Trs601.part 1-104-132
Trs601.part 1-104-132
Trs601.part 1-104-132
You will consider the subject of environmental engineering— • Interpret visuals
specifically the issue of air quality. You will study measurements • Understand text references to visuals
of air quality, effects of air pollutants, and systems for ensuring
• Interpret the information in visuals
clean air.
• Refer to visual data within and beyond
Skim the reading “Nanofibers Revolutionize Air Filtration”
a reading
on page 129. Look at the diagrams. Can you think of devices that
accomplish filtration? Where might they be found? Why is this • Recognize and learn multiword
filtration probably necessary? vocabulary items
Go to to listen to Professor Hildemann and to complete a self-assessment.
Discuss these questions with a partner or group.
1. Think about the air you breathe as you go through an average week. Where do you think it’s the
cleanest? The most polluted? What are the main components of the pollution? Can you see, smell,
or taste the pollutants?
2. Think of an area that has polluted air. What health effects has this had on people who live there?
Is anyone held responsible for causing the pollution? Is anyone making an effort to clean it up?
3. Imagine a new office building being constructed in a highly polluted city. What technological features
can be installed to clean the inside air and make it better than the outside air?
For more about ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, see 2 3 . See also and ENVIRONMENTAL
WHY IT’S USEFUL By interrelating visuals (graphs, diagrams, tables, etc.) with the text in a reading,
you can deepen your understanding and appreciation of an author’s entire explanation. This is especially
important in technical readings, where a lot of information is too complex to be detailed in words and is
presented in visuals instead.
Readings with visuals are the norm in many fields, including scientific and technical disciplines. Even
in nontechnical fields, visuals such as tables, photographs, diagrams, and maps are common. Authors
use them to support the ideas that they detail in the text, and often the visuals give a full treatment of
information that can only be briefly summarized in the words of a reading.
Besides photographs and maps, here are some other terms for visuals:
• Graphs The word can refer to many kinds
of visuals that use lines, bars, dots, or
other design features to represent data.
Many graphs have an x-axis at the bottom
(a horizontal scale) showing one set of
numbers and a y-axis at the left (a vertical
scale) showing another set of numbers.
Visuals 105
• Tables These are
frames consisting of
columns and rows. The
intersections of columns
and rows create spaces
called cells. Each cell
contains a piece of
• Charts The word is used broadly to cover many kinds of visuals. A graph, a diagram, a table,
or even a map may alternatively be called a chart. The only kinds not possibly referred to as
charts are photographs or drawings (illustrations).
• Figures This is another word used broadly to cover many kinds of visuals. It is important
because in readings, terms like Figure 1 and Figure 7.3 are used to refer to visuals of
various types.
The skill of interpreting visuals is essential in academic reading. This unit breaks the skill down into
two supporting skills:
• understanding text references to visuals
• interpreting the information in visuals
Visuals 107
B. Read the questions and choose the best answers.
1. The reading uses the reference “as illustrated in TIP
Figure 1” to direct readers to information
The words identifying a visual are called the
about . caption. For example, the caption for Figure 3
in this reading is “View through a microscope
a. the entire upper body of a human of asbestos fibers lodged in lung tissue.” You
b. what air pollutants look like can use some captions to help you understand
difficult vocabulary from a reading. For example,
c. the upper part of the respiratory system the picture in Figure 3 can help you understand
d. how particles get into the blood fibers, lodged, and lung tissue.
WHY IT’S USEFUL By recognizing and understanding references to visuals, you can zero in on the
most important information that the visual communicates. You can also follow the thread of the author’s
argument, which uses details from the visual to illustrate points.
References to visuals in a text are phrases used by an author to help readers see a connection between
specific information in a text and related information depicted in a visual. Technical readings reference
visuals in numerous ways. By expanding your knowledge of the language often used to refer to a visual,
you will be better able to
• notice when an author is working to direct readers’ eyes to a particular aspect of a visual.
• understand the meanings of various visual-reference phrases.
• fully comprehend the points being made by an author.
Before reading a technical text, consider skimming for common phrases used to reference visuals.
This can help you fi nd key information in both the text and the visuals when you read.
