12.1 Reproduction in Organisms (NCERT)

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Reproduction in Organisms

Reproduction in Organisms
1. Each and every organism can live only for a certain pe- riod of time. The period from birth to
the natural death of an organism represents its
(A) Asexual reproduction (B) Sexual reproduction (C) Development (D) Life span

2. Whatever be the life span, death of every individual organism is a certainty, i.e., no individual is
immortal, except
(A) Human beings (B) Amoeba and Paramoecium
(C) Single-celled organisms (D) Both B and C

3. No individual is immortal then it is wondering that vast number of plant and animal species
have existed on earth for several thousands of years. There must be some processes in living
organisms that ensure this continuity. This process is called
(A) Growth (B) Development (C) Reproduction (D) Fertilisation

4. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given.

Column I Column II
1. Drosophila a. 1 – 2 weeks
2. Butterfly b. 2 weeks
3. Crow c. 15 years
4. Parrot d. 60 years
5. Tortoise e. 140 years
6. Crocodile f. 100 – 150 years

(A) b-1, a-2, e-3, c-4, d-5, f-6 (B) a-1, b-2, c-3, e-4, f-5, d-6
(C) a-1, b-2, e-3, c-4, d-5, f-6 (D) b-1, a-2, c-3, e-4, f-5, d-6

5. A biological process in which an organism gives rise to young ones (offspring) similar to itself
is called
(A) Reproduction (B) Fertilisation (C) Parthenogenesis (D) Gametogenesis

6. In the life span of any organism, there is a cycle of

(A) Birth, growth and death (B) Birth, fertilisation and death
(C) Juvenile, reproduction and senescence (D) Pre-fertilisation, fertilisation & post-

7. Which one enables the continuity of the species generation after generation?
(A) Reproduction (B) Fertilisation (C) Life-cycle (D) Life-span

8. There is a large diversity in the biological world and each organism has evolved its own
mechanism to multiply and produce offspring. The method of reproduction depends upon
(A) Habitat of organism (B) Internal physiology of organism
(C) Will power (D) Both A and B

9. When offspring is produced by a single parent with or without the involvement of gamete
formation, the reproduction is called
(A) Asexual (B) Sexual (C) Parthenogenetic (D) Either A or B

Reproduction in Organisms

10. The following figure shows the

(A) Binary fission in Amoeba (B) Budding in Hydra

(C) Equal budding in yeast (D) Unequal budding in yeast

11. When two parents of opposite sex participate in the reproductive process involving fusion of
male and female gametes, it is called
(A) Asexual reproduction (B) Sexual reproduction
(C) Vegetative reproduction (D) Parasexual reproduction

12. Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statements.
a. Asexual reproduction is common among single celled organisms, and in plants and animals
with relatively complex organisations.
b. In yeast, the division is unequal and small buds are produced that remain attached initially
to the parent cell which eventually gets separated and mature into new yeast organism
c. Vegetative reproduction is also a type of asexual reproduction.
d. While in animals and other simple organisms the term vegetative reproduction is used
unambigu- ously, in plants, the term asexual reproduction is frequently used.
e. Water hyacinth is also called Terror of Bengal.
(A) a and d (B) b and c (C) a and e (D) b and d

13. In plants, certain structures such as runner, rhizome, sucker, tuber, offset, bulb are all capable of
giving rise to new offspring. These structures are called
(A) Clones (B) Grafts (C) Vegetative propagules (D) Adventitious buds

14. Recognise the figure and find out the correct matching.

(A) a-rhizome, b-eyes, c-leaf buds, d-bulbils (B) b-rhizome, a-eyes, d-leaf buds, c-bulbils
(C) c-rhizome, d-eyes, a-leaf buds, b-bulbils (D) b-rhizome, a-eyes, c-leaf buds, d-bulbils

Reproduction in Organisms

15. In potato, sugarcane, banana, ginger and dahlia, the new plantlets invariably arise from
(A) The nodes present in the modified stems (B) The nodes present in the modified roots
(C) The internodes present in the modified stems (D) The margin of the leaves

16. In Bryophyllum, the buds that arises from the notches of margins of leaves are called
(A) Apical buds (B) Axillary buds (C) Adventitious buds (D) Terminal buds

