Manantan, Gerald L. Prof. Anastacio B Aquino Bscrim Ii SUMMER A.Y. 2020/2021 El Presidente''

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‘‘El Presidente’’

As I’ve watched the movie ‘‘El Presidente’’,I can say it is all about the life of Emilio
Aguinaldo , how he became the first President of the Republic, the time he entered
Katipunan and the struggles and betrayals during the Spanish Colonization. A Memoir of
one of the most controversial character AMIONG the heroes of the Philippine History.
The movie takes place and revolves during the Spanish Colonization Era in the
Philippines. As the Spaniards continue to control and manipulate the Philippines, arises also
different revolts and the birth of Katipunan. Emilio Aguinaldo, Andres Bonifacio, Antonio
Luna and many more generals lead the revolts. As time went by, misunderstandings and
betrayals takes place among their circle that made and weaken their force.
Actors in the movie did great. I appreciate the splendid portrayal of Cesar Montano as
Andres Bonifacio. Also the presentation of Christopher De Leon as the tough hot headed
Antonio Luna. Baron Geisler also delivered good. Some actors just made me confuse
watching. We all know Bayani Agbayani and Berwin Melly are good comedians, there’s no
doubt to that. But seeing them in a serious movie like this, a serious one I cant help to laugh
to their scenes. I’ll also give the movie B for the costumes and for the attempt to showcase
the way Filipinos lived way back. Obviously if we will compare it to the time today, if we
would live the way back then I think we wouldn’t survive. By just thinking of living without
the internet, I just cant. I cannot fathom.
There are just some points of the movie that I distaste. One is the miscasting. Some
characters are not suited for the actors. Like the first part of the movie, the whom supposed
to be an old lady but obviously a young lady who just applied makeup on to look older.
C’mon. Will Devaughn, whom known for his not so good Tagalog, but casted in a deep
Tagalog movie. Another one is Nora Aunor whom supposed to portray a young shy woman. I
mean young?! Obviously not ! Next is the not so good visual effects and the unnecessary
editing of Emilio Aguinaldo’s face. Its war scenes are also repetitive and long that at some
point its already boring.
Despite the criticisms, the movie still contain some contentious issues where we can
learn from and are still existing today in the society.Like the conflict between Bonifacio and
Aguinaldo. The treason that the two committed (1:11:37, 1:17:53) Their decisions got
politicize. Just like what the government officials are doing these days. They are doing
decisions not for the country’s good but for their own gain. They’re treating each other as
competition. If that’s so , then why enter public service in the first place? Public service, it
means serving the people. Do something good that will benefit the people. The movie also
tackles our kindness and values shown in the first part of the movie(3:31) a trait that I can
say innate to us whenever we see the elders. Then there’s also the tradition by the Igorots
shown in the movie which is still relevant and practiced today. Dancing and celebrating the
presence of their guests.
Overall ,for me I can say that the movie is a so-so. Not that I like it so much nor hate
it. Its okay despite its flaws. Would I watch it as a movie choice? No. Would I recommend it?
Yes, I would for educational purpose. With its PG-13 rating, students may see it if they want
another point of view of history or just another reference.

‘‘Bonifacio: Ang Unang Pangulo’’

After watching the movie ‘‘Bonifacio: Ang Unang Pangulo’’, it will make you question
your Patriotism and love for your country. The movie is about the patriotic fervor Andres
Bonifacio have within him and his journey into being the First Phlippine Independent
The movie is all about Andres Bonifacio known as ‘’Supremo’’ by his comrades.
Witnessing the abuse ,brutality and harassment of the Spaniards by an early age, gives the
rise of Nationalism and Patriotism within him. Molded by the desire to fight and to end the
reign of foreign conqueror, resulted to the birth of Katipunan . Misunderstandings ,betrayals
and greed comes within between Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo leading to
unfortunate events.
As for the characters ,Robin Padilla portrayed Andres Bonifacio naturally . He suited
the character well. Aside from him almost all the cast did a marvelous acting . For the
costumes, I cannot say much since most of the scenes are close up shots but nevertheless,
they excellently depict the simple way of living back then. With men wearing simple and
comfortable clothes and women wearing conservative tops(baro/camisa) and skirts(saya).
I like that the movie is just one and a half hour, unlike other historical films which are
longer and tend to be boring afterwards. It only shows the general points. The scenes are
also in a faster pace with definitely good sound scoring preventing you to be bored. I also like
the fact that it has a past and present timeline. In which the present are narrating some
questions that may arise to the viewers and the misconceptions we had believed. The
cinematography is also on another level. There’s just one thing I don’t appreciate about the
movie, the animation about the folktale. I think its odd seeing it in a historical film like this.
It doesn’t belong and fit with the cinematography and all.
By watching the movie it will let you realize that the greed and selfishness of some
politicians are the reason why our country is at the bottom. We should help each other
especially in times of terrible circumstances. We should not compete with one another. Its
just sad that sometimes it’s our fellow countrymen that would stab us in the back and let us
down. Just like of what’s shown in 1:12:24, Aguinaldo, ordered the execution of Andres and
his brother. Betrayals and selfishness during the war. I can attest that these attitude still
remain within us until today. Politicians fighting their way to the top just for their personal
gain . Eliminating all that will hinder their way. Aside from the lessons the film want to
imply, it also shows some tradition we are still practicing today. Asking formally the hand of
a lady from their parents for marriage. Showing the sincerity and good intention for the girl.
Overall , the movie is a reminder for the sacrifices of the revolutionaries especially
Andres Bonifacio. A movie aesthetically made. Youth would certainly appreciate watching it.
I would definitely recommend it specially for does who want a brief lookback of Bonifacio’s

