success in studying

because all those points very important in students’ academic purpose.



A. Research Method

In this research, the writer used qualitative method. Qualitative method is

used to conduct object condition naturally where the writer acts as a key

instrument, and taking the sample of the data by purposive and snowball, and

collecting by triangulation, data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the result of

this method emphasizes on the meaning than generalization. (Sugiyono, 2009, p.


B. Subject of the Research

Participant of this research is 10 English department students who study at

two majors. The writer chooses six active enrolled students of English Language

Education department who study at two majors and four alumnae who studied in

two majors as well. Purposive sampling is used to gain the data. Purposive

sampling is a technique to determine sample with certain consideration.

(Sugiyono, 2009, p. 124). For convenience purpose, the participants are selected

due to several considerations. First, the writer is an active student in the English

Language Education department of UIN Ar-Raniry which is convenience to gain

access for the participants either enrolled active student or alumnae. Second, it is

easy to arrange time to have a meeting with all participants for interview. Third,

because they study in two majors.


Table 3.1. The demographic information of the participants.

Major, GPA, and Year of Entering Students’ Status

Participants Gender
Unsyiah UIN Ar-Raniry Unsyiah UIN Ar-Raniry
PC F FISIP / 3.92 / 2011 TEN / 3.77 / 2011 Graduated (2017) 12th semester
RV F FH / 3.65 / 2011 TEN / 3.48 / 2010 12 semester 14th semester
SL F FARMASI/ 3.26 / 2011 TEN / 3.52 / 2010 Graduated (2015) Graduated (2016)
MW F PS / 3.49/ 2012 TEN / 3.42 / 2011 Graduated (2017) 12th semester
JZ F PS / 3.61/2009 TEN / 3.81 / 2008 Graduated (2015) Graduated (2015)
AY F MIPA MTK /3.00/2008 TEN / 3.66 /2008 Graduated (2015) Graduated (2012)
MU M T.E / 3.17 /2009 TEN / 3.32 /2010 Graduated (2015) Graduated (2016)
TH M FH / 3.63 / 2011 TEN / 3.36 / 2011 12 semester 12th semester
WY M AKUNTANSI / 3.90 / 2012 TEN / 3.31 / 2012 Graduated (2016) 10th semester
SF M T.E/ 3.45 / 2010 TEN / 3.37 / 2010 Graduated (2017) 14th semester


FISIP : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Pemerintahan

FH: Fakultas Hukum
PS : Psikologi
MIPA MTK: MIPA Matematika
T.E : Teknik Elektro

C. Research Location

English Department is a place where the writer conducts this research.

This department is one of education majors in UIN Ar-Raniry where students

study about how to be a professional English teacher.

D. Technique of Data Collection

To collect the data, the writer used two techniques, they are: interview and

document analysis.

1. Interview

According to Esterberg (2002) as cited in Sugiyono (2009, p. 317),

interview is “a meeting of two persons to exchange information and idea through

question and responses, resulting in communication and joint construct of

meaning about a particular topic.” In this interview, questions and answers will be

verbal or a conversation aimed in obtaining data or information.

In this research the writer used semi structured interview which is also

called as in-depth interview, where it is more free than structured interviewed.

(Sugiyono, 2009, p. 320). The aim of this interview is to find the problem wider,

where the interviewee will be asked for their opinion and ideas. In doing this

interview, the writer needs to listen carefully and write what the participant says.

2. Document Analysis

Study the documentation referred to events that happen in the past. The

document can be written, picture, or monumental work from someone. In this

research, this study performed through a review and analysis and interpretation of

the document, for examples non human data sources, such as personal notes,

reports statutes and regulations, government documents, correspondence, agendas,

minutes or other records relating to or evidence of the implementation of a

process/activity ever occurred. (Sugiyono 2009, p. 329). The document analyzed

in this research are transcript of student GPA, students plan strategy and also

students’ note. Here, the writer will analyze it and making the conclusion of the


E. Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of searching and compiling a systematic data

that have been obtained from interviews, and documentation, by organizing data

into categories, describe into the units, synthesize, organize into a pattern, choose

which is important and which will be studied, and make conclusions, so that it can

be easily understood by oneself or others. (Sugiyono, 2009, p. 335).

In regarding to the analysis of these data, Maghfirah (2011, p. 47) cites the

opinion of Nasution in his book Research Methods Naturalistic Qualitative states

that "There is no certain way that can be used as a guideline for all research, one

of the ways that can be recommended is to follow the steps of data reduction, data

display, and conclusions in the verification." Thus, the writer followed these steps

in order to get deep information.

The writer follows the steps above in order to obtain the good result of

data collection. The data from interview and document are analyzed by using

descriptive and thematic analysis.



A. Research Result

As mentioned in the previous chapter, qualitative method is used to analyze

the data. The technique to collect the data is by using interview and document.

The interview was conducted from April 11th to May 12th 2017 face-to-face

interaction and one-to-one person in a quite classroom or place according to the

interviewee. This chapter aims to present the result of qualitative analysis in

attempting to answer the following research questions.

1. What are learning strategies used by students who take two majors in their


2. What are obstacles faced by students who take two majors in their study?

Previous chapter has provided the demographic information of the

participants. The full names of the participants have been modified to protect

participants’ privacy. The major, final or recent GPA and the year of entering the

university are presented to have a clear picture of participants’ background of

study. The status provides information regarding students status in the university

whether an alumnae or active/inactive students.

It is necessary to mention that before the status of UIN Ar-Raniry

achieved, the English Language Education Department is well known as Tadris

English (TEN). However, after the status changed from IAIN (Institute) to UIN

(University), then English Language Education Department become Pendidikan


Bahasa Inggris (PBI). For convenience purpose, the term TEN will be used in this

study, moreover the participants accustomed to the term rather than the new one.

