Lailatul Azizah Tbi

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JUNE 2022


Azizah, Lailatul, 2022,The Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Pronouncing The English

Vocabulary At MA Darul Huda Ponorogo,Thesis of English Education Department
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training State Institute Islamic Studies of Ponorogo,
Advisor Dr. Dhinuk Puspita Kirana, M.Pd.

Key Words: Analysis, Students, Difficulty, Pronouncing, English vocabulary.

In this milenial era many people use English as the communicational language that is related
with other people in Indonesia country and many countres in the world. Besides that, they feel
difficulty in using English for example when students has difficult in pronouncing, especially
students has study about English from elementary until to be college students school. This
difficulties in pronouncing that make them to feel so difficult to communicate. Students are also
learn English in everyday at school but students can not understand what students has
learned.Moreover, their difficulty in pronouncing are too based by many factors such as circle,
less knowledge about how to pronounce correctly and appropriately, and less learn about

This research was aimed to (1) To find out the English vocabulary are difficult to be
pronounced by students at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo, (2) To determine the factors that influence
students’ difficulties pronouncing English vocabulary at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo, (3) To
investigate the solution to the students’ difficulties in pronouncing English vocabulary at MA
Darul Huda Ponorogo.

In this research, to answer from the questions above, researcher has conducted by
designing was qualitative descriptive method about case study at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo. The
subject in this research use students of the tenth grade of F religion department class. Technic
was be used in collecting data are interview, observation, and documentation and use Analysis
data of method from Miles and Huberman, which includes collecting data, reduction data,
presentation data and next conclusion so that get the best result.
The result showed that Students’ difficulties in pronouncing the English vocabulary,
namely: (1) English vocabulary are difficult to be pronounced by students at MA Darul Huda
Ponorogo there are Chapter II : Convenient, Flying color, To board, Deck, To queue, Passanger.
Chapter III: Grueling, To Anchor, Unguided, To Bisect, Aviator. Chapter IV: To Appoint,
Career, To represent, To establish, Achievement, To oppose, Stature, To retire, Cemetery.
Chapter V: Constantly, Fearsome, Apperentice, Swirled, Sustained, Speckled, Embraced,
Boundary. (2) factors influence students’ difficulties pronouncing the English vocabulary at MA
Darul Huda Ponorogo are Unknown and not understanding about role of phonetic, and less
confident. (3) Address students’ difficulties pronouncing English vocabulary at MA Darul Huda
Ponorogo there are Watching English movie and video, knowing the native speaker’s method,
practicing with record their voice, listening with slow the English song is not too fast, practice
with someone or partner, watching the English news, and downloading the pronounciation


COVER ................................................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................................... iii
EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ iv
MOTTO................................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................ viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................... ix
TABEL OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................... xi
LIST OF TABELS ..................................................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................... xv
A. Background of the study .......................................................................... 1
B. Research focus.......................................................................................... 4
C. Research questions ................................................................................... 4
D. Research objectives .................................................................................. 5
E. Significances of study .............................................................................. 5
F. Organization of thesis............................................................................... 6
A. Previous Related Study And Literature Review ...................................... 8
1. Review of Related Literature ............................................................. 8
a. TEFL (Teaching English Foreign Language) .............................. 8
1) The Definition of TEFL (Teaching English As Foreign
Language)............................................................................... 8
a. Language skill .................................................................. 9
b. Language component ............................................................ 11
b. The concept of vocabulary ................................................................ 13
c. The concept of Pronounciation ......................................................... 16
d. Difficulties ......................................................................................... 18
e. Error .................................................................................................. 18
B. Review of Previous Studies ........................................................................... 19
A. Research Approach and Design ................................................................... 21
B. Research Role............................................................................................... 22
C. Research Setting ........................................................................................... 23
D. Data Source .................................................................................................. 23
E. Data Collection Technique ........................................................................... 24
F. Data Analysis Technique ............................................................................. 26
G. Checking Validity of Findings ..................................................................... 28
H. Research Procedures .................................................................................... 29
A. Findings ......................................................................................................... 31
1. History of MA Darul Huda Ponorogo ..................................................... 31
2. Data of Observation ................................................................................ 35
3. Data of Interview ..................................................................................... 56
B. Discussion ..................................................................................................... 72
A. Conclusion.................................................................................................... 87
B. Suggesstions ................................................................................................. 88
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 90
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 92
RESEARCH PERMIT .............................................................................................................. 132
LETTER HAS DONE RESEARCH ........................................................................................ 134
CURRICULUM VITAE ........................................................................................................... 135


This chapter is an introduction of first pattern of research that consist of background of

study, research focus, research objectives, significance of the study, and organization of the

A. Background of the study

In this milenial era many people use English as the communicational language that is
related with other people in Indonesia country or many countries in the world. Besides that,
students feels difficulty in using English for example when they have difficult in
pronouncing, especially students has study English from elementary untilcollege students.
This difficulties in pronouncing that make students to feel so difficult to communicate.
Moreover, their difficulty in pronouncing are too based by many factors such as circle, less
knowledge about how to pronounce correctly and appropriately, and less learn English.
Moreover, in Indonesia there are many difficulties in pronouncing words for many
people such students that still study in the school. Besides that, there is problem that occur in
Indonesia that is students still difficulties in learning English at school. Students has learned
English in everyday at school but students can not understand what they have learned.
Students has difficulty in mastery the fourth of main skill such as reading, writing, listening
and speaking. This difficulty show that less their motivation and confident to learn English
especially in pronouncing words. But, if the students still hasdifficult in pronouncing in order
to students have to correct by themselves. Therefore, pronounciation is correct and
appropriate it is so easebe understood by listener.
In Indonesia, there are many people who such as students learns English in the school
has experienced difficulty. In the fact, in Indonesia there are still much from children until
adult has difficulty to communicate with use English. They have difficulty which they often
experienced that is their less knowledge with four main skill in English. This four main skill
in English they are reading, speaking, writing, and listening. Furtheremore, Speaking skill is
very difficult to mastery than other skill. In addition, in speaking skill there is phonetic
science in pronouncing to make our be easy to pronounce it. In the case, pronounciation has
been becoming the one of difficulties learning at this era by many students which they have
lack in learning pronounciation. Likewise, in this problem they have factors that make them
difficulties such as they have not motivation, less confidence, they do not know how to


pronounce by correctly and appropriately, and still less their knowledge toward
Pronounciation is the one of main components in oral language.1 Pronounciation is
the procedures to express word by word in certain way which those words can be used in oral
communication with others. Pronounciation is correctly can make own our good words in
communicating and makes ease for listener when hear what that we have pronounced. In the
fact, pronounciation ability has been becoming difficult ability to learn by everyones with
include many students.
In addition, pronounciation can be defined as the method that producing meaningfull,
certain sounds to be understood by everyones in oral communication.2 It means that,
pronounciation is the one of key to achieve in mastery to speak English as foreign language
that is pronounciation is correctly and appropriately. Moreover, English pronounciation
mastery is more important in the share of process through oral activity with use English
language correctly.
Pronunciation is main of the language components which are considered is more
important.3 It means that, pronunciation is the one of components of speaking in English
language. Some cases of language misunderstand in communication using English language
are caused mispronunciation made by the non native English speaker. Pronunciation is one of
the most important skills in English Language Teaching.4 If speakers have very bad
pronunciation, so that their speech will not be understandable to the listeners.
Furtheremore, Pronunciation is one of the main components of language that help
learners to communicate in English as foreign language. The pronunciation system of
English words is unique. That is the reason many people speak pronunciation in English is
often very difficult for non-native speaker of English. The way people pronounce English
words depends on how the words are heard in our ears. Therefore, it is important to listen the
right pronunciation of English as foreign language.
In the research by Bowo Imanola (2019) in the research about the students’
difficulties in pronouncing problems the English fricative consonant at the eleventh grade
students of SMA N 1 Kibang at West Lampung in learning English language. In his result of

Selamat husni hasibuan and Yusriati, The Analysis of English Pronounciation Errors by English
Education Students of FKIP UMSU, (Sumatera Utara, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, 2019), Page.
Dr. Dhinuk Puspita Kirana, Eva Leosina, Shadowing Technique For Pronounciation Development, (
Ponorogo, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ponorogo, 2021), page 33.
Sumarniati, An Analysis Of Students` Errors In Pronouncing English Fricatives, Muhammadiyah
University Of Makassar, 2017, page 07. .
Ibid., page 7.

research, the first research problem has showed the result that are students’ problems in
pronouncing of English fricative consonant is belongs to the fair criteria. For the second
question has resulted of research show that the factors that become the causes of students’
problem in pronouncing as follow: /∫/ and /t∫/, /f/ and /v/, /s/ and /z/, /θ/ and /ð/, /s/ and /∫/, [ʒ]
and [z], /[ʤ]and /t∫/. and for the third question has resulted of research show that there are
some of solve the students’ problem such as the students making prolonged which students
place their fingers lightly on their throat, they are using minimal pairs which to provide
comprehension and production practice of voiced/voiceless distinction, they have to practice
the pronounciation of the plural in English, and making the vowel longer before voice
fricative to help them to dinguish between minimal pairs.
Related to the problem above, the researcher had done the first observation when
does real teaching in MA Darul Huda Ponorogo. Furthermore, the researcher had conducted
preliminary study was find out students’ problem are difficulties in pronouncing the English
vocabulary. Moreover, the problem was known about the students’ difficulties in
pronouncing the English vocabulary, from there that most students have less pronounciation
mastery because they have 100% low criteria about know the pronounciation correctly so
that they have the problems in pronouncing the English vocabulary by which they still have
low intensity of English vocabulary with vocabulary pronounciation. In the study, research
had done research that there is weakness in English in speaking especially pronounciation
ability by students. According with that, students has difficulties in pronouncing because
they is not taught about how to pronounce so that they was experience difficult in
pronouncing the English vocabulary.From the description above, the researcher want to
conduct the research under the title:“The Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Pronouncing
The English Vocabulary At MA Darul Huda Ponorogo”.

B. Research focus
In this study, the researcher focused on the students’ difficulties in pronouncing the
English vocabulary at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo in the tenth grade of F religion class in
academic year 2021/2022.

C. Research questions
1. What English vocabulary are difficult to be pronounced by students at MA Darul Huda

2. What factors influence students’ difficulties pronouncing the English vocabulary at MA

Darul Huda Ponorogo?
3. How to solution students’ difficulties pronouncing English vocabulary at MA Darul
Huda Ponorogo?

D. Research objectives
The purpose of this research to analysis of students’ difficulties in pronouncing the
English vocabulary at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo to fulfill the following objectives:
1. To find out the English vocabulary are difficult to be pronounced by students at MA
Darul Huda Ponorogo?
2. To determine the factors that influence students’ difficulties pronouncing English
vocabulary at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo
3. To investigate the solutionto the students’ difficulties in pronouncing English vocabulary
at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo

E. Significances of the study

From this study, researcher have there are benefits that expected to figured out for
them as follow:
This research is expected can give the benefits to:
1. For Institutions
For institution expected can help for teacher to teach how to pronounce correctly for
students and this result can be given by researcher about students’ difficulties in
pronouncing the English vocabulary because this is important to improve their own
pronounciation to support students’ speak in learning and communicating by English.
2. For teachers
For teachers can be help students’ difficulties in pronouncing especially the English
vocabulary and can be given the motivation by teacher to improve students’
pronounciation to be good and right.
3. For the Students
As from information, the student will get better understanding about pronounciation the
English vocabulary and how to pronounciation correctly and
4. For future researchers

At the information, the researcher hopefully this research can be used by other next
researchers as additional information in educational research and there are next
researcher will get information about pronounciation the English vocabulary.

F. Organization of the Thesis

1. The first chapter is an introduction. There are contents of this chapter are background
of study, research focus, research questions, research objectives, significance of
study, and organization of the Thesis.
2. The second chapter is review of literature. In this chapter, it confirm with the review
of literature where grand theories on the topic of the study are provided for the writer
to make analysis about the students’ difficulties of different writers or experts. A
number of relevant studies are also included to support the research where the writer
can see the similarities and differences between the findings of other people studies
and the writers. There are three concepts of theory to be discussed in this study;
difficulty, pronouncing, and English vocabulary. Then, this chapter also explains the
conceptual framework of the study and indicators. To make a clear understanding
about this study, it is important to understand the concept of the study. In this capture,
the major section concepts will be explained.
3. The third chapter is a research method. There are contents of this chapter are research
design, data resources, data collection, and data analysis and in this chapter there is
the one of important in this research.
4. The fourth chapter. In this chapter, it confirms how the data is processed.
5. The fifth chapter. In this chapter, there are conclusions and suggestions.

In this chapter, it consist of previous related study, literature review, there are three
concepts of theory to be discussed in this study; difficulty, pronouncing, and English vocabulary,
and conceptual framework of the study and indicators.

A. Previous related study and literature review

1. Review of related literature
a. TEFL (Teaching English Foreign Language)
1) The Definition of TEFL (Teaching English As Foreign Language)
TEFL is a same acronym that is abbreviation for Teaching English as a
Foreign Language. Besides, According to Brown that people who teach is also
presenting or helping someone who want to study how to do something giving
and guiding instruction with knowledge to understand what that has teach.5 It
means that teach can share, provide, giving, and guiding instruction that be related
with information so that student can be understand and develop their own
knowledge easily. Moreover, teaching English is a process sharing idea
knowledge that occur by teacher to learner which can become the learner to
develop their thingking skill, some skill is also change their behavior to become
good attitude.
Moreover, Smith states about teaching English that teaching as the process
of do activity that experience that has proven effective in making student to
learn.6 Besides, Nilsen and Albetalli states that teaching is a stage of process in
learning where a teacher shares and guides a learner to add or increase their
knowledge components, or skill. In addition, TEFL has contain of several
language skill and language component. The language skill in TEFL they are
main four skill in English such reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Moreover, the language component in TEFL they are vocabulary, pronounciation,
and grammar.

