Speaking Test Packet 1

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Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3)

Instructions to the Examiner

Before the Examination

1. Check your FPTU email account for the examination packet that is sent by the Examination
Department on the day of the examination.
2. Ensure the completeness of the examination packet. You must have the following:

a. speaking questions consisting of the Part 1 – Role Play and Part 2 – Discussion; b. rating
sheet with the student ID, full name of examinees, class, email address and columns for you to
reflect the examinee’s mark and notes of the examinee’s performance; and c. Handling
Violation of Exams Regulations Report form that you will have to fill in just in case of any test

3. Check for instructions from university staff or officials regarding students with special needs. You
may find this in your email inbox.
4. Create two google meet rooms. One link for the main room and the other link as the
examination room.
5. Email the students of the google meet main room link at least an hour before the start of the
examination. You will gain access to their email addresses in the examination packet. 6. Check the
attendance of the examinees.
7. Give examinees the general instructions in the main room and introduce them to the google
meet link that will serve as the examination room.

During the Examination

8. Call students in pairs. You may device your own means of assigning them as pairs. 9. Assign
students to do A and B for the role play. This is the only part of the examination that you will show
them the task card.
10. During the second part of the examination, ask the pair of students the same questions so that
the same level of difficulty will be guaranteed. Tomaintain integrity of the examination, you will
have to ask the other studentto leave the examination room. When the first student is done,
you will just let him or her leave the examination room when the partner rejoins.
11. You must ensure that examination tasks and questions will be different from one pair to
another. Hence, you mustfind a way to do it.
12. Examiners must strictly follow the overall duration and specific timing of each part of the
13. Only students with a letter or information coming from the concerned office or school official
will be given special consideration. This covers but not limited to students with special needs. 14.
You are allowed to paraphrase a question but ensure that the sense of the question is retained.
You can only do this once per student.
15. In case a student asks for a definition of a word, you can do this but only once. 16. You may
prod students but ensure that you are not giving away the answer. Prodding the students may take
in the form of a follow up question.
17. Rememberthat we are testing the student’s ability to communicate at their current level. Thus,
rate them as per the given rubric as intermediate language speakers.
18. The examination packet is script ready. You just need to read it to the examinees but ensure to
have eye contact with the examinees by glancing occasionally. Memorizing some parts of the
script will also help.

After the Examination

19. Exit both the google meet link for the main room and the examination
room. 20. Review the rating sheet for completeness.
21. Complete the Handling Violation of Exams Regulations Report form if there are any incidents.
22. Email the completed rating sheet and the Handling Violation of Exams Regulations Report form
to the Examination Department staff. Check your email inbox for the relevant email addresses of
the Examination Department staff. Do not forget to copy furnish the Head of the English
23. Store the examination packet in a folder labeled as Speaking Examination for ENT303. Keep
it out of reach of anyone to safeguard it from leaking to other interested individuals.

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3)

Examination Script

Introductory Task

Examiner: Good morning/afternoon! This is the speaking test for ENT 303 – Intermediate Level.
Your examiner is ___________________________. Can you tell me your full name please?

Examinee 1: Hello, my name is ___________________________.

Examinee 2: Hi, I’m _______________________________.

Examiner: What shall I call you?

Examinee 1: You call me _________________________.

Examinee 2: I’m fine with ________________________.

Examiner: Can you tell me your ID number?

Examinee 1: It’s ___________________________.

Examinee 2: My ID number is ______________________.

Examiner: Thank you! It’s good now.

Part 1 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Examiner: Now, let us move on to the first part of the test. You will work together to do a role
play. I’ll show the task and you have one (1) minute to prepare silently. It means that you will
not have a chance to talk to your partner during the one (1) minute period. So, you must focus
on the task given to you and deliver your responses to the speech of the other person. Do you
Examinee 1: I do.

Examinee 2: I fully understand.

Examiner: Here is your task. (See Examination Tasks and Questions)

Student A Student B

_____________ is Student A and __________________ will be student B. Did you get your
assigned roles?

Examinee 1: Yes, Mr.

Examinee 2: I did get it.

Examiner: At this point, your one (1) minute preparation starts now.

Examinees 1 and 2: Silently preparing.

Examiner: Your one minute of preparation is over. Now, you have two (2) to three (3) minutes to
do your role play. Do not worry if I stop you. It only means that you have already utilized all the
minutes delegated for the role play. You may start now.

