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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Using Particle Swarm Optimization Approach
Ms. Divya Garg1, Dr. Pardeep Kumar2, Ms. Kompal3
1M.Tech Scholar, Dept. of Computer Science & Applications, Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India
2Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Applications, Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India
3Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Govt. College Chhachhrauli (Yamunanagar), Haryana, India

Abstract - WSN comprises of a considerable amount of a pioneer called cluster head (CH). Every one of the sensing
small and limited power sensor elements that are arbitrarily element sense neighborhood information and transmit it to
or physically conveyed over an unattended target region. their relating CH. At that point, the cluster heads combine
WSNs have potential applications in atmosphere observing, the local information and then transmit it to the base station
calamity cautioning frameworks, medicinal services, security (BS) specifically or by means of different CHs. A cluster
surveillance, and reconnaissance frameworks. The main based model of wireless sensor network is appeared in Fig.
drawback of the wireless sensor network is the restricted 1. Clustering sensors has various advantages which are as
power sources of the sensing elements. Expanding the lifetime follows: (1) It empowers information total at CH to dispose
of the Wireless Sensor systems, energy preservation measures of the repetitive and uncorrelated information;
are vital for enhancing the execution of WSNs. This paper consequently, it saves power of the sensing elements. (2)
proposes LEACH-P which is a novel approach to improve Routing can be all the more effectively achieved on the
existing LEACH protocol using PSO based clustering. The grounds that only CHs need to keep up the nearby path set
proposed algorithm is simulated broadly and the results are up of different CHs and subsequently require little steering
compared with the existing algorithm to determine its data; this in turn enhances the adaptability of the system
supremacy in terms of network lifetime, stability period and essentially. (3) It preserves correspondence transfer speed
number of data transmitted to the base station. as the sensor nodes communicate with their CHs only and
therefore stay away from trade of excess information among
Key Words: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), gateways, them.
Cluster Head (CH), Particle Swarm Optimization.

1.1 Background head
Wireless Sensor Networks are having large network in
which huge amount of sensor nodes are present that are
forming a network with their self-organizing property. The
variety of applications includes health care, military, critical Fig-1: A Wireless
. Sensor Network
. Model
infrastructure protection (Akyildiz,Su, Sankarasubramaniam,
& Cayirci, 2002), and non-military personnel (e.g., disaster Though, CHs tolerate some additional work load
management). In WSN the small sensor nodes are contributed by their cluster members as they collect the
categorized by restricted processing power sources. In this detected information from their group member sensors,
manner, energy preservation of the sensors is the most combines them and convey it to the BS. In addition, in
demanding concern for the long run process of WSNs. numerous WSNs, the CHs are typically chosen among the
Numerous issues have been contemplated for this reason ordinary sensor nodes which can expire rapidly for this
that include low-power radio communication equipment additional work load. In this remarkable circumstance,
(Calhoun, 2005), power aware medium access control (MAC) numerous scholars (Gupta & Younis, 2003) (Low, 2008)
layer conventions (Ahmad, 2012) (Aykut, 2011) and so on. (Kuila & Jana, Improved load balanced clustering algorithm
Therefore, energy efficient clustering and routing for wireless sensor networks., 2012) (Kuila, Gupta, & Jana, A
procedures (Abbasi & Mohamad, 2007) (Kemal & Younis, novel evolutionary approach for load balanced clustering
2005) are the most encouraging regions that have been problem for wireless sensor networks., 2013) (Bari, Wazed,
contemplated widely in such manner. Jaekal, & Bandyopadhyay, 2009) have proposed the usage of
some extraordinary sensing elements called gateways, which
In a two-level WSN, sensing elements are partitioned into are provisioned with additional power. These gateways
a few groups which are known as clusters. Every group has demonstrates like cluster heads and are in charge of a

