Sample 051: A. Permit Him To Go

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Sample 051

1. I will allow my son to go to town. What will I do?

a. permit him to go b. make him stay home
c. let him play at home d. help him study his lessons

2. What number is between 15 and 17?

a. sixteen b. eighteen c. nineteen d. fourteen

3. This pencil is like that one.

a. One pencil is better. b. One pencil is smaller.
c. The pencils are similar. d. The pencils aren’t the same.

4. You can store food in a refrigerator.

a. Food may be bought a store. b. Food may be kept in a refrigerator.
c. Food stores buy refrigerators. d. You can buy it at the food store.

5. Jim went to town yesterday with his friend to buy a pair of shoes. Where did
he go?
a. yesterday b. to town c. with his friend d. Jim did

6. Henry went to the snack bar. Why did he go there?

a. He went there to dance. b. He went there to eat.
c. He went there to sleep. d. He went there to play games.

7. Jim wants to clean up. What does he want to do?

a. eat b. exercise c. wash d. sleep

8. He was a passenger on that bus.

a. He cleaned it. b. He worked on it. c. He polished it. d. He rode on it.

9. This machine is automatic.

a. It is operated manually. b. It works by itself.
c. It makes too much noise. d. It is a part of a car.

10. Tom said, “ This shirt cost ten ninety-eight.” What was Tom talking about?
a. the size of the shirt b. the number of shirts
c. the quality of the shirt d. the price of the shirt

11. Rose Allen broke her mirror. She couldn’t .

a. talk to anyone b. read her book c. see herself d. tell time

12. These two wires should not come in contact with each other.
a. They should not touch. b. They should not be different.
c. They should not be used. d. They are not the same size.

13. Lt. Small said, “I left as soon as the meeting broke up.” When did he leave?
a. during the meeting b. before the meeting
c. when the meeting ended d. at the start of the meeting

14. Albert quit working after sunset. When did he stop?

a. after sitting down b. after the sun went down
c. before the sun came up d. during sunrise

15. John and Mary had an argument. What did they have?
a. a difference of opinion b. a party c. a long way to go d. an understanding

16. Tom said that the classroom was available. What did Tom say about the
a. It was the right size. b. It was too large.
c. It was ready for use. d. It was being used.

17. Mr. Jones tried out the car on the highway. What did he do?
a. He rented it. b. He tested it. c. He bought it. d. He lent it.

18. Tom isn’t in the class because he has been sick for two weeks.
a. Tom is now in class. b. Tom has been in class for two weeks.
c. Tom is ill. d. Tom is in good health.

19. Tom told the clerk, “I want a pack of cigarettes.”

a. James needed some matches. b. James will buy some cigarettes.
c. James wants to see some cigarettes. d. James saw some cigarettes in a

20. That street is very straight.

a. It has no curves. b. It is long. c. It is not very wide. d. It has many

21. Lt. Lee sent his sister a letter.

a. He mailed a letter. b. His sister gave him a letter.
c. He didn’t write a letter. d. He called his sister.

22. Corporal Harris has great respect for his officers.

a. He dislikes them very much. b. He makes them unhappy.
c. He has great trouble working with them. d. He has a high regard for them.

23. You should never skip class.

a. You shouldn’t miss class. b. You shouldn’t be in class today.
c. You shouldn’t attend class. d. You should never go to class.

24. Stick to your studies.

a. Avoid your studies. b. Continue your studies.
c. Cancel your studies. d. Drop your studies.

25. John will entertain the visitors.

a. John will examine the visitors. b. John will amuse the visitors.
c. John will turn away the visitors. d. John will frighten the visitors.

26. Tom said, “These apples are spoiled.” What did he say about the apples?
a. The apples are not good. b. The apples are good.
c. The apples are pretty. d. The apples are small.

27. The dust is all over the room. Where is the dust?
a. There’s no dust in the room. b. There’s dust everywhere in the room.
c. There’s only a little dust in the room d. There’s dust outside the room.

28. Ted collected the students’ papers in sequence.

a. He collected them in anger. b. He collected them in advance.
c. He collected them in order. d. He collected them in a box.

29. Bill and David want to take a walk after dinner. What do they want to do after
a. walk for exercise b. walk from the BQQ to class
c. take a long hike d. drill after dinner
30. The instructor said, “I can hardly hear you.” What did the instructor mean?
a. You are speaking too loudly. b. You are not speaking.
c. You are speaking roughly. d. You are not speaking loud enough.

31. Can you start a fire with two stones?

a. Can you heat the stones? b. Can you make the fire hotter?
c. Can you light a fire with the stones? d. Can the heat burn the stones?

32. They walk through a dense forest. What kind of forest was it?
a. There were many trees close together. b. It was high up in the mountains.
c. It was far away from everything d. There were few animals living there.

