Detailed Lesson Plan - Video Circuit

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Detailed lesson plan in Electronics

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Define the video circuits
2. Identify the different functions of amplifier in video circuits
3. Familiarize the video circuits

II. Subject matter:

A. Topic: Video Circuits
B. References: Basic Television principles and servicing book
C. Materials: Laptop and projector

III. Procedures:

Teachers Activity Student Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

Everybody please stand up, Mr. lead the prayer. (Mr. will stand in front and lead the prayer.)

Okay, you may take your seat and be ready for the Students take their seat and say present when their
checking of attendance. name was called.

B. Review

Before we start to our new topic, first we will review

the past lessons.

*What are the section of Horizontal Circuits? (Sync separator, horizontal AFC, Horizontal oscillator,
horizontal driver, and horizontal output.)
C. Motivation

When you hear the word video, what comes in your

How about a circuit? (students raise their hand and answer the following
D. Lesson proper

Okay class to know the meaning of these let’s

proceed now to our topic, our topic for today is all
about video circuits.
Who can define what is a video and what is a circuit?

In addition, video is the visual portion of television.

Or a recording of a motion picture.
Circuit a complete route which an electric current can (students raise their hand and answer the following
flow around. questions base on their opinions)
Video circuits compose of video Intermediate
Frequency (IF), video detector, video amplifier, video
output and picture tube which can produce an image.

Now, I will show the block diagram of video circuits in

which we can found the flow of every amplifiers until
the picture tube section.
Teachers Activity Students Activity
The output signal from the tuner circuit is
amplified by using a common IF amplifier.

The amplifier circuit IF (Intermediate Frequency)

This series serves as a signal booster up to 1000
times. The resulting output signal tuner is a weak
signal and very dependent on the distance
transmitter, and receiver.
It also amplified the output signals from the

The detector separates the audio and video


The sound signals are detected from FM waves,

amplified and then fed into the loud speaker,
which produce sounds.

Video Detector functioning as a composite video

signal detection that comes out of the picture IF
amplifier. It also serves to muffle the sound
signal which will result in poor image quality.

The video components are first passed into a

detector which separates the picture signal from
the synchronizing pulses.

Video amplifier. This series serves as a

reinforcement signal from the detector original
video so it can run to the picture tube or CRT
(Cathode Ray Tube).

Picture tube. A cathode ray tube on which the

picture appears in the television.

E. Generalization

* What is a Video circuits? (Video circuits compose of video Intermediate Frequency

* What are the amplifiers under the video (IF), video detector, video output and picture tube which can
circuits? produce an image. The amplifiers are first, the video IF
* What is Video IF amplifier? amplifier, Video detector, Video amplifier or video output,
* What is Video Detector? and picture tube which can produce images.)
* What is video amplifier or video output?
* What is picture tube?

IV. Evaluation:

1. Draw the block diagram of video and audio circuits.

2. Give the functions of every amplifiers under the video circuits.

V. Assignment:

 Study the Schematic Diagram of Video Circuits.

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