By listing basic information demography about the participants before, it

can be seen that most of the students entered the same university in the same year,

only a few are not. Additionally it is a matter of fact that 8 of the students are now

graduated from one university which is in Universitas Syiah Kuala. As a result

their study in UIN Ar-Raniry remains on progress. Below the analysis of each

question is discussed.

4.1 Students Learning Strategies

The questions of the interview can be seen on appendix 4. Below the

analysis of each question is discussed.

Table 4.1.1 Students’ time management to study between major A and

major B.

No Respond Number of Participant

1. Tend to study a day before 5 PC, SF, RV, MU, JZ
exam, presentation, or hand in
the assignment.
2. Seeking other sources 3 MU, PC, WY
regarding the task or reading
3. Focus in the class 4 AY, PC, MU, TH
4. Making time table to make 3 SF, JZ, MW
some tasks, or facing final
5. Divided time hour to study. 1 JZ

The most common response toward this learning strategies used is the

students tend study a day before the exam, presentation, or hand in the

assignment. Five out of 10 participants think that they have not much time to

study. However, when it is an interesting course for them, they will study and

sometimes seek additional resources regarding the subject. The examples of the

response are as follow:

PC: “And when exams come – I usually make a note in power point, the
point, the point. If there are some points I will remember the explanation
in the classroom, because I don’t have so much time to do this or that.”

SF: “After that, for the study schedule, it seems I only study about what is
important only. For example study for assignment, or there is something I
must study or I have a presentation the nextday something like that. If a
special time only for study, I don’t have such time schedule, so busy.”

JZ: “Since long time ago I study especially for exams unless there is a
subject I do like. Before I enter the classroom, I will study that subject
In addition, some students designed a timetable to arrange the class

schedule and divided time hour to study. Most of the students attempted to fulfill

the schedule of Unsyiah first rather than in UIN. This is because Unsyiah always

starts their academic year slightly earlier than UIN. As a result arranging the

schedule in Unsyiah become more prioritize than in UIN.

JZ: “UIN and Pshycology have different time schedule for KRS. Well,
usually, Unsyiah starts earlier ...In pshycology I have to take all courses, I
should take it because the class (unit) is only one class, have no option, so
it has been set. AfterI finish set up the courses in psycology, usually after a
month or 15 days, UIN starts to arrange the courses schedule. When I
fulfill the schedule in UIN, I tried to fit the schedule with Unsyiah, I
usually make a time table.”

JZ: “…when there were some examinations in the same time in a day,
usually I divided the time of study, for example at night I study first 3
hours for tomorrow morning examination, then continue next 3 hours to
the second examination that held in the afternoon.”

SF: “The frist semester I actually prioritize in UIN, in TEN, after that,
after one semester in TEN, the schedule in Unsyiah a little bit faster a
month than TEN like that.”

Futhermore, there are several participants who put their focus on study in

the class. This is in order to make them easier in studying at home, when there are

some lessons that they do not understand, at least they have remember what the

lecturer explained in the class, because they put focus on it.

AY: “… I typically a person who focus in the class, because I do not

study again outside the class, and when I could not focus I tried to ask to
my friends to study together.”

MU: “I often focus in the class, sometimes when I was at home I review it
a bit and at night I search additional material especially the topic that I
was interested in it.”

During time management to study, there are also several participants who

search other materials regarding the subject they have learnt in the class. They did

this way in order to help them in getting more information about what they could

not understand, because sometimes they came late to the class or exhausted and

missed some information.

PC: “… If I was tired or sleepy, yaa just listened but I usually looked for
my friends note and also searched some articles related to the topic about
it, and also read books if I could not concentrate well.”

WY: “…for example there was a presentation section in the class, it was
coincidence that there was more discussion method in UIN, and the group
gave the material to the member of the class when they turned come, and
before they presented we have already know the topic because the lecturer
had divided it and for me, was the advantage of using internet.
During spare time, I tried to search some materials related to the
presentation topic.”

Figure 4.1. One of examples of students’ time table (SL)

Jam Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jum'at Sabtu Minggu
08.15-09.55 grammar 3 kewirausahaan
1 Mikrobiologi Biofarmasetika Farmakologi
08.00-09.30 textbook (3) listening 4
10.00-11.40 Teknologi
eap 2 (2) Pharmacy
2 Toksikologi Teknologi elr 1 (3) Sediaan
09.30-11.00 Mikrobiologi Pharmacy listening 4
(prak) Sediaan Solid
12.00-12.50 Mikrobiologi
(prak) textbook (3)
3 speaking 4
11.00-13.00 filsafat pend
elr 1 (2)
14.00-16.00 academic academic masuk 13.30 Micro
4 writing recomph 3 writing wib
14.00-16.00 (3) teaching
16.00-18.00 Farmakologi
5 statistik pend
16.00-18.00 (prak)

Certain majors in Unsyiah have only one class (unit) for their year of

academic. Therefore, certain students for example Pharmacy and Psychology have

no option to change the schedule to other (class) time schedule.

Moreover, the class has been set the courses each semester, none of the

courses they should avoid otherwise they will have difficulties in continuing their

study in the future.

SL: “in Pharmacy I can not change the class at all because it has only one

MW:“Study in Pschology is package, I mean from semester one until final

semester all the courses have been set, we cannot choose or drop.”

Table 4.1.2 Students’ Priority major when course time conflict

No Respond Number of Paticipant

1. Prioritize study in Unsyiah 9 RV, PC, MW, SF, SL,
2. Prioritize study in UIN 1 AY

Nine out of 10 students prioritize their study in Unsyiah. If there is course

time conflict, they will drop the course in UIN. However, some of them think they

need to negotiate the time schedule with the officer in the department and or to

their course lecturer. In this matter, they negotiate to enter the classroom late

around 30 minutes. In addition they negotiate to other teacher to enter their class

whether they can change schedule in order to study with them. If it fails, then they

will drop the course in UIN. Moreover one of the students thinks he will prioritize

compulsory course rather than election one.

