2022 Mart YÖKDİL YÖKDİL - Fen Bilimleri

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YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

1. DNA carries genetic instructions about how our 5. In the future, medical prescriptions could be
bodies are built, and it controls the way a baby distributed to patients by an ATM-like robot,
is going to grow up - its height, hair colour, and remotely controlled by an algorithm to ---- the
---- to certain diseases. right doses at the right times.
A) adherence B) susceptibility A) reverse B) overcome

C) acceptability D) proximity C) exclude D) ensure

E) familiarity E) admit

2. A number of serious ---- had an effect on 6. All modern research recognises that the cell is
agriculture in the latter half of the 20th century: the fundamental unit, housing the genetic
rapid population increases, environmental material and the biochemical organisation that
deterioration, and energy price destabilisation. ---- the existence of life.
A) resolutions B) perceptions A) break into B) get through

C) benefits D) concerns C) account for D) set back

E) innovations E) take in

3. As lots of information on insects has been lacking 7. When a supersonic plane flies faster than the
and endangered species documentation is ----, the speed of sound, the pressure waves in front do
number of at-risk insect species is certainly not have time ---- around the aircraft and the air
underestimated. becomes compressed, eventually ---- a shock
A) irrelevant B) inevitable
A) to be flowing / to be producing
C) undeniable D) irreversible
B) flowing / to produce
E) unreliable
C) to flow / producing

D) having flowed / having produced

E) being flowed / to have produced

4. Agriculturalists manipulated plant and animal 8. Since the earliest days of the Mercury program,
species so ---- that they began to alter the NASA ---- medical data from its astronauts by
genetic makeup of prey species in a process studying their physiological responses to
commonly referred to as domestication. spaceflight, and in 2014, it ---- a large report
compiled from decades of data.
A) equally B) instinctively
A) was gathering / may have released
C) respectively D) intensely
B) had been gathering / has released
E) initially
C) would be gathering / had to release

D) has been gathering / released

E) gathered/ had released

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

9. Heat and light from the Sun result in seasonal 13. ---- steel was the dominant engineering material in
change ---- the planet Neptune, ---- each season the 20th century, a number of other alloys
lasting roughly 40 years. developed later found widespread use in particular
A) to / from B) on / with
A) In case B) Although
C) in / under D) over / at
C) Since D) As soon as
E) by / through
E) Given that

10. Arithmetic, which is a branch of mathematics, 14. The big boom in renewable energy has not
developed slowly ---- the course of human history, reduced our use of fossil fuels ---- we keep
primarily evolving ---- the operation of counting. demanding more and more energy.
A) in / on B) at / by A) as if B) because

C) over / from D) with / about C) before D) although

E) towards / under E) whereas

11. After crude oil is removed ---- the ground, it is sent 15. Global temperatures will probably rise much faster
to a refinery by pipeline, ship or barge, and at the over approaching decades ---- we lower
refinery, different parts of the crude oil are greenhouse gas emissions.
separated ---- usable petroleum products.
A) so that B) once
A) through / to B) with / about
C) because D) just as
C) from / into D) at / over
E) unless
E) on / for

12. ---- the earliest efforts to develop electric vehicles 16. ---- astronauts are exposed to space radiation
were made in France and Britain, the honour of the during space travel, it can lead to the build-up of
first truly successful electric car goes to Scottish- fats and cholesterol in blood vessels, which can
born William Morrison in the United States. cause strokes or heart attacks.
A) Because B) While A) Unless B) Even though

C) If D) Once C) When D) As if

E) In order that E) Until

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

17. ---- the capacity for long-term memory, which is Drones are increasingly used for aerial photography,
considered to be virtually unlimited, the capacity fuelled by improvements in technology. [21]---- the
for working memory is limited to a few items. photographs taken by drones, a wide range of challenging
A) In terms of B) In case of tasks can now be performed with ease, such as
monitoring volcanic eruptions and controlling wildfires.
C) Thanks to D) Unlike [22]----, in recent years, there have been growing safety
fears over drones. To give an example, in 2015, a drone
E) As a result of
enthusiast who flew his device over Buckingham Palace,
the Houses of Parliament and football stadiums was
banned in the first court trial of its kind in the UK. And last
summer, the Civil Aviation Authority, the pilots' union
BALPA and air traffic control company NATS [23]---- a
drone safety campaign. The SkyWall 100 is the first of a
series of anti-drone devices designed [24]---- the 'civil
drone threat'. Built by a UK engineering firm [25]---- use by
18. A thunderstorm is a violent storm that causes
authorities such as the police, it first uses a laser
thunder and lightning ---- heavy precipitation and
strong winds. rangefinder and on-board computer to calculate the speed
and position of a drone.
A) such as B) in favour of
C) as well as D) contrary to
A) Regardless of B) Thanks to
E) in terms of
C) Rather than D) Contrary to

E) Instead of

A) At first B) To summarise

19. A bridge has to be able to withstand ---- the forces C) However D) Similarly
of normal, everyday traffic ---- unusual forces of
unexpected magnitude. E) Therefore

A) neither / nor B) such / that

C) both / and D) as / as 23.

A) devastated B) questioned
E) the more / the more
C) penetrated D) abandoned

E) launched

A) being addressed B) to address
20. The biggest volcanic eruption of the past 20,000
years spewed out around 140 billion tons of ash C) having been addressed D) to be addressed
and rock, ---- is equivalent to the mass of 1.5
E) to have addressed
million aircraft carriers.
A) which B) where

C) when D) what 25.

