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AQSA (1028)

Sociology is the study of human behavior. Sociology refers to social behavior,
society, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture that surrounds
everyday life. 
Following are the main perspectives of sociology:
1) Structural Functionalism,
2) Symbolic Interactionism,
3) Conflict Perspective.
 Structural Functionalism,
Functionalism, also called structural-functional theory, sees society
as a structure with interrelated parts designed to satisfy the biological and social needs
of the individuals therein society. Functionalism grew out of the writings of English
philosopher and biologist, Hebert Spencer (1820–1903), who saw similarities between
society and therefore the human body; he argued that even as the varied organs of the
body work together to stay the body functioning, the varied parts of society work
together to stay society functioning (Spencer 1898). Outline of a person with a
briefcase inside a gear, surrounded by other gears.The parts of society that Spencer
mentioned were the social institutions, or patterns of beliefs and behaviors focused on
meeting social needs, like government, education, family, healthcare, religion, and
therefore the economy.
The functionalist perspective emphasize the inter connected of society by focusing on
how each part influence and is influenced by the other parts.
 For example.
The increase in single parent and dual earner families has contribute to
the number of children who are failing in school because parents have become less
available to supervise their children’s homework. As a result of changes in
technology, colleges are offering more technical programs, and many adults are
returning to school to learn new skills that are required in workplace.
 Symbolic Interactionist
Symbolic interactionism may be a micro-level theory that focuses on the relationships
among individuals within a society. Communication—the exchange of meaning
through language and symbols—is believed to be the way during which people add up
of their social worlds. Theorists Herman and Reynolds (1994) note that this attitude
sees people as being active in shaping the social world instead of simply being acted
George Herbert Mead (1863–1931) is taken into account a founding father of
symbolic interactionism though he never published his work thereon. Mead’s student,
Herbert Blumer, coined the term “symbolic interactionism” and outlined these basic
premises: humans interact with things supported meanings ascribed to those things;
the ascribed meaning of things comes from our interactions with others and society;
the meanings of things are interpreted by an individual when handling things in
specific circumstance. If you're keen on books, for instance , a symbolic interactionist
might propose that you simply learned that books are good or important within the
interactions you had with family, friends, school, or church; maybe your family had a
special reading time hebdomadally , getting your borrower's card was treated as a
special event, or bedtime stories were related to warmth and luxury .
For example, while a conflict theorist studying a political protest might
specialise in class difference, a symbolic interactionist would be more curious about
how individuals within the protesting group interact, also because the signs and
symbols protesters use to speak their messag
 Conflict Perspective.
According to conflict theory, society is defined by a struggle for dominance among
social groups that compete for scarce resources. within the context of gender, conflict
theory argues that gender is best understood as men attempting to take care of power
and privilege to the detriment of girls . Therefore, men are often seen because the
dominant group and ladies because the subordinate group. While certain gender roles
may are appropriate during a hunter-gatherer society, conflict theorists argue that the
sole reason these roles persist is because the dominant group naturally works to take
care of their power and standing . consistent with conflict theory, social problems are
created when dominant groups exploit or oppress subordinate groups. Therefore, their
approach is normative therein it prescribes changes to the facility structure,
advocating a balance of power between genders.
In most cultures, men have historically held most of the world’s resources. Until
relatively recently, women in Western cultures couldn't vote or hold property, making
them entirely hooked in to men. Men, like all other group with an influence or wealth
advantage, fought to take care of their control over resources (in this case, political
and economic power). Conflict between the 2 groups caused things just like the
Women’s Suffrage Movement and was liable for social change.
 Examples

Here are some real-life examples of conflict theory in both economic and societal


 Occupy Wall Street. ...

