W-W Analysis - Bulk Spill During Loading Scrap
W-W Analysis - Bulk Spill During Loading Scrap
W-W Analysis - Bulk Spill During Loading Scrap
Why-Why Analysis
True Cause: (Getting to the Root Cause)
WHAT? WHY? (1) WHY? (2) WHY? (3) Action Step Resp. Date
Unbalanced drums scrap position Waste stored not follow JKT waste Refresher training for JKT waste standard
Drums plastic fell off and caused
Bulk Spill During Loading Scrap during transfer process to wingbox standard and no inspection before for temporary waste stored inside Scrapyard Marga 05-May-21 Done
bulk spill truck from forklift unit loading transfer Area
review all steps for completeness of the investigation. If still not solved, consider PM analysis or other more in-depth troubleshooting tools.