Abiotic and Biotic Components of Ecosystem

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Biotic and Abiotic Components of the Forested area in Poblacion, Pangantucan, Bukidnon

-Ricardo F. Uy Jr.


Species or an organism can never live alone. They are always influencing each
other and organizing themselves into communities; besides they have functional relationship with
the nonliving component of the environment. This structural and functional system of communities
and their environment is called ecosystem. Within the sample plot of the forested area of
Pangantucan, Bukidnon twenty-two (22) plant species, lichens, mushrooms and sixteen (16)
animal species interacting with the abiotic components was observed. Factors like the sunlight,
temperature, altitude, soil type and rainfall are essential force for the survival of organisms within
the ecosystem. This activity focused on the interaction of living and nonliving components of
ecosystem within the study area. Result from this activity suggest, how species thrive, and its
abundance are greatly affected by the abiotic components of ecosystem.


Ecosystems are dynamic interaction between plants, animals, and microorganisms and
their environment working together as a functional unit. All the parts work together to make a
balanced system. Ecosystems are composed of organisms interacting with each other and with
their environment such that energy is exchanged and system-level processes, such as the cycling
of elements, emerge. It is a core concept serving as the level of biological organization in which
organisms interact simultaneously with each other and with their environment (Balasubramanian,
2008). Organisms respond to factors in the environment in which they live. These environmental
factors are part abiotic and part biotic. The abiotic factors are usually the governing forces of the
environment, one organism ordinarily affecting others by its ability to modify the abiotic
environment. The abiotic and biotic factors function to maintain a continuous energy flow and
nutrient cycling. The abiotic factors influence the distribution of organisms. This includes fire,
light, moisture, soil, temperature, and wind while the biotic components are living organisms and
the interactions among them (Muoghalu, 2011).

This activity aims to identify the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystem and the
influence they exert on each other within the forested area of Pangantucan, Bukidnon. And to
describe their characteristics and important interaction to maintain the balance of ecosystem in the
area. Also, to determine the effect of the abiotic components to the living components of the area.
These two parts of the ecosystem do not stand in isolation, rather they continuously interact with
one another. In fact, they are so closely linked to each other that expert, by looking at the type and
condition of the abiotic environment of an ecosystem can identify the kind of life that one is likely
to find in an ecosystem, and vice versa. Even today the non-living environment affects lifeforms
of the earth and these together with the interactions taking place between the living and the
nonliving world, give rise to a variety of ecosystems (Klanderud, Vandvik & Goldberg, 2015).
Biotic interactions, on the other hand, such as competition from denser and higher vegetation and
a larger amount of litter, are often predicted to play a more important role for species coexistence
in more productive habitats (Lewis, 2017).

The causal relationships and interdependence of biotic and abiotic components have
significant role for ecosystem survival. I hypothesized that the identified biotic and abiotic
components within the study area have important characteristic and interaction to maintain balance
ecosystem. Abundance of different life forms depend on its environment. Abiotic components like
temperature, altitude, soil type and rainfall data are the driving force that supports the survival of
flora and fauna. It is also hypothesized that favorable environment with regards to its abiotic factors
can result to greater abundance of interacting life forms. The relative abundance of plant and
animal species is greatly affected by its tolerant to the stress brought by environment.

Forested area in Pangantucan, Bukidnon was chosen as the study area. A 10 x 10 m2 plot
was established using a steel tape. Within the sampling plot all plants and animals observed was
listed in activity notebook then tabulated. List of plant was classified based on its life form, foliage
form, stratification, seasonal condition, and coverage. Plant Life form was specified whether a
tree, shrub, herb, and a vine. Foliage/leaf form if it is broad, narrow, needle like, scale-like. For
seasonal condition whether defoliating (leaves are falling/shedding), budding, flowering, fruiting.
Stratification which is the distinct layer found in most habitats are classified whether ground layer,
herbaceous layer, shrub or understory layer, canopy layer. Coverage (the total area covered by the
foliage/leaves of a species) was determined whether: dense – if more than 75 % of the habitat area,
medium dense– 50-75 % and sparse if less than 50%.

List of animals was classified based on its life forms, microhabitat, and abundance.
Identified each animal life forms, its microhabitat, and abundance (few if 1-10 individuals: many
if more than 10 individuals. Also, fungi and lichens observed was listed down. The relative
exposure of the area to sunlight was described whether totally shaded, partially shaded, or exposed
to sunlight and relative amount of decaying organic matter in the area. Then recorded the following
at the time of sampling: name of the habitat, date and time, temperature (obtained using a
thermometer), altitude, coordinates, soil type and rainfall data. Digital camera was used for
documentation purposes.

