Final 101 - Woman Book - SECTION 2 Inner Game

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A high value woman

aims for me:

• help women get happy, secure, confident, for dating

• professional

• highlight outcome BUT be aware of overhyping...maybe don't highlight outcome

• keep short – point in drecton of doctor

• delete anything which is too wishy washy.


1. Intro + importance (explain Our mentoring services (exaplin how it works with therapist))
2. The main aims
3. Build a happy single to start from - mental and emotional health

4. emotionall intelligence - ofrgiveness and letting go, setting boundaries, self love, healing emotional wounds
5. unhealthy relaiotnshops, healthy relaiotnships

6. Boost your confidence - boost your self worth, spread the crazy (date diff peopple)

7. Inner game of a high value woman / Being a women that men want to be around / pefect inner game - A high value Theories of inner game /
the path to mastery / understaning yourself
8. relationship ready? (in partner selection phase?) / previous relationships / heal, survive, thrive
9. (too wishy washy?) natueral remedies – sunshine, exercise, etc. / what helps for me? (appearance improve, etc etc)
10. FAQ's
11. Chapter Summary

Ralphie said

Key to being attractive is to love yourself

What do you need to do do get there?

self love

copt topics form stephanie lynn


Copy this:

A perfect example of this is in this “Strawberry Letter”—these are letters the Steve Harvey Morning
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Show receives from its listeners— sent in by a woman who clearly was just starting to realize she was
nothing more than a plaything: I have been seeing this man for six months and everything seemed cool
until January of this year. We’ve gone out and visited each other’s homes, but all of a sudden, he’s
stopped calling and when I call him, he seems excited, but then he is very short with me. He plans trips
and cancels them. And when I ask him if we should cut off all communication, he says “no.” But he
doesn’t act like he wants to be bothered. I don’t know what happened, and I still like him, but it just
bothers me to know that something could be on his mind that he is not sharing with me or maybe he
has found a woman and wants to keep me in his back pocket
Need more examples of differences between sports fish and keepers?

men are from mars, women are from venus book, golden

Chapter title: there is ZERO wrong with being single, being single is WAY better tha heartbreak, a bad relationship, a mediore relationship, and a bunch of other stuff.
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1. Intro + importance (explain Our mentoring services (exaplin how it works with therapist))

Many people who are moderately to highly dysfunctional, have learned to understand, deal
with, and ultimately thrive with their dysfunction.
They have turned their dysfunction, using education, therapy, hard work, patience and time,
from something that was reasonably extreme, Into a well learnt lesson, something in the past,
an emotional scar, that healed enough for them to be able to engage in adulting, in adult
relationships and adult functions.
Examples of this fixing, include heartbreak. Upon getting heartbroken, for weeks and weeks, I
can feel like emotional torture, however without realizing it, even within that torture, there is an
emotional healing taking place, as you gradually shift your focus to other areas of your life,
your mind body and spirit starts to heal. Eventually you learn, at that wisdom is invaluable in
you navigating through future situations.
Other inner game issues which at first Are highly dysfunctional,  but through education, online
therapy, mentoring, hardwork, patience, and time, can be healed enough to be relatively
functional include:
- anxiety
- mild depression
- mild eating disorders
- mild codependency
- mild attachment disorders
- and many more.
Whether it be neurotic, a little bit codependent, a little bit insecure, it’s part of the parcel of
being human.
My question to you is, everyone is a little bit dysfunctional in someway, truly.  In what ways
you dysfunctional? Write them out, be extremely honest here. And then  how extreme is this
dysfunction? 10 being close to hospitalized, and one being not an issue at all.
Self awareness is a trait of emotion you competent people, emotional intelligence. Cultivating
regularly, on a daily basis, unawareness of in a game, is central to moving forward.
Our job is to not only get you your dream partner, but be able to create a beautiful little island,
an ecosystem, for both of you to come exist in a healthy fashion.
Part of being able to provide such an ecosystem, is sorting out you’re inner game.
This is incredibly subjective, the summit might take a couple of months of work and reflecting,
but others it might take much longer.
However what can be almost guaranteed is,  if you have an inner demon which shows it’s
ugly face
whenever a relationship gets intimate, putting heavy, unnecessary strain on both you and
your partner, And you don’t learn to deal with that, not sooth yourself through edicated self
parenting, not learned to communicate clearly and warmly, not learnt to cultivate self love, not
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learnt to slowly expose yourself, and several other key inner game strategies which ensure
you and your partner minimize time spent in this trauma, your chance of sustainable love, the
good shit, is seriously decreased.
It’s about diving headfirst into deep honesty, to then be aboe to asnwer serious questions like,
am i relationship ready? Am I emotionally healthy enough? Do I have the tools like good
communication, self awareness, empathy, kindness, etc, to engage in a relationship? Can i
hold space for my lartner to help soothe theirs?
It’s about doing the psychological work, which can’t take months and months for some, to
become relationship ready.
After interviewing far and wide, we have some highly competent therapists on our books,
helping many people become emotionally fit, and relationship ready.
So let’s get to it
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2. The main aims

• help women get happy, secure, confident, for dating

• help understand key concepts like emotional intelligence and it's tools.

• To help you get relaiotnships ready.

To quillbot - The purpose of most therapies is to heal, or alleviate, symptoms of a

concerning issue or condition. Medical professions create treatment plans that outline the
professional's approach and interventions used to achieve a certain goal.

Explain therapist.
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3. Build a happy single to start from -

one of secrets to successful relationship – being full upon arrival, and having a tonne to offer.

What does a life look like which you would have so full, you cojuld barely squeeze a guy in, and you'd only do so if he was really good enough.

Coming from a place of strength, and knowing you have strength to fall back in, is the bs alllowance, no your worth.

It's positioning yourself correctly, coz bad relaiotnships are sooo much worse than a great single life.

Good single lifes support your mental and emotionall health, which further support your dating persuits.


"People often think first comes love then comes happiness, but it's actually first comes
happiness—and then, the more likely you are to couple."

Don't wait to be in a relationship to pursue your life goals

Being single is not a bad thing. You have to start seeing singlehood as
something other than the absence of a partner and start seeing it as a phase
of personal rediscovery and self-love.
Freedom, time for self love, for life dreams, for living. No constraints.

Your Time Is Yours and Yours Alone

Changee your perspective, nothing wrong

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4. mental and emotional health emotionall intelligence - ofrgiveness and letting go, setting boundaries, self love, healing emotional wounds

mental / emotionall h :

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects
how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others,
and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life.
To be relationship ready, you need to have stable (enough) emotional health.

5 characteristics of an emotionally healthy person / emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence or EI is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions,
and those of the people around you. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence
know what they're feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect
other people.

And it's making decisoins which benefit your and others wellbeing. Really important skill.

