The United Nation's 17 Goals in Sustainable Development
The United Nation's 17 Goals in Sustainable Development
The United Nation's 17 Goals in Sustainable Development
The United Nation’s first goal is to eradicate all forms of poverty. Poverty rate around the globe is very
alarming and is continuing to rise despite if the global efforts. The Covid-19 has led to an additional 119
– 124 million people into extreme poverty only in 2020. The UN is targeting to eradicate extreme
poverty by 2030, but the projected poverty rate on 2030 is at 7 per cent meaning if there is no enough
action taken before 2030 it is impossible to eradicate the poverty in 2030. Poverty can cause lots of
problems including terrorism, civil unrest, and drug trafficking thus solving the problem on poverty can
solve other major challenges that the globe is facing.
Second goal of the UN is to achieve food security, improved nutrition, promote sustainable agriculture,
and end hunger. Around the globe approximately 2.37 billion people are without food or unable to get
the right nutrition and 35 million people are dying or in the risk of dying. Due to lockdowns and other
Covid-19 precautionary measures the food supplies around the globe are halted which results to the
increase in global hunger rate and 70-161 million people are likely to experience hunger as a result of
the pandemic. Beside of the Covid-19 Pandemic there are other factors that causes famine like natural
calamities and wars. According to UN SDG’s by 2030 poor and people in vulnerable situations like
infants, adolescent girls, lactating women, older persons, and children should have access to sufficient
and nutritious food.
The third goal of the United Nations is to promote good health and well-being. Promoting good health
and well-being will improve the people’s ability to adjust on the ever-changing environment. Through
this program deadly diseases will be prevented reducing and eliminating the vulnerability of an
individual or a group to incur diseases, disabilities, or premature death. To promote good health,
recognizing the health problems and challenges should be done first in order to be able to attain decent
and adequate solutions. According to UN SDG’s during this pandemic the progress on health services
around the globe were halted, shortening the life expectancy of an individual. In Northern America
there 150 nurses and midwifes per 10,000 people while in Sub-Saharan Africa there are only 10 nurses
and midwifes per 10,000 people, these data were gathered before the pandemic struck (2013-2019).
Investing on universal health coverage would help increase the health care services. In the Philippines, a
Universal Health Care Act or RA. 11223 was enacted, aiming to enroll Filipino Citizens in the National
Health Insurance Program it includes free medical consultations and laboratory test. This law will
guarantee an equal access to quality health care services. The United Nations is encouraging all other
member states to have law that equalizes the access to a quality health care service.
The UN’s fourth goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all. Open access to quality education is one of the keys to achieve economic
stabilization and better life for all. Unfortunately, even before the pandemic the progress on quality
education is already slow. Due the pandemic, an estimated 101 million children and young people fell
below the reading proficiency level in 2020, and it is expected to recover on 2024 if enough efforts will
be devoted to remedial and catch-up strategies. Around the globe, basic school infrastructures were
lacking, with only 56 per cent has a supply of drinking water, 33 per cent with electricity, and 40 per cent
of which has handwashing facilities. Without those three basic school infrastructure learning for children
would be very hard because research has found that school’s environment has a contribution on
learning process of the students, based on the studies students in a positive environment tend to be
motivated and engaged. The UN’s target is that all boys and girls have access to free, quality, and
equitable education in all forms.
Name: Marx Yuri Jayme Year/Course/Section: 1-BSAccountancy-A
United Nation’s fifth goal is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Since then,
the problem on gender equality is the world’s one of the biggest problems because there are cultures
and social norms that discriminates women from men. Like, there are some countries that when a girl or
a woman is on her menstrual period, no one should interact with her as she is considered dirty and if
someone interact with her that person will become dirty as well thus, she and persons who interact with
her will be put into a hut for the past couple of weeks, receiving no health and hygiene assistant. These
types of cultures endanger so much women and girls, some of them died because of infection and other
complications. According to UN SDG’s 1 in 3 women or 736 million experience violence in all forms and it
was intensified during the pandemic. Other rising concerns on gender equality is the force child
marriages, up to 10 million GIRLS are at risk of child marriages. On the positive side, before the
pandemic there are 100 million saved and protected to become child wives. The United Nations as
aiming to end and eliminate all forms of abuses and violence on women and girls such as trafficking,
sexual exploitation, discrimination, harmful practices (force marriages and genital mutilation), and more.