Examinee 1 and 2: Doing their role play.

Examiner: Let me stop you there. Part 1 of the test is over.

Part 2 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Examiner: At this point, let us move on to Part 2 of the test. This is the discussion test. You will
not be able to see the questions. Therefore, you must be all ears once I read the question to you.
I’ll read it twice. Follow up questions will be given depending on the quality of your discussion to
the given question.
We will start with __________________ (Examinee 1). _________________ (Examinee 2) you
may exit the examination room and proceed to the main room. I’ll call you when it is your turn.
Do you understand me ___________________ (Examinee 2)?

Examinee 2: Yes, Mr.

Examinee 2: Exiting the Examination Room and proceeds to the main room.

Examiner: ______________________ (Examinee 1) are we ready?

Examinee 1: Yes, Mr.

Examiner: You have two (2) to three (3) minutes to discuss. Do not worry if I stop you. It only
means that your time is up. Here is your question.

Discussion Questions: (See Examination Tasks and Questions)

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
Follow up Questions: (See Examination Tasks and Questions)

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Examiner: You already used the time allotted for you. Thank you for your responses! Please stay
while we are waiting for ____________________ (Examinee 2) to rejoin us.

In the Main Room:

Examiner: _______________________ (Examinee 2) please rejoin the examination room.

Examinee 2: I will Mr.

In the Examination Room:

Examiner: Thank you for rejoining us ____________________ (Examinee

2). Examinee 2: You are welcome teacher.

Examiner: ______________________ (Examinee 1) you may now exit this room and the main
room. Thank you for your presence in this examination!
Examinee 1: Thank you too teacher! Bye!

Examiner: Bye, _______________________ (Examinee 1).

Examiner: Now, ________________________ (Examinee 2) this is the continuation of your

speaking test. Are you ready?

Examinee 2: Yes, teacher.

Examiner: You have two (2) to three (3) minutes to discuss. Do not worry if I stop you. It only
means that your time is up. Here is your question.

Discussion Questions: (See Examination Tasks and Questions)

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Follow up Questions: (See Examination Tasks and Questions)

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Examiner: Excuse me. I must stop you now. It is the end of your speaking test. Thank you for your
responses! You may now exit both this room and the main room. Bye for now!

Examinee 2: Thank you and bye!

NOTE: The examiner will just have to repeat the same procedures as reflected in the instructions
to the examiner and the speaking test script.

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Make Small Talk

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.11 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You meet student B in a birthday party. You meet student A in a birthday party.

Greet student B. Greet student A.

Ask about the food served in the party. Respond to the question about the
served food in the party.

Inform student B that he/she is familiar. Briefly introduce yourself.

Recognize student B based on the Say something about yourself that

common knowledge by many people many knew about.
about him/her.
Tell student A that you are thankful that
Tell student B that you are lucky to have you met him/her.
met him/her.
Part 2.11 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you start a conversation when you meet a stranger in an event?Describe what you do
in detail.
2. You are meeting the President of the organization for the first time. How are you going to
engage in a conversation with the President?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Describe a Busy Schedule

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.12 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You have a lot of assignments to do. You You will inform student A of the same
will seek advice from student B. experience and what you did to make it
easier for you to accomplish the tasks.

Greet student B. Ask if he/she has a Greet student A. Answer student A.

few minutes to spare. Ask student A why.

Tell student B about your situation. Tell student A of the same experience
last semester.

Ask student B what he/she did to solve Relate to student A the things you did
the problem. to overcome the bulk of assignments.

Thank student B for the tips on making Inform student A that you are happy to
your work easier.

Say goodbye
help. Say goodbye.

Part 2.12 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. After school, you must do household chores. In addition, you have three school assignments
to do. What would you do to accomplish all the tasks?
2. Your deadline for two projects is fast approaching. You are just halfway with the first project.
What will you do to be able to submit both projects on time?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Develop Your Cultural Awareness

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.13 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will be traveling to the United You tell student B of your recently
Kingdom. You will ask student B about concluded trip to the United Kingdom.
his/her trip to the same place.
Greet student B. Greet student A.

Inform student B that you will be having Express your joy that student A is going
a trip to the United Kingdom. to the United Kingdom.

