Design of A Four-Storey Evacuation Center

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Major (Capstone) Design Experience Information

CE 019 – CE Design Projects 1

1st Semester, SY 2021-2022

Abendaño, Marjorie F.
Student / Team Carinugan, Gunrose Holy Gabriele R.
Group 1 Mirasol, Jeremiah Emmanuelle D.L.
Panganiban, Ariah Elijah A.

Design of a Four-Storey Evacuation Center in

Project Title Ortigas Avenue Extension, Brgy. Rosario, Pasig
Program and Concentration Area Structural Engineering
Quantitative Constraint
Building a structure, whether on a huge or small
scale, is costly. However, it is possible to select
more cost-effective materials and construction
methods to assist reduce costs. This will be
considered in the design in order for the designers
to estimate the building cost on each tradeoff in
Structural Context based on the labor cost and
materials to be used for the proposed structure.
Economic After estimating the building cost, the designers will
(Material Cost) choose which trade-offs are most appropriate for the
projected budget without damaging the structure's
strength. The designers will be obtaining desirable
outcomes in these tradeoffs in order to determine
what will be the most cost-effective under given
• Limitation: The construction cost of the
project set by the client is limited to an
amount of Php 50,000,000.00 only.
A fast-paced construction can be achieved through
efficient planning of activities as well as allocating
resources. In terms of the duration of construction,
the designers must come up with an estimate that
will avoid errors, delays, and unnecessary costs.
So, the designers will take into account the
(Schedule and Labor Cost)
constructability constraint to be able to completely
identify the elements that may cause a construction
delay, as well as the remedies that must be
implemented to compensate for errors or delayed
• Limitation: The construction of the project
must be completed within 400 days.
One of the constraints to consider is the
sustainability of the structure that will be
constructed. In any project, one of the most
important considerations is the lifespan of the
structure because it reflects whether the structure
can still fulfill its functions. The proposed project is
designed to accommodate human needs in the
event of a disaster. The tradeoffs will weigh the
(Lifespan and Maintenance Cost)
advantages and disadvantages of each material and
process which will then be compared to the
structure’s maximum lifespan. The chosen tradeoff
will let the structure withstand natural disasters and
last for several years.
• Limitation: The structure must have at least
a 30-year design life.
Identifying the potential hazards while evaluating the
risks associated with these identified hazards is
called risk assessment. This constraint is being
considered as it helps the structure to maintain its
safety wherein it indicates a structure’s ability to
protect against natural disasters (e.g., floods,
Risk earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes). To prevent
the potential hazard that can make the structure
deflect and collapse, the designers will use a
structural code.
• Limitation: The structure must focus on the
limits stated in the National Structural Code
of the Philippines for its structural context.
This constraint refers to the safety of the workers as
well as the nearby community where the structure is
constructed. In structural context, safety constraint
determines the factors that may cause accidents
during the construction of the structure, the safety
design feature, and implementation technique.
Structural integrity will be addressed by the
Safety designers by using engineering methods to design
the structural frames. The tradeoffs will be
investigated and then implemented in order to
design a structurally sound building that is safe from
• Limitation: The design safety percentage of
the structure shall be at least one hundred
percent (100%).
Uncertainty The structural context's uncertainty constraints are
largely concerned with economics, the construction
process, hazards, and human errors during the
construction phase, all of which might influence the
building's design. This specific constraint will assess
the probability percentage of the winning tradeoff
design being fully utilized four hundred (400) days
after its completion.
• Limitation: The percentage of the
uncertainties will be based on the
probability of which tradeoff will be utilized
in the design.
Qualitative Constraint
Factors that will occur as a result of increased
interest in or opposition to a project are referred to
as social constraints. Concern from the public and
media forces a project to be investigated more
closely and subjected to more constraints, which
Social might result in considerable changes to the original
plans. As a result, the designers will weigh a
number of tradeoffs to see if the equipment or
procedures used to design the structure benefit the
construction while also not becoming a problem to
the surrounding populations.
An environmental constraint is a limitation on the
materials and methods that can be utilized to create
a structure because of the environmental impact on
the surrounding area. The designers weigh between
a set of tradeoffs that will be compared to determine
whether the materials and methods to be used in
the design development will be environmentally
This constraint primarily concerns the status of the
building as it relates to its intended use. The
building should be built around its intended purpose
and function. During a catastrophe, an evacuation
center is designed to offer evacuees with a
temporary safe shelter. The evacuation center must
be wide, well-lit, elevated, and appropriate, as per
the designers.
The architectural plan for the design of the structure
is limited by the project's aesthetic constraint. The
initial aesthetic of the project would be to
Aesthetics incorporate windows, doors, and other building
design elements; however, the structural plan for
catastrophe proofing may require alterations to the
basic arrangement based on the project's hazard-
prone location. In terms of the design constraint of
the tradeoffs, the aesthetics may need to be
updated or redesigned, which may have an impact
on the building's early design and ventilation.
Design Trade-offs
Special Moment Frames require additional
requirements such as proportioning and detailing
requirements that result in a frame capable of
resisting strong earthquake shaking without
significant loss of stiffness or strength. Moment
frame beams, columns, and beam-column joints are
proportioned and specified to resist flexural, axial,
and shearing forces that occur as a structure sway
through many displacement cycles during significant
Special Moment-Resisting Frame System
earthquake ground shaking. The term "special"
refers to the members and connections of frames
being designed and specified to provide maximum
ductility and toughness, implying excellent energy
dissipation and seismic performance during severe
earthquake shaking. In earthquake-resistant
buildings, reinforced concrete special moment
frames are used as part of seismic force-resisting
The term “special” refers to the connections, beams,
and columns being designed and detailed to prevent
less ductile forms of response from causing less
lateral drift capacity. A braced frame is a structural
system designed to withstand wind and earthquake
Special Concentrically Braced Frame System forces.
The designers have chosen the SCBF because it is
proportioned and designed to maximize inelastic
drift capacity which can withstand an earthquake. It
involves adding additional elements to a frame to
increase its ability to sustain lateral loads.
A dual system is a structural system in which gravity
loads are supported by an essentially complete
frame, while lateral loads are resisted by a specially
designed moment-resisting frame and shear walls
Dual System or braced frames. The frame consists of a group of
beams and columns linked together by rigid joints,
and the frames bend in shear mode, whilst the
shear walls deflect in a bending mode similar to
cantilever walls.
Design Codes and Standards
National Building Code of the Philippines The Philippine National Building Code, also known
(PD 1096) as Presidential Decree No. 1096, was created and
implemented as a unified building code in order to
include up-to-date and current technical information
on building design, construction, usage, occupancy,
and maintenance. This code is used to establish
minimum standards and regulations for the design,
use of the structure, type of occupancy, space
allocation, ventilation, location regulation and
control, and maintenance.
This code enables designers in determining which
National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015
parameters should be utilized, as well as serving as
(NSCP 2015)
a reference for the estimation of various loads.
Structural Steel Design is one of the structural
Association of Structural Engineers of the
tradeoffs. As a result, the ASEP Steel Handbook is
appropriate for assisting designers in properly
(ASEP Steel Handbook)
comprehending the idea of steel structures.
The publication ACI 318, "Building Code Standards
for Structural Concrete and Commentary," lays out
the code requirements for structural concrete design
American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318 and construction that are important for public safety.
The ACI 318 is a must-have standard for all
concrete design, construction, and inspection
938 Aurora Boulevard, Cubao, Quezon City

A Project in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in

CE 019
CE Design Project 1



Prepared By:
Group 1

Group Leader:
Carinugan, Gunrose Holy Gabriele R.

Abendaño, Marjorie F.
Mirasol, Jeremiah Emmanuelle D.L.
Panganiban, Ariah Elijah A.


Submitted To:
Engr. Jennifer L. Camino

The capstone design project entitled “Design of a Four-Storey Evacuation Center in Ortigas Avenue
Extension, Brgy. Rosario, Pasig City” prepared by Marjorie F. Abendaño, Gunrose Holy Gabriele R.
Carinugan, Jeremiah Emmanuelle D.L. Mirasol, Ariah Elijah A. Panganiban, 4th year students of the Civil
Engineering Department was examined and evaluated by the members of the Students Design Evaluation
Panel, and is hereby recommended for approval.

Engr. Alvin Deliro

External Adviser

Engr. Jennifer L. Camino

Class Adviser


We express our deepest appreciation and unwavering admiration to the following people and institutions for
their assistance and support. To those people that helped us to make this design possible.

First and foremost, praise and gratitude to God Almighty for supplying us with knowledge, insight, and
understanding. Throughout our design, we wish for strength, support, and blessings. And for your assistance
in helping us in surpassing all of our goals. For inspiring us to complete our Capstone design project despite
the challenges we have faced.

Second, we would want to express our gratitude to Engr. Jennifer Camino, our Capstone Design Instructor,
for providing supervision and support throughout this design project, and for always being patient and
accessible whenever we had questions or needed explanations. We won't be able to plan the project perfectly
without her help and guidance both during and after class.

Third, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our external advisers, Engr. Alvin Deliro for his continued
support of our design in our structural context. We have been tremendously inspired by their patience,
motivation, passion, vision, honesty, and vast expertise. Working and designing under his guidance was a
real honor and privilege.

Fourth, we sincerely give thanks to our friends and batch mates that provided support during the experiences
that we’ve encountered along the way as well as for the memories during the stay here in T.I.P.