Ledy Mardiah, Students Teachers’ Difficulties In Teaching English As A Foreign Language During
Teaching Practice, State Institute For Islamic Studies Batusangkar, 2020, page 7.
Ibid., page 7.

a. Language skills
In the language skills has some skill that be related with TEFL, they are
Writing, Reading, Listening, and Speaking.

a) Writing
Writing is the part of method of representation language in the
visual form. Writing uses set of symbol to be voice replacement and
moreover as punctuation and number. Linse states about writing that
writing is productive activity to product the information. But the people
who write have to have much time to think what that they want to say than
they are speaking about it.7
b) Reading
Reading is an activity that has famous by many people know it.
Reading is also an activity that more enjoy and relax if we read. By
reading, so that we can get many words, information, messages which all of
them can make us to know, develop, and increase about knowledge what
that we have read.
In addition, Reading is the receptive skill of four basic language
skill in English. Reading can help us to build some vocabulary that help
understand about listening comprehension. According to Grabe and Stoller
that Reading is teach of strategy as the way to got information which this
information from text then become interpretation of information.8
c) Listening
Listening has defined by experts. Chastain define about listening
that listening has become as the ability to understand native speaker’s
speech with normal speed.9 Morley is also said that listening involves
discrimination of hearing, grammar, choose the necessary information,
remember it, and relate it to the process between sound and form means.10
d) Speaking

Kristy Dwi Pratiwi, Students’ Difficulties In Writing English (A Study at The Third Semester Students of
English Education Program At University of Bengkulu Academic Year 2011-2022), Bengkulu University, 2016,
page 1.
Dasrul Hidayati, Students Difficulties In Reading Comprehension At The First Grade Of SMAN 1
Darussalam, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Darussalam, 2018, page 1.
Abbas Pourhosein dkk., Learners’ Listening Comprehension Difficulties in English Language Learning: A
Literature Review, Islamic Azad University, 2016, page 124.
Ibid., page 124.
Speaking is an important skill in language skill of English which
people who want to speak is also have to master. Within speaking we can
know people’s ability to produce and share their own idea to reach the
target language, it is English. Besides, speaking is the skill that can share
thought or idea to express or convey using talk to another people.
According to Bailey, speaking is the process to interact which this
process through producing, receiving, processing the information to build
meaning of word.11 It means that speaking is an important skill where this
skill through producing, receiving, and processing to product and build
meaning the word. Keith and Marrow are also states about speaking that
Speaking is the skill to activity that producing the expression to verbal
Moreover, in speaking there is parts that be related express namely
pronounciation. Pronounciation is the one of main part of speaking. This is
because pronounciation can help and make it easy in speaking. However, if
pronounciation is not appropriate or incorrect so that it makes speaking is
not well while pronounciation is good will make speaking is good
appropriately so that can be understand by listener.
b. Language components
In the language component has some component that be related with
TEFL, they are Vocabulary, pronounciation, and grammar.
a. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is related to words or lexis. Vocabulary is the list of
words and means. John Read states about vocabulary that vocabulary is
about knowing mean the words.13 Vocabulary from the word of
“Vocabulary” in generally is arrangement in particular language. Joklova
said that the one of vocabulary item has consist of more than one word.14
It means that vocabulary is the structure that consist of one or more words
where those words collect be one an unit that can be the word phrase.
In addition, David Wilkims has claimed that in language without
grammar that very little can be expressed, and without vocabulary that
Muh. Saefullah Al Fauzan, Improving Student’s Speaking Ability Through Mobile Social Networking,
Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, 2019, page 37.
Ibid., page 37.
Kuswatun, The Effectiveness of Using Synonym In Learning Vocabulary, State Islamic University Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017, page 6.
Ibid., page 6.
nothing can be expressed.15 It menas that vocabulary is more importance
because with word of vocabulary, people can share through say what they
want, but with grammar they can only say small thing because they speak
in the least grammatical words.
b. Pronounciation
Pronounciation is the one of biggest of English to communicate
with another people since there are differences between sound and
symbols. When we communicate with another people we must not only
have some good vocabularies but also have good pronounciation.
Therefore, it is importance to teach pronounciation. Harmer is also states
that “for all these people, be made to realize pronounciation problem will
be of big advantage not only for their production but also for their own
understand of speak in English.16
Pronounciation is an act that gives sound of letter in words, and
many true accents and number of syllanles. Pronounciation refers to skill
to use (tekanan), rhythm, and intonation of word correctly in oral
language. Beside that, pronounciation is an act or result of producing the
word of sounds such articulation, intonation, but often with refers to some
true standard. Moreover, pronounciation is the way to speak by somebody
that be expressed with they are speak the word. According Hornby that
ronounciation is the way which the language be spoken, the way which the
word be spoken, the way a people are speaking words in language.17
c. Grammar
Study English as a forein language at a university that is specified
in the department,namely department of languages English means to learn
all the ins and outs associated with the language. Unlike in the school
where learning English is integrated, English lessons in English
departmens or study programs are studied separately. It menas that at least
four main skill such reading, listening, speaking, and writing are explored
by students who in the form of separate courses. The knowledge that
supports and must be mastered if you want have these four main skill well
is a good mastery of grammar. This is because grammar plays an

Ibid., page 1.
Devi Mulatsih, Pronounciation Ability By Using English Song in Indonesian Student of Inswagati
Cirebon, Swadaya Gunung Jati University Cirebon, 2015, page 294.
Ibid. page 296.
important role in almost all parts of the language. According to Kalmer,
Schulz and Volpe explain that grammar in English is how a phrase is
pronounced, where it is in a sentence, what it means and its effect on the
social context.18 It can be understood that grammar is knowledge that must
be master by somebody if they want to master the tarhet language.
In addition, Radford states about grammar that traditionally
grammar is not only concerned with determining the principles of the
arrangement of words, phrases and sentences, but also the principles that
govern their interpretation.19 So grammar learns about the principles how
the language can be used well.

b. The concept of vocabulary

1) The definition of vocabulary
According to Richards and Renandya that vocabulary is the main
component from the language ability and give many bases to how the learners to
speaking, listening, reading, and writing in learning English language.20 It means
that vocabulary is very important for learners as main component in learning
English. Moreover, without vocabulary it is does not be able to mastery the
language ability.
Moreover, according to Roche and Harrington that vocabulary related by
the academic and IPK written. In addition, vocabulary has viewed as the prior
ability that must be mastered to increase another language ability. Roche and
Harrington are also give opinion that the knowledge of vocabulary was a
precondition for the other abilities.21 It means that vocabulary can be as important
things that can be increase people’s ability in mastery English language.
The other definition of vocabulary states from Hatch and Brown, they said
that vocabulary refers to a set words for particular language which might use by
individual speakers of English language.22 It means that vocabulary can be used
by another speakers with a few words or a set word easily in communicating the
English language. Montgomery is also states that, people that wants to able in
Dhini Aulia, dkk. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mahasiswa Dalam Memahami Grammar Dengan
Menggunakan Portofolio Pada Mata Kuliah Grammar Di Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Negeri Padang,
English Department Politeknik Negeri Padang, 2015, page 1.
Ibid., page 74.
Rohmatillah, A Study on Students Difficulties in Learning Vocabulary, Institut Agama Islam Negeri
Raden Intan Lampung, 2014, page 70.
Santiago, page 15
Ibid,. page 70.
vocabulary mastery they should mastery at least 200 words of english in order to
ease in communication in English.23Moreover, the vocabulary become the words
teach to students that must be defined and memorized by them in order that can be
understand when learn English as foreign language.
In addition, the English vocabulary can be said as central of second
language, and without the vocabulary as words that contain of means it is can not
happen to be good relation in communicate, so that with vocabulary the
communication with any person can be understand and to be good communicate
between the speakers and listeners.
2) Types of vocabulary
According to Hiebert and Kamil that vocabulary has two forms, the first is
oral vocabulary means a set the word which we can know about the meanings
when we speak up or read orally. The second is print vocabulary means include
the words which we can know about the meanings when we read and writing
silently.24 In addition,there are four types of vocabulary as follow:
a) Productive Vocabulary
Productive vocabulary is the word when the learner use in writing or speech.
Moreover, these words are used frequently, has known by everyones, and
b) Receptive or recognition vocabulary
Receptive or recognition vocabulary is the word when the learner can give
meanings in listening or reading. These words are less to know by everyones,
less frequently, and less familiar than productive vocabulary. However, there
are learner is encounter with these words when they are hearing these words,
but they can recognize them though if so imperfectly for they.26
c) Active vocabulary
Active Vocabulary is the set a words by which the listener and writer is often
to use it to completely their understood. Moreover, these words are often in
using when a listening and speech situation so that these words are recalled.27

I.G.G.A.A. Putra, Sudirman, N.K. Wedhanti, “Imroving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through The
Implementation of Word Mixing Technique for VII C Students of SMP Negeri 5 Denpasar in The Academic Year
2013/2014”, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Vol 7 No. 2 (2019), 32.
Ibid,. page 73.
Ibid,. page 73.
Ibid,. page. 73
Saniago Dakhi, Tiara Nur Fitria, The Priciple and Teaching of English Vocabulary: A Review, (Journal of
Engliah Teaching, Surakarta, 2019), Page.19.
d) Passive vocabulary
Passive vocabulary is the set a words by which these words are not
completely understood, so that these words are seldom in use when writing
and speaking. But, related to this that these words can be conducted as
precondition of the active vocabulary.28
3) The Important of vocabulary
Vocabulary is the important of word in English. Without vocabulary we
can not to communication and sharing about information with other people and
can not understood what we say it. Therefore, vocabulary is so important for us in
English. Vocabulary has many important, there are four important of vocabulary
such as vocabulary as base for communicating in English, vocabulary as the
reflection of social reality interaction, vocabulary as an emotion enhancer,
vocabulary as an academic ability of predictor.29 It means that English vocabulary
has many important for us in learning English.

c. The concept of pronounciation

1) The nature of pronounciation
Pronounciation is the one of important components in language that very
useful in language.30 It means that the pronounciation is more important in
grammatical of speaking ability. Without pronounciation, we can not use the word
of English to express with speaking skill.
According to Encarta Dictionary in Mustari that Pronounciation is the
procedure in the word, sound, and language that conformed by standard, and can
also as the articulating the word and sound.31 It means that the pronounciation is
the way articulation of sound or word which using it as the someone’s manner to
utter word or sound in communication. Moreover, According to Hornby that,
Pronounciation is the way a person which the word are spoken, pronounced, and
speaks the word of language to can communicate.32 Besides that, it means
pronounciation is the way to a person to ease in communicating of language.

Ibid,. page 19.
Ibid,. page 16-18.
Sumarniati, An Analysis Of Students` Errors In Pronouncing English Fricatives, Muhammadiyah
University Of Makassar, 2017, page 07.
ST Rahamtika Razak, pg. 8
Agung Teguh Santoso, “Improving the Students’ pronounciation through the use of text-to-Speech
Software (A Pre-Experimental Research At Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 8 Makassar)”, Muhammadiyah
University of Makassar (November 2019), 8.
Furthermore, pronounciation is the way in sounds, and more important
skill in English learning teaching which if the speaker have bad in pronouncing,
so that their speech will not understand to the listener. The fact that, the
pronounciation is so difficult in English learning teaching, but in many classroom
teaching of ESL/EFL has gaven at least attention.33
2) Component of ideal of pronounciation
There is teacher’s role in learning that make learners to aware by
themselves of pronounciation is most important. The first of all in the sounds
there are vowels and consonants that is two types of sounds. Both vowel and
consonant has different functions in the syllable. The syllable has each syllable
which has vowel in the centre while the consonants in the round the vowel. In the
word that we see the word “any” it means possible to have the one syllable with
just a vowel in the word.34 It means that the components of ideal pronounciation
has two types these are vowel and consonant.
Moreover, vowel is sounds that be made without there any of closure to
out the air through the mouth and the tongue plays an important role in form of
vowel. While the consonant is at the phonetics, that segmen that arculation
through the air flow in the vocal. In the phonology, a segment that fulfill the
syllabic margin.35

d. Difficulties
According to Oxford Dictionary, Difficulty is the thing, situation, or event that
are happen is caused there is problem.36
In according to Webster Dictionary that the difficulty is causing difficult the
positive result in achieve the purpose is caused there is negative result which become
many factors causing them.37 Moreover, according by Hornby that difficulty is
situation or quality that being hard to do something or understand.38 Furthermore,
difficulty is many mistake that be occur by students in teaching and learning process.

ST Rahmatika Razak, page 8.
Bowo Imanola, page. 12
Ibid., page 14.
ST. Rahmatia Razak, The Students’ Difficulties In Pronouncing The English Vowel At The Third Year Of
Sman 1 Pitumpanua Wajo Regency, State Islamic University Of Alauddin Makassar, 2010, page 07.
Ibid., page 07.
Dasrul Hidayati, Students Difficulties In Reading Comprehension At The First Grade Of SMAN 1
Darussalam Aceh Besar, State Islamic University Darussalam, 2018, page 6.
From that, because students are confused, do not know and understand about the
materal that has teached or explained.

e. Error
English is as foreign language for every learner, so that making them difficulty
to learn English. This difficulty that sometime make some error that can not be
avoidable by students. Richard states that communication strategy is a strategy used by
students to overcome problems in order to convey their intended goals.39 Moreover,
according by Erdogan as the research assistant of Mersin University that error has
considered as the cause or problem that comes of persistence of existing the mother
tongue habit in the new language like English language.40 Hubard is also added about
error that Errors can be caused by not understand and lack knowledge about the
foreign language (English) or by incorrect hypothesis about it.41 Moreover, john
Norrish states that the error can be called a systematic deviation which the learner has
not learnt something what to want to learned so that consistently get the false.42
From some definitions by experts above that Error is do the work that can not
be accepted of students’ work that be found regularly and they can not correct their
wrong or mistake by themselves.

