Report of Conference Committee

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We, the undersigned conferees, have had under consideration the amendments to the
following entitled BILL:

H. B. No. 530: The "Strategically Accelerating the Recruitment

and Retention of Teachers (START) Act of 2022"; create.

We, therefore, respectfully submit the following report and recommendation:

1. That the Senate recede from its Amendment No. 1.

2. That the House and Senate adopt the following amendment:

Amend by striking all after the enacting clause and inserting

in lieu thereof the following:

16 SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the

17 "Strategically Accelerating the Recruitment and Retention of

18 Teachers (START) Act of 2022."

19 SECTION 2. Section 37-19-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is

20 amended as follows:

21 37-19-7. (1) The allowance in the Mississippi Adequate

22 Education Program for teachers' salaries in each * * * public

23 school district shall be determined and paid in accordance with

24 the scale for teachers' salaries as provided in this subsection.

25 For teachers holding the following types of licenses or the

26 equivalent as determined by the State Board of Education, and the

27 following number of years of teaching experience, the scale shall

28 be as follows:
29 * * *

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31 Years
33 0 45,500.00 44,000.00 43,000.00 41,500.00
34 1 46,100.00 44,550.00 43,525.00 41,900.00
35 2 46,700.00 45,100.00 44,050.00 42,300.00
36 3 47,300.00 45,650.00 44,575.00 42,700.00
37 4 47,900.00 46,200.00 45,100.00 43,100.00
38 5 49,250.00 47,450.00 46,200.00 44,100.00
39 6 49,850.00 48,000.00 46,725.00 44,500.00
40 7 50,450.00 48,550.00 47,250.00 44,900.00
41 8 51,050.00 49,100.00 47,775.00 45,300.00
42 9 51,650.00 49,650.00 48,300.00 45,700.00
43 10 53,000.00 50,900.00 49,400.00 46,700.00
44 11 53,600.00 51,450.00 49,925.00 47,100.00
45 12 54,200.00 52,000.00 50,450.00 47,500.00
46 13 54,800.00 52,550.00 50,975.00 47,900.00
47 14 55,400.00 53,100.00 51,500.00 48,300.00
48 15 56,750.00 54,350.00 52,600.00 49,300.00
49 16 57,350.00 54,900.00 53,125.00 49,700.00
50 17 57,950.00 55,450.00 53,650.00 50,100.00
51 18 58,550.00 56,000.00 54,175.00 50,500.00
52 19 59,150.00 56,550.00 54,700.00 50,900.00
53 20 60,500.00 57,800.00 55,800.00 51,900.00
54 21 61,100.00 58,350.00 56,325.00 52,300.00
55 22 61,700.00 58,900.00 56,850.00 52,700.00
56 23 62,300.00 59,450.00 57,375.00 53,100.00
57 24 62,900.00 60,000.00 57,900.00 53,500.00
58 25 65,400.00 62,500.00 60,400.00 56,000.00
59 26 66,000.00 63,050.00 60,925.00 56,400.00
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60 27 66,600.00 63,600.00 61,450.00 56,800.00
61 28 67,200.00 64,150.00 61,975.00 57,200.00
62 29 67,800.00 64,700.00 62,500.00 57,600.00
63 30 68,400.00 65,250.00 63,025.00 58,000.00
64 31 69,000.00 65,800.00 63,550.00 58,400.00
65 32 69,600.00 66,350.00 64,075.00 58,800.00
66 33 70,200.00 66,900.00 64,600.00 59,200.00
67 34 70,800.00 67,450.00 65,125.00 59,600.00
68 35 & above
69 71,400.00 68,000.00 65,650.00 60,000.00

70 It is the intent of the Legislature that any state funds made

71 available for salaries of licensed personnel in excess of the

72 funds paid for such salaries for the 1986-1987 school year shall

73 be paid to licensed personnel pursuant to a personnel appraisal

74 and compensation system implemented by the State Board of

75 Education. The State Board of Education shall have the authority

76 to adopt and amend rules and regulations as are necessary to

77 establish, administer and maintain the system.

78 All teachers employed on a full-time basis shall be paid a

79 minimum salary in accordance with the above scale. However, no

80 school district shall receive any funds under this section for any

81 school year during which the local supplement paid to any

82 individual teacher shall have been reduced to a sum less than that

83 paid to that individual teacher for performing the same duties

84 from local supplement during the immediately preceding school

85 year. The amount actually spent for the purposes of group health

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86 and/or life insurance shall be considered as a part of the

87 aggregate amount of local supplement but shall not be considered a

88 part of the amount of individual local supplement.