• They're self-aware. Someone who is self-aware can perceive themselves accurately and
understands how their behavior comes across to others. …

QuilB: Self-awareness involves being aware of different aspects of the self including
traits, behaviors, and feelings. Essentially, it is a psychological state in which oneself
becomes the focus of attention. Self-awareness is one of the first components of the self-
concept to emerge.

Self-awareness plays a critical role in how we understand ourselves and how we relate to others and the
world. Being self-aware allows you to evaluate yourself in relation to others.

Self-awareness and its cultivation is a very necessary trait for a relationship, as its the basis
for awareness of others.

• They live with purpose. …

“Living on purpose” means doing what truly matters to you in alignment with your values
and beliefs. I can't tell you what that means for you, but you know it when you feel it — and
when you don't. When you aren't being you, everything is foggy and colorless.

• They manage their stress levels.

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Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought
that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge
or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or
meet a deadline.

• They Focus on the Positive

When you maintain a positive attitude, you are much more likely to be stronger emotionally. Being
optimistic does not mean you never have negative emotions, but it does say that you believe that
positive things are ahead and that your negative situation will not last. Your positive attitude helps you
see yourself through adversity while helping you to set goals and make them happen.

• They Honor Their Needs

When you have emotional health, you know the difference between what you need and what you want
in life, and you respect your needs over your wants when you must choose. Honoring your need for
safety and shelter, for example, is much healthier than honoring your desire to go out with friends when
you can’t really afford it. When you have emotional health, you understand how important it is to take
loving care of yourself and to honor those most critical things in your life.
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5. unhealthy relaiotnshops, healthy relaiotnships

Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between

partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance
of power. Partners respect each other's independence, can make their own decisions without
fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions.

Lying, cheating, jealousy, and disrespect are signs of an unhealthy relationship. So is

trying to control a partner. That includes: keeping track of where they are and who they hang
out with. checking their phone or e-mail without permission.
Unhealthy relationships can have a significant detrimental impact on your health, happiness, and
overall well-being. The problem is that while some relationships are clearly toxic or even abusive,
other unhealthy relationship patterns can be much more subtle and difficult to recognize.

While no relationship is perfect, it is important to be able to recognize the signs of an unhealthy

relationship and know what to do to either change it or end it.

Relationships that are marked by these dynamics and problems tend to contribute to more tension,
conflict, and stress.

In unhealthy relationships, one person may try to control the other person's life. This may be done
through intimidation, but it can also involve other types of manipulation.

Lack of Trust
Unhealthy relationships are often marked by a lack of trust. You might feel like you have to hide things
from your partner, or you might often feel like they are hiding things from you. 

In order to develop healthy trust, both people in a relationship have to engage in mutual,
reciprocal self-disclosure. This involves revealing things about yourself over time as the relationship
deepens and grows.

Disrespect can take a variety of forms in unhealthy relationships. Sometimes it might mean someone
being dismissive of the other person. In other cases, it can involve outright ridiculing or making fun of
the opinions or interests of the other person.
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This disrespect can often feel like rejection, which can lead to a range of emotions including hurt
feelings, shame, guilt, loneliness, embarrassment, and social anxiety.2

Poor Communication
Good communication is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Unhealthy relationships are often
marked by patterns of ineffective communication. This might involve not talking about problems,
avoiding difficult issues, expecting the other person to be a mind reader, not listening, getting
defensive, or stonewalling in order to avoid confronting problems in the relationship.

Communication style has been shown to be a key predictor of divorce and has more of an impact than
commitment, stress, and personality when it comes to marital success

If you have any of the above, our therapist/s are here for you to help overcome those issues.
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6. Boost your confidence - boost your self worth, spread the crazy (date diff peopple)

needs to be situation dependent

therapist helps
improving others areas is central – appearances
builf happy single life, so your backup is good

what works for me:

COPY dd...what does he write here? His stuff is so good.
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mention all these below in a sentence...discuss with therapist.




•Anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorders social anxiety disorders, panic
disorders, and phobias.
•Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
•Bipolar disorder.
•Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
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7. Inner game of a high value woman / Being a women that men want to be around / pefect inner game - A high value Theories of inner game /
the path to mastery / understaning yourself
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8. Get relationship ready (in partner selection phase?) / previous relationships / heal, survive, thrive
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9. natueral remedies – sunshine, exercise, etc. / what helps for me? (appearance improve, etc etc)
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10. FAQ's
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11. Chapter Summary

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inner game (similar to happiness)

Components of inner game:

– happiness & energy

– insecuritites around a man
– more? See dd
– limiting beliefs - you are not to old etc / too fat etc, but work in it

Whether you know it or not, and I bet my left testicle (that’s the good one fyi ;) that you very
likely  not aware enough, but the exact relationship, emotions, energy that you have for your
dad you are almost certainly subconsciously bringing that to the table in one way or another,
when you’re trying to attract your dream man.

What I mean by this is, it’s common knowledge that influence of our parents have on us is
monumental. The extent of this does not stop at our personal self-esteem and attitudes in life,
extends too far and wide components of our every day lives. One of these components
without doubt the ability to connect with others on a social level.

Nurture great friendships first

Having a network of true friends provides perspective as you prepare for a relationship. Great
friendships provide a basis for what love ought to be. They demonstrate that love should be
purely based on choice as opposed to any need.

15. Remain positive

How to choose a husband or wife? 

Last but not least, remain positive. Do not think negatively just because you see everyone
around you committed while you are still struggling to find a suitable partner. The more
negative you are, the more it will show up in your conversations, and it is not very attractive, is

Learn to love yourself

This is probably the hardest step, but if you can get over this hump, you’ll have plenty of
momentum to get through the other two.Learning to love yourself is a two-phase process:
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first, you need to acknowledge your strengths and your weaknesses. Then you need to
appreciate and love them for what they are.

For practicing self-love, know that every part of you has value. Relish in what you’re

good at, recognize where you can improve. It’s all an amazing melting pot of who
you are.

Here’s the key, though: if you can’t learn to recognize your greatness in all that is
good and bad about you, no one else will. 

Until you appreciate all that you are and own it, there will always be some
subconscious doubt that you give off. It’s like a “quality relationship repellant” of
sorts. People will feel that self-doubt and not want to partake in that baggage.


How you treat yourself is a billboard showing everyone else how you should be
treated. Make sure that message is a good one.

Be unapologetically you
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This step is the most fun because it is the ultimate filter. You are going to weed out
people that aren’t a good fit for you and draw in those that are perfect for you. It
might rub some people the wrong way, but if it does, let them go.

Once you’ve done the work to love yourself a little more, and recognize your
missteps of the past, you can step into the shoes you were meant to walk in all
along. You will exude confidence and be a magnet to quality people that will
appreciate every morsel for your being.

