October 2022
In the final-year project course, COM 429, student work under the supervision of a
lecturer on a selected topic for two semesters. The project's major goal is to
introduce the student to a significant issue whose resolution requires both
collaborative effort and well-structured thought. The project course offers students
the possibility to familiarize themselves with a topic in computer science that
interests them and the chance to get work-related experience. The production of
this guide has been necessitated by the observation in recent times that students of
the department are no longer following any standard guideline in the preparation
of their projects. The department, therefore, advises students to adhere strictly to
these guidelines in order to raise the quality of projects conducted in the
3.1.4 Declaration
The student must affirm that the entire project including the concepts, structure,
and outcome was entirely his own original creation, under the supervision of his or
her supervisor. The student is expected to include his study topic when making the
declaration (see appendix 4).
3.1.5 Dedication
Here, the researcher honors a few select persons with a project dedication. This is
distinct from acknowledgment (see appendix 5).
3.1.6 Acknowledgements
An acknowledgement section of a project is merely a place where the author
thanks and recognizes everyone who has contributed (technical, financial, moral,
and otherwise) to the accomplishment of the project. Typically, a page is set aside
for this purpose (see appendix 6). Examples of people you ought to acknowledge
in your paper include:
The project's principal supervisor.
The supportive academic staff in your department.
The technical or support workers in your department.
You may bring up other academic personnel from different disciplines.
organizations, establishments, or businesses.
Fellow students or classmates who participated in the project.
Family and friends
3.1.8 Abstract
An abstract is a 150 – 250 words single paragraph that gives readers a brief
summary of your entire project. It should summarize your main arguments and
ideas as well as any ramifications or practical uses of the research you describe in
the paper. Your abstract should consist of problem statement, technology used,
software development life cycle, tools used, result and limitation of the project.
The abstract needs to be italicized, and single line spacing. Keep in mind that the
abstract page should be written last (see appendix 7).
This should provide a thorough list of all technical terminology and acronyms
along with their definitions. Free-hand definitions are discouraged, and students
are advised to rely on dictionaries or definitions from encyclopedias and other
knowledge base.
3.1.11 Chapter One
Typically, the first chapter is the introduction. Without assuming any prior
knowledge or presenting any extra information that can obfuscate the overview, a
good introduction should explain what the project is all about. It must anticipate
and incorporate the key ideas that are covered in detail throughout the rest of the
project report. The reason for doing the study should be sufficiently explained by
the researcher. It should be concluded with a linking paragraph that states the
objectives, constraints, and limitations. The project first chapter needs to be
written as contained below:
Background of Study
A study's background creates the backdrop for the research and is usually the first
portion of the report. It includes the justification, the thesis statement, and a
synopsis of the research topics covered in the body of the work. Because it clearly
and logically conveys the research and its significance to an uninformed audience,
the background serves as the study's central argument. All key aspect that makes
up the project topic should be clearly discussed. At times, the backdrop may even
examine whether the study supports or contradicts the results of earlier research.
Any relevant background knowledge that readers would benefit from having
before reading the paper should be made available to them. This should take a
page or a page and half.
Problem Statement
The problem or problems that you seek to solve should be identified in the
problem statement. You might need to provide some evidence for why you believe
the problems are serious and in need of resolution. If required, this should only
take a few sentences. Any observed problem shall either have primary evidences
proving its existence or secondary evidences from other researchers; this is to
ensure students are not working on an imaginary problem that will be difficult to
provide solution for it.
Limitations, also referred to as boundaries, are influences that the researcher is
helpless to change. They are the flaws, circumstances or effects over which the
researcher has no control. They outline the boundaries you have set for the study.
In essence, this is the place to explain:
What you are not doing and your reason for not doing it.
The population you will not studying and why.
The methodological techniques you won’t employ and your thought for
doing so.
Justification of Study
The justification for the study essentially explains why a certain research project
was carried out. What issue was it that led a student to want to do this project?
Here, you will also state the rationale behind the methodology's selection.
Justification should be able to answer such questions as:
i. Of what benefit is the project?
ii. What is the significance of the project?
iii. What is the usefulness of the project?
iv. How can the end product of this project benefit humanity?
v. What are the academic gaps this project filled?
vi. What positive changes the project brought to the case study?
Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify,
select, process, and analyze information about a topic. The research methodology
is another significant part of a project. The overall plan and logic of your research
effort are referred to as the methodology. In order to create a strategy that meets
your goals, it entails researching the ideas and concepts underlying the approaches
employed in your discipline. Here you are required to state the research method
you wish to adopt and procedures and strategies you will employ in the study as
stated below:
3.1 Introduction
3.2 SDLC
3.3 Feasibility Study
3.4 Methods of Data Collection
3.4.1 Questionnaire/ interview
3.4.2 Analysis of the questionnaire/ interview
3.5 System Analysis
3.5.1 Analysis of the existing system
3.5.2 Proposed System
3.6 System Design
3.6.1 Output design
3.6.2 Input design
3.6.3 Database design
3.7 Algorithm
3.8 Adopted Programming Language
3.9 System Requirement
3.9.1 Recommended Requirement
3.9.2 Minimum requirement
Chapter introductions perform a similar orientation purpose by introducing the
reader to the motivations, aims, procedure and argument of each specific chapter,
and giving the reader any additional information for that chapter that is required.
System Analysis
System analysis entails the gathering and analysis of data, the detection of issues,
and the breakdown of a system into its constituent parts. Existing system is used to
represent something that is currently in existence, available, or in operation,
particularly when you are comparing it with something which is planned for the
future. The proposed system outlines the goals of your current project as well as
any novel aspects of it that go beyond what is already there.
System Design
The system design specifies how a system will look and function, as well as its
components, modules, interface, and data. The design process requires a number
of different steps to be taken. The user can get a thorough grasp of how the
system works thanks to the design of the system. Unified Modelling Language
(UML) (To describe software both structurally and behaviourally with graphical
notation) and Flowchart (A schematic or stepwise representation of an
algorithm). System design comprises the Output design (Output Design should
include output forms and reports and shall be provided for projects having
software constituting end products. The forms and reports in this chapter shall be
sketches done in word processing or graphics software and NOT screenshot from
the proposed software), Input design (Input Design should include forms for
receiving inputs from users or system and shall be provided for projects having
software constituting end products. The forms in this chapter shall be sketches
done in word processing or graphics software and NOT screenshot from the
proposed software) and Database Design (should include the schema,
relationship diagram/entity diagram and any normalizing done on tables)
This describes the algorithm to be used in your project.
System Requirement
System requirements are the configurations needed for a system to function
properly and effectively so that hardware or software applications can be used.
The system requirement is further divided into:
Recommended Requirement
The recommended system requirement is the recommended technical
standards that must be met for the following components: computer
hardware, peripherals, commercial off-the-shelf software,
telecommunications and/or network connections, security firewalls, etc.
Minimum requirement
This is the minimum tools either hardware or software needed to operate the
proposed project.
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Implementation
4.3 Result
4.3.1 Testcase 1
4.3.2 Testcase 2
4.3.3 Testcase 3
4.4 Discussion of Result
4.5 System Testing
4.6 Conversion
4.7 Documentation
4.8 System maintenance
Chapter introductions perform a similar orientation purpose by introducing the
reader to the motivations, aims, procedure and argument of each specific chapter,
and giving the reader any additional information for that chapter that is required.
Students should show how they implemented their system using any
implementation UML diagram of their choice. Tools such as sequence diagram,
component diagram, deployment diagram etc. can be used. Projects on expert
system should include the inference engine (show how it is organized) and
knowledge base (show how the system is considered expert and how it applies
logical rule by making deduction about the knowledge base assets).
The results section basically and objectively reports what you found, without
speculating on why you found these results.
This is where a sample test data is tested on the result.
Discussion of Result
Before the Conclusion and Recommendations section, the Discussion of result
comes after the Results section. The authors highlight the significance of their
findings here. The discussion explains the significance of the results, interprets the
results and places them in their proper context.
System testing
System testing entails evaluating the entire system. The system's functionality is
tested by integrating all of the modules and components to see if it performs as
intended. That is testing to validates the complete and fully integrated system.
Students should create a table (see sample table below) to show the test case, test
activity and test result.
Conversion process entails gradually and steadily replacing the old system with
the new one. It contains a description of all the procedures that must be followed
to bring the new system into action. The major conversion approaches are Direct
Conversion, Parallel conversion, Pilot Conversion and Phase-In Conversion.