89 The level of professional training of each teacher to be used

90 in establishing the salary allotment for the teachers for each

91 year shall be determined by the type of valid teacher's license

92 issued to those teachers on or before October 1 of the current

93 school year. * * * However, * * * school districts are

94 authorized, in their discretion, to negotiate the salary levels

95 applicable to * * * licensed employees who are receiving

96 retirement benefits from the retirement system of another state,

97 and the annual experience increment provided above in Section

98 37-19-7 shall not be applicable to any such retired certificated

99 employee.

100 (2) (a) The following employees shall receive an annual

101 salary supplement in the amount of Six Thousand Dollars

102 ($6,000.00), plus fringe benefits, in addition to any other

103 compensation to which the employee may be entitled:

104 (i) Any licensed teacher who has met the

105 requirements and acquired a Master Teacher certificate from the

106 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and who is

107 employed by a local school board or the State Board of Education

108 as a teacher and not as an administrator. Such teacher shall

109 submit documentation to the State Department of Education that the

110 certificate was received prior to October 15 in order to be

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111 eligible for the full salary supplement in the current school

112 year, or the teacher shall submit such documentation to the State

113 Department of Education prior to February 15 in order to be

114 eligible for a prorated salary supplement beginning with the

115 second term of the school year.

116 (ii) A licensed nurse who has met the requirements

117 and acquired a certificate from the National Board for

118 Certification of School Nurses, Inc., and who is employed by a

119 local school board or the State Board of Education as a school

120 nurse and not as an administrator. The licensed school nurse

121 shall submit documentation to the State Department of Education

122 that the certificate was received before October 15 in order to be

123 eligible for the full salary supplement in the current school

124 year, or the licensed school nurse shall submit the documentation

125 to the State Department of Education before February 15 in order

126 to be eligible for a prorated salary supplement beginning with the

127 second term of the school year. * * *

128 (iii) Any licensed school counselor who has met

129 the requirements and acquired a National Certified School

130 Counselor (NCSC) endorsement from the National Board of Certified

131 Counselors and who is employed by a local school board or the

132 State Board of Education as a counselor and not as an

133 administrator. Such licensed school counselor shall submit

134 documentation to the State Department of Education that the

135 endorsement was received prior to October 15 in order to be

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136 eligible for the full salary supplement in the current school

137 year, or the licensed school counselor shall submit such

138 documentation to the State Department of Education prior to

139 February 15 in order to be eligible for a prorated salary

140 supplement beginning with the second term of the school year.

141 However, any school counselor who started the National Board for

142 Professional Teaching Standards process for school counselors

143 between June 1, 2003, and June 30, 2004, and completes the

144 requirements and acquires the Master Teacher certificate shall be

145 entitled to the master teacher supplement, and those counselors

146 who complete the process shall be entitled to a one-time

147 reimbursement for the actual cost of the process as outlined in

148 paragraph (b) of this subsection.

149 (iv) Any licensed speech-language pathologist and

150 audiologist who has met the requirements and acquired a

151 Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American

152 Speech-Language-Hearing Association and any certified academic

153 language therapist (CALT) who has met the certification

154 requirements of the Academic Language Therapy Association and who

155 is employed by a local school board * * *. The licensed

156 speech-language pathologist and audiologist and certified academic

157 language therapist shall submit documentation to the State

158 Department of Education that the certificate or endorsement was

159 received before October 15 in order to be eligible for the full

160 salary supplement in the current school year, or the licensed

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161 speech-language pathologist and audiologist and certified academic

162 language therapist shall submit the documentation to the State

163 Department of Education before February 15 in order to be eligible

164 for a prorated salary supplement beginning with the second term of

165 the school year. * * *

166 (v) Any licensed athletic trainer who has met the

167 requirements and acquired Board Certification for the Athletic

168 Trainer from the Board of Certification, Inc., and who is employed

169 by a local school board or the State Board of Education as an

170 athletic trainer and not as an administrator. The licensed

171 athletic trainer shall submit documentation to the State

172 Department of Education that the certificate was received before

173 October 15 in order to be eligible for the full salary supplement

174 in the current school year, or the licensed athletic trainer shall

175 submit the documentation to the State Department of Education

176 before February 15 in order to be eligible for a prorated salary

177 supplement beginning with the second term of the school year.
178 (b) An employee shall be reimbursed for the actual cost