 The Education System. ...
 The Criminal Justice System


 Stratification is typically studied from a micro, meso and macro perspective. Meso-
level research focuses on how disparity is created by relations between entities and
institutions. Macro level research takes into account the role of economic processes in
influencing wealth and prospects of individuals.
Sociologists investigate the smallest stages of activity at the micro-level; in some
cases alone "the self." Micro level studies can involve individual interactions among
couples or friends. Or maybe a sociologist is interested in how a human being's self-
perception is shaped by his social background. The level of inquiry is micro in each of
these cases.
   Their investigation is at meso level while sociologists examine communities.
Sociologists engaging in meso level research might study how labor laws vary in
various occupations or how children's sports clubs are structured. Sociologists
research social systems and organizations at the macro-level. Macro-level analysis
explores broad trends.
Sociologist's interest in the mechanism and impacts of globalization
has become growing in recent years. One example of a macro level analysis will be a
study of globalization exploring the interaction of nations.
Let us first take a look at some examples of the various subjects which fit a particular
level of investigation best. Stephen Marks' dissertation is a strong case in point in
micro-level research.
 Micro-sociology 
 is known as the sociological branch which deals with the study of smaller social
processes such as social interaction between people and agencies. The focus of the
program is on the individual social agency and includes small groups or individuals in
family or other organizations, like colleges, offices, hospitals, etc.
● Micro sociological studies are applied within the field of humanisitic welfare work ,
and as stated earlier, it involves the study of dynamics of individual interactions.
Micro sociology is predicated on qualitative sociology instead of quantitative. It
means microsociology focuses on personal interviews and such interpretative analysis
instead of statistical data.
within the late 1930s, micro sociology was referred to as sociometry. Jacob L.
Moreno, a sociologist, defined sociometry as “the inquiry into the evolution and
organization of groups and therefore the position of people within them”. Sociometric
tests, sociomatrices, sociograms are often wont to evaluate the emotional relationship
existing between people during a small group .
● Micro sociology states that individuals react to every other’s actions on the idea of
symbolic interactionism. They do not merely answer an action, but relate it to their
own perspective of things. An act is the resultant of the meaning they put in it.
● ‘Dramaturgy’ may be a term closely associated with micro sociology. It was first
adopted by Erving Goffman in his book The Presentation of Self in lifestyle .
Dramaturgical analysis is that the study of social interactions by imagining ourselves
because the directors of a drama staged within the theater of lifestyle .
The micro sociology and philosophy of phenomenology are focused on interpretative
analysis. The social sample can be used to interpret how small interactions between
the individuals influence wider social systems and institutions. The theory of
symbolic interactionism is one example of a micro perspective that focuses on
individuals and their significance or meaning in daily life.
   The strengths of macro sociology and micro sociology are not free from
disadvantages. Macro sociology risks losing smaller essential information only when
broad organizations are taken into consideration. Sometimes they consider the broader
social systems to be unrelated. Again, while micro sociology does research the minor
facts of social order, they can fail to take into account the impact on individuals of the
larger powers.
Microsociology scholars include:
Erving Goffman (1922–1982)
Jürgen Habermas (1929)
Edmund Husserl (1859–1938)
Alfred Schütz (1899–1959)
Max Weber (1864–1920)
dramaturgical analysis
symbolic interactionism
 Macro sociology
 is a sociological approach that focuses an analysis of social
structures and groups on a broad scale, on a social structure level, and sometimes at a
necessarily high level of theoretical abstraction.
The macro sociology contains 4 main theoretical strategies.
The strategy: idealistic strategy aimed to explain the basic characteristics of society
as a whole or complex system of inter-related and interdependent parts (institutions),
structural functionality which sees society as a whole or complex system of
interdependent parts (institutions), all centered on the materialistic and realistic state
of life
 .Macro-sociology is a sociology methodology investigating wide-ranging psych
structures and communities. It studies the main phenomenon influencing or affecting
the entire population.
● Macro sociology prioritizes society before the individual, as society shapes an
individual’s outlook and personality.
● it's supported structuralism, which addresses issues on a bigger scale like classism,
gender bias, sorts of authority, and revolutionary ideas considering society as an entire
● Macro sociology is that the analysis of interactions between society and different
cultures and social institutions.
● it's an umbrella term for dynamics between different social systems, institutions,
and global social processes.
● Functionalism and conflict theory are macro sociological theories. Functionalism
states that society tries to strike an equilibrium between ‘social facts’ like law and
order, and ‘institutions’ like businesses. Conflict theory explains the rift between the
economic classes.
● Historical macro sociology may be a field where historical knowledge is applied in
macro sociological issues. It studies issues like the effect of changes in government,
technological advancements throughout history, the origin of capitalism, etc.
Similarities and Differences of Micro and Macro With Examples
Karl marx
● The theories put forth by Marx developed within the latter half the nineteenth
century in Europe are largely macro sociological. In North America within the late
nineteenth century, sociologists were more concerned about the consequences of
individual interactions on society.
● Georg Simmel, a German sociologist, explains the difference in these two concepts
with the instance of fashion. consistent with him, fashion may be a largely urban
phenomenon where individuals attempt to express their identity through their attire.
Yet people attempt to adhere to the style norms of their society. Individuality and a
way of belonging coexist during this example.
● Division of labor, feminism, etc., are macro sociological issues, while
interpretation of social facts and the way individuals make personal decisions are
instances of microsociology.
● Pattern of behavior, actions interactions, and perceptions fall into micro sociology.
While culture, law, norms, values form the core of macro sociology.
● Macro sociology analyzes bureaucracy and company culture, while micro sociology
cares with personal space and groups.
Thus, macro sociology and micro sociology are two approaches of analyzing social
dynamics. Though both concepts seem contradictory on clear , they're interdependent
as seen in a number of the examples.
 Meso level
In general, a meso-level analysis indicates a population size that falls between the
micro and macro levels, such as a community or an organization. However, meso
level may also refer to analyses that are specifically designed to reveal connections
between micro and macro levels.
Meso environment:
The meso environment is the setting between the macro and micro opportunities. It shapes
the framework of a business or organization and can be considered as its infrastructure:
policies, standard operating procedures, rules and guideline,.
Meso analysis
In general, a meso -level analysis indicates a population size that falls between the micro
and macro levels, such as a community or an organization. However, meso level I may
also refer to analyses that are specifically designed to reveal connections between micro
and macro levels.
Level of Sociology:
Sociologists define three major levels of society. Macro-level analysis is used to look at
societies at large. Meso-level analysis involves the study of groups, communities, and
institutions. Micro-level analysis focuses on the social interactions of individuals or very
small groups.
Meso level in Social Work :
Meso Social Work involves the development and implementation of social service
initiatives at the local and small community levels (ex. schools, neighborhoods, and city
districts). Like micro social workers  practitioners tend to interact directly with the people
they wish to assist.
Sociologists would probably investigate at meso-level interactions among gangs or
maybe how different divisions of the same gangs vary from area to area. At macro
level, the impact of gang violence across societies could be compared or the economic
impact of gangs on nations could be evaluated. The Gang Research Journal published
by the National Gang Crime Research Center, offers outstanding examples in all three
stages of methodology for gang research (NGCRC)
Examples of meso-level units of analysis include the following:

 Clan
 Tribe
 Community
 Village, town, city
 Formal organization
 State

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