33. Joe doesn’t like to go to the movies alone.

a. Joe dislikes the movies. b. Joe prefers going to the movies by
c. Joe wants company when he goes to the movies. d. Joe doesn’t like to go to
long movies.

34. These shoes are worn out. What should I do with them?
a. polish them b. put laces in them c. throw them away d. get them

35. The meat was too rare.

a. It was very delicious. b. It was too tough.
c. It was not cooked enough. d. It was well-cooked.

36. She will be thirsty when she comes home.

a. She will want some rest. b. She will want a bath.
c. She will want some water. d. She will want some food.
37. John usually goes to bed at 11 o’clock.
a. He normally goes to bed at eleven. b. He always goes to bed at eleven.
c. He never goes to bed at eleven. d. He seldom goes to bed at eleven.

38. It takes 15 minutes to record the tape.

a. The recording will start in 15 minutes. b. The recording is 15 minutes long.
c. The tape speed is 15 feet per minute. d. The tape recorder can be used in
15 minutes.

39. The weather report indicates no precipitation for today.

a. The sun will not shine. b. It will rain today.
c. There will be no clouds today. d. It will not rain today.

40. Mrs. Conner furnished all the food for the graduation party.
a. She ate i b. She preserved it. c. She saw it. d. She provided it.

41. I saw the man sinking.

a. I saw him walking. b. I saw him going down. c. I saw him running. d. I saw
him drinking.

42. Today’s lecture ought to be heard by everybody.

a. Everybody should hear today’s lecture. b. Everybody needn’t hear today’s
c. Everybody has heard the lecture today. d. The lecture will be delivered by

43. The supermarket is out of fruit.

a. It is stocked up. b. There isn’t anymore. c. There is a lot of fruit. d. It is
never empty.

44. What is the function of this switch?

a. It’s only a very small part. b. It’s used only once a day.
c. It’s electrical. d. It’s used to turn on the motor.

45. The plane is approaching the airport.

a. It is getting closer to the airport. b. It is taking off from the airport.
c. It is circling the airport. d. It is over the airport.

46. The doctor wants to check John’s pulse. What does the doctor want to
a. his fever b. his throat c. his ears d. his heartbeat

47. Tom will lend you some money.

a. Tom needs to borrow some money. b. You can borrow money from Tom.
c. Tom will send for some money. d. Tom left his money in the bank.

48. Mrs. Smith didn’t meet the captain.

a. She doesn’t like him. b. She doesn’t want to see him.
c. She doesn’t want to wait for him. d. She doesn’t know him.

49. How long does it take to go from San Antonia to Chicago?

a. by bus, car, train, or plane b. It’s about 1100 miles.
c. It’s a long distance between them. d. about a day and a half by car.

50. Be sure you watch carefully before you drive onto the highway.
a. Be sure to look at your watch. b. Be sure to get off the road.
c. Be sure to look around. d. Be sure to take care of the car.

51. The soldier worked in transportation and supply. What did his job involved?
a. logistics b. personnel c. administration d. statistics

52. Harry was told to attend the class. What did he have to do?
a. go to class b. leave the class c. pay attention in class d. wait for class to

53. Why did the welder use goggles?

a. to protect his feet b. to protect his hands c. to protect his hearing d. to
protect his sight

54. The enemy gave up to the superior forces. What did the enemy do?
a. defended b. attacked c. surrendered d. counterattacked

55. The medicine is for external use.

a. The medicine is not meant to be eaten. b. The medicine is not meant to be
used often.
c. Only a doctor can prescribe the medicine. d. The medicine has a bad odor.

56. Ted said he would have a bit more. How much did he want?
a. a lot more b. no more c. a few more d. a little more

57. W: What did you buy?

M: Some clothes.
Q: What did the man buy?
a. something to eat b. something to wear c. something to drink d. something
to smoke

58. W: Why are you going away?

M: For recreation.
Q: Why is the man going away?
a. to relax and enjoy himself b. to buy a new house
c. to take care of some business d. to look for a job

59. W: Are you going to give that book away?

M: No, I want to sell it.
Q: What did the man say?
a. He wants to keep the book. . He wants to give the book to someone.
c. He wants to return the book. d. He wants to get money for the book.

60. M: Where can I buy a money order?

W: Down at the post office.
Q: What did the man want to buy?
a. letters . a money order c. a post office d. stamps

61. W: What does Billy want?

M: A blanket.
Q: Why does Billy want a blanket?
a. He’s hungry b. He’s thirsty. c. He’s cold. d. He’s hurt.

62. W: George doesn’t know when the plane leaves.

M: Neither do I.
Q: What does the man say?
a. He doesn’t know George b. He won’t leave on the plane.
c. He doesn’t know when it leaves. d. He knows when it leaves.

