Phosphorus - The Shadowing Forth of Lucifer

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The text discusses Lucifer/the Morning Star as a bringer of light and knowledge who leads individuals towards enlightenment and godhood through perception.

The text is about exploring the concept and significance of Lucifer/the Morning Star from both a Gnostic and Thelemic perspective.

Lucifer is discussed as a bringer of light and knowledge who rebels against repression of perception and the mind. He represents exploring and developing one's shadow self towards self-evolution.

Phosphorus The Shadowing Forth of Lucifer by Michael Ford

Lucifer, the Pale Morning Star, Phosphorus-"The precursor of the full blaze of the noon-day sun" as Blavatsky so elegantly defined it, is the foundation of the basis of Magick. Magick itself means to "Ascend" towards the light of God. God itself defined as the individual self and the light of knowledge.
"The significant symbol of wisdom given to us by research is Lucifer, the bringer of light. Everybody is searching for perception, wisdom is a child of Lucifer. The Chaldean astrologers, the Egyptian priests, the Indian Brahmans; they are all children of Lucifer. Already the first man became a child of Lucifer when the serpent taught him good and evil. What they got to know by perception was the sacred cosmic mystery. In front of it they kneeled in devotion. It was the light that showed their souls to their destiny. In devotion they received wisdom which became faith, religion. What Lucifer had brought to them, shined godlike in front of their psychic eyes. Owing to Lucifer they had God. It means to disunite heart and mind if God is considered as Lucifer's enemy. Our educated don't raise the perception of the mind to religious devotion, they paralyze the enthusiasm of the heart. For those who are searching for the light of the spirit Lucifer shall be a messenger. He won't talk about a faith that is alien to perception. He won't flatter into the hearts to avoid the guardian of science: he shall respect him. He won't preach piety and divine bliss but will show ways for the knowledge to change into divine sensation, into the devotion of the cosmic spirit. Lucifer knows that the radiant sun may only rise in the heart of the individual; but he also knows that only the paths of perception lead up to the mountain where the sun appears in his divine radiation. Lucifer is no devil leading the searching Faust to hell; he shall be an awaker of those who believe in knowledge who want to change into the gold of divine wisdom." -From Luzifer-Gnosis, Rudolph Steiner.

Lucifer stands on the threshold of Dawn and Dusk. The bringer of light, symbol of Thelemic strength and divine wisdom emerges. The age of Lucifer is the uprising of what Blatavatsky termed "Phosphorus", the cosmic force of illumination and light. Lucifer is the force of Air, while Satan the dual and corrupted form of the light bringer is of active fire. This duality is the changeable essence of progression and evolution. Lucifer emerges by name as the Roman "bringer of light", Lucem Fero..the carrier of the torch. A Gnostic God, the Holy bible mentions little of him besides the basis of origin:
"You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, til iniquity was found in you." -Holy Bible, Ezekiel.

Later on the Morning Star as is called became the Dragon and the Devil. Shaitan was the base for this materization, which means to oppose, to accuse. Lucifer was invariably the first rebel. Lucifer is of the Spirit of Light, from which the foundation of Luciferic Magick is to ascend towards Godhead. The light of the spirit is based within perception