A. Skim the text for phrases used to refer to a visual. Highlight the phrases. Then look at the
associated visuals to see how they may be connected to the information surrounding the phrases
you underlined.
Visuals 109
Figure 1 An internal combustion engine
+ –
Regenerative High-capacity
brakes battery
Figure 2 A hybrid-electric vehicle
5 In a hybrid system, the electric motor runs the engine entirely when
the vehicle is stationary or almost stationary, such as when it’s stopped
for a traffic light or inching along in heavy traffic. The combustion engine
does not run at all in such circumstances. Hybrids also use automatic
start and shutoff features, which save energy. According to some studies, a
stationary vehicle with its engine running emits seven times more exhaust
than a moving vehicle.
6 Hybrid-electric engines have advantages over older internal combustion
engines but do not entirely eliminate the need to burn fossil fuels. Switching to
an all-electric engine vehicle that is powered by renewable resources obviates
the need for fossil fuels and a plethora of fuel-related products and processes
that tax the environment. Electric vehicles, however, are not entirely free of
environmental concerns due to battery production and disposal issues.
B. Answer the questions. Use your own words and what you learned from the reading and the
associated visuals.
1. According to Figure 1, what occurs in the second step of an internal combustion engine’s
2. According to Figure 1, what happens in the last step of an internal combustion engine’s
3. Regenerative braking is referenced both in the text and in Figure 2. How does it work?
4. Which part of a hybrid-electric vehicle assists the engine when the vehicle is accelerating?
Go to to complete a vocabulary exercise and skill practice, and to join in collaborative activities.
Visuals 111
WHY IT’S USEFUL By learning to read information that has been organized into visuals, you can gain
knowledge and insights the text does not offer. Also, visuals often suggest related topics that you may
want to learn more about.
In some ways, interpreting a visual can be easier than reading the words of an article or a chapter in a
book. The visual will probably contain a mix of words and images, and the images help you understand
the words. Also, there are fewer words to read in a visual than in a full text. There may be a lot of new
vocabulary in the visual, but probably not any difficult grammatical structures.
However, reading visuals can be challenging in other ways:
• The large amount of information in some visuals can stretch your comprehension skills.
• A visual may contain numbers or even mathematical formulas; these may seem threatening to
people who are not comfortable with numbers.
• A visual may show relationships among pieces of information without providing words for such
relationships. This could leave some relationships unclear. (Does X cause Y? Does X simply
happen at the same time as Y?) You may have to figure them out without any explanation from the
author of the article.
• This lack of “relationship vocabulary” may make your job more difficult if you are assigned to
explain the information in the visual. You may not find the relationship vocabulary and grammar
you need in the visual itself. You will have to depend on your own vocabulary and grammatical
knowledge to “tell the story”—to create descriptions of the relationships.
80 Grid
The vertical dimension of
data; sometimes called the 60
“scale,” or the “y-axis” 50
40 Lines
Yr 2008
Yr 2010
Yr 2012
Yr 2014
Yr 2019
The horizontal dimension
of data; sometimes Labels
called the “x-axis”
Reference number for the visual
(often including the noun “figure” or Boys 7–13 Girls 7–13
the abbreviation “fig” plus a number) Boys 14–19 Girls 14–19
Figure 8.3 Comparison of children in the UK (by sex and age band) before and aer the London 2012 Olympics.
From Barker, et al. (2015) “Did Britain See an ‘Olympic Effect’ on Childhood Exercise?” (For demonstration
purposes only. Not a real study.)
Title, Labels, Lines, and Legend
It is clear from the title, labels, lines, and legend that the visual communicates the following:
• Its main idea is to show whether certain percentages rise and fall over the course of time.
• The extent of the rise or fall is measured by a scale of percentage levels at the left.
• The time is specified by years at the bottom.
• These percentages are for four groups—boys and girls, and within those categories, a younger
group (7–13 years old) and an older one (14–19). Each group is indicated by a colored line.
Caption (Including Source Note)
The caption reveals important information that may not be obvious from the graph itself.
• The data are limited to one nation (the United Kingdom).
• There were Olympic Games in London in 2012, and that is somehow significant to this data.
The exact nature of that significance is not yet clear.