63. W: What caused the engine to fail?

M: It fails because of poor maintenance.
Q: What did the man blame the failure on?
a. low grade fuel b. rough roads
c. improper care d. proper lubrication

64. M: What do you want to know?

W: The purpose of all this.
Q: What does the woman want to know?
a. She wants to know the cost. b. She wants to know the cause.
c. She wants to know the answer. d. She wants to know the reason.

65. M: Can you meet me at the restaurant, Mary?

W: Yes. It is a very convenient place.
Q: Why will they meet at the restaurant?
a. Mary can go there very easily. b. It’s a good place to eat.
c. Not many people go there. d. Mary has never been there

66. M: Where is everybody?

W: Oh, didn’t you know? The meeting occurred yesterday.
Q: What did the woman say about the meeting?
a. It took place the day before. b. It was planned the day before.
c. It was not cancelled the day before. d. It did not end the day before.

67. Bill, the cafeteria is straight ahead. I mean that it is .

a. around the corner b. in front of you c. in an old building d. a good
place to eat
68. A pharmacist is a .
a. doctor b. dentist c. farmer d. druggist

69. A thermostat maintains and the room temperature.

a. regulates b. causes c. requires d. installs

70. Mr. Clark for that company for ten years.

a. is working b. been working c. has been working d. is being

71. I see the girl. Jake also.

a. see it b. sees her c. say him d. seen me

72. I have to finish this job before I can go home.

a. I want to finish the job. b. I should finish the job.
c. I might finish the job. d. I must finish the job.

73. People have known about magnets for many centuries.

a. uses in science b. people to buy them
c. countries that produce them d. hundreds of years

74. John saw the accident. The accident by John.

a. is seen b. seeing c. had seen d. was seen

75. Note taking is .

a. writing only the main points b. carrying messages from one place to
c. completing short sentences d. formal English writing

76. Most of our woodlands are natural forests. They are .

a. not very dark b. not planted by man c. campgrounds d. cultivated

77. The repair job was complex.

a. easy b. not completed c. complicated d. completed

78. The electrician performed his job well.

a. liked b. got c. did d. ignored

79. This is how it actually happened.

a. supposedly b. probably c. really d. mistakenly

80. The class was bored with the movie. They were .
a. glad to be there b. happy to see it c. not interested in it d. confused with

81. Do you want me the letter?

a. do mail b. for mail c. mailing d. to mail

82. His favorite sport is .

a. swim b. swimming c. for swimming d. on swimming

83. Select the correct sentence.

a. I’ll later have coffee, please. b. I’ll have later coffee, please.
c. I’ll have coffee later, please. d. Please, coffee later I’ll have.

84. They work in the classroom.

a. good b. well c. slow d. careful

85. The story should be condensed before publication.

a. corrected b. checked c. shortened d. retyped

86. You will learn more if you attention.

a. make b. have c. do d. pay

87. The students who are waiting outside come in now.

a. can b. would c. may have d. had

88. I glanced at my watch and realized .

a. it was that time for class b. it that time was for class
c. that it was time for class d. for that time it was class

89. Aerospace history is the story of man’s effort to improve his transportation
and knowledge. Orville and Wilbur Wright were the first to prove man could
make controlled, mechanically powered flights. Charles Lindbergh proved the
practicality of private flying by flying across the Atlantic alone in a single-
engine plane. Today, plans are being made to send astronauts to Mars.

According to this paragraph, these accomplishments have .

a. been done entirely by the Wright brothers
b. had little significance in aerospace history
c. caused people to lose interest in space travel
d. increased man’s ability to travel farther and faster

90. There is nothing but empty space above the atmosphere. This condition can
be called .
a. a breeze b. atmospheric pressure c. air layers d. a vacuum

91. You should go on sick call right away. You should .

a. go to the right b. go at once c. walk straight d. run away

92. Isn’t the test by the instructor?

a. gave b. to give c. be given d. given

93. The plane carried cargo.

a. radar b. freight c. landing gear d. nothing

94. Do you go to the city library?

a. how b. can c. ever d. never

95. Only people from the upper of the company were there.
a. entrance b. stage c. echelon d. place

96. I don’t remember that song, but I have heard it before.

a. can b. will c. would d. might

97. We are going to have a meeting at noon. Can you ?

a. make it b. do it c. succeed it d. go it

98. The National Honor Society is an American organization for high school boys
and girls. Members are selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership,
citizenship, service, and character.

According to this paragraph, .

a. all high school students are members of this society
b. membership in this society is determined mainly by educational achievement
c. high school students can become members automatically
d. several factors are considered in selection students for this society

99. that a hurricane was headed towards the coast, the honeymooners
were forced to change their final destination.
a. For the purpose b. In the event c. In the hope d. Due to the fact

100. The recurrent bad weather does not well for the timely completion of
the stadium.
a. predict b. prognosticate c. augur d. foretell

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