A) for B) over
E) how
C) in D) at

E) with

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

It is only in the last 100 years or so that the dog has so 31. Provided that scientifically-supported forest
cleverly and successfully moved into our homes and management practices are employed ----.
hearts. The genetic potential to adapt to a range of new A) deforestation in large areas has been hardly solved
environments was always within the dog, and by moving by local and national administrators around the
into our homes, that ability to adapt was accelerated. Only world
a few generations ago, dogs were bred to have certain
B) deforestation has been a minor but persistent
characteristics that were appropriate [26]---- specific jobs,
problem in most countries since the earliest periods
such as guarding and hunting. Dogs have inherited their
of history
flexible brains from their wolf ancestors. Wolves, then as
now, used the 'learning centres' in their brains to [27]---- C) ethical forest management policies and practices lie
problems encountered in the wild. Dogs have turned this at the centre of businesses that rely on forests
ability to the demands of domesticity. [28]---- their original D) the best-known problem area including
jobs like providing help in search-and-rescue operations or deforestation, a particularly difficult issue, is the
protecting their owners against burglars or strangers, dogs Amazon rainforest
have increasingly been bred for companionship. [29]----, E) sustainable management of tree cutting is possible,
their integration with members of the human family has even in the most sensitive areas, such as tropical
made them our close friends. With their loyalty and strong rainforests
desire to play, they can boost our mood and energy, [30]--
-- our psychological well-being. Who would not prefer to
return home to a wagging tail than a cold, empty house?

32. Although only a tiny percentage of everything that

26. has ever lived is fossilised, ----.
A) over B) for
A) the oldest life forms in the old world probably did not
C) about D) from resemble anything alive today

E) into B) fossils are our most reliable indicator of the

organisms and environments of the past
C) candidates for the title of first fossil are inevitably
controversial with sceptics
A) back up B) turn down
D) the oldest fossils around the whole world have been
C) give in D) deal with found to have regular cellular structures
E) call for E) fossilisation involves the consolidation of sediments
of sand or mud under pressure

A) In addition to B) On behalf of

C) In fear of D) In case of
33. While more than 300 plant viruses have been
E) With the goal of
identified, ----.
A) infected plants have to be disposed in order to
29. control the spread of diseases
A) Otherwise B) By comparison
B) many plant diseases can easily be spread by hand
C) On the contrary D) As a result and by contact with infected tools

E) Instead C) new strains continually appear as these organisms

are capable of mutating

D) trees infected with these viruses produce poor fruit

and a small yield
A) to be enhanced B) being enhanced
E) the symptoms of viral infection include yellowing
C) to enhance D) enhanced and reduced growth in some part of the plant
E) enhancing

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

34. Although it is often viewed as a typically American 37. For billions of years, Earth's lithium reserves
genre, ----. remained unnoticed; ----.
A) commentators have noted a difference between A) however, for the past 30 years, we have seriously
'soft' science fiction and 'hard' science fiction become aware of this rare metal
B) science fiction is at its best when portraying the B) for instance, many electronic products were
scientific method as a way to knowledge powered by nickel cadmium batteries
C) science fiction has found practitioners in many C) therefore, lithium is a soft, very light, and silver-
countries, and the genre has international appeal white metal used in batteries
D) science fiction has excited many young people to D) similarly, Bolivia has almost 25% of the world's total
pursue science or engineering as a career known lithium resources
E) many of the possibilities that arise from space E) in other words, the extraction of lithium from the
exploration have been examined by science fiction oceans has been costly

35. Unless China shifts its developments in a climate- 38. We all know of many different tasks that
friendly direction, ----. computers perform with ease, ----.
A) its greenhouse gas emissions are bound to increase A) but there are a lot of problems that are beyond the
ability of computers
B) air pollution has also been growing at an alarming
rate in different parts of the world B) although computer technology is now inextricably
woven into our everyday lives
C) the growth rate of industrial production in China has
been on the rise C) yet computers have greatly extended our
knowledge of the world around us
D) it is taking steps to improve its environmental health
D) so power loss can wreck your computer and destroy
E) it continues to use coal and gasoline as its primary
your data
fuel sources
E) while the use of computers and Internet in
education has become widespread

36. ----, so sightings of falcons are considered to be 39. Leaves are plant organs primarily adapted for
exciting events for bird watchers. photosynthesis, ----.
A) Falcons must be well trained or they may not return A) after they take up toxic metals through their roots
to the falconer's hand and store them in their stems and leaves
B) Some species of falcons are known to suffer B) because, apart from plants, photosynthesis also
considerable damage from insecticides occurs in algae and some bacteria
C) Falcons fascinate many people, largely because of C) although plants use the energy of light during
their fierce, predatory behaviour photosynthesis to produce molecular oxygen from
carbon dioxide and water
D) Expensive management of the habitat of falcons is
necessary to protect them D) but many species have modified leaves that serve a
variety of functions besides photosynthesis, such as
E) Young falcons are still taken from wild nests, often
attracting insects
illegally, for use in falconry
E) given that leaves can be used for food and
beverages, dyes and fibres, and medicinal or
industrial purposes

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

40. Although lesser flamingos are the most abundant 42. Parasitic plants, such as mistletoe, cannot get
flamingo in the world, with a population in the their nutrients from the soil, and thus they must
millions, ----. attach themselves to other plants and use the
nutrients of the host plant to survive.
A) they are colonial breeders and gather around Lake
Natron in Tanzania to mate A) Ökse otu gibi asalak bitkiler topraktan besinlerini
alamasalar da kendilerini başka bitkilere iliştirerek
B) they have adapted to fluctuating water levels and
ve konak bitkinin besinlerini kullanarak hayatta
resources with a nomadic lifestyle
C) they are all exposed to extinction as their
B) Ökse otu gibi asalak bitkiler besinlerini topraktan
ecosystems are being threatened
alamazlar ve bu yüzden hayatta kalmak için
D) they love harsh wetlands since the caustic water kendilerini başka bitkilere iliştirmeli ve konak bitkinin
keeps most other animals away besinlerini kullanmalıdırlar.

