Drug Study

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Pre-operative drugs:
Drug Doctor’s Mechanism of Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing
Order Action Considerations
Generic Dosage: Silver Silvadene Cream 1% Silvadene Cream 1% Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Name: 1% cream: sulfadiazine (silver sulfadiazine) (silver sulfadiazine) is 1. To prevent skin 1. Educated the patient
Silver Apply to disrupts bacteria is a topical contraindicated in patients infections from burns that drug is
sulfadiazi thickness of by damaging the antimicrobial drug who are contraindicated in patients
ne 1/16 inch q12hr cell membrane indicated as an hypersensitive to silver 2. To treat infected leg who are hypersensitive to
to burn and the cell wall adjunct for the sulfadiazine or any of the ulcers or pressure sores silver sulfadiazine or any
rather than by prevention and other ingredients in the of the other ingredients in
Brand Frequency: inhibiting folic treatment of wound preparation. the preparation.
Name: BID acid synthesis. sepsis in patients Because sulfonamide
Silvadene Silver with second- and therapy is known to Side Effects: 2. Instructed patient to
sulfadiazine has a third-degree burns. increase the possibility of Common side effects of comply to the physician’s
wide spectrum of kernicterus, Silvadene Silvadene Cream include: order on the frequency of
Classificat bactericidal Cream 1% should not be application of the drug to
ion: activity against used on pregnant women 1. Pain, maximize effectiveness.
Antibact both gram- approaching or at term, on 1. burning, or
erial, positive and premature infants, 2. itching of the treated 3. Instructed the patient to
Topical gram-negative or on newborn infants skin void using this medication
organisms. during the first 2 months 2. Upset stomach, or around the eyes.
of life. discoloration
(brown/gray/blue) of 4. Told patient that health
*The patient does not skin and mucous care professional will
have hypersensitivity to membranes (such as the clean and remove the dead
silver sulfadiazine. gums). tissue from the wound to
help the healing process.

5. Teach patient that the

application for the
medication to treat the
wound is by using sterile
technique (such as
wearing sterile gloves and
using sterile application
Adverse Effects: Dependent:
1.Hemolytic anemia (in 1. As directed by the
patients with G6PD doctor, usually the
deficiency) application for the
2.Agranulocytosis medication is 1 to 2 times
3. Aplastic anemia daily. The layer of
4. Thrombocytopenia medication should be
5. Leukopenia about one-sixteenth of an
6. Dermatologic and inch (1-2 millimeters)
hypersensitivity reactions thick or as directed. The
(e.g., Stevens-Johnson wound should be covered
syndrome, TEN) with the cream at all times
and dressings may be
Adverse GI effects: applied over the cream,
7.Hepatitis and but only if needed. If some
hepatocellular of the cream rubs off the
necrosis wound, reapply it
Adverse nervous system
effects: 2. Treatment usually
8.Toxic nephrosis continues until the wound is
completely healed or until
9.Interstitial nephritis the site is ready for skin
grafting or as ordered by the
*No adverse effect was physician.
noted in the patient.
Drug Doctor’s Mechanism Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing
Order of Action Considerations
Generic Dosage: Interferes with Antibiotic prophylaxis Cefotaxime is Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Name: 1g IV every 24 bacterial cell reduces mortality, contraindicated in patients 1.Cefotaxime is used to 1. Gave cefotaxime by
Cefotaxi hours wall synthesis bacteremia, and with cephalosporin treat many kinds of I.V. injection over 3 to 5
me by inhibiting ventilator associated hypersensitivity or bacterial infections, minutes through tubing of
crosslinking of pneumonia among cephamycin including severe or life- a free-flowing compatible
Brand Frequency: peptidoglycan patients in intensive hypersensitivity. threatening forms such I.V. solution. Temporarily
Name: OD strands. care units. Similarities Cefotaxime should be as E. coli, pneumonia, stop other solutions being
Claforan Peptidoglycan between intensive care used cautiously in patients or meningitis. given through same I.V.
makes cell and burns patients with hypersensitivity to site.
membranes rigid suggest possibly penicillin. 2.Cefotaxime is also
Classificat and protective. similar benefit of used to prevent 2.Advised patient to
ion: Without it, prophylaxis. In burns *The patient doesn’t have infection in people report severe diarrhea and
Cephalo bacterial cells patients the skin is an hypersensitivity to having certain types of consult healthcare
sporins, rupture and die. additional source of cefotaxime nor penicillin. surgery. professional prior to
3rd infection, and they taking anti-diarrhea
Generatio have a higher degree of medicine. Other
n immunosuppression Side Effects: superinfection
(Ncbi, 2010). Claforan may cause signs/symptoms should be
serious side effects reported as well.
1. Hives 2. Instructed patient on
2. Difficulty breathing medication Cefotaxime. Is
3. Swelling of face, used to treat many kinds
lips, tongue, or throat of bacterial infections,
4. Severe stomach pain including severe or life-
5. Skin rash threatening forms such as
6. Bruising meningitis. Report once
7. Numbness has a serious side effect
8. Muscle weakness such as: diarrhea that is
9. Seizure watery or bloody, chills,
10. Fever abdominal cramps.
11. Sore throat
*Patient verbalized
*No side effects were understanding the
noted upon giving the teaching by nodding.
medication to the Those teaching will be
patient. reinforced.
Adverse Effects:
CNS: Chills, fever, 3. Monitor patient closely
headache, seizures for superinfection. If
evidence appears, notify
CV: Edema prescriber and expect to
stop drug and provide
EENT: Hearing loss care.
GI: Abdominal cramps,
cholestasis, diarrhea, *Monitored patient
elevated liver function closely. No signs of
test results. superinfection noted.