17. Fill in the blanks:

1. The ...a... reproduction is the common mode of reproduction in organisms that have a
relatively simple organisation like algae and fungi and they shift to ...b... method of
reproduction just before the onset of adverse conditions.
2. Asexual (vegetative) as well as sexual modes of reproduction are exhibited by the ...c...
3. Only sexual mode of reproduction is present in most of the ...d...
(A) a-sexual, b-asexual, c-higher plants, d-animals
(B) a-sexual, b-asexual, c-animals, d-higher plants
(C) a-asexual, b-sexual, c higher plants, d-animals
(D) a-asexual, b-sexual, c-animals, d-higher plants

18. Match the columns and select the correct options

Column I Column II
a. Gemmules p. Agave
b. Laf buds q. Penicillium
c. Bulbil r. Water Hyacinth
d. Offset s. Sponges
e. Conidia t. Bryophilllum
(A) a-s, b-t, c-p, d-r, e-q (B) a-s, b-r, c-q, d-p, e-t
(C) a-r, b-t, c-s, d-q, e-p (D) a-s, b-p, c-t, d-r, e-q

19. The following figure shows the

(A) Binary fission in Amoeba (B) Budding in Hydra

(C) Equal budding in yeast (D) Unequal budding in yeast

20. Find out wrongly matched pair.

(A) Tuber Potato (B) Leaf buds-Banana (C) Offsets-Water Hyacinth (D) Rhizome-Ginger

21. Which is not an example of vegetative propagule in angiosperms?

(A) Zoospores of Chlamydomonas (B) Eyes of Potato
(C) Rhizome of Ginger (D) Bulbil of Agave

Reproduction in Organisms


Pre-fertilisation Events, Gametogenesis and Gamete Transfer
22. In several fungi and plants the bisexual condition is de noted by
(A) Homothallic and monoecious (B) Heterothallic and monoecious
(C) Homothallic and dioecious (D) Heterothallic and dioecious

23. If male (staminate) and female (pistillate) flowers are present on the same plant/individual, this
condition is called
(A) Monoccious (B) Dioccious (C) Unisexual (D) Bisexual

24. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given.

Column I Column II
1. Sponge a. Monoecious
2. Leech b. Dioecious
3. Cockroach c. Hermaphrodite
4. Frog d. Unisexual
5. Date Palm e. Bisexual

(A) a-1, e-2, b-3, d-4, b-5 (B) c-1,a-2, d-3, b-4, b-5(C) e-1, c-2, b-3, d-4, b-5 (D) All of these
25. If male and female flower are present on separate plants, it is called
(A) Monoecious (B) Dioecious (C) Unisexual (D) Bisexual
26. A haploid parent produces gametes by ..a.. division while diploid parent produces gametes by
..b.. division.
(A) a-mitotic, b-meiotic (B) a-meiotic, b-mitotic
(C) a-amitotic, b-meiotic (D) a-meiotic, b-amitotic
27. The following figure shows

(A) Monoecious flower of potato (B) Unisexual flower of sweet potato

(C) Dioecious flower of sweet potato (D) Bisexual flower of sweet potato
28. Organisms belonging to pteridophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms and most of the animals
including human beings.
(A) Produce gametes by meiosis (B) Produce gametes by mitosis
(C) Have diploid parental body (D) Both A and C
Column I Column II
a. Chara 1. Monoecious
b. Marchantia 2. Dioecious
c. Cucurbits
d. Cycas
e. Pinus

(A) a-1, b-2, c-1, d-2, e-1 (B) a-2, b-1, c-2, d-1, c-2
(C) a-1, b-2, c1, d-1, e-2 (D) a-2, b-1, c-1, d-1, e-2

Reproduction in Organisms

30. Chromosome number in endosperm cell of plant 'x’ and the gamete of plant 'y' are equal. Plants
'x’ and 'y' respectively are
(A) Apple and rice (B) Maize and potato (C) Rice and onion (D) Onion and

31. Sexual reproduction involves formation of the male and female gametes by
(A) Same individual (B) Different individuals of the opposite sex
(C) Different individuals of the same sex (D) Either A or B

32. As compared to the asexual reproduction, the sexual reproduction is

(A) Elaborate, complex and slow process (B) Elaborate, simple and fast process
(C) Diffused, complex and slow process (D) Elaborate, simple and fast process

33. Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statement.
(A) Plant, animals and fungi differ so greatly in external morphology, internal structure and
physiology, when it comes to sexual mode of reproduction, they share a similar pattern.
(B) In annual and biennial plants, there is a clear cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent
phases, but in the perennial species it is very difficult to clearly define these phases.
(C) In animals, the juvenile phase is followed by morphological and physiological changes
prior to active reproductive behaviour.
(D) The females of the marsupial mammals exhibit cyclical changes in the activities of ovaries
and accessory ducts as well as hormones during the reproductive phase.

