Technical Drawing Fundamentals

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Caribbean Secondary Examination Council

School Based Assessment

Caribbean Council: CXC

Name of school: President’s College

Technical Drawing

Option: Mechanical Engineering Drawing

Method: Computer-Aided Drawing

Candidate #: 0900700254

Year of examination: 2022

School Code: 090070

Territory: Guyana

Name of teacher: Sir Ryan Dilchan

Safety, health and welfare standards for the Technical Drawing workshop.

 Safety standards are standards that are designed to ensure the safety of products,
activities, people or processes which improve and provide a safe and healthy workplace
thereby preventing work related injuries. Welfare is the provisioning of necessary facilities
needed for employees, example: Sanitary facilities.

Safety, health and welfare requirements to govern the workshop.

 Do not eat or drink in the workshop.

 Keep your work area clean and tidy (including drawing instruments).
 Identify locations of fire extinguishers and first aid boxes).
 Always have a supervisor in the workshop (unless specifically told otherwise).
 Always wear PPE in the workshop.
 Do no use operate machinery unsupervised.
 Check equipment for any faults before using.
 Acknowledge all safety signs and symbols as necessary precautions.
 Don’t make any unnecessary noise in the workshop.
 Keep clear of any person operating tools and machinery.

Safety resources

Safety resources What they are used for

ISO 31000:2018 – Risk Management In case of any accidents or incidents that occur
Understanding OSHA/ANSI First Aid Kit Any injuries
Types of fire:

 Class A Fires | Ordinary Fires:

Class A fires are the most common of the 5 different classes of fires. They occur when
common combustible materials like wood, paper, fabric, trash, and light plastics catch a
fire. The recommended way to deal with these fires is to take them out quickly before it
spreads using water or monoammonium phosphate.

 Class B Fires | Liquids & Gases:

Class B fires involve flammable liquids and gases, especially fluids like petroleum-based
products like: gasoline, paint and kerosene. Other common causes of class B fires are
propane and butane, these are highly flammable gases. The recommended way to
deal with these types of fires is by smothering them or removing the oxygen using a fire

 Class C Fires | Electrical Fires:

Class C fires are common in facilities that use electrical equipment in abundance. The equipment
can cause sparks and ignite combustible materials and the intensity level would increase rapidly.
Electrical fires require non-conductive materials to extinguish the flame, so water alone is not a
good solution. Clean agent suppression would be the most suitable solution to these fires as it
wouldn’t leave residue or damage any electrical equipment that have not already been

 Class D Fires | Metallic Fires:

Class D fires are generally not as common as the other classes, but they still need special attention
because they can be difficult to extinguish. Metallic fires involve flammable materials like: titanium,
aluminum, magnesium and potassium. Class D fires cannot be addressed with water as this can
make the fire and the situation worst. Dry powder agents are the best solution for smothering the
flames and limiting damage to property or people.

 Class K Fires | Grease Fires:

Class K fires involve flammable liquids, (similar to class B fires), but these fires are specifically related
to food service and the restaurant industry. These common fires start from the combustion of liquid
cooking materials including: grease, oils, and vegetable / animal fats. These fires can spread
quickly and often be difficult to manage, Class K fires are some of the most dangerous fires. Water
can make the situation much worst, so the most effective way to deal with these is by smothering
the flames or using a wet agent fire extinguisher.
Types of firefighting equipment:

Fire fighting systems and equipment varies depending on the usage, type and size of a specific

 Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers provide a “first attack” fire fighting measure, this process is taken by the
immediate people around the area of the fire before the fire services arrive. Most fires start as a
small fire and may be extinguished if the correct type and amount of extinguishing agent is
applied whilst the fire is still small and controllable.

- Extinguishing agent and their principal usage:

Water - Wood / Paper Fires

Foam – Flammable liquid Fires
Carbon Dioxide – Electrical Fires
Dry Chemical – Flammable liquid and electrical Fires
Wet Chemical – Fat Fires
Special Purpose – Varies

 Fire Hose Reels

Fire hose reels also provide a first attack. When stowing a fire hose reel, it is important to first attach
the nozzle end to the hose reel valve, then close the hose reel valve, then open the nozzle to
relieve any pressure in the wound hose, then close the nozzle. This achieves two principle

- When the hose reel is next used, the operator will be forced to turn on the isolating valve, this
charges the hose reel with pressurized water supply, before being able to drag the hose to the fire.
A potential danger exists if the operator reaches the fire and finds no water is available because
the hose reel valve is still closed.

