A Critical Study on Campus Energy Monitoring System and Role of IoT

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A Critical Study on Campus Energy Monitoring

System and Role of IoT

Mopuri Deepika, 2Merugu Kavitha, 3N.S. Kalyan Chakravarthy, 4J. Srinivas Rao, 5D. Mohan Reddy, 6B. Mouli Chandra
Dept. of Eectrical & Electronics Engineering,
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
QIS College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous),
Vengamukkapalem, Ongole, Prakasam Dist., A.P., India.
[email protected]

Abstract— This paper provides a typical case study on various energy monitoring technologies and role of IoT
energy monitoring system in a campus where hybrid energy is technology in energy monitoring are presented. 1
being used i.e., both solar and grid power. A critical review on The paper is arranged as follows- section II presents a
previously used energy monitoring systems is also included in critical review on previously used energy monitoring
this paper. As the current trend is going with the smartness
which includes smart-cities, smart buildings, smart phones, etc.,
systems. Section III deals with a case study on energy
same thing can be extended in terms of energy monitoring. This generation and utilization of power in campus. Similarly,
can be done by using the most widely using IoT technology. A section IV discusses about energy monitoring using IoT
proper monitoring of energy delivered, energy consumed and technology and updates on mobile. Section V provides the
real time updates on the power analysis may assists to estimate future scope of energy monitoring using IoT technology.
the cost of electricity consumed. Also, the ways to reduce the Section VI concludes the paper.
electricity bill in efficient manner. A campus in the near-by
location is selected, power consumption analysis is performed II. A CRITICAL REVIEW ON PREVIOUSLY USED ENERGY
and some significant outcomes are reported. The renewable MONITORING SYSTEMS
(solar) energy maintenance is another important point to be
noticed. Having real time updates on the solar energy generation From the starting, for monitoring of the energy
and distribution may help the users to maintain cost-effective consumed, the conventional analog electrical meters i.e.,
environment. electromechanical induction meters, which operates by
counting no. of revolutions of a metal disc rotating at a speed
Keywords— Energy monitoring system, IoT technology, Power proportional to power are popularly used. The no. of
consumption, power generation, solar energy. revolutions is proportional to the energy usage. Later in
1990s, these meters are replaced by the digital (electronic)
meters. These digital meters make use of LED or LCD display
In the existing contemporary technologies, Internet of [4]. But here the communication is limited to one-way
Things (IoT) is the most widely used technology. It connects communication i.e., these can transmit readings to remote
actual world with virtual world without any direct interaction. places which is commonly known as AMR (Automated Meter
It is being used in various applications such as consumer Reading) [5]-[6].
(home), commercial (medical & health care), industrial, Later in 2005 [7], smart meters overtook the place of
military etc. Having frequent updates on the generation and these digital meters. Deploying these smart meters in
consumption of the energy may alerts us from using more no. consumer area premises improve grid reliability, enhance
of units consumed, further reducing the cost. It is highly revenue management, reduce electricity losses, promote
difficult to estimate the total number of units consumed for energy efficiency, improve services to customers, helps
specific period of time in large work-places/organizations. consumer to have a track of their electricity consumption.
This is because of time varying utility loads. Having real time These smart meters can remotely communicate
updates on the units of power consumed, helps the consumer information/reading to the control office frequently in regular
to reduce their electricity bill. Formerly, in many countries, intervals of time for billing customers and operating their
automatic meter reading, advanced meters and smart energy electrical systems [8]. There is a two-way communication
meters are in use [1]-[3]. But it is not affordable for between smart meter and control office which can be
organizations or any other large industrial areas to get real time commonly known as AMI (Advanced Metering
updates. Since, the working load is changing continuously it is Infrastructure). AMI is capable of detecting power outages
too expensive to place the aforementioned meters everywhere. and monitoring voltage profiles [9]. As there is two-way
Solar energy is the prominent and low-cost renewable communication, consumers will also have the updates
energy. The set-up of solar plant is inclusive of money, but regarding daily electricity consumption which helps the
later power consumption will make the institution/the place consumer to reduce their electricity bills [10]. In many
where solar plant is set to be autonomous in power developed countries, automatic meter reading (AMR),
consumption which may reduce their further cost of buying advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) or smart energy
electricity. In this paper, energy monitoring, its importance, meter with real-time energy information report have been
implemented at the household level.

