Reproduction in Organisms

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Biology Ex.

Navodayan Foundation


1. Clone is the product of
(a) Sexual reproduction (b) Sexual or asexual reproduction
(c) Amphimixis (d) Asexual reproduction
2. Asexual reproduction is common among
(a) Single-celled organisms only
(b) Plants only
(c) Single-celled organisms, plants and all animals
(d) Single-celled animals, plants and animals with simple organizations
3. In animals and other simple organisms, uniparental reproduction is called ____________
reproduction, in plant it is called _________ reproduction.
(a) Vegetative; asexual (b) Asexual vegetative
(c) Parthenogenetic; amphimictic (d) Amphimictic; apomictic
4. Which of the following is not a vegetative propagule?
(a) Rhizome and sucker (b) Tuber and offset
(c) Bulbil (e.g., in Agave), leaf buds, bulb (d) Antherozoid
5. Identify (a) to (d) in the given diagrams showing asexual reproduction structure.

(a) a ― Zoogamete; b―Conidia; c―Bud; d―Gemmule

(b) a―Zoospore; b―Conidia; c―Bud; d―Gemmule
(c) a―Zoospore; b―Conidiosporangium; c―Bud; d―Gemmule
(d) a―Aplanopore; b―Conidial c―Bud; d―Gemmule

Biology Ex. Navodayan Foundation
6. Examine the figures given below and selection right option out of (A)―(D); in which all the four
items (A), (B), (C) and (D) are identified correctly.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(A) (B) (C) (D)
(a) Tuber Rhizome Bulb Leaf buds
(b) Offset Sucker Stolon Leaf buds
(c) Offset Runner Bulb Leaf buds
(d) Tuber Rhizome Bulbil Leaf buds
7. Read the following statements.
(A) The plant was introduced in India because of its beautiful flowers and shape of leaves.
(B) It can propagate vegetatively at a phenomenal rate and spread all over a water body in a short
(C) It is very difficult to get rid of these plants
These above points are related to
(a) Dahlia (b) Water Hyacinth (c) Azolla (water fern) (d) Mosses
8. Which one of the following pairs is wrongly matched while the remaining three are correct?
(a) Bryophyllum ― Leaf buds (b) Agave ― Bulbils
(c) Penicillium ― Conidia (d) Water hyacinth ― Runner
9. Which of the following propagates through leaf tip?
(a) Walking fern (b) Sprout-leaf plant (c) Marchantia (d) Moss
10. In which one of the following pairs, both the plants can be vegetatively propagated by leaf buds?
(a) Agave and Kalanchoe (b) Bryophyllum and Kalanchoe
(c) Asparagus and Bryophyllum (d) Chrysanthemum and Agave
11. Vegetative propagation in mint occurs by
(a) Sucker (b) Runner (c) Offset (d) Rhizome
12. Vegetative propagation Pistia occurs by
(a) Stolen (b) Offset (c) Runner (d) Sucker
13. Identify the false statement.
(a) No individuals is immortal, except single-celled organisms
(b) Life spans of organisms are necessarily correlated
(c) Reproduction enables the continuity of the species, generation after generation
(d) The organism’s habitat, its internal physiology and several other factors are collectively
responsible for how it reproduces