GU: Elevated BUN 4. Be aware that allergic

level, nephrotoxicity, reaction may occur a few
renal failure. days after cefotaxime
therapy starts.
HEME: Eosinophilia,
hemolytic anemia, *No allergic reaction
hypoprothrombinemia, noted since the start of the
neutropenia, therapy.
5. Discard unused drug
RESP: Dyspnea after 24 hours if stored at
room temperature, 5 days
SKIN: Ecchymosis, if refrigerated.
erythema, erythema
multiforme, pruritus,
rash, Stevens Johnson

Other: Anaphylaxis;
injection site pain,
redness, and swelling;

*No adverse effect was

noted in the patient.
Drug Doctor’s Mechanism of Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing
Order Action Considerations
Generic Dosage: Morphine acts FDA-approved usage For all drug forms: Acute Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Name: 20 mg primarily as a m- of morphine sulfate or severe bronchial asthma 1. It provides major relief 1.Use morphine with
Morphine followed by opioid receptor includes moderate to in an unmonitored setting to patients afflicted with extreme caution in
sulfate IV 0.8 to 10 agonist, severe pain that may or in the absence of pain. patients who may be at
mg/hr., binding to l be acute or chronic. resuscitative equipment, risk for carbon dioxide
Brand increase as receptors in the Most commonly used hypersensitivity to 2.Management of retention (e.g., those with
Name: needed. brain, on in pain management, morphine or its palliative/end-of-life increased intracranial
Duramorph terminal axons morphine provides components, respiratory care. pressure or brain tumors).
of primary major relief to depression, upper airway
afferents in the patients afflicted obstruction. 2.Monitor for signs of
Classificati Frequency: spinal cord, and with pain (Ncbi, Side Effects: sedation and respiratory
on: PRN elsewhere. 2021). For I.V., I.M., or 1.Slow heart rate, depression, especially
Opioid Morphine also subcutaneous injection: shallow breathing. when initiating therapy.
analgesics binds to Acute alcoholism, alcohol
postsynaptic withdrawal syndrome, 2.Extreme drowsiness *There is no noted
receptors and arrhythmias, brain tumor, respiratory depression
hyperpolarizes heart failure caused by 3.Flushing (sudden while initiating morphine
postsynaptic chronic lung disease, warmth, redness, or to the patient.
neurons. seizure disorders. tingly feeling).
Together, these 3.Store morphine at room
actions reduce *The patient is not temperature.
the contraindicated with any of Adverse Effects:
conductance of the mentioned cases above. CNS: Agitation, 4.Before giving morphine,
pain signals to amnesia, anxiety, make sure opioid
the CNS. ataxia, chills, antagonist and equipment
confusion, decreased for oxygen
concentration, delivery and respiration
delirium, delusions, are available.
uncoordinated muscle
movements, 5.Instructed patient to take
unresponsiveness. morphine exactly as
prescribed and not to
CV: Bradycardia, change dosage without
cardiac arrest, edema, consulting prescriber.
orthostatic 6. Advised patient to
hypotension, avoid potentially
palpitations, shock. hazardous activities
during morphine therapy.
EENT: Blurred
vision, diplopia, dry 7. Instructed patient to
mouth, eye pain, notify prescriber about
hiccup. worsening or
breakthrough pain.
GI: Abdominal
cramps or pain, 8. Explained that
anorexia, morphine may be habit-
constipation, forming. Urge him to
diarrhea, intestinal notify prescriber if he
obstruction, experiences anxiety,
indigestion, nausea, decreased appetite,
vomiting excessive tearing,
irritability, muscle aches
HEME: Anemia, or twitching, rapid heart
leukopenia, thrombo- rate, or yawning.
RESP: Apnea,
asthma exacerbation,
depressed cough
pulmonary edema,
respiratory arrest and