• The source is an article that asks about a possible “Olympic Effect” in Britain. Even if you have
never heard of an “Olympic Effect” before, you can infer that it somehow relates to whether
children get sufficient exercise.
Information Not Expressed in Words and Numbers
The graph communicates points and trends. For an assignment or in a discussion, you may have to
express them in your own words. Here are examples of what could be said from the data:
In all four groups, the percentages of children getting enough exercise dropped from
2012 to 2014.
The declines are expected to continue until 2019 for all groups except the older boys, for
whom a slight rise is projected. (Proj means “projected” or “predicted.”)
In all four groups, declines from 2012 to 2014 were steeper than those before 2012. If the
Olympic Effect means “a decrease in sufficient exercise,” then this chart shows there was
one. However, if the Olympic Effect means “an increase in sufficient exercise,” then this
chart shows there was no such thing in the UK after the London 2012 Olympics.
Visuals 113
A. Review the Techniques for Interpreting Visuals and the example graph on pages 112–113. Then skim
the following reading and the accompanying visuals.
B. Now read the full passage. As you read, pay special attention to textual references to the visuals.
Figure 1 Concentrations of select airborne pollutants before, during, and aer a period of
restrictions on activities, such as coal-burning, surrounding the 2008 Olympics
3 Some studies have highlighted the particular threat that dirty air poses to athletes because
of their overall higher rates of respiration. The human respiratory system absorbs particulates
as the body exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen, and the smaller the particles, the farther into
the lungs
g theyy travel. While a normal,, restingg adult takes in 3 to 5 liters of oxygen
yg per
p minute,,
(2 Oceans)
(2 Oceans)
Rural Trainers
Urban Trainers
so high that, if found in a child today,
(blood chelation)
the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention would call for urgent blood-
cleansing treatments. Routine inhalation
by athletes in any city of ground-level
particulates, ozone, and other gases
such as nitrogen dioxide restricts the
airways and can tax the respiratory and Figure 2 Blood lead levels of runners from two South African
marathons (the 2 Oceans Marathon and the Comrades
cardiovascular systems. It can damage Marathon) in 1984. “Urban trainers” trained in cities for the
the tissues of the lungs and aggravate Comrades Marathon, and “rural trainers” in the countryside.
conditions such as asthma, chronic lung “Control” subjects are nonrunners. Only the “control” group and
the “rural trainers” had blood-lead levels below 45, the point at
disease, and heart disease. Air quality which the US CDC recommends that a child undergo emergency
standards vary from country to country, treatment to chelate (chemically cleanse) the blood.
though the World Health Organization’s guidelines call for levels of the smallest particulate matter
(PM2.5 or smaller) to be limited to 10 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3) as an annual average.
Some cities far exceed that rate, and the burden of poor air quality tends to fall disproportionately
on low- and middle-income nations.
4 Still, cities in high-income nations, such as London, England, do not escape scrutiny over air
quality for athletic games. In the lead-up to the 2012 Olympic games, London’s nitrogen dioxide
pollution was similar to the levels seen in Beijing before 2008 Olympic restrictions. This prompted
a public outcry. The British government used air quality–control measures similar to those
employed by other nations and met target levels by the start of the games. The government also met
some of its goals to build a sustainable Olympics by using low-carbon efforts when creating and
operating structures for the games.
C. Read the questions and choose the best answers. VOC ABUL ARY TIP
1. Which statement is true about the data shown in Figure 1? The data in Figures 1 and 2 are stated in
measurement units you may not recognize
a. During all three time periods, there was more NO2 in the such as μg/m³ (micrograms per cubic
air than any other pollutant. meter) and ppb (parts per billion). This
will be true of many visuals you encounter.
b. Of all four pollutants, SO2 is the least dangerous. Usually, it is not necessary to know
c. The amount of sulfates in the air was not lowest during exactly what these units mean; you can
understand the trends and extremes of the
the period of Olympic restrictions. data in the visual without such specialized
d. The Olympic restrictions had no effect on the amount of knowledge.
organic carbon in the air.