The sixth UN’s goal is to ensure availability and sustainable water management and sanitation. Water is
where everything depends, with no water there is no life as well. Over the decades, world populations
increases but the water supply decreases because of so many factors like pollution and overpopulation.
In 2020, billions of people around the globe are facing water shortages for drinking, sanitation, and
hygiene. According to UN SDG’s 26% or 2 billion people has shortage on drinking water, 46% or 3.6
billion has unmanaged sanitations and 29% or 2.3 billion has no or lacking in basic hygiene. Another and
one of the main reasons of water shortage is the shirking of natural wetlands which produces most of
our water supplies, between 1970 and 2015 35% of wetlands shrank. The UN is aiming a universal and
equitable access to safe drinking water that is affordable for all, adequate and equitable sanitation and
hygiene for all, and improved water quality by addressing the problems on improper disposal of
hazardous chemicals on bodies of water.
The seventh goal of the United Nations is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and
modern energy for all. Electricity is used almost everywhere, and it changed the way we lived, but as the
world’s population increases the demand on the electricity also increases. Electricity is made through
coal, fossil fuels, gas and more but some of these sources could badly damage our environment. There
are other more efficient way of producing electricity like solar power, wind power, and tidal energy but
it is not widely used yet. One of the targets of the United Nations is to increase the used of renewable
energy to the global energy market. Despite of the extensive usage of electricity, still there are 759
million people has a lack access to electricity. By 2030, the UN is aiming to ensure the universal access to
reliable, affordable, efficient, and clean energy.
The United Nations eighth goal is to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth, full and
productive employment and decent work for all. One of the root causes of the global problem is the
poor economic performance of a country. Around the globe an estimated 255 million people with full-
time jobs lose their works due to the global pandemic it is 4 times more than the number lost during the
global financial crisis on 2007-2009. Based on the report of International Labour Office (ILO), an
approximately 30% of the worlds work force are unemployed or underemployed mostly in developing
countries. According to the data made by the UN SDG’s the global real GDP per capita on 2020 dropped
to -4.6 but is expected rise in 2022 or 2023 when the pandemic will be resolved. In the Philippines,
Name: Marx Yuri Jayme Year/Course/Section: 1-BSAccountancy-A
informal economy workers are increasing, it is the economic workers who are significantly affected by
the pandemic and with no social safety net, and there are 1.6 billion of them around the globe. The
United Nations is aiming at least 7% growth on GDP of the least developed countries and achieve full
employment and decent work for men and women, young people and persons with disabilities with
equal pay for work of equal value.
The ninth goal of the UN is to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
industrialization and foster innovation. With resilient infrastructure programs we would be able to
reduce the poverty, according to the UN SDG’s data almost 300 million out of 520 million rural dwellers
have no access to good roads in 25 countries. With access to quality infrastructures such as roads would
help the rural dwellers connect to the markets and sell their products thus enabling them to slightly
moving towards efficient living. The United Nations is also focusing on upgrading and retrofiting
industries to make them sustainable and environment friendly.
The United Nation’s tenth goal is to reduce inequality with and among countries. One of the effects of
inequality among countries are the deadly migration of the people, in 2020, 4, 186 people died and
disappeared while doing the deadly journey to find for an asylum. Central Mediterranean is considered
to be the deadliest crossing for asylum seekers as it is the only route for the Africans to Europe. There
are so many reasons why people tend to migrate like, human rights abuses, economic downgrade,
political wars, and natural calamities. These people feel unprotected on their home countries that’s why
they seek refuge from other wealthy countries and there they will be protected by the government. But
these only means that the rise in refugees is a sign of increasing inequality between poor and rich
countries. According to UN SDG’s for every 100,000 person 311 of them are refugees. The UN is aiming
to enhance the representation and voices of the developing countries in global economic decision
The eleventh goal of the UN is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and
sustainable. Cities and urban areas are responsible for producing more jobs in a country, but it also
homes the poorest population. Cities like the Philippine’s capital Metro Manila was overpopulated to
the extent that heavy traffic jams will occur. Metro Manila has an area of 619.57 square kilometers and
home for 13,484,482 people and 34.2% are indigent population or those who are living in slums. Cities
around the globe should allocate 30% of the city to streets and 10-15% for open public spaces but
according to studies only 16% of the cities were allocated for both streets and open public spaces.