B. Review of previous studies

There are many researchers who has investigate of their research about the
difficulties in pronouncing. Many reseach that findings of related has showed as follow.
Bowo Imanola (2019) in the research about the students’ difficulties in
pronouncing problems the English fricative consonant at the eleventh grade students of
SMA N 1 Kibang at West Lampung in learning English language. He was formulated the
research problems statement: 1) What are the students‟ problems in pronuncing of English
fricative consonant among the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Kibang East Lampung?, 2) What
factors do become the causes of students‟ problems in pronuncing fricative consonants
among the Eleventh Graders at SMAN 1 Kibang East Lampung? And 3) How to solve the
students‟ problems in pronuncing the English fricative consonants among the eleventh

Puji Lestari, Chyntia Heru Woro, dkk., “Error Analysis in Pronounciation Made By Second Semester
Students IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro”, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro (Agustus 2020), 11.
Eliya Hidayatur Rohimah, Grammatical Error Analysis On Narrative Text In The Fourth Semester
Student Of English Education Department At Tarbiyah And Teacher Training Faculty Of IAIN Ponorogo In
Academic Year 2017/2018, State Institute Of Islamic Studies Ponorogo, 2018, page 17.
Ibid., page 17.
Ibid., page 17-18.
graders at SMAN 1 Kibang East Lampung?. In his result of research, the first research
problem has showed the result that are students’ problems in pronouncing of English
fricative consonant is belongs to the fair criteria. For the second question has resulted of
research show that the factors that become the causes of students’ problem in pronouncing
as follow: /∫/ and /t∫/, /f/ and /v/, /s/ and /z/, /θ/ and /ð/, /s/ and /∫/, [ʒ] and [z], /[ʤ]and /t∫/.
and for the third question has resulted of research show that there are some of solve the
students’ problem such as the students making prolonged which students place their fingers
lightly on their throat, they are using minimal pairs which to provide comprehension and
production practice of voiced/voiceless distinction, they have to ractice the pronounciation
of the plural in English, and making the vowel longer before voice fricative to help them to
dinguish between minimal pairs.
The another research that Sumarniati (2017), from her research, the title about “An
Analysis of Students’ Errors In Pronouncing The English Fricative” that conducted from at
Second semester of English students department in Muhammadiyah Makassar University.
This research has formulated the research problem statement: 1) What kinds of errors are
made by second students of English department in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar
in pronouncing English fricatives sounds? And 2) What sources of errors are made by
second students of English department in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in
pronouncing English fricatives sounds?. In her research, the writer find out the result of first
question has showed that there are kinds of errors are made by students such as omission
error (23), addition error (106), and misodering error (123). From this indicated that most of
misodering error is most high percentage than addition error. The second question, the writer
was find out the result of her first question has showed that the omission with (23 or 8.36%),
misformation with (128 or 46,5%), and addition with (106 or 38,5%), and misordering with
( 18 or 6,54%).
From the previous research above, the researcher want to find out the many factor
that influence students’ difficulties in pronouncing the English vocabulary. Besides, the
researcher also want to investigate the source of students’ difficulties in pronouncing the
English vocabulary. The similarity between two research that presenting study about
difficulties and problem in pronouncing. From that the two of previous study has occurred
by the students in the school which they are difficult in pronouncing especially in the
English word.

This chapter is concerned with the basic of the inquire about four parts: Research design,
data sources, data collection, and data analysis.

A. Research approach and design

In this research, the type of this research use the qualitative research that is the
research doing in the field or the community. Moreover, the researcher use the descriptive
research. The descriptive research is the type of qualitative data. The researcher used
descriptive research because this research was aimed to describe many factors and address
the students’ difficulties in pronouncing the English vocabulary at of MA Darul Huda
Ponorogo. Furthermore, the researcher was have the six steps that used in the process of
research, as follow:
1. Identifying the research problem or question
Researcher begins a research study by identifying the research problem and question by
which the research problem that needs to be resolved. Identifying the research problem or
question has consists of deciding an issue to study.
2. Reviewing the Literature
In this research, the researcher can study how to find out jounal articles and many book in
the academic library, choose and try to evaluate the quality of research on your topic, and
making summarize it in a review. Furthermore, library resources can be having a strategy
for searching the review or literature that is important.
3. Determine Purpose for The Research
In determine purpose for the research, writer needs to focus on the research problem
which if has topic of concern, so that writer can study it. A focused on restatement of the
problem is the purpose of statement. This statement conveys of all the purpose or intent
of the study. Similary, that is statement that more important in the research study.
4. Gathering Data
In gathering data, the evidence can help to give the answers for the research questions.
The researcher got these data should enganges in many steps of collecting data such as
observing their behaviours in the case.
5. Analyzing the Data


After gathering data, the researcher needs to make understand of the information given
by individuals in the research. In the analyzing data has consists of taking data apart in
order to specify the individual responses and then combine them to summarize them.
6. Reporting and Evaluating Research
After conducting the study, the researcher want to develop a written research and divide
it to select participants such as teachers, administrators, students that can use the

B. Research’s role
In the study, the researcher as the instrument. Therefore, the researcher as the
instrument is also must be validationed how far the qualitative of researcher is ready to
conduct the next research in the field.43 The qualitative researcher as the human instrument,
to function to set the research function, to choose information as an evidence of data, doing
gather the data, to assess the quality data, analysis of data, interpret data and to make the
conclusion in all the found.44 As being the instrument, the researcher must collect the data
with be interviewing in order to get the data from the students in the tenth grade religion of
department at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo.

C. Research setting
In the study, the research was taken the location in MA Darul Huda Ponorogo. The
researcher was conducted this research at the student in the tenth grade religion F of
department as the subjects.

D. Data source
In this research, there are two items that the research has divided the sources that are
primary and secondary sources.
1. Primary source
Primary source is the main material that which to be based of research. In this
source there are testimony and direct evidence about the topic that is considerated, so that
they presents information in it the real form, neither summarized and evaluated by other
researchers.45 It means that the primary source only use directly in field especially the
school that want to be researched and this primary source to be the main source which
Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta), 2016, page.
Ibid., page. 222.
Bowo Imanoela, page 27.

has testimony and direct evidence with to give information in original form. The primary
source of this research is pronounciation results of the tenth grade students at MA Darul
Huda Ponorogo. The total of students are 30 students in the tenth of religion F department
2. Secondary source
Secondary source is the interpretation and analyze based the primary source. They
may clarify the primary source and often use it to support the thesis or a specific
argument or to ask the reader to accept the certain point of view. In the study, the
secondary source is interview, documentation, e-thesis, e-book, journal that are related to
the research.46 Therefore, the researcher using primary and secondary source to collect

E. Data collection technique

In the study, the researcher has taken the qualitative research as the type of study.
Qualitative research and quantitative research method has often paired with traditional
method and new method; postivistic method, and postpositivitic method; scientific and
artistic methods confirmation methods and indings; and quantitative and interpretive.47 It
means that the quantitative research is often named the traditional method, positivistic,
scientific and discovery method. While qualitative research is often named as the new
methods postpositivitic; artistic; and interpretive research.
Furthermore, According to Catherine Marshall Gretchen B. Rossman that the basic
methods in often using by qualitative research to collect data are observation directly,
interview, and document.48 It means that qualitative data in collecting data doing on the
natural setting, primer source of data, and technic of collecting data is more in the
observation, interview, and documentation. Therefore, the researcher want to take documents
to collect data from the results of pronounciation by students which to analyze the using of
pronounciation the English vocabulary. In this study, the researcher want to collect data by
using three techniques, they are observation, interview, and documentation.

1. Observation
According to Nasution that observation are the basic of all knowledge. The
scientist just can work in according the data, that is the fact about the real of world that

Ibid., page 28.
Ibid., page 28.
Prof., Dr. Sugiyono, page. 225.

obtained through observation.49 As the form of data collection, there are advantages and
disadvantages of observation in collecting data. Advantages of observation in collecting
data are:
a) With observation in field the researcher is more be able to understand the contexts
data in the all social situation, thus will be obtained the view that holictic or
b) With observation then you will get direct experience, so that will be probably the
researcher use the inductive approach, thus it is not influenced by concepts and view
previously. Inductive approach is opening possibility of making discovery.
c) With observation, the researcher can see things that less or not viewed by other
people, especially the people who in those surroundings, because that has been
considered “normal” and that will not revealed in the interview.
d) With observation, the researcher can find out things perception outside responden, so
that researcher obtain more comprehensive picture.
e) Through observation in the field, the researcher not only collect rich power, but also
get impressions self, and feel the atmosphere of the social situation that researched.
Whereas, observation is also disadvantages that you will be limited in the situs
and the situation where you can obtain access, and in those situsations. May be you feel
difficult to develop the good relation with the individulas. This can occur if the
individuals does not habit with formal of research.50

2. Interview
According to Esterberg that interview is the meeting between two persons which
they exchange about information and idea through question and answer, so that can be
constructioned the means in the topic.51 As that known, the interview used as collecting
data technique if the researcher wants to study of introduction to find out the problem that
must be researched. but also if the researcher wants to know about things from responden
more deeply. This collecting data technique is based on report about self or self-report, or
on the knowledge and or self-belief. In the qualitative research, the interview as the
secondary data that needed the form of valid data will be data resourse. The researcher
got the data through interview of teacher and students’ conversation with give them by
opened-closed question and answer then record them for as data.
Ibid,. page. 226.
John W. Creswell, Educational Research (Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and
Qualitative Research),US: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, page 212.
Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, page 231.

3. Documentation
Documentation is the note events that ago. Document can be the form of written,
picture, or the monumental arts from person. Document that the form of written as
example field note, history of life, criteria, biography, roles, policy. Document that the
form of picture as example picture, life picture, scetsa, and etc. document that the form of
arts as example artworks; picture, statue, movie, and etc. Documentation is complete
from use the observation method and interview in the qualitative research. Accordingly,
the third data that the researcher got the data with the form of documentation from
students’ pronounciation.

F. Data analysis technique

According to Nasution that, doing the analysis is more difficult profession, to need
hardwork. There is no the specific of way that can be followed to analyze, so that every
researcher must find out by themselves the method appropriately with the nature of the
research. The same material can be clarificated otherwise by the different researcher.52 It
means that in the analysis must be have hardwork in processing to analysis data because to
analysis the data that is not the easy work so that the researcher must need abilty to seek the
method that approaprite with their content of research.
As from information above, the data analysis can be that analysis of data is the
searching process and structuring with data systematic that obtained from the results of
interview, field note, and documentation, with the organized of way data to inside categorize,
to describe into units, doing synthesis, to structure into the pattern, to choose which the
important and will be learned, and to make the summarize so that can be easy understood by
self and other person.
Furthermore, this data analysis is the more important of part in the qualitative
research. In this part of data analysis can be find out the results which can become the
conclusion from in this contain of the research. This research, the researcher will apply the
analysis data of Miles and Huberman method. In this method by Miles and Huberman has
components in analyzing data by this figure:

Ibid., page 244.

Figure 3.1.
Analysis Components Data of Miles and Huberman (Interactive Model)

As the figure above, in the analysis by Miles and Huberman of method has many
components of data they are reduction of data, display of data, and conclusion:
drawing/verification. The researcher has many steps in analysis of data as follow:
1) Data collection means as the steps by researcher is collecting the all of data that used to
finish the study. The researcher comes to the MA Darul Huda Ponorogo to gather data
and in the case that researcher get the voices from students that they have difficult in
pronouncing the English vocabulary related to learning English.
2) After collect the data the researcher begin to reduce the data which the researcher has
obtained with the sum up of way and to choose the specific of things. In the case, the
researcher do to note the students’ data be focused on three from researchers’ questions,
such as the students’ problem in pronouncing the English vocabulary, many factors that
influence the students’ difficult in pronouncing the English vocabulary, and solution the
solving problem of research.
3) The next part after reduces the data, the researcher display the data with uses
figure/picture, table. in the display of data that is must describe the all of contain the data.
In this display of data, the researcher uses the form of tables as results.
4) Lastly, the researcher makes the results of data by conclusion that has finded.
Furtheremore, it is can concluded that the analysis of data has several functions in the
analyzing data research including; to make the real data appropriate, to get the significant of
results, to describe the summarize.

G. Checking validity of findings

In the qualitative research, validation is more important needed in the research.
Validation is the degree of accuracy between the data that occur in object of research with

potency that can be reported by researcher.53 Therefore, the valid of data is the different of
data between data that reported by researcher and the data that actually happened to the
object of research. If the researcher to make the report that not appropriate what is happening
to the object, so that data is unvalid.54 The researcher use some of components in checking
the valid data as follow:
1. Observation of extention
With observation of extention means the researcher come back to school to do
reobserving. Observation of extention aim to check what there is the weakness in the
early observation, if there is the weakness could be added in the second of research.
2. Increased persistence
By increased persistence, the researcher can be rechecked whether the obtained data is
wrong or correct. The researcher must increase persistence with reading many faithful
refrences in the finding.
3. Triangulation
According to William that the triangulation in the credibility test it means as the checking
data from various results with multiple ways, and multiple time.55 Moreover,
triangulation has three types they are result triangulation, technic triangulation, and time
of triangulation.
Furtheremore, the researcher apply the time triangulation from the one off all
triangulation types. In the time triangulation which involves interviewing both teacher and
students by the researcher is giving some question related to what English vocabulary are
difficult to be pronounced by students, whatfactors influence students’ difficulties in
pronouncing the English vocabulary, and how to address students’ difficulties in
pronouncing English vocabulary. In this time, the researcher was conducts by triangulation to
investigatethe address students’ difficulty in pronouncing the English vocabulary at tenth
grade of F religion students of MA Darul Huda Ponorogo.

