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Guidelines For Preparation Of: Project Work

The document provides guidelines for students to follow when preparing their project work report for the partial fulfillment of their MBA degree. It outlines the structure and content that should be included in the report such as an introduction with objectives and scope, literature review and methodology, data analysis and interpretation, and conclusions and recommendations. The guidelines specify that the report must be on a topic related to the student's specialization and address a specific issue within an organization. It also provides direction on other elements like the proposal, cover page, acknowledgements, and references.

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Guidelines For Preparation Of: Project Work

The document provides guidelines for students to follow when preparing their project work report for the partial fulfillment of their MBA degree. It outlines the structure and content that should be included in the report such as an introduction with objectives and scope, literature review and methodology, data analysis and interpretation, and conclusions and recommendations. The guidelines specify that the report must be on a topic related to the student's specialization and address a specific issue within an organization. It also provides direction on other elements like the proposal, cover page, acknowledgements, and references.

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(Port & Shipping Management and International
Transportation & Logistics)

School of Maritime Management

Indian Maritime University
East Coast Road, Uthandi,
Chennai - 600119
Website: www.imu.tn.nic.in

2009- 11

Note: The guidelines mentioned in the document are indicative, and not exclusive,
in nature and the students are expected to innovate with best practices available in
the corporate or as directed by respective project’s guide.

Submission of project report is mandatory part of course curriculum for the successful completion of MBA

A project is a written presentation of the work done on a given project /research. It is important to bear in
mind that even though the project /research report is submitted on or before the given date at the end of
fourth semester, in reality, it is a culmination of your continuous efforts.

All the candidates of MBA programme should prepare a project report on the basis of study carried out by
him /her in a business or industrial organisation, indicating possible solution for a typical problem of current
interest (direct or indirect) in the area of Port, Shipping, Transportation and Logistics.

The report can be based on primary or secondary data. It should include data interpretation, planning and
design of improved integrated management systems etc. presented in a comprehensive manner with
recommendation for solution based on tools and concepts relating to topic under study.


Project work will be starting from the beginning of the fourth semester and candidates should submit the
final project report on or before the specific date, as per the schedule, notified.


The project work should necessarily be on a topic related to specialisation only. A student may even
undertake project with objectives in dual areas such as HRM, Finance, SCM, Marketing, operation etc.

The project should address to a specific issue or problem in a specific organization or industry. It should be
focused, precise and point to an issue which is being resolved through project work.

The problem taken up for the study /analysis should not be wide, open, vague or general. Think of title as a
mini-abstract. A good title should paint a quick picture for the reader of the key idea(s) of project. The title
can be descriptive.

The title should be clear and unambiguous. The words you use in your title should clearly reflect the focus of
your proposal. The most important words should come first, followed by the lesser important words. Make
sure your words are in the correct order.


Before embarking on the actual study, it is necessary to submit a proposal of the intended project work, for
necessary approval. The proposal should mention the name and address of the guide and should be brief- not
more than 3 pages. A soft copy of the Project Proposal in MS Word must also be submitted in a structured
format as indicated in Annexure 1. The proposal will be returned to the student after approval by the guide.
The student should undertake the project work only after written approval from the guide.

Care should be taken to ensure that the quality of the report is of a high order. In general, an ideal project
/research report should cover the following:
Cover Page & Title Page
Bona fide Certificate
Declaration by Student
Certificate by Project Guide
Table of Contents
List of Tables & Illustration
Abstract /Summary
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction, Meaning and Definitions
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Scope of the Study
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Limitations of the Study
2. Literature Survey and Methodology
2.1 Review of Literature
2.2 Collection of Data
2.3 Tools and Methodology used
3. Company Profile
3.1 Company Profile: In brief
3.2 Industry profile: in brief
3.3 Company Analysis
4. Data Analysis and Interpretation
4.1 Analysis
4.2 Data Analysis
4.3 Interpretation
5. Conclusion
5.1 Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation/ Suggestion
5.4 Direction for Future Researcher

1. Cover & Title Page: This is the first page of the report. It should contain the title of the report, name of
the author, name of the organization and the date on which it is submitted. The format of this page is given at
Annexure - 2.