978-1-7281-5681-1/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

be considered for reducing all these? All these may help the
consumers to minimize their overall expenditure on energy


For better understanding of the energy monitoring
Fig. 1. Evolution of energy meters system, a case study has been conducted in QIS Institutions.
The institution is selected such that the power consumption
A brief comparison of conventional meters is given in Table. includes both solar and grid power i.e., the power delivered
1. from grid and solar energy generated inside the campus is
Table. 1. Comparison of conventional type energy meters being consumed. This type of power consumption may result
Conventional meters Pre-paid meters in reduced cost of electricity bills.
Conventional meters are In pre-paid meters more A. Per Day (Average )Power Consumption in Campus
cheaper in cost and expensive electronic
reliable. technology is used. Table 2. Total per day power consumption (average) in campus
These can be calibrated These can be calibrated Run
from time to time. only once. Total
Description of Quantity Hours/ Consumption
The readings are not kW
Load Day
accessible hence it is Easier to manage because Nos kW Hours kWh
difficult to manage these the credits are accessible.
Tube lights
meters. 1791 72 4 143
When energy meter
In case of non-payment, Fans (70%) 1950 156 8 874
reading reaches zero, meter
the provider will cut-off Exhaust (50%) 43 4 8 17
unleashes power
the power. Computers
automatically. 1012 202 3 243
Life expectance of up to 30 Life expectancy is about 10
Gate lights
years. years. 2 0 8 3
Meter reading errors are No faulty meter readings
MH lights
possible. occur (possibly). 25 3 8 25
MH lights
In [11] the authors proposed an energy monitoring set-up 10 4 8 32
which consists of a wind turbine and solar-panel arrays. The
complete energy monitoring platform is based on the current Street light
100 8 8 64
and voltage measurements of the renewable resources. The (100%)
obtained values are then measured and processed by using Mercury
some sensing circuits and 18F4450 microcontroller of vapour lamps 30 8 8 60
microchip. The values are then shared to Personal computer (100%)
via Universal Serial Bus (USB). An online monitoring and AC (50%) 71 170 4 341
control system for Renewable Energy sources based on Photocopy
android platform is developed in [12]. In this technique, machines 12 18 2 18
Bluetooth interface for android platform is used as a (50%)
communication link. In [13] a wireless based remote Heaters 18 18 2 36
monitoring system for renewable energy plants is developed Ovens 12 24 2 48
in Malawi. These types of energy monitoring system in Refrigerators
5 3 4 6
remote areas are found to work efficiently at low cost. A (60%)
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for Lift (60%) 1 5 2 6
hybrid (wind-PV battery) is considered in [14]. The proposed Tank 1 Pump 2 1 6 8 44
system can effectively transfer real-time measuring data to Tank 1 Lawn
1 1 2 2
the control centre using intranet. Pump
A proper monitoring on the energy regarding generation Tank 1
and distribution to the respective load points is the most Chairman room 1 1 0
considerable point for large places. But for the huge pump
organizations, placing n-no. of meters at different positions is Tank 2 RO
quite complicated and is expensive too. And the hybrid 1 2 8 12
plant pump
energy which includes both conventional and solar power Tank 3 pump 1 1 3 8 26
usage may decrease the total electricity cost as solar energy is tank 4 pump 1 1 3 12 38
the renewable energy. Along with, having proper monitoring RO booster
regular updates regarding the same will make the consumer 1 3 8 24
aware of: How many no. of units is being consumed? Where Total per day power consumption (average) 2062
the power is getting wasted? Is there any power theft? Where Electricity requirements of the QIS campus met from the
the power losses are occurring? Is the hybrid system (grid and Southern Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh
solar energy) utilized properly? Important measures need to
Private Limited and captive diesel generator sets along with generation plot, the power generation seems to be high in the
the solar power generated inside the campus. The major loads peak summer months of march and april. By looking into Fig.
at QISCET are air-conditioning, lighting, fans, computers and 2, one can estimate the per month billing based on power
pumps. Table. 2 presents data regarding per day power generation and consumption.
consumption by load in a campus. Where, the average An average per day total power delivered nearly about:
consumption per day is identified to be around 2000 kVAh 200+100 kW (solar + outside power (grid)). Under ideal
which accounts annually about 7.5 lakhs kVAh for QIS conditions, the solar plant is expected to give total power of
campus. Further in Table. 3 the per capita electricity 220 kW. As shown in Fig. 3, morning time, power estimated
consumption and expenditure in campus is presented. Here, from the plant is around 10 kVA. Along with the time, the
QISCET stands for QIS College of Engineering and power generation from the plant also increases till mid-
Technology, QISIT stands for QIS Institute of Technology afternoon as 120, 170, 200 kVA. At mid-afternoon the power
and QISCP refers to QIS College of Pharmacy. generated would be 200 kVA (peak). Then again starts
decreasing gradually as the intensity of sun decreases.
Table. 3. Per capita electricity consumption and cost data