Will it feel uncomfortable at first? Absolutely.

But there will be more beauty here thananything you’ve experienced in the past as
you’ve stumbled from person to person. This will be your sign to the world that
you’re ready for whoever can handle you.

That person will show up, I promise you.

Maintain a distance from negativity

In order to get real with both phases of that process, you need to create space in
your life. Create distance between you and the toxic people that may fog your
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Create space for yourself by meditating or picking up a hobby that you used to
enjoy. Do anything you can to give yourself the mental space necessary to sit back
and see yourself for who you are.

how to find a guy

The top places to meet a partner IRL

Because we know you're getting kinda sick of dating apps.

Knowing how to get a boyfriend, girlfriend or partner, especially without the help of

a dating app, might seem like an impossible task in the modern age. However, it's not
as difficult as you might imagine. According to a new study from Compare the Market,
45% of couples still meet either at a social gathering or through mutual friends, and
only 7% meet on a dating app. Alas, there is hope!

How to get a boyfriend, girlfriend or partner


Somebody you went to school, college or uni with can be a really compatible option
for a long-term partner. If you've grown up together or come from the same area, then
you're likely to already have a tonne of things in common. Plus, Compare the Market
found that 9% of people still meet their partner through education, so it's definitely a
good place to consider starting a relationship. Keeping in touch with uni, college or
school groups and going to meet ups and reunions can be a great way to get together
with old friends, relive your youthful memories, and maybe even hook up with that
person that you never got the chance to with at school.
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Meeting a potential partner online doesn't just have to happen through a dating app.
There are plenty of ways to meet people through other forms of social media too, with
6% of people meeting their partner on socials, according to Compare the Market.
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can be great places to reconnect with people from
your past, but they can also be somewhere to meet cool new people. Friends of friends
can be easy to start a conversation with, as you already have somebody in common.
Meanwhile, if you see someone you fancy on Insta, take the leap and slide into their
DMs (respectfully, of course). What have you got to lose?



As simple and basic as it sounds, staying at home is not going to get you that many
dates. If you do genuinely want to meet someone, be proactive with your friends and
suggest new places to go - galleries, museums, gigs, bars etc. Basically anywhere
that'll shake you out of your comfort zone and introduce you to new people. If you're
able, try and do something new every week or month which will bring you into contact
with new people, whether that's joining a club or meet up, or a class for whatever
hobby you're into.

Going out the old-fashioned way is still the most common way to meet a boyfriend,
girlfriend or partner. As found by Compare the Market, 27% of couples meet at a social
gathering like a party, pub or night out. So, don't be afraid to get out there and start a
conversation with somebody new.


This is like swiping photos in real-life. But the difference is the person is right in front
of you and able to make a direct connection. You instinctively know who you are
attracted to, and there's nothing wrong in making that clear through eye contact when
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

you are out. Just obviously be respectful of other people's boundaries, and don't creep
any out - that goes without saying.


In the nicest way possible, use your pals. After all, they know your great qualities, likes
and dislikes. And, crucially, they know better than anyone if someone is a good fit for
you. Plus, you know that any potential dates they put you in touch with already have a
bangin' group of pals. Compare the Market's study found that 18% of people meet a
partner through mutual friends, so don’t be afraid to let your mates know you're up for
introductions to new people - you never know where it could lead. Make sure you
return the favour and do the same for your single pals too.

Work mates can also be a great route to finding love, as you likely already have the
same interests and goals in life. Plus, the research found that 18% of people still meet
their partner in the workplace. That person who caught your eye across the office?
Don't be afraid to start a conversation.


Only 2% of people meet a partner in the gym, according to Compare the Market, but it
can be an easy place to start a natural conversation. Just ask them to help spot you or to
move some equipment. Plus, if you go to regular classes you're probably going to see
some friendly faces you can chat to.

Try joining a club or a team for whatever kind of exercise you like: triathlons, yoga,
hockey, football, etc. Meeting weekly to work out and going for a drink afterwards will
mean you meet a whole new set of people - and therefore their friends... it's all about
widening your network.


Yes, of course it can be intimidating to go to events on your own, but it's normally
possible to get a plus one and bring a friend. 
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How to turn dating into a relationship

Sadly, actually going to the right places to find your potential partner is just half the battle when it
comes to starting a relationship. Compare the Market found that 33% of relationships started with
casual dating, while 32% actually started as platonic friends. Meanwhile, 20% of relationships began
through a series of formal dates, with just 9% evolving out of a purely physical relationship. So, next
time you start daydreaming about your friend with benefits or fuck buddyturning into an actual thing,
think again as it's not super likely to happen.

Pro tips:
key strategies (put this in the physical, social, and bf section, right?)
stay the hell away from online dating plpatforms – or put in profile, only dating for a relationship
and be quite explicit about that + be aware of fuck boys...incribly ineffcient use of time.
I heard one a guy Categorise is a woman within the first 60 seconds of meeting her , and then after
that is just proving his notion right or wrong in his mind . I think what this means is, a guy can pretty
damn quickly no what he wants to do with you , does he want you for a serious relationship, this is
just for fun , does he not want you at all, whatever it is

be niice when rejecting, so necessary, on many levels

emotional connection and emotional love is the real stuff

be classy, turn his sexual wants into emotional connection wants, however do get to know his
sexual wants?

Expect it to be equal, giving and taking.

Build emotional connection first … (is this good advice?!)

some really good flirting strategies are touched upon in social mastery section : thum wrestle, wrock
paper scisscors, truth or dare

dont' be too available

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if a man says he doesnt want commitment, what to do: respect that, that's him (me), move on, or
depriotise (hussy).
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Physical topic

– mprove their physical a tonne – OUTER appearance

– Body
– clothes
– Apperance

1. Introduction
2. Formula + Women of high value
3. What The Pros Do
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Title: The Ultimate Physical Transformation


No wait, find a way to say:

You don't need to be a victoria secret model to get a great guy,
at all.
You don't need to be 21 -23.
You don't need to be working out 6 days a week and on 1500
calories a day.
But, you do need to keep at least moderately good care of
And you do need to be realistic as to which type of man you
want, and to what that man could have as preferences.

(the bit below is too heavy...lighten it up)
I Have thought long and hard about the next few pages you
are about to read.

With the current climate of political correctness I feel that

what I'm about to say is very likely to be shot down, and for
me to be misunderstood as a misogynist, woman hater, or just
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

However after asking the very few select people that have in
my life hell I respect for emotional and mature guidance ,
highly emotionally intelligent people, I have decided to
provide the following information as gently yet with as much
integrity as I can, the way I see it from my extensive research,
reflection and experience.

