Holiday Homework Class 8

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1. Figures of Speech:
If variety is the spice of life, then figures of speech are the spice of language.
Figures of speech, or figurative language, such as metaphor, simile, alliteration, and
irony are ways of altering, arranging, or omitting
sounds and words in such a
manner that they can give language new meaning.
Write the meanings of the given Figures of Speech and find such extracts of stories
or poems or another literary piece which can illustrate the given Figures of Speech.
Follow the example given below.
Example Alliteration:
Alliteration is derived from Latin’s “Latira”.
“letters of alphabet”. It is a stylistic device in which a number of words, having the
same first consonant sound, occur close together in a series.
Examples: •But a better butter makes a batter better.
•A big bully beats a baby boy.
1. Alliteration
2. Pun
4. Irony
5. Metaphor
6. Simile
7. Imagery
8. Repetition
9. Oxymoron

Write it in your scrap book. Try to present it in a very creative way.

2. Write a short summary / Synopsis of the first 2 stories of the English Literature
book. ' The Brook Side’.Do it in a scrap book. (Roll No. 1 – 10)
3. Memorabilia.... Create ‘Memorabilia’ reflecting five important and treasured
moments of your life. Use pictures and give relevant captions to them. Describe each
moment in about 5 to six lines. Do it in a scrap book. (Roll No. 11 – 20)
4. Kalpana Chawla’s crew performed experiments in space on pollinating plants.
Plant a sapling in your garden. Watch it grow for fifteen days. Write a diary entry
how you felt witnessing the plant grow. Also write the importance of plants and trees
in everybody's life. Do it in a scrap book. (Roll No. 21 – 30)

5. The students will collect pictures and information about famous personalities
known for their service to mankind or their nation. Write a biographical paragraph
which should include:-(Roll No. 30 onwards)
1) Introduction
2) Achievements
3) His /her contribution to society. Do it in a scrap book.


Q1. There is a number which is very peculiar. This number is three times the sum of
its digits. Can you find the number?

Q2.After 12 years I shall be 3times as old as I was 4 years ago. Find my present age.
Q3. A Fraction has the denominator greater than its numerator by 6 but if you add 8
to the denominator the value of the fraction would then become ⅓ .Can you find its

Q4.There is a number whose double is greater than its half by 45.Can you find this

Q5.The ages of Sonu and Monu are in the ratio 7 : 5 .Ten years hence, the ratio of
their ages will be 9 : 7 . Find their present ages.

Q6.Can you write 31 using only digit 3 five times?

Q7.How can you make a total of 1,000 by using sixteen 4's?

Q8.I have a money pouch containing Rs.700.There are equal number of 25 paise
coins,50 paise coins and one rupee coins. How many of each are there?

Q9.I have two 10 paise coins. If ⅘ of what I have is 8/9 of what you have, how much
do you have?

Q10.Find out the age of your grandfather and father. Form a linear equation among
the two.
a. Age of your grandfather and your age
b. Your age and your father’s age.

Make a quadrilateral tree on an A3 size sheet.

Q 1) Make Compost in a bottle by following the given instructions.

First, cut around the neck of the bottle to form a wider neck hole.

Add a layer of garden soil to the bottom of your bottle around 2cm – 4cm deep. This
introduces the bacteria needed to make black nutritious compost.

Next add a layer of peelings, anything from left over strawberries to potato peelings.

Add another layer of each to your bottle.

Add some more soil than a layer of shredded paper.

Finally add another layer of soil and a layer of grass clippings or leaves. You can
repeat this layering pattern until your bottle is full.

Use a fine spray bottle and dampen the materials in your jar with a little bit of water.

Now your bottle is ready. Tape the top of the bottle closed to keep the moisture in.

Now just pop your rot pot in a warm sunny place and let the magic begin.

In 3-6 weeks you’ll see a big change in the contents of the bottle and your compost
will be ready.

Q2. What is Organic farming? Write any two advantages and two disadvantages of it.
Q3. Rajan felt worried about the condition of water scarcity in his village during the
cropping season. He went to Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare of his area to get
the solution of this problem. There he came to know about effective method of irrigation and
drought resistant varieties of crop. He requested the head of department of the ministry to
arrange some workshop on this topic to educate the farmers in these methods.
(a) Name modern methods of irrigation that help us to use water economically.
(b) What is drought resistant varieties of crop?
(c) Can you name some crops that require less amount of water?
(d) What value of Raj is shown here?

Q4. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plants growth. But farmers who cultivate pulses as
crops like green gram, Bengal gram, black gram, etc., do not apply nitrogenous fertilisers
during cultivation. Why?
Q5. Design your own Electroscope by following the given instructions.
The things you will need are:
1)plastic or glass jar or cup that are transparent. (must be transparent) 2)aluminium
foil small piece is enough.
3)1 paper clip.
4)cardboard piece small one.
5)a scissor
6)insulative tape or any tape

1.Firstly take the paper clip and straighten it. If there is any insulation on it remove it using
scissors. Then bend one end of the paper clip into a shape like 'U'.
2.Now take the cardboard. Unscrew the cap of the glass if any and then put its opening on
the cardboard. Using pencil mark the outline of the opening of the jar. Now cut it using

3.Now mark the center of the cardboard circle. Using a scissor make a small hole.
4.Now take the piece of aluminium foil and draw a small leave structure with fat as a penny
lower end and on the upper end make it thinner. Now cut two of these. Make a hole at the
top of both foils.
5.Now take the remaining aluminium foil and crumble and scrumble it into a nice round
6.First take the paperclip that we bent and prepared. Pass the unbent end of the paper clip
through the hole in the cardboard. Now pass it halfway. Now add some insulative tape on
the paper clip and cardboard to stick them permanently take scrumbledaluminium foil ball
and poke the unbend end of the paper clip in it. Now take the two small aluminium foil
leaves and enter it to the paper clips u bend part through the holes in the foil. you are almost
7.Now finally take the aluminium containing cardboard and put it on the mouth of the jar
and tape it there.

Q1) What according to you is more suitable form of government for India – Presidential
system or Parliamentary system? Give reasons for your answer.

Q2) Collect information of any two buildings of British Period in Delhi. Your information
should include

Period of construction

Material used

Architectural design

Q3) Make a table explaining the features, important trees, important animals and birds and
where are the following forests are found-
a) Temperate Deciduous
b) Equatorial Rainforests
c) Temperate Coniferous Forests
Q4) On the political map of India mark the mineral resources found in India.(refer Pg 162)
Q5) Make flowchart explaining the Fundamental Rights given every Indian citizen.( Refer
lesson -21).

Create a Database in MS Access with tables for
•Attendance Register
•House Register
• Parent Details with Address
• Routs Details (Bus, walker, P. Van)
• Define Primary key in All Tables and Establish Relationship between the tables.

Activity 2 – Variety of objects
Activity 4 – Trees in movement Activity
13 – Dustbin (Craft)

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