Most Essential Learning Competencies
Most Essential Learning Competencies
Most Essential Learning Competencies
2. Were teachers capacitated on how to use the different learning delivery modalities?
(MOVs: Memorandum, Activity Reports on the different trainings conducted, Certificate
of Participation, attendance sheet)
7. Were the teachers capacitated on how to prepare Weekly Home Learning Plan?
(MOVs: Memorandum, Activity Reports on the different trainings conducted, Certificate
of Participation, attendance sheet)
2. If your answer in number 1 is yes, does the teacher follow the procedure in preparing
the WHLP and its parts as stated in DM-CI-2020-00162, Appendix D, Items 2 & 3?
3. Is the WHLP prepared by teachers one size fits all? (MOVs: WHLPs prepared by
teachers for the different classes being handled)
4. Does the teacher give copies of the WHLP to parents and orient them to the
contents, purpose, and use of the learning plan? (MOVs: Documentation on Orientation
conducted, List of parents who were given WHLP)
5. Does the teacher prepare Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP) for learners
who are not showing progress in meeting the required learning competencies? (MOV:
Sample of accomplished ILMP
6. Does the teacher communicate regularly to the parents of learners with prepared
ILMP? (MOVs: Proof of communicating with parents, List of learners not showing
7. Does the teacher employ/observe “academic ease” by streamlining the learning tasks
in the SLMs or other materials to ensure that learning development is manifested and
that activities or exercises sufficiently cover/ develop the learning competencies leading
to mastery? (MOVs: Sample identified activities in the SLMs that were streamlined for
Quarter 2/List of identified activities streamlined per Quarter2 SLMs)
8. Does the teacher provide feedback regarding the performance of his/her learners?
(MOV: Sample learning activity sheets with comments)
2. Is the time allotment given to the learners enough to accomplish activities in the
SLMs? (MOVs: WHLP and the list of SLMs returned by the students with the date of
3. If your answer in number 2 is no, what does the teacher do? Please, write your
4. Does the teacher allot time in providing remediation for learners who are not meeting
expectations? (MOVs: ILMP, list of learners (per grade level/learning area) List of
remediation activities)
5. Does the teacher allot time in providing enrichment activities for the learners who
accomplish the tasks as contained in the SLMs? (MOVs: Sample of enrichment
activities and accomplished activities)
3. Are modules distributed and retrieved according to schedule with the observance of
safety and health protocols? (MOVs: Logbook for the distribution & retrieval of SLMs,
4. Are learners allowed to write their answers in the SLMs? (MOV: Copy of SLMs
retrieved from learners)
5. Does the teacher also use video lessons and radio-scripts? MOVs: Samples video
lessons and radio-scripts already used, Inventory/list of video lessons and radio scripts)
6. If your answer in number 5 is 'yes', are the video lessons and radio-scripts used by
teachers for TV/RBI based on the SLMs?
2. Does the teacher know how to implement/use the Modular Learning Delivery
Modality? (MOV: Any proof showing that the teacher is knowledgeable in using the
different LDMs)
3. Does the teacher know how to implement/use the Distance Learning Delivery
Modality? (MOV: Any proof showing that the teacher is knowledgeable in using the
different LDMs)
6. Does the teacher communicate through text messages, phone/live chats, or through
other available forms of communication to provide assistance or remediation? (MOV:
Sample text messages)
7. Does the teacher allow his/her learner to shift/change from one LDM to another
8. Does the teacher supplement TV/RBI lessons with Learning Activity Sheets
(LAS)/textbooks or other supplementary learning resources that serve as assessment
tools? (MOVs: Sample TV/RBI lesson & corresponding LAS)
10. Does the teacher know how to make interactive learning materials for an online
distance learning? (MOV: Sample of interactive learning materials)
2. Does the school put a premium on the instructional management tasks of teachers in
their workload or assignments? (MOV: List of assigned tasks of teachers)
3. Are learners and home learning facilitators that experience difficulties provided
additional support by the teachers’/learning support aides? (MOV: List of learners/home
learning facilitators who were given additional support)