Finally, we are grateful for our parents' love, care, understanding, and sacrifices in educating and preparing
us for our future. For their moral support, financial aid, and spiritual support in helping us complete our design.
This design would not be feasible without each and every one of them.


The Philippines is now dealing with serious environmental issues such as typhoons, earthquakes, and
deforestation. These occurrences result in casualties and property damage, which is common in urban
settings. As a result, an evacuation center plays a critical role in disaster management, which is defined as
transferring individuals at danger to safety in order to reduce damages and fatalities caused by flooding and
other natural catastrophes. Evacuation facilities play a critical role in dealing with the aftermath of natural
disasters. It offers immediate refuge from the disaster's immediate effects, as well as key information to
emergency planners about those internally displaced individuals who have been rendered homeless or
whose shelter has been seriously damaged, requiring a transition shelter or a lengthy solution. To come up
with a feasible solution, several parameters were analyzed, which resulted to the proposal of a four-story
barangay evacuation center. Structural Engineering Context was taken into account which is important in the
design process. Special Moment-Resisting Frame, Special Concentrically Braced Frame, and Dual System
are the trade-offs for Structural Context in which each case was assessed in order to come up with the
project's possibilities and choose the solution that best meets the project's objectives. Overall, the most
efficient solution for the design of the evacuation center after the design process is strongly suggested to be
utilized in Evacuation Center in Brgy. Rosario, Pasig.


NSCP – National Structural Code of the Philippines

NBCP – National Building Code of the Philippines
ASEP – Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines
ACI – American Concrete Institute
SMRF – Special Moment-Resisting Frame
SCBF – Special Concentrically Braced Frame

APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................................................................... 2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................ 3
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................... 4
ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS .................................................................................................................... 5
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................................. 6
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................................... 8
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 The Project ........................................................................................................................................ 10
1.2 Project Location ................................................................................................................................. 11
1.3 Project Client ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Clients Specifications........................................................................................................................... 12
1.4 Project Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 12
General Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 13
Specific Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 13
1.5 Scope and Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 13
Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Limitation ............................................................................................................................................. 13
1.6 Project Development ......................................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 2: DESIGN CRITERIA AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ......................................... 16
2.1 Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................... 16
Demography ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Population by Age Group ..................................................................................................................... 17
Historical Population of Barangay ........................................................................................................ 18
Location Map ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Vicinity Map ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Topography ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Hazard Maps ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Description of Structure ....................................................................................................................... 24
Loads ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Geotechnical Site Investigation............................................................................................................ 35
Geotechnical Report ............................................................................................................................ 35
Standard Penetration Test ................................................................................................................... 35

Soil Bearing Capacity .......................................................................................................................... 36
Soil Profile ........................................................................................................................................... 38
2.2 Review of Related Literature and Studies .......................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER 3: CONSTRAINTS, TRADEOFFS AND STANDARDS .............................................................. 43
3.1 Design Constraints ............................................................................................................................ 43
Quantitative Constraint ........................................................................................................................ 43
Qualitative Constraints......................................................................................................................... 45
3.2 Design Tradeoffs ............................................................................................................................... 45
Special Moment-Resisting Frame System ........................................................................................... 45
Special Concentrically Braced Frame System ..................................................................................... 46
Dual System ........................................................................................................................................ 47
3.3 Multiple Constraints using Initial Normalization Method ..................................................................... 48
Raw Data ............................................................................................................................................. 48
Normalized Data .................................................................................................................................. 49
Weighted Sum of Various Percentage Weight ..................................................................................... 50
Overall Tradeoff Assessment............................................................................................................... 51
3.4 Design Codes and Standard .............................................................................................................. 52
National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096) ........................................................................... 52
National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015................................................................................. 52
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP Steel Handbook) .................................. 52
American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318 ................................................................................................ 52
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 53
CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………………………………………………..58


Table 2.1: Total Population in Pasig…………………………………………………………………….…………….7

Table 2.2: Primary Load…………………………………………………………………….…………....................19
Table 2.3: Ultimate Load Combination…………………………………………………………………….……….20
Table 2.4: Materials Density…………………………………………………………………….…………..............21
Table 2.5: Dead Loads of the Structure (Ground Floor).………………………………………………………....21
Table 2.6: Dead Loads of the Structure (Second Floor).………………………………………………………….22
Table 2.7: Dead Loads of the Structure (Third Floor) ….………………………………………………………...22
Table 2.8: Dead Loads of the Structure (Fourth Floor) ……………………………………………………………22
Table 2.9: Live Loads of the Structure………………………………………………………………………………23
Table 2.10: Summary of Notations………………………………………………………………………………….23
Table 2.11: Wind Loads of the Structure……………………………………………………………………………24
Table 2.12: Soil Profile Types…………………………………………………………………………………….….29
Table 3.1: Raw Data….………………………………………………………………………………………………48
Table 3.2: Normalized Data ….………………………………………………………………………………………49
Table 3.3: 1st Weighted Sum of Various Percentage….………………………………………………………….50
Table 3.4: 2nd Weighted Sum of Various Percentage….…………………………………………………………50
Table 3.5: 3rd Weighted Sum of Various Percentage….…………………………………………….……………51


Figure 1.1: Perspective View of Proposed Four-Storey Evacuation Center………………………….……...…...1

Figure 1. 2: Map of Rosario, Pasig…………………………………………………………………….…………......2
Figure 1. 3: Location of the Project.………………………………………………………………………………......3
Figure 1.4: Project Development Plan…………………………………………………………………………...…. 6
Figure 2.1: Population of Barangay Rosario categorized by age group………………………………………….8
Figure 2.2: Historical Population and Growth of Barangay Rosario……………………………………………...9
Figure 2.3: Map of Rosario, Pasig…………………………………………………………………………………...10
Figure 2.4: Vicinity Map of Ortigas Avenue Extension, Rosario, Pasig………………………………………….10
Figure 2.5: Physical/Geographical Profile………………………………………………………………………….11
Figure 2.6: Barangay Rosario, Land Area………………………………………………………………………….11
Figure 2.7: City of Pasig 5 Year Flood Hazard Map………………………………………………………………12
Figure 2.8: City of Pasig Ground Shaking Hazard Map…………………………………………………………...13
Figure 2.9: City of Pasig Ground Rupture Hazard Map…………………………………………………………...14
Figure 2.10: Perspective View……………………………………………………………………………………….15
Figure 2.11: Floor Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………….16
Figure 2.12: Front and Rear Elevation Plan…………………………………………………………………….….17
Figure 2.13: Left and Right Elevation Plan………………………………………………………………………….18
Figure 2.14: Basic Wind Speeds for Occupancy Category I………………………………………………………25
Figure 2.15: Distance from an active fault line…………………………………………………………………….26
Figure 2.16: Soil bearing capacity at a Depth of 1 meter in Metro Manila………………………………………27
Figure 2.17: Soil bearing capacity at a Depth of 3 meters in Metro Manila………...……………………………28
Figure 2.18: Soil bearing capacity at a Depth of 5 meters in Metro Manila………………………………………28
Figure 3.1: Special Moment Resisting Frame………………………………………………………………………46
Figure 3.2: Special Braced Frame……………………………………………………………….….………………47
Figure 3.3: Dual System……………………………………………………………………………...………………48


1.1 The Project

Situated in South-east Asia, the Philippines is considered as one of the tropical countries in the
Northern Hemisphere. This implies that the country is usually hot throughout the year and undergoes
a rainy season during the second half of the year and a dry season during the first half. The said
country is predominantly exposed to natural calamities most especially typhoons and heavy rainfalls,
resulting in flash floods and landslides, along with storm surges on the lowlands and near the rivers.
One of the cities at risk is Rosario, Pasig City. The most haunting to Pasig City was when the Tropical
Storm Ondoy (Ketsana) hit the Philippines in 2009 where thousands of homes in the city were
submerged by flood waters. The city is prone to flooding due to three local waterways - Pasig River,
Marikina River, and the Manggahan floodway – and the Laguna de Bay. Many residential
subdivisions, commercial buildings, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions have been built
in the district. So, the area has continuous developments around it coupled with the constant threat
of flooding.

In order to help the citizens of Rosario, Pasig City for the future catastrophes that will happen, a four-
storey evacuation center is proposed, wherein it is significantly affected by the typhoons that will lead
to massive flash floods. The evacuation center will serve as a safe emergency shelter for the affected
families during calamity and during the post-event recovery. The structure will not only act as a refuge
for the affected people in the time of calamity, but also for indoor events to be held during the dry

Figure 1.1: Perspective View of Proposed Four-Storey Evacuation Center

1.2 Project Location

The site location of the project is in Rosario, Pasig. It is a barangay in the city of Pasig which is
situated in the island of Luzon, Philippines. As determined in the Census in the year 2020, the
population in the area is 73,979 which represents 9.21% of the total population of Pasig. It is situated
near the center of the Pasig-Marikina River basin which has three local waterways - Pasig River,
Marikina River, and the Manggahan floodway – and the Laguna de Bay. The proposed project will
be constructed on Prince Arcade CTIP Compound, Ortigas Avenue Extension, Rosario, Pasig which
is a vacant lot. The area is surrounded by nearby residential and commercial buildings.

Figure 1. 2: Map of Rosario, Pasig

(Source: Google Maps)

Figure 1. 3: Location of the Project

(Source: Google Earth)

1.3 Project Client

The client is Victor Ma. Regis N. Sotto, the 20th and incumbent mayor of Pasig, Metro Manila with
the collaboration of Brgy. Chairman of Rosario, Pasig City, Aquilino R. Dela Cruz.

