Developmental Milestones Checklist
Developmental Milestones Checklist
Developmental Milestones Checklist
Birth to 1 Year N R O F C
Vocalizes to gain attention (0-3)
Plays with rattle (0-3)
Smiles at familiar people (3-6)
Looks at you, eye contact (3-6)
Vocal turn taking (3-6)
Reaches for objects (3-6)
Bangs objects together (3-6)
Responds to their name (3-6)
Babbles (3-6)
Laughs (3-6)
Responds to request "come here" (6-9)
Responds to "want up?" (6-9)
Wants to be with people (6-9)
Responds to "no" most of the time (6-9)
Waves "bye" (6-9)
Uses a few gestures (give five, reach up, wave bye) (6-9)
Participates in games with adults using gestures (6-9)
Participates in song with adults by vocalizing (6-9)
Searches for hidden objects – object permanence (6-9)
Joint Attention, shifts gaze between object & adult (6-9)
Plays with toys without mouthing/banging (6-9)
Attends to pictures (6-9)
Uses a few different sounds when babbling (6-9)
Performs/repeats actions for attention (9-12)
Points to objects (9-12)
Resists removal of toy (9-12)
Plays with toys purposefully (pushes car, stirs spoon) (9-12)
Beginning to understand questions (where's mom? - look
for her) (9-12)
Beginning to understand directions (give me ___) (9-12)
Points to 2 body parts (9-12)
Says "mama" or "dada" (9-12)
Imitates sounds (moo, beep-beep) (9-12)
Created by Lia Kurtin M. S., CCC-SLP
Speech and Language at Home
Gestures N R O F C
Reaches to be picked up
Waves “bye”
Give me five
Points to objects
Blows kisses
Claps hands
Imitation N R O F C
Imitates actions with objects (put on hat, hug a doll)
Play Skills N R O F C
Shakes a rattle
Rolls a ball
Pushes car
Puts on sunglasses
Hand Initiates
Some Most All Some All
Listens over song with Vocalizes
actions actions actions words words
hand gesture
The Wheels on
the Bus
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star
Row, Row, Row
Your Boat
If You’re Happy
and You Know
Had a Farm
Patty Cake
Knees and Toes
Happy Birthday
to You
Ring around
the Rosie
Level 1 N R O F C
Vocalizes to gain attention
Plays with rattle
Smiles at familiar people
Looks at you, eye contact
Vocal turn taking
Reaches for objects
Bangs objects together
Responds to their name
Responds to request "come here"
Responds to "want up?"
Wants to be with people
Responds to "no" most of the time
Waves "bye"
Uses a few gestures (give five, reach up, wave bye)
Participates in games with adults using gestures
Participates in song with adults by vocalizing
Searches for hidden objects – object permanence
Joint Attention, shifts gaze between object & adult
Plays with toys without mouthing/banging
Attends to pictures
Uses a few different sounds when babbling
Performs/repeats actions for attention
Points to objects
Resists removal of toy
Plays with toys purposefully (pushes car, stirs spoon)
Beginning to understand questions (where's mom?
Beginning to understand directions (give me ___)
Points to 2 body parts
Says "mama" or "dada"
Imitates sounds (moo, beep-beep)
Created by Lia Kurtin M. S., CCC-SLP
Speech and Language at Home
N – Not observed R – Rarely O – Occasional F – Frequent C – Consistent
1-2 times/month 1-2 times/week 1-2 times/day Many times a day
Level 2 N R O F C
Demonstrates use of objects (brushes teeth, feeds others)
Shakes head "no"
Follows 1 step directions during play
Points to (2) action words in pictures
Understands a few prepositions (in, on)
Makes 3 animal sounds
Says 8-10 words spontaneously
Play independently
Puts one object inside another (container/puzzle)
Hands a toy to an adult for help
Follows directions for 2 objects (get ___ & ___)
Identifies object by category (food, animal, clothes)
Says 15 words meaningfully
Talks more than uses gestures
Asks "what's that?"
Answer's "what's this?" for 5-7 familiar objects
Uses two turns during conversation
Indicates pants are wet
Leads caregiver to desired object
Plays with a group of toys (farm animals)
Pretend play with toys (animals eating, caring for baby)
Identify 4 body parts on self
Uses single words frequently
Repeats a few phrases (what's that?"
Chooses 1 object from a group of 5
Uses 50 different words
Puts toys away on request
Follows a 2 step related direction
Level 3 N R O F C
Points to 4 action words in pictures
Recognizes family members names
Understands the concept "one"
Understands size concepts
Repeats two numbers/words
Uses 2-3 word phrases frequently
Uses action words
Plays next to other children
Answers simple wh questions
Identify 4 objects by function
Names 1 color
Uses early pronouns consistently (me, mine, my, I, you)
Uses negation in phrase (no, not)
Sequences actions during play (eat, go to bed)
Understands 5 common action words
Understands the quantity concepts (one, all)
Uses plural s
Uses early prepositions (in, out, off, on, up, down, here,
Answers "yes" and "no" questions
States first and last name
States gender
Identifies parts of an object (wheel, tail)
Tells about a personal experience
Uses verb form (ing) (ed/s emerging)
Expresses physical state (tired, hungry)
Counts to 3
Follows 3 step directions
Follows directions with 2 familiar descriptions "big red
Speaks in 3-5 word sentences
Bush, Catharine S. Language Remediation and Expansion: 100 Skill-building Reference Lists. Tucson,
AZ: Communication Skill Builders, 1979. Print.
Mize, Laura. Building Verbal Imitation in Toddlers. N.p.: Teach Me to Talk, 2012. Print.
Rossetti, Louis Michael. The Rossetti Infant Toddler Language Scale: A Measure of Communication and
Interaction; Includes Severity Rating Guidelines. East Moline, IL: LinguiSystems, 2005. Print.