+ mention, I am a fully qualified fitness expert. + link to about

section in website.
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Title: Social skills Mastery

GF – physical and social get a gf, and then gf skills

– Selecting right
– Relationship and love skills
– Inner game

Social topic – improve their social a tonnec INNER happiness

– Social Emotional intelligence

– Confidence
– Flirting

Contents (copied from introduction)

4. Introduction
5. The Importance of social skills

important of social skills

book how to win friends
importance of social life
be a tourist (hussy wording)
value the process and improving, not outcome
overcome fear of hot guys (hussy wording)

6. approaching / the opener / getting approach tekkas

put odds in your favoour (Huss) – copy dd for men and apply for women
go where men are
white handkerichief approach (husys wording)
9. why men don't approach?
Heard mentaility 1000s years ago.
10. The difference in languages between men and women
men are out there, women are subtle...
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9. mentoring for social skills

10. what is high value social skills?

Why he doesn't call back? Discuss this? (hussy topic)

My guess: he only wanted sex, immature, or player, nothing to do with you, and saves you time.
Or, could be a tonne of things about the mismatch in personality.

it has so much to do with energy, in my opinion

– Howto Win Friends and Influence People
– put odds in your favour

– active social life

– don't be hard to get / help the man approach you / flirting strategies / man's fear of
– thinking ahead: children (men, or at least good men, have a radar for mum
material...rememebr that, cuclitvate that good behaviour, work on yourself)

talk about the date and dates

– he is payng attention and watching you, be nice to the waiter.

– How long until have sex (hussy said impoprtant question) ...not strict rule, really dpends,
ballpark 2-3 date, or 1 st base seoncd base etc...correlation to waiting for sex and
commitment has zero validity. But as ballpoint, a little waiting never here. Maybe kiss on
first date, foreplyay second, good hard romp on 3 rd, however who am I to say. Someties first
night is the ticket, sometimes he gets none, all depends.
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Be open to dates

Just because you have had heartbreaks in the past doesn’t mean you should lose
hope. In order to choose the right guy or girl, you should shed your apprehensions,
go out and be open to meeting people.

But how can dating and courtship help you choose your lifetime partner? 

This will also expand your horizon and help you understand what exactly you are
looking for in a suitable partner. This means you learn a lot about yourself apart
from teaching yourself to take rejections so hard.

Topics to avoid (hussy) on date

What if it's always on his terms (hussy)

a guy must cherish you (hussy)
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Title: BF Game (or Perfect Partner Game)

(you gotta have good boyfriend game)

Title: GF / BF game...I STILL NEED A NAME FOR THIS... (coz on homepage need to have it clear, for
both genders)

Perfect Partner Game – how to be the perfect partner and create the perfect little ecosystem for you

Contents (copied from introduction)

7. Introduction

men want to feel special. Women want to feel special.

Me: My relationship theory: fill each others cup up, be on the same team, happiness filling (coz you
love them)...and if that is mutual, then works... (seems a bit loose though)...kill with kindness...tony
robbins saves and reference video. In short: mutual fill effort to fill eahc other up,
to take repsonsbolity of making sure they are happy as possible.

Keep up the stuff you did in the courting phase, maintain the stuff, is essential.

8. The Importance of perfect partner game

11.before the relationship, selection game. So important to select right, and this is an art. People
mill importance.

For selection, talk about how emotional (romantic) attraction is important:

What Is Romantic Attraction?

Romance is a complex subject, and we could do an entire article on the definition alone. Generally
speaking, romantic attraction is when you have a deep, emotional attraction to someone. Humans are
known for having emotional bonds with people, but the romantic attraction is beyond that. You connect
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

with the person. You're willing to stay with them for the rest of your life. If there is trouble in your
relationship, you're going to try to fix it as much as you can.
This is not to be confused with sexual attraction. Many think they're romantically attracted to someone
when in reality, they're just sexually attracted.
What Is Sexual Attraction?
As you probably guessed from the name, sexual attraction is when your attraction to someone is based
on sexual desires, better known as lust. The two of you are attracted to each other's appearances and
may have great sex with one another, but the romantic, emotional bond the two of you share just isn't
This isn't to say that you can't get along; you can be good friends with the people you have sex with.
However, the emotional bond, the feeling of wanting to be with them for as long as possible, just
doesn't exist.
Many people confuse romantic and sexual attraction with one another. Schools usually don't teach you
about different types of relationships, leaving people to learn by themselves and still not fully
understand the difference between a sexual and romantic connection. That attractive person you're in a
relationship with may only be a sexual bond.
Is this a bad thing? Of course not. As long as it's between consenting adults and you practice safe sex,
having casual encounters and sexual flings aren't bad and can make your experience with relationships
grow. It just isn't good for relationship material.

If you're getting together for someone just for the sex, the sex is going to fizzle out. You may enjoy the
sex, but the two of you aren't going to be able to stay together because the two of you don't share that
romantic bond.
You must be smart and know whether the attraction is sexually and/or romantically inclined. And
yes, it definitely can be both. You can be with someone for a long time and still have an awesome
sex life.

How To Spot Romantic Attraction

If you're together with someone, how can you tell if the person is romantically attracted to you? There
is no straight answer, as everyone has different signs of romantic attraction towards persons that fit
their preferences. Here are a few general signs of it, though:
• You'll feel an emotional connection. In other words, you're attracted to them as a person and not
because of their body. You like their imperfections, opinions, mannerisms, and so on. While
physical attraction is still important in a relationship, your emotional connection is more
• You like them for their personality. While friendships and even sexual relationships can be
based on personality too, a romantic relationship brings personality above anything else.
• You like hearing their opinions. Even if you disagree, hearing this person out makes you happy.
• You just want to be physically close to them all the time, even if the feeling isn't exactly sexual.
Sometimes you just want to cuddle up to someone.
• You'll find yourself smiling at them, even if there's no reason for you to be smiling. Someone
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

you're only sexually attracted just to make you feel this way.
• You feel complete with them. Your overall life feels better than it was before. Some friends and
partners can make your life better, but if you feel like your life has skyrocketed, then it's a
romantic attraction.
• You want to go to them whenever you want someone to cry to. They're your support system, no
matter what you're feeling. You feel comfortable expressing every single emotion you have to
• You want them to succeed, and your partner wants to see you succeed too. Bonus points of
your ambitions can be compatible with one another.

What Causes Romantic Attraction?