The proponents aim to collaborate with the clients to provide the safety of all vulnerable citizens of
Brgy. Rosario, Pasig City. Also, to provide a place for indoor events if the building is not used as a
place for evacuation. This project has a budget of Php. 50,000,000.00.

Clients Specifications

The following are the restrictions to the proposed project given by the client.

1. The total cost of the project must not exceed Php. 55,000,000.00.

2. The design life of the structure must reach at least 30 years.

1.4 Project Objectives

The project objectives are subdivided into general objectives and specific objectives.

General Objectives

The primary objective of the project is to design a four-storey evacuation building on Prince
Arcade CTIP Compound, Ortigas Avenue Extension, Rosario, Pasig to provide a protected area
to the community of Pasig when the event of natural disaster occurs in the future such as flash
floods, simultaneously allotting a space in the building for indoor events such as indoor court for

Specific Objectives

● To design a four-storey evacuation building using the specification and standards of

National Building Code of the Philippines and National Structural Code of the Philippines,
and other relevant codes and standards.
● To provide an efficient cost and estimate of the design.
● To design a structure that will be earthquake and typhoon resilient.
● To evaluate various effects due to different loads and load combinations.
● To evaluate trade-offs based on the constraints in order to determine which design option
is the most effective.

1.5 Scope and Limitations

The design project shall provide and cover the following:

1. Specification and standards of National Building Code of the Philippines and

National Structural Code of the Philippines, and other relevant codes and standards.
2. Structural design plans of the tradeoff.
3. Cost estimates of the whole project such as costs of labor and materials.
4. Analysis and Design of the given tradeoff.

The design project shall limit and exclude the following:

1. Alternative designs which are not included in the tradeoffs.

2. Time frame and the detailed daily construction activities.
3. Only minimum requirements for the interior outlook are included from the project.
4. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection plans of the project.
5. Actual construction of the proposed project.

1.6 Project Development

Before executing the design project, the project must undergo a development based upon the series
of stages which will take upon the course of the fulfillment of the project.

The following are the steps of the project development plan:

1. Identifying the problem
Identifying the existing problem in a given location which formulates possible solutions to the
resulting problems.
2. Conceptualization
Conceptualizing about the possible plans and solutions for the identified problem.
3. Data Gathering
After identifying the problem and conceptualizing possible solutions, the gathering of
different data on the topic and its related concepts takes place in order for the project to
4. Determination of Design Constraints
Identifying and selecting different design constraints which would affect the design of the
5. Trade-offs
Assessment of options used for the project and approach in order to reach the goal of the
6. Project Analysis and Design
The proposed evacuation center is to follow the different requirements and standards set
upon the National Building Code of the Philippines and the National Structural Code of the
Philippines (NSCP).
7. Estimation of costs and number of working days
Estimating the project’s overall cost and the possible number of days for the construction of
the structure.

The flowchart below shows the project development plan.

Figure 1.4: Project Development Plan


2.1 Design Criteria

Pasig is a highly urbanized city that is located in the National Capital Region of Luzon,
Philippines. The city has a total land area of 8.46 square kilometers. The city is composed of 30
barangays, one of which is Barangay Rosario.

Rosario is a barangay in the city of Pasig wherein its total population was 73,979 determined by
the 2020 Census. This represented 9.21% of the total population of Pasig.

Table 2.1: Total Population in Pasig

Name Total Population (2020 Census)

Barangays Total Population (2020 Census)
Bagong Ilog 20,344
Bagong Katipunan 879
Bambang 20,801
Buting 10,348
Caniogan 28,086
Dela Paz 19,804
Kalawaan 32,145
Kapasigan 4,774
Kapitolyo 9,203
Malinao 4,817
Manggahan 88,078
Maybunga 45,555
Oranbo 3,267
Palatiw 27,499
Pinagbuhatan 163,598
Pineda 19,499
Rosario 73,979
Sagad 6,036
San Antonio 11,727
San Joaquin 13,823
San Jose 1,814
San Miguel 40,199
San Nicolas (Pob.) 2,602
Santa Cruz 5,610
Santa Rosa 1,015
Santo Tomas 12,904
Santolan 57,933

Sumilang 4,334
Ugong 28,737
Santa Lucia 43,749

(Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2020 Census of Population and Housing)

Population by Age Group

Figure 2.1: Population of Barangay Rosario categorized by age group


According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Rosario, Pasig is 25
to 29, which comprises 7,160 individuals. On the other hand, the age group with the lowest
population is 80 and over, which comprises 300 individuals.

Historical Population of Barangay
Over 30 years, the population in Rosario grew from 57,354 in 1990 to 73,979 in 2020. The latest
census in 2020 also denotes a positive growth rate of 3.82%, or an increase of 12,059 people,
from the previous population of 61,920 in 2015.

Figure 2.2: Historical Population and Growth of Barangay Rosario


Location Map
The proposed project is located in Barangay Rosario, Pasig.

Figure 2.3: Map of Rosario, Pasig

(Source: Google Maps)

Vicinity Map
The area being urbanized is mostly surrounded by commercial and residential buildings.

Figure 2.4: Vicinity Map of Ortigas Avenue Extension, Rosario, Pasig

(Source: Google Maps)

Topography is a significant factor in site analysis. The slope in the site will affect the accessibility
of the sun and the views. On the other hand, if the site is flat, the topography will not affect the
layout of the building.

Figure 2.5: Physical/Geographical Profile


Figure 2.6: Barangay Rosario, Land Area

(Source: Google Maps)

Hazard Maps

A hazard, by definition, is a source or a situation with the potential to harm. These can be in
terms of human injury or illness, damage to property and to the environment, or a combination
of these. The proposed site location is susceptible to many natural hazards.

Flood Hazard Maps

The proposed site location is prone to flooding as it is surrounded by 3 major waterways
which are the Pasig River, Marikina River, and the Manggahan floodway - Laguna de Bay.

Based on the map below for the 5-year flood hazard of the proposed site location, the
probability of a flood with 5-year return period in a single year is 20% or ⅕. The levels of
hazard are in the range of low to high.

Figure 2.7: City of Pasig 5 Year Flood Hazard Map

(Source: DOST-UP DREAM and Phil-LiDAR Program)

Earthquake Hazard Map

Ground shaking is used to describe the vibration of the ground during an earthquake. It is
the primary cause of earthquake damage to structures which were not designed properly to
withstand seismic loads.

Based on the map below for the ground shaking hazard, the proposed site location is
considered to be in Intensity High 8 of the PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale.

Figure 2.8: City of Pasig Ground Shaking Hazard Map


Seismic Profile

The goal of the proponents is to make the project more resistant to earthquakes. Determining
seismic profile helps to construct structures that will avoid damage or collapse during an

The West Valley Fault is the active fault line in Pasig City by which it is possible to have
ground rupture when an earthquake comes. Ground rupture is the visible offset of the ground
surface along a fault line.

Figure 2.9: City of Pasig Ground Rupture Hazard Map


Description of Structure
The designers formulated floor plans for the proposed structure according to its intended
purpose. The evacuation center is in a rectangular shape with 4 levels. The dimensions of the
floor are 30m by 12.5m.

Perspective View

Figure 2.10: Perspective View

Floor Plan

Figure 2.11: Floor Plan

Elevation Plan

Figure 2.12: Front and Rear Elevation Plan

Figure 2.13: Left and Right Elevation Plan

The loads acting on the proposed project can be classified as vertical, horizontal, and longitudinal
load. Vertical loads consist of dead, live, wind, and seismic load parameters. The values are
provided by the National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015 Edition.

Load Combination
The tables below define the different types of load combination used in the analysis of the
structure. These proponents will determine the load combination which will produce the
maximum stress of the structure. Whichever load combination governs will then be used to
calculate the member forces for the design.

Table 2.2: Primary Load

Primary Load Title Parameters

EQX Seismic Load @ X Direction

EQZ Seismic Load @ Z Direction

WX Wind Load @ X Direction

WZ Wind Load @ Z Direction

SDL Superimposed Dead Load

LL Live Load

DL Self-Weight

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Table 2.3: Ultimate Load Combination

Load Combination Source

ULC 1 1.4DL + 1.4SDL NSCP 2015 Vol.1 203-


ULC 2 1.2DL + 1.2SDL + 1.6LL NSCP 2015 Vol.1 203-


ULC 3 1.2DL + 1.2SDL + LL NSCP 2015 Vol.1 203-

ULC 4 1.2DL + 1.2SDL + 0.5 WLX

ULC 5 1.2DL + 1.2SDL - 0.5 WX

ULC 6 1.2DL + 1.2SDL + 0.5 WLZ

ULC 7 1.2DL + 1.2SDL - 0.5 WZ

ULC 8 1.2DL + 1.2SDL + WX + LL NSCP 2015 Vol.1 203-


ULC 9 1.2DL + 1.2SDL - WX + LL

ULC 10 1.2DL + 1.2SDL + WZ + LL

ULC 11 1.2DL + 1.2SDL - WZ + LL

ULC 12 1.2 DL + 1.2 SDL + EQX + LL NSCP 2015 Vol.1 203-


ULC 13 1.2 DL + 1.2 SDL - EQX + LL

ULC 14 1.2 DL + 1.2 SDL + EQZ + LL

ULC 15 1.2 DL + 1.2 SDL - EQZ + LL

ULC 16 0.9DL + 0.9SDL + WX

ULC 17 0.9DL + 0.9SDL - WX NSCP 2015 Vol.1 203-
ULC 18 0.9DL + 0.9SDL + WZ

ULC 19 0.9DL + 0.9SDL - WZ

ULC 20 0.9DL + 0.9SDL + EQX NSCP 2015 Vol.1 203-

ULC 21 0.9DL + 0.9SDL - EQX

ULC 22 0.9DL + 0.9SDL + EQZ

ULC 23 0.9DL + 0.9SDL - EQZ

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Dead Load Parameters

Table 2.4: Materials Density

Materials Density (kN/m3) Source

Concrete, reinforced (including stone and 23.6 NSCP 2015
gravel) Table 204-1
Water (Fresh) 9.8
Masonry, Concrete (solid portion) (medium 19.6
weight units)