2. Bonafide Certificate (Refer Annexure – 3)

3. Declaration (Refer Annexure – 4)

4. Table of Contents: The main function of this section is to give the reader an overall view of the report.
The main divisions as well as the subdivisions should be listed in sequence with page numbers they are on. It
helps the reader locate a particular topic or sub-topic easily. The charts, diagrams and tables included in the
report should be listed separately under a title ‘List of Tables & Illustrations’ with the page numbers. While
preparing the table of contents you have to bear in mind the following points:
• Leave a 1.5 inch margin to the left, to the right, on the top and at the bottom.
• Write the phrase ‘Table of Contents’ on the top center in CAPITALS.
• Write the number of the item to indicate the sequence of items. After the number, leave three or four
spaces and then type the first heading.
• Indent second-order headings by three or four spaces.
• Leave two spaces between main headings and one space between sub-headings.

5. Acknowledgements: Proper acknowledgement of any help received must be placed on record. There may
be a number of persons who might have helped you during the course of the project/research work like HoD,
Faculty members and industry personnel.

6. List of Tables & Illustrations: A detailed list of the charts or diagrams or illustrations that would be
incorporated in the report should be given along with the page numbers.

7. Abbreviations: The abbreviations should be listed in an alphabetical order with the respective expanded
forms, e.g. TQM – Total Quality Management.
8. Abstract or Summary: Summary is the essence of the entire report. The objective of the summary is to
provide an overview of the content. A summary should be independent and should stand alone. It is
advisable to write it after the report has been written.

9. Introduction
A. Company Focus: The first part of the report should describe the company for which the project is
undertaken, the core activity of the company and the specific focus of your Project work.

B. Objectives, Scope and Limitations: Introduction should provide the context and scope of the
report. It should include the objectives, specifying its limitations, methods of enquiry and collecting
data, and main finding / conclusion. This serves as a background to the subject of the report that
subsequently follows. The reader should be able to get a fair idea about the project/research.

10. Research Design /Methodology: This section brings out how the enquiry was carried out, interviews
were carried out or if any questionnaire were given. It also looks at how the respondents of the interview
were chosen. The data should be presented in an organized and logically sequenced method. Usually it has
several sections grouped under different headings and sub-headings. The analysis of the data and description
of the activities leading to certain conclusions are contained in this section.

11. Review of the literature: Detailed view of related work did in the past by others.

12. Empirical Analysis: For developing and using analytical skills, the student should reach to some

13. Findings and suggestions: Once if the findings are over by a research, these suggestions should be
made for the betterment of enterprise. The results should be presented as simply as possible. There are a
number of ways:
• Tables
• Graphs
• Pie charts
• Bar charts
• Diagrams
14. Conclusions and/or Recommendations: The conclusions and/or recommendations are the most
important part of the project/research that is of interest to the reader. These are to be substantiated by the
study done during the project period through the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered. It would be
helpful to the reader if alternatives, other than the stated conclusions and/or recommendations are projected.

15. Appendices: The contents of an appendix are essentially those which support or elaborate the matter in
the main report. The matter which is not essential to the main findings but related to the main report is
generally presented in the appendix. The report should not depend on this. Given below are items, which
normally form part of the appendix:
(a) flow charts
(b) the questionnaire
(c) computations, financial data/ report.
(d) glossary of terms etc.

16. References: In this section all the references should be given in alphabetical order by the author’s last
name or, when the author is unknown, by the title of the reference. For instance:
Dessler G (2009); “Human Resource Management”, Eleventh Edition,
Pearson Education. (for books).
Bartlett, C and Ghosal, S (2002); “Building Competitive Advantage Through
People”, MITSloan Management Review; Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 34-41.
(for periodicals).
www.projects.incindia.org (for Websites).

17. Glossary: A glossary is an explanation of the technical words used in the report. If the number of such
words is small, they are generally explained in the footnotes.