Transportation is one of the major challenges in most of the cities, only half of the cities around the
world have convenient access to public transport, the other half of the world’s cities have population
that needs to walk for more than 500 meters to reach a bus stop or a more than 1000 meters before
reaching the nearest railway or ferry terminal. The UN is aiming that by 2030 adequate, safe, and
affordable housing and transport systems will be accessible for all.
The UN’s twelfth goal is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Unsustainable
production and consumption patterns are linked to planetary crisis of climate, biodiversity, and
pollution. Changes on these patterns would help improve the environmental condition. Data says that
there is an increase in global material footprint to about 70% between 2000 and 2017. Excessive usage
of plastic drinking bottles and single use plastics increases the cost on environmental protection efforts.
According to UN SDG’s, 5 trillion single use plastics were thrown each year. Electronic materials were in
a roll around the world and efforts to manage the waste on electronic materials are extensive but till
Name: Marx Yuri Jayme Year/Course/Section: 1-BSAccountancy-A
there are 7.3 kilograms of E-waste that a single person created but only 1.7 kilograms were recycled and
the remaining would be thrown out into landfills or just everywhere. The UN is targeting to substantially
reduce the global waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reusing.
The thirteenth goal of the United Nations is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its
impacts. Climate change is rapidly becoming irreversible but due to the global pandemic the global
environment condition improves. During the pandemic less people go out and use cars thus less carbon
emissions, but still the temperature is above the pre-industrial baseline. Climate change doesn’t only
affect the environmental condition it also cost a lot according to UN SDG’s there is an annual average of
48.7 billion dollars spent to address climate change. The UN is assisting its member states to strengthen
resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related hazards. Another challenge for all the countries today
is to cut 45% below 2010 by 2030 in order to limit the global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. A study
shows that there is a 6.2% decrease in emission level from developed country but an increase to 14.4%
from the developing countries.
Fourteenth goal of the UN is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for
sustainable development. More than 3 billion people are depending their living on the ocean and seas.
Despite of its importance for the humankind it was still degraded. Threats like plastics and marine
pollution, collapsing of fish industries, acidification, eutrophication, and ocean warming are killing the
killing the 3 billion fishermen and sooner the oceans and other bodies of water. Due to the increase in
thrown garbage on the water, dead zones increased from 400 in 2008 to 700 in 2019, dead zones are
the area of the water where there is no oxygen to support marine life. By 2025, UN is aiming to prevent
and reduce marine pollution in all forms.
The United Nation’s Fifteenth goal is protecting the lives on land. Deforestation causes forest
degradation and affecting the lives of the wildlife on the forested areas and can cause serious damages
on people’s lives. We can say that humanity threatens its own survival by threatening the biodiversity.
Threats on the biodiversity threatens some species into extinction, IUCN reports that in more than 134,
400 species of mammals, birds, amphibians, and more 37, 400 of which are in a threat of extinction. By
2030, UN is aiming to take an urgent and significant action to be taken to reduce the degradation of the
natural habitats and to protect all species from extinction.
The Sixteenth goal of the UN is to promote peace, justice, and strong institutions. Human rights violation
was on the rise amidst the pandemic. There are 331 human rights defenders killed in 32 countries only
in 2020, mainly to cover up something that the group doesn’t want to be exposed. Armed conflict
causes 69,276 civilians died between 2018 and 2020. Intensifying child exploitation activities were
recorded and child labour also rose to 160 million in 2020. 5 out of 10 victims of human trafficking were
women and 2 in 10 are girls. 50 % of trafficked individual were sexually exploited and 38% were forced
to labour. The countries justice system is to be blame on slow conviction of these abusers. Justice
system in some parts of the world were failing due to high proportion of prisoners being held without
being sentenced for a crime. Another problem for the UN is the bribery of individuals in power. Data
shows that low-income countries are mostly exposed to bribery, making the people’s lives even harsher.
United Nation’s seventeenth goal is to revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. In
order to achieve those first 16 goals, the world should be united and collaborated. It is important that all
countries should align their policies with the international policies. Under this goal, developed and
developing countries are encourage to strengthen their cooperation and work on the SDG’s shared
Name: Marx Yuri Jayme Year/Course/Section: 1-BSAccountancy-A
framework. It also promotes global trade to help the developing countries to increase their exports for
equitable and fair-trade system. This will also increase the humanitarian support of each country
whenever a humanitarian crisis struck.