Table 1. List of Plant Life forms with its foliage form, seasonal condition, stratification and

Name of species Life Foliage Seasonal Stratification Coverage

Form Form Condition
1. African Tulips Tree Broad Flowering Canopy Sparse
2. Ipil-ipil Tree Broad Defoliating Canopy Sparse
3. Acacia Tree Broad Flowering Canopy Sparse
4. Wild Sunflower Shrub Broad Flowering Understory Layer Medium Dense
5. Avocado Tree Broad Budding Canopy Sparse
6. Guava Tree Tree Broad Fruiting Understory Layer Sparse
7. Grass Herb Narrow Budding Ground Layer Dense
8. Tree Fern Herb Scale- Budding Understory Layer Sparse
9. Fern Herb Narrow Budding Herbaceous Layer Medium Dense
10. Abaca Herb Broad Defoliating Herbaceous Layer Sparse
11. Baliti Tree Tree Broad Defoliating Canopy Sparse
12. Bamboo Tree Herb Narrow Defoliating Canopy Sparse
13. Hagonoy Shrub Broad Flowering Herbaceous Layer Sparse
14. Clitoria Vine Broad Flowering Herbaceous Layer Sparse
15. Taro Herb Broad Budding Herbaceous Layer Sparse
16. Lagnog Shrub Broad Defoliating Understory Layer Sparse
17. Red Lawaan Tree Broad Defoliating Canopy Sparse
18. Bagon Vine Defoliating Understory Layer Sparse
19. Bakan Tree Tree Broad Defoliating Canopy Sparse
20. Uway Shrub Narrow Budding Understory Layer Sparse
21. Oak Leaf Fern Herb Broad Defoliating Understory Layer Sparse
22. Moss Moss Scale- Budding Ground Layer Medium Dense

Lichens Composite - Understory Layer Sparse

Mushroom Fungi Ground Layer Sparse
shaped -

Plants are known to compete for light, nutrients, and water. Interactions between plant
species may control the abundance and diversity of plants within a community over short and long-
time scales and are expected to play an important role in mediating plant community. Plants are
the primary producers of terrestrial ecosystems. A large body of literature in plant ecology has
emerged around plant functional traits, i.e., plant properties indicating a functional relationship
with the abiotic environment or with biotic components of ecosystems

Table 2. List of animal life forms with its microhabitat and abundance.

Animals Animal Life Form Microhabitat Abundance

1. Mosquito Insect Under the shades of Many
2. Bird Aves Tree branch. Many
3. Leech Annelid Near a stream. Few
4. Dragonfly Insect On the grass of the field. Many
5. Grasshopper Insect On the grass. Many
6. Spider Arachnid Under a bush. Many
7. Butterfly Insect On the grass of the field. Many
8. Skink Reptile Around a pile of rocks. Few
9. Flying Lizard Reptile Tree branch. Few
10. Prayingmantes Insect Around plants. Few
11. Earthworm Annelid In the soil. Many
12. Beetle Insect Around the leaves Many
13. Ants Insect On the gorund. Many
14. Bee Insect Tree branch. Many
15. Snail Mollusk On the ground. Few
16. Frog Amphibian On the ground. Few

The interaction of autotrophic and heterotrophic components is a universal feature of all

ecosystems, whether they are located on land, in fresh water or in the ocean. The climate that
matters for any animal is obviously the climate in which it lives. This may be very different from
the general climate of the geographical region constituting the range of the species. An insect living
on tree tops lives in a veritable desert, compared with the insect living on the forest floor where
evaporation is only about seven percent of that near the tops of the trees. Condition under stones,
on the north side of the boulders, or a few inches under the sand of a beach are almost always quite
different from those of the general surroundings.

Table 3. Abiotic Components in the study area.

Date and Time Coordinates

September 26, 2019; 11: 45AM-1:00 PM Latitude: 7⁰50’34.79” N

Longitude: 12⁰48’26.99” E
Abiotic Component Data Obtained
Relative exposure of the area to sunlight. Partially shaded.
Name of the Habitat Forest
Temperature 22⁰ C
Altitude 887 m. asl.
Soil Type Loamy and Sandy Soil
Rainfall data Average rainfall of 2,764.60 millimeters
(108.843 in.)

The abiotic factors are usually the governing forces of environment, one organism
ordinarily affecting others by its ability to modify the abiotic environment. The abiotic factors of
the environment influence the well-being and distribution of organisms and the functions of the
ecosystem. For example, temperature and moisture acting together determine in large measure the
climate of a region and the distribution of plant and animal life. Light is essential to plants, without
it, ecosystems could not function. Light also influences the reproductive and activity cycles of
plants and animals. Soil is the site of decomposition of organic matter and of the return of mineral
elements to the nutrient cycle.