H. Research procedures
Research procedures in this research there are three stages and added with the last stage from
research, as follow:
1. Stage of pre-field

Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, page 267.
Ibid., page 267.
Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, page 272.

In this stage pre-field, the researcher structure the research design selecting research
findings taking care of permits exploring and assessing the situation field, selecting and
utilizing information, prepare research equipment, and ethical issues research.
2. Stage of field work, which includes: understand the background of research and early
preparation, enter the field, participate while collecting data.
3. Data analysis stage, which includes: analysis during and after data collection.
4. Written stage the results of research report
5. Research conducted in accordance with the stages which will be well structured, and will
provide a pathway for researcher fits with a path of his own choosing, then research will
go well too.


In this chapter contains of description such Findings, and Discussion. The explanation of
this section is as follows:

A. Findings
1. History of MA Darul Huda Ponorogo
Madrasah Aliyah is a secondary education institution under the auspices of the
Ministry of Religion Ponorogo regency. At a relatively young age thanks to the tireless
enthusiasm and hard work of all its citizens, it has now shown itself to be a modern
Islamic institution, especially when viewed from its physical and academic appreance.
Until now, Madrasah Aliyah apart from having facilities and infrastructure to support the
scientific development needed, also has quite reliable teaching staff, both in terms of
quality and quantity such as laboratorium, library, mosque, dormitories, learning resource
centers, arts and sports facilities.
Madrasah Aliyah Darul Huda which was estabilished on September 29th 1989.
Madrasah Aliyah has the operational permit number W.n. 06.04/00.0352/58.14/1989 and
under the auspices of the Darul Huda Islamic Boarding School foundation. Madrasah
Aliyah darul huda is one of the many Madrasah Aliyah in Ponorogo regency. Madrasah
Aliyah Darul Huda as well as the Darul Huda Islamic Boarding School foundation where
it is sheltered, uses methods "‫ "على نهج السلفية الحديثة‬with understanding ‫"المحافظة على القديم‬
"‫ الصالح وااللخذ بالجديد االصلح‬which means preserving the good old methods and adopting
new, better ones. This method is expected to be in accordance with the direction of
government policy regarding the current character-based Education Unit Level
Curriculum (KTSP).
Madrasah Aliyah Darul Huda since its inception in accordance with the Madrasah
estabilishment permit from the regional office of the Republic Indonesia, No.W.n.
06.04/00.0352/58.14/1989 dated 29 september 1989. With Madrasah Statistics Number
(NSM) 312 350 216 280 registered Status in accordance with the level of accreditation
from the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia number: E.IV/29/1994 dated
24 March 1994 Madrasah Aliyah Darul Huda has a recognized status.
According to the certificate of School Identity Number (NIS) National Education
Office of Ponorogo Regency number: 421 / 1228 / 405.17 / 2003. Madrasah Aliyah Darul

Huda is registered with School Identity Number (NIS) 31 00 50, and finally according to
the level of accreditation carried out by the Madrasah accreditation council of East Java
Province number: B/Kw.13.4/MA/182/2005. As an accredited madrasah, in accordance
with the Madrasah Operational Permit Charter number: kw.13.4/4/PP.00.6/868/2010 The
Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia updated the Madrasah
Statistics Number (NSM) to: 131235020027, Madrasah Status update from the National
Accreditation Board (BAN-SM) on October 30, 2010 accredited with predicate B with a
score of 81, valid until 2015, accreditation on October 25, 2016 accredited with predicate
A with a score of 89, reaccreditation in 2021 with a predicate of A with a score of 94.
Madrasah Aliyah Darul Huda Ponorogo and accredited with A predicate, has three
years education level with the 2013 curriculum, starts in the morning starting at 07.00
WIB until 13.00 WIB with specialization programs:
1) Religion (IIA)
2) Natural Science and Mathematics specialization (MIPA)
3) Social Science (IPS)

a) Vision, mision, and objectives of MA darul huda ponorogo

1) MA darul huda’s vision
Vision is a distant view of a company or company institutions and others. For
schools, vision is a moral imagination that uses the desired profile of the school in
the future. In determining this vision, schools must taking into account future
developments and challenges. Here is the vision of MA Darul Huda Ponorogo:
Knowledgeable, Charity, Faithful, and Moral Karimah. Madrasah vision indicators:
1) Knowledgeable: Having quality knowledge to increase faith and piety
(IMTAQ) and broad-minded to support knowledge and technology (IPTEK).
2) Charity: Skilled in carrying out duties as a servant (Hablun Minallah), and
flexible in society (Hablun Minannas).
3) Faithful: Upholding honesty and truth, rejecting lies and violations, when alone
or with others, in religious norms and social rules.
4) Morals: Prioritizing peace, avoiding hostility with anyone and anywhere.

2) MA Darul Huda Ponorogo’s Mission


Mission is a statement about what the company or institution must do in an effort to

realize the vision. This mission was carried out by MA Darul Huda Ponorogo,
1) Equipping Students, Knowledge that is Amaliyah
2) Familiarize students, do scientific charity
3) Instilling faith and faith in Allah SWT
4) Cultivating Islamic religious attitudes and practices
5) Optimizing the enrichment of religious values
6) Deliver cadres who are self ready, intelligent, independent, knowledgeable,and
professional and with a national perspective.
7) Implement learning and guidance effectively, skilled, creative, so that each
student can develop optimally, according to their potencial, both spiritually,
science and technology and morality.
8) Fostering and collaborating with the community
9) Encourage and help each student to recognize himself and his potencial, so that
it grows and develops as a whole and optimally.
10) Increase awareness of environmental cleanliness.

3) The purpose of MA darul huda ponorogo

Objective is a description of the mission statement or something that will be
achieved within a predetermined period of time determined. Goal setting is
generally based on key success factors that are carried out after estabilishing the
vision and mission.
Goals will direct the formulation of policy targets, program activities in
order to realize the mission. Therefore, the objectives must be able to provide a
solid basis for setting indicators. While the purpose of secondary education is to
increase intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live
independently and attend further education. So it is necessary to formulate the
objectives of the MA Darul Huda Ponorogo namely:
1) Improve the quality of scientific knowledge for Madrasah residents.
2) Improving the quality of scientific charity for Madrasah residents.
3) Improving the quality of Islamic religious attitudes and practices madrasah

4) Increase the awareness of madrasah residents towards. Cleanliness and beauty

of the madrasah environment.
5) Improve the quality and quantity of facilities and infrastructure and facilities
support the improvement of academic and non-academic achievements.
4) Target of MA darul huda ponorogo
1) The creation of activities in Madrasah that are planned and directed with good
management references.
2) Improving the quality of teachers and other madrasah managers, thus enabling
the creation of a conductive teaching and learning process and creating reliable
3) The functioning of educational units both related to the activities of students,
teachers and school principals as well as all levels of management and
community, both organizational and functional units, thus enabling good
cooperation and the establishment of a shared sense of responsibility.
The target of this education quality management improvement activity is
education management run by Madrasah. Therefore, all the components involved in
it, starting from the principal, teacher, students and all levels of Madrasah
committee managers and the community in the surrounding Madrasah environment.
all of uses developed and what components are involved will be explained further
in the next chapter.
Thus, the activities of improving the quality of education management are
comprehensive, not only improving the quality of teaching and learning as a single
tool but also all supporting factors both internally and externally. Therefore, to
establish cooperation with various parties is also an unforgettable part of this

2. Data of observation
In findings there are the objectives of study that aimed to find out the English
vocabulary are difficult by students at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo. The result of objectives
of study presented from the research findings that there are some difficulty types when the
students asked to pronounce the English vocabulary, and also it showed that some sources
difficulty that made by the students at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo when conducting
observation and interview with teacher and students in the class.

Material : Chapter 2
Time : Thursday, 26th February 2022
Place : Madrasah Marwah of Class
Appearance of
No Observed Aspects Observation Explanation
Yes No
1. The teacher gives example  Teacher gives some examples on
on how to pronounce how to pronounce so that it can be
correctly and appropriately easily practiced in pronouncing by
2. Students practice in  They have practiced in pronouncing
pronouncing some what that has been given by teacher
vocabularies that have been
given by teacher
3. The teacher checks  So that it can be known which the
students’ pronounciation students that still feel difficulty in
one by one pronouncing
4. The teacher corrects  With correct students’ pronouncing
students’ pronounciation it makes students knows their own
that is incorrect and correct pronounce
5. The teacher gives  Teacher gives instructor so that it
instructions to students how make students knows how to
to pronounce the English pronounce correctly.
6. Some vocabulary is given  Because, teacher follows what that
randomly by teacher to according in the book
7. Some vocabulary is given in  Because, teacher follows what that
a structured by teacher to according in the book
8. The teacher uses the method  Teacher uses the method to make
or way to make active active students talk with choose one

Appearance of
No Observed Aspects Observation Explanation
Yes No
students talk by one from some students to try to
9. The teacher actively speaks  Teacher actively speaks English so
English in the class that it easily students in listening
many vocabulary from what that
has been teacher said.
10. The teacher actively speaks  With actively speaks English and
English aloud and translates translate it to Indonesia so that it
it to Indonesia language students can know the means of
Table 4.1
Observation with teacher and students in the class use chapter 2 from the English
book of PR (Buku interaktif Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas X semester 2 )

In first observation on February, 26th 2022. The researcher was doing observation
in tenth grade students of F IIA (Religion department) the class at First floor of Madrasah
Marwah with 09:40-10.30 time. When researcher was observating and found out there are
some activity in every course. Teacher was doing activity in the class such taught how to
learn English easily and well, guided with give motivation for students, and shared some
materials to students about material in the chapter.
Next, researcher has known some activities for learn English in the class at
Tuesday February, 26th 2022 as follow:
1. Opening
In this class teacher always before going to study for every meeting to pray together
with Al-fatihah.
2. Teacher always gives motivation to learn English for student
Teacher gives motivation for student so that they can study with fun and cheerfull
does not fell nervous and afraid when study English in the class.
3. Teacher gives material that be related with the chapter from LKS book.

every meeting in the class the teacher always gives material from chapter in the LKS
book. Beside that, teacher is also gives instructions with some methods and ways how
to learn English well to be easy accepted by students.
4. Teacher gives instructions about pronounciation with some vocabularies
After gives material for this meeting, teacher gives instructions about pronounciation
with many method and way to pronounce. In this session is the main of research which
researcher need to collect data such recorder or take video the result from this
observation. This activity was following by students and they are enthusiastic with this
though they still wrong in pronouncing English vocabulary.
5. Teacher gives homework in the form of assignment
Teacher gives assignment to students to ask them to read material that has been
learning together and then next meeting will be reviewed again.
6. Closing
Teacher was closing this meeting with students to say basmalah and to pray kafaratul
Furtheremore, material in Thursday, February 26th 2022 with second chapter
about “Memorable Moments” tahat has containted some materials such Recount text,
grammar (past verbs and was/were + adjective. Beside that, in the second chapter there are
some vocabularies that related with this chapter as follow:
 Convenient
 Harbour
 To board
 Cargo
 To queue
 Site
 Flying color
 Deck
 Crane
 Passanger
Teacher is also add some vocabularies that related with this chapter as follow:
 Graduated
 Accepted
 Included
 Arrived

 Asked
 Lined
In the first observation colomn there are some questions such as the teacher gives
example on how to pronounce correctly and appropriately, students practice in
pronouncing some vocabularies that have been given by teacher, the teacher checks
students’ pronounciation one by one, the teacher corrects students’ pronounciation that is
incorrect and correct it, the teacher gives instructions to students how to pronounce the
English vocabulary, some vocabulary is given randomly by teacher to students, some
vocabulary is given in a structured by teacher to students, the teacher uses the method or
way to make active students talk, the teacher actively speaks English in the class, and the
teacher actively speaks English aloud and translates it to Indonesia language.

The Analysis of Observation with teacher and students in the class use chapter 2
from the English book of PR (Buku interaktif Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas
X semester 2 )

In this first observation checklist, there are some results which it be aimed that
teacher has been done some activity in class such as gives example on how to pronounce
correctly and appropriately so that it can be easily practiced by students, teacher checks
students’ pronounciation one by one so that it can be known who else from students that
feel difficulty to pronounce, the teacher corrects students’ pronounciation that is incorrect
and correct it and it makes students knows their own pronounce.
Moreover, the teacher gives instructions to students how to pronounce the English
vocabulary so that it make students knows how to pronounce appropriately the teacher
gives some vocabulary is given randomly but has been given in a structured to students
which teacher has reason that teacher follows what that according in the book, the teacher
uses the method or way to make active students talk with choose one by one from some
students to try to talk, the teacher actively speaks English aloud and translates it to
Indonesia language in the class so that it easily students in listening many vocabulary
from what that has been teacher said and students can know the means of vocabulary.

Material : Chapter 3

Time : Sunday, 13rd March 2022

Place : Madrasah Marwah of Class


Appearance of
No Observed Aspects Observation Explanat
Results ion
Yes No
1. The teacher gives example on  Teacher still gives some
how to pronounce correctly and examples to pronounce so
appropriately that it makes students can
do like his
2. Students practice in  Student always follow what
pronouncing some vocabularies that his gives example, and
that have been given by teacher they has been practiced
some vocabulary
3. The teacher checks students’  This way to know how far
pronounciation one by one they mastery in pronouncing
English vocabulary
4. The teacher corrects students’ 
pronounciation that is incorrect
and correct it
5. The teacher gives instructions to 
students how to pronounce the
English vocabulary?
6. Some vocabulary is given  Because, teacher gives some
randomly by teacher to students? vocabulary by structured
7. Some vocabulary is given in a 
structured by teacher to
8. The teacher uses the method or  Because. It is has given by
way to make active students talk teacher ago
9. The teacher actively speaks  Sometimes, teacher just
English in the class speak English with translate
it in Indonesia language, if
teacher active speak English
it makes students are
difficult in meaning some

words what that his said.