MU : “It depends on priority, for example if there is a compulsory course

and elective one at the same time, automatically, either in Electro or TEN
I will choose compulsory one... I basiccally prefer Electro if there is a
course time conflict. Because I start the study in Electro one year erlier, so
many important courses in Electro at that time than in TEN.”

PC: “I tend to do negotiation actually, in the past- somehow easier,

because the system was not online in UIN, meanwhile it is online in
Unsyiah, either like or not we do not tend to put away UIN but because the
situation demand us like that”.

WY: “here it is, it seems that I put away UIN. Actually not like that, only
want or not we should admit that our schedule in UIN a bit late than
Unsyiah. So the gap time between Unsyiah and UIN is like five meetings ...
I cannot move the schedule in Unsyiah because I did not know the
schedule in UIN. Well, when I arrange the schedule (KRS) in UIN. So the
victim is the classes in UIN I should move to other time schedule”.

From the above data, it can be concluded that most of the students will

choose the course in Unsyiah rather than in UIN. There are two possible reasons

revealed from the data. Firstly, it is a matter of fact that the tuition fee in Unsyiah

slightly expensive than in UIN as one participant (MW) mentioned that “one of

the reasons I try to finish my study in Psychology early because the tuition fee is

more expensive...”. The second one is several majors in Unsyiah have been set up

the courses each semester or in other word package courses. The students in such

classes are MW, JZ, SL, RV, and TH.

MW: “Studying in psychology is package, it means from the first semester

until the last is package, so they are all compulsory, must choose all of the
subjects, if there is one subject that is not choosen, then I must take
remedial class in semester 9, that is why I have to prioritize in

SL: “….at that time I could not set well, because Pharmacy’s schedule can
not be changed, there is only one class.”
From the data there are three majors with this case; those are Pharmacy,

International Class in FH, and Psychology. In addition to that, the class is the only

one in those three majors for his/her year.

Table 4.1.3 Good GPA standard score in participants’ major in


No. Major Good GPA

1 FISIP 3.9
2 T.E 2.75
3 F.H 3.5
6 MIPA MTK 3.00

The answer for the first question (appendix 4 number 4) is solely based on

the participants’ opinion. According to them, good GPA in TEN (UIN) is mostly

around 3.5 above; meanwhile good GPA in Unsyiah may vary. This variation is

caused by different department/major and it can be seen as in table below.

From the second question revealed that 6 out of 10 of the participants set a

target of the GPA score. Either in UIN or Unsyiah, they also have different target.

Table 4.1.4 Students’ target upon GPA score every semester.

Number of
No Respond Participant
1. Yes, I set a target 6
Focus on either not to get C
2. for each course or not to get a 4 TH, JZ, MW, MU

PC: “I mean, I am a kind of person that always try my best – I mean,

target, I should get 4 for GPA”
AY: “My target, whatever I can do like crazy the GPA in MIPA must not
below 3.00 ... in TEN my target is cumlaude.”

SL: “I set a target in TEN, 3.5 above. In Pharmacy, at least I pass the
course is enough.”

On the other hand, 4 out of 10 participants did not set a score of GPA in

both universities. Their focus is either not to get C for each course or not to get a

remedial. In addition one of them mentioned that focus on each course.

TH: “Never, but what I want is all courses I get B ... so the orientation is I
do not need to take remedial course.”

JZ: “I never have target to get good GPA score, but I only target not to get
C each course.”

MW: “I have no target to get high GPA score, but I focus more to get
good score each course.”

Table 4.1.5 Asking a favor/help from friends or someone else in


Number of
No Respond Participant
Asking for assistance from PC, RV, MW, SL, SF,
1. 9
friends, senior and junior TH, WY, AY, MU
Asking for assistance from
2. 3 PC, JZ, SL
lecturer or staff
Independent and managing
3. 1 JZ
everything by herself/himself

Asking a favor from friends about academic life is one common act in the

university. From the data, the participants admit that most of them ask some help

or assist from their friends. The forms of help could be borrowing note, report, or

asking information regarding homework/asignment. Below is the transcript of


MU: “For example, sometimes we should – cannot join a class because

the course time conflict with another class. ..., we should ask what the
material/subject have been discussed, is there home work or not, in my
opinion it is kind of a favor (from friend).”
SL: “I usually ask for help especially when I write a jurnal, jurnal about
basic biology, I borrow from Biology students, just follow the format. So, it
is not spend time too much. Because in a week we have 3 or 4 labs... the
things I borrow from Biology students, Chemistry students, but never from
Pharmacy student because the major is still new.”
SL: “How do you ask help from your group?” Usually share the
materi/topic, share the task. For example a report, in one group has
several members, for example today the members write the basic theory,
tomorrow he/she writes the discussion section, something like that.”

In addition asking for help from friends, some of them may ask advice(s)

or solution(s) about a problem in their academic life from friends who take 2

majors as well. By sharing them, they feel relieved.


MU: “and I also ask many questions ragarding experiences how people
who have taken 2 majors, how did they study, how they manage the time
schedule, arrange the classes schedule, and many things I ask for help
especially in the beginning year, because we still do not understand how to
handle it.”

One of them is very rare asking for help from friends, but in fact the other

way around. This case is very rare and she probably wanted to be independent and

manage everything by herself.

YZ:“Registration for courses each semester I usually manage it by myself,

and in fact my friends asked me to help them because they are in their
hometown. I stay in Banda Aceh, so always standby. For paying tuition
fee, or in studying it can be said that I rarely asking help from friends,
because I myself manage everything, and moreover I study in two majors,
sometimes I am very busy and difficult to fit the courses with friends, so it
is better for me to manage it by myself.”