‘‘Heneral Luna’’

Watching the movie ‘‘Heneral Luna’’ it will make you realize the problems and the
pictures of what is wrong in our country. A movie about Bravery, Leadership, Greed,
Selfishness , Loyalty and Freedom. It is something that will make you wonder, ‘‘Negosyo o
Kalayaan, Bayan o Sarili?’’
The movie is about the final years of General Antonio Luna, a short tempered but a
gifted military strategist against the Americans during the 19th century. He had an
ambitious vision of the Philippines free from foreign domination, but due to his stern, brash
and unhinged behaviors sets him to bigger problems and in dispute with his colleagues
Emilio Aguinaldo, Felipe Buencamino ,Tomas Mascardo and other comrades. Leading him to
some unfortunate events.
John Arcilla as Antonio Luna is an excellent choice. He personified and remarkably
portray the character well. As well as the other actors, they seemed to be perfectly casted for
their roles. All of them did great. I will also commend the wardrobe of the cast and the
location resulting to an exquisite work of art. They flawlessly the depicts the way of living
back then. Simple and plain. Comparing it today, with all the technology and such, its
completely different.
What I like about this in particular was even though its nearly 2 hours film, you wont be
bored watching it. It has a different approach from other historical movies I’ve already
watched. It was beautifully and perfectly crafted. The way the film was created was
captivating. There were intense scenes, but also had lighter moments such as;the general’s
near slapstick attempt to commander a train for his soldiers making it more interesting to
the viewers. It also exhibit catchy scenes and lines that will really get your attention.(‘‘Paano
ko lalaban?Kakagatin ko sila? ’’) LOL.
Watching the movie,it teaches us lessons very timely today. It wants us to show that we
always elect self-serving leaders. Their main concern was more on their personal welfare and
gain .( 41:09 ) An issue still rampant in our government today. The greed and the thirst for
glory prevailing instead of development and nurturement of our land. Another one is the fact
that Luna died in the hands of our fellow countrymen.
Disappointing that a great General fighting for the freedom of his land died in the hands of
the people he was fighting for. Its like defending someone ,but end up getting backstabbed. It
says how important Unity and Cooperation is about. Without these, we will always just end
up failing.
Overall , this movie was engaging. It is something the youth would like and can learn from.
With its R13 rating, I would absolutely recommend it. One of the best historical movie for me
aside from ‘‘Jose Rizal’’. It clearly mirrors the chaotic Contemporary Philippine Politics.

‘‘Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral’’

Watching the movie Goyo:‘‘Ang Batang Heneral’’ the sequel of the hit ‘‘Heneral Luna’’,
it will show you the dark truth behind the heroes we know. A more complex showcase of
Gregorio Del pilar and what’s behind his glorified image.
The movie is all about Gregorio Del Pilar, the youngest general during the last phase of the
Philippine-American War. Goyo revolves within his military and personal life. Depicting him
as a narcissist , lady’s man, brashful, loyal but a reckless leader of the revolution. Showing
the other side of him not usually discussed in school. A fresh perspective from the ones we
usually read on books and historical artifacts. It illustrates the fractured and chaotic
Republic under Aguinaldo’s leadership.
Paulo Avelino charmingly portrays the young general. He fits the bill endearingly. His acting
was on spot. Other actors also did superb job like Mon Confiado , Aron Villaflor, Epy Quizon,
Carlo Aquino, Ronnie Lazaro. They portray their character well. I would also commend for
the historical authenticity of the clothes, the set, the vehicles, the sounds and weapons. It
was all Marvelously mapped out.
I appreciate the picturesque cinematography of the film. It was meticulously crafted. I loved
that it shows the parts of history we are not aware of. There are just some points I dislike.
The movie was too long for my liking. I was captivated at the first half of the movie but as
time pass by, I start to feel impatient. The scenes become slow paced. The war scenes also
begin to feel redundant for me. There are also scenes where the frame was shaky.
Despite the flaws, the movie still succeeded to impose the lesson to its viewers. Like the issue
of Nepotism shown at (18:24). People getting positions they don’t deserve. Resulting to bias
decisions and poor performance . A scenario we can still see today. Something I can consider
a disease of our government.
The movie in general is great. A reflective movie of how dirty politics can be. It will make you
think that our own selfishness and ego cost us years of slavery. An informative and
interesting flashback of the past. An undoubtedly recommended movie. With its PG Rating,
you will surely enjoy watching it with your friends and family.