34. All organisms have to reach a certain stage of growth and maturity in their life, before they can
reproduce sexually. That period of growth is called the
(A) Reproductive phase
(B) Senescent phase
(C) Vegetative phase in animals and juvenile phase in plants
(D) Vegetative phase in plants and juvenile phase in animals

35. Recognise the figure and find out the correct matching.

(A) a-female thallus, b-male thallus (B) a-male thallus, b-female thallus
(C) a-antheridium, b-oogonium (D) a-oogonium, b-antheridium

36. In some algae, the two gametes are so similar in appear ance that is not possible to categorise
them into male and female gametes. These gametes are called
(A) Isogametes (B) Heterogametes (C) Homogametes (D) Both A and C

Reproduction in Organisms

37. The end of juvenile/vegetative phase marks the beginning of the

(A) Reproductive phase (B) Senescent phase (C) Flowering period (D) Maturation

38. Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given.

Name of Organisms Chromosome Number in Gamete

1. Butterfly a. 6
2. Housefly b. 39
3. Dog c. 21
4. Cat d. 19
5. Rat e. 190

(A) a-1,b-2, c-3, e-4, d-5 (B) b-1, e-2, d-3, c-4, a-5
(C) e-1, a-2, b-3, d- 4, c-5 (D) e-1, a-2, c-3, b-4, d-5

39. An angiospermic plant starts producing flower. This is the beginning of

(A) Juvenile phase (B) Vegetative phase (C) Reproductive phase (D) Senescent phase

40. Which of the following is a parameter of senescence or old age?

(A) The end of reproductive phase (B) Slowing of metabolism
(C) The end of juvenile phase (D) Both A and B

41. Which of the following plant shows unusual flowering phenomenon?

(A) Bamboo and banana (B) Banana and Ncelakurinji
(C) Bamboo and Strobilanthes kunthianus (D) All of the above

42. Strobilanthus kunthiana flowers once in

(A) 50-100 years (B) 6 years (C) 12 years (D) 18 years

43. Strobilanthus kunthiana is found in India in

(A) Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil nadu (B) Karnataka, Tamil nadu and Odisha
(C) Kerala, Karnataka and Odisha (D) Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra

44. Many mammals, especially those living in natural, wild conditions exhibit reproductive cycles
only during favourable seasons in their reproductive phase and are therefore called
(A) Continuous breeders (B) Seasoñal breeders (C) Reflex breeders (D) Spontaneous breeders

45. Recognise the figure and find out the correct matching.

(A) a-heterogametes of Cladophora, b-heterogametes of Homo sapiens, c-isogametes of Fucus

(B) a-isogametes of Fucus, b-heterogametes of Cladophora, c-heterogametes of humans
(C) a-isogametes of Cladophora, b-heterogametes of Homo sapiens, c-heterogametes of Fucus
(D) a-isogametes of Cladophora, b-heterogametes of Fucus, c-heterogametes of human beings

Reproduction in Organisms

46. The birds/hens in captivity (as in poultry farms) can be made to lay eggs throughout the year. In
this case, laying eggs is related to
(A) Reproduction (B) Commercial exploitation (C) Human welfare (D) Both B and C

47. Transitions between the juvenile, reproductive and senescent phases in both plants and animals
is maintained by
(A) Enzymes (B) Hormones (C) Vitamins (D) All of these

48. Interaction between ….. and certain environmental factors regulate the reproductive processes
and the associated behavioural expression of organisms.
(A) Enzymes (B) Hormones (C) Vitamins (D) All of these

49. The sequential events in the sexual reproduction may be grouped into
(A) Two stages - gametogenesis and gamete transfer
(B) Three stages - gametogenesis and gamete transfer and fertilisation
(C) Two stages - gametogenesis and embryogenesis
(D) Three stages - pre fertilisation, fertilisation and post fertilisation events

50. Which of the following group uses water as medium for gamete transport?
a. Algae (Thallophytes) b. Bryophytes c. Pteridophytes d. Gymnosperms
e. Angiosperms
(A) a, b and c (B) b, c and d (C) c, d and e (D) b and c only


