Las English 4 W1-4 - Q3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


3rd QUARTER S.Y. 2020 - 2021
Learning Competency with code
Use adverbs (adverbs of manner, place and time) in sentences. EN4G-IIIe-16

Background Information for Learners

• Adverb of manner answers the question how. However, there are other kinds of adverb
aside from this.
• At home is an example of adverb of place. Adverb of place answers the question where.
• In the afternoon is an example of adverb of time. Adverb of time answers the question

Learning Task 1: Identify and write in your notebook the kind of adverb used in the sentence.
1. Where did Peter eat this morning?
2. Where did Joseph see Peter yesterday afternoon?
3. Where did Mary see Peter during recess?
4. Where did Peter buy the bread this morning?
5. Since when has Peter been absent?
6. When did Peter eat at Nathan’s house?
7. When was he seen near the basketball court?
8. How did Peter eat pancit Chami at Nathan’s house?
9. How did Peter play Sepak Takraw at the playground?
10.How did Peter buy some cookies at the bakery?

Learning Task 2: Read each sentence carefully and choose from the underlined words the
adverb used.

1. Marie was born in Lucena City.

2. The old woman walks slowly.
3. I spent my vacation at home due to COVID-19 pandemic.
4. The Grade IV parents will render an intermission number in the General
Parents and Teachers Association’s meeting on Friday.
5. We often see nurses and doctors in the hospital.
6. The school head welcomes the visitors gladly.
7. Responsible learners fix their school things properly before going to school.
8. The weather is fine today.
9. The children are actively playing Badminton at the park.
10. My family goes to church every Sunday to pray and praise the Creator.

Learning Task 3: Use the appropriate adverb in the box to complete the sentence. Adverbs
from the given choices can only be used once.
a. quietly b. yesterday c. at home
b. sweetly e. everyday
1. Chiara cleans her study area _______________ so that her mother will be happy.
2. She works on her written tasks ______________.
3. She sings _____________ as she performs her performance task in Music 4.
4. Joni Marie, Chiara’s classmate shared her experiences during the Virtual Kumustahan
5. The Grade IV learners happily join the Virtual Kumustahan with their teacher while

Learning Task 4: Read each sentence carefully and answer the question in a complete
1. The teacher observes the pupils carefully in the classroom.
How does the teacher observe the pupils in the classroom?
2. Sofia speaks loudly during class recitation.
How does Sofia speak during class recitation?
3. Mike expressed himself clearly during the presentation of Science Investigatory Project
When does Mike express himself clearly during the presentation of Science
Investigatory Project?
4. Lester reacts reasonably to situation analysis given by the teacher.
How does Lester react to situation analysis given by the teacher?
5. Andrei prepares his assignment at the library.
Where does Andrei prepare his assignment?

Learning Task 4: Use adverbs (adverbs of manner, place and time) in the box to
complete the sentences.
Sunday religiously at the park
loudly joyfully systematically
skillfully Quezon Park happily
Santos family goes to church _____________________. They go to church every
________________________. They listen to the word of God ___________________. The
preacher reads the gospel clearly and ____________. Rosalia and Jonathan lead the
praise and worship songs ___________. Josiah plays the organ _____________. After
church, they visited __________ and have some fun. While at the park, Ginnard saw and
liked banana sold __________________. The whole family ____________ ate banana cue
and Buko juice while sitting on the bench. From the park, their family walked home

In your notebook, write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ______________________________________________________.
I realize that ___________________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about ____________________________________________.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


3rd QUARTER S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Learning Competency with code

Write directions using signal words. EN4G-IIIe-16

Background Information for Learners

• Directions provide a guide on how to perform an action or to finish an action. Giving and
following directions are not only used when locating a certain spot. It can also be found
when drinking a doctor’s prescribed medicine, accomplishing simple household chores that
your parents asked you to do, performing a simple Science experiment, and any other
• Hence, directions are very important because they tell people the things they need to know
and how to do a certain task properly and in an orderly manner. Here are some suggestions
to follow when writing directions:
o Directions must always be clear.
o The sentences must come in an order that makes sense.
o Make sure to include all necessary information.
o Use signal words like first, next, then, afterward, lastly and finally.

• Here is another example of a set of instructions or directions. Take note of the signal words
used in the paragraph.
There are few steps to remember in using this ointment. First, use this only for your skin.
Next, spread it thinly over the burnt area twice a day. Then, if a burning sensation or
itchiness occurs, discontinue using and see the doctor again. Lastly, keep it tightly closed
and store in a cool dry place.