Seeing the film ‘‘Lapu-Lapu’’, it help me visualize the way of life and living in the
Philippines before the different foreign conquest. A movie showing the rich culture of our
land . A brief attempt to animate the life of the brave leader, Lapu-Lapu.
The film was all about Lapu-Lapu, the first ever Filipino hero, the Philippines and the
journey ruling and protecting it from conquerors. Philippines as the accidental anchorage of
Spanish navigator Ferdinand Magellan, took it as an opportunity to urge the locals to teach
and convert them into Catholic Religion. Fooling and Luring them later on in the desire to
claim the land. The reason for Lapu-Lapu to stood up for his people and fight for his land.
I admire the acting and enthusiasm of Lito Lapid as Lapu-Lapu in the film. As also for
Dante Rivero portraying as Magellan and Roi Vinzon as Datu Zula. I would also praise the
effort for the setting and some of the tribal garments and accessories of the casts. Giving the
audience the visual representation of ancient ways and traditions back then.
The movie using symbolisms as representation is a very smart move for me .It enables
the audience to be mindful and particular for the small details to fully and vividly
understand the movie well. There are just some points I’m not please about the film. One is
the too much intimacy shown and the sexualization of women in the scenes. Many rape
scenes that I believe not crucial to the story being told. Also the wardrobes of the Spaniards
is a meh for me. Another one is its cinematography and its graphics. The movie was made in
2002 but it seems like it was made in the 70’s. It has poor resolution making my eye sore
and dizzy watching it. Additionally, the unrealistic events portrayed, like the scene where
Lapu-Lapu cut the shield half in one blow. (Cardo is that you? LOL)
Nevertheless despite of its shortcomings and imperfections, the movie have atleast
show the different traditions back then. The rituals made for asking guidance. The simple
way of living, clearly way far on how we live today. The movie also made me realize that in
every part of our history, there’s always one betrayer and traitor that would be the reason for
our defeat and downfall. Sad to figure out but its true.
All in all, I’ll give the movie a C. Its not the choice of movie I would watch. Should I
watch it again? Definitely no. Will I recommend it? Yes maybe, if you just want a reference.
With the type of its graphics and resolution I don’t think the youth of this generation would
watch and enjoy this movie.


‘‘Sakay’’ is a movie uncovering the life of Macario Sakay. A not very known hero
of the Philippine -American War. After watching the movie, it made me realize Sakay as one
of the real revolutionaries who have the balls who did stand and fight for our chained
The movie is about the brave leader and long haired freedom fighter Macario Sakay.
One of the most prominent Filipino revolutionaries who continued to fight against the us
Forces. A patriot accused of being a bandit and another hero overthrown by his fellow
Julio Diaz potraying as Macario Sakay is applaudable. Together with the other veteran
actors like Pen Medina, Tetchie Agabayani, Nanding Josef, John Arcilla who also did
explendid. The costumes, setting and props are also notable and appropriate for the timeline
the movie was imposing.
I like how the movie depicts the character of Sakay, breaking the misconception of him
being a bandit, redeeming his tarnished image. Tarnished by the accusations made by the
Americans in order to justify their continued occupation in our nation. I also appreciate the
approach and technique used in making the film. The graphics are a bit blurry adding more
appeal to it. I just hate the fact that the movie is almost 2 hours. There are some boring
scenes that makes me wanna skip it. I think they could have just cut those unnecessary
One of the most important lesson I learned from this movie was the reality and fact
that our greatest enemy that time was not the Americans, but our fellow countrymen. As I’ve
observed almost all of the failures during those times were all caused by the treason and
treachery of those they think their ally . Sakay was another patriot backstabbed by the
people whom he’s fighting for.
The movie is definitely worth watching. Showing one of the Philippine heroes left out in
the dark. A hero not receiving the right honor and recollection he deserved .

Gerald L.Manantan is 27 year old 3rd year student taking up Bachelor of Science in
Criminology and also graduated his high school at University of Luzon, a prestigious school
in Dagupan City also formerly known as Luzon Colleges. Second among four siblings, he
used to help his father at their little electric shop during his free time. He fond of playing
computer games and browsing the internet when bored. With the ultimate dream of
becoming a Policeman ever since a child, he would do everything for him to graduate. Not
minding the the age, he believe that to dream is for everyone, but to achieve it is for those
who persevere. Him being a step closer to catching to his goal there’s no stopping him ‘‘ To
Serve And Protect”

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