SKIN: Diaphoresis,
dryness, flushing,
pallor, pruritus, rash,

Other: Allergic
reaction; anaphylaxis;
facial edema;
injection-site edema.

*No adverse effect of

morphine sulfate was
noted in the patient.
Drug Doctor’s Order Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing Considerations
Generic Name: Dosage: Acts on cardiac cell Acute burn and trauma Bradycardia that causes Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Amiodarone Load: 800-1600 mg orally membranes, prolonging patients have a higher syncope (unless pacemaker 1. Used to treat ventricular 1. Checked patient for
hydrocloride once/day for 1-3 weeks repolarization and the frequency of cardiac present), cardiogenic shock,arrhythmias and atrial implantable cardiac device at
until response; once
refractory period arrhythmias than would be hypersensitivity to fibrillation. the start of and during
Brand Name: adequate arrhythmia
Cordarone control achieved, reduce and raising ventricular expected for noncardiac- amiodarone or its amiodarone therapy because
dose to 600-800 mg/day fibrillation threshold. Drug hospitalized patients. components, hypokalemia, 2. Prevents the recurrence drug may affect pacing or
for 1 month; THEN reduce relaxes vascular smooth Amiodarone is an effective, hypomagnesemia, SA node of life-threatening defibrillating thresholds.
Classification: to a maintenance dose muscles, mainly in coronary commonly used drug for dysfunction ventricular arrhythmias
Antidysrhythmics Maintenance dose: 400 mg circulation, and improves cardiac arrhythmias and produces a modest *No presence of implanted
orally once/day myocardial blood flow. It (PubMed, 2015). *The patient is not reduction of sudden deaths cardiac device.
relaxes peripheral vascular contraindicated with any of in high-risk patients.
Frequency: the mentioned cases above.
OD smooth muscles, decreasing 2. Monitored vital signs and
peripheral vascular Side Effects: oxygen level often during and
resistance and myocardial 1. Cough after giving amiodarone. Keep
oxygen consumption. emergency equipment and
2. Dizziness, drugs nearby.
lightheadedness, or
fainting. *V/S within normal limits
during and after administration
3.Sensitivity of the skin to of drug.
3. Explained that patient will
Adverse Effects: need frequent monitoring and
NS: Ataxia, confusion, laboratory tests during
delirium, disorientation, treatment.
sleep disturbances, tremor
4. Advised patient to report
CV: Cardiac arrest, swollen hands and feet,
cardiogenic shock, edema, wheezing, dyspnea, vomiting,
heart failure stomach pain, or light-
EENT: Blurred vision, dry
eyes, halo vision 5. Instructed patient to report
abnormal bleeding or bruising.
GI: Abdominal pain,
anorexia, cirrhosis, 6. Advised patient to avoid
constipation, diarrhea, corneal refractive laser surgery
elevated liver function test while taking drug.
results, hepatitis, nausea,
pancreatitis, vomiting 7. Informed pt. that cigarettes
and beverages that contain
HEME: Anemia, caffeine may increase the
coagulation abnormalities, irritability of heart and
bruising interfere with the action of
*No adverse effect of
was noted in the patient *No adverse effects were
reported and noted. Pt.
understood the information
given by nodding.