Cover - Has the name of the organization been included?
Title page - Does it include the: Title? Author’s name? Course details?
Acknowledgements - Have you acknowledged all sources of help?
Table of contents - Have the main sections been listed in sequence?
List of Tables and Illustrations - Have the charts/ diagrams/ illustrations been included with correct page
Abbreviations - Have all the abbreviations used been listed with the expansions?
Abstract or summary - Does it state the main task? The methods used? The conclusions reached? The
recommendations made?
Introduction Objectives & Limitations - Does it state the scope of the report? The limits of the report?
An outline of the method? A background of the subject matter?
Research Design/Methodology - Does it have? The information about the way the enquiry was carried out?
The way the data was collected?
Review of Literature - Review of Literature regarding Research work been included?
Empirical Analysis - Draw the Inference from sensitivity Analysis of the research work carried out.
Findings and Suggestions - Are the illustrations related to the report? Are the illustrations listed clearly?
Are they labelled?
Conclusions and/ or recommendations - Have the conclusions based on the main idea been drawn? Are
the recommendations clear and concise?
Appendices - Has all the supporting information been listed?
References - Have the references been listed alphabetically? Are the references precise and accurate?
Glossary - Does it have the explanation of the technical words?


Size of the Project: Ideally the project report should not contain more than 100 pages of subject related

Uniqueness of the project: No two candidates from the same organisation can do an identical project. No
two students can do a project on the same topic.

Number of copies: A total of three soft bound copies of the project report should be submitted to the
Department on before the due date, as per the schedule notified.

Printing of the report:

The size of the page A4
Font size 12 pt Times Roman for the report
12 pt bold for Sub-headings
14 pt for Chapter Headings
Spacing between lines 1.5 and single side printing

Additional Tips:
 Careful and meticulous proof reading is a must before the project goes for binding. Whenever
possible data should be converted into bar charts, Pie-charts, flow diagrams etc. in order to
enhance the readability of the report.
 All pages must be numbered. The relevant page numbers must appear against the corresponding
chapter headings in the table of contents.
 Due caution must be exercised with respect to the names and qualifications of the persons
referred to in the report. The initials and spelling must be cross-checked.

The formats for the cover-page, other subsequent pages and certificates to be included in the report are
given in Annexures 2 to 5. They must be strictly followed without any variation.


After receiving the project report in the prescribed format, the Department will organize evaluation of the
project as per the parameters prescribed. As per the desire of the Department Head, the student has to appear
for Viva Voce and necessary power point presentation.

Annexure - 1

Project Proposal Format

(First Page)
1. Name of the student
2. Roll no. of student
3. Telephone

4. Name of Guide
Address & Telephone

(Next Page)
5. Proposed title of project
6. Synopsis: A statement of about one page describing what the project is all about, giving a brief
7. Objectives: Stating what the project will accomplish and the possible value addition to the company
8. Scope and limitations of the study
9. Proposed Methodology
10. Expected outcome/Conclusion of the study
11. Schedule: Shall include various components/stages of the project and the expected time frame to
complete the project.
12. References: Initial list of books and websites that would be referenced to complete the project




Submitted for partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of




“Registration Number”

Port & Shipping Management/ International Transportation and Logistics Management

Under the guidance of


School of Maritime Management

Indian Maritime University
East Coast Road, Uthandi,
Chennai - 600119
Website: www.imu.tn.nic.in

“Month and Year”



This is to certify that the project report titled “______________” is a bonafide record of work carried out
by “Mr. /Ms. _____________” during the final semester from “Month and year” to “month and year”,
under my guidance, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of “Master of
Business Administration (Port and Shipping Management/ International Transportation and Logistics
Faculty Name:
(Project Guide)

(Head, SMM)



I, ___(Student Name)________ hereby declare that this project report titled _______( Project
Name)_______ submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of “Master of Business
Administration (Port and Shipping Management/ International Transportation and Logistics
Management)” is my original work and it has not formed the basis for the award of any other degree.

Place: (Signature of the Student)

Date: Student Name


Acknowledgments................................................ ii
List of Tables………………………………....... iii
List of Illustrations…………………………….. iv
Executive Summary.............................................. v

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction, Meaning and Definitions
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Scope of the Study
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Limitations of the Study

2. Literature Survey and Methodology

2.1 Review of Literature
2.2 Collection of Data
2.3 Tools and Methodology used

3. Company Profile
3.1 Company Profile: In brief
3.2 Industry profile: in brief
3.3 Company Analysis

4. Data Analysis and Interpretation

4.1 Analysis
4.2 Data Analysis
4.3 Interpretation

5. Conclusion
5.1 Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation/ Suggestion
5.4 Direction for Future Researcher




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