Learning Task 1: Number the sentences in the order a sandwich is made.
______ Finally, she ate it.
______ Next, she spread jelly on another slice of bread.
______ After spreading the jelly, she put the two slices of bread together.
______ First, she spread peanut butter on one slice of bread.

Learning Task 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct signal words to complete the directions.
Choose your answers from the given choices inside the parenthesis.

How to Make a Rainbow Picture

It is fun to make a rainbow picture. ________________ (first, lastly), prepare the

materials like bond paper, crayons, and a pencil with sharp point. _________________
(second, finally), use crayons other than black to make a design. _______________ (lastly,
third), cover the design with black crayons. _____________ (next, finally), use a pencil to
draw a picture and to remove some black crayon. __________________ (lastly, next), hang
your picture on your wall.
How to Prepare Calamansi Juice

It is easy to make calamansi juice. _____________ (first, lastly), wash five calamansi fruits.
____________ (second, finally), cut them in the middle crosswise. __________________
(lastly, third), squeeze the cut calamansi into a glass. _______________ (next, finally),
remove the seeds. ______________ (lastly, next), add sugar and water and stir well until
sugar dissolves. Now, you can enjoy a nutritious drink.

Learning Task 3: Fill the blanks with the correct signal words to complete the directions.

Noli has skin rashes on his left arm. He went to see the doctor and he was given a
bottle of ointment. This is what the doctor told him: ______. Wash the affected part with
soap and water. ______ shake the bottle very well. ______, apply the ointment thinly on the
affected part and wrap it with a piece of clean cloth. ______, keep the bottle tightly closed.

Learning Task 4: Arrange the set of activities on how to cook rice. Do not forget to include the
signal words in writing directions.


Learning Task 5: Read the following topics. Choose one and write the instructions on how to do
it. Write the directions in paragraph form using signal words.

1. How to Clean an Aquarium

2. How to Fry an Egg
4. How to Transplant Seedling from a Plant Box to the Ground

Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that _________________________________________________________.

I realize that _____________________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about __________________________________________________.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


3rd QUARTER S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Learning Competency with code

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to
• distinguish between general and specific statements.
• read grade-level texts with appropriate speed, accuracy, and proper expression.

Background Information for Learners

• General statements cover a broad group of ideas and it needs supporting statements in
order to fully understand it.
• General Statements are commonly the topic sentence of a paragraph. It tells us what the
passage is mostly about. Specific Statements, on the other hand, are the supporting
statements for the topic sentence. It provides definite information to support the topic

Learning Task 1: Analyze each sentence below and identify the general statement and the
specific statement. Write the letter of the correct answer in your notebook.
A. General Statement B. Specific Statement
__________1. Lucban, Quezon is considered as the Summer Capital of Quezon Province
because of
its cool and gentle breeze even during the summer months of April and May.
__________2. Our hometown is rich in historical landmarks.
__________3. There are many delicacies in our town which the tourists love very much.
__________4. Since pineapples grow all-yearlong in Tagaytay City, the people celebrate the
“Pilipinyahan Summer Festival” during May to promote their most appealing
Agricultural product.
__________5. Being hailed as the “Native Goodies Capital of the Philippines”, one will find various
kakanin finds in every corner of the town of Cainta, Rizal.

Learning Task 2: Read the passage below and distinguish the general statement and the specific
statements by completing the outline below.

Our region is rich in cultural heritage. Cavite, being known as the “Land of the
Brave”, is home for a large number of National Heroes. Laguna is known for its rich
cuisine, woodcrafts, and embroidery. Batangas is well-remembered for the aromatic kapeng
barako and its beautiful beach destinations. Rizal has art galleries and delectable
delicacies. The Province of Quezon has its colorful and fun festivals as well as various
coconut by-products.
General Statement:
1. _________________________________________________________

Specific Statements:
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________

Learning Task 3: Categorize the following statements as to whether it is a general statement or a

specific statement. Write it in its appropriate column.
1. Our province is known for its coconut plantations and rice farms.
2. Lucban Longganisa is a pork sausage originated in Lucban, Quezon that has a
distinctive taste of garlic and oregano.
3. Buko pie, a Filipino-style coconut pie made of fresh and creamy coconut filling wrapped
in flaky crust, is a favorite pasalubong item commonly bought from the province of Laguna.
4. The only freshwater sardine is found in the Philippines.
5. Cavite is known for a large number of National Heroes.