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 838
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

similar function of the CHs. Along these lines, gateways and perform extensive simulation on the proposed methods and
CHs are utilized reciprocally in the rest of the paper. evaluate them with several performance metrics including
network life-time, stability, energy consumption and total
Tragically, the gateways are likewise battery-worked and number of data transmitted. The results are compared with
consequently energy constrained. Lifetime of the gateways is LEACH (Heinzelman, Chandrakasan, & Balakrishnan, 2002)
exceptionally vital for the long run operation of the system. which is a widespread cluster-based routing procedure. Our

 Sensor nodes are deployed arbitrarily along with

The transmission energy (E) related with distance (d) on the key contributions can be brief as follows:
basis of following formula, i.e. E d λ ,where λ is the path

 The PSO in clustering for optimal election of

loss exponent and 2 λ 4 (Habib & Sajal, 2008) . In this a few gateways.
way, minimization of transmission separation can decrease
the energy utilization. In any case, a few applications are cluster head is applied for the advancement in the
extremely time-basic in nature. Subsequently, they ought to residual energy of node by sending a data packet

 Simulation of the proposed procedure to

fulfill strict delay constraints so that the BS can get the to the cluster head.
detected information within a predetermined time bound. In
any case, the delay is relative to the quantity of forwards on determine supremacy over existing procedure.
the dissemination path between a source and the sink. With The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The
a specific end goal to limit the delay, it is important to limit related work is discussed in Section 2. LEACH is defined in
the quantity of forwards, which can be accomplished by Section 3. An outline of particle swarm optimization is
boosting the separation between continuous forwards. Along given in Section 4. The system model is presented in
these lines, while outlining routing procedures we have to Section 5 which comprises energy model and network
fuse an exchange off between transmission separation and model. The proposed algorithm i.e. LEACH-P is described
quantity of forwards as they stance two clashing in Section 6. The experimental Setup and the simulation
destinations. Moreover, load balancing is another critical results are described in Sections 7 and 8 respectively and
issue for WSN clustering. Especially, this is a problem that we conclude in Section 9.
needs to be addressed when the sensor nodes are not
disseminated consistently. In this paper we address the 2. RELATED WORK
accompanying issues:

(Heinzelman, Chandrakasan, & Balakrishnan, 2002)
Energy proficient routing with an exchange off have been proposed a mainstream cluster-based steering
between transmission distance and number of technique LEACH which is able to control the cluster head

 Energy proficient load balanced grouping with

information forwards. work load among the sensing elements that is profitable for
balancing the load. However, the fundamental weakness of
energy preservation of the WSN. this method is that a sensing element with low power might
Keeping in mind the end goal to acquire a quicker and be chosen as a CH which may die hastily. Furthermore, the
proficient arrangement of the clustering and routing issue CHs communicate with a base station by means of one-hop
with the above issues, a metaheuristic approach, for which is unrealistic for WSNs with extensive scope region.
example, particle swarm improvement (PSO) is extremely Therefore, a lot of procedures have been established to
attractive. The primary goal of this paper is to enhance advance LEACH which can be found in (Tyagi & Kumar,
existing LEACH with an effective PSO-based clustering for 2013)], (Al-Refai, 2011). (Kuila & Jana, An energy balanced
WSNs with the thought of energy utilization of the sensor distributed clustering and routing algorithm for wireless
hubs for extending system life time. sensor networks, 2012) have been proposed a cost- based
disseminated energy stable clustering and routing procedure
1.2 Authors' Contribution for selection of cluster head and cluster creation. But, the
procedure experiences the network issue of the chose CHs.
In this paper, an energy efficient protocol for WSN is
proposed using particle swarm optimization. The proposed (Bari, Wazed, Jaekal, & Bandyopadhyay, 2009) proposed
research work will execute the PSO with leach protocol. The a GA-based methodology for information directing between
PSO in clustering for optimal selection of cluster head is gateways in a two-tire wireless sensor network. The relay
applied to enhance the advancement in the residual energy sensing elements may shape a system among them to route
of node by sending a data packet to the cluster head which is information towards the base station. In this design, the
located very nearest to the Base station. The proposed lifespan of a system is determined mainly by the lifespan of
LEACH (LEACH-P) discovers a path from all the gateways to these relay sensors. An energy-aware communication
the base station which has comparably lower overall strategy can greatly extend the lifetime of such networks.
distance with less number of data forwards. However, integer linear program (ILP) formulations for
optimal, energy-aware routing rapidly become
The proposed LEACH takes care of energy consumption computationally intractable and are not suitable for concrete
of the normal sensor nodes as well as the gateways. We systems.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 839
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