Visuals 115
2. Which statement from the reading does Figure 1 support?
a. … Just as air pollution and smog pose particular health threats to the very young and the elderly, they
also threaten athletes …
b. … The International Olympic Committee, for one, boasts that it requires host nations to provide a
healthy environment for athletes …
c. … Air quality measures improved dramatically in Beijing, at least until aer the Olympics.
d. Leading up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, the Chinese government closed coal-burning factories and
restricted vehicles from roads …
3. Look carefully at Figure 1 to consider what it does and doesn’t show. Which of the following points
is shown in Figure 1 but not explicitly stated in the text of the reading?
a. During the Olympics, air quality improved in all parts of China, not just Beijing.
b. Before the Olympics, organic carbon was not a problem in the air of Beijing.
c. Some airborne pollutants in the graph failed to decrease during the period of Olympic
d. Most airborne pollutants in the graph increased after the period of Olympic restrictions.
4. Why do athletes typically have a different relationship with air quality than most people do?
a. Most athletes are healthier than most people.
b. Most athletes breathe in more air.
c. Most athletes are typically younger.
d. Most athletes are from poorer countries.
5. Which statement from the reading does Figure 2 support?
a. News agencies published photos of Santiago, Chile, blanketed in smog prior to the Copa América soccer
b. In this case, the average athlete who ran one of the two marathons or practiced for one in an urban
setting had ultra-high blood-lead levels.
c. Air quality standards vary from country to country, though the World Health Organization’s guidelines
call for levels of the smallest particulate matter (PM2.5 or smaller) to be limited to 10 micrograms per
cubic meter (μg/m³) as an annual average.
d. In the lead-up to the 2012 Olympic games, London’s nitrogen dioxide pollution was similar to the levels
seen in Beijing before 2008 Olympic restrictions.
6. Look carefully at Figure 2 to consider what it does and doesn’t show. Which of the following points
is shown in Figure 2 but not mentioned in the text of the reading?
a. Every category of runner had blood-lead levels at least twice as high as the nonrunners
(the control group).
b. No category of runner had dangerously high levels of lead in their blood.
c. Even nonrunners in 1984 in South Africa had dangerously high blood-lead levels.
d. The worst blood-lead levels came from training in the countryside.
D. Discuss your answers with another student. Use information and examples from the passage to
explain and support your answers.
Go to to complete a vocabulary exercise and skill practice, and to join in collaborative activities.
WHY IT’S USEFUL By learning expressions to refer to data in several sources—both within a reading and
elsewhere—you can appreciate references that a writer or speaker makes. You can also successfully detail your own
thoughts about technical material you have read and express its relevance to other ideas in your own writing.
Technical readings are the most common setting for visual TIP
data such as graphs, tables, maps, and diagrams. However,
Multiword Engineering Vocabulary Many
you will likely also encounter these visuals outside of expressions for describing information from
textbooks, in places like slide presentations, technical a visual are multiword vocabulary items.
(See the section Recognizing and Learning
videos explaining structures or processes, and product Multiword Vocabulary Items [p. 125]. ) The list
specifications. on this page give only a sampling of useful
multiword items. Research on the language
typical of engineering texts has shown that
these multiword expressions are especially
valuable in the field.
Visuals 117
Global Carbon Emissions from Fossil Fuels, 1900–2010
Million Metric Tons Carbon
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
The following statements are examples of references that could be made to the two visuals above:
The figure is a diagram of the impact of air quality and soil types on the pH levels in water.
Together air quality and soil type can have a significant effect on the acidity or alkalinity
of groundwater.
Very soft water—water derived from rainwater and moorland soil— is defined as the
least acidic water type of the four categories.
It should be noted that global carbon emissions from fossil fuels remained relatively
stable from 1900 to 1940.
The diagram indicates that global carbon emissions from fossil fuels began to increase
dramatically around 1950.
By becoming more familiar with these expressions—as well as recalling those you learned in the section
Understanding Text References to Visuals (p. 109)—you will be better able to recognize them in a variety
of contexts and understand their functions. You will also be able to use them when you are asked to
complete technical homework assignments, write research reports based on your personal research, and
create slide presentations about technical information.
A. Read this excerpt from “History of Air Quality in the United States” (p. 121). Underline the
expressions that refer to a visual.