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Table 2.5: Dead Loads of the Structure (Ground Floor)

Materials Description Load (kPa)

Ceilings Plaster on tile or concrete 0.24
Coverings, Roof and wall Cement tile 0.77
Floor fill Lightweight concrete per mm 0.015
Floor and Floor finishes Terrazzo (38mm directly on slab 0.91
Exterior stud walls: 50x150 @400 0.57
Frame Walls mm, 15 mm gypsum, insulated, 10
mm siding
Windows, glass, frame and sash 0.38

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Table 2.6: Dead Loads of the Structure (Second Floor)

Materials Description Load (kPa)

Ceilings Plaster on tile or concrete 0.24
Coverings, Roof and wall Cement tile 0.77
Floor fill Lightweight concrete per mm 0.015
Floor and Floor finishes Terrazzo (38mm directly on slab 0.91
Exterior stud walls: 50x150 @400 0.57
Frame Walls mm, 15 mm gypsum, insulated, 10
mm siding
Windows, glass, frame and sash 0.38

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Table 2.7: Dead Loads of the Structure (Third Floor)

Materials Description Load (kPa)

Ceilings Plaster on tile or concrete 0.24
Coverings, Roof and wall Cement tile 0.77
Floor fill Lightweight concrete per mm 0.015
Floor and Floor finishes Terrazzo (38mm directly on slab 0.91
Exterior stud walls: 50x150 @400 0.57
Frame Walls mm, 15 mm gypsum, insulated, 10
mm siding
Windows, glass, frame and sash 0.38

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Table 2.8: Dead Loads of the Structure (Fourth Floor)

Materials Description Load (kPa)

Ceilings Plaster on tile or concrete 0.24
Coverings, Roof and wall Cement tile 0.77
Floor fill Lightweight concrete per mm 0.015
Floor and Floor finishes Terrazzo (38mm directly on slab 0.91
Exterior stud walls: 50x150 @400 0.57
Frame Walls mm, 15 mm gypsum, insulated, 10
mm siding
Windows, glass, frame and sash 0.38

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Live Load Parameters

Table 2.9: Live Loads of the Structure

Use or Occupancy Uniform Load (kPa)

Basic Floor Area 1.9
Storage Room 6.0
Kitchen 2.4
Bathroom 2.4
Bedroom 1.9

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Wind Load Parameters

Computation of wind load ensures the stability of the structure as wind pressure affects the
dynamic response of the building.

Table 2.10: Summary of Notations

Symbol Notations

V Basic wind speed, kph

Kd Wind directionality factor

Kz Velocity pressure coefficient evaluated at height z

Kzt Topographic factor

Iw Importance Factor

G Gust effect factor for rigid buildings, also called “simplified

dynamic response factor” and is equivalent to Gf with R
(resonant response factor) assumed as zero

H Mean roof height of the building, tower or other structure,

except that eave height for a building shall be used for roof
angle θ of less than or equal to 10°, m

Qh Velocity pressure coefficient evaluated at height z = h,


Cp External pressure coefficient to be used in the

determination of wind loads for buildings

GCᵨᵢ Product of internal pressure coefficient and gust effect
factor to be used in the determination of wind loads for

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Table 2.11: Wind Loads of the Structure

Parameters Values Source

Basic Wind Speed (V) 260 NSCP 2015 Vol.1 Figure 207A.5-

Wind Directionality Factor 0.85 MWFRS; NSCP 2015 Vol.1 Table

(Kd) 207A.6-1

Exposure Category Exposure B NSCP 2015 Vol.1 Section 207A.7.3

Topography Factor (Kzt) 1.0 Flat Terrain; NSCP 2015 Vol.1

Section 207A.8

Gust Effect Factor 0.85 NSCP 2015 Vol. 1, Section 207A.2,

Section 207A.9

Enclosure Classification Partially Enclosed NSCP 2015 Vol.1 Section 207A.10

Internal Pressure ± 0.55 NSCP 2015 Vol.1 Section 207A-11

Coefficient (GCpi)

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Figure 2.14: Basic Wind Speeds for Occupancy Category I

Buildings and Other Structures

(Source: NSCP 2015)

Seismic Load Parameters
As provided in the NSCP 2015, provisions upon earthquake were made to lessen the
probability of the structure to collapse during an earthquake. Earthquake or seismic loads
are computed based on the Section 208 of the NSCP.

Figure 2.15: Distance from an active fault line


Geotechnical Site Investigation

The purpose of the site investigation is to review existing data from the site and its nearby sites.
Also, to assess subsurface conditions at the site and provide recommendations on suitable
footing types and geotechnical parameters.

Geotechnical Report
A geotechnical report is essential before starting any sort of development or building. It is an
essential preceding development and even before structural plans are determined. The
geotechnical report incorporates a site analysis of the soil, rocks, bedrock properties and fault
distribution. The investigation is done to decide the designing properties of how the components
and establishments will associate with a proposed development.

Standard Penetration Test

Soil Penetration Test (SPT) is one of the procedures to determine the soil bearing capacity. This
test is economical and used to identify surface information on land and offshore. Standard
penetration blow count NSPT is used.

Soil Bearing Capacity
Soil Bearing Capacity means the capacity of soil to support the loads that are applied to the
ground or on a foundation. It depends on the type of soil, its density, and its shear strength.

Figure 2.16: Soil bearing capacity at a Depth of 1 meter in Metro Manila

(Source: International Journal of GEOMATE, April, 2017, Vol. 12 Issue 32, pp. 5-11)

Figure 2.17: Soil bearing capacity at a Depth of 3 meters in Metro Manila

(Source: International Journal of GEOMATE, April, 2017, Vol. 12 Issue 32, pp. 5-11)

Figure 2.18: Soil bearing capacity at a Depth of 5 meters in Metro Manila

(Source: International Journal of GEOMATE, April, 2017, Vol. 12 Issue 32, pp. 5-11)

Generic Shear Wave SPT, N
Soil Profile Type Shear Strength
Description Velocity VS,30 (Blows/300mm)
AU (kPa)
Sa Hard Rock >1500
Sb Rock 760 to 1500
Very dense
Sc soil and soft 360 to 760 >50 >100
Sd Stiff soil profile 180 to 360 15 to 50 50 to 100
Se Soft soil profile <180 <15 <50

Soil Profile

Table 2.12: Soil Profile Types

The designers are to use the exception made by the National Structural Code of the Philippines
2015 regarding locations without geotechnical reports. According to the NSCP 2015, when the
soil properties are not known or with insufficient detail, Type Sd shall be used. With this, the
designers decided to use the stiff soil profile (Sd) for the design of the structure.

2.2 Review of Related Literature and Studies

Earthquakes, fires, floods, storms, acts of terrorism, hazardous materials accidents, nuclear
accidents, and other disasters that may occur in or influence urban areas are a major source of
concern for emergency services and a relevant topic in urban engineering planning. Evacuation
is a process in which persons who are in danger are relocated to a safer location. Different
aspects of urban engineering must be addressed as a response to a coming hazardous event
or in the aftermath of it, such as evacuation time, especially for unpredictable disasters such as
man-made disasters. Another consideration is traffic flow, which is frequently coordinated with
other time aspects. For predictable disasters, which mainly are natural disasters such as
hurricanes or floods, evacuation is required before disaster happens and the main objectives
under this situation may be to minimize the system costs of evacuation. (Coutinho-Rodrigues et
al., 2016)

Stated by Chang, N., & Nghiem, H.M. (2017), accurate soil-pile-structure interaction studies are
required for safe and cost-effective aseismic designs of high-rise structures on piles. While rigid
base assessments are popular, comprehensive soil-pile-structure-interaction analyses of
structures have yet to catch on due to their complexity, especially in mathematical modeling of
soil and soil-structure interface behaviors. Buildings dance with foundations and soils during
intense seismic shaking, producing translational, torsional, and rocking motions, and effective

building designs need correct measurement of base shear, axial and torsional pressures,
torsional and bending moments, and building side sways. This necessitates the use of
appropriate soil constitutive models and soil-foundation contact models, both of which require
more study in the construction and selection of soil constitutive models and soil-pile contact

The Philippines is the world's fifth most exposed country to natural catastrophes. The country
has to raise disaster management knowledge among the general public by giving up-to-date
information about evacuation centers in order to reduce the number of persons involved in
accidents in the occurrence of a natural catastrophe. (Caballero, J., Chavez, E., Hernandez, A.,
& Niguidula, J., 2017)

The Philippines is regularly afflicted by catastrophic events such as typhoons and earthquakes.
Annually, the Philippines is hit by an average of 20 typhoons, five of which are devastating.
Because of its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire, it experiences occasional volcanic eruptions
and earthquakes. Building safe and suitable places for vulnerable individuals is a sensible long-
term investment for local and national governments, but it also has a long-term positive effect
since it will be good practice for people to be aware of what to do when unanticipated disasters

According to the journal article of Kerema (2020), Evacuation/emergency preparation will assist
in mitigating the effects of a disaster and may save lives. Because only a few individuals make
rational decisions during a crisis, it is critical to prepare ahead of time, when you can think
properly. The greatest approach to deal with a crisis is to prepare for it before it occurs.