Drug Doctor’s Mechanism Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing

Order of Action Considerations
Generic Dosage: Tetanus The bacteria can enter History of serious allergic Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Name: 0.5 mL IM neurotoxin binds the body through a reaction (i.e., anaphylaxis) It provides protection or 1. Informed the patient
tetanus to the deep cut, wounds or to vaccine components or immunity against tetanus that there is a second shot
toxoid Frequency: presynaptic burns affecting the prolonged seizures not (lockjaw). of the vaccine after 4
0.5 mL IM; membrane of the nervous system (WHO, attributable to an weeks and the last shot
repeat at 4- neuromuscular 2021). Tetanus Toxoid identifiable cause within 7 will be after 6 to 12
Brand 8weeks after junction, is is used to prevent days of administration of Side Effects: months. A booster shot
Name: first dose and internalized and tetanus It can serious a vaccine. 1. Mild fever may also be given every
Tetanus at 6-12 months transported retro illness that causes 10 years. Once it is
after second axonally to the convulsions (seizures) Guillain-Barré syndrome 2. Joint pain, muscle aches finished, patient will be
dose spinal cord. The and severe muscle <6 weeks after a previous fully immunized. And is
Classificat spastic paralysis spasms that can be dose of a tetanus toxoid 3. Nausea, tiredness, or protected against getting
ion: Booster: 0.5 induced by the strong enough to cause containing vaccine; pain/itching/swelling/redn tetanus for up to 10 years.
Inactivat mL IM toxin is due to bone fractures of the progressive neurologic ess at the injection site
ed q10Years the blockade of spine. disorder, including may occur. *Patient understood the
vaccine neurotransmitter progressive uncontrolled information given by
release from epilepsy, until the nodding his head.
spinal inhibitory condition has stabilized. Adverse Effects:
interneurons. It In rare cases, the tetanus 2. Advised patient to
inhibits normal *The patient is not vaccine can cause an report if he develops
nervous function contraindicated with any allergic reaction. This symptoms of allergic
due to its action of the mentioned cases can be the following: reactions.
as a zinc- above.
dependent 1. Hives *No adverse effects were
metalloproteinas 2. Difficulty breathing reported and noted.
e that targets 3. Swelling of the face or
VAMP, a throat
protein that 4. Tachycardia
regulates the 5. Dizziness
neurotransmitter 6. Weakness
release from
nerve endings. *No adverse effect of
was noted in the patient
Post-operative drugs

Drug Doctor’s Mechanism Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing

Order of Action Considerations
Generic Dosage: May exert Midazolam is the most Acute angle-closure Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Name: Initial dose: sedating effect commonly used agent glaucoma; alcohol 1.It produce a calming 1. Assessed level of
Midazol 0.5mg/kg by increasing for continuous intoxication; coma; effect on the brain and consciousness frequently
am infused over activity of sedation, as well as for hypersensitivity to nerves (central nervous because the range between
several mins, gamma- procedural sedation. It midazolam, other system). sedation and
Brand repeated at 10- aminobutyric is frequently benzodiazepines, or their unconsciousness or
Name: to-15min acid, a major considered first-line components; shock. disorientation is narrow
Versed intervals until inhibitory treatment for reducing Side Effects: with midazolam.
sedation occurs. neurotransmitter fear and anxiety in *The patient doesn’t 1.Cough, wheezing,
in the brain. As burn patients (BioMed exhibit any signs of trouble breathing; 2.Be aware that recovery
Classificat Frequency: a result, central, 2021). alcohol intoxication, no time is usually 2 hours but
ion: PRN midazolam glaucoma noted, and 2.Slow heart rate may be up to 6 hours.
Benzodi produces a doesn’t have any
azepines calming effect, hypersensitivity to 3.Light-headedness 3.Informed patient that he
relaxes skeletal midazolam nor other may not remember
muscles, and at benzodiazepines products. 4.Confusion, agitation, procedure because
high doses hallucinations, unusual midazolam produces
induces sleep. thoughts or behavior. amnesia.

*Patient verbalized
Adverse Effects: understanding the
CNS: Agitation, teaching. Those teaching
delirium, or dreaming will be reinforced after
during emergence from giving the medication.
anesthesia; prolonged
emergence from 4.Advised patient to avoid
anesthesia; restlessness; hazardous activities until
retrograde amnesia; drug’s adverse CNS
sleep disturbance; effects, such as dizziness
slurred speech; and drowsiness, have
weakness. worn off.