Ask about the tourists’ places that is good Enumerate and give a brief description of
to visit. the tourists’ places that you will
Show your appreciation for the
providing important information. Tell about important etiquette when
Before, saying goodbye, promise that going places in the United Kingdom.
you will bring some gifts for him/her.
Thank him/her in advance for the gift.

Part 2.13 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Is knowing the culture of the place your traveling important? Why?

2. Do you believe that the best way to understanding other cultures is by experiencing the
culture itself of a particular country? Why?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Discuss How Culture Changes Over Time

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.14 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

After ten years, you will be revisiting You are a tourist guide in Vietnam. You will
Vietnam. To make the most of your visit, provide guiding service to student A.
you hired a private tourist guide.
Greet student B. Express your thanks Greet student A. Respond to the thank
that he/she accepted the guiding job. you message of student A. Then,
welcome him/her to Vietnam.

Tell him/her about the places that you Inform him/her that some of these places
have visited during your first visit to are not anymore open to tourists.
Agree with him/her regarding the
Show surprise that many of the places are changes. Point out the cultural changes
not anymore tourist spots. Then, narrate too.
the changes that you have observed.

Thank him/her for educating you about Respond to his/her expression of thanks.
the changes. Tell him/her that there are more to learn
as you move around.

Part 2.14 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Why are there changes in culture as the years progress?

2. How should one face the reality that the culture of the past may not be the culture of the

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Show Concern and Offer Help

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.21 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B
You saw student B fell from his bike. You You were doing your regular biking route
will be concerned and offer to help. when you suddenly stumbled upon a rock
and fell.

Show surprise upon seeing student B fall Tell student A that you are generally fine,
from his/her bike. Then, ask him/her of but you acquired some bruises.
any injury.

React upon seeing the bruises and Express thanks for his/her concern.
suggest bringing him/her to a clinic. Agree that you need to get to the
nearest clinic.
Tell about the most accessible clinic and
the medical services they offer. Ask if he/she can accompany you to
the clinic.
Communicate your willingness to bring
him/her to the clinic. Ask if he/she has Answer him/her regarding the ID.
at least an ID that can be shown to the Indicate appreciation to him/her for the
clinic. assistance.

Part 2.21 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Explain the statement “You must know how to help yourself, before helping others.” Give
2. Do you agree with this statement “Being concern for the welfare of others is part of being
successful.”? Why?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Make a Medical or Dental Appointment

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.22 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)
Student A Student B

You are the clinic receptionist. You will You are due to revisit the clinic for your
receive the call of student B. eye care. You will make an appointment.

Respond to the greeting of student Greet student A.

B. Ask him/her about the booking Inform him/her that you want to book
an appointment.
Detail the booking information.

Tell him/her that the slot is taken Ask if another booking date and time is

already. Give alternative booking date open. Agree with the suggested booking

and time. Book the new appointment details.

details. Respond to him/her that you have no

other business to resolve. Then, thank
Ask if you can help him further with him/her.
other services. Say goodbye.

Part 2.22 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you booked a medical appointment? Tell us about the experience.

2. Have you experienced being not treated well in a hospital? How was it?

Follow up Questions:

1. If you have not booked any medical appointment yet, what do you do when you feel sick? 2. If
your hospital experiences are all good, tell us about the great medical services that you availed
in the hospital you went to.

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Discuss Types of Treatments

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.23 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You went in for a medical checkup due to You are the doctor that looked at the
an indescribable stomach pain for the past medical condition of student A. You will
three days. be reading the test results and
recommend medication.

Greet student B. Express surprise about Greet student A. Talk about the
the result. Explain why you are reacting medical result.
as such.
Explain that it normal to be surprised
Ask a question about the medical result. about the result. Reply to his/her
question about the medical result.

Agree on the practical benefit of

Inform him/her that before you did the herbal treatment. But, you have to
medical examination you have been recommend conventional treatment.
having herbal treatment.
End with appreciation and giving a follow
End with thanking him/her. up schedule after the treatment has been

Part 2.23 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think conventional treatment is the best way of healing the body?
Why? 2. If you are getting sick, what type of treatment do you do? Why?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Talk about Medications

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.24 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You meet a friend with a similar medical You have similar medical condition with
condition. You will discuss the medication your friend who visited you. You will
you are taking. tackle the medication that both of you are

Start with a joke about the same Respond to the joke of student A.
medical condition that both of you are Continue with the difference between
enduring. his/her condition to that of your

Agree with him/her about the medical Show astonishment about the same
differences. Then, talk about the medication that you and him/she are
medications given by the doctor. taking.