10. The teacher actively speaks  Teacher always translate
English aloud and translates it to English in Indonesia
Indonesia language language so that it makes
students can know meaning
some vocabulary.

Table 4.2.

Observation with teacher and students in the class use chapter 3 from the English
book of PR (Buku interaktif Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas X semester 2)

In second observation on March, 13rd 2022. The researcher was doing observation
in tenth grade students of F IIA (Religion department) the class at First floor of Madrasah
Marwah with 08:40-09:30 time. When researcher was observating and found out there are
some activity in every course. Teacher was doing activity in the class such taught how to
learn English easily and well, guided, and shared some materials to students about
material in the chapter. This material in sunday, March 13 2022 with first chapter about
“This Day in History” that contained some material such Historical recount text, grammar
(When and While). Next, researcher has known some activities for learn English in the
class at Sunday march, 13rd 2022 as follow:
1. Opening
In this class teacher always before going to study for every meeting to pray together
with Al-fatihah.
2. Teacher always gives motivation to learn English for student
Teacher gives motivation for student so that they can study with fun and cheerfull
does not fell nervous and afraid when study English in the class.
3. Teacher ask students about material in the last meeting
Teacher ask that material to students in last meeting to know they has read or not.
4. Teacher gives material that be related with the chapter from LKS book.
every meeting in the class the teacher always gives material from chapter in the LKS
book about “This Day in History”. Beside that, teacher is also gives instructions with
some methods and ways how to learn English well to be easy accepted by students.
5. Teacher gives instructions about pronounciation with some vocabularies

After gives material for this meeting, teacher gives instructions about pronounciation
with many method and way to pronounce. In this session is the main of research which
researcher need to collect data such recorder or take video the result from this
observation. This activity was following by students and they are enthusiastic with this
though they still wrong in pronouncing English vocabulary.
6. Teacher gives homework in the form of assignment
Teacher gives assignment to students to ask them to read material that has been
learning together and then next meeting will be reviewed again.
7. Closing
Teacher was closing this meeting with students to say basmalah and to pray kafaratul
Beside that, in the third chapter there are some vocabularies that related with this
chapter as follow:
 Vanished
 Gruelling
 To anchor
 Aviator
 Quest
 Equator
 Unguided
 Obsession
 Atoll
 To bisect
In the second observation colomn there are some questions is same with first
column such as the teacher gives example on how to pronounce correctly and
appropriately, students practice in pronouncing some vocabularies that have been given by
teacher, the teacher checks students’ pronounciation one by one, the teacher corrects
students’ pronounciation that is incorrect and correct it, the teacher gives instructions to
students how to pronounce the English vocabulary, some vocabulary is given randomly by
teacher to students, some vocabulary is given in a structured by teacher to students, the
teacher uses the method or way to make active students talk, the teacher actively speaks
English in the class, and the teacher actively speaks English aloud and translates it to
Indonesia language.

The Analysis of Observation with teacher and students in the class use chapter 3
from the English book of PR (Buku interaktif Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas
X semester 2 )

In this observation, researcher is still use observation checklist, there are some
results which it be aimed that teacher has been done some activity in class such as gives
example on how to pronounce correctly and appropriately so that it can be easily practiced
by students. It means that teacher always gives example on how to pronounce to students
that will be practiced by students to repeat after teacher. Teacher checks students’
pronounciation one by one so that it can be known who else from students that feel
difficulty to pronounce. And it also can know as how far as students’ ability in
pronouncing the English vocabulary that has been learned in the class. The teacher
corrects students’ pronounciation that is incorrect and correct it and it makes students
knows their own pronounce and it also know more about how to pronounce correctly and
Moreover, the teacher gives instructions to students how to pronounce the English
vocabulary so that it make students knows how to pronounce appropriately, and the
teacher gives some vocabulary is given randomly but has been given in a structured to
students which teacher has reason that teacher follows what that according in the book,
this reason is same with the first observation. The teacher uses the method or way to make
active students talk but in second observation is no because at last meeting teacher has
given some method or way to make active students talk so that it is considered has used
that method or way that has been given by teacher. The teacher actively speaks English
aloud and translates it to Indonesia language in the class so that it easily students in
listening many vocabulary from what that has been teacher said and students can know the
means of vocabulary. moreover, it also this way can be understood by students when they
are learning English in the class.
Material : Chapter 4
Time : Thursday, 17th March 2022
Place : Madrasah Marwah of Class
Appearance of
No Observed Aspects Observation Explanation
Yes No
1. The teacher gives example on  This way still be given by
how to pronounce correctly teacher to student
and appropriately

2. Students practice some  Teacher always practice in

vocabularies that have been every new vocabulary in the
given by teacher chapter at meeting
3. The teacher checks students’  Teacher still checks students’
pronounciation one by one pronounciation . and in this
observation there are
difficulties in pronouncing the
English vocabulary by students
4. The teacher corrects students’  Teacher always corrects
pronounciation that is students’ pronounciation and
incorrect and correct it correct as well as.
5. The teacher gives instructions  Teacher always gives
to students how to pronounce instructions to students well
the English vocabulary?
6. Some vocabulary is given  Teacher gives randomly some
randomly by teacher to vocabulary to student so that it
students? makes easy by students can
follow in the English book
7. Some vocabulary is given in a  Teacher gives in structure to
structured by teacher to students by according the book
8. The teacher uses the method  This way has been given by
or way to make active teacher in last meeting
students talk
9. The teacher actively speaks  Teacher always actively
English in the class speaking English in every
meeting in the class
10. The teacher actively speaks  Teacher always actively speak
English aloud and translates it English and translate it in
to Indonesia language Indonesia language in every
meeting in the class.
Table 4.3.
Observation with teacher and students in the class use chapter 4 from the
English book of PR (Buku interaktif Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA
Kelas X semester 2)

In third observation on March, 17th 2022. The researcher was doing observation in
tenth grade students of F IIA (Religion department) the class at First floor of Madrasah
Marwah with 09:40-10.30 time. When researcher was observating and found out there are
some activity in every course. Teacher was doing activity in the class such taught how to
learn English easily and well, guided, and shared some materials to students about
material in the chapter. This material in Thursday, March 17th 2022 with fourth chapter
about “Prominent Figures” that contained some material such Biographical recount text,
grammar ). Next, researcher has known some activities for learn English in the class at
Thursday March, 17th 2022 as follow:

1. Opening
In this class teacher always before going to study for every meeting to pray together
with Al-fatihah.
2. Teacher always gives motivation to learn English for student
Teacher gives motivation for student so that they can study together with fun and
cheerfull does not feel nervous and afraid when study English in the class.
3. Teacher ask students about material in the last meeting
Teacher ask that material to students in last meeting to know do they has read or not.
4. Teacher gives material that be related with the chapter from English lks book.
In every meeting in the class the teacher always gives material from chapter in the
LKS book about “Prominent Figures”. Beside that, teacher is also gives instructions
with some methods and ways how to learn English well to be easy accepted by
5. Teacher gives instructions about pronounciation with some vocabularies
After gives material for this meeting, teacher gives instructions about pronounciation
with many method and way to pronounce. In this session is the main of research which
researcher need to collect data such recorder or take video the result from this
observation. This activity was following by students and they are enthusiastic with this
though they still wrong in pronouncing English vocabulary.
6. Teacher gives homework in the form of assignment
Teacher gives assignment to students to ask them to read material that has been
learning together and then next meeting will be reviewed again.
7. Closing
Teacher was closing this meeting with students to say basmalah and to pray kafaratul
Beside that, in the third chapter there are some vocabularies that related with this
chapter as follow:
 Foreign
 To appoint
 Career
 Represent
 Establish
 Achievement
 Oppose

 Stature
 Retire
 Cemetery
Teacher is also add some vocabularies that related with this chapter as follow:
 July
 Became
 Work
 Appointed
 Quit, quite, and quiet
In the third observation colomn there are some questions is same with first column
such as the teacher gives example on how to pronounce correctly and appropriately,
students practice in pronouncing some vocabularies that have been given by teacher, the
teacher checks students’ pronounciation one by one but in this observation there are
difficulties which some vocabularies that be pronounced by students are wrong. So that
teacher must to reteach those difficulties to students, the teacher corrects students’
pronounciation that is incorrect and correct it, the teacher gives instructions to students
how to pronounce the English vocabulary, some vocabulary is given randomly by teacher
to students, some vocabulary is given in a structured by teacher to students, the teacher
uses the method or way to make active students talk, the teacher actively speaks English
in the class, and the teacher actively speaks English aloud and translates it to Indonesia
The Analysis of Observation with teacher and students in the class use chapter 4
from the English book of PR (Buku interaktif Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas
X semester 2)

In this third observation, there are some results which it be aimed that teacher has
been done some activity in class such as:
1. Teacher gives example on how to pronounce correctly and appropriately.
This way still be given by teacher to student so that it can be easily practiced
by students. It means that teacher always gives example on how to pronounce to
students that will be practiced by students to repeat after teacher.
2. Students practice some vocabularies that have been given by teacher
Teacher always practice in every new vocabulary in the chapter at meeting.
This way by teacher is the easy way to recognize to students how to pronounce the

new English vocabulary so that they get knowledge about how to pronounce the
English vocabulary.
3. Teacher checks students’ pronounciation one by one
Teacher always checks students’ pronounciation because teacher must know
anyone who is still feel difficulty in pronouncing. But in this observation there are
difficulties which some vocabularies that be pronounced by students are wrong. So
that teacher must to reteach those difficulties to students. Furtheremore, it also can
know as how far as students’ ability in pronouncing the English vocabulary that has
been learned by teacher in the class.
4. The teacher corrects students’ pronounciation that is incorrect and correct it
Teacher always corrects students’ pronounciation and correct as well as. As we
know that teacher always corrects students’ pronounciation because this activity can
make students knows their own pronounciation the English vocabulary is false or true.
Students is also know more about how to pronounce correctly and appropriately what
that has been corrected by teacher.
5. The teacher gives instructions to students how to pronounce the English vocabulary
In every meeting the teacher always gives instructions well. This instructions
such teacher shows his presentation by LCD projector with some vocabularies that
from the Englis lks book and his own vocabularies. With like this, the students want to
study to look at LCD projector so that it make students knows how to pronounce
appropriately and wants to try pronounce it.
6. The teacher gives some vocabulary is given randomly
In this third observation, the teacher is not give randomly the English
vocabulary to students but has been given in a structured to students which teacher has
reason that teacher follows what that according in the book, this reason is same with
the first observation.
7. Some vocabulary is given in a structured by teacher to students
Teacher is give some vocabularies in structure because has reason that still according
in the English book.
8. The teacher uses the method or way to make active students talk
In third observation that teacher use the method or way because at last meeting teacher
has given some method or way to make active students talk so that it is considered has
used that method or way that has been given by teacher.

9. The teacher actively speaks English in the class

In this part, teacher always actively speaking English in the class because it makes
students to add knowledge new vocabulary what that teacher says. This reason that
teacher is also wants to students can listen some words in teacher’s speak so that it
easy for them to master their own listening ability through teacher’s English speaking.
10. The teacher actively speaks English aloud and translates it to Indonesia language
In the class, that it easily students in listening many vocabulary from what that has
been teacher said and students can know the means of vocabulary so that they does not
be confused when they want to mean some words to translate in Indonesia. Moreover,
it also this way can be understood some words by students when they are learning
English in the class.
Material : Chapter 5
Time : Saturday, 20st March 2022
Place : Madrasah Marwah of Class
Appearance of
No Observed Aspects Observation Explan
Results ation
Yes No
1. The teacher gives example  Because has been given by
on how to pronounce teacher to students last
correctly and appropriately meeting
2. Students practice some  Student looks at LCD
vocabularies that have been projector that contains of
given by teacher some vocabularies at this
3. The teacher checks  Teacher only give some
students’ pronounciation vocabularies but does not
one by one checks to them
4. The teacher corrects  Teacher only gives some
students’ pronounciation vocabularies
that is incorrect and correct
5. The teacher gives  Teacher always gives
instructions to students how instructions in every

Appearance of
No Observed Aspects Observation Explan
Results ation
Yes No
to pronounce the English meeting in pronouncing
vocabulary? practice
6. Some vocabulary is given  Teacher still follow by
randomly by teacher to according in English lks
students? book so that just be given
in structure
7. Some vocabulary is given in  Teacher follows by
a structured by teacher to according in English lks
students? book
8. The teacher uses the method  This method has used by
or way to make active teacher in every his teach
students talk
9. The teacher actively speaks  Teacher always actively
English in the class speaks English in every
meeting of his course in
the class
10. The teacher actively speaks  This reason that it easy for
English aloud and translates them in understanding
it to Indonesia language about many words of

Table 4.4.
Observation with teacher and students in the class use chapter 4 from the
English book of PR (Buku interaktif Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas
X semester 2)