Hose reels are generally located next to an exit, in an emergency it is possible to reach a safe
place simply by following the hose.

 Fire hydrant Systems

Fire hydrant systems are installed in buildings to help firefighters quickly attack the fire. A hydrant
system is a water reticulation system used to transport water in order to limit the amount of hose
that firefighters have to lay, this speeds up the firefighting process. Mainly trained firefighters uses
this system as it is difficult to use because of the of pressure. Fire hydrant systems sometimes include
ancillary parts essential to their effective operation such as: Pumps, tanks and fire service booster
 Automatic Sprinkler Systems

Time is essential in controlling fire. Automatic sprinkler systems are one of the most reliable methods
available for controlling fires. A sprinkler head is an automatic tap. The sprinkler head is connected
to a pressurized water system. When the fire heats up the sprinkler head, it opens at a pre-set
temperature, this allows pressurized water to be sprayed both down onto the fire and also up to
cool the hot smoky layer and the building structure above the fire. This spray also wets any
combustible materials in the vicinity of the fire, therefore making it difficult to ignite, thereby slowing
down or preventing the growth of the fire. When a sprinkler head operates, the water pressure
drops, activating an alarm which often automatically calls the fire service via a telephone

How to use a fire extinguisher:

 The first thing you would need to do is choose the right fire extinguisher for the fire. Fire extinguishers
are marked for the specific fire they fight against (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class K).

- Identify a clear escape route.

Before operating the fire extinguisher, make sure you have a clear evacuation path, if you cannot
put out the fire, you’ll need to make a safe exit. Consider this when determining where to store the
fire extinguishers, and make sure you have multiple exit options nearby.

- Stand Back
Face the fire and keep your back to the clear exit. You should stay between six and eight feet
away from the flames as you prepare to operate the fire extinguisher.

- Discharge Extinguisher
There’s an acronym that helps in the process of operating the fire extinguisher. That acronym is
P|Pull the pin on the fire extinguisher.
A|Aim the extinguisher nozzle on the hose low, towards the base of the fire.
S|Squeeze the handle or level to discharge the extinguisher.
S|Sweep the nozzle back and forth. Keep the fire extinguisher aimed at the base of the ire and
move it from side to side until the flames are extinguished.
 After the flames appear to be out, continue watch the fire area to make sure it doesn’t reignite.
If the fire does start up again, repeat the PASS process.
Accidents, Injuries and emergencies
 An Accident is an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, while an
injury is a wound and an emergency is a serious and urgent situation that requires immediate

First Aid

-Principles of First Aid

 Preserve Life

The first principle aims to preserve the lives of the injured and bystanders, remember though, this includes
preserving your own life as you shouldn’t put yourself in danger in order to apply first aid. It’s at this stage
where you should do a quick risk assessment to check for dangers to the injured person, yourself or
bystanders which could cause the situation to escalate.

 Prevent Deterioration

The second principle focuses on preventing the furthering of damage on the injured person, keeping a
casualty still to avoid aggravating their injury, or from complicating any unseen issues, is crucial. This helps
prevent to further injuries, and clearing the area of any immediate dangers will help you to do so.

 Promote Recovery

The third and final principle focuses on the recovery from the injury, there are steps you should follow which
will help lessen the amount of time taken for a casualty to recover from an accident and aid in minimizing
lasting damage and scarring. The prime example of this is applying cold water to a burn as soon as possible
to lower the chance of long-term scarring and helps speed up the healing process.

-First Aid Practices

 Take Immediate Action

This is the key to the ‘Preserving Life’ principle, a quick response to an accident can save lives and
minimize the risk that things get worse. If someone needs help, either from an injury or sickness.

 Calming down the situation

First aiders should be able to remain calm under pressure and help reduce the overall stress levels of
the injured person as well as other people who may be concerned. Reassurance can provide more
support that you might expect in an emergency situation and help people make the right decisions.
 Calling for medical assistance

Make sure to get a hold of the emergency services by calling 911 or your emergency service number
as soon as possible, either by calling directly yourself or asking a bystander to do so if you’re
preoccupied handing the injury. This will ensure that a medical professional arrives quickly to handle
the situation in a more comprehensive manner and provide more specialist treatment.