Unlike sexual attraction, which can occur simply by someone seeing someone that fits their
preferences, and sexual chemistry, which can form as early as meeting someone for the first time,
romantic attraction is more involved and can take some time to develop.
Romantic attraction occurs when someone finds an emotional connection with another person, and this
can include appreciating their personality, valuing their opinions, and looking to them for support.
What Does A Romantic Spark Feel Like?
Feeling a romantic spark can be a very exciting experience. While forming a new emotional connection
can present symptoms of anxiety, such as a racing heart, sweating, or blushing for some people, which
can be uncomfortable, it’s not necessarily a negative thing since it means that you want to engage with
the person and become emotionally invested in them.
What Are The Signs of Attraction?
Regardless of the type of attraction, the indicators can be very similar between sexual and
romanticattraction, and some of the most common ones are:
• Sustained eye contact
• Smiling and laughing
• Attentive posture
• Altering the way they speak
• Touching
Additionally, people who experience attraction to another individual might also “mirror” the body
language of that person. Others may try to do things to deliberately get their attention, such as
dressing differently.

Can You Fall In Love Without Physical Attraction?

While physical or aesthetic attraction can be the catalyst for getting someone's attention and potentially
starting a relationship and maintaining one, it’s not essential for everyone and people can still fall in
love with someone based on other qualities that they value and appreciate in that person.
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

Seek Help!
If you're still uncertain if you're experiencing romantic feelings, or you need a counselor to help you
with your relationship, why not talk to a professional? Whether it's face to face or online, a counselor
can help you with any questions you may have due to a relationship.

How to spot a player

If you’re looking for a serious relationship, then it’s best to understand the traits of a guy
who isn’t looking for one; in other words, a player.
Players and nice guys operate similarly on the surface.

They both have a unique charm about them and they’re both interested in you.

What differentiates them, however, are the ways that they express their interest in you —
and what their intentions for pursuing you truly are.

To avoid getting played, and to help you spot the genuine guys from the ones looking for a
one night stand, here are 11 ways to tell a player from a nice guy.

1) Players Are Aggressive

Players aren’t looking to play the long game with a relationship with you.

You get the feeling that they’re pouring you non-stop with affection and compliments.
That’s because players only have one thing on their minds: to spend the night with you.
Meaningful conversations about who you really are and what you want in life only slow
them down.

There’s a reason why meaningful conversations take time.

That’s because it’s a slow process of revealing your inner personality, one that only nice
guys are interested in.

They’re patient and not in a rush.

They understand that rushing things with you might lead to a nasty misunderstanding in the

If they’re really meaning to court you to be their girlfriend, they know they have to take
their time with it.
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

2) Players Place Most Of Their Focus On Looks

Are his compliments only limited to describing your physical features? Those including
“hot”, “sexy”, or even calling you a “hottie”?

That could be a major red flag, because it means that he’s only into you because of your

Authentic compliments, ones where he expresses his genuine attraction to a specific quality
of your personality, are things not included in a player’s vocabulary.

Players also tend to be overly concerned with their own looks.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look physically attractive, but once you’ve been in a
relationship together for a few months, it pays to ask yourself “Who is he still trying to

They place a high focus on their looks because they want to still appear attractive to other

3) A Gifted Advisor Confirms It

The signs above and below in this article will give you a good idea of whether he’s a player
or a nice guy.
Even so, it can be very worthwhile to speak to a highly intuitive person and get guidance
from them.
They can answer all sorts of relationship questions and take away your doubts and worries.
Like, are they really your soulmate? Are you meant to be with them?
I recently spoke to someone from Psychic Source after going through a rough patch in my
relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into
where my life was going, including who I was meant to be with.
I was actually blown away by how kind, compassionate and knowledgeable they were.

In this love reading, a gifted advisor can tell you whether this guy is really looking for love
or just a bit of fun, and most importantly empower you to make the right decisions when it
comes to love.

4) They Don’t Make Time For You

Players try to make you fit into their schedule; nice guys make their schedule fit around
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

The difference could be seen if he constantly tells you that he’s “busy” and rain-checking
on things you want to do together.

And if he hits you up only at odd hours, that could be cause for suspicion as well.

Players are usually more active at night; that’s when the clubs are open and the morals are

You could still give him the benefit of the doubt that your schedules just don’t match; either
way, would you really want to be with someone who doesn’t put in the time or effort to
meet you where you are?

5) Conversations Are Shallow

Since players jump from woman to woman, they don’t have time for any deep
conversations. When your “How’s your day?” is met with a lifeless “It was alright”, it isn’t
exactly the sign of a budding love story — and players want to keep it that way.

The more personal conversations get, the higher the chance of feelings developing; a
player’s worst nightmare.
So it’s better to save the intricate details of your life for someone that’s willing to take your
conversations to a deeper level; someone who asks how your day was, not out of obligation
but out of genuine curiosity.

This will ultimately lead to a more real and fulfilling connection with each other.

6) He Isn’t Attentive To You

Body language tells you a lot about what he really thinks of you.

When you’re in a restaurant and you’re having a conversation, what’s his posture like?

Is he leaning in and making eye contact to actively listen to you? Or do his eyes dart to the
woman that just walked by?

Could you tell if he was looking at her face or somewhere lower?

This scattered focus behavior is common among players. Nice guys on the other hand pay
far more attention to you.
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

He’s able to remember the smallest details of your life that you tell him; who your favorite
teacher in preschool was or what your favorite rainy day song is.

Since he genuinely wants to be with you, he wouldn’t want to miss a thing.

7) He’s Different In Public And In Private

Is he fun and engaging when other women are around but silent and almost boring on your
car rides together?

This could be a sign that he’s only putting up an attractive front in public and isn’t serious
about his relationship with you.

When players are in public, there’s also a tendency to put some distance between the both
of you, physically.

This helps him appear single and shows off that he’s still on the market — when in fact, he

The inconsistency of behavior between public and private times is something that nice guys
only want to avoid.

Nice guys might even be shyer around you while you’re in public, but understand that it’s
because they don’t want to mess up their chances with you.

8) They’re Secretive About Their Life

Players are commonly hesitant to catch you up on their lives. They don’t have any long-
term plans with you anyway, so why would they spend time opening up to you about their

If you ask a player you’re casually seeing what he’s been up to lately, you’re likely to
receive mostly vague answers like “Nothing much”.

Pushing for more specific answers might make him reply in roundabout ways; a possible
sign he’s hiding something from you — something that might involve other women.
Nice guys are more welcoming and have know problem telling you about themselves.

They let you get to know them as much as they want to get to know you; a process that
takes more than just a couple of nights drinking together.
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

9) You Haven’t Met Any One Of His Friends Or Family

That first dinner with his family is always one of the largest milestones of a relationship.

It’s the point where you both get to make your commitment to each other even more
official, this time before the watchful eye of his mom and dad.

Since it’s a significant milestone, it’s common that this doesn’t take place within the first
few months of a new relationship.

But if you’ve been together for 6 months or more and you still haven’t met a sibling or a
best friend for any reason, then you’d be within your rights as a partner to raise an eyebrow.

10) Players Have An Extensive Relationship History

Looking for a partner is a lot like looking for a new hire for your company: you don’t want
to skip the background checks.