E) their signature pink colouring comes from the C) Topraktan besinlerini alamayan ökse otu gibi asalak
cyanobacteria they eat bitkiler hayatta kalmak için kendilerini başka bitkilere
iliştirmeli ve konak bitkinin besinlerini
D) Topraktan besinlerini alamayan ama kendilerini
başka bitkilere iliştiren ökse otu gibi asalak bitkiler
hayatta kalabilmek için konak bitkinin besinlerini
E) Hayatta kalmak için başka bitkilere kendini iliştirmek
ve konak bitkinin besinlerini kullanmak zorunda olan
ökse otu gibi asalak bitkiler topraktan besinlerini

43. The nature of the dark spots on the Sun was first
investigated by the American astronomer George
Ellery Hale, who devoted his life to studying the
Sun from the observatory he founded near Los
A) Amerikalı gök bilimci George Ellery Hale, hayatını
Los Angeles yakınlarında kurduğu gözlemevinden
Güneş'i incelemeye adamasının sonucunda Güneş
üzerindeki koyu lekelerin doğasını ilk kez araştıran
kişi oldu.
B) Hayatını Güneş'i incelemeye adayan Amerikalı gök
bilimci George Ellery Hale tarafından Los Angeles
yakınlarında kurulan gözlemevi sayesinde, Güneş
üzerindeki koyu lekelerin doğası ilk kez araştırılmış
41. Hunting is perhaps the most geographically oldu.
widespread form of human disturbance in tropical C) Güneş üzerindeki koyu lekelerin doğası, ilk kez,
forests, ----. hayatını Los Angeles yakınlarında kurduğu
A) although many parts of west Africa and Southeast gözlemevinden Güneş'i incelemeye adayan
Asia are becoming chronically overhunted Amerikalı gök bilimci George Ellery Hale tarafından
B) yet the exploitation of wild meat by tropical forest-
D) Güneş üzerindeki koyu lekelerin doğasını ilk kez
dwellers has also increased
araştıran kişi olan Amerikalı gök bilimci George
C) but its total extent cannot be easily mapped using Ellery Hale, Güneş'i incelemek için Los Angeles
conventional techniques yakınlarında bir gözlemevi kurmuştu ve hayatını
buna adamıştı.
D) while hunting for profit poses a serious threat to
endangered animals E) Hayatını Los Angeles yakınlarında kurduğu
gözlemevinden Güneş'i incelemeye adayan
E) even if overhunting of wildlife for meat consumption Amerikalı gök bilimci George Ellery Hale tarafından
has reached an unprecedented scale ilk kez araştırılan şey, Güneş üzerindeki koyu
lekelerin doğasıydı.

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

44. Speculations about the existence of a ninth planet 46. Because it involved experiments with matter,
arose soon after astronomers found out that the alchemy contributed knowledge and techniques to
planet Neptune did not move in its orbit as the development of modern scientific research.
A) Simya, madde ile ilgili deneyleri kapsaması
A) Gök bilimciler, dokuzuncu bir gezegenin var sonucunda modern bilimsel araştırmanın gelişimine
olduğuna dair varsayımlarını Neptün gezegeninin bilgi ve teknikler açısından katkıda bulunmuştur.
yörüngesinde beklenildiği gibi hareket etmediğini
B) Simya, madde ile ilgili deneyleri kapsamakla
öğrendikten hemen sonra ortaya koymuşlardır.
kalmayıp aynı zamanda modern bilimsel
B) Dokuzuncu bir gezegenin var olduğuna dair araştırmanın gelişimine bilgi ve teknikler açısından
varsayımlar, gök bilimcilerin Neptün gezegeninin katkı sağlamıştır.
yörüngesinde beklenildiği gibi hareket etmediğini
C) Madde ile ilgili deneyleri kapsayan simya, modern
öğrenmelerinden hemen sonra ortaya konulmuştur.
bilimsel araştırmanın gelişimine bilgi ve teknikler
C) Dokuzuncu bir gezegenin varlığına yönelik açısından katkı sağlamıştır.
varsayımlar, gök bilimcilerin Neptün gezegeninin
D) Madde ile ilgili deneyleri kapsadığı için simya,
yörüngesinde beklenildiği gibi hareket etmediğini
modern bilimsel araştırmanın gelişimine bilgi ve
öğrenmelerinin hemen ardından ortaya çıkmıştır.
teknikler açısından katkı sağlamıştır.
D) Neptün gezegeninin yörüngesinde beklenildiği gibi
E) Modern bilimsel araştırmanın gelişimine bilgi ve
hareket etmediğini öğrenmelerinin hemen üzerine,
teknikler açısından katkıda bulunan simya, madde
gök bilimciler dokuzuncu bir gezegenin varlığına
ile ilgili deneyleri kapsar.
yönelik varsayımlarda bulunmuşlardır.
E) Gök bilimciler Neptün gezegeninin yörüngesinde
beklenildiği gibi hareket etmediğini öğrenmelerinin
hemen ardından dokuzuncu bir gezegenin varlığına
yönelik varsayımlar ortaya koymuşlardır.

