Screening For Speech and Language Delay

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Evidence Synthesis

Number 41

Screening for Speech and Language Delay in

Preschool Children

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
This report may be used, in whole or in part, as the basis for development of clinical practice
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derivative products may not be stated or implied.

AHRQ is the lead Federal agency charged with supporting research designed to improve the
quality of health care, reduce its cost, address patient safety and medical errors, and broaden
access to essential services. AHRQ sponsors and conducts research that provides evidence-based
information on health care outcomes; quality; and cost, use, and access. The information helps
health care decisionmakers—patients and clinicians, health system leaders, and policymakers—
make more informed decisions and improve the quality of health care services.

Systematic Evidence Review
Number 41

Screening for Speech and Language Delay in

Preschool Children

Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850

No. 290-02-0024
Task No. 2
Technical Support of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Prepared by:
Oregon Health and Science University
Evidence-based Practice Center

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road

Portland, Oregon 97239

Heidi D. Nelson, MD, MPH

Peggy Nygren, MA
Miranda Walker, BA
Rita Panoscha, MD

February 2006


The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) sponsors the development of
Systematic Evidence Reviews (SERs) through its Evidence-based Practice Program. With
guidance from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force ∗ (USPSTF) and input from Federal
partners and primary care specialty societies, the Evidence-based Practice Center at the Oregon
Health Sciences University systematically review the evidence of the effectiveness of a wide
range of clinical preventive services, including screening, counseling, and chemoprevention, in
the primary care setting. The SERs—comprehensive reviews of the scientific evidence on the
effectiveness of particular clinical preventive services—serve as the foundation for the
recommendations of the USPSTF, which provide age- and risk-factor-specific recommendations
for the delivery of these services in the primary care setting. Details of the process of identifying
and evaluating relevant scientific evidence are described in the “Methods” section of each SER.
The SERs document the evidence regarding the benefits, limitations, and cost-effectiveness of a
broad range of clinical preventive services and will help further awareness, delivery, and coverage of
preventive care as an integral part of quality primary health care.
AHRQ also disseminates the SERs on the AHRQ Web site
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Suite 3000, Rockville, MD 20850.

Carolyn Clancy, M.D. Jean Slutsky, P.A., M.S.P.H.

Director Acting Director, Center for Practice
and Technology Assessment
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality

The USPSTF is an independent panel of experts in primary care and prevention first convened by the U.S. Public

Health Service in 1984. The USPSTF systematically reviews the evidence on the effectiveness of providing clinical preventive

services--including screening, counseling, and chemoprevention--in the primary care setting. AHRQ convened the USPSTF in

November 1998 to update existing Task Force recommendations and to address new topics.

This Evidence Synthesis was funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

(AHRQ) for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), and the investigators

acknowledge the contributions of Janelle Guirguis-Blake, MD, and David Lanier, MD, Task

Order Officers, AHRQ, and Iris Maybry, MD, Medical Officer, AHRQ. Members of the

USPSTF who served as leads for this project include Alfred Berg, MD, MPH, Paul Frame, MD,

Leon Gordis, MD, DrPH, Jonathan Klein, MD, MPH, Virginia Moyer, MD, MPH, and Barbara

Yawn, MD, MSc. Investigators thank the expert reviewers commenting on draft versions

(Appendix 1) and Andrew Hamilton, MLS, MS for conducting the literature searches.

Requests for Reprints

Reprints are available from the AHRQ Web site at (click on Preventive Services).


The authors of this article are responsible for its contents, including any clinical or

treatment recommendations. No statement in this article should be construed as an official

position of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or the U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services.


Context: Speech and language development is a useful initial indicator of a child’s overall

development and cognitive ability. Identification of children at risk for delay may lead to

interventions, increasing chances for improvement. However, screening for speech and language

delay is not widely practiced in primary care.

Objective: To determine the strengths and limits of evidence about the effectiveness of

selecting, testing, and managing children with potential speech and language delay in the course

of routine primary care. Key questions examined a chain of evidence about the accuracy and

feasibility of screening children age 5 years and younger in primary care settings, role of risk

factors in selecting children for screening, effectiveness of interventions for children identified

with speech and language delay, and adverse effects of screening and interventions.

Data Sources: Relevant studies were identified from multiple searches of MEDLINE,

PsycINFO, and CINAHL (1966 to November 19, 2004). Additional articles were obtained from

recent systematic reviews, reference lists of pertinent studies, reviews, editorials, and websites,

and by consulting experts.

Study Selection: Eligible studies had English-language abstracts, were applicable to U.S.

clinical practice, and provided primary data relevant to key questions. Studies of children with

previously diagnosed conditions known to cause speech and language delay were not included.

Only randomized controlled trials were considered for examining the effectiveness of

interventions. Studies with speech and language outcomes as well as non speech and language

health and functional outcomes were included.

Data Extraction: Data were extracted from each study and entered into evidence tables.

Data Synthesis: Studies were summarized by descriptive methods and rated for quality using

criteria developed by the USPSTF. A large descriptive literature of potential risk factors for

speech and language delay in children is heterogeneous and results are inconsistent. A list of

specific risk factors to guide primary care physicians in selective screening has not been

developed or tested. The most consistently reported risk factors include a family history of

speech and language delay and learning difficulties, male sex, and perinatal factors.

A total of 44 studies about evaluations taking 30 minutes or less to administer that could

be administered in a primary care setting were considered to have potential for screening

purposes. Studies included many different instruments, there were no accepted gold standards or

referral criteria, and few studies compared the performance of 2 or more tests. Studies utilizing

evaluations taking 10 minutes or less and rated good to fair in quality reported wide ranges of

sensitivity and specificity when compared to reference standards (sensitivity 17% to 100%;

specificity 45% to 100%). Studies did not provide enough information to determine how

accuracy varied by age, setting, or administrator.

Fourteen good and fair-quality randomized controlled trials of interventions reported

significantly improved speech and language outcomes compared to control groups. Improvement

was demonstrated in several domains including articulation, phonology, expressive language,

receptive language, lexical acquisition, and syntax among children in all age groups studied and

across multiple therapeutic settings. Improvement in other functional outcomes, such as

socialization skills, self-esteem, and improved play themes, were demonstrated in some, but not

all, of the 4 studies measuring them. In general, studies of interventions were small,

heterogeneous, may be subject to plateau effects, and reported short-term outcomes based on

various instruments and measures. As a result, long-term outcomes are not known,

interventions could not be directly compared, and generalizability is questionable.

Conclusions: Use of risk factors to guide selective screening is not supported by studies.

Several aspects of screening have been inadequately studied to determine optimal methods

including what instrument to use, what age to screen, and what interval is most useful. Trials of

interventions demonstrate improvement in some outcome measures, but conclusions and

generalizability are limited. Data are not available addressing other key issues including the

effectiveness of screening in primary care settings, role of enhanced surveillance by primary care

physicians prior to referral for diagnostic evaluation, non speech and language and long-term

benefits of interventions, adverse effects of screening and interventions, and cost.

Keywords: speech and language delay, preschool children, screening


Screening for Speech and Language Delay in Preschool

Chapter 1. Introduction
Burden of Condition/Epidemiology........................................................................................................2
Healthcare Interventions .........................................................................................................................3
Prior Recommendations and Guidelines.................................................................................................4
Analytic Framework and Key Questions ................................................................................................6

Chapter 2. Methods
Literature Search and Strategy................................................................................................................7
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria ...................................................................................................................7
Data Extraction and Synthesis ................................................................................................................9
Size of Literature Reviewed....................................................................................................................9

Chapter 3. Results
Key Question 1. Does screening for speech & language delay result in improved speech
and language as well as improved other non speech & language outcomes? ...............10
Key Question 2. Do screening evaluations in the primary care setting accurately identify
children for diagnostic evaluation and interventions? ..................................................10
Key Question 2a. Does identification of risk factors improve screening? ...........................................10
Key Question 2b. What are screening techniques and how do they differ by age?..............................12
Key Question 2c. What is the accuracy of screening techniques and how does it differ by
age? 12
Key Question 2d. What are the optimal ages and frequency for screening? ........................................15
Key Question 3. What are the adverse effects of screening?................................................................15
Key Question 4. What is the role of enhanced surveillance by primary care clinicians?.....................16
Key Question 5. Do interventions for speech and language delay improve speech
& language outcomes?..................................................................................................16
Key Question 6. Do interventions for speech and language delay improve other non
speech & language outcomes? ......................................................................................19
Key Question 7. Does improvement in speech and language outcomes lead to improved
additional outcomes? ....................................................................................................19
Key Question 8. What are the adverse effects of interventions? .........................................................20
Key Question 9. What are cost effectiveness issues? ...........................................................................20

Chapter 4. Discussion
Limitations of the Literature .................................................................................................................22
Future Research ....................................................................................................................................24

References ...................................................................................................................................................26

Figure1 Analytic
Figure 2. Key Questions ...............................................................................................................41
Figure 3a. Sensitivity and Specificity of Instruments for Ages up to 2
years .........................................................................................................................................42
Figure 3b. References for Figure 3a ..............................................................................................43
Figure 4a. Sensitivity and Specificity of Instruments for Ages 2 to 3 years .................................44
Figure 4b. References for Figure 4a ..............................................................................................45
Figure 5a. Sensitivity and Specificity of Instruments for Ages 3 to 5 years .................................46
Figure 5b. References for Figure 5a ..............................................................................................47

Table 1. Definitions of Terms.......................................................................................................48
Table 2. Guidelines for Communication and Language Skills By Age........................................49
Table 3. Summary of Studies of Risk Factors ..............................................................................50
Table 4. Screening Instruments for Children Up To 2 Years Old ................................................54
Table 5. Screening Instruments for Children 2 to 3 Years Old ....................................................73
Table 6. Screening Instruments for Children 3 to 5 Years ...........................................................74
Table 7. Summary of Randomized Controlled Trials of Interventions ........................................80
Table 8. Summary of Evidence.....................................................................................................86

Appendix 1. Reviewers
Appendix 2. Search Strategies
Appendix 3. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria by Key Question
Appendix 4. USPSTF Quality Rating Criteria
Appendix 5. Search and Selection of Literature
Appendix 6. Evidence Table: Studies of Risk Factors
Appendix 7. Descriptions of Instruments Used in Studies
Appendix 8. Quality Ratings of Screening Instrument Studies
Appendix 9. Evidence Table: Randomized Controlled Trials of
Appendix 10. Quality Ratings of Intervention Studies

Speech and language development is considered a useful indicator of a child’s overall

development and cognitive ability by experts1 and is related to school success.2-7 Identification of

children at risk for developmental delay or related problems may lead to intervention services

and family assistance at a young age when chances for improvement are best.1 This rationale

supports preschool screening for speech and language delay, or primary language

impairment/disorder, as a part of routine well child care.

This evidence synthesis focuses on the strengths and limits of evidence about the

effectiveness of screening and interventions for speech and language delay in preschool age

children. Its objective is to determine the balance of benefits and adverse effects of routine

screening in primary care for the development of guidelines by the U.S. Preventive Services

Task Force (USPSTF). The target population includes all children up to age 5 years without

previously known conditions associated with speech and language delay, such as hearing and

neurological impairments. The evidence synthesis emphasizes the patient’s perspective in the

choice of tests, interventions, outcome measures, and potential adverse effects, and focuses on

those that are available and easily interpreted in the context of primary care. It also considers the

generalizability of efficacy studies performed in controlled or academic settings and interprets

the use of the tests and interventions in community-based populations seeking primary health


Burden of Condition/Epidemiology

Speech and language development in children is a dynamic process. Language

encompasses the understanding, processing, and production of communication. Language has

been described as a code made up of rules that include what words mean, how to make new

words, and how to combine words together.8 Understanding what word combinations are best in

what situations is also part of the language code. Speech is the verbal communication of


Several types of speech and language delay and disorders have been described, although

terminology varies (Table 1).8 Expressive language delay may exist without receptive language

delay but often they occur together in children as a mixed expressive/receptive language delay.

Some children also have disordered language. Language problems can involve difficulty with

grammar (syntax), words or vocabulary (semantics), the rules and system for speech sound

production (phonology), units of word meaning (morphology) and the use of language

particularly in social contexts (pragmatics). Speech problems may include stuttering or

dysfluency, articulation disorders, or unusual voice quality. Language and speech problems can

exist together or by themselves.8

Prevalence rates for speech and language delay have been reported across wide ranges.

A recent Cochrane review summarized prevalence data on speech delay, language delay, and

combined delay in preschool and school-aged children.9 For preschool children, 2 to 4.5 years

old, studies evaluating combined speech and language delay reported prevalence rates ranging

from 5% to 8%,10, 11 and studies of language delay from 2.3% to 19 %.9, 12-15 Untreated speech

and language delay in preschool children has shown variable persistence rates, from 0% to

100%, with most in the 40% to 60%.9 In one study, two-thirds of preschool children refered for

speech and language therapy and given no direct intervention proved eligible for therapy 12

months later.16

Preschool children with speech and language delay may be at increased risk for learning

disabilities once they reach school age.17 They may have difficulty reading in grade school,2

exhibit poor reading skills at age 7 or 8,3-5 and have difficulty with written language,6 in

particular. This may lead to overall academic underachievement,7 and, in some cases, lower IQ

scores13 that may persist into young adulthood.18 As adults, children with phonological

difficulties may hold lower skilled jobs than their non-language impaired siblings.19 In addition

to persisting speech and language related underachievement (verbal, reading, spelling), language

delayed children have also shown more behavior problems and impaired psychosocial

adjustment.20, 21

Healthcare Interventions

Assessing children for speech and language delay and disorders can involve a number of

approaches, although there is no uniformly accepted screening technique for use in the primary

care setting. Milestones for speech and language development in young children are generally

acknowledged (Table 2).8, 22 Concerns for delay arise if there are no verbalizations by the age of

one year, if speech is not clear, or if speech or language is different from that of other children of

the same age.8 A specific diagnosis is most often made by a specialist utilizing a battery of

instruments. Once a child has been diagnosed with a speech and language delay, interventions

may be prescribed based on individual needs.

Screening. Most formal instruments for assessing speech and language were designed for

diagnostic purposes and have not been widely evaluated for screening. Instruments constructed

to assess multiple developmental components, such as the Ages and Stages Questionnaire,23

Clinical Adaptive Test/Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale,24 and Denver

Developmental Screening Test,25 include speech and language components. Instruments specific

to communication domains include the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory,26

Ward Infant Language Screening Test, Assessment, Acceleration, and Remediation

(WILSTAAR),27 Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language,28 Early Language Milestone Scale,29

and several others. In addition, parent questionnaires and parent concern are often used to detect


Interventions. Therapy takes place in various settings including speech and language specialty

clinics, home, and schools or classrooms. Direct therapy or group therapy provided by a

clinician, caretaker, or teacher can be child centered and/or include peer and family components.

The duration of the intervention varies. Intervention strategies focus on one or more domains

depending on individual needs, such as expressive language, receptive language, expressive

phonology, receptive phonology, syntax, and lexical acquisition. Therapies can include naming

objects, modeling and prompting, individual peer or group play, discrimination tasks, reading,

and conversation.

Prior Recommendations and Guidelines

The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health made recommendations on screening and

intervention for global developmental disorders in preschool children, however, these do not

focus specifically on speech and language delay.31 The primary test evaluated in the Canadian

review, the Denver Developmental Screening Test, included items on language expression and

skills of articulation. However, due to limited evidence to support its validity and parental

anxiety around use of the test, the Task Force did not recommend it. They also concluded that

there was insufficient evidence to support either the inclusion or exclusion of other screening

instruments to screen asymptomatic preschool children.

Professional organizations and other groups have recommended various levels of

developmental assessment for preschool children. The American Academy of Pediatrics provides

detailed interview and examination parameters for physician well child visits from newborn to

late adolescence,22 as well as parameters for developmental surveillance and screening of infants

to pre-kindergarten children.32 Another guide for physicians, the Harriet Lane Handbook,33

devotes a chapter to development and behavior, describing milestones and recommendations for

specific language screening tools for infants and toddlers (Clinical Linguistic and Auditory

Milestone Scale)24and preschool aged children (Denver Developmental Assessment-language

scales).25 The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has recommendations for

older children, however, none specific to preschool children.34

Evaluations of the effectiveness of these guidelines are lacking and it is not clear how

consistently clinicians screen for speech and language delay in primary care practice. In one

study, 43% of parents reported that their young child (age 10 to 35 months) did not receive any

type of developmental assessment at their well child visit, and 30% of parents reported that their

child’s physician had not discussed how the child communicates.35 Potential barriers to

screening include lack of time, no clear protocols, and the competing demands of the primary

care visit.

Analytic Framework and Key Questions

The patient population, interventions, outcomes, and adverse effects of screening are

summarized in an analytic framework (Figure 1). Corresponding key questions guide the

literature review and evidence synthesis (Figure 2). Key questions examine a chain of evidence

about the effectiveness, accuracy, and feasibility of screening children age 5 years and younger

for speech and language delay in primary care settings (key questions 1 and 2), adverse effects of

screening (key question 3), the role of enhanced surveillance in primary care (key question 4),

effectiveness of interventions for children identified with delay (key questions 5, 6, and 7), and

adverse effects of interventions (key question 8).

Studies addressing key question 1, corresponding to the overarching arrow in the analytic

framework, would include all components in the continuum of the screening process. These

include the screening evaluation, diagnostic evaluation for children identified with delay by the

screening evaluation, interventions for children diagnosed with delay, and outcome measures

allowing determination of the effectiveness of the overall screening process. Enhanced

surveillance in primary care relates to the practice of closely observing children who may have

clinical concern for delay but not of the degree warranting a referral (“watchful waiting”).

Outcome measures in this review include speech and language specific outcomes as well as non-

speech and language health and functional outcomes such as social behavior, self-esteem, family

function, peer interaction, and school performance. Key questions 5 examines whether speech

and language interventions lead to improved speech and language outcomes. Key question 6

examines whether speech and language interventions lead to improved non-speech and language

outcomes. Key question 7 evaluates the downstream effect of improved speech and language,

such as improved school performance at a later age.


Literature Search and Strategy

Relevant studies were identified from multiple searches of MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and

CINAHL databases (1966 to November 19, 2004). Search strategies are described in Appendix

2. Additional articles were obtained from recent systematic reviews,9, 36 reference lists of

pertinent studies, reviews, editorials, and websites, and by consulting experts. In addition,

investigators attempted to collect instruments and accompanying manuals, however, these

materials are not generally available and must be purchased limiting the evidence review to

published papers available through libraries.

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
Investigators reviewed all abstracts identified by the searches and determined eligibility

by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria specific to each key question (Appendix 3). Full-

text articles of included abstracts were then reviewed for relevance. Eligible articles had

English-language abstracts, were applicable to U.S. clinical practice, and provided primary data

relevant to key questions. Studies of children with previously diagnosed conditions known to

cause speech and language delay (e.g., autism, mental retardation, Fragile X, hearing loss,

degenerative and other neurological disorders) were not included because the scope of this

review is screening children without known diagnoses. Only randomized controlled trials were

considered for examining the effectiveness of interventions. Studies related to other key

questions included controlled trials, observational studies, and systematic reviews.

Studies of risk factors were included if they focused on children 5 years or younger,

reported associations between predictor variables and speech and language outcomes, and were

relevant to selecting candidates for screening. Otitis media as a risk factor for speech and

language delay is a complex and controversial area and was not included in this review.

Studies of techniques to assess speech and language were included if they focused on

children age 5 years and younger, could be applied to a primary care setting, used clearly defined

measures, compared the screening technique to an acceptable reference standard, and reported

data allowing calculation of sensitivity and specificity. Techniques taking more than 30 minutes

to administer or could only be administered by specialists were considered inappropriate for

routine screening in primary care. In general, if the instrument was administered by primary care

physicians, nurses, research associates, or other nonspecialists for the study, it was assumed that

it could be administered by nonspecialists in a clinic. For questionable cases, experts in the field

were consulted to help determine appropriateness for primary care. Broader developmental

screening instruments were included, such as the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and Denver

Developmental Screening Test, if they provided outcomes related to speech and language delay


Outcome measures were considered if they were obtained at any time or age after

screening and/or intervention as long as the initial assessment occurred while the child was age 5

years or younger. Outcomes included speech and language measures as well as other functional

(e.g., social behavior, self-esteem, peer interaction and school performance) and health


Data Extraction and Synthesis
All eligible studies were reviewed, and data were extracted from each study, entered into

evidence tables, and summarized by descriptive methods. For some studies of screening

instruments, sensitivity and specificity were calculated by the investigators if adequate data were

presented in the paper. No statistical analyses were performed because of heterogeneity of

studies, and investigators and members of the USPSTF concluded that speech and language

outcomes do not provide data appropriate for an outcomes table model. Investigators

independently rated the quality of studies using criteria specific to different study designs

developed by the USPSTF (Appendix 4).37 The quality of the study does not necessarily indicate

the quality of an instrument or intervention, but may influence interpretation of the results of the


Size of Literature Reviewed

Investigators reviewed 5,377 abstracts identified by the searches (Appendix 5), and

excluded 4,687 articles from further review because they focused on animals, studied the wrong

population, were not applicable to U.S. clinical practice, were an opinion or letter with no data,

or did not address key questions. From the searches, 690 full-text articles were reviewed. An

additional 55 non-duplicate articles identified from reference lists and experts were also



Key Question 1. Does Screening for Speech and Language Delay

Result in Improved Speech and Language as well as Improved Other

Non-speech and Language Outcomes?

No studies addressed this question.

Key Question 2. Do Screening Evaluations in the Primary Care

Setting Accurately Identify Children for Diagnostic Evaluation and


2a. Does Identification of Risk Factors Improve Screening?

A total of 246 abstracts about risk factors for speech and language delay were identified

from literature searches, and 78 full text papers were reviewed. Nine studies conducted in

English speaking populations,38-46 and 7 studies from non-English speaking populations47-53 met

inclusion criteria (Table 3; Appendix 6).