(Kennedy & Eberhart, 1995) proposed a system for 3. LEACH: LOW-ENERGY ADAPTIVE CLUSTERING
development of reliable nonlinear limits. The system was HIERARCHY
found through re-enactment of an enhanced social model;
thusly the social analogy is discussed, however the LEACH is a self-organizing, adaptive clustering procedure
calculation stays without metaphorical support. The paper that uses randomization to circulate the energy load
portrays the particle swarm improvement idea as far as its uniformly among the sensors in the system. In LEACH, the
forerunners, rapidly investigating into the phases of its sensors sort out themselves into nearby formed clusters,
advancement from social rebuilding to analyzer. The with one element acting as the local base station (BS) or
improvement of a couple of perfect models is laid out, and an cluster-head. LEACH comprises arbitrary circulation of the
execution of one of the guidelines is inspected. The high-powered cluster-head position such that it circulates
relationship between particle swarm development and both among the numerous sensors in order not to drain the
manufactured life and hereditary controls are depicted. battery of a single senor. Moreover, LEACH achieves
neighborhood information aggregation to compress the
(Singh & Lobiyal, 2012) proposed an Energy-efficient volume of information being transmit from the cluster heads
cluster head selection using Particle Swarm Optimization to the base station, further decreasing energy dissipation and
approach and examination of Packet Retransmissions in improving system lifetime.
WSN. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method is useful
for creating vitality mindful clusters with an ideal choice of The procedure of LEACH is fragmented up into rounds,
the group head. The PSO eventually diminishes the cost of where every round begins with a set-up phase, when the
discovering ideal position for the cluster head hubs. The clusters are structured, followed by a steady-state phase,
execution of PSO approach is achieved inside the cluster when data transfers to the base station occur. In order to
instead of the sink where a user is able to extract data, which minimize overhead, the steady-state phase is long compared
makes it a semi-distributed method. The choice criteria of to the set-up phase.
the target capacity depend on the lasting vitality, least
normal distance from the member hubs and head count of 3.1 Setup phase
the likely head hubs. (Singh & Lobiyal, 2012)] and (Abdul,
2007) have utilized the PSO for CH choice among the typical
In this phase clusters are framed and a cluster head (CH)
sensor hubs and don't deal with the group development. PSO
is decided for every cluster. Each node produces an arbitrary
and ant colony optimization (ACO) are utilized as a part of
number in the range of 0 and 1, and if that arbitrary number
WSNs for other optimization issues likewise and they can be
is not as much as threshold value T (n), then it will become a
found in (Saleem, 2011), (Kulkarni, 2011), (Zungeru, 2012).
cluster head. In each round, T (n) is set to 0, for the sensing
element which previously functioned as CH in past rounds,
(Kuila & Jana, 2014) have proposed Energy effective
so that this node will not be chosen once more. The
clustering and routing which are two surely understood
possibility of being chosen is T (n) for the sensing elements
advancement issues which have been studied broadly to
that have not been chosen once. If only single sensor node
increase lifespan of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and
left then T (n) is set to 1, implies this node will be surely
describes Linear/ Nonlinear Programming (LP/NLP)
chosen as CH (Heinzelman, Chandrakasan, & Balakrishnan,
definitions of these issues taken after by two proposed
procedures for the same in view of particle swarm
optimization (PSO). The routing procedure is established
T (n) is characterized as below:
with a well-organized particle encoding scheme and multi-
objective fitness function. The clustering algorithm is
described by considering power maintenance of the nodes
through load balancing.

