H.O.P.E. 1 Muscles and Bonestrenghteninfg Exercise

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Self-Learning Module


QUARTER 2 ( Week 4-5 )

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
2. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at
least 60 minute most days of the week in a variety of settings in-
and-out of school.

1. A greater appreciation for strength training and the understanding that it is a necessary component in the
pursuit of lifelong fitness.
2. An understanding of the basic principles of strength training.
3 . The ability to set up a strength training program designed to meet his/her needs that includes at least two
exercises for each primary muscle group of the body.
4. Proper breathing and lifting technique for all exercises.
5. Knowledge of the three basic techniques of strength training: dynamic, static, and isokinetic.
6. An understanding of exercises that work specific muscles of the body.

Directions: TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement is true and False if it is not true in your answer sheet.

1. Too much strength training without a significant amount of recovery time can tear the muscles
down, rather then build up.
2. Strength training is more on mental (psychological) than physical.
3. Soft, flabby muscles become hard and firm when you do a regular exercise.
4. The rate of improvement in strength exercise is directly related to the intensity of training, not the
5. It is much easier to maintain fitness than to attain fitness.


Things to be considered in doing strength exercise.

1. There is absolutely no horseplay allowed in the Weight Room.
2. There is absolutely no gum chewing allowed in the Weight Room.
3. Students are not allowed to lift any weights or use any machines in the Weight Room until the
instructor is present.
4. Students are required to warm up and stretch before strength training.
5. Students should not attempt to lift any weights beyond his/her capacity.
6. Students are prohibited from exercising without wearing appropriate clothing and footwear.
7. Students are required to use a spotter when bench pressing, incline bench pressing, barbell
squatting, and power cleaning.
8. Students are required to wear a weight training belt when doing barbell squats and power
9. When using machines, individuals are responsible for making sure that all pins are in place and
that they keep their hands free from danger.
10. Students should not attempt to use any machines or pieces of equipment without having the
knowledge to do so. Always ask the teacher if you are not sure.

Terminology, Methods, and Techniques

Physical Image
There are many reasons why people should have a true physical image. Some of the main ones are:

1. Knowing what you are physically can help you adjust your physical appearance (i.e., an
overweight person may realize that they should lose weight and a person that may be physically weak
may realize that they should improve their overall strength).
2. To better understand your limits in selecting activities. The value of physical activities depends on
your ability to adjust to them.
3. Certain physical characteristics increase one’s odds of contracting various degenerative diseases
later in life. It’s important to realize what can be done to prevent the early onset of such diseases.

Principles of Training

The five basic principles of training are:

1. The rate of improvement is directly related to the intensity of the training, not the duration.
2. The body’s response to training is specific to the training stress or overload placed on it.
3. During training, individuals tend to retrogress before improving. Individuals tend to get worse before
getting better.
4. The psychological limit of performance is much lower than the physiological limit. Individuals tend
to give up before giving out.
5. It is much easier to maintain fitness than to attain fitness. It is easier to stay in shape than it is to get
in shape.

Outcomes of Training

muscular strength skill

strength satisfaction
endurance enjoyment
relaxation feelings of achievement & confidence
poise & coordination increased self-esteem
organ efficiency higher resistance to multiple diseases

Body Typing or Somatotyping.

Somatotyping is a method of classifying the human body into types by estimating the relative
prominence of inherited characteristics such as bone, muscle and fat distribution. It is a subjective
estimate and uses a value scale from 1-7 with which to evaluate or numerically describe each of the
body type components.
Somatotyping uses three principle body components designated as endomorph (soft and fat),
mesomorph (husky and muscular), and ectomorph (linear). The components are named after the three
embryonic layers: endoderm (the inner layer), mesoderm (the middle layer), and ectoderm (the outer
layer). It is significant that everyone possesses each component and each of these components is rated
on a seven-point scale. Doing so allows a numerical description of the body type. For example, an
individual can possess a body type of 5-3-2. The 5 indicates the degree of endomorphy, the 3
mesomorphy, and the 2 the degree of ectomorphy.

Activity and You
By forming good habits of exercise, diet, rest (sleep), and recreation it is possible to increase
the number of years that you can enjoy quality physical activity. The most obvious effect of regular
exercise on the body is an increase in muscle development. Soft, flabby muscles become hard and firm.
This improves physical appearance, increases strength and endurance, and enables you to better enjoy
physical activities. Medical evidence states that the lack of exercise makes you a more likely candidate
for heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, backaches, nervous tension, obesity, psychosomatic disorders, and
many other ailments. Physical fitness is only one aspect of total fitness. Total fitness must involve
emotional, social, and moral fitness as well as physical fitness.