Table 4.1.6 Students’ solution when facing difficulties in studying

Number of
No Respond Participant
Changing the class/unit if they
had the same class schedule in
1. 10 MW, WY, TH, RV,
both majors and negotiate to
the lecturer.
Seek help from friends, junior
or senior in their majors PC, SL, SF, MU, JZ,
2. regarding the homework and 10 MW, WY, TH, RV,
sharing information about AY
academic life
Asking permission from the
lecturer to come late or
usually contact friends to tell
3. 4 RV, PC, SL, JZ
them that s/he might come late
because still have class in UIN
or Unsyiah
4. Go sightseeing if getting stress 1 MU
Taking remedial course in
5. 1 TH
Unsyiah if fail the course

It cannot be overlooked that in studying, students must have difficulties.

However, the difficulties or problems they face may vary in different person as

well. Moreover for students who study at two majors must have more difficulties

during study. Therefore, they have to figure out well in order to solving their


a. Solution for course time conflict.

The way of solving difficulties they usually offered step by step. Most

likely they attempted to be able to run their study in the same semester. The first

solution they offer is changing the class/unit if they had the same class schedule in

both major. When it is failed, some participants attempted to negotiate with the

lecturer and other class’ lecturers. They will continue to study if the green light

was given by the lecturer.

PC: “We will try to talk with other lecturer which is not time conflict with
our schedule, for example can I move to this class. If both of the lecturer
did not want to accept us, so that’s it, that is the consequency. That is the
fact that we study in two majors.”

However, when they failed on negotiation they will drop the course(s). In

this way is more often happened.

MW: “For the solution when I have a time conflict class, the first thing I
try is to move the class/unit, if it impossible then I drop the class.”

b. Seeking help regarding the homework.

Two out of 10 participants mentioned that they seek help from friends or

senior in their majors regarding the homework. This might be good learning

strategy that may be applied for students who studied in two majors. By doing so,

they can save time in understanding a difficult subject by receving explanation

from senior.

MW: “for the homeworks, sometimes I ask help from senior students
either in TEN or Psychology.”

c. Distance

Distance made the participants came late to the class(es) in both

Universities. However, they remain giving the best by asking permission from the

lecturer to come late or they usually contact their friend to tell them that he/she

might come late because still have class in UIN or Unsyiah.

This condition applied before 2014, in 2014 UIN moved to Darussalam

which is the distance between UIN and Unsyiah approximately five to 10 minutes

by motorcycle. After UIN back to Darussalam, all participants have no significant

difficulties to attend the class because the different time or distance has been able

to handle by participants.

d. Overcome stress

One of the participant stated that he sometimes feels very stressful because

of the study. To overcome stress, he mentioned that he often go sightseeing if

necessary. By doing so this part of relaxing could maintance the good mood to

keep studying.

MU: “I tried not too stress, not too think about it too much. If it is
necessary I will have a refreshing...”

Table 4.1.7 Writing when listen to lecturer

Number of
No Respond Participant
Yes, take a note when listen to PC, SL, SF, JZ, MW,
1. 9
the lecturer WY, TH, RV, AY
No, take a note by asking
2. 1 MU
friend’s re-explaining.

Nine out of 10 participants nearly frequently take a note during the lecture.

In addition to take a note one of the participant mentioned that if she could not

take a note in the class, she will take the picture (photo) of what the lecturer wrote

down on the white board.

PC: “I am actually like to take a note, if I did not take a note I will take a
picture...If I feel so tired, I just listen and then after the class I will ask my
friends what the lecturer said. Then I will read the material from the
Internet, books, or articles.”

Another participant mentioned that besides taking a note she also record

the lecturer occasionally. However, in fact she belives that she never listen to the

recording again. This strategy seems very important because the students

sometimes giving full attention when the lecturer(s) give the lecture nicely then

they forget to take a note when the lecturer is speaking.

SL: “Of course we take a note and sometimes all of us record the lecturer,
although we did not listen to it again after all, I use mobile phone to
record, like Biology class, so the lecturer likes to give speech, many
advices from her too, but sometimes we enjoy to listen to her and forget to
take a note. So we put our mobile phone on her desk.”

JZ and WY sometimes take a note on the handouts that were given to

them either by lecturer or other groups who had the presentation. When the

lecturer or the group attempts to explain the point, they will take a note on the

handouts. By doing so, the important information is kept in the handouts; they can

easily to review it in the future.

JZ: “Yes I take a note, but some lecturers gave us handouts or books in
advance, then I can take a note on the handouts or the books.”
WY: “I take some important points which are explained by lecturer, in
group discussion usually they gave us handout, Well.. I take a note on it.”

Interestingly, one out of 10 participants admited that he is lazy taking a

note. However, he usually borrows note(s) of his friends and asked them to

explain it again to him. By doing so he could take a note by the explanation from

his friends. In this way, he stated that easier to understand the subject/point rather

than lecturer’s explanation.

MU: “I am lazy to take a note in the classroom, so after the class I usually
ask explanations from my friends, because the explanation from friends
are different, some students are easily to understant the explanation from
the lecturer, but some people are not. So I personally easily to understand
the explanation from friends.”

Table 4.1.8 Ability to communicate with friends while doing task.

Number of
No Respond Participant
1. Easy for communication 10 WY, TH, RV, AY,
2. Having a little difficulties 3 MW, MU, PC

During study at two majors, it is necessary for students to adjust their

environment with other friends. Moreover, when they have group assignment,

communication skill is very important for them in order to fulfill his/her roles in

group. Surely, there are some students who are able to communicate well and

some are not due to certain condition.

a. Easy for communication.

All of the participants stated that they were able to communicate to do

group assignment. Smartphone is one of the devices that help them easily to

communicate with each other. From the data revealed that they often do share

assignments within their group after the classroom. By doing so, they can do or

learn each point/topic individually at home. Within a week or two weeks, they

usually arrange the time to sit together and collect all the assignments from group

members and compile it into one file. After the assignment ready to hand it in to

the lecturer, they send it by either sending through e-mail or printed version.