 Apply the relevant treatment

Before a medical professional does arrive, you will need to apply first aid treatments in order to stabilize
the condition of the injured person. This comes under the ‘preserve life’ banner, and follows this flow of

 Check for consciousness

 Open the airway
 Check for breathing, administer CPR if needed
 Check for circulation
 Check for bleeding and control any major bleeding if found

-Steps to get professional help

Assist the injured, if there’s anyone that’s injured try to do basic health services, example CPR but if the
injury is too severe immediately call emergency services.

After you delay the injuries of the victims, you should call the emergency service so the injured could get
treated right away. The emergency services number would be 911 locally.

When you call the emergency services, you should tell them exactly what the situation is, the level of
severity, the amount injured and of course your location.

-Types of hazards:


 Biological hazards include viruses, bacteria, insects, animals, etc., that can cause adverse health
impacts. For example, mold, blood and other bodily fluids, harmful plants, sewage, dust and


 Chemical hazards are hazardous substances that can cause harm. These hazards can result in
both health and physical impacts, such as skin irritation, respiratory system irritation, blindness,
corrosion and explosions.


 Physical hazards are environmental factors that can harm an employee without necessarily
touching them, including heights, noise, radiation and pressure.


 These are hazards that create unsafe working conditions. For example, exposed wires or a
damaged carpet might result in a tripping hazard. These are sometimes included under the
category of physical hazards.


 Ergonomic hazards are a result of physical factors that can result in musculoskeletal injuries. For
example, a poor workstation setup in an office, poor posture and manual handling.


 Psychosocial hazards include those that can have an adverse effect on an employee’s mental
health or wellbeing. For example, sexual harassment, victimization, stress and workplace violence.
Hazardous Substances

 Acids
An acid is any substance that placed in water solution tastes sour, changes blue litmus paper to
red, reacts with some metals to liberate hydrogen, reacts with bases to form salts, and promotes
chemical reactions. Acids can react violently with water and are harmful in the presence of
moisture in the mouth or eyes or in proximity with other aqueous solutions. Vapors from some acids
are soluble in water and can cause damage to the eyes, nasal passages, throat and lungs. Burns
from acids tend to be felt as soon as it contacts the skin.

 Caustic substances
These are strongly alkaline chemicals, they are corrosive, which means they have the capacity to
damage or destroy other substances that they come in contact too through a chemical reaction.
Some symptoms of caustic substances poisoning are:
 Coughing
 Drooling
 Inability to swallow
 Vomiting
 Vomiting Blood
 Shortness of breath
In severe cases involving strong caustic substances, a person may develop very low blood
pressure, difficulty breathing, or chest pain, possibly leading to death.

 Disinfectants
A disinfectant is a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria, some chemical disinfectants are irritating
to the skin, eyes and respiratory system. The highly corrosive disinfectants could inflict serious
damage if they come into contact with the skin or eyes. The airborne disinfectants would also
cause respiratory problems if used in poorly ventilated areas.

 Glue
Glue is an adhesive substance used for sticking objects or materials together. Some symptoms of
inhaling too much glue fumes are:
 Anxiety
 Convulsions (seizures)
 Drunk, Dazed or Dizzy
 Difficulty breathing
 Headache
 Irritability
 Loss of appetite

 Heavy Metals
Heavy metals are metals of a relatively high density, or high relative atomic weight.
Several acute and chronic toxic effects of heavy metals affect different body organs.
Gastrointestinal and kidney dysfunction, nervous system disorders, skin lesions, vascular damage,
immune system dysfunction, birth defects and cancer are examples of the complications of heavy
metals toxic effects.
 Paint
A colored substance which is spread over a surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or
protective coating. Some risks of inhaling paint fumes are:
 Lung irritation
 Headache
 Dizziness
 Vision Problems

 Pesticides
A substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to
animals. Pesticides can cause short-term adverse health effects, called acute effects, as well as
chronic adverse effects that can occur months or years after exposure. Examples of acute health
effects include:
 Stinging eyes
 Rashes
 Blisters
 Blindness
 Nausea
 Dizziness
 Diarrhea
 Death

Fire Evacuation Drill

 The importance / purpose of a fire drill is to familiarize the evacuation routes and practices. The
goal is to have a proper reaction and actions whenever fire appears, so everyone safely
evacuates the area in an orderly manner.