45. Nuclear plants use a certain kind of uranium, 47. Agriculture increases the likelihood of erosion by
called U-235, as fuel because its atoms can be exposing soil to wind and rain; however, land use
easily split apart, but it makes up only 0.72% of the is not the only factor that increases the likelihood
total uranium found on earth. of erosion.
A) Nükleer santraller tarafından yakıt olarak kullanılan A) Tarım, toprağı rüzgâra ve yağmura maruz bıraktıkça
uranyum türü, atomları kolay parçalanabilen U-235 erozyon ihtimali artar; fakat bu ihtimalin artmasında
adındaki uranyumdur, ancak bu tür, yeryüzünde arazi kullanımı tek etken değildir.
bulunan toplam uranyumun sadece %0.72'sini
B) Tarım, toprağı rüzgâra ve yağmura maruz bırakır ki
bu da erozyon ihtimalini artırır, ancak arazi kullanımı
B) Nükleer santrallerin atomları kolay parçalanabildiği erozyon ihtimalini tek başına artırmaz.
için yakıt olarak kullandıktan U-235 adındaki
C) Erozyon ihtimali tarımın toprağı rüzgâra ve yağmura
uranyum, yeryüzünde bulunan toplam uranyumun
maruz bırakmasıyla artar, ama erozyon ihtimalini
sadece %0.72'sini oluşturan bir türdür.
artıran tek etken arazi kullanımı değildir.
C) Nükleer santraller atomları kolay parçalanabildiği
D) Tarımın toprağı rüzgâra ve yağmura maruz
için yakıt olarak U-235 adında belirli bir uranyum
bırakması erozyon ihtimalini artırsa da tek başına
türünü kullanmaktadır, ancak bu tür, yeryüzünde
arazi kullanımı erozyon ihtimalini artıran bir etken
bulunan toplam uranyumun sadece %0.72'sini
E) Tarım, toprağı rüzgâra ve yağmura maruz bırakarak
D) U-235 olarak adlandırılan uranyum türü yeryüzünde
erozyon ihtimalini artırır, ancak arazi kullanımı
bulunan toplam uranyumun sadece %0.72'sini
erozyon ihtimalini artıran tek etken değildir.
oluştursa da atomları kolay parçalanabildiği için
nükleer santraller yakıt olarak bu uranyum türünü
E) Nükleer santrallerin yakıt olarak U-235 adında belirli
bir uranyum türünü kullanmalarının sebebi, bu türün
atomlarının kolay parçalanabilmesidir, ancak bu tür,
yeryüzünde bulunan toplam uranyumun sadece
%0.72'sini oluşturmaktadır.

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

48. Birçok bülbül türü, ufak meyveler yer ama özellikle 50. Yoksul ve kırsal bölgelerde yaşayan bir milyardan
yavrularını yetiştirirken böceklerle de beslenebilir. fazla insan gündüz elektrik üretmek için güneş
pilleri kullansa da gece hâlâ elektrikten yoksundur.
A) Although most species of bulbuls eat small fruits,
they may also feed on insects, particularly when A) There are over a billion people who live in poor and
they are raising their babies. rural areas by using solar cells to produce electricity
during the day, but they still lack electricity in the
B) Most species of bulbuls eat small fruits, but they
may also feed on insects, particularly when they are
raising their babies. B) Although lacking electricity in the evening, over a
billion people living in poor and rural areas use solar
C) Most species of bulbuls eat small fruits particularly
cells to produce electricity during the day.
when they are raising their babies, but they may
also feed on insects. C) Even though over a billion people living in poor and
rural areas use solar cells to produce electricity
D) Most species of bulbuls which eat small fruits may
during the day, they still lack it in the evening.
also feed on insects, particularly when they are
raising their babies. D) While there are still over a billion people living in
poor and rural areas who lack electricity in the
E) While raising their babies, most species of bulbuls
evening, they use solar cells to produce electricity
particularly eat small fruits and are likely to feed on
during the day.
E) Over a billion people living in poor and rural areas
produce electricity during the day by using solar
cells; however, they still lack electricity in the

49. Uzay tıbbı, uzay yolculuğu değişkenlerine maruz 51. 1909 yılında Danimarkalı biyokimyager Søren
kalmanın bütün fizyolojik sonuçlarını tahmin Sørensen tarafından icat edilen pH skalası, 0'dan
etmeyi ve çeşitli sistemlerin işleyişindeki olası 14'e kadar uzanır ve bir çözeltide kaç tane hidrojen
bozulmaları engellemeyi amaçlamaktadır. iyonu olduğunu gösterir.
A) Space medicine intends not only to predict all of the A) The pH scale, which stretches from 0 to 14 and
physiological consequences of exposure to shows how many hydrogen ions are present in a
spaceflight factors but also to prevent the possible solution, was invented by the Danish biochemist
disruptions in the functioning of various systems. Søren Sørensen in 1909.
B) The aim of space medicine is to predict all of the B) The pH scale, invented in 1909 by the Danish
physiological consequences of exposure to biochemist Søren Sørensen, stretches from 0 to 14,
spaceflight factors as well as preventing the likely and it shows how many hydrogen ions are present
disruptions in the functioning of various systems. in a solution.
C) Predicting all of the physiological consequences of C) Invented by the Danish biochemist Søren Sørensen
exposure to spaceflight factors and preventing the in 1909 to show how many hydrogen ions are
likely disruptions in the functioning of various present in a solution, the pH scale stretches from 0
systems are what space medicine aims for. to 14.
D) Space medicine aims to predict all of the D) Stretching from 0 to 14, the pH scale shows how
physiological consequences of exposure to space many hydrogen ions are present in a solution, and it
flight factors and prevent the likely disruptions in the was invented by the Danish biochemist Søren
functioning of various systems. Sørensen in 1909.
E) The aim of space medicine is known to be the E) Invented by the Danish biochemist Søren Sørensen
prediction of the physiological consequences of in 1909, the pH scale, stretching from Oto 14,
exposure to spaceflight factors and the prevention shows how many hydrogen ions are present in a
of the likely disruptions in the functioning of various solution.