English-language studies included case control,39, 41-43, 45 cross sectional,38, 40, 44 and

prospective cohort46 designs. Sample sizes ranged from 2438 to 1,10245 subjects. Most studies

evaluated risk for language delay with or without speech delay, and one restricted the evaluation

to expressive language only.46 Family history was the most consistent significantly associated

risk factor in 5 of 7 studies that examined it.39, 41, 43-45 Family history was defined as family

members who were late talking or had language disorders, speech problems, or learning

problems. Male sex was a significant factor in all 3 of the studies examining it.39, 41, 44 Three39,
43, 45
of 5 studies reported an association between lower maternal education level and language

delay, while 343-45 of 4 studies evaluating paternal education level reported a similar relationship.

Other associated risk factors reported less consistently included childhood illnesses,38, 42 born late

in the family birth order,44 family size,41 older parents41 or younger mother45 at birth, and low

socioeconomic status or minority race.42 One study evaluating history of asthma found no

association with speech and language delay.41

The 7 studies assessing risk in non-English speaking populations include case control,49

cross sectional,47 prospective cohort,50-53 and concurrent comparison48 designs ranging from 7248

to 8,37053 subjects. Studies evaluated several types of delay including vocabulary,48 speech,47

stuttering,49 language,50-53 and learning.51-53 Significant associations were reported in the 2

studies evaluating family history,47, 50 and one of 2 studies evaluating male sex.53 Three of 4 non-

English language studies, including a cohort of more than 8,000 children in Finland,53 reported

significant associations with perinatal risk factors such as prematurity,52, 53 birth difficulties,47

low birth weight,53 and sucking habits.47 An association with perinatal risk factors was not found

in the one English language study that examined low birth weight.45 Other associated risk factors

reported less consistently include parental education level,51, 52 and family factors such as size

and overcrowding.52, 53 These studies did not find associations with mother’s stuttering or

speaking style or rate,49 mother’s age,53 and child temperament.48

Key Questions 2b and 2c. What Are Screening Techniques and How

Do They Differ by Age? What Is the Accuracy of Screening

Techniques and How Does It Differ by Age?

A total of 44 papers reporting performance characteristics of 51 screening evaluations

met inclusion criteria. Techniques taking 30 minutes or less to complete that could be

administered in a primary care setting were considered to have potential for screening purposes,

although many instruments were not designed specifically for this use. Studies utilized a variety

of standardized and nonstandardized instruments and compared them with several different

reference standards. No gold standard was acknowledged or used across studies. Instruments are

described in Appendix 7. Studies were grouped by age categories according to the youngest ages

included, although many studies included children in overlapping categories. Studies provided

limited demographic details of subjects, and most included predominantly Caucasian children

with similar proportions of boys and girls. Studies are summarized in Table 4 (up to 2 years

old), Table 5 (ages 2 to 3 years), and Table 6 (ages 3 to 5 years). Quality scores are described in

Appendix 8.

Ages 0 to 2 years. Twenty-one studies described performance characteristics of 25 evaluations

for children up to 2 years old.12, 29, 54-72 Eleven studies from 10 publications utilized instruments

taking 10 minutes or less to administer, including the Early Language Milestone Scale,29, 63

Parent Evaluation of Developmental Status,67 Denver Developmental Screening Test II

(language component),68 Pediatric Language Acquisition Screening Tool for Early Referral,60

Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale,65 Language Development Survey,54, 58, 69 and

the Bayley Infant Neurodevelopmental Screener.56 Of these, 6 studies tested expressive and/or

receptive language,29, 56, 60, 63, 67, 68 3 expressive vocabulary,54, 58, 69 one articulation,73 and one

syntax and pragmatics.65 Testing was conducted in general health clinics, specialty clinics, day

care centers, schools, and homes by pediatricians, speech and language specialists, psychologists,

medical or graduate students, parents, and research assistants. Study sizes ranged from 4863 to

42258 subjects. One study enrolled predominantly African American children.60

For the 10 fair and good-quality studies providing data to determine sensitivity and

specificity of evaluating children up to 2 years old with instruments administered in 10 minutes

or less sensitivity ranged from 22% to 97% and specificity from 66% to 97% (Figure 3a-b).29, 54,
56, 58, 60, 65, 67-69
Four studies reported sensitivity and specificity of 80% or better: a fair-quality

study using the Early Language Milestone Scale,29 2 studies, rated fair to good69 and fair,54 using

the Language Development Survey, and one fair-quality study using the Clinical Linguistic and

Auditory Milestone Scale.65 The study of the Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale

also determined sensitivity and specificity by age, and reported higher sensitivity/specificity at

age 14 to 24 months (83%/93%) than 25 to 36 months (68%/89%) for receptive function, but

lower sensitivity/specificity at age 14 to 24 months (50%/91%) than 25 to 36 months (88%/98%)

for expressive function.65 A study testing expressive vocabulary using the Language

Development Survey indicated higher sensitivity/specificity at age 2 years (83%/97%) than at

age 3 years (67%/93%).54

Ages 2 to 3 years. Twelve studies described performance characteristics of 14 evaluations for

children ages 2 to 3 years.11, 74-84 Ten studies in 9 publications utilized instruments taking 10

minutes or less to administer, including the Parent Language Checklist,11 Structured Screening

Test,75 Levett-Muir Language Screening Test,81 Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language

Screening Test,76, 83 Screening Kit of Language Development,77 Hackney Early Language

Screening Test,79, 80 and Early Language Milestone Scale.84 All studies tested expressive and/or

receptive language,11, 75-77, 79-81, 83, 84 3 articulation,76, 83 and one syntax and phonology.81 Testing

was conducted in general health clinics, specialty clinics, preschools, and homes by

pediatricians, speech and language specialists, teachers, parents, and health visitors. Study sizes

ranged from 2579 to 2,59011 subjects. One study included subjects predominantly from rural


For the 8 fair and good quality studies providing data to determine sensitivity and

specificity of evaluating children ages 2 to 3 years with instruments administered in 10 minutes

or less, sensitivity ranged from 17% to 100% and specificity from 45% to 100% (Figure 4a-b).

Two studies reported sensitivity and specificity of 80% or better: one study rated fair that used

the Levett-Muir Language Screening Test,81 and one rated fair that used the Screening Kit of

Language Development.77 The study of the Screening Kit of Language Development reported

comparable sensitivity/specificity at ages 30 to 36 months (100%/98%), 37 to 42 months

(100%/91%), and 43 to 48 months (100%/93%).77

Ages 3 to 5 years. Eleven studies described performance characteristics of 12 evaluations for

children ages 3 to 5 years.73, 76, 85-93 Three studies utilized instruments taking 10 minutes or less

to administer, including the Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test,73 Test for

Examining Expressive Morphology,88 and the Sentence Repetition Screening Test.93 Of these, 2

studies tested expressive and receptive language and articulation,73, 93 and one expressive

vocabulary and syntax.88 Testing was conducted in general clinics, specialty clinics, and

preschools by nurses, speech and language specialists, and teachers. Study sizes ranged from

4088 to 18273 subjects.

For the 3 fair quality studies providing data to determine sensitivity and specificity of

evaluating children ages 3 to 5 years with instruments administered in 10 minutes or less

(including the study of the Screening Kit of Language Development described in the previous

section77), sensitivity ranged from 57% to 100% and specificity from 80% to 95% (Figure 5a-

b).73, 77, 93

Systematic review. A Cochrane systematic review of 45 studies, including most of the studies

cited above, summarized the sensitivity and specificity of instruments taking 30 minutes or less

to administer.9 Sensitivity of instruments for normally developing children ranged from 17% to

100%, and for children from clinical settings from 30% to 100%. Specificity ranged from 43%

to 100%, and 14% to 100% respectively. Studies considered to be of higher quality tended to

have higher specificity than sensitivity (+=4.41, p<0.001), however, high false-positive and

false-negative rates were often reported.9

2d. What Are the Optimal Ages and Frequency for Screening?

No studies addressed this question.

Key Question 3. What Are the Adverse Effects of Screening?

No studies addressed this question. Potential adverse effects include false positive and

false negative results. False positive results can erroneously label children with normal speech

and language as impaired, potentially leading to anxiety for children and families and further

testing and interventions. False negative results would miss identifying children with

impairment, potentially leading to progressive speech and language delay and other long-term

effects including communication, social, and academic problems. In addition, once delay is

identified, children may be unable to access services because of unavailability or lack of

insurance coverage.

Key Question 4. What Is the Role of Enhanced Surveillance by

Primary Care Clinicians?

This question relates to the role of enhanced surveillance by a primary care clinician once

a child demonstrates clinical concern for speech and language delay. No studies addressed this


Key Question 5. Do Interventions for Speech and Language Delay

Improve Speech and Language Outcomes?

Twenty-five randomized controlled trials in 24 publications met inclusion criteria (Table

7; Appendix 9) including one rated good,94 13 fair,95-107 and 11 poor quality99, 108-117 (Appendix

10). Studies were considered poor quality if they reported important differences between

intervention and comparison groups at baseline, did not use intention-to-treat analysis, no

method of randomization was reported, and there were fewer than 10 subjects in intervention or

comparison groups. Limitations of studies, in general, include small numbers of participants

(only 4 studies enrolled more than 50 subjects), lack of consideration of potential confounders,

and disparate methods of assessment, intervention, and outcome measurement. As a result,

conclusions about effectiveness are limited. Although children in the studies ranged from 18 to

75 months old, most studies included children age 2 to 4 years old and results do not allow

determination of optimal ages of intervention.

Studies evaluated the effects of individual or group therapy directed by clinicians and/or

parents focusing on specific speech and lanugage domains. These include expressive and

receptive language, articulation, phonology, lexical acquisition, and syntax. Several studies used

established approaches to therapy, such as the WILSTAAR program118 and the HANEN

principles.100, 101, 107, 115 Others used more theoretical approaches, such as focused stimulation,100,
101, 108, 109, 115
auditory discrimination,105, 112 imitation or modeling procedures,98, 114 auditory

processing or work mapping,107 and play narrative language.102, 103 Some interventions focused

on specific words and sounds, used unconventional methods, or targeted a specific deficit.

Outcomes were measured by subjective reports from parents,99, 100, 102, 107 and by scores

on standardized instruments, such as the Reynell Expressive and Receptive Scales,96, 99 the

Preschool Language Scale,94, 97, 107 and the MacArthur Communicative Development

Inventories.102, 115 The most widely used outcome measure was Mean Length Utterances

(MLUs) used by 6 studies.95, 97, 99, 102, 107

Studies rated good or fair quality are described below by age categories according to the

youngest ages included, although many studies included children in overlapping categories.

Ages 0 to 2 years. No studies examined this age group exclusively, although one good-quality

study enrolled children 18 to 42 months old.94 The clinician-directed, 12-month intervention

consisted of 10-minute weekly sessions focusing on multiple language domains, expressive and

receptive language, and phonology. Treatment for receptive auditory comprehension lead to

significant improvement for the intervention group compared to control group, however, results

did not differ between groups for several expressive and phonology outcomes.94

Ages 2 to 3 years. One good94 and 6 fair-quality studies99-102, 106, 107 evaluated speech and

language interventions for children 2 to 3 years old. Studies reported improvement on a variety

of communication domains including clinician-directed treatment for expressive and receptive

language,102 parent-directed therapy for expressive delay,99, 100 and clinician-directed receptive

auditory comprehension.94 Lexical acquisition was improved with both clinician-directed

therapy106, 113 and group therapy approaches.106 In 3 studies, there were no between group

differences for clinician-directed expressive94, 107 or receptive language therapy,94, 107 parent-

directed expressive or receptive therapy,107 or parent-directed phonology treatment.101

Ages 3 to 5 years. Five fair-quality studies reported significant improvements for children 3 to 5

years old undergoing interventions compared to controls,95, 96, 98, 103, 104 while 2 studies reported

no differences.97, 105 Both group-based interventions103 and clinician-directed interventions96

were successful at improving expressive and receptive competencies.

Systematic review. A Cochrane systematic review included a meta-analysis utilizing data from

25 randomized controlled trials of interventions for speech and language delay for children up to

adolesence.36 Twenty-three of these studies also met criteria for this review and were

included,94-114, 117 and 2 trials were unpublished. The review reported results in terms of standard

mean differences (SMD) in scores for a number of domains (expressive and receptive

phonology, syntax, and vocabulary). Effectiveness was considered significant for both the

phonological (SMD=0.44; 95% CI, 0.01-0.86) and vocabulary (SMD=0.89; 95% CI, 0.21-1.56)

interventions. Less effective was the receptive intervention (SMD=-0.04; 95% CI, 0.64-0.56),

and results were mixed for the expressive syntax intervention (SMD=1.02; 95% CI, 0.04-2.01).

In the analysis, when interventions were comparable in duration and intensity, there were no

differences between interventions when administered by trained parents or clinicians for

expressive delays. Use of normal language peers as part of the intervention strategy also proved


Key Question 6. Do Interventions for Speech and Language Delay

Improve Other Non-Speech and Language Outcomes?

Four good94 or fair-quality102, 103, 107 intervention studies included functional outcomes

other than speech and language (Table 7; Appendix 9). Increased toddler socialization skills,102

improved child self-esteem,107 and improved play themes103 were reported for children in

intervention groups in 3 studies. Improved parent-related functional outcomes included

decreased stress102 and increased positive feelings toward their children.107 Functional outcomes

studied but not showing significant treatment effects included well being, levels of play and

attention, and socialization skills in one study.94

Key Question 7. Does Improvement in Speech and Language

Outcomes Lead to Improved Additional Outcomes?

No studies addressed this question.

Key Question 8. What Are the Adverse Effects of Interventions?
No studies addressed this question. Potential adverse effects of treatment programs

include the impact of time and cost of interventions on clinicians, parents, children, and siblings.

In addition, loss of time for play and family activities, stigmatization, and labeling may be

potential adverse effects.

Key Question 9. What Are Cost-Effectiveness Issues?

No studies addressed this question.



Results of the evidence synthesis are summarized in Table 8 by key question. Studies are

not available addressing the overarching key question about the effectiveness of screening (key

question 1), adverse effects of screening (key question 3), the role of enhanced surveillance in

primary care (key question 4), long-term effectiveness of interventions on non-speech and

language outcomes for children identified with delay (key questions 7), and adverse effects of

interventions (key question 8). No studies determine the optimal ages and frequency for

screening (key question 2d). Relevant studies are available regarding the use of risk factors for

screening (key question 2a), techniques for screening (key question 2b and 2c), and effectiveness

of interventions on short-term speech and language and non-speech and language outcomes for

children identified with delay (key questions 5 and 6).

The use of risk factors for selective screening has not been evaluated and a list of specific

risk factors to guide primary care physicians has not been developed or tested. Sixteen studies

about potential risk factors for speech and language delay in children enrolled heterogeneous

populations, had dissimilar inclusion and exclusion criteria, and measured different risk factors

and outcomes. The most consistently reported risk factors included a family history of speech

and language delay, male sex, and perinatal factors. Other risk factors reported less consistently

included educational levels of the mother and father, childhood illnesses, birth order, and family


The performance characteristics of 51 evaluations using 32 instruments taking 30 minutes

or less to administer were described in 44 studies relevant to screening. Studies utilizing

evaluations taking 10 minutes or less and rated good to fair in quality reported wide ranges of

sensitivity and specificity when compared to reference standards (sensitivity 17% to 100%;

specificity 45% to 100%). In these studies, instruments providing the highest sensitivity and

specificity included the Early Language Milestone Scale, Clinical Linguistic and Auditory

Milestone Scale, Language Development Survey, Screening Kit of Language Development, and

the Levett-Muir Language Screening Test. Most of the evaluations, however, were not designed

for screening purposes, instruments measured different domains, and the study populations and

settings were often outside primary care. No gold standard has been developed and tested for

screening, reference standards varied across studies, few studies compared the performance of 2

or more screening techniques in one population, and comparisons of a single screening technique

across different populations are lacking. The optimal methods and ages for screening cannot be

determined from these studies.

Randomized controlled trials of multiple types of interventions reported significantly

improved speech and language outcomes compared to control groups. Improvement was

demonstrated in several domains including articulation, phonology, expressive language,

receptive language, lexical acquisition, and syntax among children in all age groups studied and

across multiple therapeutic settings. However, studies were small, heterogeneous, may be subject

to plateau effects, and reported short-term outcomes based on various instruments and measures.

As a result, long-term outcomes are not known, interventions could not be directly compared to

determine optimal approaches, and generalizability is questionable.

Limitations of the Literature

There are many limitations of the literature relevant to screening for speech and language

delay in preschool age children including lack of studies specific to screening as well as

difficulties inherent in this area of research. This evidence review is limited by use of only

published studies of instruments and interventions. Data about performance characteristics of

instruments, in particular, are not generally accessible and are often only available in manuals

that must be purchased. Interventions vary widely and may not be generalizable. In addition,

studies from countries with different health care systems, such as the U.K., may not translate

well to U.S. practice.

Although speech and language development is multi-dimensional, the individual

constructs that comprise it are often assessed separately. Numerous evaluation instruments and

interventions accommodating children across a wide range of developmental stages have been

developed to identify and treat specific abnormalities of these functions. As a result, studies

include many different instruments and interventions that are most often designed for purposes

other than screening. Also, studies of interventions typically focus on one or a few interventions.

In clinical practice, children are provided with individualized therapies consisting of multiple

interventions. The effectiveness of these complex interventions may be difficult to evaluate.

Adapting results of this heterogeneous literature to determine benefits and adverse effects of

screening is problematic. Also, behavioral interventions are difficult to conduct in long-term

randomized trials, and it is not possible to blind parents or clinicians. Randomizing children to

therapy or control groups when clinical practice standards support therapy raise ethical


Speech and language delay is defined by measurements on diagnostic instruments in

terms of a position on a normal distribution. Measures and terminology are inconsistently used

and there is no recognized gold standard. This is challenging when defining cases and

determining performance characteristics of screening instruments in studies.

Identification of speech and language delay may be associated with benefits and adverse

effects that would not be captured by studies of clinical or health outcomes. The process of

screening alerts physicians and caretakers to developmental milestones and focuses attention on

the child’s development, potentially leading to increased surveillance, feelings of caregiver

support, and improved child self esteem. Alternatively, caretakers and children may experience

increased anxiety and stress during the screening and evaluation process. Detection of other

conditions during the course of speech and language evaluation, such as hearing loss, is an

unmeasured benefit if appropriate interventions can improve the child’s status.

Identification of speech and language delay may be associated with benefits and adverse

effects that would not be captured by studies of clinical or health outcomes. The process of

screening alerts physicians and caretakers to developmental milestones and focuses attention on

the child’s development, potentially leading to increased surveillance, feelings of caregiver

support, and improved child self esteem. Alternatively, caretakers and children may experience

increased anxiety and stress during the screening and evaluation process. Detection of other

conditions during the course of speech and language evaluation, such as hearing loss, is an

unmeasured benefit if appropriate interventions can improve the child’s status.

Future Research
Future research should focus on determining optimal approaches of identifying preschool

age children with speech and language delay in primary care settings who would be appropriate

candidates for further evaluations and possibly speech and language interventions. These

approaches should be integrated into routine developmental surveillance practices of clinicians

caring for children.119 Studies evaluating the effectiveness of validated brief screening

instruments that include child and caretaker components could lead to a more standardized

approach. Studies of specific speech and language components of currently available broad

developmental screening instruments, such as Ages and Stages, would be useful. Incorporation

of risk factors and parent report in studies of screening approaches could provide information

about their added value. Additional studies that compare screening instruments and methods in

large primary care populations could lead to defining gold standards and acceptable referral

criteria. Evaluating these in different populations of children would minimize cultural and

language biases.

Future research should determine the benefits and adverse effects of undergoing

screening, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment, and how these impact later development.

Translational studies of professional guidelines, Bright Futures, Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention goals, and others would be useful to determine the feasibility and impact of

screening. Further work about the effectiveness of interventions, including speech and language

domain specific results, may provide new insights. School-based efforts could be designed to

complement strategies developed for young children improving long term outcomes. Results of

these studies may help determine optimal ages and intervals for screening. Functional long term

outcomes such as school performance and social adjustment need to be more thoroughly



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86. Conti-Ramsden G. Processing and linguistic markers in young children with specific

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87. Gray S. Diagnostic accuracy and test-retest reliability of nonword repetition and digit

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88. Merrell AW, Plante E. Norm-referenced test interpretation in the diagnostic process.

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89. Plante E, Vance R. Diagnostic accuracy of two tests of preschool language. Am J Speech

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in children who speak African-American vernacular English: an experimental testing

instrument. J Commun Disord. 1998;31(4):315-335.

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92. Feeney J, Bernthal J. The efficiency of the revised Denver Developmental Screening Test

as a language screening tool. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools.


93. Sturner RA, Funk SG, Green JA. Preschool speech and language screening: further

validation of the sentence repetition screening test. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 1996;17(6):405-


94. Glogowska M, Roulstone S, Enderby P, Peters TJ. Randomised controlled trial of

community based speech and language therapy in preschool children. BMJ.


95. Almost D, Rosenbaum P. Effectiveness of speech intervention for phonological

disorders: a randomized controlled trial.[erratum appears in Dev Med Child Neurol 1998

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96. Barratt J, Littlejohns P, Thompson J. Trial of intensive compared to weekly speech

therapy in preschool children. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 1992;671:106-108.

97. Cole KN, Dale PS. Direct language instruction and interactive language instruction with

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98. Courtright JA, Courtright IC. Imitative modeling as a language intervention strategy: the

effects of two mediating variables. J Speech Hear Res. 1979;22(2):389-402.

99. Gibbard D. Parental-based intervention with pre-school language-delayed children. Eur J

Disord Commun. 1994;29(2):131-150.

100. Girolametto L, Pearce PS, Weitzman E. Interactive focused stimulation for toddlers with

expressive vocabulary delays. J Speech Hear Res. 1996;39(6):1274-1283.

101. Girolametto L, Pearce PS, Weitzman E. Effects of lexical intervention on the phonology

of late talkers. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 1997;40(2):338-348.

102. Robertson SB, Weismer SE. Effects of treatment on linguistic and social skills in toddlers

with delayed language development. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 1999;42(5):1234-1248.