After the flood event, a lot of debris and mud were found along the affected area. It is wise if we
make use of flood deposits instead of being thrown away as a disposal material. The developed
bricks will help to reuse and fully utilize waste material from flood deposits to become a
construction product and can be used to rebuild the damaged houses. Moreover, to produce
lower cost of bricks compared to the commercial bricks in the market using waste material.

In order to achieve sustainability aspects, many researches were conducted to develop bricks
from waste materials. They used entirely waste without exploiting any sort of natural resources.
The products that normally used to make the brick material are waste treatment residual, granite
waste, paper sludge, straw fibers, waste treatment sludge and fly ash (Shakir & Mohammed,
2013). Soil stabilization is a process to improve the physical and engineering properties of soil
to obtain some 3 predetermined targets (Ali, 2012). Any material containing mostly Silicon (Si)
and Aluminum (Al) in amorphous shape might be suitable to produce a brick (Mathew et al.,
2013). Due to the mud flood, it consists of Si and Al; therefore, it is suitable for brick production.

According to an article written by the NDMO (2016), every evacuation center should ideally
provide safe, secure refuge against weather events, severe rain and related floods, storm
surges, volcanic activity, earthquakes, and landslides. The design and evaluation of evacuation
centers must consider all of the possible consequences of these threats. When it comes to the
building, it should be able to endure predicted wind and/or earthquake loads, as well as be
equipped with cyclone shutters for windows and doors. It must include accommodations for
people with disabilities, such as ramps and suitable design for unhindered wheelchair access,

and it should be designed to guarantee that vulnerable people are cared for, as well as the
personal protection of women, girls, and boys.

The building's horizontal acceleration is reduced and suffers far less deformation and damage.
If a building's foundation sits on soft or filled-in soil, the whole building may fail in an earthquake
regardless of the advanced engineering techniques employed. Assuming, however, that the soil
beneath a structure is firm and solid, engineers can greatly improve how the building-foundation
system will respond to seismic waves. a building above its foundation on a system of bearings,
springs or padded cylinders. Bearings attach to the building and foundation via steel plates and
then, when an earthquake hits, allow the foundation to move without moving the structure above
it. Engineers use a variety of bearing pad designs, but they often choose lead-rubber bearings,
which contain a solid lead core wrapped in alternating layers of rubber and steel. The lead core
makes the bearing stiff and strong in the vertical direction, while the rubber and steel bands
make the bearing flexible in the horizontal direction.

When disasters strike, the goals of building a timely and effective disaster risk reduction and
management plan are to save lives and limit damage. With the intensification of typhoons in the
Philippines and an ever-increasing population, evacuation is an essential life-saving measure.
As a result, safe and sufficient evacuation facilities, as well as an effective evacuation process,
are critical to attaining these objectives. Metro Manila's disaster risk reduction management plan
is still in the works, with evacuation centers distributed among its 16 constituent cities and 1
municipality. There is a pressing need for information consolidation, which should begin with a
comprehensive review. While most, if not all, of the identified evacuation centers are makeshift
shelters which are government buildings or public spaces (i.e., schools, barangay halls,
gymnasiums, etc.) by design, it is recommended that future construction and development of
additional ECs be based on the DILG guidelines and that location identification be based on
spatial distribution and capacity requirements. (Cajucom, E. P. et al., 2019)

It is critical to engage in emergency response activities to assist affected people, with a focus on
the most vulnerable, particularly the internally displaced. (Boasso, 2016) Each barangay must
have a disaster response plan as well as an evacuation center. A quality one which can be used
during times of stability, can handle a large number of people, and includes separate facilities
for men and women. A safe area that is always available and may be used in the event of an
emergency. (Macuto, 2016)

Evacuation centers are critical for natural disaster-prone countries such as the Philippines,
according to Ravina, Danilo, Ruz, Marc, Shih, Rowell, and Kistelegdi, István, (2018). In the
Philippines, a public school serves as a temporary evacuation center for displaced families.

According to Cariaga, R., Chua, J., & Mallabo, L. (2019), the majority of evacuees stated the
school was not equipped in terms of early warning system, disaster capability management, and
disaster committee when asked about the level of preparation of the school in responding to

These modular barriers may provide a sense of privacy to each suffering family, which is
important in any evacuation center, especially for the sick, aged, menstruating women, and
breastfeeding mothers, among others. The implementation of the participatory design approach

ensures that the design is user-friendly for all parties involved. Material waste and expense are
reduced as a result of the design's adaptability and portability. The implementation of the
participatory design approach ensures that the design is user-friendly for all parties involved.
Material waste and expense are reduced as a result of the design's adaptability and portability.
The final design was created using a collaborative design technique and following the Philippine
Department of Education's standards.

According to Kumar, Kulbhushan (2019), beams, columns, floor slabs, walls, foundations, and
other specific elements of reinforced concrete multi-story buildings are continually placed to form
a rigid monolithic frame structure in the design of reinforced concrete multi-story buildings. The
geometric shapes of a building might be symmetrical or asymmetrical. A building with a regular
shape can withstand a greater amount of seismic force. A structure is subjected to gravity loads
such as dead and live loads, as well as lateral loads from wind and seismic loads. These loads
are necessary in order to transfer safety to the earth beneath interconnected structural systems.
The connection between a beam and a column, a column and a wall, a beam and a wall, or a
beam and a bracing component might be simple or moment resistant. The greatest issue in tall
buildings is achieving the serviceability limit states, constructability, durability, and economy.

Based on the study of Maistrenko, A.V. (2021), the finite element approach is used to calculate
the thermal properties of a volumetric construction. According to the Russian Federation's
Ministry of Energy's objectives, their country will develop a robust wind energy industry in the
next few years. In their context, calculations in the construction of wind power plant building
structures are now going to be more difficult. The fabrication of such fiberglass structures is a
complicated thermochemical process that involves the polymerization of the binder under
precisely controlled temperatures.

The lack of sustainable performance of post-disaster housing during recovery,

rehabilitation and reconstruction mainly stems from the gap between the emergency
and reconstruction phase due to either rush or delay, and economically and
environmentally unsustainable implemented solutions of current approaches. Such project
failures mainly arise from challenges in procuring quality construction materials due to immediate
extensive resource demands. This issue is primarily attributed to destroyed local production
facilities and supply systems after a large-scale disaster. (Ghanbarzadeh Ghomi S. et al., 2021).

Modern tall buildings have efficient structural systems and use high-strength materials, resulting
in reduced building height and thus becoming slenderer and more flexible with low damping;
however, these flexible buildings are very sensitive to wind excitation and earthquake load,
causing discomfort to building occupants (Rajmani and Guha, 2015). Sadh and Pendharkar
(2016) investigated how the overall shape, size, and geometry of a structure affects its behavior
during earthquakes. Balasaheb and Kuwar (2018) studied the effects of wind and earthquake
forces on various aspect ratios of buildings, concluding that as the aspect ratio increased, the
building became more critical. As a result, tall buildings should have a small aspect ratio, i.e.,
the sides of the building should be nearly equal in size, making it less critical.

According to Lean Alfred Santos (2013), some essential tips to keep in mind while building
structures that will resist the onslaught of floods, earthquakes and typhoons is (1) having four-
sided slope roof, (2) installing storm shutters, (3) having right materials by which homes should

be also be built using earthquake-resilient materials, aside from typhoon-resilient ones as well
as using the load-bearing design will be adaptable to the movement of the ground, lessening the
potential damage to the house, (4) the ultimate solution is finding the right location. The
Philippine government has geohazard maps which need to be consulted before pushing through
with a development project.

As stated in the article by Nick P. (2020), compressive strength is a material’s capacity to

withstand a crushing force. Tensile strength is a material’s resistance to failure when stretched.
A beam’s ability to resist vertical loads is an example of tensile strength, as it stops its underside
from elongating and cracking when a load is applied on top. Shear failure is caused by two
unaligned forces acting on a building in different directions and typically occurs during an
earthquake or due to strong winds. Shear strength is a material’s capacity to resist this type of

There are different types of framing systems which have their own unique advantages and
disadvantages. First is the moment-resisting frame, which is a rectilinear structure made up of
beams and columns that are rigidly connected. Its advantage is that it allows flexibility for
architectural design and layout. On the other hand, its disadvantages are that it can produce
more deflection and drift when compared to other framing systems, rigid joints can produce
accumulated stress, it requires precise construction of frame in order to resist lateral loads
effectively, and the moment connections can be expensive. Next is the braced frame, which is a
structural structure whose primary purpose is to withstand wind and seismic forces. Its
advantages are that it does not need moment connections, it can be positioned both internally
and externally for architectural flexibility, and it is cost-effective and simple to design. On the
other hand, its disadvantages are that it can cause problems with the layout of windows and
doors due to the blockage of bracings, it also requires fireproofing, which takes up large space,
its span is usually limited to 40 feet when reinforced, and large gusset plates are needed for
connections between beams and columns. Lastly, is the shear wall frame, which is a structural
system made up of braced panels that are used to mitigate the effects of lateral loads on a
structure. Its advantages are that shear walls are effective in minimizing earthquake damage to
structural and non-structural elements, both in terms of construction cost and effectiveness, it is
also rigid and structurally durable when placed under heavy loads. On the other hand, its
disadvantages are that it can produce stress in the walls as it is used to support the entire stability
of the building, it can reduce in strength and stiffness when there are openings, gaps, and
spaced, it causes problems with architectural and services requirements due to shear walls
acting as barriers, and it creates large pressure for foundations as shear walls have large amount
of weight. (Lateral force resisting systems, pros and cons, 2021)

According to Ambika-Chippa., and Prerana-Nampalli. (2014), dual System refers to a moment-

resisting frame partnered with a shear wall. The interaction between the frame and the shear
wall reduces the structural wall's lateral displacement at the top while also assisting in the support
of the frame near the bottom. Even if shear walls share more than 75% of the total lateral force,
the MRFs are designed to separately resist at least 25% of design base shear. This is to account
for the effects of seismic displacement.