179 of completing each component of acquiring the certificate or

180 endorsement, excluding any costs incurred for postgraduate

181 courses, not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each

182 component, not to exceed four (4) components, for a teacher,

183 school counselor or speech-language pathologist and audiologist,

184 regardless of whether or not the process resulted in the award of

185 the certificate or endorsement. A local school district or any

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186 private individual or entity may pay the cost of completing the

187 process of acquiring the certificate or endorsement for any

188 employee of the school district described under paragraph (a), and

189 the State Department of Education shall reimburse the school

190 district for such cost, regardless of whether or not the process

191 resulted in the award of the certificate or endorsement. If a

192 private individual or entity has paid the cost of completing the

193 process of acquiring the certificate or endorsement for an

194 employee, the local school district may agree to directly

195 reimburse the individual or entity for such cost on behalf of the

196 employee.

197 (c) All salary supplements, fringe benefits and process

198 reimbursement authorized under this subsection shall be paid

199 directly by the State Department of Education to the local school

200 district and shall be in addition to its * * * adequate education

201 program allotments and not a part thereof in accordance with

202 regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education. Local

203 school districts shall not reduce the local supplement paid to any

204 employee receiving such salary supplement, and the employee shall

205 receive any local supplement to which employees with similar

206 training and experience otherwise are entitled. However, an

207 educational employee shall receive the salary supplement in the

208 amount of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) for only one (1) of the

209 qualifying certifications authorized under paragraph (a) of this

210 subsection. No school district shall provide more than one (1)

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211 annual salary supplement under the provisions of this subsection

212 to any one (1) individual employee holding multiple qualifying

213 national certifications.

214 (d) If an employee for whom such cost has been paid, in

215 full or in part, by a local school district or private individual

216 or entity fails to complete the certification or endorsement

217 process, the employee shall be liable to the school district or

218 individual or entity for all amounts paid by the school district

219 or individual or entity on behalf of that employee toward his or

220 her certificate or endorsement.

221 (3) The following employees shall receive an annual salary

222 supplement in the amount of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00),

223 plus fringe benefits, in addition to any other compensation to

224 which the employee may be entitled:

225 Effective July 1, 2016, if funds are available for that

226 purpose, any licensed teacher who has met the requirements and

227 acquired a Master Teacher Certificate from the National Board for
228 Professional Teaching Standards and who is employed in a public

229 school district located in one (1) of the following counties:

230 Claiborne, Adams, Jefferson, Wilkinson, Amite, Bolivar, Coahoma,

231 Leflore, Quitman, Sharkey, Issaquena, Sunflower, Washington,

232 Holmes, Yazoo and Tallahatchie. The salary supplement awarded

233 under the provisions of this subsection (3) shall be in addition

234 to the salary supplement awarded under the provisions of

235 subsection (2) of this section.

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236 Teachers who meet the qualifications for a salary supplement

237 under this subsection (3) who are assigned for less than one (1)

238 full year or less than full time for the school year shall receive

239 the salary supplement in a prorated manner, with the portion of

240 the teacher's assignment to the critical geographic area to be

241 determined as of June 15th of the school year.

242 (4) (a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the

243 "Mississippi Performance-Based Pay (MPBP)" plan. In addition to

244 the minimum base pay described in this section, only after full

245 funding of MAEP and if funds are available for that purpose, the

246 State of Mississippi may provide monies from state funds to school

247 districts for the purposes of rewarding * * * licensed teachers,

248 administrators and nonlicensed personnel at individual schools

249 showing improvement in student test scores. The MPBP plan shall

250 be developed by the State Department of Education based on the

251 following criteria:

252 (i) It is the express intent of this legislation

253 that the MPBP plan shall utilize only existing standards of

254 accreditation and assessment as established by the State Board of

255 Education.

256 (ii) To ensure that all of Mississippi's teachers,

257 administrators and nonlicensed personnel at all schools have equal

258 access to the monies set aside in this section, the MPBP program

259 shall be designed to calculate each school's performance as

260 determined by the school's increase in scores from the prior

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261 school year. The MPBP program shall be based on a standardized

262 scores rating where all levels of schools can be judged in a

263 statistically fair and reasonable way upon implementation. At the

264 end of each year, after all student achievement scores have been

265 standardized, the State Department of Education shall implement

266 the MPBP plan.