Tell the restrictions when taking

the prescribed medications. Convey that you are reminded about
the restrictions.
Share a laugh with him/her and end
with some advice about the medical Share a laugh with him/her and end
condition. with another reminder about the
medical condition.

Part 2.24 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it important to take seriously the prescribed medications by a

doctor? 2. Why should we put our 100% trust to the medications given by

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Offer a Solution

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.31 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You accidentally soiled the clothes you You are the best friend of student A. You
need to wear for the family activity. You will receive his/her call. You will suggest a
called your best friend about it. solution.

Greet your best friend. Greet your best friend. Ask why
he/she called.

Relate the incident about the soiled Tell your best friend that the incident
clothes. Then, ask what to do. is unfortunate. Then, offer a
Agree with the solution. However, you
don’t have much time to get it done on Give another solution that will allow
time for the activity. your best friend to wear the same
Thank your best friend.

Appreciate the thankfulness of your

best friend.

Part 2.31 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you been in a situation that your Plan A did not work? What was the plan and why did it
not go successful?
2. Do you believe in having a backup plan? How many backup plans should one have and why is
there a need to have a backup plan or many backup plans?

Follow up Questions:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Discuss How Long a Service will Take

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.32 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You dined in a famous restaurant in the You are the manager a restaurant. You will
city. However, you were not informed that approach student A to tell him/her about
it will take a long time before it will be the delay in the service.

Greet back student B. Then, inform Greet student A. Ask what he/she ordered.
him/her of your food order.

Relate the incident about the soiled Apologize to him/her because of a

clothes. Then, ask what to do. delay. Explain the reason for the delay.

Inform him/her that you are not expecting Provide other food options that will
a long delay. Ask if there is a way to have be cooked in a shorter period.
it expedited.

Changed your food order. Thank him/her Express your thankfulness to him/her.
for resolving the issue.

Part 2.32 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. There are occasions that you will need to wait for a service to be done. When it is taking long,
what do you do?
2. What do you think is the ideal time for a service to take? Provide examples.
Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Evaluate the Quality of Service

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.33 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You and student B are checking out in a You and student B are checking out in a
hotel you stayed for the summer holidays. hotel you stayed for the summer holidays.
You will talk about the online service You will talk about the online service
feedback. feedback.

Call the attention of your best Acknowledge that you will need to
friend regarding the online service accomplish the online service
feedback. feedback. Explain its importance.

Mention the negatives of the service of

Agree with the importance of doing it. the hotel.
Then, talk about the areas which the hotel
did well.
Point out the only item that you gave a
Inform your best friend of the specific lower rating.
ratings you reflected in the online
feedback. Indicate that your done too. Then,
appreciate the thankfulness of your best
Inform your best friend that you already friend.
submitted the form. Thank him for
providing great ideas.

Part 2.33 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:
1. In your experience, what is the lowest rating that you have given for a particular service?
Provide details.
2. Are you easily impressed by a particular service you subscribed to? Why? Give

examples. Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Plan an Event

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.34 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

Your wedding is fast approaching. You will You will be the wedding coordinator of
be having a short meeting with a wedding student A. You will meet him/her to plan
coordinator. for the wedding.

Open with greeting student B. Thank him Greet student A. Appreciate him/her
for the meeting. for trusting you to plan for his/her
Provide details about your upcoming
wedding. Ask him/her on what the plan Specify the wedding plans according to
is based the details you gave. the given details.

Ask if there are backup plans.

Mention the alternative plans.
Convey your satisfaction with the plans.
Then, inform him/her that your will Show happiness for the positive feedback
transfer the fee. given to you. End by giving an assurance
that you will do your best.

Part 2.34 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. In planning an event, what are the most important factors to consider? You may relate your
own experience.
2. You are task to organize your batch reunion. What specific plans will you suggest to your batch
mates? How are these going to be done?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Recommend a Book

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.41 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You went to the university library to You are the university librarian. You will
borrow a book for your research project. assist student A regarding his needed book
for his/her project.

Greet student B with enthusiasm. Respond with a greeting and ask student
A what brings him/her to the reserved
Inform the librarian of your research
project. Detail your need. Show interest in his/her project. Then,
enumerate the books that can be used
by him/her.
Select one book title. Ask the librarian
about it. Reply to the query. Provide enough details.