How many relationships has he been in? How many of them were serious and how many
were flings? This is a telltale indicator of what kind of partner this potential suitor of yours
Players know how to get into relationships but they’re not the best at keeping it going.

That’s why the length of a previous relationship plays a big part in assessing the players
from the nice guys.

The longer the previous relationship, the more loyal they can be; it’s just what a good
employer wants to see on a CV.

11) He Openly Flirts With Other Women

This should be an obvious indicator that the man is not as committed as he says he is.
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

There’s an unspoken line between compliments meant to make the other person feel better
and compliments meant to be a come-on — and players like using the latter.

Players know how to deliver these lines smoothly enough to avoid suspicion.

So when you ask him what that was, he might simply reply that he was just being nice.

Another trait that players share is how easy it is for them to place their hands on the
shoulders and around the waist of other women.

Depending on how they were raised, guys wouldn’t be so touchy. If you see him getting a
little too handsy in the club, that’s a clear red flag that he’s too comfortable with other
women to be committed to you.
A nice guy is someone that isn’t out there looking for a good time; he’s out there looking for
a lifelong partner.

It’s a serious matter to him, and it will show in his actions with you.

If he meant that he wanted to be with you, he wouldn’t be trying to deceive you, much less
flirt with another woman right in front of you.

So spare yourself the trouble and spend your effort wisely, on the man that’s as serious
about being in a relationship as you.

Final Thoughts
Hopefully, the signs above will have reassured you that he’s a nice guy (or highlighted the
fact that he’s a player).

But, if you really want to find out for sure, don’t leave it up to chance. 
Instead speak to a real, gifted advisor who will give you the answers you’re searching for. 
I mentioned Psychic Source earlier, it’s one of the oldest professional love services
available online. Their advisors are well seasoned in healing and helping people. 
When I got a love reading from them, I was surprised at how knowledgeable and
understanding they were. They helped me out when I needed it the most and that’s why I
always recommend their services to anyone unsure of the person they’re dating.

Can a relationship coach help you too?

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a
relationship coach.
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I know this from personal experience…

A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough
patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique
insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track.

If you haven’t heard of Relationship Hero before, it’s a site where highly trained
relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-
made advice for your situation.

I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was.

Click here to get started.


Selection game is arguebly most important, along with self imprivement, in my opinion.
What are the greatest risks you Face when it comes to engaging with finding the ideal partner?
I think the largest risk is without doubt heartbreak
Navigating the selection process is incredibly important to ensure heartbreak does not ensue

selecting: is he ready, financialty clock, emotional clock (healed from previous relationship / not
recent ex)
Men have a financially clock- the section process.
Women biological 

My writing 

Emotional intelligence and becoming a people -mill.

A people mill is someone very experienced with people, and it’s amazing how they
navigate certain social situations. I’ve known a few in my life and try to cultivate that
daily in mine, as it is a very beneficial skill to have.
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

What type of person am I talking with, is ultimately the question you want to get good at
answering. There are some common assessments of such things such as red flags.
Something sketchy like they are fresh out of prison could considered a pretty tasy red
Other flags are green, like they love their mum. Others are hello and get to be decided
and should he kept in the brain, like issues with certain things or perhaps lack of
awareness in certain areas, which should check be checked up with later on. Here’s a list
of red, green and yellow flags to help you:

Red flag checks


Green flag checks 


Yellow flag checks


Back to the people mill things, there are so many types of people, here is a list:

signs you have a good one / green flags

The relationship with their parents is incredibly significant, do certainly understand that for
moving forward, by asking about it in the first date or two, what do they say, how do they say
it, what is their reaction. If their relationship with mum or dad is not a great one, this is a
certain yellow if not red flag, however just like with any flag or really depends on the
nuances… maybe their relationship isn’t great but their mum has bipolar and it would be
understandable, or maybe etc etc. single red flags should be noted seriously however single
red flags on their own are not enough, it’s the behiour with the red flag, it’s the combination of
red flags, it’s being able to feel your way through like the people mill / psychologist you now

Choose someone who respects you


sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

good with your friends and family

similar : interlect, money etc.

2. Get real (without judgment) about your dating patterns

Now that you’ve learned to love yourself a little better (it’s never going to be perfect,
we’re only human), it’s time to do some inventory on your past. So, show yourself
some grace. Be kind to your former self. We are all flawed. You are no exception.

As you look back at your previous serious relationships, you’ll start to recognize a
pattern. You may notice that you picked people that you knew you couldn’t trust so
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

that you could have an easy out if they acted shadily. 

Look for someone who makes you laugh

When you are on the lookout for a suitable partner, make sure the person who
interests you is someone with a good sense of humor, and this is what you must
seek while choosing a marriage partner without any doubts.

At the end of the day, you just want someone you can wind down with, and if the
person has the tendency to remain glum, you are not going to quite like it.

You may notice that the people you latched onto didn’t have a lot going on in their
lives. Maybe you wanted to feel superior, or maybe you wanted to be the center of
their world.

Personality type test:

(Do myself, + do the:

To test personality

** 1) Look to the past** First, we need to look to the past. Our previous partner choices will
certainly have been based on the mental presuppositions that we’ve gained over the years,
from the very beginning. Did childhood instability make us opt for uber-chaotic and unhappy
- or uber-stable and boring - partnerships? Has our passion for the cultural ideal of romance
made us vulnerable to the kind of excitement only provided by ‘players’? Family, friends, the
media will all have given us deep - but not necessarily correct or wise - beliefs about what a
relationship should be. Now could be the time to examine those beliefs carefully and lay some
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