In fourth observation on March, 20st 2022. The researcher was doing

observation in tenth grade students of F IIA (Religion department) the class at First floor
of Madrasah Marwah with 08:40-09:30 time. When researcher was observating and found
out there are some activity in every course. Teacher was doing activity in the class such
taught how to learn English easily and well, guided, and shared some materials to students

about material in the chapter. This material in Sunday, March 20st 2022 with fifth chapter
about “The Legend of The Komodo Dragons” that contained some material such
Narrative text, and direct and indirect speech. Next, researcher has known some activities
for learn English in the class at Sunday March, 20st 2022 as follow:
1. Opening
In this class teacher always before going to study for every meeting to pray together
with Al-fatihah.
2. Teacher always gives motivation to learn English for student
Teacher gives motivation for student so that they can study together with fun and
cheerfull does not feel nervous and afraid when study English in the class.
3. Teacher ask students about material in the last meeting
Teacher ask that material to students in last meeting to know do they has read or not.
Then teacher was giving some material thas must be learned about mid-test for
students after teach the last chapter before mid-test in this fifth meeting.
4. Teacher gives material that be related with the chapter from English lks book.
Every meeting in the class, the teacher always gives material from chapter in the LKS
book about “The Legend of The Komodo Dragons”. Beside that, teacher is also gives
instructions with some methods and ways how to learn English well to be easy
accepted by students.
5. Teacher gives instructions about pronounciation with some vocabularies
After gives material for this meeting, teacher gives instructions about pronounciation
with many method and way to pronounce. In this session is the main of research which
researcher need to collect data such recorder or take video the result from this
observation. This activity was following by students and they are enthusiastic with this
though they still wrong in pronouncing English vocabulary.
6. Teacher gives homework in the form of assignment
Teacher gives assignment to students to study some material that be related with mid-
test that has been learning together by started from chapter 2 until 5 and then next
meeting is middle test.
7. Closing
Teacher was closing this meeting with students to say basmalah and to pray kafaratul
Beside that, in the fourth chapter there are some vocabularies that related with this
chapter as follow:

 Bay
 Constantly
 Fearsome
 Nomadic
 Clashing
 Bounty
 Plentiful
 Platforms
 Apprentice
 Steady
 Swirled
 Sustained
 Boundary
 Embraced
Teacher is also add some vocabularies that related with this chapter as follow:

 Creatures
 Community
 Attacked
 Made
 Cultivate
 Built
 Pregnant
 Deliver
In the third observation colomn there are some questions is same with first meeting in column
such as the teacher gives example on how to pronounce correctly and appropriately, students
practice in pronouncing some vocabularies that have been given by teacher, the teacher checks
students’ pronounciation one by one, the teacher corrects students’ pronounciation that is
incorrect and correct it, the teacher gives instructions to students how to pronounce the English
vocabulary, some vocabulary is given randomly by teacher to students, some vocabulary is given
in a structured by teacher to students, the teacher uses the method or way to make active students
talk, the teacher actively speaks English in the class, and the teacher actively speaks English
aloud and translates it to Indonesia language. Therefore, teacher always use this activities for
meeting from the first until last meeting in the class.

The Analysis of Observation with teacher and students in the class use chapter 5 from the
English book of PR (Buku interaktif Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas X semester 2)

In this fourth observation, there are some results which it be aimed that teacher has been done
some activity in class such as:
1. Teacher gives example on how to pronounce correctly and appropriately.
In this last meeting before middle test teacher has been given by teacher to students
last meeting, This way always be given by teacher to student so that it can be easily to
them to be practiced and then they is also get knowledge about how to pronounce about
some vocabularies in this meeting. It means that teacher always gives example on how to
pronounce to students that will be practiced by students to repeat after teacher.
2. Students practice some vocabularies that have been given by teacher
Student practice some vocabularies with they look at LCD projector that contains of
some vocabularies at this meeting. Teacher is also practice new vocabulary in the fifth
chapter at meeting after presenting some material and many vocabularies on the lcd of
projector that be related in this chapter. This way by teacher is also be easy way to
recognize to students how to pronounce the new English vocabulary so that they get
knowledge about how to pronounce the English vocabulary.
3. Teacher checks students’ pronounciation one by one
In this meeting, teacher is not checks students’ pronounciation, because teacher only
give some vocabularies but does not checks to them. Teacher just consider that the
students already has master pronounciation. Moreover, teacher can know as how far as
students’ ability in pronouncing the English vocabulary that has been learned by teacher
in the class.
4. The teacher corrects students’ pronounciation that is incorrect and correct it
Teacher only gives some vocabularies. As we know that teacher has been correcting
students’ pronounciation, because in every meeting the students has practiced as well.
Furtheremore, this activity is also can make students knows their own pronounciation the
English vocabulary is false or true. Students is also know more about how to pronounce
correctly and appropriately what that has been corrected by teacher.
5. The teacher gives instructions to students how to pronounce the English vocabulary
Teacher always gives instructions in every meeting in pronouncing practice. In every
meeting the teacher is also gives instructions such teacher shows his presentation by LCD
projector with some vocabularies that from the English lks book and his own

vocabularies. With like this, the students want to study to look at LCD projector so that it
make students knows how to pronounce appropriately and wants to try pronounce it.
6. The teacher gives some vocabulary is given randomly
In the last observation, that teacher is not giving some vocabularies is given
randomly, but teacher still follow by according in English lks book so that just be given
in structure in a structured to students which teacher has reason that teacher follows what
that according in the book, this reason is same with the last observation.

7. Some vocabulary is given in a structured by teacher to students

Teacher gives some vocabularies in structure because has reason that still follow
according in the English book.
8. The teacher uses the method or way to make active students talk
In this meeting, teacher was not use the method or way to make active student talk,
because at last meeting before in this meeting that teacher has given some method or way
to make active students talk so that it is considered has used that method or way that has
been given by teacher.
9. The teacher actively speaks English in the class
In this part, teacher always actively speaks English in every meeting of his course in the
class because it makes students to add knowledge new vocabulary what that teacher says.
This reason that teacher is also wants to students can listen some words in teacher’s speak
so that it easy for them to master their own listening ability through teacher’s English
10. The teacher actively speaks English aloud and translates it to Indonesia language
In the class, that it easily students in listening many vocabulary from teacher’s speak
and students can know the means of vocabulary so that they does not be confused when
they want to mean some words to translate in Indonesia. Moreover, it also this way can
be understood some words by students when they are learning English in the class.

3. Data of Interview
In this research, Researcher has been collecting data through observation,
interview, and documentation in the class. Then, the researcher was conducted the
result of interview with teacher and some students that feel difficulties in pronouncing
the English vocabulary in the tenth grade of F religion class at MA Darul Huda
Ponorogo. The result was collected data on march 21st 2022 in location at Madrasah

Marwah of first floor class. These results contains of some recorders which these
recorders there are teacher’s recorder, and students’ recorder which amount 6 students
feels difficulties in pronouncing are 30 students in the class. At follow of results the
1) What are English vocabularydifficult to be pronounced by students at MA
Darul Huda Ponorogo
In the first question there are some vocabularies that are difficult to be
pronounced by students. Some vocabularies are difficult to be pronounced as

a. Chapter 2
Based on the researcher’s interview and observations, some vocabularies
are difficult to be pronounced by students in the second chapter those are:
a) Convenient /kǝn'vɪ:.nǝns/
An interview with Diyah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab dua, vocabulary yang sulit nomer satu Convenient.
(Second chapter, the vocabulary that so difficult is number one is

Besides, it was also found in interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a

student of F religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Di bab dua, yaitu nomer satu Convineint, nomer sembilan To

queue, nomer 10 passanger.

(In second chapter, that are number one is Convenient, number

nine is To queque, number 10 is passanger).”57

Furthermore, it was found by Nuri Azizah as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“bab dua, nomer satu Convenient saja.

(The second chapter, number one is only Convenient).”58

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

b) Flying color /'flaɪ.ɪŋ ʹkʌl.ɚ/

An interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F religion tenth grade
class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab dua nomer lima to board, nomer sembilan to queue, nomer
empat flying color.

(The second chapter number five is to board, number nine is to

queue, number four is flying color).”59

c) To board /tu: bɔ:rd/

An interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F religion tenth grade
class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab dua nomer lima to board, nomer sembilan to queue, nomer
empat flying color.

(The second chapter number five is to board, number nine is to

queue, number four is flying color).”60

d) Deck /dek/
An interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth grade class on
Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab dua ada, nomer 10 Passanger, dan nomer enam itu Deck.

(The second chapter there are, number 10 is passanger, and

number six is deck).”61

e) To queue /tu: kju:/

An interview with Dian Nisa Putri as a student of F religion tenth grade
class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

“Vocabulary yang sulit untuk dilafalkan di bab 2 hanya To Queue.

(The Vocabulary that so difficult to be pronounced in the second

chapter is only To queue).”62

Besides, it was also found in interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a

student of F religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Di bab dua, yaitu nomer satu Convineint, nomer sembilan To

queue, nomer 10 passanger.

(In second chapter, that is number one is Convenient, number nine

is To queque, number 10 is passanger).”63

f) Passanger /'pæs.ǝn.dʒɚ/
An interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth grade class on
Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab dua ada, nomer 10 Passanger, dan nomer enam itu Deck.
(The second chapter there are, number 10 is passanger, and
number six is deck).”64

Besides, it was also found in interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a

student of F religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Di bab dua, yaitu nomer satu Convineint, nomer sembilan To

queue, nomer 10 passanger.

(In second chapter, that are number one is Convenient, number

nine is To queque, number 10 is passanger).”65

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

b. Chapter 3
a) Grueling /'ɡru:.ǝ.lɪŋ /
An interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth grade class on
Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab ke tiga yang nomer empat Grueling, nomer delapan
unguided, nomer 10 aviator.

(The third chapter that are number four is grueling, number eight is
unguided, number ten is aviator).”66

b) To Anchor /tu: 'æŋ.kɚ /

An interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab tiga itu nomer 7 (To anchor), enam (Atoll), sembilan (To
(The third chapter that are number seven (To anchor), six (Atoll),
nine (To bisect)).”67

Furthermore, it was found by Lili Rahmawati as a student of F religion

tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer 10 (Aviator), sembilan (To bisect), tujuh (To
(Number ten (Aviator), nine (To bisect), seven (To

c) Unguided /ʌnɡaɪdɪd /
An interview with Dian Nisa Putri as a student of F religion tenth grade
class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Di bab 3, unguided nomer 8.

(In the third chapter, unguided is number eight).”69

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

Besides, then the interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab ke tiga yang nomer empat Grueling, nomer delapan
unguided, nomer 10 aviator.

(The third chapter that are number four is grueling, number eight is
unguided, number ten is aviator).”70

d) To Bisect /tu: baɪ'sekt /

An interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab tiga itu nomer 7 (To anchor), enam (Atoll), sembilan (To
(The third chapter that are number seven (To anchor), six (Atoll),
nine (To bisect)).”71

Next, it was found the interview with Lili Rahmawati as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Nomer 10 (Aviator), sembilan (To bisect), tujuh (To anchor).

(Number ten (Aviator), nine (To bisect), seven (To anchor)).”72

e) Aviator /'eɪ.vi.eɪ.ţæ /
An Interview with Furthermore, it was found by Lili Rahmawati as a
student of F religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer 10 (Aviator), sembilan (To bisect), tujuh (To anchor).

(Number ten (Aviator), nine (To bisect), seven (To anchor)).”73

Besides, then the interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

“Bab ke tiga yang nomer empat Grueling, nomer delapan

unguided, nomer 10 aviator.

(The third chapter that are number four is grueling, number eight is
unguided, number ten is aviator).”74

c. Chapter 4
a) To Appoint /tu:ǝ'pɔint /
An interview with Nuri Azizah as a student of F religion tenth grade class
on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer 3 (Career), empat (To represent), tujuh (To oppose), dan
Sembilan (To retire) di bab 4.
(Number three (Career), number four (To represent), number seven
(To oppose), and number nine (To retire)).” 75

b) Career /kǝ'rɪr /
An interview with Nuri Azizah as a student of F religion tenth grade class
on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer 3 (Career), empat (To represent), tujuh (To oppose), dan
Sembilan (To retire) di bab 4.
(Number three (Career), number four (To represent), number seven
(To oppose), and number nine (To retire)).”76

c) To represent /tu: rep.rɪ'zent /

An interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer empat (To represent), lima (To establish), sepuluh
(Cemetery) bab 4 sudah tidak ada.
(Number four (To represent), five (To establish), ten (cemetery)
the four chapter already not available.”77

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

d) To establish /tu: ɪ'stæb.liʃ /

An interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer empat (To represent), lima (To establish), sepuluh
(Cemetery) bab 4 sudah tidak ada.
(Number four (To represent), five (To establish), ten (cemetery)
the four chapter already not available).”78

Besides, it was found in interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Bab empat nomer lima (To establish), tujuh (To oppose), juga
sepuluh (cemetery).
(The four chapter are number five (To establish), seven (To
oppose), ten (cemetery) too).”79

e) Achievement /ǝ'tʃi: v.mǝnt /

An interview with Diah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Hanya Achievement yang nomer enam.
(Just Achievement that is number six).”80

f) To oppose /tu: ǝ'po ʊz /

An interview with Nuri Azizah as a student of F religion tenth grade class
on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer 3 (Career), empat (To represent), tujuh (To oppose), dan
Sembilan (To retire) di bab 4.
(Number three (Career), number four (To represent), number seven
(To oppose), and number nine (To retire)).”81

Besides, it was found in interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

“Bab empat nomer lima (To establish), tujuh (To oppose), juga
sepuluh (cemetery).
(The four chapter are number five (To establish), seven (To
oppose), ten (cemetery) too).”82

g) Stature /'stætʃ. ɚ/
An interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth grade class on
Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab empat itu nomer delapan (Stature).
(The four chapter that is number eight (Stature)).”83

h) To retire /tu: rɪ'taɪr /

An interview with Nuri Azizah as a student of F religion tenth grade class
on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer 3 (Career), empat (To represent), tujuh (To oppose), dan
Sembilan (To retire) di bab 4.
(Number three (Career), number four (To represent), number seven
(To oppose), and number nine (To retire)).”84

i) Cemetery /'sem.ǝ.ter.i /
An interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer empat (To represent), lima (To establish), sepuluh
(Cemetery) bab 4 sudah tidak ada.
(Number four (To represent), five (To establish), ten (cemetery)
the four chapter already not available.”85

Besides, it was found in interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Bab empat nomer lima (To establish), tujuh (To oppose), juga
sepuluh (cemetery).