Tell that you need two more books.

Then, end by thanking the librarian. Recommend two more books. Then, end
by asking if he/she needs other services.
Part 2.41 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Are you a book reader? What books have you read? How will you convince someone to read
the books you are reading?
2. You are helping a friend to buy a book. What factors will you tell your friend to consider in
choosing a book to buy?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Ask about an Article

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.42 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You came across an interesting article. You You are the seatmate of student B. You will
will chat with your seatmate about it. discuss with him/her an interesting article.

Draw the attention of student B to Give attention to student A and tell

the article. him/her that you also find it interesting.

Tell him/her what part of the article is Agree with him/her. Then, add
so catchy. another interesting part of the
Commend him/her for pointing out
the interesting ideas. Thank him/her for the appreciation.
Recommend another interesting article
to read.
Express joy for the recommendation.
End by saying that you will read it too.
Part 2.42 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. What types of reading materials interest you? Provide details.

2. What reading materials do not interest you? Explain why?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Describe Your Reading Habits

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.43 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will seek advice on how to increase Based on your personal experience, you
your reading skill. will describe your reading habit to student

Tell student B that you have got a Sympathize with student A.

problem with your reading scores.

Ask for improvement suggestion. Describe an effective reading routine

that you did when you were still in
Appreciate hearing his/her reading routine.
Then, tell him/her that you find a certain Tell him/her an alternative to make
part of his/her routine difficult. the reading routine workable.

Communicate your recognition of

his/her brilliant ideas. Show thankfulness.
Part 2.43 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. What time do you find it comfortable to read? Why?

2. Why is it important to establish a reading routine?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Discuss Online Reading

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.44 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

Tell student B that you have been getting Tell student A of your own experience in
into online reading. online reading.

Enthusiastically ask student B about Tell student A that about your online
his/her recent reading activity. reading routine.

Inform him/her that you just Ask him/her what has he/she been reading.
recently indulged into online
Show interest in what he/she has
Tell him/her of at least one material that been reading. Then, narrate your
you read online. own online reading choices.

Convey your support to his/her reading

Express that he/she gives you an idea of plan. Then, appreciate his/her
what to read next. Thank him/her. thankfulness.

Part 2.44 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of online reading? 2. What
are the differences between online reading and traditional paper-based reading?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Convey a Message

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.51 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

Inform student B that the bank customer Ask student A of the details regarding the
service representative called. call of the bank customer service

Catch the attention of student B. Say Respond to student A. Ask what is

you need to tell him something the message about.
Acknowledge the details provided. Ask
Provide details about the call. a question for clarification.

Tell him/her your plan to respond to the

Answer his/her question. Add another

detail. Show appreciation for his/her call. Thank him/her for the information.


Part 2.51 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. What will be the result of sharing wrong information? Detail your answer.
2. What can be done to avoid relaying wrong information? Provide examples.

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Tell Someone about the News

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.52 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

Communicate to student B about a Respond to student B regarding the

breaking news. breaking news.

Grab the attention of student A by Answer the question of student A. Ask

throwing a question. for details.

Share the specific details of the news. Manifest surprise about the details.
Express what you think about it.

Agree with him/her. Then, put forward Add another point of interest.
your opinion about it.

Close the conversation with a reminder. Say what you hope to watch out for.

Part 2.52 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:
1. Due the wide use of social media, fake news has been rampant. What do you think about
it? 2. How do you react to a wrong news about you? Detail it.

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Describe Natural Disasters

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.53 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will be sharing the natural disaster You will respond to the sharing of student
that struck your village. A and offer him/her your support.

Start to get the attention of student B Answer the question of student A.

by asking a question.

Relate the details of your natural Show sympathy and ask a follow up question.
disaster experience.
Detail the support that you can
Answer him/her by giving out offer him/her.

Express appreciation for his/her

details. Thank him/her for the thankfulness.


Part 2.53 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. It is common to see a lot of property damages due to natural disasters. What could be done it
prevent damages?
2. What preventive measures or steps have to be taken to avoid losses during a natural disater?
Provide specifics.

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Prepare for an Emergency

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.54 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You are expecting a typhoon. Hence, you You will be helping student A prepare for
are preparing for it. the upcoming typhoon.

Commence with enumerating the stuff Agree with student A. Then, point out
you already prepared. the missing items.