103. Robertson SB, Weismer SE. The influence of peer models on the play scripts of children

with specific language impairment. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 1997;40(1):49-61.

104. Rvachew S, Nowak M. The effect of target-selection strategy on phonological learning. J

Speech Lang Hear Res. 2001;44:610-623.

105. Shelton RL, Johnson AF, Ruscello DM, Arndt WB. Assessment of parent-administered

listening training for preschool children with articulation deficits. J Speech Hear Disord.


106. Wilcox MJ, Kouri TA, Caswell SB. Early language intervention: a comparison of

classroom and individual treatment. Am J Speech-Lang Path. 1991;1(1):49-61.

107. Law J, Kot A, Barnett G. A comparison of two methods for providing intervention to

three year old children with expressive/receptive language impairment. London:

Department of Language and Communication Science, City University; 1999. 002.

108. Fey ME, Cleave PL, Ravida AI, S.H. L, Dejmal AE, Easton DL. Effects of grammar

facilitation on phonological performance of children with speech and language

impairments. J Speech Hear Res. 1994;37:594-607.

109. Fey ME, Cleave PL, Long SH. Two models of grammar facilitation in children with

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110. Mulac A, Tomlinson CN. Generalization of an operant remediation program for syntax

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111. Ruscello DM, Cartwright LR, Haines KB, Shuster LI. The use of different service

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112. Rvachew S. Speech perception training can facilitate sound production learning. J Speech

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113. Schwartz RG, Chapman K, Terrell BY, Prelock P, Rowan L. Facilitating word

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114. Fey ME, Cleave PL, Long SH, Hughes DL. Two approaches to the facilitation of

grammar in children with language impairment: an experimental evaluation. J Speech

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115. Girolametto L, Pearce PS, Weitzman E. The effects of focused stimulation for promoting

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116. Glogowska M, Campbell R, Peters TJ, Roulstone S, Enderby P. A multimethod approach

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117. Reid J, Donaldson ML. The effectiveness of therapy for child phonological disorder: the

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118. Sutton L, Tapper L. Investigating WILSTAAR. Bulletin of the Royal College of Speech

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119. King TM, Glascoe FP. Developmental surveillance of infants and young children in

pediatric primary care. Current Opinion in Pediatrics. 2003;15(6):624-629.


No delay Appropriate
Enhanced Diagnostic detected follow up
Surveillance Evaluation
Screening 4
Evaluation Clinical Other
concern Referral development Appropriate
for delay delay* Referral
Infants 2
Improved speech
(1-60 mos) 3 No Intervention 5
& language
Speech &
Adverse 7
language delay
non speech &
Adverse 6 language
Effects outcomes †
* Autism, mental retardation, Fragile X, hearing loss, degenerative and
other neurologic disorders.
† School performance, family function, social function, and others.

Key Questions

1. Does screening for speech & language delay result in improved speech & language as well as
improved other non speech & language outcomes?
2. Do screening evaluations in the primary care setting accurately identify children for diagnostic
evaluation and interventions?
a. Does identification of risk factors improve screening?
b. What are screening techniques and how do they differ by age?
c. What is the accuracy of screening techniques and how does it vary by age?
d. What are the optimal ages and frequency for screening?
3. What are the adverse effects of screening?
4. What is the role of enhanced surveillance by primary care clinicians?
5. Do interventions for speech & language delay improve speech & language outcomes?
6. Do interventions for speech & language delay improve other non speech & language outcomes?
7. Does improvement in speech & language outcomes lead to improved additional outcomes?
8. What are the adverse effects of interventions?
9. What are cost effectiveness issues?

5 1
90 5

4 6





15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

Expressive/Receptive Language Other


1. Early Language Milestone Scale (Coplan, 1982); sensitivity 97percent, specificity 93 percent.
2. *Parent Evaluation of Developmental Status (Glascoe, 1991); sensitivity 72 percent, specificity
83 percent.
3. *Denver Developmental Screening Test II (language component) (Glascoe, 1993); sensitivity 73
percent, specificity 76 percent.
4. *Denver Developmental Screening Test II (communication component) (Glascoe, 1993);
sensitivity 22 percent, specificity 86 percent.
5. Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale (Clark, 1995); receptive: sensitivity 83 percent,
specificity 93 percent; expressive: sensitivity 50 percent, specificity 91 percent.
6. Language Development Survey (Klee, 1998); sensitivity 91 percent, specificity 87 percent.
7. Language Development Survey (Klee, 2000); sensitivity 83 percent, specificity 97 percent.
8. Language Development Survey (Rescorla, 2001); vs Bayley: sensitivity 75 percent, specificity
96 percent; vs Binet: sensitivity 56 percent, specificity 95 percent; vs Reynell: sensitivity 89
percent, specificity 77 percent.
9. *Bayley Infant Neurodevelopmental Screener (Macias, 1998); sensitivity 73 percent, specificity
66 percent.
10. Pediatric Language Acquisition Screening Tool for Early Referral (Sherman, 1996); sensitivity
53 percent, specificity 86 percent.

*Speech and language component of broader instrument.


100 3
5 4
90 2


70 8



15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Expressive/Receptive Language Other


1. Parent Language Checklist (Burden, 1996); sensitivity 87 percent, specificity 45 percent.

2. Structured Screening Test (Laing, 2002); sensitivity 54 percent, specificity 90 percent.
3. Levett-Muir Language Screening Test (Levett, 1983); sensitivity 100 percent; specificity 100
4. Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test (Sturner, 1993; study 1); speech:
sensitivity 74 percent, specificity 96 percent; language: sensitivity 38 percent, specificity 85
5. Fluharty Preschool Speech ad Language Screening Test (Sturner, 1993; study 2); speech:
sensitivity 43 percent, specificity 93 percent; language: sensitivity 17 percent, specificity 97
6. Fluharty Preschool Speech ad Language Screening Test (Blaxley, 1983); sensitivity 36 percent,
specificity 95 percent.
7. Screening Kit of Language Development (Bliss, 1984); sensitivity 100 percent, specificity 97.7
8. Hackney Early Language Screening Test (Law, 1994); sensitivity 98 percent, specificity 69


1 3

80 2




50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Expressive/Receptive Language Other


1. Sentence Repetition Screening Test (Sturner, 1996); receptive and expressive language: sensitivity 62
percent, specificity 91 percent; articulation: sensitivity 57 percent, specificity 95 percent.
2. Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test (Allen, 1987);sensitivity 60 percent, specificity
80 percent.
3. Screening Kit of Language Development (Bliss, 1984); sensitivity 100 percent, specificity 91 percent for
37-42 months; sensitivity 100 percent, specificity 93.4 percent for 43-48 months.
Table 1. Definitions of terms
Term Definition

Articulation The production of speech sounds

Dysfluency Interrupted flow of speech sounds, such as stuttering

Expressive language The use of language to share thoughts, protest, or comment

Language The conceptual processing of communication which may be receptive and/or


Morphology The rules governing meanings of word units

Phonology The set of rules for sound production

Pragmatics Adaption of language to the social context

Prosody Appropriate intonation, rate, rhythm and loudness of speech utterances

Receptive language Understanding of language

Semantics A set of words known to a person that are a part of a specific language

Speech Verbal production of language

Syntax The way linguistic elements are put together to form phrases or clauses

Voice disorders Difficulty with speech sound production, at the level of the larynx, may be related
to motor or anatomical issues, e.g., hypernasal or hoarse speech


American Academy of Pediatrics

Guidelines for Health Supervision III Training Materials*

Age Full Manual Pocket Book

2 months Coos (making musical, vowel-like sounds); parents may notice No specific guidelines
differentiated crying for differing needs provided

4 months Coos reciprocally, expresses needs through differentiated crying, Check developmental
blows bubbles, may make "raspberry" sounds milestones

6 months Follows parents and objects visually to 180°, turns head toward Observe developmental
sounds and familiar voices, babbles, laughs, squeals, takes initiative in milestones
vocalizing and babbling at others, imitates sounds, plays by making

9 months Responds to own name, participates in verbal requests such as "wave Babbles, waves "bye-bye,"
bye-bye" or "where is mama or dada?," understands a few words such plays peek-a-boo, plays
as "no" or "bye-bye," imitates vocalizations, babbles using several with toys

12 Plays peek-a-boo, patty-cake, waves good-bye, likes to look at Communication between

months pictures in books and magazines, points to animals or named body baby and caregivers;
parts, imitates words, follows simple commands, e.g., waves bye-bye vocalization
or points when asked, "where is mommy?"

15 Says single words (approximately 5-15), uses unintelligible or Observe developmental

months meaningless words (jargon), communicates with gestures, points to milestones
one or two body parts on request, understands simple commands,
points to designated pictures in books, listens to stories being read

18 Understands commands, points to body parts on command, may put Observe interactions
months two words together between toddler and
2 years Has greater than 50-word vocabulary, speaks several two-word Observe developmental
phrases, follows single-step and two-step commands, listens to short milestones
stories, uses pronouns

3 years Speech is at least 75% intelligible; talks in short sentences but may No specific guidelines
leave out articles, plural markings, or tense markings; asks questions provided
such as "what's that?" and "why?"; understands prepositions and some

4 years Has extensive vocabulary; uses full sentences of at least six words; No specific guidelines
fully intelligible to strangers; asks questions with "why" "when" provided

5 years Tells a simple story using full sentences, appropriate tenses, Speech understandable;
pronouns; counts to 10; names at least four colors; has good full sentences or
articulation appropriate tenses

*American Academy of Pediatrics. Guidelines for Health Supervision III. Elk Grove Village, IL; 1997.

Age Speech &

Range Language Family Male Birth Perinatal Parental Medical
Author, Year Population (Months) Domains History Sex SES Order Factors Education Conditions Other Associations
English Language
Brookhouser, 24 referred from Boys 28-62 Language 0 NR NR NR NR NR X NR
197938 Town Institute

Campbell, 398 cases and 241 36 Speech X X X NR NR X NR NR

200339 controls from a large, Mother
prospective study in
Pittsburgh, PA

Cantwell, 600 children referred 20-191 Multiple types NR NR NR NR NR NR NR X

198540 from a speech and Psychiatric,
hearing clinic in Los behavioral, or
Angeles, CA developmental

Choudhury, 42 cases with positive 36 Language X X 0 NR NR 0 0 X

200341 family histories and 94 Mother or Asthma Older parents, more
controls from New York father children in family
City, NY area

Singer, 200142 98 cases (VLBW/BPD), 36 Language NR NR X NR NR NR X X

70 VLBW/non BPD BPD, PDA Neurologic risk,
controls, and 95 term minority race
controls from
Cleveland, OH region

Tallal, 198943 76 cases and 54 48-59 Language X NR NR NR NR X NR NR

controls from the San Mother or
Diego, CA Longitudinal father


Age Speech &

Range Language Family Male Birth Perinatal Parental Medical
Author, Year Population (Months) Domains History Sex SES Order Factors Education Conditions Other Associations
English Language (continued)
Tomblin, 662 from a longitudinal 30-60 Speech and X X NR X NR 0 NR NR
199144 cohort language Born Mother
later X

Tomblin, 177 cases and 925 Kinder- Speech and X NR NR NR 0 X NR X

199745 controls from metro garten language Low birth Mother or Younger mother,
regions of Iowa or age weight father less breastfeeding

Whitehurst, 62 cases and 55 24-38 Expressive 0 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR

199146 controls from Long language
Island, NY

Non-English Language
Fox, 200247 65 cases and 48 32-86 Speech X NR NR NR X NR NR NR
(Germany) controls Birth

Klein, 198648 72 kindergarten 48-108 Vocabulary NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0

(Israel) children from a middle- Child's behavior
class urban area

Kloth, 199549 93 referred because 23-58 Stuttering NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0

(Netherlands) one or both parents Mother stutters,
were stutterers or had speaking style or
a history of stuttering rate


Age Speech &

Range Language Family Male Birth Perinatal Parental Medical
Author, Year Population (Months) Domains History Sex SES Order Factors Education Conditions Other Associations
Lyytinen, 107 with familial risk of 0-54 Speech and X NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
200150 dyslexia and 93 without language


Age Speech &

Range Language Family Male Birth Perinatal Parental Medical
Author, Year Population (Months) Domains History Sex SES Order Factors Education Conditions Other Associations
Non-English Language (continued)
Peters, 199751 946 from a Dutch birth Language and NR 0 NR NR 0 X NR X
(Netherlands) cohort in Nijmegen 84-96 educational Preterm or Dutch as a second
attainment low birth language

Weindrich, 320 recruited at birth at Tested at Receptive and NR NR NR NR X X NR X

200052 a German hospital 54 and 96 expressive Preterm, Mother or Parental psychiatric
(Germany) months language and toxemia, father disorder,
articulation low birth overcrowding,
(54 months); weight parental broken
reading and home or
spelling (96 delinquency, one-
months) parent family,
unwanted pregnancy

Yliherva, 8,370 recruited at birth 96 Speech, NR X NR NR X 0 X 0

200153 from 2 northern language, Preterm, Mother Impaired Mother's age
(Finland) provinces of Finland learning, low birth hearing X
(99% of pregnant motor abilities weight >4 children in family,
women in 1985-1986) reconstructed family

X=statistically significant association
0=variable examined and not associated with delay
NR=not reported
SES=socioeconomic status
VLBW=very low birth weight
BPD=bronchopulmonary dysplasia
PDA=patent ductus arteriosis

Table 4. Screening Instruments for Children Up To 2 Years Old

Reference Time
Author, Year Instrument Standard Area Tested Setting Screener (minutes)

Under 5 Minutes to Administer

Glascoe, Parent Evaluation of Clinical Expressive Clinic Doctoral students 2

1991*, 67 Developmental assessment language and in psychology or
Status articulation special education

Coplan, 1982*, Early Language Clinical Expressive and Physician's office Medical students 1-10
Milestone Scale assessment receptive language

Black, 1988*, Early Language Receptive- Expressive and Large pediatric clinic, Not reported 5
Milestone Scale Expressive receptive language university teaching
Emergent hospital
Language Scale,
Bayley Scales of
Infant Development
Mean/ Study
Author, Range Quality
Year (months) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity Rating

Under 5 Minutes to Administer, Continued

Glascoe, 6-77 157 Subjects from an outpatient clinic or 72% 83% Good
1991*, 67 private practice
78% Caucasian
54% male

Coplan, 0-36 191 Infants from private practices and 97% 93% Fair
1982*, 29 pediatric outpatient department of local
80% Caucasian
50% male

Black, 1988*, 8-22 48 Infants from low socioeconomic groups 83% 100% Poor
Reference Time
Author, Year Instrument Standard Area Tested Setting Screener (minutes)

5-10 Minutes to Administer

Glascoe, Developmental Battery of Fine motor adaptive, Day care centers Psychologist 5-10
1993*, 68 Profile II measures personal social,
gross motor, and
Sherman, Pediatric Language Early Language Expressive and High risk group: Speech and 5
199660 Acquisition Screening Milestone Scale receptive language neonatal language
Tool for Early developmental pathologist and
Referral follow-up clinic graduate students
Control group:
speech and hearing

Mean/ Study
Range Quality
Author, Year (months) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity Rating

5-10 Minutes to Administer, Continued

Glascoe, 7-70 89 Children from five day care centers 73% 76% Fair
1993*, 68 52% male

Sherman, 3-36 173 123 high risk infants; 50 normal controls; 53% 86% Fair
199660 High risk: 63% African American, 37% Caucasian
Control: 50% Caucasian
Author, Admin
Year Instrument Reference Standard Area Tested Setting Screener Time

10 Minutes to Administer
Klee, 1998*, 69 Language Infant Mullen Scales Expressive Home Parent 10
Development Survey of Early Learning vocabulary

Clark, 1995*, 65 Clinical Linguistic and Sequenced Inventory Syntax and Home or school for the Speech and <10‡
Auditory Milestone of Communication pragmatics deaf language
Scale Development pathologist

Glascoe, 1993*, Denver Developmental Battery of measures Physical, self-help, Day care centers Psychologist <10
Screening Test II social, academic, and
(communication communication

Klee, 200054 Language Infant Mullen Scales Expressive Home Parent 10

Development Survey of Early Learning vocabulary

Macias, 199856 Bayley Infant Bayley Scales of Expressive and Physician's office Developmental 10
Neurodevelopmental Infant Development II receptive language pediatrician
Rescorla, 200158 Language Bayley Scales of Expressive Home Parent and 10
Development Survey Infant Development, vocabulary research assistant
Stanford-Binet, Delay 1 = >30 words
Reynell and no word
Developmental combinations
Language Scales Delay 2 = >30 words
or no word
Delay 3 = >50 words
or no word
10 Minutes to Administer, Continued

Age Mean/ Range Quality
Author, Year (months) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity Rating
Klee, 1998*, 69 24.7 306 Toddlers turning 2-years old during the study in 91% 87% Good-
(24-26) Wyoming Fair
52.2% male
Clark, 1995*, 65 0-36 99 Infants turning 1 or 2 years old during study Receptive: Receptive: Fair
55% male 14-24 months: 83% 14-24 months: 93%
25-36 months: 68% 25-36 months: 89%
Expressive: Expressive:
14-24 months: 50% 14-24 months: 91%
25-36 months: 88% 25-36 months: 98%
Glascoe, 1993*, 7-70 89 Children from five day care centers 22% 86% Fair
52% male

Klee, 200054 24 64 Children turning 2 years in a specific month in an area of At age 2: 83% At age 2: 97% Fair
Wyoming At age 3: 67 % At age 3: 93 %

Macias, 199856 13 78 Infants randomly selected from those presenting for Using middle-cut Using middle-cut Fair
(6-23) routine neonatal high-risk follow-up scores: 73% scores: 66%
53.8% male
61.5% African American

Rescorla, 24 422 Toddlers in four townships of Delaware County, PA Delay 1: Bayley - 70%; Delay 1: Bayley - 99%; Fair
200158 turning 2-years old during the study Binet - 52%; Reynell - Binet - 98%; Reynell -
67% 94%
Delay 2: Bayley - 75%; Delay 2: Bayley - 96%;
Binet - 56%; Reynell - Binet - 95%; Reynell -
89% 77%
Delay 3: Bayley - 80%; Delay 3: Bayley - 94%;
Binet - 64%; Reynell - Binet - 94%; Reynell -
94% 67%
Reference Time
Author, Year Instrument Standard Area Tested Setting Screener (minutes)

15-30 Minutes to Administer

Leppert, Cognitive Adaptive Bayley Scales of Visual motor and Physician's office Developmental 15-20
199855 Test/Clinical Infant Development language pediatrician
Linguistic and II
Auditory Milestone

Borowitz, Denver Preschool Expressive and Department of Psychologist 20‡

1986*, 64 Developmental Language Scale receptive language and pediatrics of
Screening Test articulation Vanderbilt University
(DDST) (language
Scherer, MacArthur Clinical Language Physician's office Pediatrician 20
1995*, 72 Communicative assessment
Inventory: Toddler
Age Study
Mean/ Quality
Range Rating
Author, Year (months) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity

15-30 Minutes to Administer, Continued

Leppert, 0-36 70 Infants at two primary care pediatric 44% 97% Fair
199855 settings presenting for well-baby visits
46% male
77% African American
11% premature (<38 weeks)

Borowitz, 18-66 71 Infants from low income families referred 46% 100% Fair
1986*, 64 to the clinic
82% Caucasian
77% male

Scherer, 8-30 60 Children with and without cleft palate 76% 91% Fair
1995*, 72 63% male
Admin. Time
Author, Year Instrument Reference Standard Area Tested Setting Screener (minutes)
30 or More Minutes to Administer

German, 1982* Revised Denver Sequenced Inventory Expressive and Clinic Public health <40
Developmental of Communication receptive language nurse
Screening Test Development,
(language subtest) McCarthy's Scales of
Children's General
Cognitive Abilities
Index, Bayley Scales
of Infant Development

Developmental Sequenced Inventory Expressive and Clinic Social worker <40

German, Profile II of Communication receptive language
1982*, 66 Development,
McCarthy's Scales of
Children's General
Cognitive Abilities
Index, Bayley Scales
of Infant

Glascoe, Battelle Battery of measures Expressive and Day care centers Psychologist 30
1993*, 68 Developmental receptive language
Inventory Screening
Rescorla, Language Bayley Scales of Expressive Physician's office Parent 30
1989*, 71 Development Survey Infant Development, vocabulary
Reynell Delay 1: <30
Developmental words and no
Language Scales combinations
Delay 2: <30
words or no
Delay 3: <50
words or no

Rescorla, Language Bayley Scales of Expressive Home Parent 30

1993*, 12 Development Survey Infant Development, vocabulary
Stanford-Binet Delay 1: <30
words and no
Delay 2: <30
words or no
Delay 3: <50
words or no
Rescorla, Language Child Behavior Expressive Home Parent 30
200259 Development Survey Checklist language
Mean/ Study
Range Quality
Author, Year (months) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity Rating

30 or More Minutes to Administer (Continued)

German, 6-68 84 All children were referred to the center Expressive: 92%-96% Expressive: 14%-49% Good-
1982* for delays Receptive: 95%-98% Receptive: 14%-45% Fair
58% male
57% Caucasian

German, 6-68 84 All children were referred to the center Expressive: 92%-98% Expressive: 42%-72% Good-
1982*, 66 for delays Receptive: 93%-100% Receptive: 36%-62% Fair
58% male
57% Caucasian

Glascoe, 7-70 89 Children from five day care centers 78% 70% Fair
1993*, 68 52% male
Rescorla, 24 81 Clinical and non-clinical sample Delay 1: 53% Delay 1: 97% Fair
1989*, 71 92% male Delay 2: 76% Delay 2: 89%
Delay 3: 89% Delay 3: 86%

Rescorla, 24 92 Subjects were from one school district Bayley: Bayley: Fair
1993*, 12 Delay 1: 78% Delay 1: 100%
Delay 2: 100% Delay 2: 93%
Delay 3: 100% Delay 3: 90%

Binet: Binet:
Delay 1: 67% Delay 1: 100%
Delay 2: 89% Delay 2: 93%
Delay 3: 100% Delay 3: 91%

Rescorla, 18-35 278 Children recruited through a national 18%† 86%† Fair
200259 survey
49% male
57% Caucasian
Reference Area Tested
Author, Year Instrument Standard Setting Screener Admin Time

Administration Time Not Reported

McGinty, Mayo Early Reynell Expressive Home Public health Not reported
2000*, 70 Language Screening Developmental vocabulary nurse
Test Language Scales,
Articulation Test

Stott, 200261 General Language Reynell Expressive and Physician Parent Not reported
Screen Developmental receptive language 's office
Language Scales,
Articulation Test,
British Picture
Vocabulary Scales
Ward, 198462 Author created Receptive- Receptive language Physician Health visitor Not reported
screening tool Expressive 's office
Language Scale
Oakenfull, WILSTAAR Screen Receptive- Language Home Speech and Not reported
200157 Expressive language
Emergent pathologist
Language Scale
Mean/ Study
Range Quality
Author, Year (months) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity Rating

Administration Time Not Reported, Continued

McGinty, 18-60 200 Children referred to the speech and Reynell:83.6% Reynell: 69.9% Poor
2000*, 70 language therapy department in Ireland
Controls were added by random Edinburgh: 76.5% Edinburgh: 72.8%
selection by the public health nurse at
the clinics

Stott, 200261 Not 1,861 Infants participating in the Cambridge 90%-100% 31%-43.8% Good-
reported Language and Speech Project Fair
47.2% male

Ward, 198462 9.7 1,070 All infants attending for their hearing 97%† 92%† Fair
(7-23) tests at one clinic

Oakenfull, 7 2,896 Referrals from the Central Speech and 81%† 93%† Poor
200157 Language Therapy Office
*Included in Law J, Boyle J, Harris F, Harkness A, Nye C. Screening for primary speech and language delay: a systematic review of the literature. International
Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. 1998;33(Suppl):21-23.