(singh, 2016) have proposed a Multi-Hop LEACH which is Where,

vitality efficient routing convention for wireless sensor p= percentage of number of CH in the number of nodes in
network; a strategy of routing is recommended in view of network,
both particle swarm optimization technique and V-LEACH r = present round number,
protocol and multi-hop system design. Multi hop G= set of sensing elements that have not been chosen in the
communication has been applied to limit vitality dissipation previous 1/p rounds of CH selection.
in the transmission from cluster head to the sink. When any of the sensing elements is chosen as CH, it advises
different nodes. The nodes which are non-cluster heads pick
their CH in the view of received signal quality for this round.
The CH element sets up a TDMA schedule and transfers this
schedule to every one of the nodes in its cluster.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 840
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

considerable number of particles is equal. A particle Pi, 1 ≤ i ≤

NP has position Xid, 1 ≤ d ≤ D and velocity Vid in the dth
dimension of the hyperspace. The notation for
demonstrating the ith particle Pi of the inhabitants as follows:

Pi = [Xi,1, Xi,2, Xi,3…….., Xi,D]

Every particle is estimated by a fitness function to judge

Fig.-2 Interval Period of LEACH the superiority of the solution to the problem. To achieve the
global best position, the particle Pi monitors its individual
3.2 Steady-state phase best, i.e., personal best called Pbesti and global best called
Gbest to update its individual position and velocity. In every
In this phase, the non-CH nodes begin detecting repetition, its position Xid and velocity Vid and in the dth
information and send it to their CH as per the TDMA dimension is modified utilizing the accompanying conditions.
schedule. The CH node aggregates the acknowledged
information and sends it to the sink. Communication is done Vi,d(t)= w * Vi.d(t-1) + c1r1 * (Xpbesti,d – Xi,d(t-1)) + c2r2
via direct-sequence spread spectrum and every cluster (Xgbestd – Xi,d(t-1))
utilizes a unique spreading code to decrease inter-cluster
interference. After certain timeframe, the system again goes Xi.d(t) = Xi,d(t-1 ) + Vi,d(t)
into the setup phase and enters another round of choosing where
cluster heads (CHs). w = inertial weight
c1 and c2 = non-negative constants called acceleration factor
3.3 Limitations of LEACH Protocol r1 and r2 = two different consistently disseminated arbitrary
numbers in the range [0,1].
The modified procedure is iteratively repeated until either
 All nodes can convey with sufficient power to reach
A few of these assumptions are as per the following:
an acceptable Gbest is attained or a fixed number of
iterations tmax is achieved.
 Nodes dependably have information to send.
the base station if necessary.

 Nodes found near each other have connected 5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

information. It is not evident how many
predetermined CHs are going to be uniformly 5.1. Energy model
disseminated throughout the system. Therefore,
there is a possibility that the chosen CHs will be The radio model for energy which is used in this paper is
focused in one part of the system. Subsequently, similar as discussed by W.B. et al. (Heinzelman,
some nodes will not have any cluster head closer to Chandrakasan & Balakrishnan, 2002). In this model, both the

 CHs are chosen arbitrarily in LEACH, hence nodes

them. free space and multi-path blurring channels are utilized
relying upon the distance between the sender and receiver. If
with less vitality might be picked up, and which the distance is not as much as threshold value d0, then the
could lead to these nodes die too quick. free space (fs) model is applied, otherwise, the multipath
(mp) model is applied. Let Eelec, εfs and εmp be the energy
4. OVERVIEW OF PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION essential by the hardware circuit and by the amplifier in free
space and multipath respectively. Then the vitality required
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is encouraged by by the radio to transmit an l-bit message over a distance d is
natural lifecycles, like bird flocking, fish schooling and given as per the following:
arbitrary search techniques of evolutionary procedure
(Kennedy & Eberhart, 1995) (Wei & Nor, 2014). It can be ET(l,d) = lEelec+lεfsd2 for d < d0
seen from the nature that creatures, especially winged
lEelec+ lεmp d4 for d d0
animals, fishes, etc. always travel together in a random
search for food in a cluster without colliding. It is because The energy essential by the radio to accept an l-bit message
every member tracks the cluster by modifying its position is given by
and speed utilizing the cluster information. Thus it decreases
individual's exertion for looking of nourishment, shelter and ER(l) = lEelec
so on.
The Eelec relies on few variables such as advanced coding,
PSO comprises of a swarm of a predefined size (say NP) of modulation, filtering, and spreading of the signal, whereas
particles. Each element gives a complete answer to the the amplifier energy, εfsd2/εmpd4, relies on the distance
multidimensional optimization issue. The dimension D of the between the transmitter and the receiver and also on the