3.1 Design Constraints

The constraints of the proposed structure's design relate to the factors that limit the structure's ability
to perform its full capacity. It is the boundary that was made to create the structure within the
limitations of predetermined conditions. The designer's purpose in this chapter is to identify all
constraints that affect and may obstruct the development of the proposed structure's design. The
importance of determining them ahead of time is to ensure the structure's performance to a limited
degree. There are two types of constraints: Quantitative Constraints and Qualitative Constraints.

Quantitative constraints cover the details of sustainability, economic, constructability, risk, safety,
and uncertainty whereas qualitative constraints include environmental, functionality, aesthetics, and
social constraints. The proposed structure's performance is limited by these constraints. Identifying
these restrictions will aid in reducing the likelihood of unanticipated failure due to the recognized

Quantitative Constraint


Building a structure, whether on a huge or small scale, is costly. However, it is possible to

select more cost-effective materials and construction methods to assist reduce costs. This
will be considered in the design in order for the designers to estimate the building cost on
each tradeoff in Structural Context based on the labor cost and materials to be used for the
proposed structure.

After estimating the building cost, the designers will choose which trade-offs are most
appropriate for the projected budget without damaging the structure's strength. The
designers will be obtaining desirable outcomes in these tradeoffs in order to determine what
will be the most cost-effective under given circumstances.

• Limitation: The construction cost of the project set by the client is limited to an
amount of Php 50,000,000.00 only.


A fast-paced construction can be achieved through efficient planning of activities as well as

allocating resources. In terms of the duration of construction, the designers must come up
with an estimate that will avoid errors, delays, and unnecessary costs. So, the designers will
take into account the constructability constraint to be able to completely identify the elements
that may cause a construction delay, as well as the remedies that must be implemented to
compensate for errors or delayed work.

• Limitation: The construction of the project must be completed within 400 days.


One of the constraints to consider is the sustainability of the structure that will be
constructed. In any project, one of the most important considerations is the lifespan of the
structure because it reflects whether the structure can still fulfill its functions. The proposed
project is designed to accommodate human needs in the event of a disaster. The tradeoffs
will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each material and process which will then
be compared to the structure’s maximum lifespan. The chosen tradeoff will let the structure
withstand natural disasters and last for several years.

• Limitation: The structure must have at least a 30-year design life.


Identifying the potential hazards while evaluating the risks associated with these identified
hazards is called risk assessment. This constraint is being considered as it helps the
structure to maintain its safety wherein it indicates a structure’s ability to protect against
natural disasters (e.g., floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes). To prevent the
potential hazard that can make the structure deflect and collapse, the designers will use a
structural code.

• Limitation: The structure must focus on the limits stated in the National Structural
Code of the Philippines for its structural context.


This constraint refers to the safety of the workers as well as the nearby community where
the structure is constructed. In structural context, safety constraint determines the factors
that may cause accidents during the construction of the structure, the safety design feature,
and implementation technique. Structural integrity will be addressed by the designers by
using engineering methods to design the structural frames. The tradeoffs will be investigated
and then implemented in order to design a structurally sound building that is safe from

• Limitation: The design safety percentage of the structure shall be at least one
hundred percent (100%).


The structural context's uncertainty constraints are largely concerned with economics, the
construction process, hazards, and human errors during the construction phase, all of which
might influence the building's design. This specific constraint will assess the probability
percentage of the winning tradeoff design being fully utilized four hundred (400) days after
its completion.

• Limitation: The percentage of the uncertainties will be based on the probability of

which tradeoff will be utilized in the design.

Qualitative Constraints


Factors that will occur as a result of increased interest in or opposition to a project are
referred to as social constraints. Concern from the public and media forces a project to be
investigated more closely and subjected to more constraints, which might result in
considerable changes to the original plans. As a result, the designers will weigh a number
of tradeoffs to see if the equipment or procedures used to design the structure benefit the
construction while also not becoming a problem to the surrounding populations.


An environmental constraint is a limitation on the materials and methods that can be utilized
to create a structure because of the environmental impact on the surrounding area. This is
need to be considered in the design for the designers to weigh down between a set of
tradeoffs that will be compared to determine whether the materials and methods to be used
in the design development will be environmentally friendly.


This constraint primarily concerns the status of the building as it relates to its intended use.
The building should be built around its intended purpose and function. During a catastrophe,
an evacuation center is designed to offer evacuees with a temporary safe shelter. The
evacuation center must be wide, well-lit, elevated, and appropriate, as per the designers.


The architectural plan for the design of the structure is limited by the project's aesthetic
constraint. The initial aesthetic of the project would be to incorporate windows, doors, and
other building design elements, however the structural plan for catastrophe proofing may
require alterations to the basic arrangement based on the project's hazard-prone location.
In terms of the design constraint of the tradeoffs, the aesthetics may need to be updated or
redesigned, which may have an impact on the building's early design and ventilation.

3.2 Design Tradeoffs

The trade-offs are a variety of approaches that must be analyzed and compared to determine the
optimal design for the project's constraints. These tradeoffs will be weighed by the designers in order
to construct a four-storey evacuation center in Brgy. Rosario, Pasig City.

Special Moment-Resisting Frame System

A moment-resisting frame is a structural system made up of a rectilinear assembly of beams and

columns that are rigidly connected. In earthquake-resistant buildings, reinforced concrete special
moment frames are used as part of seismic force-resisting systems. Moment frame beams,
columns, and beam-column joints are proportioned and specified to resist flexural, axial, and

shearing forces that occur as a structure sway through many displacement cycles during
significant earthquake ground shaking. Special Moment Frames require additional requirements
such as proportioning and detailing requirements that result in a frame capable of resisting strong
earthquake shaking without significant loss of stiffness or strength. These requirements improve
the seismic resistance when compared to Ordinary Moment Frames.

The designers have chosen the SMRF because it is expected to withstand significant inelastic
deformations when subjected to the forces resulting from the motions of the earthquake. The
term "special" refers to the members and connections of frames being designed and specified
to provide maximum ductility and toughness, implying excellent energy dissipation and seismic
performance during severe earthquake shaking.

Figure 3.1: Special Moment Resisting Frame

(Source: Google Images)

Special Concentrically Braced Frame System

A braced frame is a structural system designed to withstand wind and earthquake forces. It
involves adding additional elements to a frame to increase its ability to sustain lateral loads.
Braced frame members are usually triangulated and linked at joints. The diagonal members can
withstand both tension and compression forces. Bracing is efficient because it reduces stiffness
and resistance for a structure.

The designers have chosen the SCBF because it is proportioned and designed to maximize
inelastic drift capacity which can withstand an earthquake. The term “special” refers to the
connections, beams, and columns being designed and detailed to prevent less ductile forms of
response from causing less lateral drift capacity.

Figure 3.2: Special Braced Frame

(Source: Google Images)

Dual System

A dual system is a structural system in which gravity loads are supported by an essentially
complete frame, while lateral loads are resisted by a specially designed moment-resisting frame
and shear walls or braced frames. The frame consists of a group of beams and columns linked
together by rigid joints, and the frames bend in shear mode, whilst the shear walls deflect in a
bending mode similar to cantilever walls. The interaction between the frame and the shear wall
reduces the lateral deflection of the structural wall at the top, while the wall helps support the
frame near the base.

The designers have chosen the Dual System because it is expected to take care of the effect of
displacement during an earthquake because even if the shear walls share more than 75% of the
total lateral force, the MRFs are designed to resist at least 25% of the design base shear.
(Ambika-Chippa & Prerana-Nampalli, 2014)

Figure 3.3: Dual System

(Source: Google Images)

3.3 Multiple Constraints using Initial Normalization Method

After evaluating the initial estimate, a rough computation was applied. Each criterion’s scale or
weights is based on the designers’ perspective and client’s specifications.

The equation to be used for the ability to fulfill the criteria in Normalized Data calculation is:

Normalized Data (ND) = (𝑴𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒎−𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒎 𝒙 𝟗) + 𝟏

Depending on resulted value, the weight percentage is determined on the optimal percentages of
each performance parameter as agreed upon. All criteria to be used in the tradeoff calculation should
be up to 100%.

Weighted Sum = ∑ (Weighted Percentage x ND)

The design tradeoff with the highest total value will be used in the design.

Raw Data

Table 3.1: Raw Data

Construct Sustaina
Economic Cost ability bility Safety Uncertain
Design (Cost in Pesos) (Duration (Lifespan
(>=100%) ty
in Days) in Years)

Dual System 21,102,646.05 340 60 1 130% 70%
20,307,840.15 310 55 2 120% 80%
Braced Frame
Special Moment
- Resisting 18,313,500.00 270 50 3 100% 100%
Frame System

Table 3.1 displays the raw data acquired by the designers for the structural context in previous
studies, which they utilized as a basis to assess which trade-off delivers the best in each
constraint and on a larger scale.