Numbers were calculated.

Numbers were estimated.

Author, Year Instrument Reference Standard Area tested Setting Screener (mins)
Under 7 minutes to administer

Burden, 199611 Parent Language Clinical judgement Expressive and Home (mailed) Parent <5 ‡
Checklist receptive language

Levett, 1983*, 81 Levett-Muir Language Reynell Developmental Language Receptive language, Physician's office Medical 5‡
Screening Test Scales, Goldman-Fristoe Test of phonology and syntax practitioners
Articulation, Language Assessment
and Remediation Procedure

Laing, 200275 Structured Screening Reynell Developmental Language Expressive and Physician's office Health visitor 5‡
Test Scales receptive language

Sturner, 1993*, 83 Fluharty Preschool Arizona Articulation Proficiency Expressive and Preschool Teacher 5-7
Study 1 Speech and Language Scale Revised, Test of Language receptive language
Screening Test Development Primary and articulation

Sturner, 1993*, 83 Fluharty Preschool Test for Auditory Comprehension Expressive and Preschool Teacher 5-7
Study 2 Speech and Language of Language Revised, Templin- receptive language
Screening Test Darley Test of Articulation and articulation

10-15 minutes to administer

Chaffee, 1990*, 78 Minnesota Child Reynell Developmental Language Expressive vocabulary Communicative Parent <15‡
Development Inventory Scales disorders clinic at
(expressive language the Child's hospital
and comprehension at Chedoke-
conceptual subscales) McMaster Hospital


mean/ Study
range quality
Author/year (mo) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity rating
Under 7 minutes to administer

Burden, 199611 36 2,590 All children turning 36 months. 87% 45% Good
52% male
41% from urban areas
Levett, 1983*, 81 34-40 140 Private practice population. 100% 100% Fair

Laing, 200275 30 376 Children from two low SES counties in Children with severe Children with severe Fair
London. language problems: 66% language problems: 89%
Children needing therapy: Children needing therapy:
54% 90%

Sturner, 1993*, 83 24-72 279 46% male Speech/Language: 43% Speech/Language: 82% Fair
Study 1 74% Caucasian Speech: 74% Speech: 96%
86% from rural areas Language: 38% Language: 85%

Sturner, 1993*, 83 24-72 421 52% male Speech/Language: 31% Speech/Language: 93% Fair
Study 2 75% Caucasian Speech: 43% Speech: 93%
Language: 17% Language: 97%

10-15 minutes to administer

Chaffee, 1990*, 78 24-87 152 Referred to clinic. Cutoffs: Cutoffs: Good

76% male <110 = 99% <110 = 5%
97% Caucasian <100 = 97% <100 = 9%
<90 = 92% <90 = 16%
<80 = 99% <80 = 45%
<70 = 75% <70 = 52%
<60 = 49% <60 = 82%
<50 = 23% <50 = 93%
<40 = 6% <40 = 98%


Author, Year Instrument Reference Standard Area tested Setting Screener (mins)
10-15 minutes to administer (continued)

Law, 1994*, 80 Hackney Early Reynell Developmental Language Expressive language Home Health visitor 10
Language Screening Scales

Blaxley, 1983*, 76 Fluharty Preschool Developmental Sentence Scoring Expressive and Speech and hearing Clinician 10
Language Screening receptive language clinic in western
Test and articulation Ontario

Bliss, 1984*, 77 Screening Kit of Sequenced Inventory of Expressive and Speech and Paraprofessio 10
Language Development Communication Development receptive language language hearing nals and
clinic, day-care speech and
center, physician's language
office, educational pathologists
and health facilities

Drumwright, Denver Articulation Templin Non-Diagnostic Articulation Clinic Trained non- 10-15
197374 Screening Exam Articulation Screening Test professionals

Dixon, 1988*, 79 Hackney Early Clinical judgement Expressive language Physician's office Health visitor 10
Language Screening

Walker, 1989* , 84 Early Language Sequenced Inventory of Expressive and Clinic Speech and 10
Milestone Scale Communication Development receptive language language


mean/ Study
range quality
Author/year (mo) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity rating
10-15 minutes to administer (continued)

Law, 1994*, 80 30 1,205 All children attending routine developmental 98% 69% Good-Fair
checkups were eligible.

Blaxley, 1983*, 76 24-72 90 Children referred for speech &/or language 10th centile: 36% 10th centile: 95% Fair
assessment and intervention and controls. 25th centile: 30% 25th centile: 100%

Bliss, 1984*, 77 30-48 602 2.5-4 year old Caucasian and African Standard English Standard English Fair
American children who attended day-care Ages 30-36 mo.: 100% Ages 30-36 mo.: 97.7%
centers in metropolitan Detroit area. Ages 37-42 mo.: 100% Ages 37-42 mo.: 91.0%
Ages 43-48 mo.: 100% Ages 43-48 mo.: 93.4%

"Black English" "Black English"

Ages 30-36 mo.: 88.9% Ages 30-36 mo.: 86.4%
Ages 37-42 mo.: 87.5% Ages 37-42 mo.: 85.5%
Ages 43-48 mo.: 94.4% Ages 43-48 mo.: 77.8%

Drumwright, 30-72 300 Not reported 92% 97% Fair


Dixon, 1988*, 79 30 25 Pilot study at one clinic setting in Hackney. 95% 94% Poor

Walker, 1989* , 84 36 77 All children attending any visit at one of the 0-12 months: 0% 0-12 months: 86% Poor
clinics chosen during the study period. 13-24 months: 100% 13-24 months: 60%
25-36 months: 100% 25-36 months: 75%


Author, Year Instrument Reference Standard Area tested Setting Screener (mins)
10-30 minutes to administer

Laing, 200275 Parent Led Method Reynell Developmental Language Language Physician's office Health visitor 10-30‡
Scales development

Administration time not reported

Stokes, 1997*, 82 Developmental Nurse Clinical judgement Gross & fine motor, Physician's office Nurses Not
Screen language reported
development, hearing,
vision, social
development & self-
Stokes, 1997*, 82 Parent Questionnaire Clinical judgment Expressive vocabulary Physician's office Research Not
assistants reported

*Included in Law J, Boyle J, Harris F, Harkness A, Nye C. Screening for primary speech and language delay: a systematic review of the literature. Int J Lang Commun
Disord. 1998;33(Suppl):21-23.

Numbers were calculated

Numbers were estimated


mean/ Study
range quality
Author/year (mo) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity rating
10-30 minutes to administer

Laing, 200275 30 247 Children from two low SES counties in Children with severe Children with severe Fair
London. language problems: 56% language problems: 85%
Children needing therapy: Children needing therapy:
58% 90%
Administration time not reported

Stokes, 1997*, 82 34-40 398 49% male 76% 97% Fair

Stokes, 1997*, 82 34-40 398 49% male With comprehension item: With comprehension item: Fair
78% 91%
Without comprehension Without comprehension
item: 78% item: 95%

Table 6. Screening Instruments for Children 3 to 5 Years
Author, Year Instrument Reference Standard Area Tested Setting Screener (minutes)

Under 7 Minutes to Administer

Merrell, Test for Examining Kaufman Assessment Expressive School or Speech and language 7
199788 Expressive Battery for Children, vocabulary and clinic pathologists
Morphology Structured Photographic syntax
Expression Language
Test II
Sturner, Sentence Speech and Language Receptive and School College-educated non- 3
1996*,93 Repetition Screening Questionnaire expressive specialists or school
Screening Test language and speech and language
articulation pathologists

Mean/ Study
Author, Range Quality
Year (months) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity Rating

Under 7 Minutes to Administer, Continued

Merrell, 48-67 40 20 impaired and 20 normal children 90% 95% Poor

199788 52% male
73% Caucasian

Sturner, 54-66 76 Children registering for kindergarten Receptive and Receptive and Fair
1996*,93 48% male expressive: 62% expressive: 91%
65% Caucasian Articulation: 57% Articulation: 95%
Author, Year Instrument Reference Standard Area Tested Setting Screener Admin Time (Mins)

10-20 Minutes to Administer

Alberts, Davis Observation McCarthy Scales of Speech, voice, fluency, receptive Preschool Teachers and
199585 Checklist for Texas Children's Abilities, and expressive language aides
Goldman-Fristoe test of 10-15
Articulation Revised,
informal checklist

Gray, 200387 Children's Test of Structured Photographic Expressive language School Research
Nonword Expression Language assistants
Repetition Test II

Allen, Fluharty Preschool Sequenced Inventory of Expressive and receptive Clinic Speech and
1987*,73 Speech and Communication language and articulation language 10-20
Language Development pathologists
Screening Test

Plante, Structured Kaufman Assessment Expressive vocabulary School Speech and 15

199589 Photographic Battery for Children, language
Expressive Structured Photographic pathologists or
Language Test - Expression Lanuage research
Preschool Test II assistants

Conti- Children's Test of Clinical judgement Phonology School/ Not reported 15

Ramsden, Nonword Nursery
200386 Repetition
Feeney, Revised Denver Clinical judgement Language School Speech and 10-20
1996*,92 Developmental language
Screening Test pathology
(language students

Wilcox, Wilcox African- Clinical judgement Articulation and phonology School Investigators 15
199890 American English
Screening Test of

Allen, Northwestern Sequenced Inventory of Syntax Clinic Speech and 20

1987*73 Syntax Screening Communication Language
Test Development Pathologists

Dodge, Denver Clinical assessment Expressive and receptive School Speech clinician 20
1980*,91 Developmental language and articulation
Screening Test
Mean/ Study
Range Quality
Author, Year (months) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity Rating

10-20 Minutes to Administer, Continued

Alberts, 52-67 59 Preschool, Headstart children 80% 90% Good

199585 20 Mexican American
19 African American
20 Caucasian

Gray, 200387 48-72 44 22 children with impairment and 22 controls 95% 100% Poor
matched for age and gender. Children were
between 4 years and 5 years 11 months old
72% Caucasian
77% male

Allen, 36-47 182 All children were enrolled in day care 60% 80% Fair
1987*,73 programs

Plante, 48-72 40 75% Caucasian 83.3% 95% Poor

Conti- 52-70 64 66% male 25th centile: 66% 25th centile: 100% Fair
Ramsden, 16th centile: 59% 16th centile: 100%

Feeney, 36-60 199 Children in Head Start program 95% 80% Fair
1996*,92 45% male
67% Caucasian

Wilcox, 60-78 26 Children enrolled in kindergarten or first grade 100% 100% Poor
199890 classrooms in Indianapolis, IN
Mean age: 68 months
77% male

Allen, 36-47 182 All children were enrolled in day care 92% 48% Fair
1987*,73 programs

Dodge, 60 486 Children entering kindergarten, who were 5 97% 98% Fair-
1980*,91 years or turning 5 that year Poor
Author, Area Admin Time
Year Instrument Reference Standard Tested Setting Screener (Mins)

25-30 Minutes to Administer

Blaxley, Bankson Language Developmental Sentence Expressive Speech and hearing Clinician 25
198376 Screening Test Scoring language clinic in western
Ontario, Canada

Mean/ Study
Range Quality
Author, Year (months) N Subjects Sensitivity Specificity Rating

25-30 Minutes to Administer, Continued

Blaxley, 48-96 90 Children referred for speech and/or language 10th centile: 64% 10th centile: 91% Fair
198376 assessment and intervention and controls 25th centile: 63% 25th centile: 94%
*Included in Law J, Boyle J, Harris F, Harkness A, Nye C. Screening for primary speech and language delay: a systematic review of the literature. Int J Lang
Commun Disord. 1998;33(Suppl):21-23.

Numbers were calculated.

Numbers were estimated.
Speech & Study
Language Age Function and Quality
Author, Year Domains N (months) Interventions Speech and Language Outcomes Health Outcomes Rating
Up to 2 Years*
Glogowska, Expressive 159 in 2 18-42 Clinician-directed individual Improved auditory comprehension in No differences in Good
200094 and groups intervention routinely offered by the intervention vs. control group; no well being, attention
receptive therapist for 12 months vs. none differences for expressive language, level, play level, or
language phonology error rate, language socialization skills
and development, or improvement on entry
phonology criterion
2 to 3 Years
Gibbard, Expressive 36 in 2 27-39 Parent-directed individual therapy Improved scores on several measures Not reported Fair
199499 language groups 60-75 minutes every other week for for intervention vs. control group
Study 1 6 months vs. none

Girolametto, Expressive 25 in 2 23-33 Parent-directed individual focused Larger vocabularies, use of more Not reported Fair
1996100 language groups stimulation intervention 150 different words, more structurally
minutes per week for 11 weeks vs. complete utterances and multiword
none utterances in intervention group vs.
control; no differences in several other

Law, 1999107 Expressive 38 in 3 33-39 Clinician-directed 450 minutes per No differences between groups Improved parent Fair
and groups week for 6 weeks vs. parent- perception of child's
receptive directed 150 minutes per week for behavior and
language 10 weeks vs. none positivity towards
child, improved
child self-esteem

Robertson, Expressive 21 in 2 21-30 Clinician-directed individual therapy Improved mean length of utterances, Improved Fair
1999102 and groups 150 minutes per week for 12 total number of words, lexical diversity, socialization skills,
receptive weeks vs. none vocabulary size, and percentage of decreased parental
language intelligible utterances in intervention stress for
group vs. control intervention group

Speech & Study
Language Age Function and Quality
Author, Year Domains N (months) Interventions Speech and Language Outcomes Health Outcomes Rating
2 to 3 Years (continued)
Gibbard, Expressive 25 in 3 27-39 Clinician-directed individual therapy Improved scores on all 5 measures for Not reported Poor
1994 language groups 60-75 minutes every other week for parent-directed group vs. control;
Study 2 6 months vs. parent-directed 60-75 improvement on 2 measures for
minutes every other week for 6 clinician-directed group vs. control;
months vs. none improvement on 1 measure for parent
vs. clinician group

Girolametto, Expressive 16 in 2 22-38 Parent-directed individual therapy More target words used in intervention Increased symbolic Poor
1996115 and groups 150 minutes per week for 10 group vs. control; no differences in play gestures,
receptive weeks vs. none vocabulary development decreased
language aggressive behavior
in intervention group

Schwartz, Expressive 10 in 2 32-39 Clinician-directed individual therapy Improved multiword utterances from Not reported Poor
1985113 language groups for 3 weeks vs. none baseline in intervention group; no
and lexical between-group differences reported

Wilcox, Lexical 20 in 2 20-47 Clinician-directed individual No differences between groups in use Not reported Fair
1991106 acquisition groups intervention 90 minutes per week of target words; more use of words at
for 3 months vs. classroom home in classroom group vs. individual
intervention 360 minutes per week group
for 3 months

Girolametto, Lexical 25 in 2 23-33 Parent-directed individual therapy Improved level of vocalizations and Not reported Fair
1997101 acquisition groups eight 150-minute sessions and 3 inventory of consonants for
and home sessions for 11 weeks vs. intervention group vs. control; no
phonology none differences in the number of

Speech & Study
Language Age Function and Quality
Author, Year Domains N (months) Interventions Speech and Language Outcomes Health Outcomes Rating
3 to 5 Years
Barratt, Expressive 39 in 2 37-43 Clinician-directed interactive Improved expression score on Reynell Not reported Fair
199296 and groups language therapy for 40 minutes scale for intensive group vs. weekly (or
receptive weekly for 6 months (traditional traditional) therapy group; no
language group) vs. 40 minutes for 4 days difference in comprehension scores,
per week for 3 weeks in two 3 both improved
month blocks (intensive group)

Courtright, Expressive 36 in 3 47-83 3 clinician-directed approaches are Increased number of correct Not reported Fair
197998 language groups compared for 5 months: mimicry, responses in modeling groups vs.
clinician modeling, 3rd person mimicry group
modeling for 5 months

Robertson, Expressive 30 in 3 44-61 2 clinician-directed play groups More words used, greater verbal Play-theme-related Fair
1997103 and groups with language impairments productivity, more lexical diversity, and acts increased for
receptive (treatment vs control) with normal more use of linguistic markers by the normal peer
language peers for 20 minutes per week for normal peer play group (not normal play group (not
3 weeks group, treatment group with language normal group,
impairment) vs. control treatment group
with language

Glogowska, Expressive 159 in 2 <42 Clinician-directed for 12 months vs. Improved receptive language in Improved family Poor
2002116 and groups none intervention group vs. control; no response to child in
receptive differences between groups for 4 other intervention group
language measures

Almost, Phonology 26 in 2 33-61 Clinician-directed individual therapy Higher scores on 3 of 4 measures for Not reported Fair
199895 groups two 30-minute sessions per week intervention vs. control group
for 4 months vs. none

Speech & Study
Language Age Function and Quality
Author, Year Domains N (months) Interventions Speech and Language Outcomes Health Outcomes Rating
3 to 5 Years (continued)
Rvachew, Phonology 48 in 2 50 Clinician-directed individual therapy Improved scores on measures from Not reported Fair
2001104 groups (mean) 30-40 minutes per week for 12 baseline for both intervention groups;
weeks; compares interventions for greater improvement for most
phonemes that differ (most knowledge/early developing phonemes
knowledge/early developing group group vs. comparison (least
vs. least knowledge/latest knowledge/latest developing) group
developing group)

Shelton, Phonology 45 in 3 27-55 Parent-directed individual therapy 5 No improvements for intervention Not reported Fair
1978105 and groups minutes per day (listening group) groups vs. control
articulation vs. 15 minutes per day (reading
and talking group) for 57 days vs.

Fey, 1994108 Phonology 26 in 3 44-70 Clinician-directed sessions Improved grammatical output Not reported Poor
and syntax groups (individual and group) for 3 hours (developmental sentence scores) for
per week for 20 weeks vs. parent- both intervention groups vs. control; no
directed sessions for 8 hours per significant difference between groups
week for weeks 1-12 (includes for phonological output (percentage
intensive parent training) then 4 consonants correct)
hours per week for weeks 13-20
vs. none

Reid, 1996117 Phonology 30 in 2 42-66 Clinician-directed individual therapy Improved scores on some measures Not reported Poor
groups 30 minutes per week for 6-10 from baseline for intervention and
weeks vs. none control groups; no between group
comparisons reported

Ruscello, Phonology 12 in 2 49-68 Clinician-directed vs. clinician & Improved scores on measures from Not reported Poor
1993111 groups parent-directed individual therapy baseline for both intervention groups;
120 minutes per week for 8 weeks no between group comparisons

Speech & Study
Language Age Function and Quality
Author, Year Domains N (months) Interventions Speech and Language Outcomes Health Outcomes Rating
3 to 5 Years (continued)
Rvachew, Phonology 27 in 3 42-66 Clinician-directed individual therapy Improved scores on measures for 2 Not reported Poor
1994112 groups 45 minutes per week for 6 weeks; intervention groups vs. third group
compares 3 groups listening to
different sets of words

Cole, 198697 Syntax 44 in 2 38-69 Clinician-directed individual Improved scores on 6 of 7 measures Not reported Fair
groups directive approach vs. interactive from baseline for both intervention
approach for 600 minutes per groups; no significant differences
week for 8 months between groups

Fey, 1993114 Syntax 29 in 3 44-70 Clinician-directed sessions Improved scores on 3 of 4 measures Not reported Poor
First phase groups (individual and group) for 3 hours for both intervention groups vs. control;
per week for 20 weeks vs. parent- no differences between intervention
directed sessions for 8 hours per groups
week for weeks 1-12 (includes
intensive parent training) then 4
hours per week for weeks 13-20
vs. none

Fey, 1997109 Syntax 28 in 3 44-70 Clinician-directed vs. parent- Improved some developmental Not reported Poor
Second groups directed vs. none for 5 months sentence scores from baseline in both
phase continuing from prior study intervention groups vs. control; no
between group comparisons reported,
except that clinician-directed treatment
groups had larger and more consistent
gains than parent-directed treatment
groups or control

Speech & Study
Language Age Function and Quality
Author, Year Domains N (months) Interventions Speech and Language Outcomes Health Outcomes Rating
3 to 5 Years (continued)
Mulac, Syntax 9 in 3 52-75 Clinician-directed individual Improved scores for both intervention Not reported Poor
1977110 groups Monteray language program vs. groups vs. control; no significant
Monteray language program with differences between intervention
extended transfer training for 67 groups
minutes per week for 4 weeks vs.