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 841
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

acceptable bit-error rate. It ought to be observed that this is

an improved model. In general, radio wave propagation is
highly variable hard to demonstrate.

5.2. Network model and assumptions

In this paper, the proposed work simulates the WSN

model where all the sensing elements are deployed
arbitrarily along with a few high powered gateways and once
they are deployed, they become stationary for one round and
vary from round to round. The process of Gateways
formation per round is same as the cluster head formation
process in LEACH. The assumptions made are following:

 All the chosen sensing elements are assumed as

static after deployment.
Every one of the nodes can use power control for
various distances from the transmitter to the Fig.-3: Flowchart of PSO (Kuila & Jana, 2014)

Every one of the nodes is location unaware (i.e. they The proposed algorithm:

are not armed with the GPS-gadgets).
Set-Up Phase
Sensor nodes are allocated with a unique 1. CH ══> N: idCH ,crc ,adv

identification (ID) and similar preliminary power. 2. ni ──> C(: idni , idCH ,crc, join_req
The cluster-heads are dominant for performing 3. CH ══> N: idCH , … , idni , Tni … , crc ,sched
computations to the base station for long range 4. GW==> N: idgw, crc, adv

The base station utilizes the external energy supply Steady State Phase
and the power will not be drained. 5. ni ──> C( : idCH , crc
6. ni -------> GW : idgw, crc
6. PROPOSED WORK 7. C( ──> BS: idCH , idBS , GW ----- > BS: idgw, idBS
8. Base Station get information from all the cluster heads and
The proposed research work will perform the PSO with Gateways.
leach protocol. Sensing elements are deployed arbitrarily
along with a few gateways. The proposed procedure is done The symbol used in proposed algorithm signifies:
mainly in the following steps. CH, ni, BS: Cluster Head, ordinary node, base station
N: Set of all nodes in the network
Step1: Apply PSO approach in clustering for optimal Adv,join_req,sched :String identifiers for message sorts
selection of cluster head to improve the progression in the Crc : Cyclic redundancy check
remaining energy of node by sending a data packet to the idni , idCH , idBS :Nodes ni ,C(, BS id’s respectively
cluster head which is situated closest to the Base station. The <y, Ty> : A node id y & its active slot Ty in the clusters TDMA
cluster head is nominated using PSO approach, based on the schedule
distance from the cluster member node to base station and ──>, ══>: Unicast, broadcast transmissions, respectively
the remaining energy of that node.
Step2: Compute the distance between transmitter and
receiver based upon the distance between the transmitter In this section, the simulation results for LEACH-P using
and receiver. If the distance is less than a threshold value d0, NS-2.34 are presented. WSN comprises of N = 100 and 200
then the free space (fs) model is applied, otherwise, the sensors and few gateways which are arbitrarily deployed in
multipath (mp) model is applied. a field of measurement 100 m*100 m with a BS situated at
(50,175). Each sensing element was supposed to have initial
Step3: A sensing element can be allocated to any gateway if power of 2J and every gateway has 4.5J. The following
it is within the communication range of that sensing element. parameter values shown in Table1 in the simulation run. All
Therefore, there are some pre-specified gateways on to sensing elements are either static or micro-mobile are
which an individual sensor node can be allocated. considered and disregard the power loss due to collision and
The numerous steps of a PSO are represented in the intrusion between signals of dissimilar nodes.
flowchart as shown in Fig. 3.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 842
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The performance metrics used for the computation of the 8.1 The Performance comparison of LEACH and
procedures are: stability period, system lifetime, and number LEACH-P for 100 sensor nodes
of data transmitted to the BS.