267 (iii) To ensure all teachers cooperate in the

268 spirit of teamwork, individual schools shall submit a plan to the

269 local school district to be approved before the beginning of each

270 school year beginning July 1, 2008. The plan shall include, but

271 not be limited to, how all teachers, regardless of subject area,

272 and administrators will be responsible for improving student

273 achievement for their individual school.

274 (b) The State Board of Education shall develop the

275 processes and procedures for designating schools eligible to

276 participate in the MPBP. State assessment results, growth in

277 student achievement at individual schools and other measures

278 deemed appropriate in designating successful student achievement

279 shall be used in establishing MPBP criteria. * * *

280 (5) (a) * * * If funds are available for that purpose,

281 each school in Mississippi shall have mentor teachers, as defined

282 by Sections 37-9-201 through 37-9-213, who shall receive

283 additional base compensation provided for by the State Legislature

284 in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per each

285 beginning teacher that is being mentored. The additional state

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286 compensation shall be limited to those mentor teachers that

287 provide mentoring services to beginning teachers. For the

288 purposes of such funding, a beginning teacher shall be defined as

289 any teacher in any school in Mississippi that has less than one

290 (1) year of classroom experience teaching in a public school. For

291 the purposes of such funding, no full-time academic teacher shall

292 mentor more than two (2) beginning teachers.

293 (b) To be eligible for this state funding, the

294 individual school must have a classroom management program

295 approved by the local school board.

296 (6) Effective with the 2014-2015 school year, the school

297 districts participating in the Pilot Performance-Based

298 Compensation System pursuant to Section 37-19-9 may award

299 additional teacher and administrator pay based thereon.

300 SECTION 3. Section 37-21-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is

301 amended as follows:

302 37-21-7. (1) This section shall be referred to as the

303 "Mississippi Elementary Schools Assistant Teacher Program," the

304 purpose of which shall be to provide an early childhood education

305 program that assists in the instruction of basic skills. The

306 State Board of Education is authorized, empowered and directed to

307 implement a statewide system of assistant teachers in kindergarten

308 classes and in the first, second and third grades. The assistant

309 teacher shall assist pupils in actual instruction under the strict
310 supervision of a licensed teacher.

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311 (2) (a) Except as otherwise authorized under subsection

312 (7), each school district shall employ the total number of

313 assistant teachers funded under subsection (6) of this section.

314 The superintendent of each district shall assign the assistant

315 teachers to the kindergarten, first-, second- and third-grade

316 classes in the district in a manner that will promote the maximum

317 efficiency, as determined by the superintendent, in the

318 instruction of skills such as verbal and linguistic skills,

319 logical and mathematical skills, and social skills.

320 (b) If a licensed teacher to whom an assistant teacher

321 has been assigned is required to be absent from the classroom, the

322 assistant teacher may assume responsibility for the classroom in

323 lieu of a substitute teacher. However, no assistant teacher shall

324 assume sole responsibility of the classroom for more than three

325 (3) consecutive school days. Further, in no event shall any

326 assistant teacher be assigned to serve as a substitute teacher for

327 any teacher other than the licensed teacher to whom that assistant
328 teacher has been assigned.

329 (3) Assistant teachers shall have, at a minimum, a high

330 school diploma or a High School Equivalency Diploma equivalent,

331 and shall show demonstratable proficiency in reading and writing

332 skills. The State Department of Education shall develop a testing

333 procedure for assistant teacher applicants to be used in all

334 school districts in the state.

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335 (4) (a) In order to receive funding, each school district

336 shall:

337 (i) Submit a plan on the implementation of a

338 reading improvement program to the State Department of Education;

339 and

340 (ii) Develop a plan of educational accountability

341 and assessment of performance, including pretests and posttests,

342 for reading in Grades 1 through 6.

343 (b) Additionally, each school district shall:

344 (i) Provide annually a mandatory preservice

345 orientation session, using an existing in-school service day, for

346 administrators and teachers on the effective use of assistant

347 teachers as part of a team in the classroom setting and on the

348 role of assistant teachers, with emphasis on program goals;

349 (ii) Hold periodic workshops for administrators

350 and teachers on the effective use and supervision of assistant

351 teachers;
352 (iii) Provide training annually on specific

353 instructional skills for assistant teachers;

354 (iv) Annually evaluate their program in accordance

355 with their educational accountability and assessment of

356 performance plan; and

357 (v) Designate the necessary personnel to supervise

358 and report on their program.