*Studies with a range of ages are not repeated across categories in the table.

Level of USPSTF
Key Question Evidence Conclusions Quality Generalizability

1. Does screening for speech and No studies

language delay result in improved speech
and language as well as improved other
non speech and language outcomes?
2. Do screening evaluations in the primary
care setting accurately identify children for
diagnostic evaluation and interventions?
2a. Does identification of risk factors Observational Studies of risk factors are heterogeneous and Not Fair-good
improve screening? studies (II) results are inconsistent. A list of specific risk rated
factors to guide primary care physicians in selective (most
screening has not been developed or tested. The cross-
most consistent risk factors include a family history sectional
of speech and language delay and learning design)
difficulties, sex, and perinatal factors, however their
role in screening is unclear
2b & c. What are screening techniques Observational Many instruments are available, but no gold Fair- Fair
and how do they differ by age? What is studies (II) standard has been developed and tested for good
the accuracy of screening techniques and screening, reference standards vary across studies,
how does it differ by age? few studies compare the performance of 2 or more
screening techniques in one population, and
comparisons of a single screening technique
across different populations are lacking. Optimal
methods have not been established. Brief
instruments (≤10 minutes) administered by
professionals and nonprofessionals are available,
sensitivity and specificity vary, and most studies do
not provide enough information to determine how
accuracy varies by age
2d. What are the optimal ages and No studies
frequency for screening?
3. What are the adverse effects of No studies
4. What is the role of enhanced No studies
surveillance by primary care clinicians?
5. Do interventions for speech and RCTs (I) Fourteen good and fair-quality randomized Fair- Poor-fair
language delay improve speech and controlled trials of interventions reported good
language outcomes? significantly improved speech and language
outcomes compared to control groups.
Improvement was demonstrated in several domains
among children in all age groups studied and
across multiple therapeutic settings. Studies were
small, heterogeneous, and reported short-term
outcomes based on various instruments and
measures. As a result, long-term outcomes are not
known, interventions could not be directly
compared, and generalizability is questionable
6. Do interventions for speech and RCTs (I) Improvement in other functional outcomes, such as Fair- Poor -fair
language delay improve other non speech socializations skills, self-esteem, and improved play good
and language outcomes? themes, were demonstrated in some, but not all, of
the four studies measuring them

7. Does improvement in speech and No studies

language outcomes lead to improved
additional outcomes?
8. What are the adverse effects of No studies
9. What are cost effectiveness issues? No studies
Expert Reviewers

Robert Buckendorf, PhD

Department of Child Development Speech/Auditory
Oregon Health & Science University
Portland, OR

Charles Homer, MD, MPH

National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality
Cambridge, MA

James Law, PhD

Department of Language and Communication Science
City University
London, UK

Fredrick Palmer, MD
University of Tennessee, Health Science Center
Memphis, TN

Brian Rogers, MD
Child Development and Rehabilitation Center
Oregon Health & Science University
Portland, OR

Bruce K. Shapiro, M.D.

Kennedy Krieger Institute
Baltimore, MD

Professional Organizations and Federal Agencies

American Academy of Family Physicians

American Academy of Pediatrics
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institutes of Health
Society of Researchers in Child Development
Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

Search Terms

Appropriate terms were selected in conjunction with a medical research librarian and experts in
the field, and individual search strategies were created to retrieve the literature pertaining to
communication disorders and the following concepts: children age 5 years and younger, primary
health care practitioners, pediatricians, risk factors and risk assessment, psychological tests,
diagnostic techniques and procedures, adverse effects, outcomes, quality of life, and
epidemiological studies.

MEDLINE – 1966 to November 19, 2004

1 exp Communication Disorders/cl, di [Classification, Diagnosis]
2 exp Psychological Tests/
3 exp "Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"/
4 exp mass screening/
5 1 and (2 or 3 or 4)
6 limit 5 to (english language and (all infant <birth to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5
7 limit 5 to (abstracts and (all infant <birth to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5 years>))
8 6 or 7
9 exp RISK/
10 1 and 9
11 limit 10 to (english language and (all infant <birth to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5
12 limit 10 to (abstracts and (all infant <birth to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5
13 11 or 12
14 primary or exp Primary Health Care/
15 family or exp Physicians, Family/
16 Pediatrics/ or pediatrician$.mp.
17 exp child health services/ or exp preventive health services/
18 14 or 15 or 16 or 17
19 1 and 18
20 limit 19 to (english language and (all infant <birth to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5
21 limit 19 to (abstracts and (all infant <birth to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5
22 20 or 21
23 exp "Sensitivity and Specificity"/
24 exp Diagnostic Errors/
25 diagnosis, differential/
26 23 or 24 or 25
27 1 and 26
28 limit 27 to (english language and all child <0 to 18 years>)


29 limit 27 to (abstracts and all child <0 to 18 years>)

30 28 or 29
31 limit 1 to (all child <0 to 18 years> and (controlled clinical trial or guideline or meta
analysis or multicenter study or practice guideline or randomized controlled trial))
32 exp epidemiologic studies/
33 1 and 32
34 limit 33 to (english language and all child <0 to 18 years>)
35 limit 33 to (abstracts and all child <0 to 18 years>)
36 34 or 35
37 31 or 36

Adverse Effects
1 exp Communication Disorders/
2 (adverse effect$ or harm$ or stigma$).mp. or exp stress, psychological/et or exp life change
events/ or exp prejudice/ or exp stereotyping/ or exp self concept/
3 exp diagnostic errors/
4 2 or 3
5 1 and 4
6 limit 5 to (english language and all child <0 to 18 years>)

1 exp Communication Disorders/nu, dt, pc, rh, su, th [Nursing, Drug Therapy, Prevention &
Control, Rehabilitation, Surgery, Therapy]
2 Cost of Illness/
3 exp Quality of Life/
5 exp Psychology, Industrial/
6 exp Family Relations/
7 exp family/ or exp interpersonal relations/
8 exp Educational Status/ or exp Educational Measurement/
9 exp Motivation/
10 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9
11 1 and 10
12 limit 11 to (english language and all child <0 to 18 years>)
14 1 and 13
15 limit 14 to (english language and all child <0 to 18 years>)
16 Comparative Study/
17 exp Evaluation Studies/
18 exp Epidemiologic Studies/
19 16 or 17 or 18
20 1 and 19
21 limit 20 to (english language and all child <0 to 18 years>)
22 limit 1 to (english language and all child <0 to 18 years> and (clinical trial or guideline or
meta analysis or multicenter study or practice guideline or review))
23 12 or 15 or 21 or 22


PsycINFO – 1974 to November 19, 2004

1 exp Communication Disorders/
2 exp Diagnosis/
3 1 and 2
4 limit 3 to (english language and (120 neonatal <birth to age 1 mo> or 140 infancy <age 2 to
23 mo> or 160 preschool age <age 2 to 5 yrs>))
6 1 and 5
7 limit 6 to (english language and (120 neonatal <birth to age 1 mo> or 140 infancy <age 2 to
23 mo> or 160 preschool age <age 2 to 5 yrs>))
8 exp Primary Health Care/ or primary
9 family physician$.mp. or exp Family Physicians/
10 pediatrician$.mp. or exp PEDIATRICIANS/
11 or exp PEDIATRICS/
12 public health services/
13 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12
14 1 and 13
15 limit 14 to (english language and (120 neonatal <birth to age 1 mo> or 140 infancy <age 2
to 23 mo> or 160 preschool age <age 2 to 5 yrs>))
16 exp Differential Diagnosis/
18 1 and 17
19 16 or 17
20 1 and 19
21 limit 20 to (english language and (120 neonatal <birth to age 1 mo> or 140 infancy <age 2
to 23 mo> or 160 preschool age <age 2 to 5 yrs>))
22 ((case adj control$) or cohort$ or longitudinal$ or ((prospective$ or (follow adj up)) adj5
(study or studies))).mp. [mp=title, abstract, heading word, table of contents, key concepts]
23 exp experimental design/
24 22 or 23
25 1 and 24
26 limit 25 to (english language and (120 neonatal <birth to age 1 mo> or 140 infancy <age 2
to 23 mo> or 160 preschool age <age 2 to 5 yrs>))

Adverse Effects
1 exp communication disorders/
2 exp psychological stress/
3 coping behavior/
4 exp Stereotyped Attitudes/
6 exp Errors/
7 exp self concept/


8 (adverse effect$ or harm$ or stigma$ or stereotyp$).mp. [mp=title, abstract, heading word,

table of contents, key concepts]
9 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8
10 1 and 9
11 limit 10 to (english language and (100 childhood <birth to age 12 yrs> or 200 adolescence
<age 13 to 17 yrs>))

CINAHL – 1982 to November 19, 2004

1 exp Communicative Disorders/cl, di, ev [Classification, Diagnosis, Evaluation]
2 exp Psychological Tests/
3 (diagnostic techniques and procedures).mp. [mp=title, cinahl subject headings, abstract,
4 functional assessment/ or health screening/ or exp "speech and language assessment"/
5 2 or 3 or 4
6 1 and 5
7 limit 6 to (english and (infant <1 to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5 years>))
9 risk$.mp.
10 8 or 9
11 1 and 10
12 limit 11 to (english and (infant <1 to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5 years>))
13 primary or exp Primary Health Care/
14 family or exp Physicians, Family/
15 pediatrician$.mp. or exp Pediatrics/
16 exp Pediatric Care/ or pediatrician$.mp. or exp Pediatrics/
17 exp Child Health Services/
18 Preventive Health Care/
19 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18
20 1 and 19
21 limit 20 to (english and (infant <1 to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5 years>))
22 exp "Sensitivity and Specificity"/
23 exp Diagnostic Errors/
24 exp Diagnosis, Differential/
25 22 or 23 or 24
26 1 and 25
27 limit 26 to (english and (infant <1 to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5 years>))
28 exp Study Design/
29 1 and 28
30 limit 29 to (english and (infant <1 to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5 years>))
31 12 or 21 or 27 or 30


Adverse Effects
1 exp Communicative Disorders/
2 exp Stress, Psychological/
3 exp Life Change Events/
6 exp Self Concept/
7 exp diagnostic errors/
8 (adverse effect$ or harm$ or stigma$ or stereotyp$).mp. [mp=title, cinahl subject headings,
abstract, instrumentation]
9 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8
10 1 and 9
11 limit 10 to (english and (infant <1 to 23 months> or preschool child <2 to 5 years> or child
<6 to 12 years> or adolescence <13 to 18 years>))


Key Question 2 (Screening)

Include RCT with speech and language measures.
Cohort, case control, or other type of observational study with speech and
language measures
Review or meta-analysis with relevant information.
Exclude Sample size too small (N<20).
Case report.
Foreign language.
Test not relevant to the primary care setting (e.g., administered by
specialist only).
Description of instrument only, no data.
Previously diagnosed subjects (unless a comparison group).
Wrong format (opinion, letter, editorial etc.).
Wrong age group (>5 years old).
Related to topic but does not address key question.
No relevance to topic.

Key Question 2b (Risk Factors)

Include RCT, cohort, case control, cross-sectional, descriptive, or other type of
observational study with speech and language measures.
Review or meta-analysis with relevant information.
Exclude Sample size too small (N<20).
Case report.
Foreign language.
Focus on another diagnosis (ADHD, autism, etc.).
Wrong format (opinion, letter, editorial etc.).
Wrong age group (>5 years old).
Related to topic but does not address key question.
No relevance to topic.

Key Question 3 and 8 (Adverse Effects)
Include RCT, cohort, case control, or other type of observational study with
speech and language measures.
Review or meta-analysis with relevant information.
Adverse impact of speech and language delay diagnosis and treatment on
the child (any age).
Adverse impact of speech and language delay diagnosis and treatment on
family or others.
Exclude Sample size too small (N<20).
Case report.
Foreign language.
Not relevant to the primary care setting.
Description only, no data.
Wrong format (opinion, letter, editorial etc.).
Wrong age group (>5 years old).
Related to topic but does not address key question.
No relevance to topic.

Key Question 4 (Surveillance)

Include RCT with speech and language measures.
Cohort, case control, or other type of observational study with speech and
language measures.
Review or meta-analysis with relevant information.
Exclude Sample size too small (N<20).
Case report.
Foreign language.
Test not relevant to the primary care setting (e.g., administered by
specialist only).
Description only, no data.
Previously diagnosed subjects.
Wrong format (opinion, letter, editorial etc.).
Wrong age group (>5 years old).
Related to topic but does not address key question.
No relevance to topic.

Key Question 5, 6, and 7 (Interventions and Outcomes)
Include RCT with appropriate speech and language outcomes.
Cohort, case control, or other type of observational study with appropriate
speech and language outcomes.
Review or meta-analysis with relevant information.
Exclude Case study.
Foreign language.
Description of instrument or intervention only, no data.
Focus on another diagnosis (ADHD, autism, etc.).
Wrong format (opinion, letter, editorial etc.).
Related to topic but does not address key question.
No relevance to topic.


Diagnostic Accuracy Studies

• Screening test relevant, available for primary care, adequately described
• Study uses a credible reference standard, performed regardless of test results
• Reference standard interpreted independently of screening test
• Handles indeterminate results in a reasonable manner
• Spectrum of patients included in study
• Sample size
• Administration of reliable screening test

Definition of ratings based on above criteria

Good: Evaluates relevant available screening test; uses a credible reference standard;
interprets reference standard independently of screening test; reliability of test
assessed; has few or handles indeterminate results in a reasonable manner;
includes large number (more than 100) broad-spectrum patients with and
without disease.
Fair: Evaluates relevant available screening test; uses reasonable although not best
standard; interprets reference standard independent of screening test; moderate
sample size (50 to 100 subjects) and a “medium” spectrum of patients.
Poor: Has important limitations such as: uses inappropriate reference standard;
screening test improperly administered; biased ascertainment of reference
standard; very small sample size of very narrow selected spectrum of patients.

Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) and Cohort Studies

• Initial assembly of comparable groups: RCTs—adequate randomization,
including concealment and whether potential confounders were distributed
equally among groups; cohort studies—consideration of potential confounders
with either restriction or measurement for adjustment in the analysis;
consideration of inception cohorts
• Maintenance of comparable groups (includes attrition, cross-overs, adherence,
• Important differential loss to follow-up or overall high loss to follow-up
• Measurements: equal, reliable, and valid (includes masking of outcome
• Clear definition of interventions
• Important outcomes considered
• Analysis: adjustment for potential confounders for cohort studies, or intention-to-
treat analysis for RCTs (i.e. analysis in which all participants in a trial are
analyzed according to the intervention to which they were allocated, regardless of
whether or not they completed the intervention)


Definition of ratings based on above criteria

Good: Meets all criteria: Comparable groups are assembled initially and maintained
throughout the study (follow-up at least 80 percent); reliable and valid
measurement instruments are used and applied equally to the groups;
interventions are spelled out clearly; important outcomes are considered; and
appropriate attention to confounders in analysis.
Fair: Studies will be graded “fair” if any or all of the following problems occur,
without the important limitations noted in the “poor” category below: Generally
comparable groups are assembled initially but some question remains whether
some (although not major) differences occurred in follow-up; measurement
instruments are acceptable (although not the best) and generally applied equally;
some but not all important outcomes are considered; and some but not all
potential confounders are accounted for.
Poor: Studies will be graded “poor” if any of the following major limitations exists:
Groups assembled initially are not close to being comparable or maintained
throughout the study; unreliable or invalid measurement instruments are used or
not applied at all equally among groups (including not masking outcome
assessment); and key confounders are given little or no attention.

Case Control Studies

• Accurate ascertainment of cases
• Nonbiased selection of cases/controls with exclusion criteria applied equally to
• Response rate
• Diagnostic testing procedures applied equally to each group
• Measurement of exposure accurate and applied equally to each group
• Appropriate attention to potential confounding variable

Definition of ratings based on above criteria

Good: Appropriate ascertainment of cases and nonbiased selection of case and control
participants; exclusion criteria applied equally to cases and controls; response
rate equal to or greater than 80 percent; diagnostic procedures and
measurements accurate and applied equally to cases and controls; and
appropriate attention to confounding variables.
Fair: Recent, relevant, without major apparent selection or diagnostic work-up bias
but with response rate less than 80 percent or attention to some but not all
important confounding variables.
Poor: Major selection or diagnostic work-up biases, response rates less than 50
percent, or inattention to confounding variables.



1966 – November 19, 2004

Screening* Risk Adverse Surveillance Interventions

Factors* Effects* * /Outcomes*

Abstracts reviewed 3,680 246 839 239 2,106

with eligibility

Full text papers

reviewed with 305 75 76 33 201
eligibility criteria

+ + + + +

Papers added from 36 5 2 0 12

other sources

All full text papers 341 80 78 33 213


Papers meeting 44 16 0 0 25
eligibility criteria
and included in

*Citations overlapped multiple key questions


Study Type of Age

Author, Year N Design Disorder Setting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Months)
Brookhouser, 24 Cross Language Sample from Boys Town Inclusion: 28 - 62
1979 sectional delay - Institute was taken from 1. Native English speakers in U.S. with English (mean 44)
moderate to a larger population speaking parents
severe levels referred for evaluation 2. No significant retardation
3. Eight months or more delay below chronologic age in
one of two language categories

Campbell, 2003 639 Case Speech delay Pittsburgh, PA (2 urban, Exclusion: 36

Sub-sample control (transcriber 2 suburban, and 2 small 1. Birth weight <5 lb
of larger can gloss town or rural practices) 2. Small for gestational age
prospective ≤75% of words 3. History of neonatal asphyxia or serious illness
study of or speech 4. Multiple birth
persistent sample 5. Foster care or adopted
otitis media contains errors 6. Mother <18 years old
with not expected 7. Mother ill or dead
effusion of a 3 year 8. Mother known to abuse drugs or alcohol or too limited
old.) to give informed consent or adhere to protocol
9. Other than English spoken in home
10. Other sibling was participating in study
11. Parents planned to move away in 5 years
Cantwell, 1985 600 Cross Multiple types Large community Exclusion: 20.4 -
sectional of speech and speech and hearing 1. >16 years 190.8
language clinic in Los Angeles, 2. Significant hearing impairment (median
disorders CA area 58.8)


Author, Year Assessment Method Population

Brookhouser, Multi-disciplinary intake (history, otolaryngologist evaluation, audiological, One or more risk factors were present in all study
1979 speech and language standardized tests) children, 87.5% had two or more. Otitis media as a
sole factor accounted for 12 (50%) of children

Campbell, 2003 Family questionnaire on enrollment; pneumatic otoscopic evaluations; Cases=398 (90 days of continuous bilateral otitis
individual testing session with examiners blinded to child's family history media or 135 days of continual unilateral otitis media)
of communication disorders, maternal education level, otitis media Controls=241 (not meeting above criteria)
experience and health insurance status; included standardized and
nonstandardized measures; hearing test of trial patients; transcription of
consecutive utterances in 15 minute speech sample by assistants
blinded to all participant information

Cantwell, 1985 Standardized tests for speech and language with informal methods for 397 cases
children who were untestable; includes psychiatric measures,
interviewing parents and child, and behavior rating scales


Author, Year Risk Factors Studied Results

Brookhouser, HEARINGS RISK: H=history of family communication disorder; One factor (serious childhood infections) was significantly related
1979 E=ear nose and throat deformities; A=anoxia at birth or low APGAR to severity of receptive language delay (t=3.160)
score; R=prescription for ototoxic or teratogenic drugs during
pregnancy; I=maternal illness during pregnancy including infections
of preeclampsia; N=neonatal intensive care or prolonged hospital
stay for infant; G=growth retardation; S=stress factors in delivery;
R=recurrent otitis media beginning before 2 years of age with
surgical intervention and/or hearing loss; I=serious childhood illness
with a fever of 104°F for a period greater than 24 hours; S=seizures
diminished sucking reflex, or other signs of CNS dysfunction;
K=knocked out; head trauma with loss of consciousness or bloody
otorrhea; S=subjectively difficult to test audiologically

Campbell, 2003 1. Male sex 1. Male sex, OR=2.19 (95% CI = 1.38-3.47);

2. FH of developmental communication disorder 2. Positive family history, OR=1.67 (1.06-2.62);
3. Low maternal education 3. Low maternal education, OR=2.58 (1.49-4.48);
4. Low socioeconomic level 4. Medicaid, OR=1.59 (1.02-2.49); but no longer significant when
5. African-American Race controlling for other factors;
6. Prolonged otitis media 5. Race not significant;
6. Otitis media history not significant

Aggregated risk factors, low maternal education, male sex,

positive family history, OR=7.71 (2.62-22.74)

Cantwell, 1985 Psychiatric syndromes and their associations with speech and No unique psychiatric syndrome was associated with speech
language disorders and language disorders


Study Type of Age

Author, Year N Design Disorder Setting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Months)
Choudhury, 136 from Case Specific New York, NY, Newark, Inclusion: 36
2003 112 families control language NJ, and surrounding 1. Family member had at least 1 affected child or parent
impairment New Jersey suburbs; with language scores at least 1 standard deviation
obstetric and pediatric below age appropriate mean
practices and samples 2. Standardized test of general cognitive ability was
of several pooled within normal range
longitudinal studies Exclusion:
1. Prematurity, low birth weight
2. Pervasive developmental disorder or autism
diagnosed in family proband, or Attention deficit
3. Hearing loss
4. Neurological disorder or oral motor impairment

Singer, 2001 263 Case Language Level 3 NICU in the Inclusion: 36

control Cleveland, OH region Cases (corrected
1. Preterm (<1500 grams) for
2. >28 days with x-ray findings of chronic lung disease prematurity
without neurological problems and not socially )
disadvantaged (Hollingshead class IV and V)
1. The next born VLBW infant without
bronchopulmonary dysplasia of same race social status
2. Term infants from newborn nurseries; next born of
same race and social status
1. Major congenital malformations
2. Drug exposure
3. Mother with major psychiatric or physical illness
4. HIV or mental retardation
5. Live >2 hours drive from facility