Ask him/her about the use of one of Explain the usage of the item asked
the items he/she mentioned. by him/her.

Show agreement to him/her. Then, Add important reminders.

review your list.

Appreciate the help extended by him/her. End with expressing pleasure for doing
what you do.
Part 2.54 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Despite being emergency prepared, untoward incidents could still happen. Why is
it? 2. Have you been involved in emergencies? What happened?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Explain a Change of Intentions and Plans

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.61 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You are scheduled to join friends for a trip. You will respond to student B about
However, you got an unplanned family cancelling his/her trip with your group.

Open the talk by apologizing. Ask the reason for the trip cancellation.

Explain why you need to be left behind. Provide him/her an option to be able to
both events.

Express considering the option. Thank him/her for the

Inform him/her of your final consideration. Say that you will be

arrangement later.
waiting for his call.
Part 2.61 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it sometimes difficult to say no to a friend’s invitation?

2. What do you need to consider in order to justify a cancellation of a plan?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Express Regrets about Past Actions

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.62 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will talk to a friend about on your You will respond to your friend’s regret’s
regrets because you failed the exam. and provide suggestions for improvement.

Tell student B that you failed the final exam. Express sorry for the failure. Then, ask
the reason for his failure.

Detail what you did a week before Give suggestions on how to improve.
the examination day.

Convey appreciation for the Add a reminder.

suggestions. Thank him/her. Respond to his/her thankfulness.

Part 2.62 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:
1. Have you had regrets of your past actions? Why?
2. What have you done to correct your irresponsibility? Give details.

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Discuss Skills, Abilities, and Qualifications

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.63 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You are discussing with student B the You are discussing with student A the
qualifications needed for a job. qualifications needed for a job.

Inform student B that you found a job Ask about the details of the job notice.

notice. Provide details of the job notice.

Explain the skills and abilities needed for
the job.
Ask further information on one of the skills
or abilities. Answer his/her by proving details.

Tell him/her that you will apply for the job.

Tell him/her a good luck message.

Part 2.63 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. What could you do to be prepared for a dream job? Tell details.

2. If you are not hired in a job you wanted, what will you to do to become successful in your next

Follow up Questions:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Discuss Factors that Promote Success

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.64 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You are speaking before an audience about You will ask student A about success factors.
success factors.

Return the greeting of student B. Greet student A. Ask him/her about

Then, answer his/her question. the factors to be successful in the work
Give detailed answer to the follow
up question. Ask a follow up question about the
success factors mentioned by him/her.
Provide answer based on the
situation provided by him/her. Give an example of a situation and ask
him/her of what can be done to gain
Convey if there are more questions.
Say you are done with questions. Then,
thank him/her.

Part 2.64 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. At your age, do you consider yourself successful? Why?

2. How would you define a successful person? Give examples.

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Wish Someone a Good Holiday

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.71 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You are sending off student B for a You will be taking a planned holiday.
planned holiday. Student A will send you off.

Express your excitement for the trip Tell student A that you can’t wait to
of student B. reach your destination.

Ask him/her if he brought all the Answer him/her by enumerating all

needed travel documents. the documents you secured.

Communicate additional reminders. Agree with the reminders.

Wish him/her a nice holiday. Thank him/her.

Part 2.71 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your dream holiday? Give specifics.

2. What are the benefits of going on a holiday trip? Give examples.

Follow up Questions:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Ask about Local Customs

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.72 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You are talking to student B to know about You will discuss with student A reminders
the things you need to avoid while moving on how to behave while visiting places in
around the city. the city.

Greet student B. Tell something about Greet student A. Agree with

the common local customs that you his/her observation.
observed upon arriving the city.

Ask about what else to remember Give details about the acceptable
while going around the city. behavior while in the city.

Make a summary of those local Tell him/her that there are more to
customs mentioned by him/her.

Thank him/her of the valuable information. discover. Appreciate his/her thankfulness.

Part 2.72 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it important to followlocal customs as a tourist?

2. How would you know in advance the local customs of the place you are going to visit?
Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Exchange Information about Holidays

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.73 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will tell student B about your holiday You will tell student A about your holiday
activities. activities.

Begin by welcoming back student B Respond to the welcome message of

from his/her holiday. student A.

Ask about the details of his/her Provide details of your holiday activities.
holiday activities.