Total Total per Capita

kWh kWh Electricity % in
consump consu cost per total
tion mption year
QISCET 4,52,5
4,33,593 41,46,771 60
students 51
QISIT 1,52,7
1,46,393 14,00,064 20
students 94
QISCP Fig. 3. Variation in power generation in a day
51,854 54,121 4,95,919 7
63,447 66,222 6,06,795 9
20,974 21,891 2,00,585 3
6,113 6,830 58,462 1
Total 7,22,374 69,08,597 100

B. Analysis of Grid and Solar Power Generation in Campus Fig. 4. Variation of solar power generation in a month (march-
2020): Scale: X- axis-1 unit = 1 day, Y-axis 1 unit=250 kWh

The solar power generated in the month of march-2020

is observed to be high and variation in power generation over
the month can be seen in Fig. 4. The solar generation system
holds with various components such as solar panels and
inverters etc. Similarly, grid power generation/distribution
system comprises of transformer, generators and capacitor
banks etc. The details of these components are presented in
section III.C.

C. Configuration of Components Used in Hybrid-Eneregy

Storage System
Table. 4. Specifications of solar panel used in selected institution

Parameter No./Dimension
Fig. 2. The Electricity generation/consumption pattern over Total no. of inverters 11
2019-2020 Total no. of solar panels 958
No. of subpanels per each
The power consumed by QIS campus is utilized from panel
both grid (APSEB) and self-generated solar power. The Parameters of sub-panel
power consumption from APSEB and solar generation plots Length 145 cm
over a period (i.e., 2019-2020) is shown in Fig. 2. In APSEB Breadth 98.5 cm
plot, as can be seen, there is a fall in energy consumption from No. of cells/ sub-panel 80
Mar.-2020 to Oct. 2020 (as the campus has been temporarily Parameters of each cell
closed due to COVID-19 lockdown scenario). In solar Length 18 cm
Breadth 9.5 cm 3 phase
Kirlos UDGS_502
Generat 160 415
The solar panels used in the campus are rigid, metal clad, kar -31
or set
totally enclosed, floor mounted, air-insulated, cubical type 3 phase 89
suitable for operation on three-phase/single-phase, 415/230V, Kirlos
Generat RPO/25/9/6 25 415
50 Hz. The typical specifications of the solar panels are given kar
or set /208
in Table. 4.
As SPV (Solar Photovoltaic) array produces direct 3 phase
Kirlos 9420-304-
current (DC), it is necessary to convert this DC to AC Generat 62.5 415
kar 01
(Alternating current) and adjust its voltage level to match the or set
grid voltage. This conversion from DC to AC can be done by Capacitors
the inverters along with the protection and control devices. Descript Capacity Tota
make Qty. Volts
All these components of the system can be together called as ion (KVA) l
Power Conditioning Unit (PCU). Typical features of the 25
inverter are given in Table. 5. KVAR 100
3 ph L&T 4 25 KVAR 415 KV
Table. 5. Inverter parameters Capacit AR
Switching Devices IGBT/MOSFET ors
Control Microprocessor/DSP 20
KVAR 100
Nominal AC output
415V, 3 phase, 50Hz 3 ph L&T 5 20 KVAR 415 KV
voltage and frequency
Capacit AR
Output frequency 50Hz
Grid frequency
+3Hz or more
synchronization range
-200 C to 500 C
IoT is the most prominent technology in the present-day
Humidity 95% non-condensing
world. It has numerous applications in various fields like
IP-20 (minimum) for indoor automobiles industry, smart homes, agriculture, healthcare,
Protection of enclosure IP-65 (minimum) for transportations, markets and education system etc. [15]. The
outdoor elements of IoT are shown in Fig. 5.
Grid frequency tolerance
+3 or more
Grid voltage tolerance -20% to +15%
No-load losses <1% of rated power
>93% (In case of 10kW or
Inverter efficiency
>90% (In case of less than
Total Harmonic
Distortion (THD)

The specifications of the transformers, generators and

capacitor banks used in grid power generation/distribution
given in Table. 6.