Author, Year Assessment Method Population

Choudhury, Parent questionnaire for demographic information and family medical Positive family history=42 (37 families)
2003 history; test results of affected family member (proband). Subset of Negative family history=94 (75 families)
cases were administered a battery of standardized language and 92 children received standard language tests (32 with
cognitive assessments (Preschool Language Scale-3, 2 subtests of positive and 60 with negative family histories)
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Preschool, sentence
structure and word structure, Stanford-Biner Intelligence Scale, 4th

Singer, 2001 Standardized testing at facility including Bayley Scales of Infant 98 cases (VLBW/Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia); 70
Development II and Communication Domain Subscale of Battelle controls (non Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia), 95 term
Developmental Inventory, and demographic information from hospital controls; all were patients in the NICU as newborns


Author, Year Risk Factors Studied Results

Choudhury, 1. Gender In family aggregation study: Males were more affected
2003 2. Differences between family history groups for parental age, (p<0.005), sons 41%, fathers 18%, daughters 16%, mothers
education, socioeconomic status, number and gender of children. 11%. Specific language impairment males were more likely to
3. Medical disorders have an affected sibling (p<0.05). Male probands had more
brothers (1.45 brothers vs 0.05 sisters) and female probands
had more sisters (1.25 sisters vs. 0.25 brothers; p<0.05). No
association of gender of impaired parent and number of impaired
children (p>0.5) but specific language impairment mothers had
more girls than expected (p<0.05)
Comparison of positive vs negative family history: Children with
positive family history tended to have more children in family and
older parents, but no differences in socioeconomic status and
parent education. Children with positive family history were more
likely to report family history of autoimmune diseases (p<0.001)
but not asthma.
Singer, 2001 1. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Bronchopulmonary dysplasia was associated with lower
2. Patent ductus arteriosis language score (p<0.005 on Battelle); especially receptive
language (p<0.02) after other controlling for other factors
Patent ductus arteriosis was associated with socioeconomic
status, neurological risk, and minority race (all p<0.001)


Study Type of Age

Author, Year N Design Disorder Setting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Months)
Tallal, 1989 150 Case Language San Diego, CA; referred Inclusion: 48 - 59
control from school, clinics, and 1. Aged 48-59 months
private professionals 2. Nonverbal performance IQ of 85 or better on the
serving language- Leiter International Performance Scale
impaired children 3. Mean language age at least 1 year below both
performance mental age and chronologic age
4. Normal hearing and no oral, structural, or motor
impairments affecting nonspeech movement of
5. English language background only; no nonstandard
dialectical usage or other language
6. No autism
7. No neurological disorders
8. Data could be collected from both parents

Tomblin, 1991 662 Case Speech and Pediatric offices in Iowa Inclusion: 30 - 60
series language 1. Not at risk for neurodevelopmental difficulties
2. Could get questionnaire back
3. Patient at one of 16 participating pediatricians' offices


Author, Year Assessment Method Population

Tallal, 1989 Parent questionnaire was used for the study, although a sample of cases 76 cases (54 boys and 22 girls)
and controls was taken after assessment of larger group. 54 controls (27 boys and 27girls)

Tomblin, 1991 Developmental testing by pediatrician as part of longitudinal study. Part of a larger cohort in a longitudinal study
Parent questionnaire included parent concerns, history of hearing
impairment, history of speech/language delay, developmental issues,
and questions from the Early Language Milestone Scale, Preschool
Development Inventory, and the Minnesota Child Development Inventory


Author, Year Risk Factors Studied Results

Tallal, 1989 1. Mothers, fathers, or siblings with history of language or learning Mothers of impaired children were more likely to have a history
problems of language problems (p<0.02), more likely kept back in school
2. Parental history of below average school achievement to 8th (p<0.03), more likely to be poor readers (p<0.0001), and writers
grade (reading, writing, or kept back a grade through 8th grade) (p<0.0001) in school. More mothers of affected children met
criteria for affected (p<0.05). Fathers of cases were more likely
to report being kept back (p<0.03) and more often met criteria
for affected (p<0.02). Siblings of cases were more likely to be
affected (p<0.05), and frequency of sibling impairment was not
significantly influenced by number of parents affected. Impaired
children were more likely to have a positive family history (at
least 1 first-degree relative affected; p<0.002)

Tomblin, 1991 1. Sex 1. Male (p=0.043)

2. Birth order 2. Later born (p<0.0001)
3. Birth weight 3. No difference for mean weight
4. Father's education level 4. Lower father's education level (p<0.029)
5. Mother's education level 5. No difference for mother's education level
6. Infant risk score (at risk; question of risk; no risk) 6. Poor communication group rated at risk or question of risk as
a. Birth events infant (p<0.0001); (sensitivity of risk score system=0.55,
b. Family history of speech/language problem specificity=0.76)
c. Family history of hearing loss


Study Type of Age

Author, Year N Design Disorder Setting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Months)
Tomblin, 1997 1,102 Case Speech and Metropolitan areas in Inclusion: Kindergar-
control language Iowa or Western Illinois 1. Monolingual English speakers ten age
2. Consent obtained (otherwise
3. Failed language test for cases not
4. Age appropriate language for controls who also had specified)
normal hearing
5. Age appropriate nonverbal language
Matched with cases on gender & residential variables
1. Sensory impairment
2. Mental retardation or autism
3. Cerebral palsy
4. Severe head injury
5. Visual impairment

Whitehurst, 117 Prospec- Expressive Long Island, NY Cases met criteria of expressive language delay 24 - 38
1991 tive language (expressive language >2.33 standard deviations below
cohort delay mean, and standard scores of at least 85 for receptive
language and cognitive abilities)
Controls were matched to cases on age, sex, SES
status, and scored in the normal range on all 3
standardized tests


Author, Year Assessment Method Population

Tomblin, 1997 Standardized language assessment battery and telephone survey using 177 cases
risk questionnaire; interviewers were blinded. 925 controls

Whitehurst, Recruited through advertisements in local papers; tested on 62 cases

1991 standardized tests; language sample audio taped; hearing information 55 controls
obtained; medical records reviewed; parental questionnaire regarding
family history


Author, Year Risk Factors Studied Results

Tomblin, 1997 1. Parents' socio-demographics Significant associations: younger mothers (p<0.005); fathers with
2. Pre and postnatal exposures of parent (infections, hypertension, learning problems (speech, learning or mental retardation)
drugs, immune system disorders, adverse health behaviors, work (p<0.05); both parents with lower education status (p<0.05).
related exposures) Maternal exposures had no significant differences (maternal
3. Pregnancy conditions smoking did but not when adjusted for education level). Paternal
exposures significantly higher (smoking even when adjusted for
education level).
Not associated with low birth weight, type of delivery, labor
history of delivery complications.
Less time breastfeeding (p<0.05)

Whitehurst, Family history of late talking, speech problems, or school problems No strong familial component found; no differences for separate
1991 analyses for male and female relatives except mothers of cases
more likely to have been late talking (p=0.049). 85% of cases
were boys


Study Type of Age

Author, Year N Design Disorder Setting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Months)
Fox, 2002 113 Cross Speech Northern Germany from Inclusion: Cases
(Germany) sectional 2 private practices for 1. German as native language 32.4 - 86.4
speech and language 2. Monolingual living in northern Germany study area Control
therapy and 13 Exclusion: 40.8 - 73.2
kindergartens 1. More general language problem
2. Sensory impairment, organic motor disorder,
craniofacial anatomical anomaly or intellectual
3. Bilingualism
4. Previous speech intervention
5. Only articulation disorder

Klein, 1986 72 Concurr- Vocabulary 15 kindergarten classes Inclusion: 53 - 69

(Israel) ent in predominantly middle- 1. Teacher identified children who were easy, difficult,
compar- class urban area and slow-to-warm-up
ison 2. Parent confirmed temperament by Behavioral Style
group Questionnaire (BSQ)

Kloth, 1995 93 Case Stuttering Referred by area Inclusion: 23 - 58

(Netherlands) control pediatricians, members 1. One or both parents stutters
of the Dutch Association 2. Children were reported to have normal intelligence
of Stutters, and speech- 3. Demonstrated to function within age-related normal
language pathologists range for expressive and receptive language
4. Passed audiometric test
Lyytinen, 2001 200 Prospec- Speech and Maternity clinics in Inclusion: 0 - 54
(Finland) tive language central Finland from 1. Parents IQ >80
cohort 4/1/93 to 7/31/96 2. Parents with three or more scores at least one SD
study below norm on several reading or spelling measures


Author, Year Assessment Method Population

Fox, 2002 Direct testing with speech instruments for children and parent 65 cases
(Germany) questionnaire on child’s developmental history 48 controls

Klein, 1986 Teachers picked a child in each of 3 categories (easy, difficult, or slow-to- Easy: 12 boys, 12 girls
(Israel) warm up), corroborated by parents on behavior questionnaire, and Difficult: 14 boys, 10 girls
assessed cognitive performance on 3 types of tasks (vocabulary, Slow-to-warm-up: 14 boys, 10 girls
abstract reasoning, and immediate sequential memory) using
standardized tests. Vocabulary from Peabody picture Vocabulary Test
and from the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-

Kloth, 1995 Dysfluency questionnaire and video recorded sessions were transcribed Subjects were children of parents who stutter or had a
(Netherlands) and random sections were reviewed independently by 2 judges history of stuttering, none of the 93 children stuttered
at the beginning of the study.
26 cases: children who developed stuttering during the
year under study
67 controls
Lyytinen, 2001 Parents and relatives who reported reading problems were individually 107 with familial risk of dyslexia
(Finland) assessed for reading and related skills; serial assessments of the child 93 without familial risk for dyslexia
from birth to 4.5 years


Author, Year Risk Factors Studied Results

Fox, 2002 1. Pre and perinatal problems Controlling for age and gender:
(Germany) 2. Hearing problems caused by fluctuating hearing abilities, acute 1. Birth difficulties (p=0.020)
middle ear infections, or a high number of further ENT problems 2. ENT history (p=0.54)
3. Sucking habits 3. Sucking habits (p =0.007)
4. Positive family history for speech and/or language difficulties 4. Positive family history (p=0.020)

Klein, 1986 1. Temperament (easy, difficult, or slow-to warm up) No differences were found between temperament groups on
(Israel) vocabulary tests, and no difference between boys and girls.

Kloth, 1995 1. Communicative style, speaking rate, and language complexity of No significant difference in the number of mothers who stutter in
(Netherlands) the mothers the 2 groups. Mothers of stutterers had significantly shorter
mean length utterances (p<0.01) than mothers of nonstutterers.
Speaking style and rate were not significantly different between

Lyytinen, 2001 Family history of dyslexia The biological (family) risk for dyslexia is still a significant
(Finland) predictor of language development at 5 years even after taking
into account the earlier language achievements, environmental
factors, and a significant number of preschool predictors of
reading skills (p<0.05)


Study Type of Age

Author, Year N Design Disorder Setting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Months)
Peters, 1997 946 Prospec- Language and Birth cohort in Inclusion: 84 - 96
(Netherlands) tive educational Nijmegen, Netherlands 1. Either bilateral B tympanograms on two consecutive
cohort attainment occasions between 2 and 4 years old or never had a
bilateral B tympanogram

Weindrich, 2000 320 Prospec- Receptive, Infants at birth from a Inclusion: Tested at
(Germany) tive expressive hospital in Germany 1. First born singletons of German speaking parents 54
cohort language, and 2. Passed hearing screening and
articulation in Exclusion: 96
the 4.5 year 1. Severe physical handicaps, obvious genetic defects
old and or metabolic diseases
reading and 2. Severe motor or mental handicaps or autism
spelling at age
8 years


Author, Year Assessment Method Population

Peters, 1997 Regular tympanograms and age 7-8 years full audiological and tests of 2X2 design according to level of subject’s risk (high or
(Netherlands) language; questionnaire to teacher low) and the presence of otitis media or control (no

Weindrich, 2000 Direct testing Part of a larger cohort in a longitudinal study



Author, Year Risk Factors Studied Results

Peters, 1997 1. With or without history of otitis media Significant associations: Low parental education level and no
(Netherlands) Additional risk factors otitis were associated with general language delay (p<0.01);
1. Low educational level for both parents having otitis had no additional negative effect. No effect of sex
2. Male sex with or without otitis on general language. Preterm birth/LBW
3. Low non-verbal intelligence and otitis had no interaction for general language or phonological
4. Preterm birth and LBW ability, same risk factors in control group had poorer scores for
5. Dutch as a second language phonological ability (p<0.05) and non-verbal intelligence
(p<0.05), but no effect on general language. Language other
than Dutch as a first language is a risk factor for language
(p<0.0001), but no interaction effects with otitis on language. The
combined effect of early bilateral otitis and other risk factors is
only small
Weindrich, 2000 Biologic risk: birth weight, gestational age, nonelective surgical Biologic risk is most strongly associated with language
(Germany) delivery, toxemia, neonatal asphyxia, neonatal complications development of the 4.5 year olds in the clinical group (p< 0.05),
Psychological risk : low parental education level, overcrowding, no such effect was significant at age 8 for spelling/reading or
parental psychiatric disorder, history of broken home or delinquency, language. Psychosocial risk were more often diagnosed with
marital discord, early parenthood, one-parent family, unwanted language disorder than the nonrisk group (delay p< 0.01 and
pregnancy, poor social integration and support of parents, severe clinical p< 0.05). Preterm labor/birth, gestosis, and VLBW were
chronic difficulties, poor coping skills of a parent. of significance and almost all the psychosocial risk factors
Child was assigned as nonrisk, moderate risk, or high risk in each of except marital disharmony and lack of social support were
these two categories. important


Study Type of Age

Author, Year N Design Disorder Setting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Months)
Yliherva, 2001 8,370 Prospec- Speech, Finland, two northern Inclusion: 96
(Finland) tive language, provinces, included 99% 1. Cohort of all children born in the determined area
cohort learning, of pregnant women in between July 1, 1985 and June 30, 1986
motor abilities 1985 -1986 2. Mothers agreed to participate
3. Children still living in area that can be contacted


Author, Year Assessment Method Population

Yliherva, 2001 Structured questionnaire of mothers during pregnancy and at age 7 9,362 participated at birth and 8,370 responded for
(Finland) years for socio-demographic data; questionnaire of hospital staff and evaluation at 8 years
midwives; parent and teacher questionnaire at age 8 years on speech,
language, learning and motor abilities


Author, Year Risk Factors Studied Results

Yliherva, 2001 1. Neonatal risk factors LBW (<2500 g) had poorer speech at 8 years (p=0.001) and
(Finland) 2. Birth weight (<1500 g, 1500-2499 g, >2500 g) more confusion in discriminating between sounds (p=0.001).
3. Gestational age (>32 wk, 32-36 wk, >37 wk) LBW girls had poorer speech than normal weight girls (p=0.001),
4. SGA and LBW boys confused certain sounds more than normal boys
5. Mother's age (p=0.004). LBW boys had the highest prevalence of problems in
6. Mother's education; marital status and changes over time speech, and LBW girls performed equally well compared with the
7. Number of children in home NBW boys. LBW children had more difficulties following
8. Place of residence instructions concerning activities (p=0.028), and more difficulties
than normal children in discriminating separate sounds from
background noise (p=0.018), LBW boys especially (p=0.020).
Multrivariate logistic regression: Children weighing 1500-2499 g
were at greatest risk when adjusted for sociodemographic
information. Neonatal risk, VLBW (<1500 g), problems in
understanding linguistic concepts, hearing impairment, and male
gender highly increased risk for speech and language delay.
Four or more children in the family, and reconstructed family
status were associated with problems in speech perception
and understanding.
Linguistic concepts: Small for gestational age increased
adjusted risk for problems in speech production (p=0.001),
speech perception (p=0.006) and linguistic concepts (p=0.022).
Preterm birth without the neonatal risk factors increased problems


Instrument ation Components Reference
Author created Focuses on abnormal auditory behaviors: Ward, 1984
1) Inconsistency of response to sound
2) Failure to separate background/foreground audition
3) Ignoring sound to abnormal degree
4) Diminishing responses to environmental sound
5) Inability to respond to auditory stimuli when more than
minimally occupied with visual or tactile stimulation
6) Delayed responses
7) Habituation
8) Localization problems
9) Failure to repond to voice

Bankson Language BLST 17 nine-item subtests designed to test expressive Blaxley, 1983
Screening Test language organized into five categories:
1) Semantic knowledge
2) Morphological rules
3) Syntactic rules
4) Visual perception
5) Auditory perception
*Battelle Developmental BDIST Seven subsets: Glascoe, 1993
Inventory Screening 1) Personal/social
Test 2) Adaptive
3) Fine motor
4) Gross motor
5) Expressive language
6) Receptive language
7) Cognitive skills
*Bayley Infant BINS Assesses four areas: Macias, 1998
Neurodevelopmental 1) Neurological functions/intactness
Screener 2) Receptive functions
3) Expressive functions
4) Cognitive processes

Children's Test of CNRep Repeating nonwords from two different lists and repeating Gray, 2003; Conti-
Nonword Repetition numbers in series. Ramsden, 2003

Clinical Adaptive CAT/ Includes psychometrics and speech and language Macias, 1998;
Test/Clinical Linguistic CLAMS milestones. Clark, 1995;
Auditory Milestone Scale CAT Leppert, 1998;
19 age sets with 12 instruments and 57 items for visual
motor skills.
19 age sets with 3 instruments up to 24 months and 4
instruments after 24 months, includes 43 items for
language skills.


Instrument ation Components Reference
Davis Observation DOCT Observational teacher checklist on six areas of Alberts, 1995
Checklist for Texas communication:
1) Speaking (expressive language)
2) Understanding (receptive language)
3) Speech
4) Fluency
5) Voice
6) Hearing
Denver Articulation DASE 34 sound elements that children are asked to produce Drumwright, 1973
Screening Exam
*Denver Developmental DDST Four sectors: Dodge, 1980
Screening Test 1) Personal-social
2) Fine motor/adaptive
3) Gross motor
4) Language
*Denver Developmental DDST II Domains include: Glascoe, 1993
Screening Test - II 1) Language
2) Fine motor-adaptive
3) Personal-social
4) Gross motor
*Denver Developmental R-DDST Five categories: German, 1982;
Screening Test - 1) Gross motor Feeney, 1996
Revised 2) Language
3) Fine motor
4) Adaptive/personal development
5) Social development
*Developmental Nurse 12-item checklist for gross and fine motor skills, language Stokes, 1996
Screen development, hearing, vision, social development, and
self-help skills
*Developmental Profile- DP-II Five subsets: Glascoe, 1993;
II 1) Physical German, 1982
2) Self-help
3) Social
4) Academic
5) Communication
Early Language 41 items covering four areas: Coplan, 1982;
Milestone Scale 1) Auditory expressive Black, 1988;
2) Auditory receptive Walker, 1989
3) Visual expressive Sherman, 1986
4) Visual receptive
Fluharty Preschool 35 items separated into 3 sections (A, B, C) including Blaxley, 1983;
Speech and Language identification of 15 common objects (phoneme), Sturner, 1993;
Screening Test nonverbal responses to 10 sentences (syntax), and Allen, 1987
imitation of 10 one-sentence picture descriptions. Assess
identification, articulation, comprehension, and repetition


Instrument ation Components Reference
General Language GLS 11 questions about receptive and expressive language Stott, 2002
Screen skills and one question about whether the child has any
hearing difficulties
Hackney Early 20-item test in seven sections: Dixon, 1988; Law,
Language Screening 1) Comprehension - following instructions to manipulate 1994
Test toys (e.g., "Make teddy drink")
2) Expression - tester manipulates toys and asks child
questions about this
3) Comprehension - following instructions for placing toys
(e.g., "Put the spoon in the box")
4) Comprehension - child chooses picture from three
5) Expression - child answers question about pictures
6) Expression - child names objects
7) Comprehension - child chooses picture from four
options (testing comprehension of function)
Language Development LDS 310 words arranged in 14 semantic categories. Parents Rescorla, 1989;
Survey indicate which words their child has spoken and describe Rescorla, 1993;
word combinations of two or more words that their child Rescorla, 2002;
has used Klee, 1998; Klee,
2000; Rescorla,
Levett-Muir Language Test is divided into six sections: Levett, 1983
Screening Test 1) Comprehension - child is asked to pick toys from group
2) Vocabulary - child's ability to name the toys
3) Comprehension - using pictures child is required to
respond to questions
4) Vocabulary - child's ability to name what's in the
5) Comprehension & representation - child's ability to
answer "what" and "who" questions
6) Overall - child is asked to explain the detailed
composite picture

MacArthur CDI: Expressive language is divided into two sections: Scherer, 1995
Communicative Toddler 1) Vocabulary list of 680 word options; parent is asked to
Development Inventory: check the ones their child uses
Toddler 2) Morphology and word combinations
Mayo Early Language MELST General checklist with specific age-related sections McGinty, 2000
Screening Test including questions to parents, observation of the child,
and direct testing


Instrument ation Components Reference
*Minnesota Child MCDI 320 items for parents include five areas of their child's Chaffee, 1990
Development Inventory development:
1) Cognitive
2) Language
3) Motor
4) Social
5) Adaptive skills
Northwestern Syntax NSST 20 receptive and 20 expressive items of grammatical Allen, 1987
Screening Test forms that vary in level of complexity

Parent Evaluation of PEDS Two questions for parents to elicit concerns in general Glascoe, 1991
Developmental Status and in specific areas. Other items determine reasons for
parents' concerns
*Parent Language PLC Twelve questions for parents about their child's receptive Burden, 1996
Checklist and expressive language with one question assessing
hearing problems
Pediatric Language PLASTE Communication development milestones by age with Sherman, 1996
Acquisition Screening R seven individual areas. Each area contains 10 questions
Tool for Early Referral (five relate to receptive language and five relate to
expressive langauge)
Screening Kit of SKOLD Vocabulary comprehension, story completion, sentence Bliss, 1984
Language Development completion, paired sentence repetition with pictures,
individual sentence repetition with pictures, individual
sentence repetition without pictures, auditory
comprehension of commands
Sentence Repetition SRST 15 sentences repeated one at a time by the child after Sturner, 1996
Screening Test demostration by the tester
Structured Photographic SPELT- 25-items Plante, 1995
Expressive Language P Child is presented with a picture and prompted to produce
Test - Preschool a sentence about it

Structured Screening 20 questions covering both expressive and receptive Laing, 2002
Test language skills
Test for Examining TEEM 54-items targeting a variety of morphosyntactic structures Merrell, 1997
Expressive Morphology using a sentence completion task

Wilcox African-American WAAES Includes 50 words targeting African-American Vernacular Wilcox, 1998
English Screening Test TA English
of Articulation

*WILSTAAR Screen Description not available Oakenfull, 2001

*Speech and language are part of a broader screening instrument.