JZ: “ Insya Allah I can, no problem. In UIN I mostly take classes with
junior student, so I said to them if they want to do group assignment just
call me. I basically more active to ask to them. In psychology after
assigned the group, after that we usually share the points/topics among the
group members. When it is done, we sent to someone’s e-mail and the
presentation part, we study by ourselves.”

WY: “I can, it is easy now, because we have media for communication

such as sosial media”

RV: “In TEN is easy to communicate because my classmate never change

unit, so I always with them. But in FH, when I take regular class, it is
difficult because for example I did not meet her last semester. In
International Class I always with my classmate and it never change. But in
regular class, every semester changes.”

b. Difficulties

However, some difficulties may occur during the communication. Some

participants mentioned about their difficulties, those difficulties are as follows:


1). The effect of sitting together while doing assignments.

One of the participants believes that after sharing their task in the group, it

is sometimes no use to sit togetehr because when they sit in a group for example

in cafe they will talk too much unrelated to the assignment rather than doing the


PC:“... so we can do our part at our own home. In fact if we sit together,
we cannot finish the assignment, too many chit chat.”

2). Not doing their part of the assignment.

Several participants stated that there is one or two who not doing their part

in the group assignment. It seems a clasic problem in a group homework.

One or two in a group may put their full effort to do the assignment but the

rest usually waiting until it finish and mostly have no contribution. This perhaps

because of lazy or they do not understand what to do and lazy to ask as well. As a

result other group members become a victim.

MW: “It depends on the students within the group. There is once in
psychology, someone asked first who will do this assignment, but the one
who asked, did not want to do the assignment, just asking”

3). Difficult to communicate with senior student.

In a certain case, communicate with senior students might be difficult.

MU for instance faces such difficulty in his major. In his major, it is quite intense

about seniority and juniority. As a result junior students tend to be a little bit

afraid to senior students. In addition, the senior students mostly are busy with task

in laboratorium. This pehomenon make junior student difficult to communicate

with senior students.


MU:“It depends, we share the task actually... in Electro, the seniority is

too much intense, so it is a little bit difficult to communicate with senior,
when we want to manage the group it is impossible although we are the
leader... and in Electro we have lab, practice courses, so the senior
students must be very busy because they are busy in the lab, so it is
difficult for us to meet with them ...”

Table 4.1.9 Preference of assignment

Number of
No Respond Participant
1. Individual assignment 9
2. Group assignment 1 MU

From the data revealed that there are 9 out of 10 participants prefer doing

the assignment individually. There are two common reasons why they prefer to

work alone. Firstly is because of the difficulty to set the time to work together.

This might occur due to tight schedule of all the participants compare to students

who study in one major. Therefore, it is better for them to work by themselves and

as a result they can manage the time and more flexible.

In addition to the reason, working in a group has no guarantee that all

members want to do their part. From their experience, they mentioned that some

of the members just appear during the presentation and have no contribution for

the assignment. Only one or two students who did the assignment and the rest just

put their name on the group list. The consequence is if their assignment good then

they will get good score, but if their assignment not good, then they will get bad

score which is affect the students’ score who put their full effort into it.

PC: “Individual, somehow... because in a group, only one or two who did
the assigment, the rest did not care about it. However in fact the score was
given for the group, if it is good score then we get good score, if it is bad
score then we get bad score.”
RV: “Alone, If I did it on my own, I will blame other people if I did wrong,
and moreover I did it seriuosly alone.”
SL: “If I did my assignment alone, it is more flexible for myself, actually I
prefer doing it alone, I can finish it on my own, I manage it on my own,
and based on my desire, and the result also for my own”.
MW: “Individual assignment. Because I myself who responsible for the
assignment, but for group the responsible for everyone in that group. If we
do the best for individual assignment, the score is also good. In the group,
if there is someone who doesnot want to do his/her part of the assignment
then, we all will responsible for that.”

On the other hand, only 1 out of 10 participants who prefers group’s

assignment is better than individual. It is quite interesting finding because

comparing to other 9 responses above, MU seems to have a sort of leadership

personality or with a very strong teamwork skill. He enjoys managing the time to

do group assignment together and also like to learn about people’s personality.

Therefore he prefers to do assignment in group.

MU: “Group assignment, because I am typically a person who doing

assignment in a group although it is individual assignment...but I prefer to
do assignment in a group. The benefits of doing assignments in group are
teamwork, assignment management, task sharing, understanding people’s

Table 4.1.10 Re-study the subject they have studied.

Number of
No Respond Participant
1. Rarely, unless for midterm, PC, SL, SF, JZ, MW,
final, presentation, or doing 10 WY, TH, RV, AY,
assignment MU

All participants mentioned that they rarely study unless for midterm, final,

presentation, or doing assignments. They usually learned from their note,

handouts, or powerpoints that given by the lecturer.

PC: “No, Next week I will re-study again or when there is an exam I will
study again.”
SL: “Rare, rare, not much time to sudy. No have a have a chance to study
because I study from morning until afternoon, in the evening I write my
journal and report. I study a day before, a day before exam. I only study
my note for exams.”
JZ: “Sometime I take a note, some lecturers gave us handouts or books, so
I take a note on the handouts or books. I review them when the exams
come, or something like quiz...but If there is an interesting course for me,
and moreover the lecturer also good, so I studied at night, because I like
the subject.
MU: “For reviewing the course/subject, it depends, there is a course that
required us to review once in a week, and if tomorrow I have class, I
should review a bit at night. But there are some (courses) I never review,
so I wait for the final week.”

MW: “It depends on for example, before the class sometimes lecturers
gave us material/handout, so we should prepare. If there is nothing to
prepare I did not study...sometimes I make a reminder on my cellphone...
for the assignment, I will write it down in my book, what kind of homework
is that.”

Table 4.1.11 The ways student motivate themselves in studying two


No Respond Number of Participant

1. Motivation from her/him self 4 PC, SL, JZ, RV
Motivation from other people, SF, MU, AY, WY,
either parents, friends, TH
2. 5
academic staff, and or
Future career or because of MU, AY, MW
3. 3
tuition fee.