Say in detail the activities you have Ask him/her to mention interesting
done during your trip. activities during his/her trip.

Appreciate his/her holiday adventures. Appreciate his/her holiday story.

Part 2.73 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Could you still remember what you did in your most recent trip? What did you
do? 2. What is your favorite holiday? Why?

Follow up Questions:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Explain Wedding Traditions

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.74 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You are attending the wedding of student B. You will explain the wedding traditions to
student A.

Open by thanking student B for inviting you. Tell student A your appreciation
for accepting the invitation.

Provide your ideas about your Give details about the wedding activity
observations on the wedding. asked by him/her.

Mention the similarities and differences Add more wedding traditions that are
of his/her wedding to that of your unique to your culture.
Inform him/her that you are happy to
Express admiration for educating you share your wedding traditions.
about his/her country’s wedding

Part 2.74 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. How important is it to maintain traditional wedding activities? Provide details. 2. If you are
to be married, would you choose modern or traditional wedding ceremony? Why?

Follow up Questions:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Describe Technology

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.81 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You are in a smart technology store to buy You will explain to student A the features
a new gadget. of a gadget.

Greet student B. Ask him/her for the Greet student A.

newest smart phone model.

Tell him/her of the important features Reply to his/her question. Explain the
you want from a smart phone. major features of the smart phone.

Question him/her about one Answer in detail about one specific

particular feature.

Express your satisfaction about the feature. Thank him/her for choosing the
prospective smart phone to buy.

smart phone.

Part 2.81 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Are you an iOS or an android user? Why do you like to use it?
2. What recent technology are you most impressed with? Why?
Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Take Responsibility for a Mistake

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.82 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

The laptop you are using crashed and you You will fix the laptop of student A.
need it fixed.

Answer student B. Tell him/her of the Ask student A what service he/she needs.
main problem.

Provide detailed narration of what you Give an initial assessment of the laptop issue.
did before the laptop broke.
Provide a statement based on his/her
Question him/her about one actions before the laptop broke.
particular feature.
Say the fixing specifics including the fee.
Accept that you did something wrong.
Then, ask about the fixing details.

Part 2.82 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. If you accept your mistake, it shows maturity. Do you agree with this statement? Why? 2.
Whenever you commit a mistake, what actions do you carry out? Provide specific example.

Follow up Questions:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Describe New Inventions

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.83 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will be discussing with your teammate You will be discussing with your teammate
on how to improve your invention. on how to improve your invention.

Tell student B about the final output of Add some more description of the
the team. invention that is not mentioned by
student A.
Forward the idea that there is one issue
they need to resolve. Provide a possible solution to the issue.

Give an alternative solution to the

Ask more about the alternative
issue. Answer his/her question in
solution. Agree on the best solution.

Part 2.83 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Which of the modern inventions do you find most useful? Why?

2. If you are to invent, what would it be? Why?

Follow up Questions:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Discuss the Impact of Inventions/Discoveries

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.84 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

Discuss with student B a documentary Discuss with student A a documentary

about a new invention. about a new invention.

Ask if student B watched the new Answer student A. Then, details about
invention documentary. the documentary.

Tell details about the new invention. Contribute more description of the
new invention.

Show amazement for what the new Point out other effects of the new
invention can do to modern society.

Agree on the impact of the new invention. invention. Show your agreement with


Part 2.84 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you agree that mobile phones created a big impact to daily activities? Why? 2.
Technology has had a massive impact to modern society. Do you agree with this? Why?
Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Talk about Politics

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.91 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will talk about the candidates for You will talk about the candidates for
election. election.

Start by enumerating the names of Add one more candidate to the list. Then,
the candidates. ask student A a question about a particular

Answer student B. Then, ask student B Answer him/her about candidate’s

about the best characteristics of a characteristics.
Give a hint on the candidate you will vote.
Tell about your own list of
candidate’s characteristics.
Show appreciation for choosing the
Agree with him/her on the candidate to vote. best candidate to vote.

Part 2.91 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. At the present time, what good characteristics of national leaders would you emulate?
Why? 2. If you become a leader, how would you want people to remember you? Why?
Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Discuss Controversial Issues Politely

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.92 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

Talking to student B, you will open a You will respond to student A regarding
conversation about cheating in exams. the issue of cheating in exams.

Relate the cheating incident that Show surprise about the cheating
you witnessed during the final incident. Then, ask a question for
exam. clarification.