Table. 6. Components-specifications involved in grid power

generation/distribution system

Capa Out Fig. 5. Elements of IoT
Transfo Brand Input
Type city put
rmer name
kVA Volt Volt Various identification methods like electronic product
Manu. codes (EPC) and ubiquitous codes (uCode) are used for the
3 Ph IoT [16] along with the addressing methods such as IPv6 and
Delta/ Power 1100
Transfo 500 433 IPv4 [17],[18]. Sensing in the IoT refers to collecting the data
Star equipment 0
rmer within its network specified and sending it back to the data
Pvt. Ltd
Generator warehouse, database or cloud. For sensing, the sensors used
Descript Makers S. Capacity Volt might be smart sensors and actuators etc. Using these sensors,
make many industries are designing smart hubs and mobile
ion No (KVA) s
applications which makes customers to monitor and control
many smart devices and buildings using their smart phones
[19]-[21]. Different communication protocols like Wi-Fi, V. FUTURE WORK SCOPE: ENERGY MONITORING USING IOT
Bluetooth, and some specific communication technologies TECHNOLOGY
like RFID, near field communication (NFC) and ultra wide Solar energy is emerging as the prominent source of
band width (UWB) are used. The database can work within a renewable energy as it is pollution free and requires less
range of 10 cm to 200 m [22]. The near field protocol works maintenance. The amount of energy that can be generated by
at a high-frequency band of 13.56 MHz and data rate 424 kbps the solar system is purely depends on the intensity of the sun
[23]. Whereas the UWB communication is limited to low which is non-linear. Thus maximum power point tracking
range and high bandwidth [24]. The another frequently using (MPPT) technology can be included with the actual solar
communication protocol WiFi uses radio waves to transfer system present. The solar power tracking plant can be
data within a range of 100 m [25]. Blue tooth offers the included with maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
transmission over very short distance via short wavelength technology. Integrating MPPT technology with solar panels
[26]. Bluetooth 4.1 with low energy and high speed and IP will make the solar panel to track Solar Photovoltaic (SPV)
connectivity supports IoT technology [27]. For mobile to array more effectively. Further, the amount of power
mobile communication Long-Term Evolution (LTE) is the generated also will be high. This may further reduce the
standard communication [28]. LTE-A is an improved version amount of grid power that is bought.
of LTE whose frequency range extends up to 100 MHz [29].
There are various software and hardware platform to run IoT
applications such as Arduino, Phidgets, Intel Galileo,
Raspberry Pi, Gadgeteer, BeagleBone, Cubieboard, Smart
phones (Hard ware), Operating systems(Contiki, TinyOS,
LiteOS, RiotOS, Android), Cloud (Nimbits, Hadoop)
[software] [30]-[33]. The IoT services are divided into 4 types
[34],[35]. They are Identity-related Services, Information
Aggregation Services, Collaborative-Aware Services and
Ubiquitous Services. Semantics means extracting knowledge
by different machines for providing specific requirements.
The smart grid linked with IoT is found to improve and
balance the energy utilization of the respective
houses/organizations/buildings [36], [37]. This improves the
quality of services that are given by the providers to the
This IoT technology can be linked with the energy
monitoring systems in the campus that has been taken for case
study. At different nodes of the power sockets in the campus Fig. 6. Block diagram of campus energy monitoring system
placing the IoT sensors like actuators, or single board sensors using IoT
integrated with sensors for frequent monitoring of the power
delivered and the power consumed at the particular node. This Fig. 6 illustrates the basic block diagram of set-up of
helps the respective consumers to know where the losses are campus energy monitoring system using IoT. In general,
occurring (if any) and where the power is got wasted, how power circuit boards in different blocks are connected with
much extra power is still needed etc. the main power supply. And there by, the power can be
A mobile application can be created to access all the data utilized in the respective blocks. But in the future, a sensors
by an official/concerned person to know the real time updates with control unit system can be complemented with the
regarding the power analysis. present power unit as shown in the block diagram. Two sensor
The sensors can be attached to the solar panels batteries units, sensor unit-1 may be placed between main supply and
from where the particulars of the batteries can be collected and control unit, sensor unit-2 may be located between respective
the solar system will be monitored. Some IoT standards are blocks in the campus and control unit. The sensor unit-1 can
given in Table. 7. check the power output levels in the main supply and send it
to the central control unit. Sensor unit-2 senses and analyzes
Table. 7. Some IoT standards the power consumption of entire block and feeds the same to
control unit. The control unit compares the difference in the
power consumption and power generation. This allows the
consumers to note where the power got wasted and where the
power is being used excessively. Thus, reducing the monthly
power bills of the particular institutions/organizations. The
data from the central control unit can be stored in the cloud
using Internet of Things (IoT) technology. A mobile
application can be created to check the real time maintenance
of the campus energy monitoring system established and can
be accessed by the particular/specified persons in the campus.
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