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

52. Dünya, Güneş'in etrafında dönerken kendi 54. In spite of its delicate nature, a cobweb - a fine net
ekseninde eğik durduğundan her iki kutup bölgesi of threads made by a spider - is very strong, but
uzun yaz günleri ve uzun kış geceleri yaşar. not stronger than materials such as steel and
Kevlar. A cobweb has a tensile strength of 1
A) Because the Earth tilts on its axis as it rotates
gigapascal, whereas steel and Kevlar have
around the Sun, both polar regions experience long
strengths of 1.6 and 3.6 gigapascals respectively. -
summer days and long winter nights.
--- If they are successful, they hope to replace
B) The Earth tilts on its axis while it rotates around the everything from car bumpers to bullet-proof vests
Sun, which causes both polar regions experience with the artificial spider silk, as the combination of
long summer days and long winter nights. flexibility and strength makes it perfect for
absorbing energy and halting objects.
C) Given that the Earth tilts on its axis as it rotates
around the Sun, long summer days and long winter A) Thanks to different glands, a spider is able to
nights are experienced in both polar regions. produce up to seven different silk threads for
different purposes.
D) The reason why both polar regions experience long
summer days and long winter nights is that the B) Silk glands on the hind part of the spider produce
Earth tilts on its axis while it rotates around the Sun. the fibre threads that make up the strong web.

E) While it rotates around the Sun, the Earth tilts on its C) On the other hand, they are more flexible, and that
axis, and this is why both polar regions experience is one of the reasons why scientists are struggling
long summer days and long winter nights. to copy the strong fibre threads in the lab.
D) The proteins of the silk fibres are made up of small
coils and plates, which is part of the secret behind
the flexibility.
E) The spider's silk gland is a sophisticated chemical
factory that converts water-soluble proteins into
strong thread.

55. In the past, measurements of sea water salinity

were taken simply by going out onto the ocean,
filling a bucket with sea water, and testing the salt
53. Egzersiz esnasında kan basıncını ölçmek için levels by measuring electrical conductivity - the
geliştirilmiş birçok otomatik cihaz olmasına more salts, the quicker electricity flows through
rağmen, çoğu insanın izlenimi bunların elle yapılan the water because there are more ions present. ----
ölçümden daha iyi olmadığıdır. Low-frequency radiometers mounted on an aircraft
A) A great number of automated devices have been can scan the ocean during flights, covering over
developed to measure blood pressure during 100 square kilometers every hour. And in 2009, the
exercise; however, many people have the European Space Agency launched its Soil
impression that they are not better than manual Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite to take
testing. readings from space using a two-dimensional
interferometric radiometer.
B) Although a lot of automated blood pressure
measurement devices have been developed to be A) The amount of salts in sea water is important
used during exercise, many people have the because it affects ocean currents, which, in turn,
impression that these devices are not much better affect the world's climate.
than manual testing. B) Sea water contains a variety of dissolved elements,
including chlorine, sodium, calcium, magnesium,
C) There are a number of automated devices
and potassium.
developed to measure blood pressure during
exercise, but the impression of most people is that C) The deep ocean currents are driven by
they are not as good as manual testing. thermohaline circulation, which is a movement
caused by differences in the temperature and
D) Although there are a number of automated devices salinity content of the water.
developed to measure blood pressure during
exercise, the impression of most people is that they D) More recently, however, sophisticated equipment
are not better than manual testing. has become available for measuring ocean salts
E) Most people have the impression that many of the
E) Salinity or the quantity of dissolved salts in ocean
automated devices developed to measure blood
water is derived from measurements of the
pressure during exercise are not better than manual
seawater's conductivity.

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

56. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around since 58. The largest desert on Earth, the Sahara extends
the birth of computers in the 1950s. The original nearly 3,700 miles from east to west and 1,250
pioneers dreamed of making 'computer brains' miles from north to south across the borders of
that could perform the same kinds of tasks as our eleven countries. However, the borders of the
brains do, such as playing chess or translating Sahara cannot be clearly defined for this is a
languages. ---- Over the following decades, desert on the move. Climate change and the effect
though, technology improved at an exponential of intensive agricultural exploitation have led to
rate. Computers got faster, the Internet was the desert's expansion. ---- Lands that were once
invented, and researchers made new advances in fertile farmland and semi-arid pasture are now
Al algorithms. barren and desiccated, useless to human life.
A) Most people think of 'deep learning' when AI is A) The Sahara Desert has also served as the setting
mentioned, as this is inspired by the way in which for athletic events and famous television
our brains work. productions.
B) However, hopes that AI would quickly reach human- B) As a result of this process, which is called
level intelligence did not come to fruition, and AI 'desertification', the Sahara has grown over an area
soon fell out of favour. as large as the country of Somalia in just the last 50
C) In fact, enormous amounts of data are required to
help AI learn more effectively, for example, C) Trade across the Sahara Desert reached its highest
understanding speech. level between the 13th and 16th centuries.
D) The way that intelligence is measured could be a D) Despite the adverse conditions, a lucrative trans-
determinant as to whether AI will be more clever Sahara trade in essential and luxury products was
than we are in the future. established by 1000 BCE.
E) Thus, many people thought that AI could do a whole E) Contrary to popular belief, most of the Sahara is
host of things ranging from face recognition to stone, rock and gravel; only a very small part is
making vehicles more autonomous. actually sand.