Air quality in the United States has improved dramatically in the past several decades, with fewer
harmful respirable particles and airborne fumes. This is due to the adoption of federal regulations
as part of the Clean Air Act of 1970. This law monitors common pollutants, and the reduction of
ground-level pollution can be attributed to its enforcement over the past half-century or so, the
net result being air that is cleaner to breathe and noticeably clearer in satellite images and other
measurable tests. A comparison of the air quality in the eastern United States in 2005 and 2011 is
shown in Figures 1 and 2. However, it can be noted that air pollution remains at toxic levels in many
urban areas. More disturbingly, scientific studies indicate that other emissions, namely carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases—known as long-lived greenhouse gases—
continue to increase. These atmospheric emissions are culprits in climate destabilization, which
threatens humanity’s health and welfare.
B. Read the slides. Identify the expressions that the speaker uses to refer to the visuals. Then
circle them.
+ _ batteries
Slide 1
Presenter: I’d like to give an overview of a solar photovoltaic system. This is a diagram of the components of a solar
photovoltaic system. In this design, the energy from the photovoltaic cells, or solar panels, is converted to direct
current, or DC electricity, and is stored in the batteries. The DC electricity in the batteries is then typically converted
into alternating current, or AC electricity.
Visuals 119
Speclally treated
Slide 2
Presenter: A set of solar panels is shown in this image. Beside it is a diagram of the elements of a basic photovoltaic,
or solar, cell. Solar cells are composed of semiconductor materials, such as silicon. A thin semiconductor layer is treated
to act as an electric field, positive on one side and negative on the other. It can be observed that when sunlight hits the
solar cell, electrons are released from atoms in the semiconductor material. With electrical conductors attached to the
positive and negative sides, an electrical circuit is formed. And, as you can see, the diagram indicates that the electrons
are then harnessed as electricity.
The amount of electricity that a solar PV system can produce and provide is limited by the number of peak sunlight
hours per day, the wattage capacity of the solar panels, and the storage capacity of the batteries, among other
factors. With respect to battery age and the ambient temperature of the battery box, both can have a significant effect
on battery performance. A system of six 225-watt solar panels can be expected to generate up to 1,350 watts. It should
be noted that this is the rate during peak sunlight hours. The total number of watts that can be transferred to a set
of batteries in a day is a function of the power and number of panels in the system and the number of peak sunlight
hours. For example, if there are six 225-watt panels absorbing six peak hours of sunlight per day, the battery gain for
that day would 8,100 watts.
A × V = W × Hours = Energy
W/V = A
Slide 3
Presenter: With respect to household usage, standard electrical outlets and switches for most appliances in the US is
120 volts. Larger appliances such as dryers, well pumps, air conditioners, and electric furnaces require 240 volts. For a
given appliance or set of appliances, the amount of watts used can be determined by the formula amps (A) times volts
(V) equals watts (W). For example, a standard LCD computer monitor may be rated at 150 watts. The watts used by a
single household in one day can be obtained by taking the wattage rating of each appliance times hours the appliance
is in use. For example: Let’s say a computer monitor that is rated at 150 watts is in use for eight hours. Watts used
would equal 1,200.
Visuals 121
regulations. Statistics show marked improvements in American air quality in tandem with overall
economic growth, a joint improvement that critics of federal regulation in the 1960s and 1970s had
warned was unfeasible.
Air Quality Improvements
3 The Clean Air Act regulates six harmful pollutants: ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide,
nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, and airborne lead. These pollutants—formed primarily from
human-created emission sources like combustion engines and factories without adequate emission
filters—cause acute and chronic health problems including aggravated respiratory illnesses,
various cancers, and an increased risk of heart failure. Overall, the United States saw an aggregate
72 percent reduction in the six pollutants from 1970 to 2012, while the economy sustained a
219 percent increase in its gross domestic product in the same time frame. Among the pollutants,
for example, airborne lead pollution fell significantly after the law phased out and eventually
banned lead from gasoline and other common consumer products. As a result, airborne lead
pollution in 1980, at 2.64 micrograms per cubic meter of air (μg/m3), fell to 0.63 μg/m3 in 1990
and 0.33 μg/m3 in 2000. This is summarized in Figure 3. The EPA recorded a level of 0.05 μg/m3 in
2014 and found that most areas of the country fell under the air quality standard of 0.15 μg/m3.