Based on the Philippine Statistics Authority, in the year 2020 the average cost per square meter
for non-residential structures such as evacuation centers is determined to be 12,209.00 php.
The designers used this to initially estimate the cost for construction. In a construction, different
types of methodology are applied to help withstand different loads and forces. According to a
study, the cost of building a Braced Frame and a Dual System with Shear Wall is 10.89% and
15.23% respectively, compared to building a Special Moment Resisting Frame. (Ahmad, et. al.,
2018). The design life and duration of construction of the tradeoffs is based on the experience
and perspective of the external adviser that the designers asked for some information. The risk
is ranked based on which tradeoff has a greater lateral displacement, 1 being the lowest and 3
being the highest. According to Alandkar & Jaya, 2016, in Multistoried building design, lateral
load is mainly responsible for lateral displacement which concerns the selection of structural
system to get rid of the risk. The lateral displacement in moment frames is the greatest among
the other lateral load resisting systems investigated; the lateral displacement in dual frames is
the least while the lateral displacement in shear wall systems is slightly higher than that of the
dual system. Safety is considered greater than or equal 100% as all structure must be safe.
Since dual system is the one with the lowest risk, the designers put 130% for safety followed by
SCBF and SMRF, respectively. The percentage on the uncertainty is based on which tradeoff is
the most uncertain one to use.

Normalized Data

Table 3.2: Normalized Data

Construct Sustainabi
Economic Cost ability lity Uncertain
Design (Cost in Pesos) (Duration (Lifespan
Assess Safety
in Days) in Years)
Dual System 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 10.00
3.56 4.86 5.50 5.50 4.00 7.00
Braced Frame

Special Moment -
Resisting Frame 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 10.00 1.00

Prior to averaging, values measured on different scales are adjusted to a notionally similar scale
called normalization of rating. Table 3.2 displays the normalized data, which has the units of
measurement removed so that each structural tradeoff may be easily compared.

Weighted Sum of Various Percentage Weight

Table 3.3: 1st Weighted Sum of Various Percentage

Special Moment -
Dual Concentrically
Constraints Weight (%) Resisting Frame
System Braced Frame
Economic Cost (Cost
0.2 1.00 3.56 10.00
in Pesos)
0.2 1.00 4.86 10.00
(Duration in Days)
Sustainability (Lifespan
0.15 1.00 5.50 10.00
in Years)
Risk Assessment 0.15 10.00 5.50 1.00

Safety 0.15 1.00 4.00 10.00

Uncertainty 0.15 10.00 7.00 1.00

Weighted Sum 3.70 4.98 7.30

Table 3.3 displays the weighted total of the normalized data for each structural tradeoff, with
weight of 0.2 for economic cost and constructability, while 0.15 for the rest of constraints. When
the weight of economic cost and constructability is greater than among the other constraints, the
special moment resisting frame system received the greatest weighted sum.

Table 3.4: 2nd Weighted Sum of Various Percentage

Special Moment -
Dual Concentrically
Constraints Weight (%) Resisting Frame
System Braced Frame
Economic Cost (Cost
0.17 1.00 3.56 10.00
in Pesos)
0.16 1.00 4.86 10.00
(Duration in Days)

Sustainability (Lifespan
0.17 1.00 5.50 10.00
in Years)
Risk Assessment 0.17 10.00 5.50 1.00

Safety 0.17 1.00 4.00 10.00

Uncertainty 0.16 10.00 7.00 1.00

Weighted Sum 3.97 5.05 7.03

The weighted total of the normalized data of each structural tradeoff is shown in Table 3.4, with
weight of 0.16 for constructability and uncertainty constraints. The other constraints have a
weight of 0.17. Based on the results, the special moment resisting frame system acquired the
highest weighted sum.

Table 3.5: 3rd Weighted Sum of Various Percentage

Special Moment -
Dual Concentrically
Constraints Weight (%) Resisting Frame
System Braced Frame
Economic Cost (Cost in
0.2 1.00 3.56 10.00
0.2 1.00 4.86 10.00
(Duration in Days)
Sustainability (Lifespan
0.1 1.00 5.50 10.00
in Years)
Risk Assessment 0.2 10.00 5.50 1.00

Safety 0.2 1.00 4.00 10.00

Uncertainty 0.1 10.00 7.00 1.00

Weighted Sum 3.70 4.83 7.30

Table 3.5 displays the weighted total of the normalized data for each structural tradeoff, with
weights of 0.1 for the sustainability constraint and uncertainty constraint, and 0.2 for the other
constraints. When cost, constructability, risk assessment, and safety are prioritized over
sustainability and uncertainty, the special moment resisting frame system received the greatest
weighted sum.

Overall Tradeoff Assessment

Among the three weighted sum of various percentage through the use of normalization method,
it can be concluded that the Special Moment-Resisting Frame System is the best option to be
utilized in the design configuration of the evacuation center.

3.4 Design Codes and Standard

National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096)

The Philippine National Building Code, also known as Presidential Decree No. 1096, was created
and implemented as a unified building code in order to include up-to-date and current technical
information on building design, construction, usage, occupancy, and maintenance. This code is
used to establish minimum standards and regulations for the design, use of the structure, type
of occupancy, space allocation, ventilation, location regulation and control, and maintenance.

● Chapter 8 Section 806: Size and dimension of rooms

● Chapter 8 Section 808: Window Openings
● Chapter 8 Section 811: Artificial Ventilation
● Chapter 12 Section 1202: Excavation, Foundation, and Retaining Walls
● Chapter 12 Section 1207: Stairs, Exits, and Occupant Loads
● Chapter 20 Section 2003: Design and Construction

National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015

This code enables designers in determining which parameters should be utilized, as well as
serving as a reference for the estimation of various loads. The following are the sections that
were used in this design project:

● Section 203 Load Combination

● Section 204 Dead Loads
● Section 205 Live Loads
● Section 207 Wind Loads
● Section 208 Earthquake Loads
● Chapter 4: Structural Concrete
● Section 504 Design of Members for Tension
● Section 510 Design of Connections

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP Steel Handbook)

Structural Steel Design is one of the structural tradeoffs. As a result, the ASEP Steel Handbook
is appropriate for assisting designers in properly comprehending the idea of steel structures.

American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318

The publication ACI 318, "Building Code Standards for Structural Concrete and Commentary,"
lays out the code requirements for structural concrete design and construction that are important
for public safety. The ACI 318 is a must-have standard for all concrete design, construction, and
inspection professionals.


1. Ambika-Chippa., and Prerana-Nampalli. (2014). Analysis and Design of R.C Moment Resisting
Frames with and without Shear wall for Different Seismic Parameters. International Journal of
Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 6. Retrieved from

2. Caballero, J., Chavez, E., Hernandez, A., & Niguidula, J. (2017). Location based evacuation center
finder. Cebu International Conference on Computers, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 135.
Retrieved from

3. Cajucom, E. P., Chao Jr., G. Y., Constantino, G. A., Ejares, J. A., Quillope, S. J. G., Solomon, H. M.,
CENTERS IN METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf.
Sci., XLII-3/W8, pp. 79–85. Retrieved from
2019, 2019.

4. Carasca, O. (2015). Soil improvement by mixing: techniques and performances.

| Science, health and medical journals, full text articles and books. Retrieved from!

5. Cariaga, R., Chua, J., & Mallabo, L. (2019). Assessment of disaster preparedness as evacuation
center of tuguegarao city schools. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 210.
Retrieved from

6. Chang, N., & Nghiem, H. M. (2017, October). Earthquake-Induced SSI Effects on High Rise
Buildings. Research Gate. Retrieved from

7. Coutinho-Rodrigues J., Sousa N., Natividade-Jesus E. (2016). Municipal Engineer: Design of
evacuation plans for densely urbanized city centres, Volume 169 Issue 3, pp. 160-172. Proceedings
of the Institution of Civil Engineers publishing. Retrieved from

8. Ghanbarzadeh Ghomi, S., Wedawatta, G., Ginige, K., and Ingirige, B. (2021). Living-Transforming
Disaster Relief Shelter: A Conceptual Approach for Sustainable Post-Disaster Housing. Built
Environment Project and Asset Management (in press). Research Gate. Retrieved from

9. Kerema, J. (2020, October 6). The Importance of Creating an Evacuation Plan. Sine. Retrieved from

10. Lateral force resisting systems, pros and cons. (2021, July 26). Retrieved from https://s3da-

11. Maistrenko, A. V. (2021). Building structures thermal calculation. Advanced Engineering Research,
21(3), 260–267. Retrieved from

12. National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), IOM, NORCAP, ECHO. (2016, May). Republic of
Vanuatu national guidelines for the selection and assessment of evacuation. Retrieved from

13. Nick, P. (2020, January 20). Concrete vs Steel: What You Need to Know. Retrieved from Design

14. Rahman, S., Hossain, S.A., Ahmed, R., Islam, J., Hossen, M.A. (2021, February). Seismic and Wind
Loads Analysis of Existing Multistoried Buildings of Different Heights. Research Gate. Retrieved from

15. Ravina, Danilo & Ruz, Marc & Shih, Rowell & Kistelegdi, István. (2018). Bakwitanan: Design of a
blackboard convertible to an evacuation center partition by participative design method. Pollack
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17. Santos, L.A. (2013). How to build disaster-resilient homes in the Philippines. Retrieved


19. Seismological, geodetic, macroseismic and historical context of the 2016 Mw 6.7 Tamenglong
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text articles and books. Retrieved from

20. UNICEF. (2016). Building safe spaces for the community. A Practical Guide for Constructing
Disaster-Resilient Community Evacuation Centres in the Philippines. Retrieved from


Economic Constraint:

Average Cost per square meter = Php 12,209.00
Total Project Area = 375 sq.m
No. of Floors = 4
The cost of construction of Special Braced Frame and Dual System is higher by 10.89% and 15.23%
respectively, compared to Special Moment Resisting Frame.

