A Detailed Lesson Plan On Adjectives I. Objectives

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

on Adjectives

I. Objectives

A. Identify words that describe people, places, and things in sentences

B. Share their adjectives with the class.
C. Write down adjectives to describe their classmates

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Adjectives

References: Expanding English Skills for Empowerment II by BernardoB.Marquez Et. Al

pp. 121 -123

Proficiency in English II by Magelende Magallona – Flores Et. Al

pp. 228 – 232

Materials: 5 different objects chart

5 paper bags bond paper

Values Integration: Cooperation


III. Procedure

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance

B. Pre – Grammar Activity

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Class I will divide you into five groups (Groupings)

I have here five paper bags. You are going to (Each group will receive paper bag).
name the object inside the bag by describing it.

How are you going to name the object? It’s

very simple; you just simply place your one
hand in the bag and feel the object. You can
touch the object and shake the bag but you
cannot look at the object.

Did you understand the instructions? Yes ma’am!

After touching the object and shaking the bag:

Group 1 – Potato

• Starchy
• Tuberous
• Herbaceous

Group 2 – Fabric Softener

• Smooth
• Tender/soft
• Squarer

Group 3 - Apple

• Hard
• Firm
• Medium sized and somewhat oblong/
round in shape

Group 4 - Chocolate Bar

• Soft
• Corrugated
• Solid

Group 5 – Stone

• Small
Okay, very nice descriptions. • Hard
• Rough
And now let’s reveal the objects inside the

Bag 1 – Potato
Bag 2 – Fabric softener
Bag 3 – Apple
Bag 4 – Chocolate bar
Bag 5 – Stone

C. During Grammar Activity

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Class you used the words soft, hard, rough,
oblong, and solid.

Those words are adjectives. Adjectives can be

used to describe many objects. Even though we
can’t actually see the objects, we came up with
many descriptive words to help others
understand what are senses are telling us about
the object.

And now, who can define the meaning of (The students will raise their hand)

Yes, name of student? An adjective is a word that describes a noun or

a pronoun.

Very good!

Adjective is a word used to describe or modify

or give more information about a noun.

I have here sample sentences. Let’s read them (The students will read the sentences).
one by one.

1. Leo is very helpful.

2. He lives in a peaceful village
3. He saw a strange creature.
Look at sentence number 1, who is very

Okay good!
Look at sentence number 2, where does Leo

And look at sentence number 3, what did Leo

Very good!

What kind of boy is Leo?


What kind of village does he live in?


What kind of creature did he see?

Okay, very good!

Any question about our lesson?

None ma’am
Did you understand our lesson?
Yes ma’am
Okay, if that is, let us have this activity.

D. Post Grammar Activity

1. The students will receive a blank bond paper and they will form a circle.
2. They are going to paste the bond paper at the back of their seatmate on the right side.
Then, they will describe their seatmate by writing on the bond paper.
3. Students will read in front of the class the description that their seatmate gave to them.

IV. Evaluation

Encircle the descriptive words in the sentences and underline the words that being

1. A good classroom is a good place for learning.

2. Careful analysis is given to the new lesson.
3. A selfish student will not make friends with others.
4. The endless love for learning motivates the Chinese to pursue their dreams.
5. A lovely student passed by the corridor.
6. The pie is delicious.
7. Her son is very lazy.
8. The book is heavy.
9. She owns a shiny mirror.
10. He gave her colorful pillows.

V. Assignment

1. Listen to your favorite music.

2. Write down at least ten adjectives that describe your favorite music.
3. Write your answer on your notebook.

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