Biology Ex. Navodayan Foundation
14. Asexual reproduction is common among all except
(a) Unicellular organisms (b) Plant with simple organisms
(c) Animals with simple organization (d) Animals with complex organization
15. Select the incorrect statement.
(a) Members of the kingdom fungi and simple plants such as algae reproduce special asexual
reproductive structures
(b) Zoospores are generally microscopic motile structures
(c) Zoospores are usually macroscopic motile structures
(d) Clones are morphologically and genetically similar individuals
16. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding water Hyacinth?
(a) Introduced in Indian for their lovely flowers and shape of leaves
(b) It is world’s most problematic terrestrial weed
(c) It reproduces asexually through offsets
(d) Its botanical name is Eicchornia crassipes
17. Identify the correct statements.
(A) Asexual reproduction method is the common method of reproduction in organisms with
relatively simple organization like algae and fungi.
(B) Organism with relatively simple organization like algae and fungi shifted to sexual mode of
reproduction just before onset of adverse conditions.
(C) Vegetative as well as sexual mode of reproduction is exhibited by the higher plants.
(D) Only sexual mode of reproduction is present in most of the animals.
(a) Only (A) and (B) (b) Only (B) and (C) (c) Only (C) and (D) (d) All of these
18. Bulbils are vegetative propagules in
(a) Water hyacinth (b) Agave (c) Potato (d) Tomato
19. A phenomenon is termed parthenogenesis when
(a) Artificial fertilization occurs
(b) Egg is fertilized by a sperm
(c) Egg undergoes cleavage without fertilization
(d) Sperm dies before fertilization
20. Totipotent cell refers to
(a) An undifferentiated cells capable of developing into complete embryo
(b) An undifferentiated cell capable of developing into an organ
(c) An undifferentiated cell capable of developing into a system or entire plant
(d) Cells which lack the capability of differentiating into an organ or system

Biology Ex. Navodayan Foundation
21. The fastest method to obtain clones is through
(a) Induced mutation (b) Parasexual hybridization
(c) Parthenogenesis (d) Vegetative reproduction
22. There is no natural death in single celled organisms like Amoeba and bacteria because
(a) They cannot reproduce sexually
(b) They reproduce by binary fission
(c) Parental body is distributed among the offspring
(d) They are microscopic
23. In vegetative propagation by tubers, which of following remains constant though generations?
(a) Morphology (b) Vigor only
(c) Vigor and morphology only (d) Morphology, vigor and disease resistance
24. Which of the following is/are dependent upon water for fertilization?
(a) Frog (b) Fish (c) Bird (d) Both (a) and (b)
25. The period from birth to the natural death of an organism represents
(a) Reproductive phase (b) Life cycle (c) Life span (d) Ptosis
26. The correct match for gaps A to D is :
1. The 1 reproduction is the common mode of reproduction in organisms that have a
relatively simple organization like algae and fungi and they shift to 2 method of
reproduction just before the onset of adverse conditions.
2. Asexual (vegetative) as well as sexual modes of reproduction are exhibited by the 3 .
3. Only sexual mode of reproduction is present in most of the 4 .
(a) 1―sexual, 2―asexual, 3―higher plants, 4―animals.
(b) 1―sexual, 2―asexual, 3―animals, 4―higher plants.
(c) 1―asexual, 2―sexual, 3―higher plants, 4―animals.
(d) 1―asexual, 2―sexual, 3―animals, 4―higher plants.
27. Find out the correct statements.
(a) Life span of organisms are necessarily correlated with their sizes
(b) The sizes of crows and parrots are not very different, so their life spans are almost similar.
(c) A banyan tree has much shorter life span as compared to a mango tree.
(d) Reproduction is must for the continuity of the race of any species the earth.
28. Organism belonging to pteridophytes, gymnosperms, angiopserms and most of the animals
including human beings
(a) Produce gametes by meiosis (b) Produce gametes by mitosis
(c) Have diploid parental body (d) Both a and c

Biology Ex. Navodayan Foundation
29. One of the following sequences of organisms is correct in respect to decreasing order of life spans?
(a) Banyan tree  Elephant  Crocodile Parrot  Crow
(b) Crow  Crocodile  Elephant  Parrot  Banyan tree
(c) Banyan tree  Parrot  Elephant  Crocodile  Crow
(d) Crow  Parrot  Elephant  Crocodile  Banyan tree
30. Which of the following is a parameter of senescence or old age?
(a) The end of reproductive phase (b) Slowing of metabolism
(c) The end of juvenile phase (d) Both a and b


Biology Ex. Navodayan Foundation

1. d 5. b 9. a 13. b 17. d 21. c 25. c 29. c

2. d 6. d 10. b 14. d 18. b 22. c 26. c 30. d

3. b 7. b 11. a 15. c 19. c 23. d 27. d

4. d 8. d 12. b 16. b 20. c 24. d 28. d

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