12 STEM Group 1 Xyz 4 Ready For Printing
12 STEM Group 1 Xyz 4 Ready For Printing
12 STEM Group 1 Xyz 4 Ready For Printing
Alma R. Mercado
Danna B. Lovendino
Darwin Francisco
Jenald Roanne M. Reyes
Lean Carlo V. Clauren
Leila Marthy M. Vero
Maicka I. Clauren
Mariah Sophia C. Dela Cruz
Mary Rose Domingo
Stephanie Viernes
SY. 2021-2022
Education has a purpose in shaping how a person
views the world. It idealizes many types of society as
well as various types of people. We change individuals
through instilling knowledge in them, as well as
assisting and leading them in the development of new
insights, values, and talents (Orimaco T. S., 2000).
It is the government's responsibility to initiate more
development in order for teachers to assist kids in
developing their capabilities, forming excellent
values that will aid them in day-to-day living, and
discovering new abilities through classroom activities.
With the changing educational trends, the installation
of the Senior High School curriculum gave an avenue
for our graduates to expand and develop more talents,
allowing them to become experts in their fields and
agents of change in society.
Kilpartrick et al. (2002) claim that youth's
persistent and long-term educational participation
enhances the economy's collection of skills and
talents. It has also been discovered to be a reliable
predictor of happiness among individuals, states, and
countries. As a result, youth participation in
education is critical to enhancing their future
prospects. Most governments have established as a goal
in favor of youth development and support helping them
recognize that their futures are dependent on their
completion of education and training (United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2005). In
reality, some countries have programs to encourage 16
and 17-year-old to attend school by providing
financial incentives for those who do as well as
education (McClelland, MacDonald, & Macdonald, 1998).
According to the Enhanced Basic Education Act
10533 of 2013, the Department of Education (DepEd)
inaugurated senior high school (SHS) nationwide in
June 2016, a new level of basic education that
includes grades 11 and 12. The ADB authorized the
SHSSP in December 2014, a 15 billion PHP Results-based
loan (RBL) program to support the establishment and
implementation of SHS, the government's K to 12
education reform programs, from 2014 to 2019. Loan
disbursements are coupled to the achievement of six
disbursement-linked metrics in the SHSSP, which
supports four outcomes’ areas (DLIs). The
establishment of a SHS voucher program for graduates
of public junior high schools (JHSs) and some private
JHSs to attend private SHSs is one of the results
areas supported by the SHSSP, assessing the
feasibility of using infrastructure of public-private
partnerships (PPPs) for the delivery of some SHS
Choosing a college course is one of the most
important and difficult decisions a student will ever
face. The SHS strand is one of the elements that
influence students' decision-making, as it may lead
them to continue the academic path they chose before
college or move to a different field of study during
their undergraduate program.
Nonparticipation in secondary school has an
impact on young people's ability to anticipate and
plan for their future. In fact, the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
encourages governments to develop policies that can
have a significant impact on young training for
employment and meaningful economic involvement. Youth
who develop their ability to participate in social and
economic life are more likely to become self-
sufficient citizens who make important contributions
to society (UNESCO and the Focal Point on Youth UNDESA,
The establishment of Senior High School was
perhaps the most ambitious reform effort. This
demanded the creation of a new curriculum that would
double the length of secondary school from four to six
years. The substance of SHS programs was impacted by
the nature and goals of learners, parental and family
preferences, and youth development programs relevant
to their immediate socioeconomic communities. As a
result, the Academic Track, Technical Vocational Track,
Sports Track, and Arts and Design Track were created
(DepEd, 2014). Specializations exist for each of these
tracks, which learners can consider and select based
on their aptitudes, interests, and personal goals
(Mercado, 2013)
The creation of senior high school aimed to
provide students with critical knowledge and skills
that would aid them in preparation for their chosen
course in college. The addition of two years or two
grade levels, Grades 11 and 12, will better prepare
the students with required skills, knowledge, and
values for a successful future in their fields or
courses. The researchers prompted to identify the
factors affecting the decision of students in choosing
a college program and to identify the significant
difference between Senior high school strand and the
college program preferences of the grade 12 students
of ASKI Skills and Knowledge Institute, Inc.
Research Design
Locator Map
Sampling and Participants
� = (1+ ��2)
n – sample size
N – total population
e – margin of error
4- Strongly Agree
3- Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
× 100%
n=number of respondents
WM =
w=the weight
f=the frequency
WM =
w=the weight
f=the frequency