and the clarity of an awakened self. Perception is the vehicle of knowledge and what the individual can understand. Christianity teaches the annihilation of perception and the repression of the awakened mind. The enthusiasm of the driven conscious, charged with the bright Luciferian light; leads all individuals towards God itself. Lucifer is the Fallen Angel of Light. Born strong in the light of the God spirit, his crown held the most beautiful jewels from the earth. His essence was of the Sun and divine wisdom and enlightenment shone throughout him. No other Angel or Seraphim was as bright as Lucifer. As with all beings of light and Will, a great fire emerged within Lucifer. He sought to become as God, to rise towards Godhead. Thus the great rebel was born. Standing against the Holy Hierarchy, Lucifer gathered many of his fellow Seraphim, Leviathan, Belial, Astaroth, Asmodeus/Samael, Mephistopheles, Dagon, Sorath/Shaitan, Beelzebub and a host of others to stand in the light of selfgodhood and defy that which stood against individual phosphorus; the infinite possibility of existence. A great battle ensued, Etheric and Astral bodies were devoured and torn from aggressive attacks. The Seraphim which sought the throne of God gave all under the flag of Lucifer. Nothing would stand in the way of individual freedom and the light of Godhood; nothing is the basis for destruction and the beginning of creation. The Morning Star was rising, Angelic hosts feared these bright beings. Finally the Holy Angel Michael (who will prove useful in healing Magick) and his great horde overpowered the Luciferian Spirits. They were cast from the gates of Heaven towards the Earth. Along with them fell the Nephilim. Descending, the spirits lost all perception of time and space; knowing the great loss that had occurred. Lucifer awoke before the others. His crown, shattered; lost with the thronefight of Godhood was somewhere upon this earth. Lucifer stood erect, gathering his surroundings and sense of self. "I stand and emerge yet still, born of God yet unto only myself. The secrets of the universe shall be mine and the hidden light is destined." The other Angels still remained unconscious, threatening to enter the great abyss of non-form if such would remain for any period of time. "I call ye forth to awake and arise as yourselves, Gods in the light of Heaven. Hell is ours yet we must make a Heaven within ourselves. The universe is kind and all we shall ever need will be provided as long as we are here to take it. Stand up and join with me. The world can be ours under our light...Awake!" The fallen seraphim began to rise and take shape. They would scatter unto the various parts of the earth and abyss. From the Ashes must the Gods and Goddesses rise. Some descended further, some became as angels of light. Leviathan and

Samael descended, Lucifer became and angel of light. Belial would become an earth bound spirit who would transform into a Demon. Astaroth, wandering the earth on a great dragon. Leviathan, a daemon who became of the ocean and would exist simultaneously with the Astral Plane and the depths of the sea. Leviathan along with the other fallen angels became an ideal, a focus of strength whose power still remains within all of us. Awaiting the moment of becoming, these Daemonic atavisms exist on subconscious levels of the mind. The opening of such abyssic gates leads the psyche towards rising forth and becoming something of evolutionary progression. Lucifer stands as the fountain head of Astral Magick; (i.e., Astral Projection, Dream Control, ect.) Lucifer is balance in the instance of both Shadow and Light, Blood Red and Jet Black. Lucifer is the colour of an awakened and enlightened mind. The Psyche which is open for magical inspiration. Blavatsky understood the significance of balance within the individual, to ascend the individual from the beast like qualities so inherent within our subconscious. Blavatsky wrote "Thus it stands proven that Satan, or the red Fiery Dragon, the "Lord of Phosphorus" and Lucifer, or "Light bearer" is in us; it is our mind-our temptor and Redeemer, our intelligent liberator and saviour from pure animalism." Asmodeus/Ahriman is the fountain head of Sorcery and earth based Black Magic. Asmodeus is the God of Black Witchcraft, Sorcery, Necromancy and diabolism. The balance of Asmodeus/Ahriman is to unite the materialistic flesh side of life with the spiritual, or Luciferic. Falling to either side could result in the destruction of the self. Black Magic is the focus of making the Psyche immortal, surviving Earth bound after death. Luciferic Magick is the focus of Astral projection and Holy Magick. Ascension is the primary goal, To rise towards Godhead. The Rite of Lucifer was designed through my personal experience to affect the individual in several ways. Change is often reversible if the self is not on the same level as the rest. This translate that change must happen on every molecular level. The whole must be impacted from all sides. Lucifer is to be absorbed and forgotten. The fall is simply the Seraphim descending into the flesh, the brain of the Sorcerer. Lucifer must be channeled into the spirit itself and become aligned with the Holy Guardian Angel for a unity to be complete. Productivity therefor rises and a strong sense of character is built even further. Individuals who attempt these rites must already be of sound mind as the dangers of such if failure occurs are far too real. Insanity, which is displacement and unbalance of the many selves that form one union are disrupted and madness overtakes the self. The Black Magician must be fully balanced in order to avoid