CV: Cardiac arrest, 5.Instructed patient to

hypotension, nodal avoid alcohol and other
rhythm, PVCs, CNS depressants for 24
tachycardia, vasovagal hours after receiving drug,
episodes. as directed by prescriber.
EENT: Blurred vision, *Patient verbalized
diplopia, or other vision understanding of
changes; increased instructions given by
salivation. nodding.

GI: Hiccups, nausea,

retching, vomiting.

RESP: Airway
obstruction, bradypnea,

SKIN: Pruritus, rash,


*No adverse effect of

midazolam was noted
in the patient.
Drug Doctor’s Mechanism of Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing
Order Action Considerations
Generic Dose: For Pain: It is indicated It is contraindicated in Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Name: Acetaminophen for patients patients with hypersensitivity 1.Used to relieve minor 1. Examine vial; do not
Acetamin 1 amp When the tissue who are to the drug, severe hepatic aches and pains due to use if particulate matter or
ophen become damaged, febrile and impairment or severe acute headache, muscular discoloration is observed.
it induces the having mild liver disease. aches, backache, minor
Brand Frequency: release of pain. pain of arthritis, the 2. Caution patient not to
Name: to infuse for phospholipids. *The patient doesn’t exhibit common cold, exceed recommended
Tylenol 15 minutes Paracetamol any signs of severe hepatic toothache, and dosage or take other drugs
every 4 hrs. inhibits cox-1 and impairment and he doesn’t premenstrual and containing acetaminophen
Classificat cox-2 with have hypersensitivity to the menstrual cramps. at the same time because
ion: apparent selectivity drug. Acetaminophen is also of risk of liver damage.
Analgesi for cox-2, so the used to temporarily
c, phospholipids are reduce fever. 3.Taught patient to
antipyreti not converted by recognize signs of
c phospholipase a2 Side Effects: hepatotoxicity, such as
into arachidonic 1. Nausea bleeding, easy bruising,
acid or a 2. Stomach pain and malaise, which
cyclooxygenase or 3. Loss of appetite commonly occurs with
cox enzymes. 4. Itching chronic overdose.
Because of this,
AA will not be Adverse Effects: 4.Told patient to report if
converted to 1. Thrombocytopenia skin rash occurs.
prostaglandin g2 at 2. Hemolytic anemia
the coxactive site. 3. Neutropenia
Prostaglandin g2 4. Leukopenia
will not be reduced 5. Pancytopenia
to prostaglandin h2 6. Jaundice
in the peroxidase or 7. Hepatotoxicity
pox active site. 8. Hypoglycemic coma
Prostaglandin h2 is 9. Rash
not then converted 10.Urticaria
into active
prostaglandins such *No adverse effect of
as prostaglandin e2 Acetaminophen was
which cannot seen in the patient.
sensitize pain-
sensing nerve cells
called noci-
For Fever:

Pyrogens are fever-

substances that
increase the
concentrations of
prostaglandins in
cerebrospinal fluid
and mediate

Paracetamol blocks
the increase of
concentrations of
prostaglandin. And
acts in central
mode in the
hypothalamic heat-
regulating center
thus, relieves fever.

Drug Doctor’s Mechanism of Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing

Order Action Considerations
Generic Dosage: Silver Silvadene Cream 1% Silvadene Cream 1% Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Name: 1% cream: sulfadiazine (silver sulfadiazine) (silver sulfadiazine) is 1. To prevent skin 1. Educated the patient
Silver Apply to disrupts bacteria is a topical contraindicated in patients infections from burns that drug is
sulfadiazi thickness of by damaging the antimicrobial drug who are contraindicated in patients
ne 1/16 inch q12hr cell membrane indicated as an hypersensitive to silver 2. To treat infected leg who are hypersensitive to
to burn and the cell wall adjunct for the sulfadiazine or any of the ulcers or pressure sores silver sulfadiazine or any
rather than by prevention and other ingredients in the of the other ingredients in
Brand Frequency: inhibiting folic treatment of wound preparation. the preparation.
Name: BID acid synthesis. sepsis in patients Because sulfonamide
Silvadene Silver with second- and therapy is known to Side Effects: 2. Instructed patient to
sulfadiazine has a third-degree burns. increase the possibility of Common side effects of comply to the physician’s
wide spectrum of kernicterus, Silvadene Silvadene Cream include: order on the frequency of
Classificat bactericidal Cream 1% should not be application of the drug to
ion: activity against used on pregnant women 1. Pain, maximize effectiveness.
Antibact both gram- approaching or at term, on 3. burning, or
erial, positive and premature infants, 4. itching of the treated 3. Instructed the patient to
Topical gram-negative or on newborn infants skin void using this medication
organisms. during the first 2 months 2. Upset stomach, or around the eyes.
of life. discoloration
(brown/gray/blue) of 4. Told patient that health
*The patient does not skin and mucous care professional will
have hypersensitivity to membranes (such as the clean and remove the dead
silver sulfadiazine. gums). tissue from the wound to
help the healing process.

