Sewpercoat Pg25: Product Data Sheet

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Product Data Sheet

Reference FC-SewperCoat PG25-PP-GB-KFR-112011

Updated on: 05/2016

SewperCoat PG25 ®

SewperCoat® PG25 contains no chlorides, no

1 General Description metallic particles, no crystaline silica or other
aggressive agents that might attack reinforcing
Composed of 100% calcium aluminate (both cement
binder and aggregate), SewperCoat® PG25 is a pre-
packaged ready-to-use high performance mortar. It is
designed for the protection of both new and existing 2 Specifications
municipal wastewater infrastructures from biogenic
sulphuric acid corrosion caused by hydrogen sulphide The specification limits are determined with an
(H2S). The high performance of SewperCoat® PG25 Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) of 2.5% as defined
results from its specially designed, unique chemical in the sampling standard ISO 3951.
and mineralogical composition.
The usual range represents typical values of the
SewperCoat® PG25 is typically used for the production.
protection and rehabilitation of sewer infrastructure
including manholes, lift stations, main trunk sewers, Chemical composition
wastewater treatment plant structures, and pipes.  Main constituents (%)
Usual range
SewperCoat® PG25 also provides excellent corrosion AI2O3 40 - 46
resistance to pure water, salt water, sulphated soils
CaO 34 - 40
and several dilute acids.
SiO2 4-9
SewperCoat® PG25 is specially designed for Fe2O3 9 - 15
application by the low-pressure, wet-spray method, *Chemical analysis is determined according to the EN 196-2.
the spinning head method, and the centrifugation The product (including aggregates and binder) is milled to
method. powder prior to the analysis.

SewperCoat® PG25 is the preferred solution for Granulometry

installation in confined spaces.  Cumulative passing (%)
Sieve Size Usual range Specification
SewperCoat® PG25 is a very cohesive mortar that limit
provides excellent thin-section toughness, high 2.5 mm 99 - 100 ≥ 95
bond strength and high early compressive strength
that enhances the structural integrity of wastewater
structures when installed. Mechanical strength
 24 hours strength (MPa)
SewperCoat PG25 provides high early compressive
Specification limit
strength and allows for rapid return to service and Compressive > 38
cost saving associated with it. The return to service
is typically 8 to 12 hours, and can be reduced further * Water addition: 15% by weight of SewperCoat ® PG25
with the combined use of suitable accelerator. * Test conducted on prism 40x40x160 mm, temperature 20°C,
cured at > 90% relative humidity

Kerneos, S.A. au capital de 39.750.000 € - RCS Nanterre 778 130 492

Immeuble Pacific, 11 cours Valmy, Paris La Défense, 92800 Puteaux
[email protected]
Tel: +33 1 46 37 90 00 - Fax: +33 1 46 37 92 00
via the low-pressure, wet-spray method, using
3 Additional Physical Properties a progressive cavity type pump (eccentric worm
This information is given for guidance only. pump). This low-velocity process produces little
dust and minimal rebound/loss, making it ideal for
 Principal mineralogical phase*: CA
confined space applications.
* C = CaO, A = Al2O3
 To produce 1 m3 of mortar, about 2200 kg of  SewperCoat® PG25 may also be applied by the
SewperCoat® PG25 is necessary spinning head method or centrifugation method.
 Bulk density: 1500 -1600 kg/m3  Substrate surface preparation should be in
 Wet density: 2200-2300 kg/m3 accordance with the generally accepted concrete
 SewperCoat® PG25 is subject to the conversion practices.
phenomenon. Only its strength after conversion  In general, the minimum thickness of
measured according to the Annex A of EN14647 SewperCoat® PG25 protective lining is of 15 mm for
(about 40 MPa with 15% water addition) should be standard manholes and of 25 mm for large structures
considered for design purposes. like wet wells.
 Typical mechanical strength (MPa)
 SewperCoat® PG25 should be mixed with
24 hours 28 days nothing else other than potable water. No Portland
Flexural > 6 >9 cement nor aggregates should be added.
Compressive > 40 > 50  SewperCoat® PG25 should be mixed with
14 to 16% water, i.e. 3.2 litres maximum of water per
* Water addition: 15% by weight of SewperCoat ® PG25 20 kg bag. The water must be clean and potable.
* Test conducted on prism 40x40x160 mm, temperature 20°C,
prisms cured for the first 24 hours at > 90% relative humidity,  Equipment must be clean and free of Portland
then, into water till 28 days. cement contamination to avoid accelerated set and
poor corrosion resistance performance.
4 Packaging and shelf life  To ensure a proper curing of SewperCoat® PG25,
Kerneos recommends to apply systematically the
SewperCoat® PG25 is packed in paper bag of 20 kg, curing compound SEWPER CURE as soon as the
and supplied in pallet with shrink film. surface finishing is completed. In addition to SEWPER
As typical with all cementitious materials, CURE, if the application takes place in a live sewer
SewperCoat® PG25 must be stored in dry conditions, environment, replacing the structure cover as
off the ground. In this case, and in its original soon as the spraying and finishing is completed
packaging (pallet with shrink film), it will retain its should ensure adequate moisture for good
properties for at least 12 months. In many instances, hydration and curing. However, for environments
experience has demonstrated that properties are with lower humidity, or with exposure to direct
retained for more than one year. sunlight and/or strong air movement, SEWPER CURE
application should be complemented with water
5 Guidelines for application curing (sprinkler or water mist or water fog) as soon
as practical, in addition to replacing the cover, in order
General application guidelines are presented below. to minimize rapid evaporation of moisture.
Please contact Kerneos Technical Assistance for  For ultra-rapid return to service, suitable
more installation information for SewperCoat® PG25. accelerator should be used. Please contact Kerneos
 SewperCoat® PG25 is designed for application Technical Assistance for more information.

Kerneos warrants that the product complies with the specifications stated herein to the exclusion of any other warranty, express or implied. Kerneos
makes no representation or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability or fitness for a particular purpose or use of the
product. The warranty shall be limited to the replacement of the non-conforming products or, at Kerneos option, the refund of the purchase price.
Any technical advice, recommendations or information are given based on Kerneos current knowledge and experience of the products and are deemed to be accurate.
However, Kerneos undertakes no liability or responsibility of any kind with respect thereof. Users are invited to check that they have the latest version of this document.

Kerneos, S.A. au capital de 39.750.000 € - RCS Nanterre 778 130 492

Immeuble Pacific, 11 cours Valmy, Paris La Défense, 92800 Puteaux
[email protected]
Tel: +33 1 46 37 90 00 - Fax: +33 1 46 37 92 00

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