Motivation is very important for the students who study at two majors.

From the data showed that motivation can be classified into three types, that is

motivation from he/him self and the second one is motivation from other people,

either parents, friends, academic staff, and or lecturers, and the last one is from

other factors such as future career or because of tuition fee.

The common source of motivation is from parents. The data showed that

some parents might ask the participants about their study but never demand or

force them. It is also can be noted that some parents giving support by letting the

participants to take no task or house work such as do dishes.

SL: “The support from my parents is in the form of saying, like “finish it”
something like that. In action, if I have class from morning until afternoon,
so there is a tolerance that I do not need to help my mother to do cleaning
job in my house, because at night I am very exhausted, very tired doing my
homework, then I just go to bed.

JZ: ”I like studying in two majors, but when it comes to do assignement or

skripsi (research) I got the motivation from my parents, from friends as

In order to gain self motivation during their study, some students set their

mind with a motivation phrases or sentence.

PC: “I have to finish what I have started. And I realize that study in two
majors is very tired but I got so many things, so special like nothing like
nobody else ... but for motivation “I have to finish what I have started.
There are some motivation from friends and parents as well.”

It seems that to study in two major is something remarkably awesome in

their opinion. Some students get motivation because they look at other people or

UIN lecturer who studied in two majors. The participants learned some

information/knowledge regarding studying in two majors from other people

before deciding to choose two majors. As they entered the university they realize

some of their lecturers also studied in two majors consequently become a

motivation for them.

SF: “I got the motivation because I look at some people who studied in
two majors, including our lecturers in UIN.”

RV: “The motivation is “Let’s pursue both of the degree. It is amazing to

have both degrees. When I graduate, I can choose whether to become a
teacher or in medic.”

Beside the motivation from themselves and other people, there are several

other factors that may influence their motivation to keep studying in two majors

until finish. First because of tution fee which is they need to pay every semester

and according to the participants the tution fee is expensive. Secondly, it is

because of the requirment of the course.

There is a rule that where the student cannot take exams if they did not

appear in the class 3 times. Therefore both of the factors above can influence the

motivation of the students.

MU: “Self motivation ... first is automatically remember my father and

mother, that is the biggest motivation ever, and then remember about the
tuition fee is not free, we should pay to go to university.”
MW: “The tuition fee is expensive, responsiblity, I don’t want to re-take
the same course (remedial), in Pshycology, 3 times absents, we cannot
take the exam. The principal from the past, if I start, I should finish it. My
brother also says finish the study, and some motivation from friends as

However, motivation alone is not helping much. One participant said that

he got the motivation at the beginning of study and faded by time passes.

TH: “at the beginning, the motivation is like overwhelming but after
semester to semester passing by I felt no motivation, no spirit to keep
continue the study.”

It is necessary to consider that the university provides some real support

for them. It is not only to maintance their motivation but also aiding them with

academic skill to survive. For example, from the data, it seems that the

participants may need some assistance in their final academic writing which is

writing their skripsi (research). Therefore, the university can provide writing

center consultancy where the students can get help in their writing.

4.2. Students’ Obstacles during study at two majors

Table 4.2.1 Obstacles/difficulties faced by student in studying at two


Number of
No Respond Participant
1. Course time conflict 10 MW, WY, TH, RV,
Certain lecturers have no
understanding and seem do not
2. 4
care about the situation of the
students who take two majors
Far distance between UIN and PC, SL, SF, MU, JZ,
3. Unsyiah when UIN under 10 MW, WY, TH, RV,
constraction AY
Due to administration TH, JZ, WY
4. 3

There are 4 common difficulties that the participants faced. The first one is

about course time conflict with other major class. All the participants mentioned

that these difficulties always happened almost every semester until they finish the

credits. This phenomenon leads them to drop the course(s) either in Unsyiah or in


In fact however, as revealed earlier that they mostly prioritize the courses

in Unsyiah rather in UIN. If they attempt to negotiate to the lecturer in TEN and

gain a green light to attend the classroom although being late, then they frequently

late come to the class.

MW: “When I have a class and it time conflictwith other class in other
major, Alhamdulillah in TEN the lecturers are very kind, once I took
Textbook course 3 credits, I came late, and out early because the next
class in phscylogy.”

JZ:“There are some courses we must be late to come in Unsyiah or out

from UIN class, I mean 5 or 10 minutes late. And sometimes the teachers
forget the time and keep speaking until 20 minutes, Well usually if it
happened I will ask permission to be late 15 minute and from the
beginning I will tell her that I study in two majors, and ask her permission
to leave 10 minutes early from her class in order not to arrive in another
class too late.”

Secondly, certain lecturers have no understanding and seem do not care

about the situation of the students who take two majors. As a result this may lead

them to drop one of the courses.

MW: “There are several lecturers do not want to understand the students
who study in two majors, so I should choose whether to leave TEN or
change the unit (class). For example once I took Grammar 4 course, I
couldn’t take it because it crashes with other class.”

SL:“About tolerance, TEN is more tolerance because there are many

students who study two majors there and so many students have the same
problem related to two major study. Then the lecturers starting to
understand, but in Pharmacy and in the first year, only I who study at two
majors, and one more who study in FKG. So we often get problem. Change
the class schedule, and get angry like crazy by the lecturer.”

As the participant of SL mentioned that lecturers in Pharmacy seems very

strict. It is because one of the new majors in Unsyiah. Compare to Pharmacy

lecturers, several TEN lecturers seems more open for students who take to majors.

It is probabaly because of some lecturers also took two majors when they study in

university. This can be a gate for lecturers to understand of the students who take

two majors. However compare to two responses above, SF has very opposite


SF: “No problem, because sometimes they give tolerance even longger
time in Unsyiah, 30 minutes sometimes. So the lecturers allow us to enter
the class room, the thing is enter the classroom although late. But in UIN
a bit strict about time, if we do not enter 15 minutes into the classroom,
then we cannot enter the classroom.”