5. Teach patient that the

application for the
medication to treat the
wound is by using sterile
technique (such as
wearing sterile gloves and
using sterile application
Adverse Effects: Dependent:
1.Hemolytic anemia (in 1. As directed by the
patients with G6PD doctor, usually the
deficiency) application for the
2.Agranulocytosis medication is 1 to 2 times
3. Aplastic anemia daily. The layer of
4. Thrombocytopenia medication should be
5. Leukopenia about one-sixteenth of an
6. Dermatologic and inch (1-2 millimeters)
hypersensitivity reactions thick or as directed. The
(e.g., Stevens-Johnson wound should be covered
syndrome, TEN) with the cream at all times
and dressings may be
Adverse GI effects: applied over the cream,
7.Hepatitis and but only if needed. If some
hepatocellular of the cream rubs off the
necrosis wound, reapply it
Adverse nervous system
effects: 2. Treatment usually
8.Toxic nephrosis continues until the wound is
completely healed or until
9.Interstitial nephritis the site is ready for skin
grafting or as ordered by the
*No adverse effect was physician.
noted in the patient.
Drug Doctor’s Mechanism Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing
Order of Action Considerations
Generic Dosage: Interferes with Antibiotic prophylaxis Cefotaxime is Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Name: 2g IV every 24 bacterial cell reduces mortality, contraindicated in patients 1.Cefotaxime is used to 1. Gave cefotaxime by
Cefotaxi hours wall synthesis bacteremia, and with cephalosporin treat many kinds of I.V. injection over 3 to 5
me by inhibiting ventilator associated hypersensitivity or bacterial infections, minutes through tubing of
crosslinking of pneumonia among cephamycin including severe or life- a free-flowing compatible
Brand Frequency: peptidoglycan patients in intensive hypersensitivity. threatening forms such I.V. solution. Temporarily
Name: OD strands. care units. Similarities Cefotaxime should be as E. coli, pneumonia, stop other solutions being
Claforan Peptidoglycan between intensive care used cautiously in patients or meningitis. given through same I.V.
makes cell and burns patients with hypersensitivity to site.
membranes rigid suggest possibly penicillin. 2.Cefotaxime is also
Classificat and protective. similar benefit of used to prevent 2.Advised patient to
ion: Without it, prophylaxis. In burns *The patient doesn’t have infection in people report severe diarrhea and
Cephalo bacterial cells patients the skin is an hypersensitivity to having certain types of consult healthcare
sporins, rupture and die. additional source of cefotaxime nor penicillin. surgery. professional prior to
3rd infection, and they taking anti-diarrhea
Generatio have a higher degree of medicine. Other
n immunosuppression Side Effects: superinfection
(Ncbi, 2010). Claforan may cause signs/symptoms should be
serious side effects reported as well.
Antibiotic prophylaxis including:
is to reduce the risk of 1. Hives 2. Instructed patient on
postoperative local and 2. Difficulty breathing medication Cefotaxime. Is
systemic infections. 3. Swelling of face, used to treat many kinds
Burn surgery is lips, tongue, or throat of bacterial infections,
associated with a high 4. Severe stomach pain including severe or life-
incidence of 5. Skin rash threatening forms such as
bacteremia, 6. Bruising meningitis. Report once
postoperative 7. Numbness has a serious side effect
infections, and sepsis 8. Muscle weakness such as: diarrhea that is
(Biomed Central, 9. Seizure watery or bloody, chills,
2021). 10. Fever abdominal cramps.
11. Sore throat
*Patient verbalized
*No side effects were understanding the
noted upon giving the teaching by nodding.
medication to the Those teaching will be
patient. reinforced.
Adverse Effects:
CNS: Chills, fever, 3. Monitor patient closely
headache, seizures for superinfection. If
evidence appears, notify
CV: Edema prescriber and expect to
stop drug and provide
EENT: Hearing loss care.
GI: Abdominal cramps,
cholestasis, diarrhea, *Monitored patient
elevated liver function closely. No signs of
test results. superinfection noted.