359 (5) The State Department of Education shall:

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360 (a) Develop and assist in the implementation of a

361 statewide uniform training module, subject to the availability of

362 funds specifically appropriated therefor by the Legislature, which

363 shall be used in all school districts for training administrators,

364 teachers and assistant teachers. The module shall provide for the

365 consolidated training of each assistant teacher and teacher to

366 whom the assistant teacher is assigned, working together as a

367 team, and shall require further periodic training for

368 administrators, teachers and assistant teachers regarding the role

369 of assistant teachers;

370 (b) Annually evaluate the program on the district and

371 state level. Subject to the availability of funds specifically

372 appropriated therefor by the Legislature, the department shall

373 develop: (i) uniform evaluation reports, to be performed by the

374 principal or assistant principal, to collect data for the annual

375 overall program evaluation conducted by the department; or (ii) a

376 program evaluation model that, at a minimum, addresses process

377 evaluation; and

378 (c) Promulgate rules, regulations and such other

379 standards deemed necessary to effectuate the purposes of this

380 section. Noncompliance with the provisions of this section and

381 any rules, regulations or standards adopted by the department may

382 result in a violation of compulsory accreditation standards as

383 established by the State Board of Education and the Commission on

384 School Accreditation.

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385 (6) In addition to other funds allotted under the Minimum

386 Education or Adequate Education Program, each school district

387 shall be allotted sufficient funding for the purpose of employing

388 assistant teachers. No assistant teacher shall be paid less than

389 the amount he or she received in the prior school year. No school

390 district shall receive any funds under this section for any school

391 year during which the aggregate amount of the local contribution

392 to the salaries of assistant teachers by the district shall have

393 been reduced below such amount for the previous year.

394 For assistant teachers, the minimum annual salary shall be as

395 follows:

396 * * *2022-2023 and Subsequent Years Minimum Salary ....$17,000.00

397 In addition, for each one percent (1%) that the Sine Die

398 General Fund Revenue Estimate Growth exceeds five percent (5%) in

399 fiscal year 2006, as certified by the Legislative Budget Office to

400 the State Board of Education and subject to the specific

401 appropriation therefor by the Legislature, the State Board of

402 Education shall revise the salary scale in the appropriate year to

403 provide an additional one percent (1%) across-the-board increase

404 in the base salaries for assistant teachers. The State Board of

405 Education shall revise the salaries prescribed above for assistant

406 teachers to conform to any adjustments made in prior fiscal years

407 due to revenue growth over and above five percent (5%). The

408 assistant teachers shall not be restricted to working only in the

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409 grades for which the funds were allotted, but may be assigned to

410 other classes as provided in subsection (2)(a) of this section.

411 (7) (a) As an alternative to employing assistant teachers,

412 any school district may use the allotment provided under

413 subsection (6) of this section for the purpose of employing

414 licensed teachers for kindergarten, first-, second- and

415 third-grade classes; however, no school district shall be

416 authorized to use the allotment for assistant teachers for the

417 purpose of employing licensed teachers unless the district has

418 established that the employment of licensed teachers using such

419 funds will reduce the teacher:student ratio in the kindergarten,

420 first-, second- and third-grade classes. All state funds for

421 assistant teachers shall be applied to reducing teacher:student

422 ratio in Grades K-3.

423 It is the intent of the Legislature that no school district

424 shall dismiss any assistant teacher for the purpose of using the

425 assistant teacher allotment to employ licensed teachers. School

426 districts may rely only upon normal attrition to reduce the number

427 of assistant teachers employed in that district.

428 (b) Districts meeting the highest levels of

429 accreditation standards, as defined by the State Board of

430 Education, shall be exempted from the provisions of subsection (4)

431 of this section.

432 SECTION 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from
433 and after July 1, 2022, and the amendments to subparagraphs (ii),

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434 (iv) and (v) of Section 37-19-7(2)(a) in this act shall be

435 retroactive to July 1, 2021.

Further, amend by striking the title in its entirety and

inserting in lieu thereof the following:




______________________________ ______________________________
Richard Bennett Dennis DeBar, Jr.

______________________________ ______________________________
Kent McCarty Hob Bryan

______________________________ ______________________________
Kevin Felsher W. Briggs Hopson III

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