May 2012 Newsletter

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Deweys Diary

Draper Elementary PTA Newsletter

Vol. 7 No. 9


May 2012

7-11 9 10 14 25 28

Christine Heywood Named Teacher of the Year

Teacher Appreciation Week National Bike to School Day Dads & Donuts, 8 a.m. Fun Run kickoff assembly Fun Run packets due No SchoolMemorial Day Recess Fifth-grade teacher Christine Heywood has been selected as Draper Elementarys Teacher of the Year. She has taught the past 25 years, the last three at Draper Elementary. I believe every child can learn and I will do whatever I must do to help each one be successful in a rigorous learning environment, she said. A National Board Certified teacher, Mrs. Heywood holds a bachelors degree from Southern Utah University and a masters degree from the University of Utah. She will receive prizes and recognitions during the May 5 Real Salt Lake halftime and a May 15 Canyons Board of Education Reception and Honors Ceremony. Mrs. Heywood also will have a chance to be selected as the Canyons School District Teacher of the Year.

1 6 Fun Run, 9 a.m. Last day of School, classes Will dismiss at 12:45 p.m.

Stay Informed
Like Draper Elementary on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and visit our PTA blog at Watch our Blog and frequent Facebook posts through the summer for information on registration and other details related to the start of the 2012-13 school year.

Draper Elementary
1080 E. 12550 S. Draper, UT 84020 Ph: 801-826-8275

PTA Board Members Needed for 2012-13

We are looking for volunteers for next years Draper Elementary PTA Board. If you want to be more involved at school, we hope youll consider helping coordinate volunteers, fundraising, community involvement, diversity, art and many others. If you would like to be more please contact our 2012-13 PTA President Ashley Boyle, [email protected].

Principals Message
I am trying to wrap my head around the idea that May is here. Where did the year go? We have had a very busy, productive year. Our students are incredible. Thank you to all of our parents who support their children and teachers. Together we do make a difference. Its Testing Season It is time for your child to show what he or she has learned this year. From now until May 17, students in grade 3-6 will be taking the Criterion Referenced Tests (CRTs). These tests determine whether your child has mastered the Math, Language Arts, and Science Core Curriculum for his/her grade level. How Can I Help My Child Do Well on the CRTs? Ensure your student arrives well rested, relaxed, and prepared to show what they have learned. Avoid cramming for these comprehensive tests. Instead, help your child learn in a consistent manner throughout the year which greatly improves long-term retention of concepts and skills. We dont just want students doing well on tests; we want them remembering the information and being able to use it in meaningful ways for many years to come. The concepts learned during the elementary years are vital building blocks for the concepts that will come in middle school, high school, and college. Building Remodel Update This summer our building will be getting a new roof, an upgraded HVAC system and any needed seismic upgrades. The construction crew will begin working the day after school dismisses and there will be limited access to the building and grounds. Mrs. Broderick and I will be working at other locations during the summer and most of the needed communications will be sent out through Skylert. It has been my pleasure to work with our dedicated PTA Board and members, SCC Board, and all our families. Our community works well together. There have been ups and downs, compromise, agreement, and celebrations. Thank you everyone! I especially want to thank the teachers and students. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. I appreciate every one of you. Kenna Sorensen, Principal

Lace Up Your Shoes for the June 1 Fun Run

Plan to join us June 1 for Draper Elementary's annual Fun Run fundraiser at 9 a.m. Our goal is to raise $46,000 through student solicited and community donations to: purchase a mobile laptop lab with 30 computers, and fund PTA ongoing programs. Students will receive their fundraising packets at the May 14 kickoff assembly and will have until May 25 to return their packets. There will be daily raffle prizes awarded during the week of May 21-25 for those students returning their packets each day, in addition to classroom prizes awarded for 100 percent participation, and the class which brings in the most donations. We encourage you to come the day of the Fun Run to either run with your child or watch and cheer them on. There will be no official T-shirts this year (so that the $3,000 can go toward the computer lab). We encourage everyone to wear a white T-shirt or a T-shirt from a previous years Fun Run. Strollers are welcome for those with small children. Parents are asked to wait outside the school in the back of the cafeteria. The Fun Run will start over on that side of the school this year. For those interested in volunteering on our Fun Run Day (and we will need many of you to ensure a safe course), a volunteer form will be included in the fundraising packet for you to fill out and return to the school. We look forward to a successful event!