Concentration (μg/m3)
1980 1990 2000 2014
Figure 3
4 Particulate matter has also fallen due to more stringent requirements for power plants and diesel
vehicles. As shown in Figure 4, fine particulate matter, which the government began distinguishing
from larger particulate matter in 1996, has fallen from an average of 13.5 μg/m3 in 2000—above the
EPA’s required safety threshold of 12 μg/m3 —to 8.8 μg/m3 in 2014. Fine particulates, or those of less
than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, are the smallest and most hazardous of all particles because they
can settle deep within the lungs and penetrate the bloodstream.
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Figure 4
Visuals 123
B. Use what you read to complete the sentences. Note that each phrase in bold is an expression you
learned about. (The completed sentences could be used to make a list of key statistics and facts
reported in the reading.)
is considered to be a result of the government’s adoption of federal
regulations as part of the Clean Air Act of 1970. (Paragraph 1)
can be attributed to the Clean Air Act of 1970. (Paragraph 1)
3. Scientific studies indicate that emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and
fluorinated gases—known as
—continue to increase. (Paragraph 1)
4. It can be noted that air pollution remains .
(Paragraph 1)
5. An American Lung Association figure from 2015 indicates that approximately four out of ten
Americans live in areas with .
(Paragraph 5)
6. The results from studies show that carbon emissions will likely cause .
(Paragraph 6)
C. Create a different visual to express the relationships you read about in the reading or saw in the
visuals. For example, you could create a line graph with “time” along the x-axis and “levels of 2.5 μm
particulates” along the y-axis. Another possibility might be a bar graph for changes in levels of the
six gases targeted by the EPA. Aer completing your visual, write three statements in reference to it
that explain important points to a reader. Use expressions for referring to or interpreting a visual.
D. Write three sentences conveying your thoughts or observations about the visual you created in
Part C. Use phrases for referring to or interpreting a visual.
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WHY IT’S USEFUL Native speakers of English depend heavily on vocabulary items that are more than
one word long. By understanding these multiword vocabulary items when you read and by using these
larger chunks to express your own reactions to what you read, you can achieve greater efficiency. By
learning and remembering multiword items as whole units, you can become more fluent and accurate.
You are familiar with multiword vocabulary items of many different types, such as
• phrasal or prepositional verbs: give up, fall back on, pass out
• compound nouns: car door, transportation system
• complex prepositions: next to, at the front of, in terms of
• proverbs, sayings, advice: better safe than sorry; don’t spend it all in one place; leave well enough alone
• metaphorical idioms: pass the buck; a fly on the wall; kick the bucket
There are other possible categories as well, but classifying them is not really your most important task as
a learner. In fact, many of them are difficult to classify grammatically; people may disagree about exactly
what part of speech to call such items as these: pay attention to, as a matter of fact, fait accompli, and as
shown in Figure X.
Also, trying to analyze them too much could slow down your learning. Analysis focuses your attention
on the parts (for example, pay attention to = VERB + NOUN + PREPOSITION) when in fact you should
learn and remember a multiword item as a single, whole unit.
Dictionary Thesaurus Topic Vocabulary Study Center Exam Practice Writing Skills
Visuals 125
a substantial headword. For example, any good dictionary lists pay attention to as a subentry for the
headword attention. Some dictionaries even list it as a subentry for the headword pay (although this is less
common). If there is a clear headword for a phrase you have read and you are wondering whether it is
part of a multiword unit, you can look in your dictionary to check.
One difficulty with the dictionary approach is that there is not always a clear headword, and many
multiword units consist of very common “little” words that come together to form the multiword whole.
Some examples are get around to, make too much of, and a good bit of.
You may notice that these frequent multiword units for referring to visuals show a very strong pattern: past
participle of verb for “showing” + preposition ( by / from / in ) + noun for a kind of visual. By mastering
this one pattern, using a few appropriate verbs and a few appropriate nouns, you can more easily move
through readings with such references and you can more fluently make comments about the visuals you
interpret. Note that most of these units can also be stated in the active voice, such as Figure X shows ….