GU: Elevated BUN 4. Be aware that allergic

level, nephrotoxicity, reaction may occur a few
renal failure. days after cefotaxime
therapy starts.
HEME: Eosinophilia,
hemolytic anemia, *No allergic reaction
hypoprothrombinemia, noted since the start of the
neutropenia, therapy.
5. Discard unused drug
RESP: Dyspnea after 24 hours if stored at
room temperature, 5 days
SKIN: Ecchymosis, if refrigerated.
erythema, erythema
multiforme, pruritus,
rash, Stevens Johnson

Other: Anaphylaxis;
injection site pain,
redness, and swelling;

*No adverse effect was

noted in the patient.
Drug Doctor’s Order Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindications Effects Nursing Considerations
Generic Name: Dosage: Acts on cardiac cell Acute burn and trauma Bradycardia that causes Therapeutic Effects: Independent:
Amiodarone Load: 800-1600 mg orally membranes, prolonging patients have a higher syncope (unless pacemaker 1. Used to treat ventricular 1. Checked patient for
hydrocloride once/day for 1-3 weeks repolarization and the frequency of cardiac present), cardiogenic shock,arrhythmias and atrial implantable cardiac device at
until response; once
refractory period arrhythmias than would be hypersensitivity to fibrillation. the start of and during
Brand Name: adequate arrhythmia
Cordarone control achieved, reduce and raising ventricular expected for noncardiac- amiodarone or its amiodarone therapy because
dose to 600-800 mg/day fibrillation threshold. Drug hospitalized patients. components, hypokalemia, 2. Prevents the recurrence drug may affect pacing or
for 1 month; THEN reduce relaxes vascular smooth Amiodarone is an effective, hypomagnesemia, SA node of life-threatening defibrillating thresholds.
Classification: to a maintenance dose muscles, mainly in coronary commonly used drug for dysfunction ventricular arrhythmias
Antidysrhythmics Maintenance dose: 400 mg circulation, and improves cardiac arrhythmias and produces a modest *No presence of implanted
orally once/day myocardial blood flow. It (PubMed, 2015). *The patient is not reduction of sudden deaths cardiac device.
relaxes peripheral vascular contraindicated with any of in high-risk patients.
Frequency: the mentioned cases above.
OD smooth muscles, decreasing 2. Monitored vital signs and
peripheral vascular Side Effects: oxygen level often during and
resistance and myocardial 1. Cough after giving amiodarone. Keep
oxygen consumption. emergency equipment and
2. Dizziness, drugs nearby.
lightheadedness, or
fainting. *V/S within normal limits
during and after administration
3.Sensitivity of the skin to of drug.
3. Explained that patient will
Adverse Effects: need frequent monitoring and
NS: Ataxia, confusion, laboratory tests during
delirium, disorientation, treatment.
sleep disturbances, tremor
4. Advised patient to report
CV: Cardiac arrest, swollen hands and feet,
cardiogenic shock, edema, wheezing, dyspnea, vomiting,
heart failure stomach pain, or light-
EENT: Blurred vision, dry
eyes, halo vision 5. Instructed patient to report
abnormal bleeding or bruising.
GI: Abdominal pain,
anorexia, cirrhosis, 6. Advised patient to avoid
constipation, diarrhea, corneal refractive laser surgery
elevated liver function test while taking drug.
results, hepatitis, nausea,
pancreatitis, vomiting 7. Informed pt. that cigarettes
and beverages that contain
HEME: Anemia, caffeine may increase the
coagulation abnormalities, irritability of heart and
bruising interfere with the action of
*No adverse effect of
was noted in the patient *No adverse effects were
reported and noted. Pt.
understood the information
given by nodding.


Abdi, I. (2015). 2015 Nurse’s Drug Handbook. 5 Wall Street Burlington, MA 01803. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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