Thirdly, there was a construction in UIN Ar-Raniry started from 2010 to

2013. During that time TEN had been relocated to University of Iskandar Muda

(UNIDA) which is located approximately over than 10 km away from UIN Ar-

Raniry. This distance made the biggest difficulty not only for the students who

take two majors but also for Tarbiyah students and the lecturers to reach the place

at that time.

SF: “No problem, but it was in the past, in Surin”

JZ:“In the past we have ever studied in UNIDA, that is the difficulty, about
transportation, sometimes I have to do road race.”

SL:“The difficulty, in the first year, so far. TEN was in Surin. That was the
first year, may be two years there. So I go back and forth, and the distance
is about 30 minutes. But in the following years, it is close (near) enough,
only 5 minutes.”

Finally, nearly all the participants stated that in term of difficulties in

academic admistration stuff, Unsyiah has better system which is including the

course registration, payment, and academic support. Therefore it is easy to handle

or to overcome the problem concerning administration in Unsyiah.


On the other hand, SF mentioned that it easy to solve problem regarding

academic adminsitration in UIN compare to his major in Unsyiah. This response

is quite interesting because comparing to MU who studied in same major in

Unsyiah as SF thought that it is easier to solve problem in Unsyiah concerning

academic stuff.

SF: “But whatever it is regarding problem with system, we can easily

solve it in UIN. I mean it is easy to speak to anyone (staff)...but in Unsyiah
we feel difficult, there is no where to go, we should find it by ourself.”

Due to the tight schedule of studying in two majors, they feel exhausted

and sometimes getting sleepy nearly throughout the semester. As a result,

sometimes they feel lazy to do their homeworks or assignments. It is not only that,

there are also several consequences that students receive, however they realize

that this is the risk of taking two majors.

B. Discussion

Based on the description of research result, the writer found the answer to

the first research question that is “what are learning strategies used by student

who take two majors in their study?” and the second question is “what are

obstacles faced by students who take two majors in their study?” It is related to

previous chapter which contains three types of learning strategies by Warr &

Allan (1998). Those strategies are cognitive learning strategies, behavioral

learning strategies, and self-regulated learning. Based on the findings, the learning

strategies is grouped into those three categories.


1. Based on the data revealed, some students used cognitive learning strategy

in different questions. In managing time to study between major A and B one

result seems fall into this cognitive strategies that is tend to study a day before

exam, presentation, or hand in the assignment as can be seen from Table 4.2

above. Due to tight schedule they rarely re-study the subject, it is perhaps because

the students feel extremely exhausted. As a result they do not want to re-study

unless it is for important matter such as examination. Interestingly, however, a

few of the students re-study on what she/he might thought as an interesting

subject before the class starts. This way is done by students for several reasons for

a number of reasons such as to avoid in getting stressed or to save energy. It is

indeed can not be forced by student themselves in rehearsing what they have

learnt otherwise they could ruin their own schedule that has been set.

Besides arranging the time to study, based on the data, nearly all students

take a note while listening to the lecturer. Lecturer usually give an explanation by

writing it down on the white board, by presenting the power point, or only explain

orally. Interestingly, the students also used their own way in note taking. Some of

them use a note, take picture on white board, and write on handout printed by

lecturer or friends during discussion section.

Re-study the course after the class is important strategy of learning to

enhance their knowledge. However, this way is done rarely by students who study

at two majors. Based on the data all participants usually study in certain condition,

for instance a day before examination, submitting assignment, or presentation

task. Tight of schedule or different assignments in both majors may influence the

way they re-study the course. They will study when the circumstances above

come, unless they are very tired.

In term of self-motivating , there are several aspects that could empower

the students in pursuing two majors in different universities. Some of them stated

that it is due to expensive tuition fee, and to determine the future career.

Interestingly, from the data some of them may have a particular sentences or some

sort of proverb that they always recall when they feel down. In cognitive learning

strategies, besides enhancing memorization of certain lesson, it also have positive

tactic to promote self-reinforcement and positive self-talk. These factors could

motivate them a lot in determining their purpose.

2. Behavioral learning strategies is important for student in associating with

their capability in doing something or solving problems. Students who study at

two majors are always faced by different time of study due to different subjects

they have chosen in both majors. In managing time of study, some students used

time effeciently to help them in obtaining a lot of informations by searching

information or related materials regarding their task to the courses on the internet.

In addition, students also make time table to simplify their schedule including

listed about assignment or other activities.

Besides that, asking for assistance is the most effective way to help them

in studying. The kind of assistances had been mentioned in previous chapter. It is

a matter of fact that there must be challenges or difficulties they face in academic

life. However, as the result shows that the students who take two majors are able

to handle their difficulties. By doing so, they can figure out their own way in

solving the problem.

In term of taking note, from the data revealed that only one student who

uses this strategy. It indicates that this student has a slighlty inability to interpretes

what lecturers explain. However, he attempted to seek aid from his friends to re-

explain the topic to him and take the note. By doing so, he felt more convenient

and easier to understand friends’ explanation, as a result this strategy is

remarkable in his opinion.

All university students have assignment from their lecturer. The

assignment can be classified into two types: in group or individual. Regarding

group assignment, based on the result all participants can communicate well to

other members, only a few of them who have difficulties. Considering the tight of

schedule, asking help from their friends to cooperate is the best way. Commonly,

in the group assignment the student divided each task for every member of the

group, thus each member can do their own part, after it finish they compile it as

one group assignment.

Although they can communicate during group assignment, but when it

comes to choose whether to do group assignement or individual one, nearly all of

the students prefer individual one. Most of the students prefered to do individual

assignment and only one student who choses group assignment. The student who

chose group assignment has unique thought. He is conveniently doing this

strategy, because he can learn a lot about teamwork, different personalities, and

learn from those who are capable in the subject. However, he relizes that the risk

about the assestment depend on other friends work.