the dangers that tempt even the most stable minded. The Shadowing Forth of Lucifer occurs once the self absorbs and forgets the spirit. Further Atavistic Resurgence will summon Lucifer and the Fallen Angel shall become you in every way. This can be accomplished later once the spirit is called forth and through the death posture a re-alignment can be done. Consider absorbing spirits in a modern sense similar to downloading a program on your personal computer. Once this is done, to become a part of this spirit the many selves must in some way be connected. The spirit is forgot and sunk deep within the subconscious called the abyss. When the time has come for this spirit to rise and become fully a part of the self, the downloaded program can only work when the computer is shut down and restarted. The mind works in this capacity with regards to such. The spirit through the death posture will re align it's self and the powers shall become at his or her demand to practice. The many spirits of the Ascension of the Fallen operate in a similar manner except this is far more dangerous. Many other spirits are invoked and many are demonic energies which must be absorbed through Will and Control. Aleister Crowley gave us the modern synthesis and foundation of Luciferian thought. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" and "Love is the law, love under will". Two statements which clearly set in motion the ascension of the seeking individual towards Godhead. In his poem, "Hymn to Lucifer" Crowley presents the bringer of light in a Thelemic aspect. No longer shall man be subservient to a religion which would destroy your foundation and right of personal choice. Dogma is also a trap which can lead towards spiritual stagnation. Growth is necessary through the freedom of an open being, that through will power and focus can change take hold and run it's natural course. The Luciferian individual is at heart a predator, however balancing action and thought with compassion and tolerance when such emotions are heart felt. A Thelemic individual is by definition free to decide the proper course of which his or her life would flow. Often, clubs, orders and other thought trapping devices will trick the individual into accepting a code and "uniformation" of like minds. This should be in progress only for the means of an end, a goal in which progression and individual evolution is plausible. If this is not so, what would be the difference between the organization minded Occult student and the Christian Church enthusiast? The essence of Witchcraft in the current age seems slip and often unclear. Wicca presents nature in a beautiful and deeply moving semblance, which in itself, is not entirely the case. Nature is both beautiful, positive and light filled however also destructive, murderous, predatory and black. This is a significant balance

point in which individuals should be aware, and able to reflect with balance. Wicca is a powerful tool for those ultimately kind at heart, who may weave Magick within their own life to a certain end. Dark Witchcraft, or Sabbatic Magick, is a balance of Light and Dark energies. Witchcraft is a tool of the Luciferian spirit, and the God forms of Sabbatic Magick are very much akin to the self exploring individual seeking Godhead through Ascending. Sorcery is an extension of Witchcraft as they are based upon the powers of the earth associated with Water, Air and Fire. These together lead the individual towards a higher point of understanding and if properly worked, can lead towards Holy Magick. Vampirism is a significant tool in human evolution because it places in perfect harmony the ever-changing self within natural balance. To ascend one must devour the energies that offer themselves. Vampirism holds its foundation in dream and myth, forming strongly in a conscious reality, as one may know it. Vampiric Sorcery is a dangerous Magick to control as it tests every point of mental strength one may have developed. If unbroken, can further strengthen the individual who would ascend to Godhead. One must delve the depths of the psyche (abyss) in order to balance the Holy Light. Thelema inadvertently supports and provides a significant foundation for the like-minded individual who seeks this light. The Vampiric Sorcerer is not one who once the image of the self, the facade is stripped away, would simply vanish from lack of substance. The sorcerer would already have developed a strong body of light through Astral and Earth Magick and be emanating this force from within. Thus, the self man be still in constant change and flux however the physical appearance could be stripped away no matter what and the core be revealed even more so in this manner. The Luciferian Character is successful in the method of Magick and Ascension once he or she would master both black and white magick. Chaos Magic is of interest in it's diversity, however one must go beyond such methods to train the self in Will and develop a strength of discipline which often ignored by many modern Sorcerers. Ascend through stamina and Willful direction, not mere impulse and unevaluated circumstance. Egotism however is a possible flaw and over estimation of self. As the Luciferian is evolved and continues growing one must be in check with the ego. It should be understood that often the most humble will comprehend a greater knowledge of self. Crowley often defined "Black Brothers" as those who shut themselves off from the universe and the cup of Babalon, which is evolution. The sorcerer must realize that he or she is not necessarily more important than anything else, while at the same time be in full balance with the natural order and the survival of the psyche.