Groups Eligibility Adequate Adequate Screening Test Interpreted
Similar at Criteria Sample Size Attrition Credible Reference Adequately Independ- Quality
Author, Year Baseline Specified (>50) (<10%) Standard Used Described ently Rating
Alberts, 1995 Yes Yes Yes (59) N/A Yes Yes Yes Good
Allen, 1987* NR No Yes (182) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
Black, 1988* Yes No No (48) N/A Yes Yes Yes Poor
(REEL and Bayley)
Blaxley, 1983* NR Yes Yes (90) N/A No Yes Yes Fair
Bliss, 1984* Yes No Yes (602) N/A Yes Yes No Fair
Borowitz, 1986* NR Unclear Yes (71) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
Burden, 1996 Yes Yes Yes (425) N/A Yes Yes Yes Good
(Clinical Judgment)
Chaffee, 1990* N/A Yes Yes (152) N/A Yes (Reynell) Yes Yes Good
Clark, 1995* NR Unclear Yes (99) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
Conti-Ramsden, Yes Yes Yes (64) N/A Yes (Clinical Judgment) Yes No Fair
Coplan, 1982* NR Yes Yes (191) N/A Yes Yes No Fair
(Formal language and
psychometric testing)
Dixon, 1988* NR No No (40) N/A Yes Yes Yes Poor
(SLP Judgment)


Groups Eligibility Adequate Adequate Screening Test Interpreted
Similar at Criteria Sample Size Attrition Credible Reference Adequately Independ- Quality
Author, Year Baseline Specified (>50) (<10%) Standard Used Described ently Rating
Dodge, 1980* NR No Yes (486) N/A Yes Yes No Fair-poor
(Formal language
Drumwright, 1973 Yes Yes Yes (1455) N/A Yes (TNDAST) Yes No Fair
Feeney, 1996* Yes No Yes (199) N/A Yes No No Fair
(SLP Judgment)
German, 1982* N/A Yes Yes (84) N/A Yes Yes Yes Good-fair
(SICD and Bayley or

Glascoe, 1991* Yes Yes Yes (157) N/A Yes Yes Yes Good
(SLP Assessment)
Glascoe, 1993* N/A Yes Yes (89) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
(Criterion battery†)
Gray, 2003 Yes Yes No (44) N/A Yes Yes Yes Poor
Klee, 1998* Unclear Yes Yes (64) N/A Yes Yes Yes Good-fair
(Infant MSEL)
Klee, 2000 Unclear Yes Yes (64) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
Laing, 2002 NR Yes Yes (458) N/A Yes Unclear; Yes Fair
(RDLS) parent based and
judgment used
Law, 1994* NR Yes Yes (217) N/A Yes Yes Yes Good-fair
Leppert, 1998 NR Yes Yes (70) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair


Groups Eligibility Adequate Adequate Screening Test Interpreted
Similar at Criteria Sample Size Attrition Credible Reference Adequately Independ- Quality
Author, Year Baseline Specified (>50) (<10%) Standard Used Described ently Rating
Levett, 1983* Yes Yes Yes (140) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
Macias, 1998 Yes Yes Yes (78) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
McGinty, 2000* Yes Yes Yes (200) N/A Yes Yes Yes Poor
Merrell, 1997 Yes Yes No (40) N/A Yes Yes Yes Poor
Oakenfull, 2001 NR NR Yes (177) N/A Yes No No Poor
Plante, 1995 Yes Yes No (40) N/A Yes Yes Yes Poor
(K-ABC and
Rescorla, 1989* Yes Unclear Yes (81) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
(Bayley and Reynell)
Rescorla, 1993* NR Unclear Yes (108) N/A Yes Yes No Fair
(Bayley and Stanford-
Rescorla, 2001 Yes No Yes (422) N/A Yes Yes No Fair
(Bayley and Stanford-
Rescorla, 2002 Yes No Yes (278) N/A Yes Yes No Fair
Scherer, 1995* Yes Yes Yes (60) N/A Yes Yes No Fair
(SLP assessment)
Sherman, 1996 Yes Yes Yes (173) N/A Yes (EMLS) Yes No Fair
Stokes, 1997* NR Yes Yes (398) N/A Yes Yes No Fair
(SLP assessment)


Groups Eligibility Adequate Adequate Screening Test Interpreted
Similar at Criteria Sample Size Attrition Credible Reference Adequately Independ- Quality
Author, Year Baseline Specified (>50) (<10%) Standard Used Described ently Rating
Stott, 2002 Yes Yes Yes (254) No (15%) Yes Yes Yes Good-fair
Sturner, 1993* NR No Yes (279) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
Study 1 (AAPS-R)
Sturner, 1993* NR No Yes (421) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
Study 2 (TACL-R, Templin-Darley)

Sturner, 1996* N/A No Yes (76) N/A Yes Yes Yes Fair
Walker, 1989* NR No Yes (77) N/A Yes Yes No Poor
Ward, 1984 N/A No Yes (1070) N/A Yes Yes No Fair
Wilcox, 1998 Yes Yes No (26) N/A Yes Yes No Poor
(Clinical Judgment)


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
,† To examine effectiveness of Phonology Speech and language 26 Group 1: mean age 42.5 months
Almost, 1998*
Effectiveness of treatment for children with severe pathology department clinic (33-61)
speech intervention phonological disorders as typically in a community hospital in Male: 12
for phonological seen in an ambulatory care speech- SW Ontario, Canada Female: 1
disorders: a language-pathology clinic in a
randomized controlled community hospital Assessment from 5/93 to Group 2: mean age 41.4 months
trial 5/94 (33-55)
Male: 9
Female: 4

Barratt, 1992† To compare the benefits of intensive Expressive and Day nurseries, special play 39 Male: 27
Trial of intensive individual speech therapy with the receptive groups and nursery classes Female: 12
compared with weekly more traditional once weekly language attached to schools in SW Age range: 37-43 months
speech therapy in approach London, UK
preschool children

Cole, 1986† To examine effectiveness of two Syntax, Classrooms in the 44 Male: 34

Direct language intervention techniques semantics, and Experimental Education Female: 10
instruction and pragmatics Unit at the University of Age range: 38-69 months
interactive language Washington
instruction with
language delayed
preschool children: a
comparison study


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
,† Severe phonological disorder as determined by Group 1: Group 1: 4 months treatment followed by 4 months no
Almost, 1998*
Effectiveness of the phonological deviancy score on the immediate treatment. Group 2: 4 months no treatment followed by 4
speech intervention Assessment of Phonological Processes - Revised treatment months treatment. Assessments at baseline, 4, and 8
for phonological (AAP-R) implied months. Treatment: remediation for phonological
disorders: a Receptive language skills >1 SD below the mean Group 2: 4 disorders. Individual 30 minute sessions 2x per week. 4 - 6
randomized controlled on the Reynell Developmental Language Scales - months target phonological deviations chosen for each child at
trial Revised treatment cycle initiation. Each target repeated 2 - 3 times
or until correct in conversation

Barratt, 1992† At least one SD below the mean for age on the Immediate Clinician administered interactive language therapy
Trial of intensive Reynell Developmental Language Scales in treatment focusing on expressive and receptive skills
compared with weekly comprehension, expression or both implied 21 participants received weekly therapy and 18 received
speech therapy in intensive
preschool children

Cole, 1986† A score of 1.5 SD below the mean for age on Immediate Clinician administered intervention using either a directive
Direct language either the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test- treatment or an interactive approach
instruction and Revised (PPVT-R), Form L; the Northwestern implied 19 participants received directive approach, 25 participants
interactive language Syntax Screening Test, receptive section (NSST- received an interactive approach
instruction with R); the Preschool Language Scale (PLS), verbal
language delayed ability or auditory comprehension subtests; or a
preschool children: a Developmental Sentence Score (DSS) one full
comparison study point below the 10th percentile


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
,† 4 months APP-R (Assessment of 4 month assessment: Group 1- scores of None.
Almost, 1998*
Effectiveness of Phonological Processes- phonological measures reflect improvement: APP-
speech intervention Revised) score R (p=0.05), GFTA (p=0.05), PCC (p=0.01)
for phonological GFTA (Goldman-Fristoe Test 8 month assessment: Group 1- higher measures
disorders: a of Articulation) score for speech intelligibility (PCC, p=0.05), but no
randomized controlled PCC (Percentage Consonants statistically significant difference on single- word
trial Correct) score phonological skills
MLU (Mean Length of Expressive language measure (MLU): no
Utterance) score significant differences between groups at any
assessment point. Group 1 had consistently higher
(improved) scores than Group 2

Barratt, 1992† Provided over 6 months Reynell Expressive and Both groups showed improvement in The children in
Trial of intensive either weekly (40 min), Receptive scales comprehension (p=0.07 for intensive group, p=0.02 the intensive
compared with weekly or as 2 intensive therapy for weekly group). Both groups showed therapy group
speech therapy in blocks (40 min 4 days a improvement in expression scores, but the built up a
preschool children week for 3 weeks in intensive therapy showed significantly greater relationship with
each 3 month block). improvement (p< 0.01 for intensive group, p=0.18 the clinician
for weekly group) quicker than
those in the
weekly group

Cole, 1986† 600 minutes a week MLU (Mean Length of There was little difference between the None
Direct language given for 8 months. Utterance) score effectiveness of the direct-instruction program and
instruction and Preschool language scale: the interactive program
interactive language overall scores
instruction with Basic language concepts test
language delayed Peabody Picture Vocabulary
preschool children: a Test-Revised (PPVT-R)
comparison study


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
† To determine the effectiveness of a Expressive Children were seen in 36 Male: 24
Courtright, 1979
Imitative modeling as third-person modeling approach. language speech and language Female: 12
a language To determine the amount imitative therapy clinics Age range: 47-83 months
intervention strategy: modeling increases the efficacy of
The effects of two interventions
mediating variables
Evans Not reported Not reported Not reported 60 Children from middle class area
(unpublished)†, ‡ Age: 8 months
The Kenilworth Gender mix not stated
project: A randomised
controlled trial of

Fey, 1993*, † To test the effectiveness of two Syntax and Children were recruited 29 Participants do not meet all
Two approaches to broadly based grammar facilitation morphology through advertisements and criteria usually stipulated for
the facilitation of programs, one administered by a referrals from physicians specific language impairment.
grammar in children speech-language pathologist and the and seen at a research Clinician Treatment Group:
with language other by parents clinic mean age 54.7 months (SD 6.1)
impairment: An Male: 6 Female: 5
experimental Parent Treatment Group:
evaluation mean age 56.2 months (SD 7.2)
Male: 7 Female: 3
Delayed Treatment Group:
mean age 55.8 months (SD 6.3)
Male: 8 Female: 1


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
† All subjects fell below the 10th percentile rank for Immediate Clinician administered syntax intervention looking at
Courtright, 1979
Imitative modeling as age on the Developmental Sentence Score (DSS) treatment effectiveness of mimicry and modeling approaches:
a language implied 12 participants in mimicry condition
intervention strategy: 12 participants in modeling condition
The effects of two 12 participants in 3rd person modeling condition
mediating variables
Evans At baseline children had to have Receptive Not reported Parent administered general language intervention with
(unpublished)†, ‡ Expressive Emergent Language (REEL) scores 1 training from clinician, WILSTAAR intervention:
The Kenilworth SD below mean 24 participants assigned to WILSTAAR condition
project: A randomised 36 participants assigned to no treatment condition
controlled trial of

Fey, 1993*, † Developmental Sentence Score (DSS) below the Immediate All treatment sessions were conducted by a speech-
Two approaches to 10th percentile for the lower of chronological or (N=21) language pathologist and included focused simulation
the facilitation of mental age Delayed 4.5 procedures and cyclical goal-attack strategies. Each child
grammar in children months (N=8) had 4 specific treatment goals. Goals were presented in a
with language cyclical manner, with one targeted each week. When a
impairment: An child began to use a target productively in the group
experimental sessions in clinician treatment or in monthly clinic sessions
evaluation in parent treatment, the goal was dropped or combined
with another existing related goal
Clinician Treatment: 1-hour individual session and two 1-
hour group sessions per week for 20 weeks. Each
individual session began with a highly structured activity
with imitation of the target for that week and of a language
form contrastive with the target
Parent Treatment: 2-hour group session per week for
parents (12 weeks) then once per month (8 weeks). 3
home visits by pathologist during first 12 weeks. 1 hour
monthly clinic visit with individual sessions for parent and
child (final 8 weeks)


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
† 5 months Utterances correct on 20 Scores improved on the Preschool Language None
Courtright, 1979
Imitative modeling as unusual sentences Scale (PLS) (p<0.001) for all children
a language
intervention strategy:
The effects of two
mediating variables
Evans Not reported REEL Language Quotients All children improved regardless of therapy None
(unpublished)†, ‡ (p<0.01). The Visualising and Verbalising
The Kenilworth technique was not a significantly better intervention
project: A randomised than the traditional method used
controlled trial of

Fey, 1993*, † 20 weeks Primary: DSS (Developmental Clinician Group vs. Delayed-Treatment Group: None
Two approaches to Sentence Score) The clinician group's DDS scores, Main Verb
the facilitation of Mean Main Verb score per scores, and percentage of grammatically well-
grammar in children sentence formed sentences were significantly higher
with language Mean Personal Pronoun score (p=0.0005, p=0.004, and p=0.0005, respectively)
impairment: An per sentence than the delayed-treatment group
experimental Percentage of sentences Parent Group vs. Delayed-Treatment Group:
evaluation awarded a Sentence Point The parent group's DDS scores, Main Verb scores,
and percentage of grammatically well-formed
sentences were significantly higher (p=0.0001,
p=0.04, and p=0.03, respectively) than the delayed-
treatment group
Clinician Group vs. Parent Group:
There were no differences between the clinician
group and the parent group on DDS scores, Main
Verb scores and percentage of grammatically well-
formed sentences


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
† To determine if a clinician- Phonology Children were recruited 26 Male: 17
Fey, 1994
Effects of grammar administered intervention produces through advertisements and Female: 9
facilitation on the better gains in phonology referrals from physicians Age range: 44-70 months
phonological and seen at a research
performance of clinic (from pool from Fey,
children with speech 1993)
and language
Fey, 1997† To evaluate the effects of either 5 Phonology Children were recruited 28 Age range: 44-70 months
Two models of months of intervention or 5 months of through advertisements and
grammar facilitation in no intervention following completion referrals from physicians
children with language of the first 5-month phase and seen at a research
impairments: Phase 2 clinic (from pool from Fey,

Gibbard, 1994*, † To examine the effectiveness of a Expressive Local health center where 36 Male: 25
Study 1 parent trained intervention versus no language children were referred for Female: 11
Parental-based intervention speech and language Age range: 27-39 months
intervention with pre- therapy Majority of participants in social
school language- classes I, II, or IIIM
delayed children Mean mother age: 30
Mean father age: 33


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
† Subjects from Fey, 1993 study Immediate in Parent or clinician administered expressive syntax
Fey, 1994
Effects of grammar Developmental Sentence Score (DSS) below the Subgroup 1 intervention based on focused stimulation:
facilitation on the 10th percentile for the lower of chronological or and Subgroup 10 received clinician therapy
phonological mental age 3 (N=21) 8 received parent therapy
performance of Delayed 5 8 received delayed therapy
children with speech months in
and language Subgroup 2
impairments (N=9)

Fey, 1997† Subjects from Fey, 1993 study Immediate Parent or clinician administered expressive syntax
Two models of Developmental Sentence Score (DSS) below the treatment intervention based on focused stimulation provided in
grammar facilitation in 10th percentile for the lower of chronological or implied. addition to that which was provided in Fey 1993:
children with language mental age 9 had further parent treatment as Fey 1993
impairments: Phase 2 9 had further clinician treatment as Fey 1993
10 had no more treatment except the 4.5 month treatment
received in Fey 1993

Gibbard, 1994*, † Vocabulary of <30 single words Immediate Parental administered expressive syntax intervention
Study 1 emphasizing how to maximize language use in everyday
Parental-based environment:
intervention with pre- 18 received parental intervention
school language- 18 received delayed intervention
delayed children


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
† 10 months for Percentage of consonants Both the clinician and parent groups performed None
Fey, 1994
Effects of grammar Subgroups 1 and 2 correct derived from the better than the control group (p=0.0006)
facilitation on the 5 months for Subgroup 3 Assessment of Phonological
phonological Processes - Revised (AAP-R)
performance of
children with speech
and language
Fey, 1997† 10 months for two Developmental Sentence The clinician group had higher DSSs and main None
Two models of groups Scores (DSS): composite, verb scores at the end of Phase 2 than at the end
grammar facilitation in 5 months for one verbs, sentence points of Phase 1 (p=0.01 and p=0.03, respectively). The
children with language dismissal group parent group had higher DSSs at the end of Phase
impairments: Phase 2 2 than at the end of Phase 1 (p=0.04). The
reduction in DSS gains for the dismissal group
over Phase 2 compared to those over Phase 1 was
statistically significant (p=0.02). The clinician
group had a smaller improvement in well-formed
sentences over Phase 2 than over Phase 1
Gibbard, 1994*, † An average of 40 Reynell Expressive measure The mean scores improved for both the None
Study 1 minutes per week over 6 Language sample one word experimental and the no-intervention control
Parental-based months scores and total scores groups, but the experimental group had larger
intervention with pre- Renfrew Action Picture Test gains on all measures (p=0.008 for language
school language- information sample one word scores and p=0.000 for all other
delayed children Mother's description of measures)
vocabulary and phrase
MLU (mean length of
utterances) from language


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
† To examine the effectiveness of a Expressive Local health center where 25 Male: 19
Gibbard, 1994 Study
2 parent trained intervention versus a language children were referred for Female: 6
Parental-based direct intervention speech and language Age range: 27-39 months
intervention with pre- therapy Majority of participants in social
school language- classes II, IIIM, and IIIN
delayed children Average mother age: 28 and 29
Average father age: 29 and 33.5


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
† Vocabulary of <30 single words Immediate Clinician or parent administered expressive syntax
Gibbard, 1994 Study
2 intervention
Parental-based Controls received a cognitive parent therapy based on
intervention with pre- Portage:
school language- 8 received clinician therapy
delayed children 9 received parent therapy
8 received control therapy


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
† Clinician therapy 30 Reynell expressive measure The parental involved approach made more gains None
Gibbard, 1994 Study
2 minutes per week for 6 Language sample one word than the direct approach on all measures, but only
Parental-based months scores and total scores and the mean length of utterances was statistically
intervention with pre- Parent therapy an MLU (mean length of significant (p=0.008). The gains made by the
school language- average of 40 minutes utterances) parent involved group was statistically significant
delayed children per week for 6 months Parent report of vocabulary compared to the control group on all the measures
and phrase complexity (Reynell, p=0.018; Derbyshire one word scores,
Renfrew Action Picture Test p=0.004, Derbyshire total scores, p=0.000;
information Renfrew, p=0.005; and mean length of utterances,
p=0.000). The gains made by the direct approach
group were statistically significant compared to the
control group on two measures (Derbyshire total
scores, p=0.007 and mean length of utterances,


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
,† To examine the effects of a focused Expressive Children were recruited 25 Age range: 23-35 months
Girolametto, 1996* b
Interactive focused stimulation language intervention on vocabulary from waiting lists for parent No gender details given
stimulation for children's' vocabulary and language programs offered at two
toddlers with development agencies in metropolitan
expressive vocabulary Toronto, Canada


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
,† Vocabulary size in the lower 5th percentile for age Immediate Parental administered expressive vocabulary intervention
Girolametto, 1996* b
Interactive focused measured by McArthur Communicative based on HANEN principles and adapted for focused
stimulation for Development Inventories (CDI) stimulation:
toddlers with 12 received parent intervention
expressive vocabulary 13 received delayed intervention


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
Girolametto, 1996*, † b 150 minutes per week Vocabulary and phrase Children who received treatment had larger Mother's
Interactive focused for 11 weeks complexity as determined by vocabularies (p<0.02) and used a greater number language
stimulation for the McArthur Communicative of different words (p<0.01) compared to the control interactions with
toddlers with Development Inventories group. Those who received treatment used more child changed
expressive vocabulary (CDI) structurally complete utterances and more (language input
delays Number of different words and multiword utterances than those in the control slower, less
utterances from a language group (p<0.04 and p<0.01, respectively) complex, and
sample more focused
Post test probes for target after treatment)
words Few
Control word measures, target words/minute
words in interaction, multi- p<0.01
word utterances Shorter
utterances p<0.01
Used more target
words and
stimulation of
target words


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
Girolametto, 1996*a To examine whether children in an Expressive and Children were recruited 16 Male: 11
The effects of focused experimental group would learn more receptive from waiting lists for parent Female: 5
stimulation for words than children on a waiting list vocabulary programs offered at two Age range: 22-38 months
promoting vocabulary (control group) agencies in metropolitan
in young children with Toronto, Canada
delays: a pilot study

Girolametto, 1997† To examine the impact of a focused Phonology Children were recruited 25 Male: 22
Effects of lexical stimulation intervention on the from waiting lists for parent Female: 3
intervention on the vocabulary, language, and emerging programs offered at two Age range: 23-35 months
phonology of late phonological skills of late talkers agencies in metropolitan
talkers Toronto, Canada.