On November 17th, 2021 at 11:00 am, a fire drill was conducted at President’s College. The
emergency fire alarm was sounded in the middle of classes, the students exited the classes and
walked to the tarmac in an orderly fashion and a count was conducted to ensure everyone was
there on time.
Importance of Technical Drawing

 Technical drawing is essential for communicating ideas in industry and engineering. To make the
drawing easier to understand, people use familiar / universal symbols, perspectives, units of
measurement, notation systems, visual styles and page layout.

International Standards

-ISO Standards

 Standardization is a dynamic and continuous process. The standards follow the development in
engineering. ISO 128 is an international standard (ISO), about the general principles of presentation
in technical drawings, specifically the graphical representation of objects on technical drawings.

ISO 1101 represents the initial basis and describes the required fundamentals for geometrical

-ASME Standards

 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) was founded in 1880 in response to
numerous steam boiler pressure vessel failures. ASME focused on mechanical engineering and
sponsors the development of the Y14 series of standards.

-BS Standards

 British Standards began in 1901 as the Engineering Standards Committee, led by James Mansergh,
to standardize the number and type of steel sections, in order to make British manufacturers more
efficient and competitive.

BS 308 was formally the standard for engineering drawing since 1927. The first British Standard for
Engineering Drawing Office Practice published in September 1927 only contained 14 clauses. The
BSI Group, who produced the standard, played an important role in the development of the
international standard on technical specification in conjunction with the ISO. In 2000, the BS 308
was replaced by the updated BS 8888.

BS 8888 is the British standard developed by the BSI Group for technical product documentation,
geometric product specification, geometric tolerance specification and engineering drawings.

A significant change in the 2013 revision is that there is no longer a requirement to state whether
specifications have been tolerance in accordance with either the Principle of Independency or
the Principle of Dependency.
-DIN Standards

 DIN standards are issued by Deutsches Institut für Normung. DIN standards are sent to the European
Union and adopted as EN standards.

DIN standard 5 used to cover isometric projections on drawings, but this has been replaced by ISO
standard 5456. DIN standard 6 used to cover how normal views of drawings would be laid out, but
this is now covered by ISO standard 128.

DIN standard 406 still gives the recommended practices for engineering drawings such as how
dimensions and tolerances are to be called out.

-JIS Standards

 The present Japanese Standards Association was established after Japan's defeat in World War II in

 The Industrial Standardization Law was revised in 2004 and the "JIS mark" (product certification
system) was changed; since 2005, the new JIS mark has been applied upon re-certification.

 Japan has been further promoting consistency with international standards in order to respond to
demands in and outside the country.
Building Codes and Standards

 A building code is a set of rules to regulate the construction activities across the country. The
building code includes basic building requirements coupled with administrative regulations. As per
definition, the building code is a set of local laws relating to how buildings should be designed or
built, especially keeping in mind the safe and quality aspects of the final product.

There are two types of codes:

 Model
Model codes are a set of rules, suggested practices or recommendations for others to follow
pertaining to the construction and occupancy of buildings and structures.

 Adopted
Adopted codes, often referred to simply as codes, are those that are developed by a jurisdiction
themselves that set out minimum standards that must be adhered to.

-Building Standards

The international code council (ICC)

The ICC publishes building codes applicable to commercial, institutional and residential structures.
These codes guide the compliance process to ensure safe, sustainable, and resilient construction.
The ICC is based on a set of 15 integrated and geographically-specific model codes, known
collectively as the I-codes.

International building code (IBC)

IBC is a model building code that addresses both health and safety concerns for buildings based
upon prescriptive and performance-related requirements. The code provisions are intended to
protect public health and safety while avoiding both unnecessary costs and preferential treatment
of specific materials or methods of construction.

International Residential Code (IRC)

The IRC is a comprehensive model code for residential buildings that establishes minimum
regulations for dwellings of three stories or less. It combines provisions for many elements and
systems pertaining to residential home construction including building, plumbing, mechanical, fuel
gas, energy and electrical.

International existing building code (IEBC)

The IEBC establishes minimum regulations for upgrades and improvements addressing the
alteration, addition or change of occupancy in existing buildings. It uses prescriptive and
performance-based provision and is intended to ensure public health and safety pertaining to the
existing building stock.

International Fire Code (IFC)

The IFC was created to satisfy model code regulations for an up-to-date fire code addressing
conditions hazardous to life and property from fire, explosion, and the handling or use of hazardous
materials. The comprehensive fire code establishes minimum regulations for fire prevention and fire
protection systems that safeguard public health and safety.

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