NT Build 109 Building Gaskets - Compression Set - Nordtest Method

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Key words: Building materials, building gaskets, test method,

compression test

1. SCOPE controlled conditions for a specified time. The height is

measured before the test, during the deformation as well as a
This test method has been developed to make it possible to
certain points of time after unloading. Figures for compression
study the degree of permanent deformation a gasket will attain
set are calculated from the measurements.
when it is kept compressed or deformed over time. The func-
tion of building gaskets is based on an elastic deformation, and
they must consequently have a high degree of elasticity. If the
6.2 Apparatus and materials
permanent deformation is too large, that is to say if the degree
of plasticity is too high compared with the elasticity, the gaskets At least four flat rectangular stiff plates 0,1 m x 0,1 m, made of
may not be able to accommodate themselves to the changes a suitable material such as metal or plywood.
in joint width. In extreme cases, they may even fall out of the
A wide selection of metal distance pieces in different thick-
Optical measuring device for gasket height measurements
2. FIELD OF APPLICATION measuring accuracy 0,01 mm or better.
The method can be used for all types of building gaskets, Metal clips or weights of different sizes.
particularly those intended to be used as air seal between
Ventilated heating cabinet.
casement and frame in windows and between door leaf and
frame in doors. For gaskets with particularly complicated cross
sections, modifications in the test method may be necessary.
6.3 Preparation and conditioning
of test specimens
3. REFERENCES Building gaskets are supplied as products ready for use. They
should be conditioned at least one week at 296 K (23 ºC) and
This test method is based on a method developed by the
50 % RH, preferably as straight lengths free on a flat surface
Norwegian Building Research Institute. It was first adopted as
Moderately deformed gaskets may be additionally conditioned
NORDTEST method NT BUILD 109 in 1979.
for 10 minutes in hot water at 323 K (50 ºC). Heavily deformed
gaskets should not be used. Otherwise the gaskets are tested
as received.
Two pieces of gasket, 100 mm long each, are cut for each test
temperature to be used.

6.4 Procedure
Unless otherwise agreed, the material to be tested is supplied
The test apparatus and the 100 mm long pieces of gasket are
by the sponsor of the test. The sample shall be sufficiently large
conditioned at 296 K (23 ºC) and 50 % RH.
to be representative of the gasket to be tested.
Two of the test pieces are mounted on one of the flat stiff plates
in a way specified or approved by the manufacturer. The height
6. METHOD OF TEST or thickness of the gasket in the unloaded state is measured
with the optical device at three points on each piece of gasket
6.1 Principle
six points altogether. The measuring points should be located
The gasket is kept compressed or deformed under closely at least 20 mm from the ends of the 100 mm long pieces, and

Published by NORDTEST Tekniikantie 12 FIN-02150 ESPOO FINLAND Tel + 358 9 455 4600 Fax+35894554272
ISSN 0283-7153 Proj. 935-90 Internet: www.nordtest.org

also at least 20 mm from each other. one and 24 hours. Thus a total of four figures is given.
The gaskets are compressed to the desired thickness by The results of possible additional measurements under condi-
means of another flat plate, the distance pieces and the clips tions other than those specified are given the same way, clearly
or weights. The compressed height of the gaskets should be indicating the temperatures and times used.
as follows:
- approx. 25 % of the original height for gaskets of open-cell
sponge. 6.6 Accuracy
- approx. 75 % of the original height for gaskets of closed-cell In earlier days, when a slide gauge or similar simple device
sponge. was used to measure the height of the gaskets, the measuring
- approx. 75 % of the original height for gaskets of solid accuracy was not always as good as it should be. With the
rubber, plastics etc. optical measuring device, the accuracy is excellent.
The height of the compressed gaskets is checked at the same
six measuring points used to measure the height in the un-
loaded state. 6.7 Test report
The test assembly with the compressed gaskets is stored for The test report shall include the following information, if rele-
24 hours at 343 K (70 ºC). At the end of this period, the test vant:
assembly is removed from the heating cabinet, the loads a) Name and address of the testing laboratory
removed and the gaskets permitted to cool off at a temperature
of 296 K (23 ºC). The height of the gaskets is remeasured one b) Identification number of the test report
hour and 24 hours after unloading.
c) Name and address of the organization or the person who
A second test assembly with two new pieces of gasket is ordered the test
prepared in the same way as indicated in the previous sec-
d) Purpose of the test
tions. This test assembly is stored for 168 hours at a tempera-
ture of 296 K (23 ºC). The load is removed at this temperature e) Method of sampling and other circumstances (date and
and the sample maintained under the same conditions. The person responsible for the sampling)
height is remeasured one hour and 24 hours after the load has
been removed. f) Name and address of manufacturer or supplier of the tested
Additional tests may be carried out with new test assemblies
prepared in the same way, and other test conditions. Sug- g) Name or other identification marks of the tested object
gested alternative test temperatures are 233 K (-40 ºC), 248 h) Description of the tested object
K (-25 ºC), 263 K (-10 ºC), 273 K (0 ºC) and 328 K (55 ºC).
Suggested relaxation temperature 296 K (23 ºC). i) Date of supply of the tested object
j) Date of the test
6.5 Expression of results k) Test method
Mean values of the measurements are worked out for the I) Conditioning of the test specimens, environmental data
original height of the samples (h1), the compressed height (h2) during the test (temperature, pressure, RH, etc.)
and the height one hour after the load has been removed (hs),
alternatively 24 hours. All figures are given in mm with at least m) Identification of the test equipment and instruments used
two decimals. The compression set is calculated as n) Any deviations from the test method
100 hl -II3 % o) Test result (use SI units)
hl - h2
p) Inaccuracy or uncertainty of the test result
The result is given as whole numbers at 343/296 K (70/23 ºC)
and one hour and 24 hours, respectively at 296 K (23 ºC) and q) Date and signature

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