Each multiword unit underlined in the sentences has at least one strong headword. Circle the word that you
think is the headword. Some multiword units have two possible headwords. In that case, circle both.
1. I always carry a flashlight to use in the event that the lights go out.
2. Despite all the trouble we’ve had, we have forged ahead and have finished the project.
3. Rumors on the Internet say that the manager stole money from the TIP
company. Maybe this new report will put those rumors to rest. To check whether your dictionary is
4. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the pros and cons of strong, look up the headwords from
Exercise 5 and see if the subentries
new regulations on power plants. feature multiword units. If your dictionary
has no subentries, it may be a weak
5. A: In what year did Congress pass the Clean Air Act? B: I don’t dictionary.
have the faintest idea.
6. Low oil prices are a relief because consumers pay less for gas. But the situation really cuts both ways.
There is a downside because people drive more and produce more pollution.
7. Not many people are buying the new “smart watches,” which perform somewhat like cell phones.
Still, that technology will pave the way for other types of wearable devices in the future.
8. The visibility in the city is a function of the amount of small dust particles in the air.
Rural Trainers
(2 Oceans)
Urban Trainers
(blood chelation)
1. As shown in Figure 2 , the CDC requires emergency blood treatment if the blood-lead
level goes above 45 micrograms per deciliter.
2. , the highest blood-lead content was measured in runners after the
Two Oceans Marathon.
3. , it may be healthier to train for athletic events in the country rather
than in the city.
4. The high blood-lead levels that may indicate that the air in South
Africa in 1984 was polluted by cars burning gasoline that contained lead.
5. The control group, composed of nonathletes, had much lower blood-lead levels, .
6. that blood-lead levels in adults can vary quite a lot, with some
athletes having about four times as much as nonathletes.
7. Even before the Two Oceans Marathon was run, , athletes who were
planning to run it had high blood-lead levels. The figure doesn’t say why, but we can infer that this
was the result of high respiration during training for the race.
Go to to complete a skill practice.
Visuals 127
WHY IT’S USEFUL By applying the skills you have learned in this unit, you can successfully read this
challenging text and learn about the impact of nanofiber technology on air filtration.
Visuals 129
thousands of times smaller than a human hair. as comfortable to wear
Nanofibers have a broad range of applications in as a conventional face
various fields, including in fuel cells, medicine, mask. The technology
and the environment. Though nanofibers have involves coating polymeric
been used in filtration systems for several nanofibers to a substrate Syringe
decades, rapid development in the technology medium, then sandwiching Polymer
coupled with the vast potential for nano- two layers of the nanofiber
enabled products has positioned the emerging medium within support
nanotechnology as a fast-growing market. In layers (see Figure 3). Such
the sector of air purification, the performance multilayered nanofibers
of various polymeric nanofibers as filtration make respirators practical,
material is robust due to the material’s ability and could have even
to provide a more efficient filter that lasts broader applications,
longer and catches more harmful particles. including being Collector
To form the nanofibers, a process called incorporated into surgical Figure 2b A
representation of
electrospinning is employed. Figures 2a and 2b masks, installed in air the electrospinning
show the electrospinning process whereby a vents, or used in standing process
polymer solution is jetted out of a syringe by a air filters in buildings to
high voltage electric field and directed toward a improve indoor air quality.
grounded collector, where it then dries and forms 6 US-based researchers in 2015 used the low-
a polymeric net that resembles a spider web. This cost polymeric solution polyacrylonitrile, which
web, sometimes referred to as a nanoweb, can be is used to make surgical gloves, to form a nearly
used in many different applications. Depending transparent nanofilter that filtered out more
on the polymeric solution, it is possible to than 95 percent of all fine particulate matter. The
construct nanofibers with diameters in the range material also achieved high air flow, making it
of 10 to 2,000 nanometers (nm). possible to be easily and comfortably adapted to
a wearable filter. Manufacturers are excited at the
prospect of filters with such great transparency—
up to 90 percent—and
affordability. In the
electrospinning process,
engineers applied
the polyacrylonitrile
polymer solution to a
commercial metal-coated
window screen mesh.