General Statements Specific Statements

Learning Task 3: Read the passage and distinguish the general statement and its specific
statements by completing the graphic organizer below.

Sardinella tawilis is a freshwater sardine found only in the Philippines. It is

the only member of the genus Sardinella known to exist entirely in fresh water. In the
local language, they are known in Filipino as tawilis. Sardinella tawilis is a small fish
reaching up to 15 cm and weighing less than 30 g. They have a single, triangular dorsal
fin and a forked caudal fin. They possess long, slender gill rakers in their mouths.

Retrieved from

General Statement

Learning Task 3: Read the paragraph and distinguish the general and specific statements by
completing the outline below.
The Coconut Palm Tree is called “Tree of Life” for its versatility and numerous
uses. The different parts of the tree can be used to provide for the human life. The
coconut meat can be ground and mixed with water to make coconut milk which is used
in cooking. Other than the coconut kernels and the drink that we can get from green
nuts, the harvested coconut also produces copra from which coconut oil is extracted.
The coco coir from the dry husk is used in producing ropes, mats, baskets, brushes,
and brooms.

General Statement:
1. ______________________________________________________________________

Specific Statements:
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

In your notebook, write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _____________________________________________________.
I realize that __________________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about ___________________________________________.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


3rd QUARTER S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Learning Competency with code

Identify the main idea, key sentence and supporting details from the text read. EN4LC-IIIg-1.1

Background Information for Learners

• The main idea tells what the story, poem or paragraph is all about. It is also called the big
idea and the most important thought about the topic. The topic is the person, place, thing or
idea being talked about.
• A key sentence is the sentence directly stated from the paragraph that expresses the main
idea or topic of the paragraph, story or poem. It can be found at the beginning, middle or
last sentence of the paragraph. But generally, it appears at the beginning of the paragraph.
It is often the paragraph's very first sentence.
• Supporting details or small ideas tell more about the main idea. They give the important
details that explain, prove and describe the main idea for better understanding.

Learning Task 1: Read the paragraphs carefully and answer the questions below.

A. Arithmetic is a science involving numbers. Its name comes from the Greek word
arithmetikos meaning “reckoning”. It all began when people used their figures for counting,
which were called digits, from the Latin word meaning “figure”. The ancient Babylonians
who gauged notches in clay tablets recorded numbers.

1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. What sentence gives the main idea about arithmetic?
3. What details tell about arithmetic?

B. Pollution is one of our big problems. The ocean becomes polluted because people throw
their garbage into it. Some factories had a greater contribution when it gives out smoke and
dust that makes the air dirty.

1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. What is the key sentence of the text?
3. What details or information support your main idea?
4. How is our health affected by these pollutions?

Learning Task 2: Read the paragraphs below. Identify the main idea and supporting details in
each stanza and write them on the graphic organizer.

1. A botanist learns much about life through his studies of plants. To him, a plant is something
to work on with. He sees a plant as a thing of wonder. The botanist learns about the growth
in living things. He discovers diseases that attack man. The study of plants may someday
tell us much about ourselves.
2. The oil crisis has become a worldwide problem. It has crippled the progress of many
nations. Japan and the United States were not spared from this. Everybody is concerned
with energy conservation. Wells are being dug for prospects of oil. Prices of oil and other oil
products are soaring.

Learning Task 2: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

Birds are very light. Their bones are hollow. They have thin skulls. Their bones are
light, too. Even the bones of their skull are almost weightless. That is why birds can fly.

1. What are talked about in every sentence?

A. birds C. skulls
B. bones D. heads
2. What does the whole paragraph say about the birds?
A. Birds are heavy. C. Birds are very light.
B. Birds have bones. D. Birds have thin skulls.
3. Which sentences give details about the paragraph?
A. 1st sentence C. 2nd – 6th sentences
B. 1st - 2nd sentences D. 1st - 3rd sentences
4. What do you call this sentence? Birds are very light.
A. Conclusion C. Heading sentence.
B. Key sentence D. Summary sentence
5. In the given passage, where is the key sentence found?
A. end C. beginning
B. middle D. second sentence

Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that _____________________________________________________.

I realize that __________________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about ____________________________________________.

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