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II
See Appendix II
See Appendix II

(The four chapter are number five (To establish), seven (To
oppose), ten (cemetery) too).”86

d. Chapter 5
a) Constantly /'kɑ:n.stǝ /
An interview with Diah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer 14, dan dua sudah itu saja.
(Number 14 (Embraced), and two (Constantly)).”87

b) Fearsome /'fir.sǝm /
An interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F religion tenth grade
class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab 5 ada, nomer 3 (Fearsome), 15 (Boundary), 14 (Embraced).
(The fifth chapter is there are number three (Fearsome), 15
(Boundary), 14 (Embraced)).”88

c) Apperentice /ǝ'pren. ţɪs /

An interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth grade class on
Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“bab 5 yaitu nomer 14 (Embraced), dan nomer sembilan
(The fifth chapter are number 14 (Embraced), and number nine

d) Swirled /swarld /
An interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab 5 itu nomer 11 (Swirled), 12 (Sustained), 14 (Embraced), 13

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

(The fifth chapter that are number 11 (Swirled), 12 (Sustained), 14

(Embraced), 13 (Speckled)).”90

e) Sustained /sǝ'steɪndɪd /
An interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab 5 itu nomer 11 (Swirled), 12 (Sustained), 14 (Embraced), 13
(The fifth chapter that are number 11 (Swirled), 12 (Sustained), 14
(Embraced), 13 (Speckled)).”91

f) Speckled /'spek.*ld/
An interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab 5 itu nomer 11 (Swirled), 12 (Sustained), 14 (Embraced), 13
(The fifth chapter that are number 11 (Swirled), 12 (Sustained), 14
(Embraced), 13 (Speckled)).”92

Furtheremore, it was found in interview with Nuri Azizah is also as as a

student of F religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Nomer 13 (Speckled), 15 (Boundary), dan 14 (Embraced).

(Number 13 (Speckled), 15 (Boundary), and 14 (Embraced)).”93

g) Embraced /ɪm'breɪsd /
An interview with Diah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer 14, dan dua sudah itu saja.
(Number 14 (Embraced), and two (Constantly)).”94

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

Next, it also found interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“bab 5 yaitu nomer 14 (Embraced), dan nomer sembilan

(The fifth chapter are number 14 (Embraced), and number nine

Besides, An interviewis is also with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab 5 itu nomer 11 (Swirled), 12 (Sustained), 14 (Embraced), 13
(The fifth chapter that are number 11 (Swirled), 12 (Sustained), 14
(Embraced), 13 (Speckled)).”96

Furtheremore, it was found in interview with Nuri Azizah is also as as a

student of F religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Nomer 13 (Speckled), 15 (Boundary), dan 14 (Embraced).

(Number 13 (Speckled), 15 (Boundary), and 14 (Embraced)).”97

The last, it was found in interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab 5 ada, nomer 3 (Fearsome), 15 (Boundary), 14 (Embraced).

(The fifth chapter is there are number three (Fearsome), 15

(Boundary), 14 (Embraced)).”98

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

h) Boundary /'baun.d*r.i /
An interview with Nuri Azizah is also as as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Nomer 13 (Speckled), 15 (Boundary), dan 14 (Embraced).
(Number 13 (Speckled), 15 (Boundary), and 14 (Embraced)).”99

The last, it was found in interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Bab 5 ada, nomer 3 (Fearsome), 15 (Boundary), 14 (Embraced).
(The fifth chapter is there are number three (Fearsome), 15
(Boundary), 14 (Embraced)).”100

2) Factors are influence students’ difficulties in pronouncing the English

vocabulary at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo
In the second question, the researcher was found that there are some factors
influence students’ difficulties pronouncing the English vocabulary those are
Unknown about role of phonetic and less confident
a. Students do not about how to pronounce
An interview with Dian Nisa Putri as a student of F religion tenth grade class
on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Faktor kesulitannya yaitu dalam pengucapan pelafalannya susah,
jadi kalo bacanya dalam bahasa Inggris tidak sama dengan
bahasa Indonesia seperti huruf A dalam bahasa Inggris tidak
dibaca A, jadi seperti itu yang membuat susah. Sedangkan, bahasa
Indonesia membacanya sama dengan tulisannya. Kadang-kadang
aturannya banyak, yaitu aturan cara membaca/melafalkannya
karna kita masih belum mengetahui aturan cara melafalkannya.

(Factors of difficulties namely in pronouncing is difficult, so that if

read it in English language is not same with Indonesia language
such A word in English language does not read A, so that like that
makes be difficult. While, Indonesia language read it is same as
writing. Sometimes the role is much, namely the rules of how to

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

read or pronounce because we still have not known the roles to

how to pronounce it).”101

It was found in interview with Diah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Pelafalan dan penulisannya yang berbeda, jadi masih membuat

(The Pronounce and write that are different, so it’s still

It also was found in interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Kesulitannya yaitu masih belum memahami aturan dalam

pelafalan yang benar.

(The difficulties that is still have not be understood the role in

pronouncing correctly).”103

Moreover, it was found in an interview with Lili Rahmawati as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Kesulitan pengucapannya. Tulisan dan cara membacanya

berbeda, seperti huruf A itu tidak selalu dibaca seperti huruf

(Difficult pronouncing. Writing and the way to read it is different,

such A word is not always be read like the real of word).”104

Besides, it also in interview with Luthfi lizza Maudita as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

“Kesulitan cara bacanya, ada tulisan yang sama tapi tidak tahu
artinya. Melafalkannya juga tidak percaya diri.

(Difficult to how to read it, there is writing that is same but do not
know mean. Pronouncing is also not be confident).”105

Furthermore, an interview with Nuri Azizah as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Faktor yang membuatnya itu pelafalannya, yaitu tulisannya sama

tapi pelafalannya yang berbeda.

(Factors that makes is pronounce it, namely writing is same but

pronouncing is different).”106

b. Students are less confident

An interview with Diah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F religion tenth grade
class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Sulit bacanya. maksudnya cara membacanya terbelit-belit, saya
sendiri kurang percaya diri karna kalau salah malu.
(Difficult reading. It’s means that how to read is (terbelit-belit), I
am not confident myself because if it’s wrong is shy).”107

Besides, it was found in an interview with Indriani as a student of F religion

tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Kesulitannya yaitu pelafalannya sulit, ketika membacanya itu

takut salah arti jadi kurang percaya diri.

(The difficulties is difficult pronouncing, when reading is so afraid

be wrong mean so that less confident).”108

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

Furtheremore, it also in interview with Luthfi lizza Maudita as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Kesulitan cara bacanya, ada tulisan yang sama tapi tidak tahu
artinya. Melafalkannya juga tidak percaya diri.

(Difficult to how to read it, there is writing that is same but do not
know mean. Pronouncing is also not be confident).”109

3) Solution the problem in pronouncing English vocabularyat MA Darul Huda

In the third question, the researcher was found from interview with teacher and
many students that there are some address students’ difficulties pronouncing the
English vocabularyfrom LKS English book for tenth grade students by Intan
Pariwara. those are Watching the English movie and video, to know the native
speaker’s method, practicing with record their voice, listening the slow the
English song is not too fast, practice with someone or partner, watching the
English news, downloading the pronounciation application.
The researcher was found the source via an interview with Mr. Taufiq
Hidayat as English teacher at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo which was be conducted
on Tuesday, 21st 2022:
“Pada saat menemui kesulitan, solusi saya yaitu: Harus
mengetahui aksen orang luar dengan cara melihat video atau film
bahasa inggris, harus mengetahui metode bicara yaitu sering
sering mengetahui metode bicara otomatis jadi kebiasaan anak
meniru yang sudah mengetahui dari native speaker, ketika
menemukan kosa kata yang dilafalkan maka anak harus tau kosa
kata tersebut dengan memecah syllable (kata yang panjang)
seperti apa, jangan terlalu tergesa-gesa dlm belajar bahasa
inggris harus sabar, membaca dengan suara yang bisa didengar
oleh telinga kemudian merekamnya yang nantinya kita samakan
dengan native speaker atau aplikasi pronounciation,
mendengarkan lagu-lagu inggris yang slow tidak terlalu cepat,
practice with someone ini salah satu cara meningkatkan kualitas

See Appendix II.

speaking dan pronounciation anak, membaca berita/menonton

berita inggris, jika mempunyai hp disarankan mendownload
aplikasi pronounciation untuk dapat meningkatkan

(When I encounter difficulties, my solution is: you have to know

the accent of outsiders by watching English video or movie, you
have to know the method of speaking which is often knowing the
automatic speech method so that children’s habit imitate what they
already know from native speaker., when to find out the
vocabulary that is pronounced, the children must know the
vocabulary with breaking down syllable (long word) like what, do
not be too hasty in learning English so you have to be patient, read
in a voice that can be heard by the ear and then record it which we
will equate with native speaker or pronounciation application,
listening the slow English songs is not too fast, practice with
someone is one of the way to improve the quality of children’s
speaking and pronounciation, reading news or watching English
news, if you have a cellphone it is recommended to download the
pronounciation application to increase pronounounciation).”110

Besides, it was found in an interview with Dian Nisa Putri as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Diberanikan saja, maksudnya kalau salah dibenarkan.
(Just be brave, it means that if wrong to be corrected).”111

Next, an interview with Diah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“ketika memebaca kosa kata lebih sering membaca agar

meminimalisir kesalahan dalam pelafalan,, lebih sering berlatih
bahasa inggris dengan temannya yaitu dialog.

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

(When to read the vocabulary is more often to read so that can be

minimize the error in pronouncing, more often to practice the
English with friend that is dialogue).”112

Next, the interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth grade class on
Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Lebih sering berlatih, agar dapat mengetahui kesalahannya yang
(More often to practice, so can know where is wrong).”113

Next, an interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Sering latihan membaca”

(Often to read practice).”114

Furtheremore, in an interview with Nuri Azizah Maudita as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Bertanya kepada orang yang bisa, kalau sudah bertanya harus

belajar membaca.

(Asking to people who can, if you have asked so must to read


The last, an interview with Lili Rahmawati as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Solusinya yaitu bertanya kepada yang bisa, mendengarkan orang

bilang bahasa inggris, dan sering mendengarkan lagu inggris.

(The solution that are asking to people who can, listening with
people who speak English, and often to listen the English song).”116

See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.
See Appendix II.

B. Discussion
In this study, the researcher has conducted the observation, interview with teacher and
students, and documentation that next to analize the result from instrument of data those.
Moreover, the researcher will be analyzing those data to answer the research problem.
The result of this research will answer the research problem as follow:
1. What are English vocabulary difficult to be pronounced at MA Darul Huda
In this research, the result of English vocabulary are difficult to be pronounced by
students from LKS English book for tenth grade students by Intan Pariwara at MA
Darul Huda Ponorogo as follows:
No. Convenient
Flying color
1. Chapter II To board
To queue
To Anchor
2. Chapter III Unguided
To Bisect
To Appoint
To represent
To establish
3. Chapter IV Achievement
To oppose
To retire
4. Chapter V Swirled

Tabel 4.5

Vocabularies from Students’ difficulties

From the table above that the English vocabularies are difficult to be pronounced
by students at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo is the result of answer from the questions
of interview with students. These vocabularies are difficult to pronounce by students
because they have some difficult that can make them so difficult in pronouncing it.
According to Chens that:
“There are difficulties in speaking namely less confident, less
fluency, and less vocabulary mastery.”117

Moreover, it also according that Megawati as follow:

“There are language element that important in supporting four

skill (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) that, namely
pronounciation, vocabulary, and grammar, it is become the
obstacle to learn English.”118

Furtheremore, this result from students that difficult experience in

pronouncing the English vocabulary as follow:

1) Chapter II
In the chapter II, there are some vocabularies that difficult to pronounce by
students such as Convenient, flying color, to board, deck, to queue, and
passanger. This is according to the interview with students as follow:
An interview with Diyah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F

Nurhadiah Fitri, An Analysis On Students’ Difficulties In Speaking English At Islamic Senior High
School Kotrabaru Seberida, (Pekanbaru: State Islamic University Of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau), page 10.
I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi, Kendala Dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dan Cara Mengatasinya,
(Denpasar: Warmadewa UNiversity), page 66.

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Second chapter, the vocabulary that so difficult is
number one is Convenient”.

The interview also with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“In second chapter, that are number one is

Convenient, number nine is To queque, number 10 is passanger”.

Next, the interview with Nuri Azizah as a student of F religion tenth grade
class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“The second chapter, number one is only


Next, the interview with Lili Rahmawati as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“The second chapter number five is to board, number nine is to

queue, number four is flying color”.

Next, the interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth grade class
on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“The second chapter there are, number 10 is

passanger, and number six is deck”.

An interview with Dian Nisa Putri as a student of F religion

tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“The Vocabulary that so difficult to be pronounced in the second

chapter is only To queue”.

Based on the result from the interview that, some vocabularies that more
so difficult to be pronounced by student are convenient and to queue where
there are three children each. Then, for flying color of word is one student.
For deck of word is one student. For to board of word is one student. And the
last for passanger of word are two students.

2) Chapter III
In the chapter II, there are some vocabularies that difficult to pronounce
by students such as Grueling, to anchor, unguided, to bisect, aviator.This is
according to the interview with students as follow:
An interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth
grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“The third chapter that are number four is grueling,
number eight is unguided, number ten is aviator.”

Besides that, in an interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2002:

“The third chapter that are number seven (To anchor), six (Atoll),
nine (To bisect).”

Furthermore, it was found by Lili Rahmawati as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Number ten (Aviator), nine (To bisect), seven (To anchor).”