57. Handwashing is a catch-all preventative measure 59. The Atlantic coasts of Africa and South America fit
which rids the skin of foodborne germs, into each other like jigsaw pieces and are also
chemicals, and other undesirable substances. home to many of the same sediments and reptiles.
Small bubbles of soap, for the most part, are ---- These observations led the German
unable to eliminate pathogens. Soap is a geoscientist Alfred Wegener to propose in 1911
surtactant, which means it makes it easier to clear that all the continents were once one big landmass
away oils and dirt. Water accordingly rinses off the that later split up. He was initially criticised,
contaminants, and in so doing removes the because he could not explain how the continents
microbes as well. ---- In fact, such action can clean moved apart. However, fifty years later, his theory
off anything from E. coli to a virus. was confirmed by the model of plate tectonics.
A) Rubbing the hands hard together creates the A) Similarly, closely related plants made their homes in
necessary friction to remove infections. India, Australia, and Antarctica 200 million years
B) Experts state that gastrointestinal illnesses might be
caused by the microbes on our hands. B) Continental drift is the slow movement of continents
controlled by the processes associated with plate
C) Yet, the amount of time we are supposed to spend
while handwashing is another concern for scientists.
C) Plates are bonded portions of the Earth's mantle
D) Therefore, children will not easily acquire the habit
and crust, averaging 100 kilometers in thickness.
of handwashing unless they are guided by their
parents. D) The regular lava flows, however, continue to form
islands, including the Hawaiian and Galapagos
E) However, after handwashing, wet skin is also said
to pick up considerably more bacteria.
E) Thanks to more sophisticated procedures, scientists
can also measure current changes in position,
although these only amount to a few inches per

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

60. (I) Every year, about 50 volcanoes throughout the 63. (I) The field of Web application development has seen
world are active above sea level, threatening the lives significant changes over the past several years. (II) In
and property of millions of people. (II) The relationship their infancy years, these applications consisted of
between people and volcanoes is as old as the simplistic static Web pages with text and graphics
humanity - our earliest ancestors evolved in the without any database access. (III) Therefore, they
volcanic region of the East African Rift, where their have brought tremendous benefits and cost savings to
activities and remains are preserved by volcanic the organisations. (IV) Over time, they became
deposits. (III) It has been widely known that a single dynamic in nature and could access traditional
eruption can claim thousands of lives in an instant. (IV) databases, which led many organisations to do
For example, in the 1902 eruption of Mont Pelee on business on the Internet. (V) These applications
the Caribbean island of Martinique, a flow of hot ash utilised databases to perform such tasks as storing
and gases overwhelmed the city of St. Pierre, killing and tracking customer information, purchases, and
most of its 28,000 inhabitants. (V) More recently, a preferences.
mudflow triggered by the 1985 eruption of the volcano
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia killed nearly all of the
25,000 inhabitants of the town of Armero.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

61. (I) You might not have heard of it, but you have 64. (I) Among humans the most desired of the edible fungi
probably eaten a fruit or vegetable that has been are truffles, which are considered a delicacy and can
created through radiation breeding. (II) This technique be rather expensive. (II) The high cost of these fungi is
exposes seeds to radiation in order to create mainly due to the fact that they grow under the soil
mutations in the plant's DNA. (III) Often, the mutated surface and therefore can be difficult to find. (III) Many
plants are considered useless and are left to fungi are considered useful due to the valuable
decompose. (IV) Today, it is carried out by firing services their cultivation can provide for human
beams of electrons, neutrons or charged particles beings, while others may inflict significant harvest
(ions) at the seeds, or exposing them to radioactive losses or cause diseases. (IV) However, animals with
sources like cobalt-60. (V) But occasionally, the sensitive noses can detect the strong odour of truffles.
genetic mutations give the plants useful new (V) Therefore, truffle collectors use pigs or specially
properties, like resistance to drought or disease, or trained sniffer dogs to detect these valuable delicacies
higher yields. hidden in forests.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

62. (I) Forests occur in any place where the climate is 65. (I) Millions of years ago, the remains of plants and
suitable in terms of length of the growing season, air animals decayed and built up in thick layers. (II) This
and soil temperature, and sufficiency of soil moisture. decayed matter from plants and animals is called
(II) Recent reductions of forest area are a critical organic material - it was once alive. (III) Over time, the
environmental problem in terms of losses of mud and soil changed to rock, covered the organic
biodiversity. (III) They can be classified into broad material and trapped it beneath the rock. (IV) Pressure
types on the basis of their geographic range and and heat changed some of this organic material into
dominant types of trees. (IV) The most extensive of coal, some into petroleum, and some into natural gas.
these types are boreal coniferous, temperate (V) Being a clean fuel is one reason that the use of
angiosperm, and tropical angiosperm forests. (V) natural gas, especially for electricity generation, has
However, there are regional and local variants of all of grown so much and is expected to grow even more in
these kinds of forests. the future.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

Animals, collectively speaking, are getting smaller, as 67. The black rhinoceros is given as an example of a
humans drive big beasts such as elephants to extinction, species that ----.
with far-reaching consequences for ecosystems. Previous
A) is most likely to go extinct in the near future
studies have shown that bigger animals are at a greater
risk of dying out. Now a model of the next 100 years B) has been saved thanks to the work of researchers
predicts that habitat destruction, poaching and other at the University of Southampton
pressures will cause an overall decline in body size.
C) has already declined in size by 9 percent, 64.1
Researchers at the University of Southampton modelled
the future of 15,500 endangered species. Critically
endangered ones such as the black rhinoceros were given D) is going to disappear soon after elephants
a 99 percent likelihood of disappearing, while vulnerable
E) still has a 10 percent chance to avoid the risk of
ones had a 10 percent chance. The results showed the
loss of big species would see the average body mass of
animals drop around 9 percent, to 64.1 grams from today.
This matters, and not just because we care about
charismatic megafauna, such as tigers and so on. Big
species can be vital for ecosystems, such as herbivores
keeping grass productive. They also perform roles that
help us, like eating dead animals. For example, where
vultures have declined in number, disease has risen.