** 2) Be ready** Even if we want a relationship, often we aren’t ready. It’s hugely tempting to
assuage the fresh agony of a recent relationship ending - and the lingering pain of all the
previous endings - by partnering again. But recent studies suggest that breakups can,
physically and emotionally, create the same kind of ‘cold turkey’ reaction that come with drug
withdrawal. In other words, you are unlikely to be capable of making good choices about your
next love until you’re well clear, and have deeply learned the lessons, of your previous one.
3) Beware chemistry “In love” is wonderful, and I thoroughly recommend it. But that kind of
overwhelming feeling of chemistry is, physiologically as well as emotionally, an altered state.
And it’s likely that some of the mistakes you regret from previous relationships were down to
the influence of what Plato calls ‘divine madness’. So while falling deeply in love is one of the
loveliest beginnings, you’re best to wait until passion levels out before you commit. Some
estimates say that levelling happens after six months, others after two years; whichever, the
underlying message is to look before you leap.
4) Focus on relationship Here’s one mistake almost everyone makes: seeking a person not a
partnership. Because what matters is less who you pair with as the relationship that results
from that pairing. So if you define your partner ‘target’ by specifications such as height,
weight, interests or income, your search patterns will be misguided. You may well find a
match, but ultimately it may not be the match that delivers the happiness you want. This time
round, instead do what I call the ‘normal, happy day reflection’ thinking through what for you
might be the minute-to-minute experience of a contented relationship. Then find a partner
who gives you that experience, and - whatever they look like and whatever their hobbies -
they’ll prove a good choice.
5) Dig deeper That said, there are three factors on which you should stand firm - that a
partner has similar values, similar life goals and a complementary personality. If you deeply
believe that family comes before work, unreservedly want children and are a raging extravert,
then however strong the physical and emotional attraction, choosing a deeply introvert
workaholic who doesn’t want to start a family will not be a match made in heaven.
Unfortunately, these deeper elements of a person may only come to the surface after a while,
when we are already fond; so it’s worthwhile having some bottomline serious conversations
early on. Then, if there’s no compatibility, have the strength to walk away. ** 6) Don’t over-
expect** Nowadays, we tend to want - and to expect - it all. But human relationships are not
perfect, human beings are fallible, and one estimate - by renowned psychologist John
Gottman - is that if we get 60 per cent of our needs met by our partner, we are doing well. Yes,
of course don’t endure bad behaviour. But if a partner gives you most of what you need, if you
give them most of what they need, and if you are both motivated on a daily basis to raise that
percentage, then accept that it is absolutely ‘good enough’.
7) Look for emotional responsiveness If asked to pick a single element that makes
for good relationships, I would recommend this. Is a partner willing and able to
support you when you have emotional need? Are you willing and able to return the
favour? If not, it’s unwise to stay. Ironically, though, we repeatedly do. For a lack of
this kind of responsiveness is often what keeps us stuck in a toxic relationship,
hoping against hope for a happy ending. If you have ever hung in where your
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

emotional needs were largely not met - or where you felt largely unable to meet
your partner’s needs - let this be the moment when you swear never to make that
mistake again.
8) Follow the 90 Day Rule A final action point. When starting a relationship that
seems hopeful, don’t wobble. Instead give it time - specifically, 90 days. For it’s
over that time period that the patterns of your interaction will have started to
establish themselves, and you can see - in headline - what is happening between
you. Can you can be good for each other? If after 90 days the answer to that
question is ‘no’ then the relationship is unlikely to ever come good. If after 90 days
things are increasingly positive then carry on - not necessarily forever but to see
whether you continue to thrive.

Consider taking the Rice Purity test

This test entails a set of have you ever questions in which you are supposed to give a yes or

no response. The questions entail issues such as sex and drugs. The test assesses your

“purity” level. Look for a comprehensive guide about the Rice Purity test to get more useful


Willingness to invest in the relationship / allocate time.

90 day + Spend a lot of time together

The more time you spend with your prospective partner, the better it will be for you
to understand them. 

So, in the process of choosing a spouse, do not avoid meeting them. Meet at
different times and different places, from brunches to dinner dates, from adventure
parks to movie parks. Meet them often to get to know all shades of them.
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

use heart and mind

Is your potential 
In this day and age, it is extremely important to choose someone you can trust. You
definitely cannot lead a happy marriage if you cannot trust each other or have faith. 

Similar goald: kids, location, etc. Need epic self awareness for this, ok not to know answer straight
away. How good is he at self awareness, making decisiosns, become a little detetctive, to understand.
Don't be afraid to dig and ask him questions when the time is right. Seriously, you can ask stuff like
'what do you think of me etc'
follow intuition, intuition so important

importance of trust and being genuine...the number 1 quickest route to heartbreak and horror is
engaging with someone who is not very trustable... How to test for trust? So important.Again, being
back to a people mill situation, figure out how to trust people, how? Google:
– can engage in real genuine communication
– can talk about real topics
– you can use your women sixths sense to feel, ok, it feels real

How he should treat you / your expectations.

This is a ppint where I feel women get confused. How a man should act if he's into you:
- firstly you should trust him

equalness in certain things:

how you live – money

sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

sex drive must be equal – seriousyl.

sex – being fun/playful (hussy wrote playful), spontenous,

Sex is the glue in the relationship – it needs to be fulfilling for each of you, and fullfilling means
different things, but it needs ton be taken serisouyl

sex tips:
– find out what turns each other on
– do those things
– im talking blindfolds, whips, outdoors, foreplay, etc
– take their pleasure seriously
– variety
– communication
– fun and adventure
– be open to experiment
– quantity

dont deny sex often, if do, explain

all the couples that stay together a long time, in my experience, need to have fulfilling sex
life...figure out what that means.
Extension: there needs to be enough good things in relationship, good emotions, good vibes etc, n
net, for it to work.

9. visualize your perfect boyf / the perfect you

10.mentoring for perfect partner game

sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

11.what is high value bf game?

You want to make him happy by: (him also for you, just as much)

• Love languages , getting to know their likes / equally,

• love lnaguage their dislikes + general dislikes, be attentive
• love language: sexual plleasing...figure out what he likes sexually and sprinkle those in
• make him feel special, most important social skill trait (copy for social skills) / boost his ego and
feed his Compliment him etc, make him feel like a god.
• understanding man psychology: try not to question his judgement (see screenshot)
• helping a man on his mission – understanding his mission, supporting, nuturing (it;s not easy
being a man)
• self confidence, self management, your stuff, your mission, mak sure you are happy
• honesty, reliability (so key), loyalty, cultivate this, what does it look like
• remember the attraction formula (to do)... don't let yourself go too much, be motivated,
focussed, constantly improving.
• your blind spots, take them very seriously, very...

• feminine

Extension: there needs to be enough good things in relationship, good emotions, good vibes etc, n
net, for it to work.

getting over heartbreak

Ok, the larg

as shay said: it should work reasonably well, reasonaly effortlessly, between the two, most of the time.
It should be time when youp chrge each othet up just spending time with each other.

sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

I looked at myself. I asked, “If I were the type of woman who I would like to attract (I like super hot,
very intelligent women), what would make me want to be with a man?” So I started reading, listening
to tapes, going to seminars… you name it. And I started to work on my ‘presentation’ of myself. I now
think that it’s important to get thing going for you that you can.

Here’s my take: If you have messed up teeth, for instance, that still shouldn’t prevent you from dressing
well. So don’t let it. Get a cool hair style. (It’s OK to ask a stylist what’s cool and get help on this one.)
Buy nice clothes (Don’t tell me that you don’t have the $$$. Get on eBay, or go to the Nordstrom Rack
and look at the clearance items. I did it to start.). If you will do just a few key things, they won’t
necessarily HELP you attract women, but they’ll get rid of things that are PREVENTING you from
attracting women that you DON’T EVEN REALIZE.