Chart 1 shows the result analysis of total energy
Stability period: By stability period, we mean how dissipation in network for 100 sensor nodes. It is clear from
much energy is dissipated in the network till the figure that LEACH-P consumes less energy than LEACH.
entire network die or for how much time network Chart 2 shows the result analysis of number of data

is stable. transmitted in LEACH-P is more as compared to LEACH as
System lifetime: By system lifetime, we mean the gateways are used in LEACH-P to handle overload of data on
round number at which whole system die or the sensor nodes. Chart 3 shows that the result analysis of
number of rounds from network initialization till network lifetime. The first one node dies at 370 and 700

the death of all nodes. rounds for LEACH and LEACH-P respectively and apart from
Number of Data transmitted to BS: By this metric, first node, rest of nodes dies at 481 and 817 rounds for
we mean the total number of data that are directly LEACH and LEACH-P respectively. The simulation result
transmitted to BS either from CHs or non-CH nodes. shows that LEACH-P lifetime is more than LEACH due to
The parameters used in simulations are shown in cluster head optimization using PSO approach in LEACH-P.
Table 1. Results along with discussions are given in
the accompanying subsections. Table-2: Performance comparison of LEACH and LEACH-P
for 100 sensor nodes
Table-1: Simulation Parameters
Performance LEACH Proposed LEACH
Parameter Value
Total Energy 309.101 433.04
NS-2 Version 2.34
Channel Type Wireless Channel Total Data 47863 85745
Area 100*100
First Node Dies 370 700
Routing Protocol LEACH
Lifetime(rounds) 481 817
No of nodes 100 and 200

Number of cluster 5

Simulation Time 3600

Node initial energy 2 joules

Gateway initial energy 4.5 joules

Equal energy(startup) YES

RXThresh 6e-9

CSThresh 1e-9

Round Period Each 35 seconds

In this section simulation results for LEACH and LEACH-P
is depicted for 100 and 200 sensor nodes. Proposed
algorithm is simulated broadly and depicts the simulation
Chart-1: Result analysis of energy dissipation for 100
results for both the routing and clustering in a combined
sensor nodes

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 843
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The firs node for LEACH LEACH-P dies at 805 and 1310
rounds respectively and all nodes die at 1087 and 1858
respectively. It is clear from the figure 9 that LEACH-P is
superior to the LEACH.

Table-3: Performance comparison of LEACH and

proposed LEACH for 200 sensor nodes

Performance metrics LEACH Proposed

Total Energy 866.1758 1260.719
Total Data 115398 194249
First Node Dies 805 1310

Lifetime(rounds) 1087 1857

Chart-2: Result analysis of no. of data transmitted for 100
sensor nodes

Chart-3: Result analysis of network Lifetime for 100 Chart-4 Result analysis of energy dissipation for 100
sensor nodes sensor nodes

8.2 The Performance comparison of LEACH and

LEACH-P for 200 sensor nodes.
Chart 4 shows how the energy dissipation in the system
varies as the percentage of sensors that are cluster-heads is
changed. From this plot, we find that the performance of our
approach is superior over LEACH. LEACH-P consumes less
energy as compared to LEACH because of using PSO in
clustering for optimal selection of cluster head to enhance
the advancement in the residual energy of node by sending a
data packet to the cluster head which is located very nearest
to the Base station. Chart 5 shows that the data transmitted
in LEACH-P is more as compared to LEACH. When the
routing and clustering is over, sensor nodes those are within
gateway communication send their data directly to gateway
and those are within cluster head communication send their
data directly to their respective cluster head due to which Chart-5 Result analysis of no. of data transmitted for 100
data transmitted is more than the LEACH. Chart 6 depicts the sensor nodes
number of nodes alive and dead nodes in system lifetime.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 844
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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