The process is scalable, Figure 3 Multilayer
nanofiber filter
and nanofibers could
be installed on window screens, which would
Figure 2a A technician developing nanofibers by maintain transparency while providing fresh,
electrospinning clean air to a home or business. When outdoor air
5 In 2014, Hong Kong-based researchers conditions are poor and individuals stay indoors,
developed effective breathe-through filters by eventually the indoor air also becomes unhealthy
using multilayer nanofibers with permeable layers to breathe, and indoor air purification machines
allowing for maximal airflow. The nanofibers come with a high energy demand and prohibitive
efficiently absorb and block 80|percent of the prices for many people worldwide. A nanofiber
smallest particles. No conventional dust mask filter, however, would not require a power source
could perform that well without posing problems and would likely be broadly affordable.
of great bulk and weight. Unlike heavier or thicker 7 Air pollution is a hazard for many millions
masks, a mask fitted with nanofiber layers is of people, but air filtration capabilities and
to provide an opportunity for many to breathe more people may benefit from their
a little easier. As engineers research and incorporation into effective respirators,
produce new types of nanofibers and nanofiber window screens, air vent filters, and other
filtration inventions, particularly those that pollution-blocking devices.
B. Reread the discussion questions in Before You Read, Part B. Is there anything you cannot answer?
Which of the reading skills you have learned in this unit can you use to find the answers?
At international conferences about environmental quality, divisions oen develop between wealthy
countries and poorer ones. Wealthy countries oen push for strong restrictions on the air pollution
produced by poorer countries whose industries are not highly developed and who burn mostly coal
and other high-pollution fuels to power their industries. The poorer countries then oen resist these
restrictions with an argument such as, “You rich countries should not try to restrict us. In earlier
decades, you created a lot of air pollution while developing your industries to a high level. Now
that you have succeeded, you want to stop us from catching up to you.” Consider this issue from a
number of standpoints. Do poor countries have a right to pollute the air in order to catch up to rich
countries? Do rich countries have a right to pressure poorer countries to accept expensive limits on
their development? Is some system of compensation possible—such as having rich countries pay poor
countries not to pollute? Write one or two paragraphs explaining your views on the rich / poor divide in
air pollution policy. Be prepared to explain your thoughts to one or more other students.
The relationships shown in this visual are complex. There are categories of emissions, types of
air pollutants, and levels of emissions. By taking all three things into account, we can construct
statements such as, “Stationary fuel combustion accounted for more than 35 percent of direct PM2.5 in
the United States in 2010.” Come up with four other combinations and construct similar statements. Be
prepared to share your statements.
Direct PM2.5
Direct PM10
Air Pollutants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Emissions
Source Category
Figure 1 Distribution of US total emission estimates by source category for specific pollutants, 2010.
*Lead figures are from 2008.
Visuals 131
Read these excerpts from “Nanofibers Revolutionize Air Filtration.” Underline the multiword item that
has the meaning indicated in parentheses.
1. In the sector of air purification, the performance of various polymeric nanofibers as filtration material is
robust due to the material’s ability to provide a more efficient filter that lasts longer and catches more
harmful particles.
(“because of”)
2. Disturbingly, WHO reported in 2014 that particulate air pollution was worsening in many urban areas
around the world because of coal-fired power plants …
(“places where electricity is generated”)
3. As studies from other organizations corroborate the notion that air pollution is cause for concern, and
in the absence of effective mitigation of pollution-emitting processes, wearable respirators and home
filtration devices may be the only solutions to the problem of dangerous-to-breathe air.
(“a reason to be worried”)
4. Not unlike their modern counterparts, filters built hundreds of years ago also targeted a wide range of
culprits, from mold spores to dust to fumes generated by toxic weapons and mining operations.
(“many various types of”)
5. These types of respirators are typically constructed of layers of polypropylene, activated carbon cotton,
and sometimes nanofibers and are in great demand worldwide in cities with high pollution levels.
(“wanted by a large number of people”)
6. No conventional dust mask could perform that well without posing problems of great bulk
and weight.
(“causing difficulties”)
7. Manufacturers are excited at the prospect of filters with such great transparency—up to 90 percent—and
(“about the future possibility”)
Go to to listen to Professor Hildemann and to complete a self-assessment.