Documentation is any material that is used to describe, explain or instruct
concerning some attributes of an object, system or procedure, such as its parts,
assembly, installation, maintenance and use. That is, a user manual is required
which is a guidebook that is given to a user to assist in effectively using a specific
system, product, or service.
System maintenance
System maintenance entails maintaining, preserving, and upgrading a functional
information system over time. Thus, maintenance modifies the existing system,
enhancement adds features to the existing system, and development replaces the
existing system.
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
The purpose of the summary is to refresh the reader's memory of the findings from
chapter 4. Don't explain in detail; just emphasize the essential points. Write a
summary that is concise and to the point. This section should be written in the past
In your conclusion, you must connect the project questions and objectives to the
existing knowledge and the significance of the study. You are free to express your
personal opinion regarding the gathered data and results obtained.
The recommendation(s) can either be for future study or change or both. The
recommendations should be based on your findings and could include practical or
real-world suggestions.
Referencing enables you to acknowledge other authors and researchers for their
contributions to your work. References play a significant role in academic writing.
It contextualizes your work, exemplifies the range and depth of your study, and
acknowledges the contributions of others. Several examples are shown below. In
the references section and within the body, students are advised to use the
“American Psychological Association” (APA) format. The examples below
illustrate how literatures are to be referenced under reference and in project
a. Book with Single Author:
Musa, A. (2006). An inconvenient truth: The planetary emergency of global
warming and what we can do about it. Emmaus, PA: Rodale.
In-text reference: ……… (Musa, 2006). Or Musa (2006) stated that
b. Book with Two Authors:
Usman, P. J., & Abdulrahman, R. C., Jr. (2000). The satanic gases: Clearing the
air about global warming. Washington, DC: Cato Institute.
g. Magazine Articles:
Ikenna, L. (2004, August). Will Tuvalu disappear beneath the sea? Global
warming threatens to swamp a small island nation. Smithsonian, 35(5), 44-52.
Amatullah, S., & Zainab, A. (2007, July 2). Which of these is not causing global
warming? A. Sport utility vehicles; B. Rice fields; C. Increased solar output.
Newsweek, 150(2), 48-50.
Ishaq, M. (2007, June 2). Bush’s Greenhouse Gas Plan Throws Europe Off
Guard. New York Times, p. A7.
In-text references: ................... (“College Officials”, 2007) (Ishaq,
2007) Or According to College Officials (2007) Ishaq (2007)
l. Website:
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2007, May 4). Climate
Change. Retrieved from the Environmental Protection Agency website:
Zakka, R. (2007). The Heat Is Online. Lake Oswego, OR: Green House
Network. Retrieved from The Heat Is Online website:
In-text reference: ……………..(Zakka, 2007) Or Zakka (2007) stated
that …………………
Atika, R. (2006, November 4). How to train a cat to operate a light switch
[Video file]. Retrieved from Vja83KLQXZs
Fatima, B. (Writer), & Joy, J. (Director). (1991). The rules of the game
[Television series episode]. In J. Sander (Producer), I’ll fly away. New York, NY:
New York Broadcasting Company.
o. Thesis
In text reference: ……. Found that in these cases “leaving system with no
antivirus is dangerous” (Hamza, personal communication, January 10th ,2017).
Or Hamza discussed ............. (Personal Communication, January 10th, 2017)
Muhammed, K., & Matinja, Z.I. (2006). Programming. using Kotlin and Java
[CD]. Bauchi, Nigeria: Gwani Software Media Lab.
The items in the appendices should include all or some of the following:
Program source code
Program screenshots
Snapshot of hardware
Plates etc.
All items in appendices shall be referred to in chapters of the project, any appendix
that is not referred from chapter(s) is disjoint and not part of the work.
All citations made within the body of the project should follow the APA format
as illustrated in this guide. The citations, may be prefixed with more words apart
from the illustrations given earlier, for instance:
All chapters should be arranged in sections and subsections. First tier e.g. 1.0,
2.0 etc, are to be capitalized and bold and shall be the chapter title ONLY. In this
case, they are suffixed to the chapter e.g., CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.