66. According to the passage, the average size of 68. Which of the following can be inferred from the
animals is expected to decline ----. passage?
A) given that there is now fiercer competition amongst A) Loss of grass due to big animals is believed to
animals with bigger size result in several diseases.
B) despite the efforts of scientists to take precautions B) The number of vultures, which help us through
against human activities such as poaching eating dead animals, has declined due to big
C) as smaller animals are better at adapting to
changing conditions imposed by humans C) We are likely to experience more health problems
due to the extinction of big animals.
D) because humans are exerting various pressures on
larger animals D) People have long remained unwilling to find
solutions to the problem of extinction.
E) even though a recent model predicts that the
situation might change in a century E) Of the 15,500 endangered species studied, tigers
have been found to play the most important role in
the ecosystems.

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

Destruction of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest has 70. It can be understood from the passage that the
reached the highest levels in a decade, but tracking such major purpose of MapBiomas is to ----.
activity is challenging due to the huge size of the
A) capture satellite images of the entire Brazilian
rainforest. However, the size of the rainforest is not the
Amazon rainforest
only handicap for researchers trying to determine the rate
of destruction. The Brazilian Institute of Environment and B) prompt the Brazilian government to impose more
Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) uses satellite severe punishment on illegal loggers
images to monitor forest cover and trigger alerts when
C) reveal how much of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest
changes are suspected - but at a resolution of just 30
has vanished over the past years
metres, it is hard to pinpoint the actual cause. Moreover,
sending an anti-deforestation task force to areas falsely D) provide a more accurate and useful way to track
flagged as logged is costly. Now, a network of universities, illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
tech companies and non-governmental organizations, rainforest
named MapBiomas, has found a way to track illegal
E) flag areas for potential deforestation and send an
deforestation in near real-time, using satellite data. Its
anti-deforestation task force to these areas
platform collects data from the Brazilian government's
existing alert systems and cross-checks the area with
much higher resolution images down to 3 metres -
captured by miniature satellites from a private company
based in San Francisco. To save time and money, the
MapBiomas platform zooms in only on areas flagged for
potential deforestation, sourcing detailed images taken
before and after the incident to produce a report for
punishment. As a result, this network will help the Brazilian
government to effectively cope with illegal loggers in the
Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

69. It is pointed out in the passage that the size of the 71. What is the main purpose of the author?
Brazilian Amazon rainforest ----.
A) To criticise IBAMA for not taking immediate action
A) could only be measured with the help of high- against deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
resolution satellite images rainforest
B) requires more researchers to be engaged in the B) To draw attention to the high cost of the fight
network of MapBiomas for tracking deforestation in against deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
detail rainforest
C) has led IBAMA to establish MapBiomas to track C) To explain why the rate of destruction in the
deforestation in all parts of the rainforest Brazilian Amazon rainforest has increased rapidly
D) presents the biggest obstacle in determining the D) To provide detailed information about the efforts to
actual cause of destruction track deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
E) is one of the issues that make it difficult for
researchers to track deforestation E) To put special emphasis on the efficiency of the
Brazilian government's existing alert systems

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

One of the problems suffered by a species on the brink of 73. Which of the following is pointed out in the
extinction is low genetic diversity. Initially this is caused by passage about the kakapo?
lack of numbers, but then it is worsened by the inbreeding
A) It was hunted by predatory mammals for 80 million
(breeding between closely-related individuals) which
inevitably results. Inbreeding brings with it infertility and
vulnerability to disease. This, for instance, is a concern for B) Rats were introduced by the colonising Europeans
the kakapo, a nocturnal parrot that lives in New Zealand. to hunt it down.
Like many other island-dwelling birds, it has become
C) Agricultural production has negatively impacted its
flightless. It is also, at up to 4 kg, the world's heaviest
parrot. Both of these things make it an attractive target for
predatory mammals, which thankfully were absent for D) Conservation efforts, combined with its altered
most of the 80 million years during which it and its reproductive habits, have increased its survival
ancestors have inhabited the islands of New Zealand. The rates.
kakapo's downfall began with New Zealand's first wave of
E) It had experienced complete extinction by the early
human colonisation, some 700 years ago, by Polynesians.
These arrivals hunted it, and also brought rats with them,
which ate nestling chicks. Second, European wave of
immigrants brought cats and stoats to add to the birds'
enemies. Humans also destroyed much of their habitat to
make way for crops. Conservation efforts are not assisted
by the birds' reproductive habits. They feed their chicks on
the fruit of the rimu, a tree that produces its nutrient-rich
fruits only every two or three years. These trees all fruit
simultaneously during what are known as mast years. This
means the kakapo can breed only during mast years. With
all these strikes against them, it is little surprise that by the
early 1970s, the kakapo was thought to be extinct. But
then two remnant groups were found in the south of the
country. These were relocated and now live on three small
predator-free islands.