The Zygote and Embryogenesis
51. Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statements.
a. In majority of organisms, male gamete is motile and female gamete is non-motile
b. In algae and fungi, both male and female gametes are non-motile.
c. In seed plants, pollen grains are the carrier of male gametes and ovule has the egg.
d. In dioecious plants, pollination facilitates transfer of pollen grains to the stigma.
e. In monoecious animals, since male and female gametes are formed in different individuals,
the organism must evolve special mechanism for gamete transfer.
(A) b and e (B) a and d (C) b and c (D) c and e

52. The most vital and critical event of the sexual reproduction is
(A) Gamete formation (B) Gamete transport (C) Gametic fusion (D) Embryogenesis

53. Parthenogenesis is found in

a. Platyhelminthes b. Rotifers c. Some annelids d. Honeybees
e. Some lizards f. Cephalochordates g. Turkey birds
(A) a, b, c and f (B) d, e and g (C) a, b, c and d (D) b, d, e and g

54. In fungi, bryophytes and pteridophytes, the fertilisation is

(A) External (B) Internal (C) Both A and B (D) Can't say

Reproduction in Organisms

55. The following figure shows

(A) Heterogametic contact in humans (B) Homogametic contact in humans

(C) Homogametic contact in alga (D) Heterogametic contact in alga

56. In reptiles, birds, mammals, gymnosperms and angiosperms the fertilisation is

(A) External (B) Internal (C) Both A and B (D) Can't say

57. Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statement
(A) In organisms, exhibiting internal fertilisation the male gamete is non-motile but in seed
plants the male gamete is motile.
(B) Organisms exhibiting external fertilisation show great synchrony between the sexes and
release a large number of gametes into the water in order to enhance the chances of
(C) In frogs and bony fishes, large number of offsprings are produced as they are extremely
vulnerable to predators threatening their survival up to adulthood.
(D) In organism exhibiting internal fertilisation, even though the number of sperms produced is
very large, there is a significant reduction in the number of eggs produced.

58. Which is the vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms of one generation
and the next?
(A) Sexual reproduction (B) Embryo (C) Zygote (D) Fertilisation

59. In organism with haplontic life cycle, zygote divides by

(A) Mitosis to form haploid spores (B) Meiosis to form gametes
(C) Mitosis to form gametes (D) Meiosis to form haploid spores

60. Every sexually reproducing organism, including human beings, begin life as a single cell called
(A) Gamete (B) Spore (C) Embryo (D) Zygote

61. The process of the development of embryo from the zygote is called
(A) Gametogenesis (B) Sporogenesis (C) Embryogenesis (D) Oogenesis

62. During embryogenesis, zygote undergoes

(A) Cell division (mitosis) (B) Cell differentiation (C) Meiosis/reduction division (D) Both A
and B

Reproduction in Organisms

63. Recognise the figure and find out the correct matching.

(A) a-testa, b-tegmen (B) a-seed coat, b-seed (C) a-fruit, b-seed (D) a-pericarp, b-seed

64. Animals in which development of zygote takes place outside the body of female parent and they
lay fertilised/ unfertilised eggs are called
(A) Oviparous (B) Viviparous (C) Ovoviviparous (D) Marsupials

65. Animals in which development of zygote takes place inside the body of female parent, i.e., they
give birth to young ones are called
(A) Oviparous (B) Viviparous (C) Ovoviviparous (D) Marsupials

66. Fertilised eggs covered by calcareous shells are found in

(A) Fishes and amphibians (B) Reptiles, birds and mammals
(C) Amphibians, reptiles and birds (D) Reptiles and birds

67. Asexual reproduction does not involve the

(A) Formation of gametes (B) Fusion of gametes (C) Both A and B (D) None of these

68. Which is incorrect about flowering plant?

(A) After fertilisation the ovary develops into fruit and ovules develops into seed
(B) The ovary wall after syngamy converted into pericarp which is protective in function
(C) The zygote is formed inside the ovule
(D) None of the above

69. External water is not required for fertilization of

(A) Pteridophytes (B) Bryophytes (C) Thallophytes (D) Spermatophytes.

Reproduction in Organisms

1D 2D 3C 4D 5A 6A 7A 8D 9A 10D
11B 12A 13C 14B 15A 16C 17C 18A 19A 20B
21A 22A 23A 24D 25B 26A 27D 28D 29A 30D
31D 32A 33D 34D 35A 36D 37A 38C 39C 40D
41C 42C 43A 44B 45D 46D 47B 48B 49D 50A
51A 52C 53D 54B 55C 56B 57A 58C 59D 60D
61C 62D 63D 64A 65B 66D 67B 68D 69D


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