Second tier in any chapter e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 2.2 etc. shall be bold and important word
capitalized. Third tier e.g., 1.1.1, 2.3.4, 4.3.1 etc., shall be bold, important words
capitalized and italic. Fourth tier e.g.,, etc. having the same rule
with third tier.
Line Spacing
The project should be typed in double line spacing all through with the exception
of the Abstract.
Font Setting
The project content should be typed with TimesNew Roman 12 points font size.
Paper Size
The paper size should be A4, portrait (except pages where landscape is required).
The project should be hard bound and with a blue cover for ND and green for
HND. Only the heading should be written in all caps, sub section should be
written in sentence case.
All lists should follow the rule of Arabic, Roman and Alphabetical orders. NO
bullet should be used to form any list. The illustration below shows how the order
should be followed:
a. White
i. Pure White
ii. Mixture With other colours
1. Mixture with One colour
A. Mixture with Black
I. Equal proportion
II. More Black
B. Mixture with Brown
2. Mixture with more than one colour
b. Red
c. Blue
This project has been read and approved by the understanding on behalf of the
Department of Computer Science, School of Science and Technology, Bauchi as
having met the requirement for the Award of Higher National Diploma (HND) in
Computer Science.
I hereby declare that the project work entitled “DESIGN AND
RECOGNITION SYSTEM” submitted to the Department of Computer
Science, The Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, is a record of an original work done
by me under the guidance of Ahmad Maidorawa, HOD Department of
Computer science, The Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi.
..................................... Date................................
Student’s name
This research paper is dedicated to my dear father, who has been nicely my
supporter until my research was fully finished, and my beloved mother who, for
months past, has encouraged me attentively with her fullest and truest attention
to accomplish my work with truthful s elf-confidence.
I am thankful to Almighty God for bestowing upon me the power, wisdom, and
insight necessary to finish this project. He has provided me with more than enough
affection to keep and support me.
I want to publicly thank a number of people and organizations for their help during
my graduate studies. First, I want to sincerely thank Malam Aliyu Umar, my
supervisor, for all of his excitement, patience, insightful remarks, helpful
information, wise counsel, and never-ending ideas, all of which have been
incredibly helpful to me during the course of my project. His vast knowledge,
extensive experience, and professional competence in Image processing has made
it possible for me to effectively complete this project. I would not have been able
to complete this project without his assistance and direction. I could not have
asked for a finer study supervisor.
I also like to thank Mrs. Joy John, my lecturer during my first year at the
polytechnic, for her invaluable guidance and assistance. Malam Bala Lawal
deserves praise as well for his on-the-spot counsel during the course of my project
I also want to thank the Polytechnic for allowing me to enroll in the HND
program. Additionally, I owe a great deal of gratitude to Chevron for providing me
with a scholarship. I was able to successfully complete my HND studies because
of this financial support.
In addition, I want to thank my parents and siblings for their unwavering support,
which has motivated me to pursue my academic goals. God bless you all.
I won't stop thanking my buddies Ruth, Umar, Ahmed, and Femi for their
assistance. God bless you too.
This study addresses the generic problem of navigating a robot between obstacles.
The experimental case tested here is driving through doorways, which can be seen
as a special case of a junction between corridors. The robot used was the MICA
wheelchair. On-board there is a scanning laser tilted downwards, a fiber optic
gyro and odometric encoders. From the laser scan walls and the door are found
using the Hough/Radon transform. The results with the control law used gave a
standard deviation of 1.4 cm for the lateral error and 2.2 degrees in angle. This
can be improved by tuning of control law. The programming was mainly done in
Java. Java methods can be integrated in a MATLAB script. MATLAB and Java
together were found to be an excellent test-bed for designing and testing
algorithms. All computations were done in real-time. A long-term goal in robotics
is to fuse together many sensors into one platform and make a multipurpose
Table of Contents
Title page…………………………….…………………………………………………………………i
Approval page………………………………………………………………………………………..ii
Table of content……………………………………………………………………………………...vii
List of Figures… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . viii
List of Tables… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . ix
Appendix A. Protocols…………………………………………………………………………………...46
Appendix B. Interview Transcripts…………………………………………………………………..…..49
Appendix C. Calculations……………………………………………………………………………......52
Appendix D. Informed Consent……………………………………………………………………….....54