Volume 12 Issue 10 (June)
Volume 12 Issue 10 (June)
Volume 12 Issue 10 (June)
PTA Newsletter
Volume 12, Issue 10 Friday, June 10, 2011
difference between saying (to another Sligo Creek parent, a neighbor, or a friend at a soccer game): "our school is having problems," versus "we're doing pretty well, all things considered, and we're working on the other stuff." The former makes us feel bad about our school and ourselves and gives us an (undeserved) bad reputation in the neighborhood and among elementary schools. The latter recognizes that we've got challenges, but keeps us grounded in what's good about our community of parents, teachers, and kids. We want to keep the challenges we face in perspective. To that end, let's talk about something else: HOW ABOUT THAT FIELD DAY!!! We had a flood of parents come out to help more than one parent per activity (and there were more than 30 activities), which is great! Mr. Brinson has told us that what he loves about the parents here is how we show up when we're needed and do what needs to be done. Indeed, that's the case across the board weve had great showings for teacher appreciation week, beautification day, and so on. So whether you have volunteered for ten minutes or for days at a time, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY GIVEN OF YOUR TIME AND TALENT TO MAKE THIS YEAR'S PTA A USEFUL AND VITAL PART OF SLIGO CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. (continued on page 2)
Principals Letter
Dear Parents, I am not sure why this month is filled with so much to do. This year has been filled with change, uncertainty and an unstoppable desire by the staff to move forward, maintain our focus and press forward with our vision for children. A community meeting was held earlier this week related to many changes for the upcoming year. A copy of the notes from the meeting will be posted on the Sligo Creek list serve. Please contact [email protected] if you do not have access to the list serve and would like a copy of the meeting notes. Our master schedule is in place for the coming year and while there are some changes in our schedule they are minimal. Prior to the opening of school, our master schedule will be posted on our website. There will be several changes in classroom locations for next year so that grade level teams are in close proximity. To make that possible, we are moving the science lab down on the main hallway. (continued on page 2)
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(Principals Letter continued from page 1) rd th This will allow all 3 and 4 grade classes to be near each other. This is the first time in years that we have been able to do that. This is also the time of year when parents begin calling and emailing requests for classroom placement for the coming year. There is a great deal to be considered when placing students in a class. We look at many factors in making placements. We consider the total make up of the class as well as the teaching style of the teacher and the specific learning styles of students. Student profile sheets were sent home so that we have an opportunity to gain additional insight from you related to your child. I respectfully request that parents refrain from requesting a specific teacher. We do not consider parent requests in making classroom decisions. To honor one request would mean that we should honor all requests and that is just not possible. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Post cards will be send home in early August from your childs new teacher. With our boundary changes, we will sadly be telling some of our second grade students good bye (PTA Presidents Corner continued from page 1) Over the summer, we'll be planning our activities for next year. We're thinking big - what about starting a PTA-sponsored outdoor classroom that would eventually have a fish pond, plants, paths, and shaded spots for classes to sit and count butterflies? What about a PTA-curated science lab, (at least until we have a dedicated science teacher) with fully stocked supplies (so teachers don't have to worry if there are enough test tubes), and an
when school closes. They recently visited their new school, Piney Branch and were greeted with open arms. With the many challenges that have resulted in the boundary changes, we still have had an extremely successful year. Careful planning has gone into the coming school year. We have reallocated resources, adjusted roles and responsibilities and have the utmost confidence that you child will receive the quality instructional program that we all expect. The PTA has continued to work with MCPS and Sligo Creek to be supportive and collaborative throughout this time of transition. We will be available throughout the summer with adjusted summer hours. Please feel free to contact us with questions or concerns over the summer. Just call first. As always, this is truly a time for your family. The elementary years are a short span in the life of your child, but critical ones. Enjoy the special opportunities that summer affords. We will see you in August. Sincerely, Diantha Swift
aquarium to hatch native fish to restock Sligo Creek (like we used to do). And of course, we'll continue our successful programs such as the book fair, the science speakers, staff appreciation, fall festival, socials, mini-grants, and so forth. Thanks again. See you in 11 weeks or so. Diane Kelleher & Stuart Kern PTA co-Presidents
Au revoir et merci!
Friday, June 17 Professional day for teachers Thursday, June 23 Report cards mailed
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The EduSerc Program strives to highlight the value of education. For more information on this EduSerc Awards organization go to: http://www.eduserc.org/awards/nominations/nominee.asp?vaac=12
SLIGO CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTA Sligo Creek Elementary School 500 Schuyler Rd Silver Spring MD 20910 PTA Web site: http://www.scespta.org/ Alice Vorosmarti, Newsletter Editor [email protected]
Diane Kelleher,co- President Stuart Kern, co-President Andrew Schulman, Treasurer Suzanne Chartol, Secretary Jennifer Calvert, Vice President for Events & Fundraising Andrea Savoye, Vice President for Communication & Operations Laura Foradori, co-Vice President for Academic Support Alice Vorosmarti, co-Vice President for Academic Support
*****Please Note*****
Next year, in an effort to go green, the PTA Newsletter will be distributed online instead of as a paper copy coming home in the Friday folders. For those families who prefer to continue receiving a paper copy of the newsletter, a paper copy will provided. More information on this will be coming over the summer and in the fall. As always, current and past issues of the newsletter are available on the PTA website. WWW.SCESPTA.ORG
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