CH 3 - 17 Sustainable Development Goals
CH 3 - 17 Sustainable Development Goals
CH 3 - 17 Sustainable Development Goals
2.Economic 3.Social
17 个目标关于三个方面
• The historic agreement among world leaders at the United Nations in 2015 on a
universal 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development committed all countries to pursue
a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that would lead to a better future
for all. The bold agenda sets out a global framework to end extreme poverty, fight
inequality and injustice, and fix climate change until 2030.
• As the 17 SDGs and the corresponding 169 SDG targets offer the world a new direction,
tourism can and must play a significant role in delivering sustainable solutions for
people, the planet, prosperity and peace.
• Tourism as an economic powerhouse is the third highest world category in export
earnings in 2015, representing 10% of world GDP, 30% of services exports and 1 out of
every 10 jobs in the world. Tourism has the potential to contribute, directly or
indirectly to all of the goals. In particular, it has been included as targets in Goals 8, 12
and 14 on inclusive and sustainable economic growth, sustainable consumption and
production (SCP) and the sustainable use of oceans and marine resources, respectively.
• High fertility rates can trap countries in poverty. The World Bank has warned that
extreme poverty will not decrease in 2021 due to population growth eclipsing
economic growth in the poorest nations. Large family size and poverty often go
hand-in-hand. People living in deprived areas are usually not empowered to
choose the number of children they have and in some cases feel the need to have
many so they can be provided for in their old age.
• When people are poor and have many children, they cannot invest enough in
each child which often leads to kids not being able to attend school and girls
getting married off as child brides. Women are also less able to gain financial
independence when they have many children to look after at home. Ensuring
everyone is empowered to choose small families is key to eradicating poverty.
• In June 2020, the World Bank forecast that the three countries which between
them have a third of the world’s poor – Nigeria, India and the Democratic
Republic of Congo – will not grow their economies faster than their populations.
• Feeding the world without destroying more nature will become increasingly difficult
and eventually impossible under sustained population growth. According to the
World Resources Institute, the calorie requirements of a population of 10 billion are
56% higher than current total crop production.
• Agriculture is already a leading cause of environmental degradation and further
conversion of land for farming purposes will have devastating consequences for
biodiversity and our climate. A landmark 2019 report by the EAT-Lancet Commission
states "Healthy diets from sustainable food systems are possible for up to 10 billion
people but become increasingly unlikely past this population threshold."
• Our population is projected to exceed 10 billion in the second half of the century.
When population growth exceeds development progress, past achievements are
quickly undone - the number of people suffering from hunger has increased again
over the past three years. Experts have warned that vulnerable areas like the Sahel
face catastrophe unless action is taken to reduce fertility rates.
• Insufficient funding for healthcare systems can cause them to buckle under the
pressure of growing populations. Lack of access to quality reproductive
healthcare including modern contraception and medically safe abortion leads to
high unwanted pregnancy rates and preventable maternal deaths. Worldwide,
still almost half of all pregnancies are unintended and more than 800 women die
from pregnancy-related complications every day.
• Because of population growth, the absolute number of women with an unmet
need for contraception is still increasing. Very high population densities facilitate
disease transmission and hurt public health, especially in areas where health
services are already overburdened. Investing in quality health care for all,
including easy access to family planning, helps slow population growth and
improves lives.
• The number of people using dirty fuels is still increasing due to population growth
and slow progress in rolling out renewable energy. Global energy demand is
expected to increase by 50% over the next 30 years as a result of population
growth and economic development.
• High-income countries must lead the way in transitioning to clean fuels and
support low-income countries to do the same. Ending population growth will
make a global switch to affordable and clean energy a lot more achievable.
• The absolute number of people relying on polluting fuels and technologies for
cooking has actually increased, reaching an estimated 3 billion people.
• Vast disparities exist between the rich world and the Global South, and within
countries themselves. A more just global system, in which resources are
distributed more equitably, is essential.
• Whilst we must limit the number of new consumers everywhere, choosing a
small family is particularly impactful among the wealthiest of us.
• More than half the world's population lives in urban areas today. By 2050, this
proportion is expected to rise to 68%. Rapid urban population growth can
outstrip the pace at which infrastructure such as clean water, sanitation, health,
jobs and education can be offered.
• According to WWF, one of the main causes of habitat loss is land for human
habitation with urban areas doubling since 1992. Access to green spaces is
important for physical and mental health, but natural and semi-natural areas are
increasingly falling victim to housing demands.
• In the UK, population growth is expected to lead to a 7.6% decline in the amount
of green space available per person by 2040.
• The number of people living in slums has grown: from an estimated 792 million in
2000, to over 1 billion in 2016.