To finish their study successfully, it is very important to have motivation.

The motivation can encourage them to reach the goal. Based on the data revealed,

some students get motivation from others such as parents, friends, academic staff

and or lecturer. External motivation can be strong one to help them finish their

study. They can take advantages from both internal and external motivations to

enhance their achievement of academic success.

3. According to Glynn, Aultman, & Owens (2005, p. 112), self-regulated

learning is a combination of academic study skills and self discipline that makes

learning easier. Managing time of study has various responds from the

participants. Some students do not have time to study over again at home, that is

could be they are very tired the whole day. Therefore, put full attention and focus

in the class during the lecture become effective way for some students who take

two majors. For instance they can give full concentration on what is explained by

the lecturer, or asking what they do not understand during the class.

In addition to this self-learning strategies, there is one participant who

divided time hour of study. The time could vary depends on the student

encouragement or subject. Some of them study an hour or two for one subject or

can be longer in each subject. This strategy manages their time effectively along

with keeping their phsysical in good condition as well.

There is obvious thing that can not be avoided by the students who study

at two majors, that is course time conflict. In term of this problem, students must

choose which major they have to prioritize. Based on the data, nine of the students

prioritize Unsyiah. Regarding course time conflict, besides trying to solve it by

themselves, they also asked help to other friends or academic stuffs. However,

there is one participant who could independently manage it and this is an

interesting finding.

Self discipline is essential to students especially those who study at two

majors. Because of tight schedule and a lot of assignments, they need to have

target to reach their aim. For instance, from the data showed that all of students

have their own target in academic life. The basic one is to achieving good GPA,

eventhough some of them prefer having not to get “C” in every subject or

remedial class. Meanwhile, there are also students who set target to reach

cumlaude predicate and in fact they could achieve it.

As in behavioral learning strategies, in term of individual or group

assignment, most of students prefer individual to group assignment. The reason

those who choose individual is most of them agreed that individual assignment

does not need to rely on other students such as in a group. In fact, the risk good or

bad score they get depend on their own effort.

Internal motivation is used by some of the students based on the data. Self

regulated in this term also essential to encourage student from they themselves.

This could be the strength to student when someday they feel incapability in

finishing their study.

The second research question is what are obstacles faced by student who

take two majors in their study? After interviewed the participants, the writer found

that there are several predominant obstacles students faced during study at two

majors, they are:

a. Course time conflict. This is become the main risk for those who are

studying at two majors. Eventhough they can prioritize one major,

there must be one or several courses would be dropped.

b. Certain lecturer has no understanding and seems do not care about

the situation of the students who take two majors. Some students

truly expect that they could fulfill all the classes they took. This

hope rely on the lecturer in his/her majors.

c. Far distance between UIN and Unsyiah when UIN under


d. Due to administration management. Actually, administration

management in both universities has advantages and disadvantages.

So, the key is in student themselves to have good interpersonal skill

in overcoming this.

e. Communication difficulty in group assignment. This happen because

of several factors: Firstly, the effect of sitting together to do

assignment. Secondly, not doing their part of the assignment.

Finally, having problem to communicate with senior student.



A. Conclusion

Previous chapter has shed a light on the research questions. It is important

to consider the learning strategies used by students who take two majors and

difficulties they face. The findings give a clear picture of how students struggling

and exhausting in studying two majors.

1. Learning strategies used by the students who take two majors are

cognitive, behavioral, self-regulated learning strategies and also

included metacognitive strategy. From previous chapter the writer

conclude that during study, students at two majors predominantly use

behavioral learning strategies, followed self regulated learning

strategies and the last cognitive learning strategies.

2. The difficulties that students who take two majors may face are course

time conflict, lack tolerance of certain lecturer to student at two majors,

far distance between and Unsyiah when UIN under reconstruction,

having some difficulties administration management, and

communication problem in group assignment. The writer believes that

there are more difficulties are faced by students at two majors.

However, the finding results are based on participant responds and can

be expanded in future research.


B. Suggestion

Based on the research result, the writer would propose several suggestions

regarding this research and for future continuation, they are:

1. It is admitted that this research is still lack of perfection. In several parts

need to have more attention in order to obtain more comprehend

finding, such as students vision for future, non academic involvement

and many else. Therefore, it is necessary to have further research to

elaborate what cannot be completed in this research.

2. Beside of the research deficiency, a student who takes two majors

should know the consequences and risk before deciding study at two

majors. If the student strongly believes to him/herself that can through

it well, then the choice is good. Otherwise, if the students think that

they are not capable of that and prefer to go one major, it is also a good

decision as long as they study hard and persistently. Therefore, once

they choose to study at two majors, learning strategies should be

designed as well as enough in order to achieve their goal.


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1. Full Name : Badral Rifqi

2. Place/ Date of Birth : Banda Aceh/November 13, 1990
3. Sex : Male
4. Religion : Islam
5. Nationality/ethnic : Indonesia /Acehnese
6. Marital Status : Single
7. Occupation : Student
8. Address : Jln. Kakap VI Lr. Sawah No. 5 Lambhuk Banda
9. The Parent
a. Father’s Name : M. Nasir A
b. Mother’s Name : Maqfirah, M. Pd
c. Father’s Occupation : Retired
d. Mother’s Occupation : Civil Servant
10. Address : Jln. Kakap VI Lr. Sawah No. 5 Lambhuk Banda
11. Educational Background
a. Elementary School : MIN 1 Banda Aceh Graduated in 2003
b. Junior High School : MTsN 1 Banda Aceh Graduated in 2006
c. Senior High School : MAN Model Banda Aceh Graduated in 2009
d. University : UIN Ar-Raniry, entered 2010 until 2017.

Banda Aceh, July 6, 2017

The Writer

(Badral Rifqi)

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