Result of this study revealed that there are twenty-two (22) plant species within the
sampling plot of the forested area of Pangantucan, Bukidnon. Among these plants, grass had the
greatest coverage followed by wild sunflower, ferns, and moss (see Table 1). Denser stand
structure can also promote lower air temperatures, reducing evaporation and partly compensating
for water losses through the canopy. Lichens and mushrooms were also observed. In terms of life
form, trees have the most number followed by herbs. The life form of a plant represents plant
morphology as an adjustment to ecological conditions. Individuals with a particular life form are
expected to exhibit similar responses to environmental variation and to exert analogous effects on
ecosystem processes (Dezzotti, 2019). Foliage form of the listed plant species was dominated by
broad leaf followed by narrow and with few scales like. Defoliating leaves was observed in most
trees and some are budding and fruiting. Plants differ in leaf area in response to spatial variation
in climate more strongly than they differ in photosynthesis per unit leaf area during the time that
leaves are photosynthetically active (Chapin, 2003). Stratification which is the distinct layer found
in the study area was observed and the dominant layer was the canopy followed by the understory
and herbacious layer. A well-developed canopy would also imply higher rates of
evapotranspiration, and interception and consumption of water (Weigandt, et. al. 2014). A decrease
in canopy cover caused an increase in luminosity on the forest floor.Many higher plants are
functionally equivalent: they all consume carbon dioxide and water; they all use solar energy of
the same wavelengths; and they all require the same suite of mineral nutrients (Costa, 2017). All
plants, such as grass and trees, are producers. These organisms absorb the sun’s energy and convert
the energy into food for themselves, allowing them to grow larger, make flowers and seeds This
self-nourishing component in which fixation of light energy, use of simple inorganic substances,
and manufacture of complex materials predominates.

There are sixteen (16) animal species found in the study area dominated by insects (see
Table 2). Heterotrophic organisms primarily animals and are either directly or indirectly dependent
upon autotrophes for food. The herbivores remain dependent upon the green plants for their food
and are the primary consumers. However, the primary consumers also vary with the kind of the
ecosystem. Animal species found in the area have different microhabitat. This may be very
different from the general climate of the geographical region constituting the range of the species.
An insect living on tree tops lives in a veritable desert, compared with the insect living on the
forest floor where evaporation is only about seven percent of that near the tops of the trees.
Condition under stones, on the north side of the boulders, or a few inches under the sand of a beach
are almost always quite different from those of the general surroundings. According Mehrabi et.
al. 2014, the differences in species diversity responses to microhabitat conditions are subtle, but
responses of functional guilds were more pronounced. Habitat is a primary determinant of the
distribution and abundance of organisms and is the target for most conservation efforts
(Boyce,2015). Based on Table 1 that most of the species are abundant with regards to the range
that categorized more than 10 individual species as many. Knowing the abundance of different
species can provide insight into how a community function. Data on species abundances are
relatively easy to obtain and may give insight into less visible aspects of a community, such as
competition and predation. For example, observations that two species occur together in many
places, yet never co-occur at high densities, suggests that these species compete with each other. In
particular, the measure that attaches the greatest importance to differences in species abundance
related mostly to the dominant species traits, while the measure that weighted species abundance
lower related more to rare species (Bello et. al 2007).

Non-living parts of the environment that can often have a major influence on living
organisms. Abiotic factors include water, sunlight, oxygen, soil and temperature (see Table 3). The
area sampled was partially shaded relative exposure of the area to sunlight. Light availability varies
beneath plant canopies and between gap and understory locations, and there is strong variation
among plant species in the ability to grow and survive in different strata within the vegetation
canopy (Valadares et. al.2016). The temperature recorded in the forested area was 22⁰ C and
elevation of 887 m. asl. Temperature is one of the most critical factors of the environment and
exerts a profound influence on all physiological activities by controlling the rate of chemical
reaction. Every physiological function has temperature limits above and below which it ceases and
an optimum temperature at which reactions proceed at a maximum rate. Elevation is an important
non-biological ecological factor affecting the soil, vegetation and microclimate of mountain
forests, the growth and distribution of plants (Yang, et.al.2018). Plants use their roots to get water
and nutrients from the soil. Soils are different from place to place – this can be a big factor in
which plants and animals live in a certain area. Loamy and sandy soil was observed with decayed
organic matter. The impact of ecological factors such as changes in rainfall could lead to large
compositional changes in the diverse indigenous flora. Rainfall data in Pangantucan was obtained,
it showed that it had an average rainfall of 2,764.60 millimeters (108.843 in.).
Precipitation supplies the water that terrestrial organisms need either directly in the form
of rain that falls on soil where plants grow, or indirectly in the form of lakes, streams, and ponds
where animals can drink.


The purpose of this study is to identify the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystem and
the influence they exert on each other within the forested area of Pangantucan, Bukidnon. And to
describe their characteristics and important interaction to maintain the balance of ecosystem in the
area. Also, to determine the effect of the abiotic components to the living components of the area.
Results have shown twenty-two (22) plant species, lichens, mushrooms and sixteen (16) animal
species interacting with the abiotic components in the area. Plant species have varied in their life
form, foliage form, seasonal condition, stratification, and coverage. This characteristic was
influenced by the abiotic components and on their tolerance to certain ecosystem condition. The
abundance and microclimate of animals has something to do with the interaction they have towards
the autotrophs and abiotic components in the forested area. Abiotic factors like the sunlight,
temperature, altitude, soil type and rainfall are essential force foe the survival of organisms within
the ecosystem. This will affect the growth and development of the biotic components of the
ecosystem. These two parts of the ecosystem do not stand in isolation, rather they continuously
interact with one another for survival and for balance ecosystem.
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Figure 1. Location of the Study Area

Figure 6. Rainfall data of Pangantucan.

Source: Meteoblue

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