Co Scholastic Remarks

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Thinking is original, flexible and raises questions, takes responsibility

Skills is imaginative, fluent and builds on new ideas

identifies a problem, generates new ideas and implements well thought out
thinks out of the box
applies knowledge and skills in new situations
has ideas but needs to express them better and work on his fluency

Social identifies and responds to others with empathy

Skills gets along well with others
takes criticism well
responds to criticism positively
listens actively to others and communicates appropriately
tries to improve in weaker areas by putting in regular practice
needs to develop the ability to listen actively
responds to others with empathy

Emotional identifies her own strengths and weaknesses and copes well with stress
Skills can overcome her own weaknesses and develop a positive self-concept
can handle her emotions as well as stress
is comfortable with her stress, is good at identifying the causes and effects of stress
on himself and knows how to deal with them
needs to work on his skills to deal with stress / anger

Attitude is always respectful and helpful and demonstrates attitudes that are positive and
towards conducive to learning
Teachers is courteous at all times inside and outside the classroom
takes criticism in the right spirit
respects and follows class teacher and school rules
Attitude is highly helpful and cooperative
towards can assert politely and tactfully
school shares a healthy rapport with peers/mates
mates is able to interact effectively with classmates
is able to express/ contribute ideas and opinions in a group
is receptive to ideas and and opinions of others in a group
respects and is sensitive to differences among peers in – abiity, religious beliefs,
gender, culture etc
is kind and helpful
is able to inspire members of the class or peer group
Attitude is very enthusiastic and volunteers to participate in most of the school activities
towards and displays a healthy school spirit
school always takes care of the school property and prevents others from destroying it
programmes is punctual and regular in attending school programmes and participates and
volunteers often for school programs and delivers a job assigned effectively and
displays leadership skills inspires others to participate in school programmes
Towards participated in the Water Rally at the India Gate
environmen is keen, alert and observant, shows responsibility towards environment
t very much aware of surroundings and consciously makes efforts to keep
environment clean
sensitive to the threats posed to nature by mankind
participates in school driven activities relating to care for the environment

Literary and displays originality of ideas and opinion

Creative very fluent presentation with appropriate gestures
skills highly rich and relevant content
participates actively in literary and creative skills activities at school/ inter-
school level
reads and shows a high degree of awareness
is a member of the student council and helps organize events
is able to express ideas / opinions creatively in different forms

Scientific displays a scientific temperament and participated in Aqua Regia Quiz

Skills participated in Maths Olympiad
participates actively in scientific activities at school/ inter-school level
is a member of the student council and helps organize events
displays good experimental skills and a practical knowledge of various
is able to apply science in everyday context
Aesthetic participated in School Choir
and participated in the Annual Day Ballet
performing displays creative expression and a good presentation
arts is highly creative
always shows great enjoyment and aptitude for drawing/painting
has a vision to create waste material into productive items
participates actively in activities that involve arts at school/ inter-school level
is able to apply skills to performances /art forms
reads and shows a high degree of awareness
is able to appreciate well written /spoken pieces in all genres

Clubs is a member of the student council and helps organize events

reads and shows a high degree of awareness
delivers assigned jobs effectively
is able to inspire others of the school to join
participates in school driven activities relating to club
is an active member of __ club

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