Answer his/her question. Then, talk Agree on the actions done by the
about the action done by the school school officials.
Talk about the what can be done to
Add more ways to deter students prevent cheating in exams.
from cheating.
Show appreciation for the given advice.
End with a good advice to students.

Part 2.92 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Would you resort to cheating just to get a good examination score? Why? 2.
What could use of technology do to prevent cheating during exams? Give details.
Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Propose Solutions to Global Problems

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.93 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will talk to student B about global You will talk to student A about global
problems and suggest solutions. problems and suggest solutions.

Inform student B of the top global Tell student A that some of the
problems of the modern society. global problems were never an
issue before.
Pick out particular issues from the list
and detail them. Select those that are new issues and
give details.
Mention possible solutions to the
Include another solution.
issues. Agree with student B.
Agree with student A.

Part 2.93 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. In your own way, how could you help to solve global problems? Provide details.
2. What common issues have you observed? Why is this happening?

Follow up Questions:
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Debate the Pros and Cons of Issues

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.94 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will talk to student B about the You will talk to student A about the
advantages of online learning. disadvantages of online learning.

Talk about your online learning experience. Narrate your online learning experience.

Inform him/her of the advantages Say the opposite. Enumerate the

online learning. disadvantages of online learning.

Give specific examples of the advantages. Counter his/her statements with

examples for the disadvantages.

End with a summary and an Convey a reminder.

important statement to remember.

Part 2.94 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the advantages of getting an education abroad? Explain well.

2. What are the disadvantages of just getting a two-year course? Tell details.

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Describe a Geographical Location

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.101 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will ask student B on the location of a You will tell student A the location of the
tourist spot. tourist spot.

Greet student B. Then, ask about the Greet back student A. Answer
location of a tourist spot. his/her question.

Tell him/her of the places around the Confirm the places around the tourist spot.
tourist spot.

Confirm the direction to the tourist spot Agree with the road trip direction.
by detailing the road trip you will take. Then, provide an alternative route.

Show thankfulness. Appreciate his/her thankfulness.

Part 2.101 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Geographically, where is your country located? Be specific.

2. If I get lost in your village, how would you provide directions to reach the bus terminal?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Warn about a Possible Risk

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.102 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will be going on mountain climbing You will be going on mountain climbing
together with student B. together with student A.

Ask student B if he is climbing ready. Answer student A. Then, ask him

about his/her preparation.

Answer him/her by enumerating Tell about your own preparation for climbing.
the completed preparation.
Agree on the risks and state what needs
Mention that are common risks that to be done to avoid accidents.
climbers need to remember.
Wish for a safe climbing trip.
Add more preventive measures from risks.

Part 2.102 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Would you risk your life for a loved one? Why?

2. What are the risks of being technology dependent? Give examples.

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Describe a Natural Setting

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.103 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will be meeting student B and tell You will be responding to the story of
him/her about your spring experience. student A regarding his/her spring

Show enthusiasm in telling student B of Express interest in his/her story and ask
your winter experience. a question about the hotel.

Answer his/her question by detailing Convey the similarities of the hotel to

your hotel stay. your local hotel in the city.

Communicate something about the Appreciate the water and land

water and land forms of the forms mentioned by him/her.
Thank him/her for the invitation.
Tell that you and him/her can go on a
holiday on the same place next spring.

Part 2.103 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. Among the great water and land forms in your country, which one amazes you the most?
Why? 2. Have you been for a holiday in another country? How does the water and land forms
look like?

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

Speaking Test – ENT 303 (Topnotch 3) – Discuss Solutions to Global Warming

Examination Tasks and Questions

Part 1.104 – ROLE PLAY (3-4 min)

Student A Student B

You will be talking to student B about You will be responding to student A

global warming. regarding the global warming.

Start with narrating your Agree with student A. Then, tell your
experience regarding the own experience with excess heat.
excessive heat.
Explain why the heat level is
Ask the reasons for the current increase gradually increasing.
in heat level.
Inform him/her of the solutions that can
Give examples on the effect of be done.
global warming.
Appreciate his/her thankfulness.
Thank him/her for the information.

Part 2.104 – DISCUSSION (2-3 min)

Discussion Questions:

1. As a student, what can you do to help solve global warming? Give details. 2. If
you are to pass a law to solve global warming, what would it be? Give specifics.

Follow up Questions:

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________

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