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Luck is what happen when

preparation meets opportunity


This writing is honorably dedicated to the writer’s:

1. Almighty God who always bless during his study.

2. Dear loved parents “Lukas Biaf” and “Heny Sogen” who always support the

writer from the beginning until the end of this study.

3. Beloved brothers; Jackson, Nickson, Yudi, Drefli, and sisters; Putri, Angle,


4. Beloved Friends in Class A English Study Program of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty of Artha Wacana Christian University Kupang who cannot be

mentioned all.

5. Profound beloved Almamater Artha Wacana Christian University.


All honor and praise are given to God Almigthy for His blessing and endless love

through the writer life especilly in doing this writing. The writer realizes that he would not be

able to complete his thesis without support, advice and encouragement from many persons.

On this space, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude, to those who have

contribute much on the completion of this writing. His gratitude goes to:

1. Seprianus A. Nenotek, S.Pd, M.Pd and Festif Hoinbala, S.Pd, MA as the first and

second Supervisors, who help him through advices, guidance of writing, comments

and suggestions.

2. Norci Beeh, S. Pd, M.Pd as his academic advisor who has helped and guided during

his study in English Program.

3. Naniana Benu, S.Pd, M.Hum as the Head of English study program for the advice and

permission to conduct this research.

4. June A. Jacob, S.Pd, MA as the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education who has given the writer a chance to conduct this study.

5. All lecturers of English study program of ArthaWacana Christian University for their

attention, dedication, guidance, who have given their knowledge during his study in

ArthaWacana Christian University.

6. His beloved father and mother; Lukas Biaf and Heny Sogen for their love, trust, and

prayer in finished this writing. His proud of having you in his life.

7. Beloved brothers; Jackson, Nickson, Yudi, Drefli, and sisters; Putri, Angle, Queen.

Who gave full of attantion for supporting him in his study.

8. Special thanks for Lexy, Hila, Beki, Wila, Intan, Imel, Rida and Riany, to became his

best friends even brother during his study.

9. All his beloved friends especially Class A in English Study Program of Artha Wacana

Christian University in academic year 2012/2013. It is blessing to know and be a part

of them.

10. Everyone whose names are not mentioned one by one, for their support, help, and

participation because without all of them this final project could not have been


The last, there is nothing perfect in the world and this thesis is not an exception.

The writer realizes that there are many weaknesses. Therefore, suggestions and criticisms

are always needed for improvement. The writer hopes this thesis will be useful for all the

readers both English teacher or English students.

Thank you for your love, care and attention.

Kupang, August, 2017

The Writer




MOTTO……………………………………………………………………. i

DEDICATION …………………………………………………................ ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………..... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. v

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 1

1.1 Background................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Research Problem....................................................................................... 6

1.3 Aim of Research ....................................................................................... 6

1.4 Significance of the Study .......................................................................... 6


2.1. Literature Review …………………..........……………........................... 8

2.2. Concept ..................................................................................................... 10

2.2.1.Characteristic of the textbook ................................................................. 11 Definition of the textbook ................................................................... 11 Organiation of the textbook ..........................................…........…...... 12 of the

textbook ........................................................................... 13 Adventages

and Disadventages of the textbook ................................. 14

A. Adentages of the tetbook ............................................................................ 14

B. Disaventages of the textbook .. …………………………………….....….. 15 Ilustration of

the textbook ................................................................. 15

2.2.2. Language content ................................................................................. 16

A. Grammar ..................................................................................................... 16

2.2.3. The task ................................................................................................ 19 The types of task................................................................................. . 20

2.2.4. passport to the world ............................................................................. 21

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD..................................................... 23

3.1 Research Design......................................................................................... 23

3.2 Research Locus .......................................................................................... 23

3.3 Type And Data Resource............................................................................ 23

3.4 Methode and Technique of Data Collection............................................... 24

3.5 Research Instrument................................................................................... 24

3.6. Research Procedures ................................................................................. 24

3.7. Data Analysis ............................................................................................ 25


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