Inactivity leads to deterioration. This is true whether it is physical or mental inactivity. The
functional efficiency of an organism improves with use and regresses with disuse.

A Total Fitness Program

The three basic goals of a total fitness program are:
1. Strength- the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance. Strength can be
developed through a strength training program.
2. Flexibility- the stretching of muscles to increase the range of motion about a joint.
3. Cardiovascular Endurance- the process of the body adapting to the work it is required to
perform in proportion to the intensity of that work. This is developed by strenuously
exercising the heart and lungs.

Methods of Strength Training

1. Isometric or Static Training- the straining of muscles against an immovable force. In this
type of training, there is a very slight shortening of the muscle and there is no movement
of the joint, even though the muscle is still tense.
2. Isotonic or Dynamic Training- this occurs when, throughout the shortening of muscles, the
tension remains constant and there is movement of the joint involved.
3. Isokenetics- muscle contraction with variable resistance throughout the entire range of

Setting Up A Strength Training Program

1. You must first decide if you want to “tone-up” or “bulk-up” and ultimately whether or not you
want to focus on developing strength or endurance. Toning-up tends to dramatically increase
muscle endurance and bulking-up tends to dramatically increase muscle strength.

a. “Toning-up” consists of doing a high number of repetitions (12 or more) using “light” weights for
multiple sets (2-4); decrease the weight if you can’t lift the desired weight 12 times (it’s too heavy).
b. “Bulking-up” consists of doing a low number of repetitions (10 or less) using “heavy” weights for
multiple sets (3-5); increase the weight if you can lift the desired weight more than 10 times (it’s too
light). It is essential to warm-up by using lighter weights before attempting to lift a heavy weight.

2. Isolate the muscle or muscle groups that you wish to develop and put that muscle or muscle group
under stress that is challenging for you, regardless of the weight that you are using or the
repetitions you are doing. The basic “overload” principle of weight training is that no muscle will
truly become stronger if it is not put into a stressful situation; you must feel the burn. For that
reason, you will dramatically increase your results if you go to failure during every set of
repetitions; once again, you must feel the burn. For the record, it is a myth that girls will look like
boys if they lift “heavy” weights.

3. Divide (split) your body into parts and only workout specific muscle groups on specific days; doing
so will allow you to exercise more efficiently and effectively during class. Make sure that you work
out every primary muscle group at least once a week.

Strength Training Key Points

MULITIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of the best answer in your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is not allowed in doing strength exercise?

a. Doing horse playing in the weight room.
b. Warm up and stretch before lifting.
c. Wearing appropriate clothing and foot wear.
d. Have a spotter when doing a bench press.
2. Which of the following is not an outcome of training?
a. Strength b. skill c. organ efficiency d. flabby muscles
3. Endomorph has the following characteristics, which one is not?
a. Fatty breasts b. wide hips c. large abdomen d. narrow waist
4. The following are the basic goals of a total fitness program, except;
a. Strength b. flexibility c. reaction time d. cardiovascular endurance

5. It is a method of strength training where there is a very slight shortening of the muscle and there is no
movement of the joint, even though the muscle is still tense.
a. Isometric or static training c. isotonic or dynamic training
b. Isokinetic d. monotonic
6. It is a connective tissue that connect muscle to bone.
a. Ligaments b. Fascia c. Tendon d. cartilage
7. A type of contraction or movement where there is a lengthening of muscle or increase of joint angle.
a. Isometric b. eccentric c. concentric d. isotonic
8. Which of the following muscles can be developed by barbell bench press?
a. Calves b. pectorals c. hamstring d. abdominals
9. A connective tissue mainly used to protect bones from rubbing against each other.
a. Tendons b. ligaments c. fascia d. cartilage
10. Which of the following exercise could improve a latissimus dorsi muscles?
a. Barbell squat b. dumbbell wrist curl c. standing calf raise d. lateral pull down


Last grading, our focus is improving your cardiovascular endurance

through various exercises like zumba. In our second grading, our focus is
improving the strength of your muscles and bone. Based on what you have
learned in this module, perform with your siblings, parents, neighbors or
friends exercises to improve the strength of your bones and muscles. You
can use improvise weights such as plastic bottles with water or sand, body
weights, garter, stones, etc.. Try to video your performance and send it in
your HOPE group page. If you have no android cell phone, you can have a
written review while doing the activity and pass it to me during the last
week of submission for second grading period. If the situation will not
allow, you can pass your output directly to me or in my messenger account,
Resurex L. Dagum.


Prepare for a summative test next week.

Prepared by:

Schools Division of Passi City

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