Make no mistake that if you’re interested in ATTRACTIVE women, you’d better realize right now that
these things make a difference. You don’t have to work out ten times a week, but get your body in at
least OK shape. You don’t have to have perfect teeth, but make sure that they’re clean and your breath
is great. My personal view: If you’re overweight, poorly groomed, etc., these are all things that are
within your control. You should get them handled for YOURSELF. If you don’t, then I’m going to
assume that you don’t have very much selfrespect, in which case almost NOTHING I tell you can help.
Women notice details that most men don’t. They notice if your belt and shoes match. They notice what
kinds of foods you like to eat. They notice all the details and then make assumptions about every other
area of your life based on these details.

So learn what nice shoes are and how to keep them nice. Figure out how colors and clothing go
together and what is cool. It’s worth it.

I wasn’t ‘cool’ when I started, but now I’ve learned how to become more so. Huge difference. (Am I
saying that you can’t attract women if you wear Nikes and have messed up hair? No. But remember the
old saying: “A blind pig can find an occasional truffle…”) Of course, don’t overdo it. I’ve tried the
whole dressing well bit in the past to the point of looking like I’m trying too hard. Now I dress more
‘casual nice’. I wear a lot of Calvin Klein T-Shirts with black jeans and nice black shoes, etc. This look
with a nice leather coat works well in almost any situation. This is a look that you can put together for a
couple or few hundred bucks (for several sets). Here’s my mindset: Keep improving all the time,
even if it’s the SMALLEST DETAIL.

I noticed that almost every time I went out, a girl would ask me for a light. I’d always just said, “I don’t
smoke” or “No”. But finally, I said “Ah-Ha” and went to the lighter store SPECIFICALLY to find the
coolest lighter that anyone has ever invented. I bought this torch lighter that make a huge flame. It
looked like a welding flame. So what do you think happened the first time I went out with it? Right…
got asked for a light… and got a ‘wow’ reaction from her, which started a conversation. A list of
random things to improve:  Keep all nails on your body short, clean, and neat.  The only place
where hair is good is on your head. Keep all other hair trimmed, or have it removed. Nose and ear hairs
are a no-no. Bushy eyebrows are a no-no. Bushy pubic hairs are a no-no.
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

Wash yourself three times when you shower. Dirt and body odors don’t come off with just a rinse. Wash your body completely three times before you meet a woman.  Use a
good deodorant (I don’t like antiperspirants, as they block your lymph system).  Keep feet, shoes, and socks ultra clean. No foot odor is permitted, period.  Get a good
cologne. Try Dolce and Gabanna, Cerruti Image, or Gaultier for men. And don’t OVER-do it! No cologne is better than a lot of cologne. One or two squirts, applied an hour
before you’re going to be meeting women, is best.

2nd section + 3rd

Self-Image, Self-Talk, And Other Self Stuff

The way I see it, underpinning all of these outer details and techniques is your self-image, confidence, personality, and all of that other intangible stuff that takes a bit to get
under control. So let me address how I got my personal self-image stuff together before I talk about what I do specifically. (By the way, this is the most important part of this
book. All of my success has flowed from my attitude and confidence – not the other way around. So if you read nothing else, read this part.)

The Attitude
When I first started out learning how to meet women, I remember that I had a feeling inside like, “I’m
afraid to just walk up to a strange woman and start talking.” I thought of all kinds of things that could
go wrong. “What if she has a boyfriend nearby who easily gets jealous and wants to beat me up?”
“What if she says something that puts me down and makes me feel bad?” “What if she says something
to someone else about me being a loser because I tried to talk to her?” All of these different ideas
combined inside of me to give me a general fear of meeting women. I’ve since learned that none of my
worst fears would come true when meeting a new woman. I’ve met hundreds and hundreds of women
over the years – and none (NONE!) have reacted or caused anything to happen that I couldn’t handle in
the moment. In the process I realized something very important: No tactic works on every woman.
Some women are not interested in meeting someone right now. Some women are lesbians and have no
interest in men. Some women are happily married or in a relationship and don’t want to meet someone
new right now. Some women are angry.

Find Others MOST IMPORTANTLY I found and started to hang around guys who WERE SUCCESSFUL WITH WOMEN.

Personality Based Attraction - title?

Chapter 3: How To Develop A Personality That Is Irresistible To Women

Be Different In An Attractive Way

Your Enemies Are Insecurity and Neediness

How Men Usually Find Women I’ve read several books on mating and courtship behavior among different species of animals (including humans!). The funny thing is that
humans do just about the same things as most other animals with slight variations. Here are the main ways male animals (humans included) find females:  Staking out a
small territory among other males where females come specifically to select between males who are displaying for them (called Lekking in the animal kingdom).  Staking out
a larger territory where other males aren’t allowed and showing that they can provide for a female because they control a large territory.  Visiting places where females
gather or are likely to be and displaying for them.

2nd third Personality Traits That Attract Women

In the next chapter, I’m going to describe MY particular unique personality and the ‘character’ that I
become when I’m meeting women. But before I do that, I’d like to talk about some of the different
personality traits that women find most attractive. Some are better when used with others, and some
don’t work well together. Here is the list with brief descriptions. I’ll talk more about combining these
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

later.  Funny. Humor is just plain powerful with women. If you can keep her laughing, you will go

12 Signs Of An Insecure Woman

• Becoming green with jealousy. ...
• Being a control freak. ...
• Easily offended or hurt. ...
• In constant need of compliments. ...
• Being critical of other women. ...
• Unable to accept her partner's successes. ...
• Sensitivity to body image triggers. ...
• They try to please everyone around them.

sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

7. Insecurities



keeping a man


single mum

(for emotional connection)Men aren’t attracted to young women, they are attracted to
youthfulness. Youth is something we do, not something we are.

Besides, why would you even begin to be interested in a man who can’t appreciate how awesome
children are and how the fact that you are a mother might add depth to your connection.

I’d like to talk about your happiness for a moment.

Just like when we hear uncontrollable laughing, we can’t help but smile and look in the
direction and feel good, a laugh is contagious, something that we warm to and enjoy.

With your happiness in my opinion and very similar to this. During the first meet to the next 90
days of courtship and after, a man is very possibly sizing you up for a long-term partner
possibility, assuming that he is the type of man we’re looking for, a high value man who wants
a monogamous relationship with his dream woman like yourself.

inner child and self love

inner game of tennis


inner fulfillment
sells outcome, titles and sections = VerY appealing to women, he makes it pallatable for all,

inner drives

main concept: deal wiyh your issues, lifestyle, and

confidence, to gain confidence and happiness.

Main aim: deal with all components of your life,

issues, life challenges, confidence, so that you can
communicate warmly and in a state of at least
moderate joy and fulfillment when dating and
throughout the entirety of your relationship.

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