72. It is stated in the passage that the weight of the 74. Which could be the best title for this passage?
kakapo ----.
A) Conservation Efforts for an Endangered Bird
A) has resulted from uncontrolled inbreeding
B) The Impact of Colonisation on the Kakapo
B) makes it an easy prey for predatory mammals
C) How the Kakapo Copes with Its Predators
C) is due to its rich genetic diversity
D) The Effect of Flora on the Fertility of the Kakapo
D) leads to infertility and vulnerability to disease
E) Reasons Why the Kakapo Faces Extinction
E) is a result of feeding on the rimu fruit

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

In 2011, a devastating tsunami engulfed Japan's north- 76. It can be understood from the passage that the
eastern coast, triggering the worst nuclear disaster since contaminated groundwater around the affected
Chernobyl. The tsunami waves knocked out electricity at area ----.
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, causing cooling
A) is totally purified before reaching the sea
systems to fail and half of the facility's uranium cores to
overheat and melt through their steel containers. B) has been processed so efficiently that the
Hydrogen explosions in the next few days damaged three concentration of radionuclides has reached a low
of the reactor buildings, venting radioactive materials into level
the air. That plume of airborne contamination forced some
C) has been kept in tanks although its final destination
160,000 people to evacuate from their homes. Former
has been determined by the former residents
residents will not likely return any time soon, because
levels of radioactivity remain high. Even more D) is collected and filtered before the topsoil absorbs it
troublesome, groundwater now mingles with radioactive
E) is a serious issue in terms of reducing the chemicals
materials before heading into the sea. The contaminated
in it
water is collected and stored in massive tanks. Lately, the
water has been processed to reduce the concentration of
radionuclides, but it still retains high concentrations.
Disputes over its final resting place remain unresolved.
The same goes for the millions of topsoil and other solid
waste from the disaster, as well as the uranium fuel itself.
Nevertheless, Japan is making plans to recommit to
nuclear power plants, and so far two have been brought
back to full operation.

75. Which of the following is true according to the 77. Which of the following could be inferred from the
passage? passage?
A) The site of the nuclear disaster is still contaminated A) There are no active nuclear power plants in Japan
even today. yet.
B) People who left their homes are thinking to come B) Japan has not lost its hope to produce energy from
back as contamination is about to be eliminated. nuclear power.
C) The cooling system was directly knocked down by C) Officials banned former residents to return their
the tsunami waves. homes for a while, but some of them violated the
D) The giant tsunami waves initially led to the
hydrogen explosions. D) Decreasing the contamination in air and soil was
easier than the process in water.
E) Fukushima explosion had the same results as the
ones in Chernobyl. E) Storing and processing the nuclear waste has been
completely successful.

YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

An interesting motivation for artificial intelligence (AI) 79. Which of the following can be said about the
research is called 'Jungian world theory'. According to this Jungian world theory and human's fate?
hypothesis, it seems that people cannot learn from history.
A) Artificial intelligence and its harmful effects are the
Humanity, as a collective unit, seems unable to foretell, or
most important things that the theory tries to
care about, the potential consequences of the things they
do. Thus, 'history repeats'. People keep fighting wars for
the same reasons, but wars rarely solve problems. Human B) The passionate proponents of the theory reject the
activities become ever more destructive to the Earth's idea that humanity disturbs the Earth's ecosystem.
ecosystem. The most pessimistic interpretations of the
C) It points out that humanity is better off without
Jungian world theorists suggest that humanity is doomed
artificial intelligence.
to self-extinction. What can humanity do to stop this self-
defeating vicious circle? According to researcher Charles D) The theory needs to be further developed to get rid
Lecht, one answer may lie in the development of AI to the of its pessimistic interpretations.
point that machines attain greater intelligence than people.
E) It suggests that humanity may not face the same
Perhaps a brilliant computer or system of machines can
tragedies if artificial intelligence is involved in the
help humanity to control its destiny, so that people need
solution of problems.
not keep reliving the same old calamities. Many
researchers doubt that machines will, or can, become
smarter than people, but it has been argued that AI can
and should be used to help humanity find solutions to
difficult social problems.

78. According to the passage, the Jungian world 80. What is the author's primary purpose?
theorists ----.
A) To discuss whether artificial intelligence could
A) think that people can easily predict the potential surpass human intelligence
consequences of their actions
B) To introduce the Jungian world theory by
B) blame artificial intelligence for the disasters of highlighting its relation to artificial intelligence
C) To explain why humans have difficulty in finding
C) mistakenly compare humanity with machines solutions to social problems
D) consider humans to be self-destructive D) To compare the Jungian world theory with other
theories on human's destiny
E) believe artificial intelligence can cause human
extinction E) To exemplify human activities that are threatening
the Earth's ecosystem


YÖKDİL – Fen Bilimleri 2022 Mart YÖKDİL

Answer Key
1 B 21 B 41 C 61 D
2 D 22 C 42 B 62 B
3 E 23 E 43 C 63 C
4 D 24 B 44 C 64 C
5 D 25 A 45 C 65 E
6 C 26 B 46 D 66 D
7 C 27 D 47 E 67 A
8 D 28 A 48 B 68 C
9 B 29 D 49 D 69 E
10 C 30 E 50 C 70 D
11 C 31 E 51 B 71 D
12 B 32 B 52 A 72 B
13 B 33 C 53 D 73 C
14 B 34 C 54 C 74 E
15 E 35 A 55 D 75 A
16 C 36 C 56 B 76 E
17 D 37 A 57 A 77 B
18 C 38 A 58 B 78 D
19 C 39 D 59 A 79 E
20 A 40 C 60 B 80 B

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