A black magician is by no means what Crowley defined as "black brothers". The essential study and practice of a sorcerer to ascend is significant in the point that the individual must grow with his or her studies, to become the topic therein. The self which is also known as "Kia" (Austin Spare's "The Book of Pleasure") should be explored on every possible level, understanding the foundation for the conscious make up known as "I". Lucifer exists in the core of every individual; it is "it's" gift to us. Those who awaken this individual light are blessed unto ourselves. Self-Godhood is the step towards spiritual immortality. Those who seek the platform of Adept in the Magickial Quest will inadvertently perceive the basis of the balance of light and darkness. The Angelic and the Demonic shall be united, Chaos will follow form and such is the genetic and psychic make up of the Adept. The face of Lucifer has changed and formed into a plethora of disreputable images by the Christian psyche in modern times. The ideal message received on the astral should be, "I shall ascend" and not by chance, "I am of evil". Such doctrines of "evil" and "good" are excuses to not deal with the core of the individual. It is locking away the most dangerous, most powerful and most exciting part of the self. Once the shadow is brought into light shall a God or Goddess begin to emerge. Lucifer stands for the balance of flesh and spirit. The ego or "I", constantly changing must continue to consciously manifest in a positive manner. As Aleister Crowley pointed out in the article entitled "The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic" (Published in The Goetia):
"The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain. Their seals therefore represent (Mr. Spencer's projected cube) method of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (through the Eye). (a) The names of God are vibrations calculated to establish control over the human brain. (Establishment of the functions relative to the subtle world.) (b) Control over the brain in detail. (Rank or type of the Spirit.) (c) Control of one special portion (Name of the spirit)."

Control is the map of empowerment and Ascension. Once direction is assumed and confirmed, can such begin to take place in association with progression and evolution? This subtle point is based around the legend of Lucifer itself. In being cast forth from the heavens, one could only despair or revel in the freedom and self-respect that had been earned through defiance. The Black Flame that exists in the core of the self has long sought to grow and illuminate the individual who was prepared to travel the fantastic path of selfillumination and Godhood. Ever woman and man have their own orbit, their own star to develop upon this earth. Nothing is rejected which develops integrity and self-strength of spirit.

Within the Sigil of Varcolaci, the image of the vampire is presented as a mark point towards self-evolution and Godhood. The Trapezoid sigil of Varcolaci opens the gates of the shadow side through Black Magic. The Varcolaci sigil was designed to manifest the essence of the Varcolaci vampire, the astral being that rose from the flesh of the sorcerer to ascend to the night sky. This is the evermorphing version of Lucifer, to eternally seek knowledge and the Faustian spark which ignites into the black flame. The inverse pentagram that the Varcolaci hold is the eye of Lucifer, Devilcosm that would glow with the divine light of self godhood. The inverse pentagram is itself symbol of exploring and controlling the dark side powers which exist within every man and woman. Christian attempts of labeling Lucifer as a God of Death only proves the extent of brainwashing which only mirrors their subconscious desire to be bound, that fragile and undeveloped flame to be extinguished. Lucifer as being the Prince of the Powers of Air establishes this God form as the fountainhead of Astral Magick. The Varcolaci Sigil or Devilcosm is the mirror of Lucifer, the bringer of light through Astral Projection and search of Balance of Knowledge. The applications of such Magick can be used in every facet of ones' life. It is only limited by the imagination. "Ain Soph" indeed! Aleister Crowley's patterns and formation of "Thelema" is based within the Luciferian principle. The bringing of light towards the individual, from which the Star may find it's one unique path. "Do What thou Wilt shall be the Whole of the Law" from which none may deny thee. Such a brilliant system can be found in further developments of such tomes as "Magick in Theory and Practice", "The Book of the Law", "Thoth-Tarot" and such an edited work as "The Goetia". The map towards Godhead soon comes into clear and unadulterated focus. Perception is existent through the use of all senses available. Experience and knowledge is the Faustian key to the next step of evolution.

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