Health at A Glance 2021: OECD Indicators: Highlights For Italy

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Health at a Glance 2021: OECD Indicators

Highlights for Italy

Health at a Glance provides the latest comparable data and trends on the performance of health systems in
OECD countries and key emerging economies. Alongside indicator-by-indicator analysis, this edition offers a
special chapter on the health impact of COVID-19.

Life expectancy in Italy fell by over a year, but after a slow start COVID-19
vaccination has picked up

As of November 1, nearly 4.8 million All-cause mortality in 2020 and the

COVID-19 infections and over first six months of 2021 rose by
132 000 deaths from the virus had 12.9% compared with the 2015-2019
been recorded. average.

The pandemic caused health

Life expectancy fell by 1.2 years
spending as a share of GDP to rise
during the pandemic, from 83.6 years
sharply, from 8.7% in 2019 to 9.7%
in 2019 to 82.4 years in 2020
in 2020 (compared to an average
(compared to an average reduction of
0.9 percentage point increase in the
0.6 years across OECD countries).
OECD area).

Italy had the 11th highest

71% of the Italian population has vaccination rate across 37 OECD
been fully vaccinated against COVID- countries on November 1, an
19, compared to 65% across the increase from 21st at the beginning of
OECD on average (as of November July. Italy strongly incentivised
1). vaccination by becoming the first
European country to require a health
pass for its entire workforce.
The COVID-19 crisis has had a
significant and negative impact on
The pandemic resulted in delays in
mental health. In Italy the prevalence
care, including a 38% drop in breast
of depression rose three-fold to
cancer screening in 2020 compared
17.3% in early 2020, compared with
to 2019.
the previous year.

Cumulative excess mortality compared to reported COVID-19 deaths per million population, January 2020 to end June 2021
Excess deaths per 1 million population COVID-19 deaths per 1 million population
4 500
4 000
3 500
3 000
2 500
2 000
1 500
1 000
- 500
Italy Highest performer
Health at a Glance 2021: How does Italy compare? OECD Lowest performer

Health status is good in Italy, which has one of the oldest populations across OECD countries
Life expectancy (2019 or nearest year)
Years of life at birth 70 81.0 83.6 84.4 90
Avoidable mortality (2019 or nearest year)
Deaths per 100 000 population (age-standardised) 0 500
97 136 199 405
Population ageing (2019 or nearest year)
Share of population 65 or older 0
7.4 17.3 22.9 28.4

Self-rated health (2019 or nearest year)

Population in poor health (% population 15+) 0
1.3 7.0 8.5 15.4

Risk factors for health are mixed, with higher-than-average smoking rates but lower alcohol consumption
and overweight/obesity than the OECD average
Smoking (2019 or nearest year)
0 30
Daily smokers (% population 15+) 4 17 19 28

Alcohol (2019 or nearest year)

Litres consumed per capita (population 15+) 0 15
1 8 9 13
Overweight/obese (2019 or nearest year)
Population with BMI>=25 (% population 15+)
0 100
27 46 56 75
Air pollution (2019 or nearest year)
Deaths due to ambient particulate matter pollution
(per 100 000 population) 0
5 29

Population coverage is high, though satisfaction with quality of care is below the OECD average
Population coverage, eligibility (2019 or nearest year)
Population eligible for core services (% population) 75
81 98 100
Population coverage, satisfaction (2019 or nearest year) 26
Population satisfied with availability of quality health care 25 93 100
(% population) 61 71

Financial protection (2019 or nearest year)
Expenditure covered by compulsory prepayment
0 100
(% total expenditure) 49 74 86

Many indicators of quality care are good, and primary care has helped keep avoidable hospital admissions low
Safe primary care (2019 or nearest year)
0 40
Antibiotics prescribed (defined daily dose per 1 000 people) 8.3 17.0 19.8 32.4

Effective primary care (2019 or nearest year)

Avoidable COPD admissions 0 400
(per 100 000 people, age-sex standardised) 39 171 336

Effective preventive care (2019 or nearest year)

Mammography screening within the past two years
(% of women 50+) 0
31 61 62 95

Effective secondary care (2019 or nearest year)

30 day mortality following AMI
(per 100 000 people, age-sex standardised) 0 30
2 5 7 28

Many indicators of health resources are at or somewhat below the OECD average
Italy, 8.7
Health spending (2019 or nearest year)
Per capita (USD based on PPPs)
4.3 OECD, 8.8 16.8
Long-term care spending (2019 or nearest year)
% GDP 0
1.5 4.1 4.1

Doctors (2019 or nearest year)

0 2.0 20
Practicing physicians (per 1 000 population) 3.6 6.2

Nurses (2019 or nearest year)

Practicing nurses (per 1 000 population) 0 1.4 6.2 8.8 20
Hospital beds (2019 or nearest year)
Per 1 000 population 0
1.0 3.2 4.4 12.8

Source: Health at a Glance 2021: OECD Indicators.

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