An interview is also with Dian Nisa Putri as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“In the third chapter, unguided is number


Based on the result from the interview that, there are some vocabularies
that more so difficult to be pronounced by student namely for gruelling of
word is one student. For atoll of word is one student. For to anchor of word is

two students. For unguided of word is two students. For to bisect of word is
two students. And the last aviator of word is two students.

3) Chapter IV
In the chapter IV, there are some vocabularies that difficult to pronounce
by students such as To Appoint, career, to represent, to establish,
achievement, to oppose, stature, to retire, cemetery. This is according to the
interview with students as follow:
An interview with Nuri Azizah as a student of F religion tenth grade class on
Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Number three (Career), number four (To
represent), number seven (To oppose), and number nine (To

Next, an interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Number four (To represent), five (To establish), ten (cemetery)
the four chapter already not available.”

Next, an interview is also with Diah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“Just Achievement that is number six.”

Besides, the interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F religion tenth

grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“The four chapter are number five (To establish), seven (To
oppose), ten (cemetery) too).”

Furtheremore, an interview is also with Indriani as a student of F religion

tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“The four chapter that is number eight (Stature)).”

Based on the result from the interview that, there are some vocabularies
that more so difficult to be pronounced by student namely to appoint of word

is one student. For career of word is one student. For to represent of word is
one student. For to establish of word is one student. For achievement of word
is one student. For to oppose of word is two students. For stature of word is
one student. For to retire of word is one student. For cemetery of word is two

4) Chapter V
In the chapter V, there are some vocabularies that difficult to pronounce by
students such as constantly, fearsome, apperentice, swirled, sustained,
speckled, embraced, boundary. This is according to the interview with
students as follow:
An interview with Diah Veri Mahmudah as a student of F
religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“Number 14 (Embraced), and two (Constantly).”
Next, an interview with Lili Rohmawati as a student of F religion tenth grade
class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“The fifth chapter is there are number three
(Fearsome), 15 (Boundary), 14 (Embraced).”
Then, an interview with Indriani as a student of F religion tenth grade class
on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“The fifth chapter are number 14 (Embraced), and
number nine (Apperentice).”

An interview with Luthfi Lizza Maudita as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:
“The fifth chapter that are number 11 (Swirled), 12
(Sustained), 14 (Embraced), 13 (Speckled).”

Furtheremore, in interview with Nuri Azizah is also as as a student of F

religion tenth grade class on Tuesday, 21st March 2022:

“(Number 13 (Speckled), 15 (Boundary), and 14


Based on the result from the interview that, there are some vocabularies
that more so difficult to be pronounced by student namely constantly of word
is one student. Fearsome of word is one student. Opperentice of word is one
student. Swirled of word is one student. Sustained of word is one student.
Speckled of word is two students. Embraced of word is five students. And the
last boundary of word is two students.

Moreover, from the result of interview that they have difficulty in

pronouncing some vocabulary in the English lks book for tenth grade students
in second semester. Furtheremore, the researcher will show the result of
observation checklist that follows in every meeting until fourth meeting in the
class. The result of first semester in observation checklist shows that there are
difficulties which some vocabularies that be pronounced by students are wrong
after teacher checks students’ pronounciation one by one. Next, teacher must
correct and reteach some difficult vocabularies to students.

2. What factors are influence students’ difficulties in pronouncing the English

vocabulary at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo
As we know, learning pronounciation for students is difficult. It means that, the
students learns English such pronounciation is also difficult experience it because of
they are still use main language in the school namely Indonesia language. It is
according Ramely states that has done the research about pronounciation and has
found that the difficulty by students in pronouncing the English word caused from
mother language.119 It means that, every student has factors influence in learning
English especially pronounciation caused from their born language is mother
1) Students do not know and not understand about how to pronounce

The factors influence students’ difficulties pronouncing the English vocabulary

from an interview list with students namely students do not know and not
understand about how to pronounce and students are less confident. The
researcher is also collect this result from an interview with teacher and students
and observation checklist in the class. The first factors is students do not know

Novra Melisa P. Hutabarat, A Study on Students’ Difficulties in Pronouncing English Words in English
Study Program of University of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar, page 35.

and not understand about how to pronounce, such according by Indriani as a

student of F religion tenth grade class that:

“still not understanding the role in pronouncing is correct.”

From the result of interview above, that the one of factors influence students’
difficulties is students do not know and not understand about how to pronounce.
From this, the researcher analyses it that in the school especially at MA Darul
Huda Ponorogo in every grade of class that teacher has limited time to teach about
pronounciation. It means that teacher just ask to students to repeat some
vocabularies that be related with material of meeting to pronounce it. This is
according by Mr. Taufiq Hidayat as English teacher at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo
as follow:

“For the difficulty that I experienced in the first teaching, namely

in terms of time, why is time a difficulty? It means that in learning
English in the class that pronounciation to be taught in a limited

Based on interview above, that teach the pronounciation just be doing when
teacher has time to teach it like before sharing the material or after share that
material. When teacher is also wants to pronounce with students it also make easy
for students in understanding and learning the material such reading text or
exercicesfrom LKS English book for tenth grade students by Intan Pariwara.

Accord by Harmer as follow:

“Teacher ignore to teach about good pronounciation, cause it only

wasting time in teaching English in the class.”

From according by Harmer above, it means that many teachers ignore to teach
about good pronounciation is wasting time, because it makes her time in teaching
English is reduce so that when share the material of meeting or teach it is not
maximum. Besides, teacher just give some vocabularies to be pronounced
together with students and ask to them to repeat after teacher. But, the students
feels difficulty in pronouncing some vocabularies when they repeat after teacher.

Moreover, they still use some vocabularies that be related with the material of
meeting just as added word in learning on the English lks book. However,
students still has difficulty in pronouncing though it has taugh in every meeting
by their teacher because they do not know about the role of phonetic. Even, in
Indonesia country, students does not be taugh about how to pronounce by teacher.
This reason students does not be taugh how to pronounce because the
pronounciation has phonetic science and just be taugh at college study for colleger
is not in grade school such as elementary, junior, and senior high school for
student. this is also from according by Mr. Taufiq in the interview as follow:

“The second, difficulty in teaching the pronounciation that problem

of book or Modul. It means, that on the English book from
government it is there is not for special contain of about
pronounciation science, pronounciation science is there not. Only
in the class tenth MA/SMA book it when there is reading text there
is a punctuation mark.”

From interview above, that students in the class tenth of F IIA does not be
taught pronounciation science, if teacher teach about pronounciation science to
students when teacher just teach that accord by English book from government
that there is not pronounciation science only there is reading text that contain
punctuation mark.

2) Student are less confident

The answer from the result of interview after unknown and not understand about
role of phonetic then less confident. Less confident in learning English is general
problem for language learners that wants to learn English. Besides, that many
students feels difficulty in pronouncing the English vocabulary because of they
have not motivation so that it makes them less confident to learn it.

According to Darsiana that:

“Factors that influence in learning English so difficult for students

namely: First, Less English speaking skill because is not habitual.
Second, Part of students is reluctant and even close their mouth if they

invited to speak in English. Third, feeling difficulty in speaking

English so that they have not be able communication.”120

From collaborate between the result of interview, observation checklist, and

expert that, factors that influence the students difficulty in pronouncing the
English vocabulary such less confident. Besides that, students feels less confident
because less their motivation in learning English. Moreover, less confident is
caused from they still feel wrong when they are trying to pronounce the English
vocabulary though just one said. From the first until fourth observation checklist
that researcher find out the result from these observations. This finding was found
when the researcher collect the data through observate in the class, namely
students still less confident with their pronounciation ability which they are also
learn with their teacher.

According to interview with Diah Veri Mahmudah as a student of tenth

grade of F religion class as follow:

“Difficult reading. It’s means that how to read is difficult,, I am

not confident by myself because if it’s wrong is shy.”121

Based on that interview above that, less confident by students is caused

difficult of how to\\ pronounce correctly and if they are wrong in pronouncing.
They feel not be confident so that it makes them so afraid wrong to pronounce it
and become be shy. This factor already exists for students since they begin to
learn English and is also feel so difficult to learn English especially
pronounciation with the English vocabulary. Moreover, they are also still not try
yet to pronounce what that be taught by their teacher with correctly and

I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi, Kendala Dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dan Cara Mengatasinya,
(Denpasar: Warmadewa UNiversity), page 67.
See Appendix III, 3.

3. How to solution the problem in pronouncing English vocabularyat MA Darul

Huda Ponorogo
In the third question, the researcher has found that there are some solutions the
problem in pronouncing the English vocabulary. Those are Watching the English
movie and video, to know the native speaker’s method, practicing with record their
voice, listening the slow the English song is not too fast, practice with someone or
partner, watching the English news, downloading the pronounciation application.

Moreover, according to Sari and Lestari that, there are some method to ease
speaking especially in pronouncing English as follows: increase vocabulary, read
with loud voice, knowing of grammar, read an English written, speaking English,
listen to English song, watching English movie, and so happy to learn English.122
`From the accord by Sari and Lestari that, this method to ease help the students to
learn English especially pronounciation.

Furtheremore, from an interview with Mr. Taufiq Hidayat as English teacher that
there are many solutions the problem in pronouncing the English vocabulary namely
Watching the English movie and video, to know the native speaker’s method,
practicing with record their voice, listening with slow the English song is not too
fast, practice with someone or partner, watching the English news, downloading the
pronounciation application.

1) Student are watching English movie and video

Watching English movie and video is the one of important for students to
address difficulty in pronouncing. With watching English movie and video that,
students can get some English words which these some words can help to
increase students’ pronounciation ability. Students can listen in word by word
that there are in English movie and video so that they can find these English
words, and next they have to learn it with try to pronounce. This method can
know pronounciation ability.
2) Student are knowing the native speaker’s authentic voice
Knowing the native speaker’s method, students can know how to pronounce
correctly by native speaker. Besides that, with know the native speaker’s method

I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi, Kendala Dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dan Cara Mengatasinya,
(Denpasar: Warmadewa UNiversity), page 61-62.

the student tries some native speaker’s method which these methods can be tried
by student if they pronounce what suits native speaker said.
3) Students are practicing with by recording the students’ voice
Practice with record their voice is the one of address students’ difficulties in
pronouncing the English vocabulary. Practicing with this method, we can know
our voice of pronounciation is is true or not about our pronounciation. Besides
that, we must try to practice with record voice which next after that we can know
and then can be corrected it. After corrected about our pronounciation, we can try
to repronounce correctly and appropriately.
4) Student are listening with slow the English song is not too fast
Listening with english song is also the one of important address students’
difficulties in pronouncing the English vocabulary. Listening with English song is
not too fast we can know about some English words which this method can
increase about our listening and increase our know about some English words.
5) Student are practice with someone or partner
Practice with someone or partner is the one of address students’ difficulties in
pronouncing the English vocabulary. Even, practice with someone or partner is
the good method that very good to help their pronounciation and speak. Practice
with someone or partner with English speak for one month it will make our
pronounciation and speak is more effective.
6) Student are watching the English news
Watching the English news is the one of address students’ difficulties in
pronouncing the English vocabulary. Besides that, watching the English news can
increase our listening and we get some vocabularies contained in English news.
Moreover, we are watching the English news with listen it so that we have gotten
some vocabularies and pronounciation about these vocabularies to be learned.
7) Student are downloading the English pronounciation application
Downloading the pronounciation application is the last of one of address students’
difficulties in pronouncing the English vocabulary. We can download this
application and next we can try to pronounce with use it. After that, we are
correcting with this application and then we listen it what that we pronounced.
Besides that, downloading the pronouncing application can know some
pronounciation correctly and appropriately.



This chapter is the last in this study. Moreover, this chapter contains about conclusion and
suggestion about student’s difficulties in pronouncing the English vocabulary at MA Darul Huda

A. Conclusion
Based on from discussion above that, conclusion in this study there are three from answer
in the fourth chapter as follows:
1. What are English vocabulary difficult to be pronounced at MA Darul Huda
a. Chapter II
There are English Vocabulary difficult to be pronounced in the Chapter II
namely: Convenient, flying color, to board, deck, to queue, passanger.
b. Chapter III
There are English Vocabulary difficult to be pronounced in the Chapter III
namely:Grueling, to anchor, unguided, to bisect, aviator.
c. Chapter IV
There are English Vocabulary difficult to be pronounced in the Chapter IV
namely: to appoint, career, to represent, to establish, achievement, to oppose,
stature, to retire, cemetery.
d. Chapter V
There are English Vocabulary difficult to be pronounced in the Chapter V
namely: Constantly, fearsome, apperentice, swirled, sustained, speckled,
embraced, boundary
2. What factors are influence students’ difficulties in pronouncing the English
vocabulary at MA Darul Huda Ponorogo
1) Students do not know and not understand about how to pronounce
3) Students are less confident

3. How to solution the problem in pronouncing English vocabulary at MA Darul

Huda Ponorogo.
1) Watching English movie and video

2) Knowing the native speaker’s method

3) Practicing with by recording the students’ voice
4) Listening with slow the English song is not too fast
5) Practice with someone or partner
6) Watching the English news
7) Downloading the pronounciation application
B. Suggestions
1. For the teacher
For the teacher of students’ difficulties in pronouncing the English vocabulary at MA
Darul Huda Ponorogo
a. The teacher must be good in pronouncing which it will be practiced to their
students’ pronounciation.
b. The teacher must pay attention to their students so that the teacher can teach more
good about english vocabulary in pronouncing
2. For the students
For the student of students’ difficulties in pronouncing the English vocabulary.
a. The student should pay attention about teacher’s pronounciation so that they can
practice that has taught by their teacher.
b. The student must learn and practice more about English pronounciation
vocabulary by themselves that has taught with their teacher so that they can get
knowledge about that and it make more effective, good and better to improve
their pronounciation.
3. For the future researchers
The researcher hopefully this research can be used by researchers else as information
in educational research and there are next researcher will get information about
pronounciation the English vocabulary.


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