May is National Bike Month

In honor of National Bike Month in May, May 9 has been designated as the Inaugural Bike to School Day (as opposed to Bike to Work Day). We will not have a formal biking event, but all of those able and willing should strap on their helmets and backpacks and bike to school that day.

Update on Presidential Fitness Testing

We had two great weeks of Presidential Fitness Testing in April which challenged students' strength, agility, flexibility, and endurance. Awards will be given at the Fun Run kickoff assembly May 14. We saw some great improvement in scores from last fall. To qualify for the Presidential or National Awards, students needed in all five areas. Please remind your children that qualifying for these awards is difficult and they should celebrate their successes in whatever event they made improvements. A big thank you to our parent volunteers for helping to make this possible!

Thanks to Our Dog Tag Reading Volunteers

We would like to thank Dawnita Hendricks, Kelli Ball, and Suzanne Mackey for organizing and administering the Dog Tag Reading program this year. These ladies have spent many hours collecting reading minutes, and handing out dog tags and certificates to our students. Thanks for helping to encourage our students to read!

Vote For Our Teachers

Congratulations! We have two of our outstanding teachers who have made it to the final round of the Burt Brothers Teacher Who Does It Better Contest: KLynn Johnson and Christine Heywood. We need your help in voting for them. The top three teachers who receive the most votes will win some amazing prizes. The first-place winner will receive a Nissan Rogue for two years and $1,000 Visa card for classroom supplies. The second-place winner receives a $750 Visa card for supplies and the third-place winner is given $500 for supplies. Voting ends May 7. You can vote online at alists.php?title=2012-burt-brothersteacher-who-does-it-better. KLynn Johnson not only teaches her students but teaches any student who needs to become better. This year our 4th grade has implemented a 'Dragon Training' daily support program where each student is assessed and given the needed instruction to increase his/her own level of learning and understanding. Mrs. Johnson also provides additional support through her 'morning math' option for students who need even more extra supports. Morning math is done on her own time and she is always willing to do whatever is necessary for the students. Mrs. Johnson is an amazing teacher and we are lucky to have her on our staff. Christine Heywoods influence on our students, faculty, and community is shown through her love for our country and the privileges that come from being a U.S. citizen. Not only do her students benefit from her passion but the entire 5th grade as well. She expects every child to rise to the challenge of his/her potential. Mrs. Heywood is also one member of our building leadership team who sees the big picture we have for all of our students and supports it fully. A few years ago Mrs. Heywood was an instructor for our staff and helped 17 of our teachers receive their math endorsements. We would be lost without her and know that we are lucky to have her on our team.

Final Dads & Donuts is May 11

Our final Dads & Donuts is May 11 at 8 a.m. in the gym. We express appreciation to Maggie Long for running the program this year and Jodi Davies and Pam Roberts for helping her each month.

2012-13 Reflections Theme

Start working on your entries for the 2012-13 PTA Reflections contest! The theme for next year is The Magic of a Moment. The program offers students the opportunity create works of art for fun and recognition. More information is available at

Art through the Ages Fun for Students

Thanks to all the great volunteers who helped with Art Through the Ages this year! We sure had fun shaping the modern world. This year we discovered in Post-Impressionism how van Gogh makes us feel so much and how to end child labor. In Expressionism, WWI made us learn a new way to express artistic emotions. We learned what's great about America and the subconscious and how to survive a great depression in Realism & Surrealism. In Abstract Expressionism we toppled dictators in WWII and showed how to express ourselves and finally in Pop Art we learned how advertisers manipulate us with color and shapes and did our own Warhol inspired portrait prints. Look forward to next year when we go back 35,000 years and start our artistic journey again with Prehistoric Age, Egyptian, Qin Dynasty, Roman Age and Dark Ages!

PTA Presidents Message

As we come to the end of this school year, I would just like to thank all those you have made this year so terrific! Thank you to the PTA executive board, commissioners, and committee members for all your hard work. Thanks to all the room mothers, Art Through the Ages moms and all other classroom volunteers. Your selfless hours of serving the children at Draper Elementary have not gone unnoticed. It has been a privilege and honor to work with such capable, giving, men and women. Thank you to the parents who supported Draper PTA so that we could continue the programs that make Draper a school of excellence. Thank you to Principal Sorenson and our amazing secretaries Marian, Spring, and Deanna for supporting the PTA. Thank you to our capable teachers and all other staff members that make Draper Elementary a wonderful environment for learning. Thank you to the students who did their very best! I hope we can all finish this school year strong, and then enjoy a fun summer break! Jolynn Skousen, PTA President 2011-12

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