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
Girolametto, 1996*a Delayed in the acquisition of vocabulary as Immediate Parental administered expressive vocabulary intervention
The effects of focused measured by the Communicative Development based on HANEN principles and adapted for focused
stimulation for Inventory (CDI) stimulation:
promoting vocabulary 8 received parent therapy
in young children with 8 received delayed therapy
delays: a pilot study

Girolametto, 1997† Vocabulary size in the lower 5th percentile for age Immediate Parental administered expressive vocabulary intervention
Effects of lexical measured by McArthur Communicative based on HANEN principles and adapted for focused
intervention on the Development Inventories (CDI) stimulation:
phonology of late 12 received parent intervention
talkers 13 received delayed intervention


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
Girolametto, 1996*a 150 minutes per week Parent report of vocabulary Those in the experimental group produced Treatment group:
The effects of focused for 10 weeks size significantly more target words at post-test than the use of symbolic
stimulation for Number of target words in control group (p<0.02). Those in the experimental play gestures
promoting vocabulary probe exercise group used an average of twice as many target increased p<0.03.
in young children with words as those in the control group at post-test Externalizing
delays: a pilot study aggressive/destru
ctive behavior
ctive behavior no

Girolametto, 1997† 11 weeks Different vocalization There was no difference between groups on the None
Effects of lexical 8 2.5 hour evening Syllable structure at level 1, 2, number of vocalizations made. Children who
intervention on the sessions 3 received treatment used Level 3 vocalizations
phonology of late 3 home sessions Consonants inventory: early, more than the controls (p<0.01). Those that
talkers middle, late received treatment also used a greater inventory of
Consonant position: initial and consonants in all three classes
Proportion of consonants


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
† To compare routine speech and Expressive and 16 community clinics in 159 Male: 120
Glogowska, 2000
Randomised language therapy against 12 months receptive Bristol. Children were Female: 39
controlled trial of of "watchful waiting" language and enrolled between Age range: 18-42 months
community based phonology December 1995 and March Just over half of the children
speech and language 1998 were receiving child care.
therapy in preschool Most mothers had completed
children "O" level education.
A minority either had no
qualifications or had "A" levels.

Glogowska, 2002 To examine the effectiveness and Expressive and Children were referred to 159 Age range: 42 months or
A multimethod acceptability of community speech receptive their local speech and younger
approach to the and language therapy provision language and language therapist and
evaluation of phonology seen at these clinics
community preschool
speech and language
therapy provision

Lancaster, 1991*, †, ‡ To examine the effectiveness of a Phonology Children were referred to a 15 Males: 12
The effectiveness of parent administered intervention speech and language clinic Females: 3
parent administered and subjects were selected Age range: 40-53 months
input training for from them Majority had family history of
children with speech difficulties


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
† Standardized score <1.2 SD below the mean on Immediate Clinician administered intervention focusing on a variety of
Glogowska, 2000
Randomised the auditory comprehension part of the Preschool treatment language areas.
controlled trial of Language Scale (PLS). Standardized score >1.2 implied 71 received clinician intervention
community based SD below the mean on auditory comprehension, 88 received delayed intervention
speech and language but <1.2 SD below the mean on the expressive
therapy in preschool language part of the PLS. Auditory and
children expressive language scores >1.2 SD below the
mean but with an error rate of at least 40% in
production of fricative consonants and /or velar
consonants and/or sounds occurring after a vowel
among the 22 words included in the phonological

Glogowska, 2002 All subjects had slow speech/language Immediate Clinician administered intervention focusing on a variety of
A multimethod development and were referred by their local language areas.
approach to the speech and language therapy clinic. No measures Children received either clinician intervention or delayed
evaluation of were specified intervention, N not specified for each group.
community preschool
speech and language
therapy provision

Lancaster, 1991*, †, ‡ Children needed to have a standard score of Immediate Clinician administered phonology intervention
The effectiveness of below 80 on the Edinburgh Articulation Test (EAT) treatment Clinician provided an eclectic approach, parent therapy
parent administered implied was based on auditory bombardment therapy
input training for 5 received clinician therapy
children with 5 received parent therapy
phonological 5 received delayed therapy


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
† Therapy continued for Preschool Language Scale Although all outcome measures were in favor of No significant
Glogowska, 2000
Randomised an average of 10 (PLS): auditory the therapy group only one measure reached the difference for play
controlled trial of minutes per week for 8.4 comprehension and significant level (auditory comprehension, p=0.025) level or attention
community based months expressive language level
speech and language Phonological errors
therapy in preschool

Glogowska, 2002 12 months Not reported Only one of the five outcomes showed significantly The treatment
A multimethod more improvement in the therapy group versus the group showed
approach to the control group (receptive language, p=0.025) improvement in
evaluation of family's response
community preschool to child (p=0.14).
speech and language The therapist
therapy provision made parent feel
better (p=0.045)
in the treatment

Lancaster, 1991*, †, ‡ Average of 17 minutes Composite Deviancy Score Those in the treatment group made significantly None
The effectiveness of of therapy per week for more gains than those in the control (p<0.05).
parent administered 6 months There was no difference between the direct
input training for Parents were trained an therapy or the parent administered therapy
children with average of 9 minutes
phonological per week for 6 months


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
†, ‡ To compare two intervention: a Expressive and Not reported 38 Males: 24
Law, 1999
A comparison of two clinician lead and a parent lead receptive Females: 14
methods for providing approach language Age range: 33-39 months
intervention to three Majority were of lower SES and
year old children with ethnic minorities
language impairment

Mulac, 1977† To determine the extent to which Syntax Children were seen in 9 Males: 6
Generalization of an clinically acquired syntax skills speech and language Females: 3
operant remediation generalize to extraclinic stimulus therapy clinics and parents Age range: 52- 75 months
program for syntax settings completed some activities
with language delayed at home

Munro, 1998† To assess the efficacy of therapy for Articulation Children were seen in 13 Male: 6
Efficacy of speech children have articulation deficits general pediatric services Female: 5
and language therapy (word-initial velar plosives) Age range: 47-65 months
for particular speech
sounds in children

Reid, 1996*, †, ‡ To assess the efficacy of the Phonology and Not reported 30 Age range: 42-66 months
The effectiveness of Metaphon approach receptive No information on gender
therapy for child vocabulary
disorders: the
Metaphon approach


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
†, ‡ Children were below 1.5 SD on comprehension Not reported Clinician or parent administered expressive and receptive
Law, 1999
A comparison of two measures language intervention
methods for providing Clinician therapy focused on auditory processing and word
intervention to three mapping
year old children with Parent therapy used HANEN principles
expressive/receptive 17 received clinician therapy
language impairment 11 received parent therapy
10 received delayed therapy

Mulac, 1977† Failure to pass the "is interrogative" item on the Immediate Clinician administered Monterey operant language program
Generalization of an Programmed Conditioning Language Test (PCLT) treatment with additional outdoor and home activities for the children
operant remediation implied in the program and additional lessons condition
program for syntax 3 received articulation therapy
with language delayed 3 received Monterey language program
children 3 received Monterey language program and additional
exercises to facilitate generalization

Munro, 1998† Over 1.5 SD below the mean for age on the Immediate for Clinician administered intervention for phonology /k/ and /g/
Efficacy of speech Renfrew Action Picture Test treatment 7 received immediate therapy
and language therapy group Delayed 4 received delayed therapy
for particular speech group received
sounds in children treatment later,
but not
reported in this

Reid, 1996*, †, ‡ Children had to get less than 85SS on the Immediate Clinician administered phonology intervention using
The effectiveness of Edinburgh Articulation Test (EAT) treatment is Metaphon
therapy for child This is a sub-group analysis of an on-going trial; implied 8 received metaphon stage 1 only
phonological groups acknowledged to be unequal and median 7 received metaphon stages 1 and 2
disorders: the figures reported 15 received delayed therapy
Metaphon approach


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
†, ‡ Clinician therapy: 450 Preschool Language Scale There were no differences between groups on Parent's rating of
Law, 1999
A comparison of two minutes per week for 6 (PLS): expressive and speech and language measures child's behavior
methods for providing weeks receptive and positivity
intervention to three Parent therapy: 150 Parent report: vocabulary, towards their child
year old children with minutes per week for 10 phrase complexity, language went up as well
expressive/receptive weeks sample: total communication as child's rating of
language impairment acts, MLU (mean length of their sense of self-
utterances) esteem (p=0.03,
p=0.04, p=0.05;

Mulac, 1977† Average of 67 minutes Extra clinic measures of "is" Only the group that received the language program None
Generalization of an per week for 4 weeks interrogative plus extended transfer made a significant
operant remediation improvement (p<0.01)
program for syntax
with language delayed

Munro, 1998† 60 minutes per week for Edinburgh Articulation Test Preliminary data, no results were presented Not reported
Efficacy of speech 6 weeks (EAT)
and language therapy Target sounds in initial position
for particular speech Re-telling a story with target
sounds in children sounds
Repetition of five lexical items
four times each

Reid, 1996*, †, ‡ 30 minutes per week for EAT There was a significant improvement in gains on None
The effectiveness of 10 weeks Occurrence of phonological the EAT for the Phase 1 plus Phase 2 group
therapy for child process: subtest from (p<0.02). The 10-week intervention group made
phonological Metaphon resources significant gains on test of phoneme awareness
disorders: the (p<0.03) only
Metaphon approach


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
Robertson, 1997 To examine the effects of peer Expressive and Children were enrolled in a 6 Male: 4
Study 2 modeling using the same peer receptive language-based early Female: 2
The influence of peer throughout the intervention on language childhood classroom Mean age: 54 months (range 48-
models on the play children with speech and language 57 months)
scripts of children with impairments
specific language

Robertson, 1997† To examine the effects of peer Expressive and Children were enrolled in a 20 Male: 13
Study 1 modeling on children with speech and receptive language-based early Female: 7
The influence of peer language impairments language childhood classroom Mean age: 50 months (range 36-
models on the play 60 months)
scripts of children with Mean maternal education: 14
specific language years

Robertson, 1999† To examine the effects of early Expressive and Children were recruited 21 Male: 12
Effects of treatment language intervention on the receptive from the community and Female: 9
on linguistic and social development of late-talking toddlers language and seen at a research clinic Age range: 21-30 months
skills in toddlers with phonology All participants from middle class
delayed language households


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
Robertson, 1997 Performance at or near 2 SD below the mean on Immediate Play intervention for expressive narrative language:
Study 2 standardized measures of receptive and 4 participants played with each other in pairs
The influence of peer expressive language; measures not reported 2 participants were paired with a normal peer
models on the play
scripts of children with
specific language

Robertson, 1997† Performance at or near 2 SD below the mean on Immediate Play intervention for expressive narrative language:
Study 1 standardized measures of receptive and 10 participants played with each other in pairs
The influence of peer expressive language; measures not reported 10 participants were paired with a normal peer
models on the play
scripts of children with
specific language

Robertson, 1999† Demonstrated significant delays in the acquisition <1 week Clinician administered intervention for expressive
Effects of treatment of language measured by the Preschool Language vocabulary and syntax
on linguistic and social Scale - 3 and the Bayley Scales of Infant Child-centered approach to provide general stimulation
skills in toddlers with Development (BSID-II) 11 received clinician intervention
delayed language 10 received delayed intervention


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
Robertson, 1997 15 minutes per week for Language sample: number of Both children in the experimental group showed Both children in
Study 2 3 weeks words in script, number of significant gains in number of words used, number the experimental
The influence of peer different words, number of of different words used, and number of linguistic group showed
models on the play play related themes markers used significant
scripts of children with increases in the
specific language number of play-
impairment theme-related
Robertson, 1997† 20 minutes per week for Language sample: number of Those in the experimental group produced Play-theme-
Study 1 3 weeks words in script, number of significantly more words than those in the control related acts
The influence of peer different words, number of group immediately after treatment and at follow-up increased
models on the play play related themes (p<0.0001). The experimental group demonstrated (p<0.0001) for the
scripts of children with greater verbal productivity and employed more treatment group
specific language lexical diversity than the control group. Also, the
impairment experimental group made significantly more gains
in the use of linguistic markers than the control
group (p<0.0001)

Robertson, 1999† 150 minutes per week Language sample: MLU Compared to children in the control group children Treatment group
Effects of treatment for 12 weeks (mean length of utterances), in the treatment group demonstrated significantly had an increase
on linguistic and social total number of words greater increases in mean length of utterances in socialization
skills in toddlers with Parent report of vocabulary (p=0.003), the total number of words used skills (p=0.003)
delayed language (MacArthur Communicative (p=0.000), lexical diversity (p=0.000), in their not merely
development Developmental Invetory- reported vocabulary size (p=0.000) and percentage reflective of the
Words and Sentences (CDI)) of intelligible utterances (p=0.000) language
parental stress
(p=0.000) for the
treatment group


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
† To develop and implement a service Phonology Children were seen at the 12 Male: 8
Ruscello, 1993
The use of different delivery model which incorporates Allen Hall Speech and Female: 4
service delivery parental involvement and computer- Hearing Center Age range: 49-68 months
models for children based instruction
with phonological

Rvachew, 1994† To demonstrate that speech Phonology Children were referred by a 27 Males: 21
Speech perception perception training can facilitate speech and language Females: 6
training can facilitate sound production learning pathologist who diagnosed Age range: 42-66 months
sound production them

Rvachew, 2001† To investigate the effectiveness of Phonology Children were referred to a 48 Mean age: 50 months
The effect of target- two different sets of target-selection research clinic by clinician
selection strategy on criteria
phonological learning

Schwartz, 1985*, † To examine the effects of intensively Lexical Pre-testing was conducted 10 All male
Facilitating word engaging language-impaired children acquisition in the home and treatment Age range: 32-40 months
combination in at the one-word utterance level in administered in clinic
language-impaired vertical structures
children through
disclosure structure


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
† A composite score at the 15th percentile or lower Immediate Clinician administered phonology intervention with
Ruscello, 1993
The use of different for age on the Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis treatment additional intervention from parents using Speech Viewer
service delivery implied software
models for children Group 1 received clinician intervention
with phonological Group 2 received half of treatment from parent and half
disorders from clinician

Rvachew, 1994† Children were referred by a speech and language <1 week Clinician administered phonological therapy with additional
Speech perception pathologist who had assessed the child and auditory discrimination task
training can facilitate diagnosed a significant phonological delay Group 1: 10 received experimental auditory discrimination
sound production task
learning Group 2: 9 received a tradition auditory discrimination task
Group 3: 8 received a discrimination game not based on
minimal pairs

Rvachew, 2001† Moderate to severe phonologic delays, 39 fell <1 week Clinician administered phonological intervention with
The effect of target- below the 1st percentile whereas all fell below the traditional therapy targeting the early developing sounds
selection strategy on 9th percentile was compared to intervention that targeted later developing
phonological learning sounds:
24 received treatment for early developing sounds (ME
24 received treatment for late developing sounds (LL

Schwartz, 1985*, † Expressive vocabularies ranged from 25-60 words Immediate Clinician administered syntax intervention:
Facilitating word and all children exhibited specific language treatment 8 received experimental intervention
combination in impairments. Comprehension was 6-9 months implied 2 served as control group receiving intervention without
language-impaired below mental age measured by the Test for target utterances
children through Auditory Comprehension of Language or the
disclosure structure Auditory Comprehension subtest of the Preschool
Language Scale


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
† 120 minutes per week 30-item naming sample Both groups showed significant improvement Parents indicated
Ruscello, 1993
The use of different for 8 weeks including words, phrases, and between baseline and follow-up (p<0.001 for both that their children
service delivery sentences Group 1 and Group 2) enjoyed using the
models for children Khan Lewis Phonological computer-based
with phonological Assessment program

Rvachew, 1994† 45 minutes per week for Auditory word discrimination Both Groups 1 and 2 performed significantly better None.
Speech perception 6 weeks test at post-test than Group 3 (p=0.03 and p=0.01,
training can facilitate Object naming speech sample respectively). Group 1 and Group 2 were not
sound production significantly different at post-test (p=0.52).
learning Children in Groups 1 and 2 progressed further
during production training than children in Group 3

Rvachew, 2001† 30 minutes per week for Probes for each target sound Children in the ME group improved more at final Parents were
The effect of target- 12 weeks Productive phonological assessment than those in the LL group (p=0.004). more satisfied
selection strategy on knowledge profile Generalization of learning for treated phonemes with treatment
phonological learning Percentage of consonants from the first assessment to the final assessment progress in the
correct in conversation was significantly greater for the ME group than the ME group
LL group (p=0.001). Both the ME and the LL (p=0.035)
groups performed better than a control group of
children who didn't receive any treatment (p=0.009)

Schwartz, 1985*, † Therapy administered Multiword utterances used with Children in the experimental group improved None.
Facilitating word over 3 weeks the target stimuli significantly from pre-test to post-test (p<0.05)
combination in
children through
disclosure structure


Area of
Author, Year Title Objectives Intervention Setting N Subjects
,† To compare two parent-administered Articulation/ Children were from nursery 60 Age range: 36-54 months
Shelton, 1978*
Study 1 listening treatments and a control Phonology schools or pediatric offices; Bilingual children were included
Assessment of parent- group they were seen either at with 2 in each condition
administered listening their school or in their home
training for
preschool children
with articulation
Sutton, 1999†, ‡ Not reported Not reported Not reported 22 Age: 7 months

Wilcox, 1991 † To examine the effectiveness of Lexical Children were recruited 20 Age range: 20-47 months
Early language classroom versus individual acquisition from a speech and hearing
intervention: A interventions clinic and community early
comparison of intervention program
classroom and
individual treatment


Time from
Screen to
Author, Year Title Screening Criteria/Diagnostic Evaluation Intervention Interventions
,† Below the cutoff score for age on the Templin- Immediate Parent administered speech programs
Shelton, 1978*
Study 1 Darley Articulation Screening Test treatment Listening therapy based on auditory discrimination
Assessment of parent- implied compared to more traditional reading and talking therapy
administered listening and delayed treatment
training for 20 received experimental listening therapy
preschool children 20 received a reading and talking therapy
with articulation 20 received delayed treatment
Sutton, 1999†, ‡ Children had to fail WILSTAAR screen and have a Not reported WILSTAAR: Parent administered general language
Investigating standard score of below 85 on Receptive intervention designed to facilitate language development in
WILSTAAR Expressive Emergent Language (REEL) the first year of life
13 received WILSTAAR intervention
9 were assigned to no treatment control

Wilcox, 1991 † Children had to score 1.5 SD below mean on both Immediate Clinician administered expressive vocabulary intervention:
Early language expressive and receptive scales of the sequenced treatment 10 received individual intervention
intervention: A inventory of communication development (SICD) implied 10 received classroom based group intervention
comparison of
classroom and
individual treatment


Non Speech and

Author, Year Title
Length of Intervention Outcome Measures Speech and Lanuage Outcomes Outcomes
,† 57 days (listening for 5 Auditory association subtest of Only the noise subtest of the Test of Auditory None.
Shelton, 1978*
Study 1 minutes per day, and the Illinois Test of Discrimination showed a significant improvement
Assessment of parent- reading and talking for Psycholinguistic Abilities for the listening and control groups compared to
administered listening 15 minutes per day) McDonald Screening the reading-talking group (p=0.03). There were no
training for Articulation test other significant differences between groups
preschool children
with articulation
Sutton, 1999†, ‡ Experimental group Receptive Expressive Not reported Not reported
Investigating received 5 home visits Emergent Language (REEL)
WILSTAAR Control group received 2 language quotients
visits over four months

Wilcox, 1991 † 90 minutes per week for Overall use of target words in Children in the classroom treatment group used None.
Early language 3 months individually clinic sessions more words in the home setting (M =5.00) than
intervention: A and 360 minutes per those in the individual treatment group (M =2.80),
comparison of week for 3 months in and used more at home than in the treatment
classroom and groups setting (M =3.00)
individual treatment


Explanation in Analysis of Intention to Description USPSTF
Randomiz- Blinding of Similarities of Missing Degree of Treat of Eligibility Quality
Study ation Assessors at Baseline Withdrawals Values Attrition Analysis Power Criteria Rating
Almost, 1998*, † A A A A A (last known C (.15) A A A Fair
scores used) (I to T)
Barratt, 1992* B B B A C A (.07) B A A Fair
Cole, 1986* B B A B B B B B A Fair
Courtright, 1979* B A B B B B B B B Fair
Fey, 1993*, † B A C (mother's A C A (.03) B B A Poor
Fey, 1994* B C A A A A B B A Poor
(none) (none)
Fey, 1997* B A A A C A (.06) B B A Poor
Gibbard, 1994* B B A A A A B B A Poor
Study 2 (none) (none) (none)
Gibbard, 1994*, † B B A A A A B B A Fair
Study 1 (none) (none) (none)
Girolametto, 1996*, † B A A A A A B B A Fair
b (none) (none) (none)
Girolametto, 1996†a B A C (behavior) A A A B B A Poor
(none) (none) (none)
Girolametto, 1997* B A A A A A B B A Fair
(none) (none) (none)
Glogowska, 2000* A A A A C A (.03) A C A Good
(I to T)
Glogowska, 2002 A B B C B B B B C Poor
† A A C (esteem, A C C (.12) B C A Fair
Law, 1999
Mulac, 1977* B A B B B B B B B Poor
,† B B C (medians) A (subgroup) A (subgroup) A B B A Poor
Reid, 1996*


Explanation in Analysis of Intention to Description USPSTF
Randomiz- Blinding of Similarities of Missing Degree of Treat of Eligibility Quality
Study ation Assessors at Baseline Withdrawals Values Attrition Analysis Power Criteria Rating
Robertson, 1997 A B A A B A B B A Fair
Robertson, 1999* B B A A C C (.13) B B A Fair
Ruscello, 1993* B B A B B B B B A Poor
Rvachew, 1994* B A A B C C (.13) B B A Poor
Rvachew, 2001* B A A A B B B B A Fair
Schwartz, 1985*, † B C B B B B B B A Poor
Shelton, 1978*, † B B A A C A (.08) B B A Fair
Wilcox, 1991* B B A B B B B B A Fair

*Law J, Garrett Z, Nye C. Speech and language therapy interventions for children with primary speech and language delay or disorder. Cochrane
Database of Syst Rev . 2003(3):CD004110.

Law J, Boyle J, Harris F, Harkness A, Nye C. Screening for primary speech and language delay: a systematic review of the literature. Int J Lang Commun
Disord . 1998;33(Suppl):21-23.

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