1. Special Moment Resisting Frame System

Cost = Average Cost per sq.m x Area x No. of Floors

Cost = Php 12,209.00 x 375 sq.m x 4
Cost = Php 18,313,500.00

2. Special Concentrically Braced Frame System

Cost = Php 18,313,500.00 x (1 + 10.89%)

Cost = Php 20,307,840.15

3. Dual System

Cost = Php 18,313,500.00 x (1 + 15.23%)

Cost = Php 21,102,646.05


Normalization = ((max - actual)/(max-min)) x (9) + 1
Weighted Sum = ∑ (Weight Percentage x Tradeoff)

BS Civil Engineering
Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP), Quezon City
Address: 2611 Mango St. Barangay Commonwealth Quezon City, 1121
Email Address: [email protected]
Cellular No.: 09455542296

To establish a career in Engineering where I can demonstrate the learning outcome of the Civil Engineering program of the Tec hnological
Institute of the Philippines (TIP), a program accredited by the US-based outcomes-oriented ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology), Engineering Accreditation Commission.


• Civil Engineer Trainee

Melham Construction Corporation
No. 27 Commonwealth Avenue Diliman North Fairview, Quezon City
July 9, 2021 – August 10, 2021


As a graduating student of TIP with its orientation towards outcome-based education, I have acquired and can demonstrate the following
student acquire outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) necessary to the practice of the computing profession:

• Analyze complex problems and identify and define the engineering requirements appropriate for solutions.
• Use modern techniques, skills, and tools of the engineering practice in complex computing activities.
• Understand professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.
• Responsible and Hardworking
• Can work under pressure
• Quick to adapt


• Annual Student Colloquium for Engineering Design Projects and Researches (ASCEND 2021)
via Zoom Meeting
July 9, 2021

• Cost Estimation and Basic Occupational Safety and Health

via Virtual Conference
July 12, 2021


• American Concrete Institute - TIP QC Chapter Student Chapter Student Member

July 04, 2019 – Present

• Philippine Institute of Civil Engineering - TIP QC Student Chapter Student Member

July 04, 2018 – Present

• Ace-Q – Member (A.Y. 2018-2019) & (A.Y. 2019-2020)


• Technical Drafting Skills

• Basic AutoCAD
• Oriented in Microsoft Office Applications such as:
• Microsoft Office Excel
• Microsoft Office Word
• Microsoft Office PowerPoint


Engr. Yenko Tandoc Engr. Paul Montalla

CE Department Professor Project Engineer at H.R.D Singapore PTE LTD
09227725345 09773645483
BS Civil Engineering
Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP), Quezon City
Address: B1 L3 West Classic Gardens Subdivision, Walnut Ext. St. Brgy. Sauyo,
Quezon City 1116
Email Address: [email protected]
Cellular No.: 09272806700

To establish a career in Civil Engineering where I can demonstrate the learning outcomes of the courses taken under the program Bachelor of
Science in Civil Engineering of the Technological Institute of the Philippines as well as to fully utilize my training, knowledge, and skills while
making a significant contribution to the success of the company.


A study on using Grinded Coconut husk as a partial replacement for Coarse Aggregates
A.Y. 2019-2020

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic Performance of STEM students

A.Y. 2017-2018

Automated Wheelchair for the Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly in the Philippine Foundation for the Rehabilitation of
A.Y. 2017-2018


• Civil Engineer Trainee

Vision Properties Construction & Development Corporation
July 2, 2021 – August 4, 2021
Cainta, Rizal


In years of studying in TIP with its orientation towards outcome-based education, I have acquired and can demonstrate the following knowledge,
skills, and attitude necessary to the practice of the engineering profession:
• Good Communication Skills (English, Filipino)
• Flexible and Quick to Adapt
• Work under stress
• Analyze complex problems and provide solutions
• Responsible and hardworking
• Punctual
• Oriented in AutoCAD
• Oriented in Microsoft Office Applications such as:
o Microsoft Office Excel
o Microsoft Office Word
o Microsoft Office PowerPoint


January 24, 2015
U.P. Diliman
• Which Branch Do You Belong: Accustom Yourself With The Different Specialization In The Civil Engineering Profession Webinar
December 18 & 19, 2020

• Virtual Pre-Employment Webinar with DOLE and POEA

July 28, 2021
Career Center TIP QC

• Careers in the Post-Pandemic Era Webinar

July 29, 2021
Career Center TIP QC

• Introduction to the Rim of Quantity Surveying Webinar

October 16, 2021

• Environmental Fair 2021: Green Consumerism Webinar

October 28, 2021

• Inhinyera Virtual Forum

November 12, 2021
Inhinyera TIP QC

• Thesis and Capstone Design/Project Document Formatting and Organization Webinar

November 12, 2021

• Publishing for early career researchers in the Engineering field Webinar

November 12, 2021
U.P. Engineering Library, in partnership with Wiley

• Exploring the Vision: A Virtual Tour to the Different Civil Engineering Specialization Webinar
November 15 & 16, 2021

• 2021 PICE Virtual Students' Conference: Foreseeing our Futures in Civil Engineering
December 10, 2021


• Ace-Q – Member (A.Y. 2018-2019) & (A.Y. 2019-2020)

• Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers TIP QC Student Chapter – Member (A.Y. 2019-2020) & (A.Y. 2021-2022)
• American Concrete Institute TIP QC Student Chapter – Member (A.Y. 2020-2021) & (A.Y. 2021-2022)
• Philippine Institute of Certified Quantity Surveyors TIP QC Student Chapter – Member (A.Y. 2021-2022)
• Inhinyera – Member (A.Y. 2021-2022)


Engr. Allan Benogsudan

Civil Engineering Department Chair
911-0964 loc 317
Engr. Enrico M. Zamora
Vision Properties Construction & Development Corporation
Technological Institute of the Philippines (T.I.P.),
Quezon City S.Y. 2021-2022
Address: 2713 Kariktan St., Manggahan Pasig City
Tel. No.: (8)636-4793
Email Address: [email protected]
Cellular No.: 09328891352


To establish a career in the fields of Civil Engineering a program accredited by the US-based outcomes-oriented ABET (Accreditation
Board for Engineering and Technology) where I can demonstrate the learning outcomes of the courses under my field.


• An analysis of the effect of parental overseas employment to the well-being

of the left-behind children studying in Technological Institute of the Philippines – QC


• Good communication skills (English, Filipino)

• Eager to learn new things and can be easily guided.
• A team player, hardworking and flexible to working schedule.

• Student Supreme Government Batch 2013-2014 (Sta.Lucia High School)


• Career Clarity For Engineers (Career Workshop)


• Basketball Champion Batch 2016 (District and City Meet)
• MVP and Mythical 5 (Inter-color 2017)
• 1st Place Quiz Bee Grade 10

• Knowledge in MS Powerpoint and MS Word

• Basic Knowledge in CAD (Computer Aided Drafting)


Denniel Sunga Mary Ymylyn Nicole D. Rabe

Friend Friend
09204263882 09569972761
Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) QC
373 Col. S. Cruz St. San Rafael, Rodriguez, Rizal
[email protected]


To establish a career in Engineering where I can demonstrate the learning outcome of the Civil Engineering program of the Technological
Institute of the Philippines (TIP), a program accredited by the US-based outcomes-oriented ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology), Engineering Accreditation Commission.


• (Position) Trainee
B.C. Cuerpo Construction Corporation
2B E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave, Rodriguez, Rizal
February 2018 – March 2018


Being student of TIP with its orientation towards outcome-based education, I have acquired and can demonstrate the following student acquire
outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) necessary to the practice of the computing profession:

Analyze complex problems and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate for solution.
Use modern techniques and tools of the computing practice in complex activities.
Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional computing.
Flexible and Quick to Adapt
Can work under pressure
Responsible and hardworking


6-hours Structural Analysis and Design Workshop – Reinforced Concrete Design

via Virtual Conference
March 20, 2021
Prefabricated Materials and Installation Process
Seminar Room A and B - TIP QC
September 19, 2019


American Concrete Institute - TIP QC Chapter Student Chapter
Student Member
July 04, 2019 – Present

Philippine Institute of Civil Engineering - TIP QC Student Chapter

Student Member
July 04, 2018 - Present

Society of Scholars - TIP QC

Student Member
July 04, 2018 – Present
Technical Drafting Skills
Basic AutoCAD
Oriented in Microsoft Office Applications such as:
• Microsoft Office Excel
• Microsoft Office Word
• Microsoft Office PowerPoint


Reygienald Muerto Ma. Shirlyn Suela Rodel E. Sta. Isabel

Field Engineer Customer Service Representative Site Engineer
PLDT Inc. WCC Shaw Boulevard Mandaluyong City Acasys Development Corp.
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
09190726452 09491564034 09274907966

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